A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Okay, four days ago the Government released the final report for Australian Energy Statistics. There was a preliminary early release Update in October last year, but the final report includes other stuff as well. That energy Update from October is included as part of the overall final documents.
However, the point I’m going to make here is that this Government Report is for the end of financial year 2018/19, so the data and statistics ….. right now, are from TWENTY ONE MONTHS AGO. It’s not just this year, hence this Coalition Government, because it has been the same across all the 13 years I have been doing all this, so governments of every political persuasion. The report comes out anything up to 18 Months or more after after the fact.
Here’s the link to the page, and if you really want to, you can open up the whole document in either pdf or Word, depending on which you prefer. Click on the top link, energy update, and then either/or for the links under that are indicated as pdf or docx.
So, blah blah blah.
There, starting at Section 3.2 on page 26 (of 38 pages) is 7 pages of electrical data. Waflly waffle stuff, with cute graphs and diagrams hyping solar plants etc, and overall data, all pretty basic really, you know, as no one is really interested anyway.
Like I said, dating back 21 Months and for the previous 12 Months prior to that.
For the average person, this is all they have access to, and hey, I understand that, as electrical power generation means a little less than nothing on the overall scale of things, when compared with the really important stuff these days, the lefty woke agenda etc etc etc.
So, you wait almost a year and a half for the Update report for data that will be so old as to be not really relevant any more.
Okay, so why I even mention it at all, is because when I started doing all of this, this was all I could find for Australia.
What if people wanted to know what was happening, you know, right now. Not just a bar graph or the AEMO stuff, now not specifically aimed at outright engineers as it once was, and almost accessible to the average person. But let’s say you wanted it all in one place, easy to understand with data that was current, and accurate, and more importantly ….. recent.
I did the Base Load Series of Posts collecting that data for a year, and there was a suggestion from a reader who made the comment that I should try doing it for all power generation. I had toyed with the idea, but thought it would be too difficult, and then would take too much time.
That wanting to have all the power generation from every source was what prompted me to start doing my daily data collection etc, so all of that stuff was there for whoever wanted to read it. True, it took a bit of time each day, but that time halved once I got a rhythm going each day, and a good source to get the data from, the wonderful Aneroid site.
So, the Government releases their Update for 2018/19 financial year couched as always in government speak.
I did all that in real time, and a helluva lot more in fact, on a daily basis, giving the data for the day before, and weekly updates for that same whole year ….. in REAL TIME.
Here’s the link to the Introduction, and at the top of that Intro is the link to every day’s Post with the daily data for the day before, mostly done inside 14 hours from when the day finished at Midnight.
There were 458 days I did it for. The exercise was mostly for my own benefit, to see if it could be done, and to see if there was anything being missed.
Well Yeah! It quite obviously could be done.
Along the way, I learned new things, and now I understand it all so much better. I don’t claim to know everything about electrical power generation, but the knowledge I do have enables to be confident in the things I say.
I stopped doing the data for power generation from every source at the end of September in 2019, and the next day I just started with the daily data for just the wind generation component of all that, and that’s still going.
Thanks TonyfromOz
Interesting read and agree with summary
With this Series of Posts, I hope to show that while renewable power is making a contribution, that contribution is smal when compared to actual power consumption overall, and when such a huge amount of power is required on an absolute basis, at a regular basis as well, then that can only be delivered by dedicated large scale power plants which can actually do thatd here in Australia, that means it is coal fired power, which is far and away the largest supplier.
thanks for pointing that out to me, and what it does is to highlight a quirk with the WordPress hosting site.
It has an ‘inbuilt’ spell checking facility that highlights misspelled words with a red underline as you are typing the text. However, having said that, as you press the Save facility, to save your text, it then assumes you have checked the whole text and it is corrected, so it removes that red underline. I save my work often, so sometimes those spelling errors go uncorrected. The most common is the American spelling of words that we as Australians have been taught the English spellings ….. the ise we use as opposed to the ize that Americans use, and also where the Americans leave out the letter ‘u’ in words like coloured etc.
So, when I proof read the Post before hitting the ‘schedule’ or ‘publish’ button, I sometimes miss actual misspellings, as has occurred here.
So, when I went back into the Post this morning in the Edit Post facility, all of those incorrect spellings were highlighted with the red underline. Along with those two you found, there were in fact two others in all of that text for the Post, as well as numerous Americanised (Americanized) spellings. So, once I corrected them all (except for the Americanised spellings) as soon as I hit the Update button, all the red lines disappeared.
My Mother once gave me a clue about proof reading, and that is to read what you have written aloud. As you actually proof read silently, you do it at faster speed than when you read aloud, and your brain automatically skips over misspellings as it (your brain) knows the word, the context, and the punctuation, so it misses nearly all of those incorrect spelling, except the most glaringly incorrect ones. Reading out loud, hence more slowly, those misspellings are in the main, always picked up. I actually thought that Mum might have been ‘having a lend of me’ when she said that, but after trying it out, it actually proved to be correct.
And for all of you, here’s a simple test. Hit the reply button and there’s no need to even post the comment, just pretend.
Now type the word ….. Americanised, with the ised spelling and see that red incorrect spelling underline. Then change it to the iZed spelling and see that underline disappear.
All website hosting uses American spelling.
I ‘thumb my nose’ to that as I will always use the spelling I was taught at school. My form of rebelliousness.
Again, thanks for picking up those spelling errors. Corrected now.
Fed funding fantasy: EV charging
By David Wojick
The beginning: Biden wants the Federal Government to build 500,000 EV charging stations, at an estimated cost of around $178 billion. How might that work? No good way is how. This is truly a Fed funding fantasy. The Feds build big stuff like post offices, federal buildings, military bases, flood control dams and border walls. They do not build half a million EV charging stations, competing with the private sector, but just for fun let’s consider how they might try.
The simplest way is to just do it like a post office. The government buys the land, builds the station and the operators are federal employees. We create a new agency, say the EV Charging Administration (EVCA), probably in GSA. It has a million full time employees, just like the Army. Oh wait, the Army only has 800,000.
There is a lot more in the article. Seven ways to fund, none good.
URL did not work. Maybe this one will.
Medical inhaler shortage coming!
Here is the inhaler shortage piece:
David, the green onslaught upon our industrial civilisation is performed it appears as a religious act.
My research over 20 years leads me to believe those pushing the green Big Lie appear to do so from a pagan Gaia/earth worshipping religious point of view.
Its appears to be a green war on humanity itself.
Yeah well – the Greens believe that the earth is imperilled by human activity, and that global warming is a dangerous thing … they do it from a rational and reality-based position, which seems to me to make it the very opposite of a religion. They do have a lot of data.
The Greens might think the cornucopian high-tech business-as-usual devotees of coal and oil are the true religious players. So it’s a two-way street.
Tilba Tilba, as much as I shy away from responding to you, because of the way you sarcastically talk down to all of us from your self perceived position of being better than all of us, hence the sneering tone of every comment, I want you to look at this image for me. (shown at this link)
What you see there is the average power generation for a year across Australia, the one day where all indicators are as close as is possible to the year round averages for all of those indicators.
The four colours along the bottom are the four renewable sources of power generation.
At the left vertical axis, you’ll see I have circled the two totals there, the lower one for those four renewables and the upper one, the ACTUAL total power consumption, a difference of a little under 21,000MW at the Peak power consumption time of day.
ALL of that white area between the four renewables and that black line indicating the total power consumption is fossil fuelled power generation, and of that, around 90% of that white area is coal fired power generation. Take away that coal fired power generation, and there’s nothing, as all power would be disconnected.
Those four renewables will NEVER, and let me repeat that ….. NEVER be able to make up that total up to the black line of consumption.
Until the Green followers can give us a replacement for that coal fired power, then they have nothing to offer. They slavishly believe hand on heart it can be done, almost the very definition of a religion, being cognizant of these facts.
Because I
believeKNOW that it cannot be replaced, that does not make me a ‘cornucopian high-tech business-as-usual devotees of coal’ it makes me abelieverunderstander of the engineering science involved in power generation.There’s no real need for you to respond, as it will just be another snide put down, all you have really.
I don’t actually disagree that renewables are an inefficient solution to the problem of zero-emission power generation. I also think it’s close to ludicrous that we export vast quantities of good coal, but deny ourselves of the opportunity to have really modern, state-of-the-art, coal-fired power stations.
We are also one of the world’s biggest producers-exporters of natural gas … we could use that too to generate power, rather than sell it all.
My point was however that it was SNIDE and supercilious and sneering to claim that the Greens are somehow full of religious fervour but those who believe the Golden Calf of Western Civilization are not equally full of their own zeal.
Anyway – Australia is enormous and empty, hot and windy, and battered by huge seas and tides, and one day I assume we’ll have a working wind-solar-tidal-wave system of electricity generating. But in the meantime – for 50 years – why not have the cleanest meanest coal-gas fired power stations?
I also think it’s nut that we export yellowcake but we don’t have any nuclear power stations. I also think it’s nuts that we chop down beautiful forests and turn it in to woodchip.
There are a lot of things I think are nuts. You might have noticed.
“Tilba Tilba, as much as I shy away from responding to you, because of the way you sarcastically talk down to all of us from your self perceived position of being better than all of us”
Your informative comments are one of the reasons I come here.
I myself, am barely able to communicate without sarcasm.
I fear however, that we are facing a Dark Age.
We grew up in a special time when science and logic appeared to have triumphed over the darker instincts of man.
No more.
Seems to me we have lurked on the sidelines while the field has been overtaken.
Those resisting with facts are being decimated.
At this point, the hill we must choose to die on is the hill we are on.
I Just learned a great quote from Solzhenitsyn …
“Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph – but not through me.”
Jovnova blog is a hill.
Anyway, thank you for being here.
Tons of ‘data’, none of which shows anything even mildly concerning and every single prediction of doom suffering from the Penelope Pitstop effect (time reset to maintain the jeopardy).
And even then data without continuity of quality, method, instrument, context etc. over thousands of years is meaningless.
And most of the data is not data but fabrication, remodelled or discarded to support the theory.
There is no data that does or could show any meaningful climate harm/change – and why do the alarmists get so confused – trying to attribute every instance of extreme weather/natural disaster to climate change, when even the IPCC perverters of science dare not say that with certainty?
Climate change is a fact/science free belief/religion/politics movement, to argue otherwise is risible, delusional.
And it is nuts to pursue a policy that will guarantee the destruction of the environment on every level – so called green. The very infrastructure and resources required are industrialising and ravaging the environment on a timescale never seen before. And the longer people are kept (or put back) in poverty, the more they will plunder the natural environment around them for short term survival.
Very simplistically, Maurice Strong came up with some sort of weird socialist global vision first, and then devised the whole climate nonsense as the vehicle to realise it.
Have you not noticed that the IPCC, along with Greenpeace,WWF, and the Uni. of East Anglia are all run by Marxists with the stated intention of bringing down capitalism because it’s “destroying the world”? Have you not noticed that much of the so called scientific evidence is produced or funded by these organisations? Have you not noticed that the past keeps getting colder and the seas less acidic? Have you not noticed that these “scientists” refer to CO2 as pollution which is about as fraudulent as you can get? Time to wake up me thinks.
Could somebody please tell me why the “hole in the ozone layer” is at the South Pole when 90% of the people supposedly emitting the HFCs that supposedly cause the hole reside in the northern hemisphere?
Your article caused me to have a look into Telsa range and temperature. There is all sorts of advice about cold weather driving, but little of it suggests any convenience for owners in cold climates. Best to precondition the car and batteries, but plugging in a warming everything for say 30 minutes ahead of time — more consumption of electricity unrelated to actual transportation. It isn’t unusual for our temperature to be near zero Fahrenheit in winter, and none of the tests show any data gathered (68F to <32F. The financing is one issue, but how much ground space will we need at these charging stations for parking — it isn't as though we can just pull up and pour electrons into a tank. At 240V/48 Amps Telsa claims 77km per hour of charge. I get 77km of range in my gasoline Beetle in less than two minutes at a pump.
Winter, high pressure system with no wind, cloudy skies and everyone on EVs. I can't wait.
Tesla Model 3 Performance review: Driving the revolution
Within just a few years the Tesla Model 3 has become the best selling electric car in the world. We find out why it’s such a hit.
Recharge time depends on how it’s done. It will take days to fully charge off a normal powerpoint, but most buyers will opt for a wall-charger that will get the job done overnight. If you’re on the road a Tesla Supercharger will give you 270km range in 30 minutes, but you’ll pay for it.
Jules: The quoted 628km range is unlikely by our testing. Think more like 470km.
Iain: Over our 1000km test we averaged 17.2kWh/100km. Our electricity provider charges us 28c per kWh. Multiply these and it costs $4.81 per 100km. A Camry Hybrid uses 4.2L/100km and with petrol at $1.30 would cost $5.46 per 100km. If you want to recharge at a Supercharger, though, the cost is 52c per kWh.
Interesting, OldOzzie.
Your Iain doesn’t live in Perth Western Australia then.
If he did, and he had my electricity supplier, he’d be paying 45.3 cents per kWh.
My last bill for the period 3 Dec 2020 – 8 Mar 2021 totalled $438.26 for 967 kWhs (including GST and $1.515 cents per day supply charge).
So, if I’m reading this correctly, that EV of his would cost him $7.79 per 100km, some 42.7% more than the Camry Hybrid.
Let me be clear that i am fully onboard with the CAGW/CO2 lie, and the impracticality of solar and wind generation., but if you are going to debate technologies beyond you experience, at least chose you sources carefully and check data accuracy ..!
The biggest pacck for a Tesla M3 can be “fully” charges from a standard Ozzie 10amp ower point in under 30 hours…hardly “days”“““`
If you are going to admonish others it behoves you to be accurate yourself.
The Tesla S has a theoretical range of 650 k with a charge rate of 13 k/hour from a 240V 10 A GPO ie 50 hours to charge fully.
This matters because we buy cars for convenience, otherwise we would all catch busses. If you were to drive intercity for a family event and stay at a friend/rellies house a ten Amp GPO is all you could expect to charge from. While it is “safe” to overload a GPO for short periods of time no way should you do so for hours straight. You then need to have your Tesla in their garage for two days using their car for those two days. To say this is not convenient is an understatement.
BTW, do a search on the national grid, there are vast areas NOT connected to it.
…. agreed . So you may want to recheck which model Tesla was being discussed. ?
And who mentioned “overloading” a 10amp outlet ?
But this will never be a “one solution suits all” change..
Realisticly, Few EVs.will ever be “Outback” Utes, and those on the highways will have plenty of recharge points.
Any “keen green” outback Ozzie should consider a Hybrid .
Most EVs will be commuter transport, school run /shopping buggys, etc.. you know the ones that do less than 20km / day around our cities where 80% of the population lives !!
Yes, and that same search also shows those “vast areas” are either unpopulated or only populated by remote communities with their own generation plants..lE diesel. .
EV charging stations will require massive amounts of power.
Fast charging lines of EVs requires, high power, to recharge in 40 minutes which is going to create local and regional electric power capacity issues.
Slow charging the EV at home will create neighbor electric grid problems which occur as soon as too many people in a neighbor own EVs.
Will the electrical utilities upgrade the residential electrical grid capacity for an entire city to allow rich idiots to own EVs?
Where is the new electric power going to come from to power up all of the EVs?
Germany’s Zombie ‘plan’ is that all vehicle sold in Germany post 2030 will be EV.
Germany will need to increase their electric grid by roughly 30% to power the EVs.
Germany is the Zombie leader of the Spend Money on Stuff that is ‘Green’.
How much more electricity do we need to go to 100% electric vehicles?
Legislation requiring that only EVs will be sold in Germany after 2030 has been passed by the Bundesrat, Germany’s lower house, but needs to pass the Bundestag, the upper house, before it becomes law. If it is passed we get the results shown in the table below. Replacing all of Germany’s 44,403,124 fossil-fuel-fired cars with EVs would require a 31% increase in Germany’s electricity generation and a 40% increase in Germany’s installed capacity.
,,, it looks as though coal and nuclear will both suddenly become popular again, for generation.
Either that or most Germans will be walking to work again.
Let them eat cake!
Do know that Germany already has 100% surplus installed generating capacity above its max demand. ?
And australia currently has enough generation capacity to easily supply power for a 50% coversion of our car fleet to EVs. !!
Let’s hope Swampy Joe is building those ev chargers 3 feet higher along with the roads.
I get the impression from the comments here that there is a belief EVs are meant for transportation; that’s funny.
At very best they are a shopping trolley or golf buggy. No one really expects to use them for transport.
Once ICE vehicles are banned, the choice for transport will be bicycles or public transport.
I had similar thoughts. The vast majority of trips by the average punters will be quite short, just as they are today with ICE vehicles. Are 95% of trips under say 10 km (other than a minority of commuters who might do 50 km each way on work days)?
And I know George HW Bush famously said “the American way of life is not negotiable” when talking to all the hippies in Rio, but it just might need to be. Americans do huge miles in the their cars, but the days of cheap oil and happy motoring might be coming to a close. Richie Cunningham and the Fonz are in their dotage.
But I think all the arguments against EV vehicles need to be at least cognisant of the fact that driving habits – and even the whole suburban dreamland – might not be permanent forever!
So you’re going to be significantly reducing populations?
There you go again – the projection of dark thoughts.
I did not mention population reduction, nor imply it. I was talking about the scare-mongering that goes on by the anti-EV crowd. Most car journeys are short, and a whole lot of longer ones are luxurious and indulgent.
It will be the death of the west.
This is undated but I assume that the project is yet to start. At an estimated cost of $1.5 bill to meet existing/projected demand west from Townsville to the minerals province centred on Mt Isa it is clear that there isn’t the electricity to power an EV fleet..
Without it [doubled] there will be no EV tourism and Australia will become even more a string of coastal towns along H1. Mining will become even more dependent on FIFO.
I don’t know where Alice gets their power but I assume from diesel and they would quickly put up the “House Full” sign if, somehow, long range EVs became common.
Alternatively, to spending $178 billion on EV fast charging stations which will do nothing to reduce CO2 emissions. (Ignoring the fact, that the rise in atmospheric CO2 was not caused by anthropogenic emissions).
The Biden administration could install 356, 440 MW fission reactors, at 118 sites, which will produce 156,000 MW (a little more than half of the US current coal power plant output) indefinitely. (My ballpark estimate to construct a 3 unit 440 MW fission reactor site of this design is $1.5 billion with connection to existing coal or natural gas steam generators.
This fission reactor design (The reactor is 13 foot by 26 foot, truckable to site, and consists of a thin walled vessel, six internal heat exchangers, a carved carbon core and six 35 hp screw type pumps on top of the sealed vessel top). This design has a life of 7 years (limited by the life of the carbon core for operation internal operation at 650C, after which the vessel is drained and replaced with a new fission reactor can. The empty vessel is not a high radioactive source. It will be stored on site and will be buried at later date. This design, unlike water cooled, PWR reactors that are constructed of 10 inch steel plate and operated for 40 years, does not have a dangerous, large vessel to dispose of.
The liquid pot, carbon core, liquid fuel reactor design is six times more fuel efficient, requires three times less enriched uranium to produce the same power out, as a PWR. This design does not require a containment building because there are no possible pressure explosions, or melt down events that could risk the vessel integrity, or hydrogen explosions, or any pressure change in the vessel as the liquid melts at 400C, operates at 650C internally and boils at 1400C. The fission vessel operates at atmospheric pressure, has no catastrophic failure modes. It produces Six times less transuranic waste because it is so efficient at ‘burning’ up fissionable uranium and plutonium.
The liquid fuel fission can design, produces external heat at 600C via a hot melted standard solar salt that can be direct connected via insulated pipes (about a mile range) to run existing power plants, that are now powered by natural gas or coal.
It is safe because it does not have possible meltdown problems (fuel rods), pressure explosions, hydrogen explosion, or a dangerous or catastrophic loss of coolant problem. It is walk away safe as it has a simple backup passive cooling system that does require power or human operators to shut down. There is no scram when the reactor is turned off. There no sirens, alarms, flashing lights, when the reactor is turned on or off.
This is a short summary given by Terrestrial Energy’s chief technical officer explaining the cost and safety advantages that their liquid fuel, sealed fission reactor design has over, the Pressure water/Boiling water fuel rod design. Terrestrial Energy has copied and made minor improvements to a design the US built and tested 50 years ago. The test was a complete success and the test results have been found.
A cheap as coal and safer than coal power plant (no pollution, sealed reactor, no path for radioactive material to get out of the reactor which operates at atmospheric pressure, in a super secure, below ground vault that has a steel reinforced/concrete ground level top to protect against suicide large plane attacks).
There is nothing on the surface that looks like a nuclear fission plant. This fission system is something a young family would not be concerned about living near. That is not true for a PWR or Boiling water fission reactor. They can be dangerous at any time due to fundamental issues which all fuel rod, water cooled, fission reactor design have.
Terrestrial IMSR Good Summary 11 minutes
Only traitors drink Coca-Cola
“What they’re really afraid of is that vast majority of people doing the one and only thing they can’t stop or prohibit them from doing that would really hurt the regime – exercising their consumer choice about what products they will or will not buy.”
Read more at –
The list of thing you can buy if you go down this path diminishes quite rapidly with wokeness being the management fad du jour.
I do what I can where I can but personally I think some focus and targeting would be better along with messaging to make vey sure they knw its happening and why. My target would be airlines. They have massive fixed costs , thin margins and are more impacted by marginal hits in revenues. Delta seems to like the limelight. The reality is however it just impacts their workers who probably dont care about all this BS and just want to earn a living. The woke management will continue to collect bonuses and pats on the back for managing the “crisis” (of their own making)
Don’t forget Kelloggs in the list of Woke companies that should be avoided.
I gave up Kellogg’s after the urinating on the conveyor video came out on YouTube.
He got 10 months jail apparently!
Oligarchs behind the coup? Some evidence for this?
There is none – there is no evidence (either in detail, or even in the big arm-waving sense) that the “oligarchs” wanted Trump out and the Democrats in. This was not in the game plan. And now the Biden Administration is going to reverse the huge corporate tax breaks somewhat – taking taxes back up from 21% to 28%.
Big companies are attempting to be good corporate citizens – they know that their licence to operate depends on not siding with racist voter suppression. It’s got nothing to do with being “woke” (yet another egregiously and pointlessly over-used word by the Right) – it’s got to with good business strategies.
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Trolling again … just so egregious.
You’re an [Snip]AD. That is apparent to all denizens here.
As I understand you are Australian and thus only know about all this from a distance where seeing is not all that clear. I, on the other hand, am up close. “Good citizenship” in your view is putting together phony training sessions run by phony experts (some of whom I know all about because I’ve known them for forty years) presenting fake history, fake statistics, and personal truths, in a way that can be seamlessly labelled diversity or civility or (fill in blank) depending on need.
There is zero voter suppression in the Georgia voting laws; even the Washington Post has had to admit as much. MLB moved the “All Star” game to Denver where now mostly white people will benefit.
You and I might agree about a list of historical wrongs, but not about which ones should be addressed nor how. In this case you are being informed by PR operations. It is 100% fake. One thing we might eventually learn, hopefully before it is too late, is that one does not rectify historical wrongs by punishing people not having perpetrating them and rewarding people who did not suffer.
The present response is divisive and truth deaf.
There is the alternative view – people can be so close to something that they fail to see it. A fish doesn’t “know” it’s in water.
I think it is good and appropriate that Coke and Delta run training courses for whites about diversity and minority issues. Not BS white-hating stuff – just well-designed diversity training that is mainstream around the world.
MLB made a big statement – and I’m pretty pleased they did. Georgia is pretty toxic – and such behaviour now has consequences, much to the shock and horror of the white-shoe brigade.
I disagree with the Washington Post and the New York Times on most things – they are very conservative, pro-establishment, and ever-eager to normalise the outrageous.
I believe the Georgia voting laws are all about reducing Democrat votes – Jim Crow to its core.
If your last paragraph is about reparations for slavery, then I agree it’s not the best solution. A whole range of more effective things can be done with the money.
But I am pretty sick and tired of white people complaining bitterly about how hard-done-by they are, and denying the history of slavery, and constantly attacking Black Americans while denying systemic racism.
America was built on and by white supremacy, and it’s high time for it to be recognised and ended. White people whingeing about losing the culture wars is just so ironic.
“ white people … denying the history of slavery … “
The first slave owner in America: Anthony Johnson (poc)
Pretty sure no one denies that, irrespective of their colour.
I am glad that you straightened out that those are your beliefs about the Georgia election laws and not facts.
You must be able to quote a passage from the LAW [not MSM] that restricts democrat voters and not republican ones.
This is the most ridiculous comment on here in months … should be ashamed.
Delta risking real money for a GESTURE. Not wise methinks.
In another in my series of comments to convince readers about suspicious stuff with the 2020 election, I now offer this. A judge in Arizona finally approved the Arizona Senate’s efforts to have a credible audit of the election in Maricopa County. But this now activated the Democratic party’s preferred legal firm for electioneering, Perkins Coie, who have written a threatening letter to the auditing firm. For readers not informed this law firm was the pass through for the infamous Russia dossier, made most of the noise in Florida during the 2000 election recounts, and put major effort into changing election procedures around the county in Spring 2020. It has also spearheaded efforts to have several House Republicans unseated.
If the election was as clean as we are told, then why the endless effort to stop legal auditing and hide data? A reasonable person just concludes there is something the public should not see.
It’s my strong view that the Steal in 2000 – led by an army of Bush lawyers – was a far bigger and more blatant attack on democracy and the electoral process.
It’s worth coming to the realisation that the Republicans have been cheating in elections since the 1960s, so it was kinda good that the Dems had a win this time in 2020!
And just think what could have happened if Al Gore had been awarded Florida – which he did win. There might have been no 9/11, no Second Iraqi War, no on-going disaster in Afghanistan or Syria or Yemen, no Financial Crisis in 2008, and maybe no Obama or no Trump. A long lever.
Anyway – that legal firm knows what it’s doing, and that is why they’re engaged. It’s not a question of the Dems “hiding” anything – you engage the best, most experienced legal firm, so that the Republicans cannot get away with a thing in any courtroom.
Whatever – Joe Biden is your President – no court can change that; only electors can.
Evidence of Reps cheating from Tilba = 0.
Evidence that Gore would stop wars = 0.
Likely he would score just like Obama. All promises, no action.
Bush was likely as Uniparty as the average Rep candidate. The only candidates who weren’t Uniparty in the last 30 years were Trump, Sanders and Ron Paul, and we all know what happened to them.
On global warming.
Looks like it’s not just Texas being hit by a polar vortex. . .
Oops, looks like French wine is going to get very expensive pretty soon. Thats ok, I seldom buy wine anymore, I make my own instead. Making wine at home is as easy as falling off a log, and at $3/bottle it doesn’t break the bank.
BTW, I live in Canada and Australian wine costs the same here as it does in Australia. How is that even possible?
If you go into a shop in Australia to buy a bottle of wine, about 44% is government charges. What is the tax in Canada?
It depends on the Canadian province, but up to 80 per cent on spirits, 65-70 per cent on wine and 50 per cent on beer.
Paris, Texas, Australia?
Polar Vortex™ goes global/international:
Tasmania, Victoria, and NSW’s ski slopes turn white [draped in unseasonal freezing hail, sleet and snow] as COLD southerly winds roar northwards up out of Antarctica in early April. See webcam pics via
On thee other side of the coin, New Zealand is enjoying an Indian Summer [just don’t mention all the imported C-19 cases from that country] as calm, warm, tropical airs drift down from Fiji… who needs to fly anywhere when the tropics come to town?
Such are the vagaries of Climate2021 🙂
It wouldn’t be pleasant in Strahan.,140.612,4,i:pressure
Unseasonal and record cold temps seem to be getting more frequent .
CSIRO, 2003: In 15 years, Australia will lose a quarter of snow because … doomsday global warming
Now the 97% science claims the snow is caused by … doomsday global warming.
2021: Australia and New Zealand battle to win skiers …
In St. Vincent …
[my bold]
This is reported on many other news feeds.
Oops, forgot the attribution —
“cruise ships and other islands would require evacuees to be vaccinated”
Wow, guess they aren’t kidding with this ‘vaccine passport’ stuff.
In America, requiring an ID to vote is considered discriminatory, but evacuation from imminent destruction requires confirmation of address (which is about to become previous address).
Someone wake me up.
If only they had a volcano tax, but those evil lava deniers …
This is heavy stuff…appears to be ex pharma exec comment
“EXCLUSIVE – Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’
“April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews.
“He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.
“His main points included:
“1. There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”
“2. Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.
“3. Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign.
“4. Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”
“5. Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”
“6. Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.
“7. The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.”
Please can we all write carefully, accurately and avoid the use of Nazi etc unless it’s directly applicable. We need hard data not just opinions.
Big sweeping statements are usually not true about this virus. Mutants are already making life very complicated. Natural immunity does not work like it does with influenza. The vaccines are quite possibly going to be out evolved by a virus so booster shots may or may not be useful. They may or may not have more risks.
Keep your eye on the real target. If you want to stop lockdowns we need hard borders, and to get antivirals into use widely.
A case study in not being able to use common sense and triage risks. Seriously ? fleeing and volcano and they are slowing down stressing about paperwork and a virus with a very high recovery rate.
Why is it that, in these times of increased hygiene and sanitation, some TV chefs continue to mix ingredients with their hands without removing their rings on fingers?
We were all advised many years ago that the space between rings and fingers can harbour all manner of microscopic detritus and bacteria. This space doesn’t get cleaned by normal hand washing.
By mixing dough, mince or other preparations with the hands with rings on, the risks are high that some of this residue will transfer to the mix.
Not a hygienic practice at all.
All chefs (including TV chefs in particular) should be setting an example and telling us why they are removing their rings. It is hoped that they also wash their hands thoroughly before starting, especially under the fingernails.
It’s an outrage!
But what if, off camera, they wash both hands and rings? On second thoughts it is not an outrage.
I never wore a ring or a metal watch band when I was on the tools.
I’ve been very busy lately with my new business of retrieving keys from locked cars using my new improved and patented method !
I’m keen to see it but have no facebook credentials with which to login.
Can’t find it on YouTube sorry Serp, but looks like a new Toyota Camry and they smash the windscreen just enough to get a flat bar in to grab the keys , unsure of the country maybe India or Pakistan.
Must be old, my 10 yr old Camry has keyless entry. Most car thefts occur after burglarising the house.
If you leave your keyless car in a carport you should keep your fob in a Faraday cage ie a tin box. There are cheap amplifiers available which amplify the car’s interrogation signal which elicits a response from the fob. This enables the thief to open and start and drive off. Once out of range of the fob an alarm will show on the dash but the car will continue driving.
If your keyless car is in a locked garage don’t lock it. That way the interrogator is off and the 12V battery is not being drained the 0.9A. This sounds high to me and may be in error.
I often wonder at how fairly modern and new vehicles get pinched given the inbuilt security and add ons but that makes perfect sense thanks Hanrahan. My GQ is one of those frequently stolen models but I have a sat tracker on it just in case.
I can’t be bothered with anything on Farcebook for the same reason.
Piers Akerman: Accepted science in one day, out the next
On the same day as our national health officials were readjusting their vaccine delivery guidelines, another set of scientists announced a major rethink about the global climate, writes Piers Akerman.
Woke folk like to chant that the science is settled, whether the topic be human-induced global warming or the safety of the various Wuhan flu vaccines but, as we’re now learning, the accepted science can actually be in one day and out the next.
A week ago, the AstraZeneca vaccine was as safe as houses — except for those covered by NSW’s dodgy certificates — but by Thursday night it was no longer the jab of choice for those aged 50 and under. By Friday, NSW had suspended the AZ jab to all age groups.
That was because the tested, trialled and approved vaccine offered to Australians was found to have an unacceptable risk of causing blood clots in younger recipients.
This reversal will cause unforeseen delays in the vaccination rollout.
On the same day as our national health officials were readjusting their vaccine delivery guidelines, another set of scientists announced a major rethink about the global climate.
In an amazing display of intellectual reasoning, data derived from research funded by US space agency NASA was found to indicate the sun actually had a much larger influence on Earth’s weather and climate conditions than had been previously thought.
Who would have that the sun had some influence on our little planet’s climate at all? Certainly not the Greens, who blame the harmless and naturally occurring essential-for-life gas CO2 for heating Earth to the point where we are all going to be extinct within the foreseeable future.
That foreseeable future is admittedly pretty elastic as the gurus of anthropogenic (that means you and me) induced global warming have been predicting the end of the world with increasing regularity for the past 30 years.
Before global warming was the greatest moral danger we faced (as former prime minister Kevin Rudd proclaimed), it was global cooling and global starvation.
But predictions are not a strong suit for the extinction extremists as demonstrated by the reality that every forecast of catastrophic annihilation made by their most respected prophets has been laughably wrong.
The Earth is chugging along on a fairly predictable climate trajectory and more people on an increasingly crowded planet are living better lives than ever before.
Pinkerton: Joe Biden, First Elected in the 1970s, Is Bringing Back the 1970s
When Joe Met Jimmy
Joe Biden was first elected to public office in 1970, the same year that Jimmy Carter was elected governor of Georgia. Two years later in 1972, Biden was elected as a senator from Delaware, and four years after that in 1976, Carter was elected to the presidency with Biden as a worker bee on his behalf.
So, during the late 1970s, Biden served in the Senate while Carter was in the White House. Then in 1980, when Carter was running for re-election, Biden appeared at the Democratic National Convention praising Carter on national television.
In other words, Biden should remember well what life was like during the Carter administration. And he should also remember that Carter went down in a landslide defeat in 1980, losing 41 of 50 states—including Biden’s Delaware—to Ronald Reagan.
Given President Carter’s miserable experience, one might expect that President Biden would be cautious about doing anything that would harken back to the Carter days.
Yet curiously, Biden’s policies are echoing Carter’s in what’s typically the most important issue-area for any president: economic policy. As we shall see, Carter’s policies were not a success—they were, in fact, a disaster—and yet there goes Biden, following down Carter’s path. So if Biden remembers the 1970s, what could he be thinking, re-enacting 70s-type policies?
Perhaps he’s thinking that not that many Americans remember the 1970s—and he’s right about that. In fact, about two thirds of Americans alive today are under the age of 50, which means that they have little or no memory of the larger events of that decade.
Thus we can see: Americans are at risk of finding themselves in the mental trap described by the philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The only escape from this trap, of course, is that we all learn about the past.
Biden does not recall the 1970s, but he does the 970s. Make feudalism great again.
Black Forest Turning Green
Judith Curry has a post up to illustrate how bias can interfere with outcomes.
‘Psychologists Richard Simmons et al. find that researcher bias can have a profound influence on the outcome of a study. Such ‘researcher degrees of freedom’ include choices about which variables to include, which data to include, which comparisons to make, and which analysis methods to use. Each of these choices may be reasonable, but when added together they allow for researchers to extract statistical significance or other meaningful information out of almost any data set.’ (Climate Etc)
A long time ago two researchers in social sciences (Baruch Fishoff was one I think) had a thorough examination of research results in physics. They found a number of interesting things, but one that relates to your story here is that values found for fundamental constants and their error bounds in certain experiments were not credible in light of current accepted values, sometimes differing by a standard error of the mean by 42sigma. What they concluded was that physicists were very poor at recognizing biases in their experimental apparatus and data reduction.
They also discovered that these non-credible results tended to cluster experimental contemporary values around those found by influential physicists and groups — this they coined the “bandwagon” effect.
There is likely a lot of bandwagon effect influencing estimates of CO2 sensitivity.
“Statistically significant is a catch phrase developed in the mid-twentieth century to describe situations which are not otherwise significant. Of course the term may also be used in situations in which no particular significance has been found – since this would be significant in itself.”
Journal of Irreproducible Results
China Telecom’s deep link to PLA hacking unit
how to implant malicious microchips covertly into the supply chain
It was also used to “steal” the US elections both the Presidential, Senate and House seats. The Dominion Voting Machines also used in the Primaries to select who the Communists wanted.
A microchip ate my homework.
Algorithmic Absolution.
The Collective is liberated from sin.
An Atlantic warm pool above 30C appeared for the first time west of Africa this year on 8 April:,4.91,4540/loc=-17.102,5.019
It has now cooled slightly but should reappear soon.
Notably this is about a month later than last year.
Is there any significance to that?
Yes – we are not heading into glaciation this year.
When the Atlantic does not reach 30C in any year it has become energy deficient and is the first indication of glaciation setting in around the North Atlantic.
The timing of the Atlantic reaching 30C varies each year. It is a little later this year than previous years.
I also have noticed that both the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal can be all one big warm pool. Cyclones usually end that condition. 2020 was a very warm year in the North Indian Ocean:,-0.64,376/loc=87.400,11.797
Some locations exceeded 31C for a week or more before cyclones blew the lid off the cooker.
That is a relief.
A thank you to AD and Jo who fixed the glitch putting me into auto m%$#@ration, the last thing I tried was logging onto this site so it was either you or me 🙂
[Im not sure if it was that or logging on from a private window but happy your sorted.]AD
Climate Hysteria
The Imaginary Climate Crisis – How can we change the message!
Richard Lindzen
This message from Professor Richard Lindzen was published on the Clintel Website, then republished on the WUWT site.
How did a narrative that is patently absurd gain such widespread acceptance? Why have the skeptics failed to change the message, despite point by point rebuttal of the Global Warming Nonsense and what can we do about it?
Clintel continues to put out excellent material.
The Corbett Report Deleted from Youtube and Patreon has permanently “suspended” his account.
For the sake of making wind power.
Bigger environmental disaster is being created. A shortage of Balsa wood !!!!
Why are the atmospheric levels of €O2 going up?
Where are the environmentalists? Oh but it is made from fibregl-ass !
Last 2000 years of hot and cold spells mirror sun activity.
Lord Sumption made an appearance on the Brendan O’Neill podcast (Spiked – 6.4.21) stating that the UK has no opposition to our present Government other than from within the ruling Conservative Party. He notes that Labour are simply supporting or not opposing the majority Party and so large numbers of people have been effectively disenfranchised. Although the focus is on lockdowns etc., it is well worth a listen.
It caused me to ponder USA politics and whether a split in the Democratic Party will, sooner or later, occur and whether or not this will be of benefit to or be challenged by the Republicans. There has been much recent evidence of politicians on both sides questioning the divisive mantras of what seems a few. Sometimes, it would seem, winning an election doesn’t prove to be such a clever thing to do in the longer run especially when draconian limits on ordinary people’s livelihoods are not managed for the greater good but seemingly for subversive agendas.
So mining for nickel is out but bleeding rare trees for the metal that’s just fine.
Around that area
“Clean energy? The world’s demand for copper could be catastrophic for communities and environments”
I’ve got a pretty short list for the Best Movie Ever: Casablanca, Blues Bros and M*A*S*H. On another day I may add to that.
But I’ve chilled out tonight watching the Cowboys have their first win for the season and watching some jazz on the dreaded youtube. [I have adds disabled]
I started with Wonderful Ella and ended with Blues Brothers 2000. I didn’t know it existed but the big band jazz was great. Do yourself a favour and search on The Louisiana Gator Boys.
It’s chill out Sunday after all.
No 1 movie is “The Final Countdown” for me as for music I can listen to anything from opera to heavy metal .
there’s a quirky little back story about the MASH movie, and it concerns the main song from the movie, which was used for the credits and one extended scene in the movie, and only the instrumental version of the song was used for the TV series, and while I enjoyed the series, the movie was infinitely better, with a sort of dark humour about it.
The music itself was written by Johnny Mandel, famed arranger and composer of a number of movie themes. He wrote just the music for the song.
The lyrics themselves have a really interesting story attached to them. The Director for the movie was Robert Altman, and when he decided to use the song for the movie, there were no lyrics, and he tried to write them himself, but couldn’t, and his son heard it and put words to it, wrote the lyrics in one short spell. Altman was so impressed he had the song recorded, using four session singers and a band backing them up. Thus was born the theme for the movie, the only version with the lyrics being sung.
Now, here’s the really interesting thing about Altman’s son, Mike Altman, who wrote those lyrics. He was only 14 at the time he wrote these lyrics. The version sung for the movie was done in the studio using four singers who never even got a credit anywhere, either in the movie or later, just paid for their session work for that song. They were John Bahler, Tom Bahler, Ron Hicklin and Ian Freebairn-Smith.
There is an ironic thing about this song.
Robert Altman at the time was a quite renowned movie Director, and he directed the movie MASH and was paid $70,000 for directing the movie, pretty much the standard fee in those days for a Director, back in 1969 remember. He said in a later interview that this was around par for directing a movie in the late 60’s, early 70’s. He also said that while he was paid that quite large sum at the time, his 14 year old son, Mike, who wrote the lyrics for this one song, received more than $1 Million over the years for royalties for the song. It was the only thing he ever wrote.
The song has been covered by other artists almost a hundred times.
Here’s the link to the song in those opening credits from the movie itself.
I did not know that John Bahler and Tom Bahler were part of the group that sang the M*A*S*H theme song. Their names sent me off on a James Burke Connections sort of ramble. I know John Bahler and Tom Bahler for singing in a late sixties group called The Love Generation but they also sang back up on some of The Partridge Family songs. The Partridge Family was an American TV show based loosely on the real singing family The Cowsills. The Cowsills first big hit was a song called The Rain, the Park & Other Things and The Rain and Other Things brings me back Climate Change™!
“Suicide is Painless”
Without Painless, the dentist, the movie would not have been such a hit.
Robert Altman didn’t make a bad film. I particularly liked M*A*S*H, McCabe & Mrs Miller, Nashville, The Player.
“And Suicide is Painless …” a great movie song.
The glorious inappropriateness of the Blues Brothers
… or why you couldn’t make this movie now-a-days.
Reply to
April 10, 2021 6:36 am
You are behind the times, commieBob.
Like the seasonal Flu, seasonal allergies have been cured. As you may know by now, everybody who might have gotten the the Flu this past cold and flu season got COVID instead. Annual Flu cases dropped from 38,000,000 the previous season all the way down to ~1,500 or so this past year.
So what does this have to do with seasonal allergies?
Last June, the CDC released an expanded list of symptoms which (highly suspicious) included all the symptoms we always traditionally associated with pollen allergies.
We note for the record that this updated symptom list was released on June 6, just in time for the coming summertime allergy season.
So no more allergies, instead we will see COVID and Oh-My-Gawd-COVID! and even OMG-Fifth-Wave-COVID-Lockdown. But we will not see any allergies.
David Wojick
Reply to
April 10, 2021 7:22 am
Hilarious! Well done. Covid cures flu and allergies. Who knew?”
In comments at
It does not matter that Ivermectin saves lives – what is important is how much money Big Pharma can make if Ivermectin is denigrated.
“The amount of data supporting the efficacy of ivermectin is irrefutable. The British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Panel, following World Health Organization guidelines for meta-analysis of data, has recommended its use both to prevent and treat COVID-19. In so doing, they followed evidence that included seven controlled trials on over 2,600 patients to conclude that ivermectin both reduces the risk of infection and the risk of bad outcomes for those who get infected. Additionally, a soon to be published peer reviewed study concluded that ivermectin should be the standard of care for preventing and treating COVID-19. To reach this conclusion, the study’s authors conducted the most extensive review to date of ivermectin trials.
“Rather than completely taking the recommendation of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at face value, it is our hope that journalists will begin to raise questions around the sudden restrictive approach that the agency is taking in requiring an unprecedented number of expensive clinical trials before recommending a drug for treating COVID-19. Their actions set a precedent that will likely prevent any drug from being repurposed unless it presents a high enough profit margin to make the additional clinical trials worth the investment from a corporate sponsor. In other words, trials are quite expensive making the approval of drugs to be first based on their ability to turn a profit before being submitted for approval. The original intent of the approval, their ability to safely provide a viable public health solution, falls to second place.”
Excellent post Don. Good information in your link. Thank-you.
What is going on to hide the effectiveness of Invermectin is criminal and it is corruption in our entire system. The Invermectin super effective treatment that is being hide issue, needs to be escalated. Invermectin should be a covid paradigm changer.
The problem, is it does not matter which political party is power, the Medical Industry controls the media/health boards/research part of our system.
Our healthcare system creates the ‘chronic’ illness and then treats the ‘chronic’ illness (using patented drugs, surgery, and nursing/long term care ‘homes’) because we are all deficient in Vitamin D, Magnesium, and calcium. Vitamin D is used by our body to access our cell’s copy of our DNA.
The cells need to access the DNA, to get the blueprints to build any biochemical producing modules (to protect against cancer, bone loss, muscle loss, stop infections, protect cells from a virus that must connect to the ACE-2 connector in our cells to replicate and so on) and for many cell operations.
Our body uses Vit. D like money. When there is insufficient Vit D the body does the most essential operations such as calcium control. And does not protect against cancer (70% reduction in the incidence of breast cancer, same result expected for prostate cancer) or brain aging or periodontal disease (reversed) or protection against getting type 2 diabetes, protection against getting depression, and so on.
The medical scam has been to hide how much Vit D is required (4000 UI/day for a small women or young child, up to around 8000 UI/day for a large person) and to hide what Vitamin D is doing our bodies, to bring the population to optimum and to hide the mineral deficiencies.
82% of the US ‘black’ population, 68% of the US Hispanic population, and 42% of the US general population and (roughly 30% of the US white population) is deficient in ‘Vitamin’ D which in this study is defined as a Blood serum level of active ‘Vitamin D’ of less than 20 ng/ml.
Optimum Vit. D based on cancer cancer prevention research is a blood serum level about 60 ng/ml (150 nmol/L). The US General population has an average Vit D blood serum level of 26 ng/ml. Based on tests that involved hourly blood tests… It as found that a blood serum level of greater than 36 ng/ml is required to control calcium in the blood. The cells use Vitamin to reduce the calcium in the blood in the day when we are digesting food (to enable calcium to be absorbed) and then at night the calcium in the blood rises to enable bone repair and to repair tooth enamel and so on.
Our ‘nursing’ homes are filled with severely Vit D people. Vitamin D deficient (plus magnesium and calcium) people have severe bone loss.
The ‘research’ that has been done is to find patentable chemicals to treat ‘sickness’. The cheaper and more effective approach would be to treat the deficiency. We microbiological different when we are not deficient.
The Vit. D deficiency explains why Blacks in the US are failing to stay in the middle class. A high percentage of children of US Blacks who make it to middle class, fall into back into poverty. Vit. D deficiency affects brain functioning and aging. It affects anger control, attention span, balance, hearing, eye sight, skin, and so on. It affects how people ‘feel’ inside their bodies and how they look. Vitamin D deficient people get tired if they must stand or walk long distance.
Black and Hispanic Vs White US Prison Population
“Black men are especially likely to be imprisoned. There were 2,272 inmates per 100,000 black men in 2018, compared with 1,018 inmates per 100,000 Hispanic men and 392 inmates per 100,000 white men. The rate was even higher among black men in certain age groups: Among those ages 35 to 39, for example, about one-in-twenty black men were in state or federal prison in 2018 (5,008 inmates for every 100,000 black men in this age group).”
Prevalence and correlates of vitamin D deficiency in US adults.
Vitamin D Overview Lecture Robert Heaney
Vitamin D, Sunshine, Optimal Health: Putting it all Together
Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study
Vitamin D Insufficient Patients 12.55 times more likely to die, blood serum 25(OH)D level from 21 to 29 ng/ml
Vitamin D Deficient Patients 19.12 times more likely to die, Vitamin D blood serum level less than 20 ng/ml
Vitamin D ‘normal’ for this study is 25(0H)D above 30 ng/ml.
For Vitamin D status, cases were classified based on their blood serum of activated Vit. D 25(OH)D levels:
(1) normal – serum 25(OH)D of greater than 30 ng/ml,
(2) insufficient – serum 25(OH)D from 21 to 29 ng/ml, and
(3) deficient – serum 25(OH)D of less than 20 ng/ml.
Black and Hispanic Vs White US Prison Population
“Black men are especially likely to be imprisoned. There were 2,272 inmates per 100,000 black men in 2018, compared with 1,018 inmates per 100,000 Hispanic men and 392 inmates per 100,000 white men. The rate was even higher among black men in certain age groups: Among those ages 35 to 39, for example, about one-in-twenty black men were in state or federal prison in 2018 (5,008 inmates for every 100,000 black men in this age group).”
Some Further 2019 Statistics on this from US Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Internet citation: OJJDP Statistical Briefing Book. Race profile of arrests by offense, 2019. Available: Released on November 16, 2020.
Arrest estimates for 2015 through 2019 developed by the National Center for Juvenile Justice based on data published in the FBI’s Crime in the United States reports. These are preliminary estimates that will be updated upon release of final estimates on the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ Arrest Data Analysis Tool.
It’s just a worm tablet …
Yeah well … for something that is irrefutable there sure is a lot of debate about it, and also a lot of advice for people not to use worm tablets to treat Covid-19.
How capitalism really works (Episode 54633)
Shell to pay no resource tax for Gorgon gas. Pretty remarkable, but not surprising.
How socialism really works.
Waste trillion$ of public money on imaginary problems …
Swampy Joe: “We have to build — the environment has — global warming has already done significant damage.
The roads that used to be above the water level — didn’t have to worry about where the drainage ditch was — now you got to rebuild them three feet higher.
Because it’s not going to go back to what it was before; it will only get worse, unless we stop it.”
Wait. What?
We’re gonna need some higher roads …
“Before 2004, the rate of melt was such that scientists believed the icecap would melt entirely by about 2100.
At the trajectory set by the new rate of melt, however, there will be no Arctic icecap in the next five to 15 years.
James Hanson, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute, is arguably the world authority on climate change.
He predicts that we have just a decade to avert a 25-metre rise of the sea.
Picture an eight-storey building by a beach, then imagine waves lapping its roof.
That’s what a 25-metre rise in sea level looks like.
Perhaps Obama/ Biden really did slow the rise of the oceans …
Unlike with President Trump, you couldn’t make this malarkey up.
The headline is never the whole story, often misleading.
The cost is to construct, collect, process and distribute. They don’t expect to pay the tax until they make a profit (from the project). That is the deal. The report actually states that they expect to once gas prices rise.
Without the deal, there is no project and no taxes to pay parasitic leftwing academics.
Reply to tiddles above
Another devoted shill of the fossil-fuel industry, and vast multinationals that pay no tax. You should be proud.
Can’t you argue your case without abuse?
THis was hardly friendly objective comment – everyone is entitled to push back, no?
More excuses than a puppy has fleas.
If you don’t like it here……..
In BC the vulnerables have mostly been vaccinated, and we still need a hard lockdown. The whole thing does not compute.
Either the vaccines for the Chinese lurgy work or they don’t. It seems they don’t since you still have to wear a mask, ‘social distance’, only meet with 5 other people, and that outdoors, grandma can’t cuddle a grandchild, can’t travel and on and on. And to top it off, the polls seem to say the majority love it.
Do you trust the polls though?
“Good Pillow” news – woke and – – – ?
The comments:)
More on that
“@Hogg dropping brand (forget pillow, Mike Lindel has gone all bedding). He forgot to trademark his brand! And some MAGA guy bought it!
He was never serious. Liberals never are.”
A comment at Chiefio
A Stanford University study into Masks, from November 2020.
From the first page.
On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a global public health emergency of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) causing illness of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) [3]. As of October 1, 2020, worldwide 34,166,633 cases were reported and 1,018,876 have died with virus diagnosis. Interestingly, 99% of the detected cases with SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic or have mild condition, which contradicts with the virus name (severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2) [4]. Although infection fatality rate (number of death cases divided by number of re-ported cases) initially seems quite high 0.029 (2.9%) [4], this over-estimation related to limited number of COVID-19 tests performed which biases towards higher rates. Given the fact that asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times higher than the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate is considerably less than 1% [5]. This was confirmed by the head of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases from US stating, “the overall clinical consequences of COVID-19 are similar to those of severe seasonal influenza” [5], having a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1% [5–8]. In addition, data from hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and general public indicate that the majority of deaths were among older and chronically ill individuals, supporting the possibility that the virus may exacerbates existing con-ditions but rarely causes death by itself [9,10]. SARS-CoV-2 primarily
Still think this is about a virus folks?
The model for the spirit of the “Little Hitlers” imposing the covis controls (IMO)
Absolutely, and of course it is about a virus – and it is a public health issue, not a takeover by the New World Order, the Knights Templar, or the Illuminati.
The percentage death rate may be low for most below 70, but the infectious transmissibility of the Covid-19 is so high, that the absolute numbers who have been either severely ill or died, are still very large. That is why it is a public health issue, and that is why vaccines have been rolled out, and it’s why we wear masks, practice social distancing, and stop or limit dense public gathering.
Not hard to understand it all.
Scientists say, study shows.
No idea what any of that means. Please explain.
Real scientists from Stanford conducted a study, analysed the numbers and come out with well, pretty much the exact opposite of what we are told.
Believe the science!
Mutant South African Covid-19 variant can ‘break through’ the Pfizer jab, study finds
Scientists studied 400 people who tested positive at least 14 days after jab
The variant was eight times more prevalent in those who had two jabs than none
It was seen in 5.4% of people with 2 doses – but 0.7% of people without any
Researchers said results suggest the South African variant cannot be combated by the vaccine as well as others
A study done on the mRNA Pfizer Gene modifier, the Moderna is the same mRNA technology.
Mod, check the bin
Prion is mad cow is that right?
There are a few in that category.
CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks As COVID-19 Deaths.
And it’s true that there is corruption in the system. But Excess deaths in the US were 20% above recorded Covid deaths. The real tally of covid deaths is above the official tally. They only question is “by how much”. This is similar in every nation that had mass covid infections and inadequate testing (but obviously not in Australia).
Thanks for your reply. Dr.Geert and Robert F Kennedy Jr. have made a great video, Would love to know what you think.
The Doomsday Prophecy of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
A Belgian virus expert has scared the Internet by claiming the COVID-19 vaccines will doom humanity.
A coming Covid catastrophe Dr. Geert. (ops 1 hour) I just listen to it in the background, very good explanation of how the vaccine works or does not work?
Robert F Kennedy Jr. (only 5 mins)
Classen again? Seriously?
The methods section is almost word for word this, ” We analysed the pfizer vaccine”. That’s it.
The results state, “from our analysis…”
Pythonesque science.
Thought you were down the beach.
Yeah its a little company, 2 pony show, his opinion based on analysis of other peoples work. Bit like yourself.
Its out there, now its on here.
Being on here doesn’t make it better. It is opinion based on nothing.
What makes his opinion wrong or are you going after the messenger?
Good God. What the hell is going on here? What did everyone expect when there are multiple companies competing with each other to deliver a “perfect” vaccine? The bottom line is always…PROFIT. Does everyone really think that these Capitalist Companies (Johnson & Johnson etc) are producing the vaccine out of the goodness of their hearts?? THINK AGAIN
For those that want to be different – a Roman numerals calculator
From a comment at Chiefio
Some Faucci reading
“Speaking of the “furad”, I ran across this article about him over the weekend: Fauci Was Duplicitous on the AIDS Epidemic Too. Definitely worth a read. He seems to have a pattern which has worked well for him so far.”
Links to
“Original WWI footage, restored to look and sound like it was filmed with modern equipment. Here’s a trailer, and also a quick bit on how Peter Jackson did it.”
More at
“Down loading files from the cloud on a tablet?”
A big list of “Prince Philip’s Best”
A thought of just now – what anyone not there at the time does not have the inside on –
Many years ago in “The Virginian” IIRC there is a line “When you call me that, smile”. (Which line I’ve remembered and used through my career).
And I’ll bet Prince Philip had a grin on when he said most things like that.
An example from our venacular-
Someone here referred to as “You old bstaard” with a big grin will take it as a complement.
Same term without the grin is definitely not
And those not there include all those commenting that were not there – or if the scene was videoed did not take a close look.
“The vaccine: not only risky but it doesn’t actually work”
I think it might be a year past time to shut Fauci down.
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