Mitch McConnell is the powerbroker of the US Senate, but he’s also a guy whose in-laws own a major shipping company that buys container ships from a Chinese Government company. The in-laws make money from carrying goods back and forward in deals with Chinese State Owned companies.
McConnell’s wife is a Chinese-American and also happens to be The Transportation Secretary of the US Government (!). Since Elaine Chao took up that job four years ago, her fathers company has expanded rapidly and has added 40 percent more ships. Her father, James Chao, is a shipping magnate that gave his daughter and her husband McConnell a gift of at least $5 million in 2008. That’s the conservative estimate — it might have been worth as much as $25 million dollars. (Nice in-laws if you can get them.) The largess was legally disclosed. The net worth of the political couple went from $3m in 2004 to something between $9 and $36m by 2018.
The Chinese Ship building company is called CSSC Holdings. McConnell’s wife’s family is so close to it that both her father and her sister sit on the Board of the financial arm of this Chinese company they buy boats from. It’s odd, stacked on weird, wrapped up in long explanations. CSSC is not just a boat building company, it’s the Chinese government’s military contractor. Indeed, the letters CSSC stand for the China State Shipbuilding Corporation. Get it?

Mitch McConnell and his wife Elaine Chao | Image Wikimedia
In another odd coincidence, just ten days after Donald Trump was elected in 2016, Elaine Chao’s sister Angela was appointed to another board of Directors — the Communist Chinese government’s Bank of China.
McConnells wife Elaine Chao and her father-the-shipping-magnate are lauded in China and do interviews on Chinese TV in Chinese. They are promoted as “lifting the status of Asian-Americans in America” often with little Dept of Transport flags in the background. This probably doesn’t do any harm to James Chao’s business.
Perhaps the oddest thing of all is that all this information came out in 2018. That’s when Peter Schweizer’s best selling book was published and the news was shared in Politico the Wall St Journal, and Breitbart among other places. Yet, Mitch McConnell is still the man elected again in 2020 to lead the US Senate.
Perhaps all this is old news to US citizens. It’s presumably all legal, if not necessarily very ethical, or desirable. But it may help Australian readers understand Mitch McConnell and a bit more about US politics.
From Schweisers Book, as discussed by Sam Di Gangi at Conservative Daily Post
Schwizer shows how McConnell’s “financial ties to the Chinese government as an example of how politicians monetize political influence while evading financial disclosure regulations.”
Showing the depth of the problem, Schwizer also said, “The China State Shipbuilding Corporation is the largest defense contractor in China, and the projections are that by 2030, if current trends continue, they are going to surpass the U.S. Navy as far as naval capability. Basically, what happens is, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation says to the Chao family, ‘Look, we will build your ships. We will finance the purchase of some of your ships. We will provide crews for your ships. We will provide contracts for you to ship state-owned goods from state-owned companies around the Pacific. In other words, we are going to set you up in the shipping business,’ which is exactly what they do, and, in fact, James Chao — this would be Elaine Chao’s father, Mitch McConnell’s father-in-law — and Elaine’s sister, Angela Chao, actually joined the board, in 2007 and 2008, of something called China State Shipbuilding Corporation, CSSC Holdings, which is a subsidiary of the largest defense contractor in China.”
He warned, “So you have this powerful American political family that is making U.S. policy related to China, related to trade, and other critical issues that is highly dependent upon the good graces of the Chinese government.”
The author also feels that this is why McConnell is “increasingly soft” on China, even as they boast about conquering the economic world within three decades.
If Mitch McConnell supported Trump and by default, harsher trade deals with China, it might be bad news for his father-in-laws business.
Secret Empires is Peter Schweizer’s fifth consecutive New York Times bestselling investigative book.
Hey, if it takes a few arms and legs to keep our portfolios fat and happy… and simultaneously we can protect our donor friends at Google and get rid of this annoying Trump…. well,…
A Good Summation of Mitch McConnell
A Familiar Play – Mitch McConnell Blocks Attempt to Pass $2,000 COVID Relief Bill, Deflects Accountability to POTUS
Once you stop being a battered conservative; meaning once you accept that McConnell knows he is creating a dynamic that supports the GA democrats; then you move to the question: ‘why would McConnell take an action that would put him in the minority?’
On its face the question seems absurd; however, it only seems absurd because people don’t understand the schemes in the upper chamber, the Senate, under Leader McConnell and Leader Harry Reid before him. The institution of the Senate requires a voter to understand the shell game. The pea is never where you think it is.
First, McConnell doesn’t care about holding a majority position in the Senate. Whether he is a majority leader or a minority leader doesn’t matter to McConnell. In fact McConnell’s political skill-set does better in the minority than the majority.
The preferred political position for Mitch McConnell is where he has between 45 and 49 republican Senators, and the Democrats hold the Majority with around 55. Of course with Senator Harry Reid’s retirement, this would now imply Majority leader Chuck Schumer holding office.
Why does McConnell prefer the minority position?
The answer is where you have had to actually follow Mitch McConnell closely to see how he works. When the Majority has around 52 to 55 seats, they need McConnell to give them 8 to 9 votes to overcome the three-fifths (60 vote) threshold for their legislative needs. It is in the process of trade and payment for those 8 to 9 votes where McConnell makes more money, and holds more power, than as a sitting Majority Leader.
The 60 vote threshold, and McConnell’s incredible skillset in the minority, is where he shines. Each of the needed votes to achieve sixty is worth buckets of indulgence to the minority leader and those on K-Street who need the Senate to support their legislative constructs. The votes to get to sixty are worth a lot of money.
A good analysis for the old rules – except that Harry Reid changed the 60 vote rule in the senate to require only a simple majority to pass any bill. Mitch McTurtle took advantage of this while holding a slim majority. Losing the senate majority will put the little pile of crap in a tough position, but given the money his wife has been raking in, he could not care less. His ridiculous and immoral threat to hold out the $2000 check for working Americans over section 230A is idiotic.
If he loses the majority, he’s not only screwed the people who need help the most, he’s made a fool of himself in the process. The dems will eventually pass the bill without him, and skewer him as a an uncaring POS. Which of course he is.
Given that the pathetically embarrassing Republican legislature in Georgia has been listening to him and the consulting GOP establishment, , it’s likely he has blown it. The same rules and fraudulent voting processes as well as dubious voting machines that openly stole the presidential election are in place, and amazingly, the Gomer Pyle governor and state legislatures have fought hard to keep things that way.
As an American it is revolting to watch these self-serving cowards, and it is hard to suppress the feeling that we are circling the drain.
REVEALED: The Senior U.S. Officials Taking CCP-Subsidized Trips, Dinners For ‘Favorable Coverage’ (LIST)
The full list follows a National Pulse exposé on media participants of the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) sponsored trip to China – the Communist Party-linked propaganda group seeking “favorable coverage” from U.S. institutions.
CUSEF’s efforts to “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence overseas Chinese communities, foreign governments, and other actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing’s preferred policies” go right to the top of U.S. politics.
Exclusive — Sen. David Perdue: Democrat Jon Ossoff Is ‘Compromised by the Chinese Communist Party’
Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) told Breitbart News exclusively on Saturday that his Democrat opponent in Tuesday’s upcoming runoff election, Jon Ossoff, is “compromised” by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in much the same way other young Democrats have been targeted by CCP agents.
This is Chairman Xi’s list of potential traitors. Mine would be much longer and include Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnnell and his CCP bride, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao among others
Very clever of the Chi-coms to put some fake Republicans in as Governors, eh?
So, let’s end this with other lists. That way, we can compare them to the vote this week after overwhelming evidence of election fraud by foreign powers using U.S. traitors, that will be seen by the whole nation – and the world.
While we’re hanging out our dirty laundry for the world to see, America, let’s show it all
The Conservative Daily Post put out a list claimed to be from the dump of 2 million names of CCP operatives reported by Sky News Australia.
The list, which can be viewed here has Arizona Governor Doug Ducey right at the top. Not a great list to be atop of, Governor Ducey, but you can always claim it was alphabetical, eh, Mate?
Now we’ll leave you with another slate of State level current and former elected U.S. officials who participated in sponsored trips to China on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party-tied China-United States Exchange Foundation.
It Takes a Village to Fuel a Biden Binge
Dear Diary
In intelligence analysis, a diary ranks supreme to most personal communications. It’s one of the best sources for primary material. A diary—in contrast to letters, emails, IMs, or phone calls, which always go through some form of refinements, filtering, and self-censorship—captures a person’s raw inner thoughts and feelings. Hunter wrote various such notes and recorded voice memos on a variety of topics and these are helpful in reconstructing his psychological profile and shedding some a light on Biden family dynamics. The topics he discussed range from his relationships with and opinions of his family (including his father, uncle, aunt, cousins, step mother, etc.), to sex, drugs, and money.
The picture that emerges from these composites is of a family that resemble a pack of ravenous wolves; cold blooded, calculated, and manipulative predators on an expedition of lies, abuse and binges of vice. If Caligula or Nero ever managed to get their hands on a time-machine and landed in the Biden household, they would have nodded in approval and felt right at home.
Here are a few examples:
The material on Hunter Biden and Biden Inc invites the inevitable….inescapable conclusion that CCP Intelligence and old Xi himself were the ones who decided that their ‘Uncle Joe’ would be the Democrat’s pick for POTUS candidate and that they …the Chinese Communist Dictatorship….will be ‘handling’ him.
Is Xi the architect of the Dems’ whole Trojan Horse strategy?
So if Uncle Joe is actually inaugurated… who will be the real POTUS…Podesta et al….the Deep State…Harris or Xi?
So unless SCOTUS Justices have an epiphany and decide that the US Constitution does not actually accommodate the situation where America’s and the world’s most dangerous adversary gets to pick the American President and decide American foreign policy …while the vote of the American people themselves is corrupted …frauded and ultimately vetoed by the enemy ….with the SCOTUS tick of approval….and therefore decide to finally do their jobs tout suite….Five Eyes allied nations need to take matters into their own hands re alliances and their own roles in Uncle Joe’s and Xi’s plans….without a moment to lose.
If I were in these politicians shoes and China offered me $ millions in bribes, would I take the money? Would you?
Many years ago a NSW Commissioner for Police (Peter Ryan recruited from the UK Police in the 1990s) was asked about corruption within the then NSW Police Service (since changed back to Police Force) and he replied that when a young officer with a family to support is offered the equivalent of an years wages to look the other way that the temptation is too much for some.
Klem, you might think twice if you thought the media would hound you and the voters would dump you at the next election…
I had two colleagues I played cricket with at about age nineteen. They joined the NSW Police Force full of optimism, and were drummed out as “scum” within a year … for NOT passing the bribable test.
NSW law enforcement has been corrupt since the Rum Corp found Governor Bligh hiding under the bed in 1808. A proud tradition to maintain!
You wonder if various intel actors burrow into the power structure. Like ticks….
Congress Approves Rules Regulating Jan. 6 Electoral Vote Count
The House of Representatives and the Senate on Sunday adopted rules that outline how the counting of Electoral College votes will take place on Jan. 6.
The rules were passed without recorded votes. Instead, a voice vote was used in both chambers.
The guidance, introduced by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), says the chambers will meet in a joint session on Jan. 6 presided over by Vice President Mike Pence.
Pence, as president of the Senate, will open “all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes,” the rules state, a nod to how seven states sent so-called competing electors, or certificates for both Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, to Washington.
The certificates and papers will be opened, presented, and acted upon in alphabetical order, starting with Alabama.
This is when dozens of Republicans—50 representatives and 12 senators, according to an Epoch Times tally—are planning to object to some certificates, alleging election irregularities including voter fraud and failure to follow state election laws.
That will trigger a withdrawal from the joint session and a two-hour debate, followed by votes in each chamber. Only with a majority vote from both the House and the Senate would a challenge be upheld, which even supporters find unlikely, considering Democrats who control the House and Senate Republican leadership, including McConnell, have expressed disapproval with the plan to object.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in a letter to colleagues on Sunday noted that objections can happen but said, at the end of the day, Biden “will be officially declared the next president.”
It’s worth reiterating that the formal, certified electoral votes (“slates”) from the six swing states will prevail if the two chambers disagree, and if there is any contest, and the alternative slates have no certified authority.
There might be some objections and hot debate in each chamber, but it is unlikely either will vote to reject the certified Biden slates.
I got Goosebumps reading this. McConnell need to go fast. Trump is right again, need to clean up the swamp
Trump Call Actually Reveals A President Deep Into Detail, With Establishment Republicans Dismissive, Unwilling, And Rejecting Transparency
“I don’t know about that… I don’t have it in front of me… we’re looking into that…”
These weren’t the vague, non-committal words of the President of the United States on the phone call leaked by the Washington Post newspaper – which has recently taken millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist Party – this Sunday. They were the statements of the establishment Republicans on the call: Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Ryan Germany, and Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs on the January 2nd call.
Despite the partisan framing from the Washington Post – that the call somehow reflected Trump making demands for votes from his Republican colleagues – the President actually does no such thing. Throughout the call, the President makes clear that his calls are for election transparency, full and transparent audits, and public access. At no point does the President imply he wants votes invented or confected, as the establishment media is portraying. He even offers to recuse himself from parts of the conversation and ends by asking for “the truth… it’s just that simple.”
You can read the entire transcript and listen to the entire call below this article.
In fact the President begins the call by ripping through specifics that are never addressed by their opponents on the call: the establishment Republicans. Trump states:
Anyone who actually listens to the call will hear President Trump being detailed and forthright. Understandably frustrated, Trump of course employs some of his characteristic New York businessman bluster. But more importantly: he speaks in a manner of someone who wants openness and transparency. And the other side simply does not.
That tells us all we need to know.
Listen in full:
Read the Transcript:
The Media Is Lying About Trump’s Call with Georgia Secretary of State
But a review of the transcript of the call shows no such thing. The Washington Post claimed that Trump “repeatedly urged [Raffensperger] to alter the outcome of the presidential vote in the state,” but that isn’t what happened.
Throughout the conversation, Trump lays out the evidence that there was voter fraud in the state, and demands an honest accounting of the ballots, which he believes would give him more than 11,000 votes needed to win the state. “I just want to find 11,780 votes,” is the key quote cited by the media, but there’s more to the quote.
“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state,” is what Trump said, in context. He also insisted that “there’s no way I lost Georgia. There’s no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes.”
Like the transcript with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky that Democrats impeached him over, this phone call is yet another nothingburger that has the media and the left crying foul. There’s already a Wikipedia page for the “Trump-Raffensperger scandal.” Democrats are reportedly looking to censure Trump and have asked FBI Director Wray to open a criminal probe. But Trump quite clearly presented evidence that there was fraud, and made the case that the number of disputed ballots is larger than his deficit in the certified results. A proper investigation would resolve these outstanding questions about these disputed ballots.
The President’s Call With the Georgia Sec. of State — a Case Study in the Media Duplicity That Pres. Trump Has Battled From Day One
By Shipwreckedcrew
A cautionary note — grab yourself a fresh cup of coffee and take a “comfort break” before you go further because reading this might take a while.
I have a ton of preparatory remarks that I want to make before I get to the lying sacks of sh!t in the media who covered this story on Sunday.
I wrote a story Sunday afternoon before I was able to listen to the recording itself. I was writing in reaction to a dozen or more “stories” that had hit the ‘net from mainstream media outlets far and wide, reporting on the Saturday telephone call. The reporting was consistently negative in terms of the characterization of the call, the President’s comments during the call, and the context the authors ascribed to the conversation. I was a bit surprised by the amount of expert “commentary” that seemed to have been gathered in a very short time period. Most of it was some form of condemnation of the President’s comments as an abuse of power, and grounds for impeachment. Someone wrote the recorded call was the equivalent of the Nixon tapes being told to “hold my beer”. But the Nixon tapes included conversations between a President and his close aides discussing criminal activity and how it might be covered up. In addition, there was an 18-minute segment of the tapes that had been recorded over so the conversation at that point in the recording would never be known.
Saturday’s call??? Not only is it not in the same ballpark, it’s not even part of the same game.
To me, it was a firing offense the way the media mischaracterized the call, the purposes for the call, the comments of Pres. Trump, the comments of the officials from Georgia, and the comments of the President’s attorneys.
If we are in the final two weeks of the Presidency of Donald Trump, this recording and the media coverage of it are the perfect encapsulation of the level of dishonest hackery and the outright fraudulent manner in which Pres. Trump has been covered by the press.
Georgia’s Secretary of State Raffensperger Certified Georgia’s 2020 Election Results Knowing 460,000 Ballots Were Missing Legally Required Chain of Custody Documentation
The chain of custody documentation provides evidence that the ballots in question were properly gathered, transported and counted according to state law. Ballots in an election should be under dual control, both a Republican and a Democrat should be involved in the gathering, transport and counting of ballots. Each action should be documented and signed off on by individuals from each party.
The fact that Georgia has no records on how 460,000 ballots arrived and were counted in the 2020 election should void the entire election results. Georgia’s corrupt leadership knew this and yet they certified Georgia’s results giving Joe Biden an 11,000 vote lead in the Presidential election.
GA’s SoS Raffensperger Gave Hackers Roadmap To Infiltrate Machines A Year Before Election
With the Georgia run-off election happening on January 5th, you will get angry with the information you’re about to read. Voters in every other state using Dominion/Diebold systems, ES&S, Unisyn, or other electronic voting system during the 2020 election will be angry.
GA SoS Brad Raffensperger posted what is essentially a guide to hack Dominion, ES&S, and Smartmatic voting systems during the summer of 2019, one year ahead of the 2020 elections. This made every aspect of the Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite open for business to anyone in the business of skewing elections. Raffensperger gave them a year to prepare with the actual components Dominion uses and perfect the methodologies used to hack the GA election.
This link is to the redacted GA Master Technical Evaluation. Although redacted, the report left every route needed to hack and control each technical component Dominion uses as well as adding an actual vulnerability to get hackers started.
The GA evaluation also lists the scanners needed to find the source code and all possible routes into all three systems. I’ll be getting back to this later but it even identifies Dominion’s source code.
Just to make sure I have your attention, below is a list of every piece of Dominion equipment that GA certified. Each piece is listed from the evaluation as a link showing how to hack it. A comprehensive breakdown is in the GA contract
Georgia Ballot Inspector’s Team Taking Literal Fire As Evidence Of The Election Rig Being Found
This is way bigger than the Presidential race.</strong>
#BREAKING Can confirm my team has been provided evidence of mail in ballots with the votes already filled in BY MACHINE. More than one instance of has occurred and it shows the voting machines can read and do accept MACHINE FILLED IN MECHANICAL BALLOTS more soon #ScanTheBallots
— JovanHuttonPulitzer ™ #JovanHuttonPulitzer (@JovanHPulitzer) January 4, 2021
Yesterday Pulitzer announced that someone shot at a member of his team:
Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
New: White House planning to refer Brad Raffensperger WaPo leak to Secret Service for investigation under national security grounds of the Espionage Act
Brad Raffensperger Dodges When Asked If He Leaked Trump Audio to Washington Post
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger would not answer when asked directly by Martha MacCallum of Fox News on Monday afternoon whether he was behind the release of an audio recording of his phone call with President Donald Trump on Saturday.
US/UK banned telecom equipment from Huawei, but using Chinese-made voting machines is okay?
A small team of investigators, spun off from the efforts of Rudy Giuliani’s team investigating election fraud after the Nov 3rd U.S. general election, has been working diligently to uncover evidence across multiple states.
What this team recently discovered in Sacramento, CA was shown to CDMedia. The information raises the question if the Democratic Party’s corrupt machine also stole the U.S. House of Representatives on Nov 3rd as well. The legitimacy of the 117th Congress is now in question.
The evidence was documented in California’s 6th Congressional District where Doris Matsui won her re-election bid against her Republican opponent Chris Bish.
A cyber team member was allowed into an electoral facility and was given a private tour of election equipment after the election was completed. Photographs were taken to document the evidence.
Based on publicly-available analysis by Bobby Piton, analytical sources have informed CDMedia that 6-9 races in California alone are most likely fraudulent, and many more races across the country in other jurisdictions are suspect.
China Is Getting Away with It
Chinese diplomatic personnel threatened that the United States would be “plunged into the mighty sea of coronavirus,” while pondering whether to ban the export of essential pharmaceuticals. The Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom appeared on one of the premier BBC political chat shows and shrugged at video footage of manacled Uyghurs being loaded like chattel onto train cars in Western China. He then promptly implied that Britain no longer wanted to be a serious nation because it decided to limit the involvement of Huawei, a Chinese-backed telecom, in the building of Britain’s 5G network. Huawei had recently been raided in Poland for spying.
What are Western powers doing in response? Why, signaling their submissive willingness to make amends with the Chinese Communist Party, of course.
During a year in which it was an unrepentant geopolitical arsonist, China is emerging stronger than ever, thanks to such feckless complicity as follows:
It’s not just the EU but the incoming Biden administration that is already signaling that bygones will be bygones after 2020. That’s why Disney Chairman Bob Iger’s name is being floated for U.S. ambassador to China. Disney has been slavishly flattering the Chinese government in hopes of being allowed access to the profitable Chinese market. This included credited “thanks” to the provincial authorities in Xinjiang at the end of the Disney film Mulan. It is these provincial authorities who are carrying out genocidal policies against Uyghurs.
These are the leaders of the free world, sucking up to Chairman Xi.
“Peace in our time”…..
“You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons.
You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons.”
(1 Cor 10:21)
Apple Bans Nearly 40,000 Apps After Demands By Chinese Communist Party
Time to dump the corporate appeasers….
There’s no way on this earth that Mitch McConnell’s not happy as a pig in mud to be rid of Trump for his own nefarious purposes one way or another.
Likewise the sanctimonious Bush family and many of the Lincoln Project Quislings who campaigned loudly and passionately for China’s man…the Democrats’ Shell ‘President’….without ever…as far as Joe Blow can see…ever addressing the sell-out of America itself and freedom in the world ….to the Communist Chinese dictatorship in a massive step-jump in the rise of Global Socialism.
The very useful treasonous sucker-fish riding and getting rich as Croesus on their betrayal of free enterprise…freedom itself and Western Civilization ….have virtually announced to the world that democracy and the Constitution are dead in America.
The pious apostles for Xi [their veneration openly declared from their own mouths as revealed in Schweitzer’s and Clive Hamilton’s books]…are the real power behind Xi….his carrier pigeons dutifully carrying his messaging and indoctrination to a world whose citizens increasingly are rendered unable to distinguish truth and reality from Socialist propaganda and brain-scrambling fiction.
The Dictator-for-life’s schmoozers and flunkies provide for him his international cred and ensure the Chinese people and Xi’
s victims and slaves …including the people of Hong Kong….will be more easily corralled and controlled…as they increasingly come to know that the last bastion has fallen….Xi’s cult puppets in the West have signalled to them that there’s nowhere left to go for justice…freedom…the pursuit of happiness.
Chinese Foreign Minister: Biden Win Offers China ‘New Window of Hope’
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi gave an interview to Chinese state television Saturday in which he credited the authoritarian rule of the Communist Party with defeating the coronavirus pandemic and celebrated the incoming Biden administration in America as a “new window of hope” for relations between the U.S. and China.
DATA: Report Shows EVERY Midnight Ballot Dump Boosted Biden
JANUARY 4, 2021
A new report from a number of reputable, PhD statisticians analyzes the suspicious floods of ballots trickling in following the November 3rd election, concluding all were in favor of Joe Biden.
The report analyzes “vote dumps” – a “25,000+ vote differential between Presidential candidates, received/recorded at one time.”
“The conclusion is that all we were able to find were net Biden Dumps,” the report summary notes.
Analysis extends to states both won and lost by President Trump, including Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Several states experienced more than one vote dump, but all netted in favor of Biden.
Read: – Vote Dumps Report by Natalie Winters on Scribd
There are some intriguing graphs at: everylegalvote dot com slash phd. This site was tweeted out by General Flynn a few days ago.
For each state, you can see distinct lines emerging as batches of ballots are reported, and they become more weighted to absentee ballots. Two states that are remarkably regular (Minnesota and Florida) are given as a baseline of what to expect.
However the Battlegrounds show a suspicious trend toward Biden as the night wears on – Virginia is even more unusual: take note of the obvious sudden steps upward toward Biden.
I would like to see similar graphs for many other states, to get a general picture of what’s normal.
Guys, that was all published here two days ago. Comments belong there.
Turtles do like life in The Swamp
AMERICA IS PREPARING FOR WAR – Cyber Team Evidence And Conclusions
Cyber teams working behind the scenes have just released an explanatory report which describes the current situation our republic finds herself in.
The republic is being stolen and options are dwindling to save her.
You can read the entire report here:
EXC – The Great Reset: Bannon Interviews Archbishop Vigano – ‘Biden An Irreparable, China-Complicit Disaster
The exclusive transcript of an interview conducted by War Room show host and former White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon with His Excellency Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop. The National Pulse is publishing the interview – which primarily concerns the Catholic Church, the deep state, and the key actors involved – without edits.
For the last couples of weeks I have been thinking that the Masons may be behind the RINOs attitudes. They appear to be more loyal to the deep state than to the Republican party and the President. They appear that they are more loyal to a Democrat mason that to their own party. The good Archbishop mentioned the Masonic – Globalist project which I had not seen previously.
I think we should start asking hypothetical questions. Who in the US congress, would the US Milt trust, if the US Milt has unequivocal evidence that covid is a WMD and part of a sophisticated Chinese plot? This is not a trick question. Less than 20.
The Chinese have close to 100% control over Pelosi (Controls US House of Representative and Intel committees, other committees and so on) and Biden (New US Pres if action is not taken) and say 30% control/influence over McConnell whose wife has obviously been bought by the Chinese.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi needs to explain why she put Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., on the Intelligence Committee amid backlash over his relationship with a Chinese spy, Sen. Tom Cotton argued Wednesday.
A group of 17 Republican House members sent a letter to Pelosi, D-Calif., Tuesday urging her to “immediately remove” Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee in response to reports over his past ties to a spy from China, who posed as a college student, networked with up-and-coming politicians and allegedly slept with a pair of Midwestern mayors.
The plan is to present the best evidence of 2020 election fixing evidence …. To congress on Wednesday, Jan. 6 th. And then the Vice President and a dozen senators are going block the acceptance of the US election for a few days….
The goal is draw out the corrupt Supreme court. At at a time of war, these group of people do not have the US Milt trust or respect. The US legal system is stinking corrupt and ‘weaponized’.
The US system has a ton of stupid weaponized legislation that was specifical designed/written, to enable outside groups, like NGOs, to stop US projects and to force the US to doing stupid things like spend money on climate emergency/change using the Supreme court. The Dem plan is to take over the US Supreme court.
With the supreme court shut down for a few years/parked…. New legislation will be written that is clear and transparent that protects citizens and addresses real environmental issues.
The US must compete with China and the US people must support the new system. The US will have real clean water, real clean air, real health care, and real new jobs. And the US will not spend itself to death.
And all of the legislative changes planned are common sense, no hot button issues and zero political bias, in the selection of issues to address first and next.
Having lived and worked in DC, I have seen how it attracts and breeds a different sort.
I didn’t fit in and was expelled.
Seeing Congress and it’s support population up close is an unenlightening experience.
Being elected is as close to forever as humanly possible.
The decline of industrialization is eliminating a working class ethic that once kept the aristocracy in check.
The Red/Blue Urban/Heartland cultural chasm.
The Unwashed are coming to town.
They are closing the roads and hotels.
I can’t remember that ever happening for a protest.
Bad sign.
Hypocritical D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser Calls Up The National Guard Ahead of The January 6 #StoptheSteal Rally
Marxist Muriel Bowser, the purported Mayor of the District of Columbia has called in the National Guard ahead of a huge #StoptheSteal pro-Trump rally slated for Wednesday. The AP reports,
“Washington, D.C.‘s mayor urged calm Monday as some 340 National Guard troops were being activated while the city prepared for potentially violent protests surrounding Congress’ expected vote to affirm President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.
“According to a U.S. defense official, Mayor Muriel Bowser put in a request on New Year’s Eve to have Guard members on the streets from Jan. 5-7th, to help with the protests.”
I call BS. Ms. Black Lives Matter Bowser is the dumbass who declared Christmas Eve, an already hallowed and internationally known day of celebration of the Eve of the birth of Christ, as Anthony Fauci Day, and even did an official proclamation. She is as unserious as an interview with Cardi B.
If Bowser was concerned about unrest, she wouldn’t have let Black Lives Matter D.C. and Antifa destroy property and monuments during the George Floyd protests and then proudly rename 16th Street across from the White House “Black Lives Matter Plaza”.
If Marxist Muriel was actually concerned about the safety of her city and on top of it, she would have known to prepare her police for the #StoptheSteal Rally that happened in D.C. a week after the November 3 election.
Bloomberg Pushes ‘Violence Coming to DC’ Narrative, Congress Warned to Avoid Public Contact January 6th
Using their ever-familiar anonymous sources; which is to say there are no real sources; a very predictable corporate media narrative started earlier today where pro-Trump rally attendees are shaped as domestic terrorists intended to create havoc and violence in Washington DC. As the DC mayor calls-in the national guard to protect the capital from the unwashed masses, the media strike up the domestic terrorist threat.
The corporate media narrative engineering is as transparent as the fraud perpetrated amid our new banana-republic form of government. The dismissive use of “so called first-amendment” is a nice touch amid the typeset. Methinks, the elites doth protest too much.
Ahead of pro-Trump rallies, DC’s mayor asks Washingtonians not to engage with those coming to the city ‘seeking confrontation’
Remember this fiery but peaceful summer? There were riots in Democrat-controlled cities around the country, but in July, a handful of Democratic mayors sent a letter to Congress demanding that the government withdraw federal law enforcement agents from their cities; Mayor Lori Lightfoot said under no circumstances would she let President Trump’s “troops” terrorize the citizens of Chicago. Jake Tapper explained to an angry viewer that CNN didn’t mean to blur the faces of Trump’s “secret police”; it was the protesters’ identities they were trying to obscure.
Now that supporters of President Trump are planning to gather again in Washington, D.C., for a #StopTheSteal rally, Mayor Muriel Bower is asking the D.C. National Guard to step in, “as these demonstrations will follow similar events on November 14, 2020 and December 12, 2020, which resulted in a large influx of participants, violence and criminal activity.” From Antifa, yeah.
Doesn’t Bowser know that some of the Guardsmen might be loyal to President Trump? Can they be trusted?
I notice they are calling it a “protest”, not a rally. Media spin!!
Re your experience in DC. I have often asked myself –does a job change a person or does a job attract a particular type of person ?
I’m mainly referring to jobs in bureaucracy (in any country). I’ve concluded there is a bit of both but I think the former is the largest group. Those like you who did not fit and had the foresight to leave, I think are in a minority from my experience. ( But my guess is the time and experience you had, has been a positive in the long run in that understanding how it works is an asset)
I was raised in a small southern town.
DC was the closet Big City I could run away too. (you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone)
I noticed immediately a difference.
The people there had a disconcerting pathological neutrality.
An air of intellectual dispassion which I now understand a as signifier of faux intelligence.
I had very, emphasis very, low level experience in politics and military, which is less impressive when you consider there is so much of that there.
There are lots of young enthusiastic folk that go there and work on staffs and such and burn out by 35.
If you can rise and survive in that hidden world, you are set, and those are the folk writing the 15,000 page bills the Congress persons never read. There’s gold in them ‘thar Bills.
(Curious aside, I had the displeasure of speaking by phone a few times with Tony Podesta, famous disturbing art collector of Clinton e-mail leak fame. He made lots running an organization known as People for the American Way … (har) … I consider his art taste unsurprising.)
A job can change a person but that can depend on how much person is there to start with.
I find seeing behind the curtain of government a lot like seeing behind the curtain of climate science.
There is no doubt a certain bliss in ignorance.
I regret leaving the South.
PS …
I’m considering getting a ‘Stars and Bars’ tattoo on my buttocks.
Hoping for a chance to show it to Governor Cuomo.
By Howell Woltz -January 4, 2021
It’s legally confusing to many as to how this will play out, because an old statute defining the process – The Electoral Count Act of 1887 – directly conflicts with the United States Constitution.
The Constitution gives the Vice President – and only the Vice President – full power to accept or deny Electors from the various States.
The Constitution also gives State Legislatures – and only State Legislatures – the power to make laws for Elections and submit a Slate of Electors to Congress – yet both have been usurped by traitorous State Officials loyal to foreign powers – including some Republicans.
The Law hasn’t stopped the drama thus far – at least Six States openly violated federal law & Constitution to bring us to this crisis
Yes. Law was trashed by the six States which were proven to intentionally hold fraudulent elections – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada and Pennsylvania (as well as others, not being challenged such as Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina and New York).
CCP-compromised Governors and Secretaries of State – both Republican and Democrat – received ‘benefits’ from CCP-owned Dominion Voting Systems and its subsidiaries to allow compromised voting equipment into their states.
This was proven as far back as 2006 to produce fraudulent results – by design.
It’s advertised and in their manual, – as you’ll see this Wednesday in Congress–and those States illegally appoints Electors to cover their fraud.
But there is more
Off topic but breaking news: Lin Wood unleashes twitter storm on Justice Roberts.
I think you can read this page as a visitor:
Hanrahan – It’s Quite a Read
Lin Wood is willing to put his life ‘at great risk’ in order to reveal ‘the TRUTH’ about Chief Justice John Roberts and other ‘powerful individuals’
Say what you will about Lin Wood, but the guy is brave AF.
It’s not any man who would literally put his life on the line to speak the TRUTH about what’s happening at the highest levels of the United States government:
And yet, so many questions unanswered.
Why leave it so long and so late in the game?
Why announce it first instead of releasing it widely?
Has he got the goods, or is he fishing instead?
I could go on… has Wood been set up?
Perhaps there are good answers to all these. Perhaps not. Extraordinary claims there.
We can but wait and see, we are outsiders after all.
Ignoring And Ridiculing Election Fraud Concerns Will Not Make Them Go Away
If nothing else, conservatives must all be on board with addressing the disastrous crisis of trust this election has produced.
Restoration of trust in due process is the central goal of the statement issued by Sen. Ted Cruz on election integrity. He and the 11 other senators who signed it understand something that few officials and pundits—particularly many self-described conservatives—are willing to admit: to certify electors without a comprehensive investigation into thousands of allegations of fraud in the 2020 election would be a betrayal of Americans’ trust as well as an egregious violation of their oath to protect the Constitution.
Whether or not you agree there was massive electoral fraud in the 2020 presidential election does not really matter at this point. Every American should be deeply concerned if nearly half of all voters are convinced that large-scale fraud handed the election to the Biden-Harris ticket. Some may hope the conviction will fade with time, but more likely the distrust will deepen, especially since it comes despite non-stop denials and censorship about fraud by both Big Tech and Big Media.
Power corrupts and politics is power . When I vote its for who I think will screw me the least , but that’s getting hard now as no-one in politics has a spine or does what they “promise”. As for the USA they are royally stuffed as the MSM and internet giants are totally partisan and promote the agenda of the left . We are living in arguably the best time to be alive and are about to destroy all the progress we have made. As Jo has pointed out when democracy stops dictatorship is not far away. We don’t seem to be able to learn from the past do we ?
Good summary.
Australia is no different, we have our own swamp full of invertebrates.
Our media is as corrupt as the US, our politicians have been selling our assets to the Chinese for decades, never held to account, rarely makes the news and if it does it disappears the next day never to be spoken of again.
Royal commission after royal commission, 10’s of millions each to the mates of the ruling class to be ignored at best or sealed from public scrutiny for a century.
This is the world over, Americans seem to of been selected to fight the worlds battle.
God bless every American for manning up to this fight and all the others you have fought with and for us.
Thank you one and all.
In many ways we are worse. For starters we don’t have a right to bear arms against despots. Also, much of the population couldn’t give a damn about where the nation is heading unlike many Americans who love their nation enough to fight for it under their Constitutional right to do, and in fact are obliged to do so. That’s why they are at a critical juncture. Either Trump stands up for them and uses the Insurrection Act to restore order in the election process, or else he just gives it up and lets the US become a despot republic like so many others where elections are also as fraudulent and they get away with it.
But Peter Australians do have the legal right to bear arms, obtain a gun licence and register your guns, automatic military design weapons prohibited, with some exceptions subject to application, example a remote area property owner or staffer for feral pest control.
But I prefer to leave my defence to highly trained Australian Defence Forces and Police Forces, and point to Afghanistan and Iraq civilian troublemakers against professional military personnel. And noting here in Australia strict laws against civil disobedience and terrorism, illegal weapons banned, together with substantial budget provisions for anti-terrorism intelligence gathering and surveillance.
In short talk about bearing arms against authority is ridiculous.
We have three shot mag capacity in the decent power range. You need to be a professional shooter to get a semi in a useful power range all I could get was a 22 semi, on a property. On pigs you may as well club them with it, as you start putting pin holes in them, they get a tad angry. They can’t see for sh!t but they know where your hiding.
The boys in blue have gone black, their oath is to the queen as is the politicians, not the people. They have been conducting themselves so well recently.
We have laws against terrorism, well that will stop them. I have never heard of a Terrorist or any criminal breaking a law. Illegal weapons are banned, thank god, what would happen if those Law abiding criminals and terrorists got their hands on them. Would that make them legal?
You call them Authority, did you give them Authority. (power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior)
“Substantial budget provisions for anti-terrorism intelligence gathering and surveillance”. There is an App for that now, looking out for us plebs.
“and point to Afghanistan” They have been fighting off the worlds super powers since time began and have never lost in the long run. That’s the power of the people when defending their country, unbeatable.
I understand your view, let others fight your battles for you.
Display your weapon in the Main Street and let people know that you are the man in th street.
Say what?
I am for the defence of life and property, never had to use a force multiplier. Had a thief that stole from my shed on my farm, chased him down, think it may of been what was cradled in my arms that got my stuff back, police were fine with that and told me never to do that unarmed. So there is that.
If I displayed a weapon in my street/road, the neighbours would not even blink.
Going all Wyatt Earp are you, silly. When seconds count the police are an hour away.
Dennis are you just being funny or something? Unless one is a security officer we do not have the right to bear arms, in particular semi-automatics and side arms. Bearing arms means being able to walk around on your private land with a loaded gun for self-protection, not just the killing of say animals if one is a farmer.
When was the last time you needed to be armed for self-protection Peter?
And I am not a city person and have spent considerable time on country properties since primary school days.
Dennis, I agree in principle and wish is was so.
Unfortunately you just have to look at the police behavior in Victoria in effectively assaulting women and the elderly with No justification.
Then in Sydney the gun crime in recent decades has been appalling and a sign of politicians ignoring politically sensitive gang crime while leaving regular citizens unprotected.
We have been let down very badly by our politicians in not guiding the police force to secure our cities.
I hate guns and would prefer that only police had them: unfortunately this isn’t 1950 when all the crims were in gaol or strung up.
Spare the rod and spoil the nation.
If you are going to die defending your bridge, at least find a bridge.
My god, “When was the last time you needed to be armed for self-protection Peter?” the first time might be the last time and will be the last time if you cannot defend yourself. Every day its shootings and stabbings. Domestic violence, most caused by the people with a useless AVO and no means for the victim to defend themselves, they know they will be killed if the perp gets to them.
My sister in law has spent 40 years running and hiding, moving from one town to the next, because she thought she saw the Ex in the town she was in at the time, lived the best part of her life in fear, because people like you prevent her from obtaining safety.
No Dennis we don’t have the right to bear arms , ours is a privilege based on need or reason .
Obtaining a firearm for self defence is security, police and Army with maybe tourguide up north in croc country thrown in .
Genuine reason for us plebs is sporting but you need to be part of a club same with target shooting and then there’s farmers / landholders , hunting is also a genuine need after you supply permits and or permissions .
Citizens don’t need permission.
Serfs do.
The winner.
By saying it is a privilege – like a drivers license is nonsense to me as I”m not subservient to the state. If the State “comes for me and oppresses me” I will react. If the State fails you completely then it’s anarchy. Unfortunately.
I have seen two movies in the last few days that have some relevance to current events. A 2010 movie “The Debt” about the Israeli Mosad sent to capture and return a Nazi war criminal (Surgeon of Birkenau). In one scene the Nazi surgeon said, and I paraphrase, “why did it only take 4 guards to herd 1000 Jews to the gas chambers?”
While I avoid watching Vietnam movies, I had never heard of this one and thought I would see what it was about, a 2015 movie “Ride the Thunder”. There is a scene where Le Ba Binh is talking about communist and what they are like. Again, I paraphrase, “They try to act civilized, but they are not.”
We have been tolerant far too long. We allow a few to control thousands. We think if we act civilized, they will reciprocate. History tells us where we are being herded.
What Australian media can one read nowadays that is not left-leaning? I don’t think there are any…
There’s only Quadrant, published ten times per year.
No, we never learn from the past. We keep repeating it. Nothing new of course. Enjoy the music while it lasts.
Rich McConnell?
BREAKING: A Printer in Michigan Printed Tens of Thousands of Excess Pennsylvania Ballots Which Were Shipped to New York and Fraudulently Filled Out Before Being Delivered to Pennsylvania
See link for rest.
Looks legit.
What can Trump do with that at this late stage?
IS Old Ozzie really Pat?
[I doubt it. We miss Pat, and I fear the worst. He has not commented since mid March and there were no clues in his last comment. – Jo]
Wondered that myself, different style yet the same?
I decree that from now on we call him Old Pat. You should be on board with that 🙂
There was only one Pat and there’s only one “Old Ozzie” yes different style but love the info they both found for us all .
That was a dig at Peta Fitzroy aka Small Footprint and in no way disrespectful to Pat.
I had a long look at the thread Jo linked to; lots by Pat and no indication of anything wrong. I used to look at a lot of his info.
It was interesting how much of that thread was covering what we still discuss re. the Wuflu.
Pat would send me small contributions via a letter with no return address. His email likewise was not live. The only way I could communicate with him was through comments in the moderation dashboard. So sadly, if something happened to him, there is no way I can find out. :- ( I miss ROM too.
I do too Jo. He was ill and in hospital in Melbourne a while back and visited by PeterC and beththeserf. No recent news though.
I’m not sure what difference it will make given the Democrats have control of one part of Congress so the disputed votes will not be discarded. Is Pence expecting to shame them to “cross the floor” and vote for Trump???? Let’s see what Pence is talking about when the day comes.
O/T, but got to mark his passing.
RIP: Gerry Marsden.
Even now, after so long The Ferry is still burnt into my memory.
He’s crossed the bar.
The Spookys do the bar.
real relationship between Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems in Barbados
Mellisa Carone affidavit on her Nov 3-4 Detroit experience
1-4-21 The Data Integrity Group is a group of scientists, engineers and machine learning experts who have been working together to check whether or not there was manipulation of data in the 2020 general election. The group’s lineup of data scientists includes Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue. Mealey is a nine-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, where he worked as an electronic warfare technician, cryptologic technician, and Arabic linguist. He worked at the NSA as a mission manager for Levant/North Africa and later worked as a CIA contractor at the National Counter-Terrorism Center.
The group said that Election Day vote removals happened during the vote tabulation process. According to analysis by the Data Integrity Group, obtained exclusively by the Epoch Times, votes for Trump – from both Election Day and mail-in ballots – were removed from the totals in at least 15 counties.
Lobue has 12 years of experience in data science and machine learning across financial services, telecommunications and research consulting industries. He currently specializes in artificial intelligence applications. Data scientists from the group have analyzed the election data for several states including Arizona and Georgia.
the Government of Barbados has refined its legislation so that foreign investors can establish an international business entity easily and enjoy maximum returns. Invest Barbados (IB) is a government agency that has been entrusted with the task of landing foreign investments. This agency offers a range of facilities and services to foreign investors who are looking to start up their business in the country.
Over the past 30 years, successive governments have painstakingly built a highly attractive environment for foreign investment and international business. In addition to offering attractive tax concessions and incentives, the island has established a network of tax treaties with several countries including the USA, Canada, The UK, Switzerland and China. Indeed, Barbados has continually enacted – and refined – legislation that makes the country a highly respected domicile not only for International Banks but also for International Business Companies. In addition, the island is home to a well-educated and skilled population and enjoys a well-developed infrastructure and a sophisticated level of services. Underlying legislation for International Banks: company may be licensed as an International Bank in Barbados under the International Financial Services Act, 2002. Activities of International Banks are regulated by the Central Bank of Barbados.
4. The IMF is a secretive institution with no accountability The IMF is funded with taxpayer money, yet it operates behind a veil of secrecy.
5. IMF policies promote corporate welfare To increase exports, countries are encouraged to give tax breaks and subsidies to export industries.
That’s why Mitch only half-heartedly supported the revelations about Biden’s pay-for-play dealings in Ukraine and China and actually in cahoots with his friends Murdoch and Ryan helped to kill the whole thing and left Trump hanging out to dry. Because he is just as corrupt and beholden to China as they are.
I’m on the outside looking in but it has been obvious for years that both the Turtle and Graham are corrupt deep-staters. Graham’s impassioned plea for Kavanagh makes me doubt him too. Trump has not made the best of his SCOTUS picks. He needs hard nosed Justices who have ruffled feathers in the past not powder-puffs.
Mitch McConnell is one dodgy connection – what about Kelly Loeffler’s husband? Owns the New York Stock Exchange, which has just reneged on delisting companies owned by Chinese military as per Trump’s executive order.
Only seen this news in two places so far – Conservative Treehouse (and boy, is Sundance hopping mad about it) and NikkeiAsia
( and
[Was caught in spam along with several others. Sorry.]ED
Re China – Kelly Loeffler’s husband owns NYSE. Also covered on Conservative Treehouse today. Posted earlier but it disappeared.
[Was caught in spam along with several others. Sorry.]ED
Jo, please establish which time zone is applied to dated and timed posts. Such would avoid potential confusion.
Why for?
Thought so.
Via ZeroHedge
The FDA today joined The WHO and Dr.Fauci in admitting there is a notable risk of false results from the standard PCR-Test used to define whether an individual is a COVID “Case” or not.
This matters significantly as it fits perfectly with the ‘fake rescue’ plan we have previously described would occur once the Biden admin took office. But before we get to that ‘conspiracy’, we need a little background on how the world got here…
RTWT *including* the hotlinks…
Our very own Savior! ALL Hail (or is it Heil ) Biden/Harris!!
Our very own White Horse! (now which color horse in Revelation might that be for my Country?)
John Lennon and Oko would be proud.
Presented with tongue firmly planted in cheek…
Monty Python – I Like Chinese (Official Lyric Video)
Or this link. Please ignore the 30 second ad or skip past if you can.
One link didn’t show up. Anyway, y’all get the picture…
EVERYBODY HERE read this Twitter thread BEFORE it gets memory-holed…
Trump and his team are on this…I just hope and pray he nails those in Georgia AND uses this to bolster (even more strongly) his case for a recount there AND and in other states like mine in AZ.
Definitely gonna watch how this all plays out with his presentation to Congress on 1/6/2021.
And do not forget the 6th is not the date that really matters. That date is 1/20!
If the electoral votes still go for B/H then it’s time for the EO and invocation of the IA. Trump wants all this to play out so he can say he and his teams did everything possible thru “normal” channels.
Then, it’s time for the hammer to drop…
I don’t know what the fuss is about. Elaine Chao is obviously a patriot; she’s got an American flag broach on her jacket!
Snouts in the trough…only question is, whose snout is in the deepest?
Here’s an instance of a female foreign agent influencing an important American senator:
“Senator Arthur Vandenberg of Michigan, a protégé of the isolationist William Borah, ranked among the foremost non-interventionists during the 1930s. He executed a sudden volte-face in July 1940 and supported the crucial Lend-Lease Bill in March 1941. Mr. Mahl attributes the change of heart to the influence of Mitzi Sims, Vandenberg’s mistress, who had strong ties to British intelligence ….”
—David Gordon, Mises Review, Fall 1999, review of “Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the United States,” by Thomas Mahl
This allegation was backed up in a YouTube video I saw a few days ago, in, IIRC, a multi-part documentary that bragged about the achievements of the British Secret Service.
Ambulances in Los Angeles will no longer give rides to those with Covid and a bad prognosis.