A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Please See Joshua Philipps’ of The Epoch Times documentary:
“2020 Election Investigation: Who Is Stealing America?”
Also see following video by him:
(I can’t find that one on a site other than YouTube, I normally try to only post links to non-Leftist free speech sites.)
The second video is about USSC Justice John Roberts and his alleged attempt to participate in the coup against President Trump.
Now that the SCOTUS has failed to do their job how about Trump appeal to the people? Under the Constitution he has every right to do so given the circumstances. That would require him to use the Insurrection Act and the EO of 2018 to conduct a fresh round of elections supervised by the military. After winning (again) he can then extend the process and conduct military trials to send those found guilty of treason to prison for life.
One of these fine days the shooting will start!
More on Justice John Roberts by Dr Steve Turkey. Posted 19 hrs ago as I write this.
Supreme Court Gives Trump HUGE WIN as John Roberts Accused of FEARING RIOTS!!!
In this video, we’re going to take a look at the HUGE win for President Trump with regard to illegal aliens and redistricting, how John Roberts is being called out as a coward by a growing number of voices, and what’s really behind the corruption of our courts and what we really need to do about, you are NOT going to want to miss this!
“The Supreme Court has come out and made a statement denying that Chief Justice Roberts screamed in a room because they met by phone. This shows that they have been monitoring the comments since they denied the Texas lawsuit when there was no justification for “discretion” to deny taking the case. This is like asking if someone beat their spouse on Sunday, and they say no I was at church. If later caught, they simply say: Oh, sorry, I thought that was Saturday. They did not deny refusing to take the case because of protests. There were other rumors that Chief Justice Roberts on a phone call to Justice Breyer also said they will not take any case from Trump on the election.”
More here: The Supreme Court Denies Rumors but not the Substance
As stated in the the link I posted above, Chief Justice Roberts should be impeached, but the Deep State will support him.
Correction: Turley not Turkey. The stupid spelling checker altered it without me noticing.
Turn it off, if only to show that it is [Snip] than you are.
[No more personal insults please.]AD
Australian Covid-19 Containment Cracks: Cases Spreading New South Wales and Possibly Queensland
Gladys has repeatedly asked other states to take more returned travellers. NSW has handled more than any other state. But it’s also true that states must manage the loads they take on. The consequences of leaks are too phenomenally expensive.
I see Victoria has learned the hard way that borders save businesses and lives.
The problem with the lockdowns is now. Yes the lockdowns worked, but at very great cost. Now, how do we reopen and get back to business, or even do the humanitarian thing and let the locked out Australians return home?
My criticism it that so far only the Northern Territory has a dedicated quarantine station. And on top of that there seem to be exceptions so that not all travellers get quarantined, even though some pose a risk. It is seen as unfair and it is corrosive of public trust.
Why is it so difficult for our health authorities to take such simple measures?
The problem is covid appears to be more about locking people down and destroying economies than actual science.
In victoria, the death rate from covid ( if you ignore that according to the CDC 94%:of “covid deaths” arent actually from the virus ) is at best 1.9% of cases and these are in 70+ years age group.
I call BS on it….
Right on.
I find it extremely disturbing that the western world finds a flurry of new “cases” that require “lockdown and submit” just before Christmas.
And in the moderne definition of “Cases” it is almost for sure and certain that there are no symptoms, just the alarm rung by the all seeing all finding PCR teste.
But wait, there are sure to be a few nursing home deaths soon that will give proof of the need for the March of Kovid Kontrol through our naughty civilisation.
In memorium, we think of those in Victoria’s high rise Kovid Incubators.
And now for 2021 and she’ll be alright cause ScoMo has invested a cool million or two in advertising to tell us about Australia’s recovery programme.
And that annoying recovery add was playing yesterday as I drove past upwards of fifty empty shops and offices, the mess created by The Lockdown.
Scott, tell me, how are these business owners and their families going to Bounce Back?
The political response to CV19 has been fruitless in the sense of control and devastating to the lives of man woman and child.
How can governments deny families the right to see dying relatives in their last moments: this one aspect of the control is almost without doubt, the full expression of Evil.
2020. The year we lost Anzac day, Christian Easter, Christmas and worst of all, our common sense.
If the Country keeps locking down at ever outbreak, Australia will never ever open up
As a 75+ with Comorbidities, I take Zinc, Quercetin,Vitamin D Supplement (as well as sit in the sun which I shouldn’t) besides normal meds and am responsible for my own life and have HCQ, Zinc and Erythromycin ready to take if any symptoms occur.
Christmas has been destroyed by the over reactions – my eldest daughter and her husband and Grandkids 2/4/6 were supposed to be arriving yesterday from Melbourne for Christmas through early January – we have not seen them since July this year when they were lucky to escape VicStasiland for 2 weeks
Youngest Grandkids 7/8/9 are distraught they will not be seeing their Cousins at Christmas, as all the presents are under the Christmas Tree waiting for them
Elder Daughter with her kids, but sans Husband, hopes to be able to come up in January.
If the current reactions continue Australia will be a Prison.
President Trump sums up Australia
Trump Slams BoJo’s Christmas Lockdown: ‘Cure Cannot Be Worse Than Problem’
Preventing Ecosystem Collapse: Caribbean Coral Reefs
Yes, I saw this at wuwt but someone in oz tell me the latest situation? It’s an extremely small outbreak that seems to be causing considerable repercussions. Are lockdowns on the cards?
The Sydney to Hobart yacht race has been cancelled for the first time in 75 years.
Absolutely ridiculous!
It is especially ridiculous now we know how it can be dealt with using Dr. Zelenko’s HCQ Protocol or Prof Thomas Borody’s Ivermectin Protocol. It is truly evil that these haven’t been followed.
Agree 100%, how could cv19 survive an open ocean race with lots of salt water, UV and a supply of HQC?, I mean sometimes sailors don’t make its extremely harsh out there.
Good points. They are more likely to die of drowning than to die from the virus. If they were consistent they shoudl ban the race permanently in case someone does drown. Of course they can’t be consistent as they are fools and clueless.
The thing is the Taswegians don’t want tourists from the mainland at the moment and I support them.
Really? right now the only restrictions they have for all of Australia and NZ is for the Sydney metro area.
People in the area have been asked to stay at home.
There is a great escape from Sydney underway as people alter holiday plans to avoid getting locked up in Sydney.
All other states have some sort of border restrictions for people from Sydney/NSW. Queensland again require all NSW residents to have permits to get into Queensland. My sister-in-law has houses on the northern NSW coast and Brisbane. She made a dash yesterday to Brisbane before the border restrictions were reapplied.
The Sydney to Hobart was probably deemed impractical because crews were required to isolate for 14 days upon arrival in Tasmania. They probably could have devised a method of provisioning and turning around but there would also be issues for crews now in Sydney. Also a lot of the racing crews come home via planes and leave the boats with just small crews to cruise home. I expect some crew are already abandoning ship trying to escape potential lockdown in Sydney.
Being Covid free is regarded as quite precious by the Australian community and the vast majority of people understand how easy it it to spread. Those who have endured lockdowns in Victoria simply do not want to repeat that; gun shy or even paranoid come to mind; not necessarily because of Covid but the fear of the government response.
Thanks Rick, good coverage for our UK colleagues.
I wondered last night if they could have moved the yacht race to Melbourne-to-Hobart, or Adelaide-to-Hobart. I suppose the yacht’s and crews are mostly in Sydney already though so it couldn’t be done. Damn shame.
There normally is a Melb/Hob race, goes around the bottom of Tas. But EG nails it: Tassy doesn’t want the visitors.
There is already a Melbourne to Hobart run at the same time. It does not have the world renown of the Sydney to Hobart.
I expect the crews were scurrying like drowned rats to get out of Sydney. No one wants to be caught in a 14 day lockdown to return home if they can avoid it.
Thanks for the news. It all seems a bit excessive. surely people from Sydney cant be fleeing the city on the basis of such a small outbreak or is there serious talk of locking down the city as they did in Victoria? Is there a criteria applied as to when that might happen?
wouldnt have the same cache with the yachties
There is something big gone down…. There appears to be Absolute Blocking of the Pelosi Intelligence Committee scandal. That new level of all out Blocking is a big deal. As is the Pelosi Intel committee issue.
Can anyone connect to?
A blog site does not block access to the blog site. A blog site might block comments, not access. It does not matter what browser is used. The software the browser runs on is suddenly smart enough to not let the connection happen,
Block Reason: Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons.
Time: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 18:10:07 GMT
All of our ‘computer’ devices have software (android software or apple operating system that ‘allows/enable’ us to connect to the Internet. That software was in the past been absolutely neutral …. Politically neutral. In fact it was transparent to the user.
So ‘Google’ figured out that people will Duckduckgo rather than Google searches to Find out about the Pelosi scandal. So what they have now done is used the Android software which they also own and control to block connection to a site.
Can anyone connect to?
Block Reason: Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons.
Time: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 18:10:07 GMT
It appears that … ……Devices that run Android software (phones) & google browsers such a Chrome and Apple Devices like laptops, phones, and so on will not connect to newsla.localad
Block Technical Data
Block Reason: Access from your area has been temporarily limited for security reasons.
Time: Sat, 19 Dec 2020 18:10:07 GMT
About Wordfence
Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 3 million WordPress sites. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site.
You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence’s blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence.
‘Google’, not the search engine, but the software Google wrote ‘Android’ now blocks what internet sites you can connect with your Android device.
This is the scandal that Big Brother is trying to hide Nancy Pelosi, is the head of the US ‘House of Representatives’ a 438 member group and Pelosi is also head of a US Intelligence committee.
Pelosi placed Swalwell on the her ‘Intelligence’ Committee
Swalwell has been implicated in a high level Chinese plan, complete with a girl ‘friend’ who as went back to china, and the girl spy’s ‘business’ friends who financed Swalwell. Swalwell had a super fast trip up the political ladder, right into Pelosi’s Intelligence Committee.
Yesterday Pelosi and the senior Rep on the Pelosi’s Intelligence committee received a one hour briefing, on one subject: ‘The Swalwell Chinese plot investigation.’
“I’ve been asking for this briefing since the story broke publicly,” he said. “I was not briefed.
That’s when I first learned about it. I had two different FBI briefings scheduled that were canceled on the day. And now it came on Friday, and we were briefed together,
Speaker Pelosi and myself for more than an hour. I can’t tell you about what’s in it, but I can tell you this.
What I learned today and anyone who was in that room with me would never allow Swalwell to be on the Intel Committee or to continue to be on it. I don’t know if the briefing before for leaders if they had the same information they have today, but if that was the case, he should not be serving.”
Hello William Astley,
I had no problem accessing “” on Chrome running on a Windows 10 PC. I don’t have an Android device so I can’t check it there for you.
Thanks RicDre. That is interesting. So Microsoft, Windows 10 is still good.
I cannot connect with Apple, regardless of browser used. Can someone try connecting with apple?
Can someone try with Android?
William – Using Ad Block Browser on Android Samsung Note 3, Samsung Note 8 and iPhone 5SE – all 3 came back with the same error message –
Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner
Your access to this service has been limited. (HTTP response code 503)
If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance.
My android Samsung tablet is blocked!
No joy on Linux with Firefox and Vivaldi(chrome).
William, my iPad blocks the site I will try my windows10 machine with Firefox.
iMac using Chrome, but DuckDuckGo as search engine – 85 Tabs open in Chrome
VPN on showing Melbourne got Error Message on Pelosi Article – Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner
Your access to this service has been limited. (HTTP response code 503)
If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance.
VPN off – same error message
Changed VPN to Miami and Site came up OK
When entered – same sequence as above occurred
William – same sequence on iMac using Firefox and Safari
Hey OldOzzie….
We have found something that is explosive.
The DuckDuckgo searches find the internet address, for the independent Blogs that are talking about Dems 2020 Fixing and the Pelosi China Scandal…..
But Apple the Company has started to stop their computers and their iphones from connecting to the Banned Internet Address.
The Apple and Google control devices both block the connection to the valid internet address. Apple creates a lie, that the area you are from does not allow you to connect to the blog. Google on the other hand tells the lie that Blog is running special software to stop people from connecting to it.
I have the same problem. Linux OS running Firefox browser.
Hi RexAlan
Out of curiosity: what’s your distro? I’m using Debian 10.6.
Hi Sophocles, I’m currently using Linux Mint Tricia Ubuntu Base 19.3.
I have been using Linux Mint for maybe 4 years now. I really enjoy using it. When I first moved over from Windows it took awhile to get used to but I’d never go back to Windows now.
PS, It’s nice to meet another Linux user.
I know (and like) the Mint distribution and have for years. A colleague and I used Mint as a intro for a group of people to whom we gave an intro to Open Source. Mint DVDs were handed out and the demo was a great success. That was about 10 yrs ago, and was a lot of fun.
Yes, it’s good to bump into another user. Linux is still a minority system but it’s growing.
mmmmm might simply be a misconfiguation tech stuff up as well
had to beleive a site like that would be the target of a grand (but very clunky) attempt to limit news when 1000s of other sites exist.
What it appears blogs sites and sites with unfiltered output are being blocked, not the news sites.
and I notice there are suddenly on the internet, a new set of fake news sites… with names I have never seen that have a ‘conservative’ slant.
This Pelosi Chinese Intelligent Committee Swalwell thing is going to go all the way. I heard the US Milt have evidence on the CIA Frankfurt server that disqualifies Pelosi from serving in the US government. And the US Milt is going to lay charges concerning CIA direct interference into the 2020 US election.
Replying to Astley >>> Yarpos: Looks like misconfiguration, as the same message appears using Tor via Brave.
If you reduce the search item to
pelosi snaps over swalwell spy scandal
using duckduckgo in a new private window, safe search off, last day/last week, I get get numerous results from other sources, very few using google.
Agreed. Yahoo search on that string in Vivaldi on Win10 brings DailyMail story up at #1 with the NewYorkPost, NewAmerican and then localad in fourth place.
Hi Martin,
The problem is more serious than a search engine will not find the internet id address.
The is super censorship. This new level of censorship will not let you connect to an internet address regardless of the program you are running as an interface on that computer. The Device Operating System suddenly has become smart evil.
Apple computers and all devices running Android (Google) will not let a user connect to the internet id address.
When I tried to connect the Apple device fake message generated said My Area Does not Allow Me To Connect. I would assume area means country.
When I tried to connect with an Android device fake message generated said the Blog site which I am trying to connected is running protection software that will not ‘let’ me connect to the blog site.
Exact same style of fake message. See above for the text message.
We thought our device operating system ran the device transparently. Apple’s operating system suddenly became smart and evil and on side with Chinese.
I am hopeful Google will learn an important lesson. They rely on traffic, which is an individual’s choice. If they pee enough people off then their business model fails.
The name “GOOGLE” will be despised across the globe.
Their income fell significantly through the first half of 2020 due to Covid. It has recovered to close to previous highs now but DDG is growing at 30%pa so will eventually put a good size hole in GOOGLE’s pie. They will accelerate that if they continue to selectively censor content based on their corrupted ‘virtues’.
GOOGLE is incredibly intrusive. As is Facebook; always in your face if you have any connection with them.
I totally agree.
The Lords of the Universe and their companies. Have made a ‘strategic’ mistake.
This is what I have heard and which there is evidence to support.
The Chinese are acting as if do not respect the Biden/Pelosi puppet government. Apple computers and all Android devices are now helping the Chinese/Dems hide stuff by not allowing the user to connect to an internet address regardless of browser used.
The Chinese have taken actions which 20 years ago would have led to armed conflict.
This complete lack of respect and common sense…. Has gone right on up to the US Join Chiefs of Staff.
The US Milt is not stupid. The US Milts’ conclusion, with independent investigators, real evidence, and analysis is: The US Dem party has gone rogue. The US has been attacked by the Chinese. The US Milt is now all in concerning their support for the non-violent, smart, response.
The US Milt determined in the summer of this year that covid is an advanced engineered bioweapon that the Chinese designed and released. Covid was designed using advance digital biological engineering. It has not accidently released from a Chinese level 4 lab.
The US Milt in Oct of this year, determined that the Chinese have used biological weapons in the US and they have biological altered dems for political purposes. The US Milt also at the same time found evidence that the CIA were involved in 2020 US election fixing. Using that evidence the US milt got the CIA Frankfurt server which has evidence of Dem direct fixing of the 2020 US election. The US Milt’s plan is to minimize drama, not to get revenge on the Dems by charging a few with treason.
The US Milt’s official response (the Plan) is going to be replace congress with a new system which is non-political, until the US Chinese issues are resolved. So this option enables the US to fix all of the US problems ….. And it is the fixing of the US problems in the US…..
…. That gets Chinese support, in China, for those Chinese who are going to solve China’s problems which is the reason for the design and release of covid. The US will help, China in a smart, respective way.
Logically, as the plan does not have human biases….It is best option for the US (what is the down side of the US fixing all of our problems) and it is the best option for China and for the world.
You describe a braggart ingenuity would disdains to conceal itself. How long do we have?
The Plan I believe will presented to the US people on or before January 15th, by a US Milt team. Same presentation will explain some stuff about Covid and CIA plot.
It is odd. The US Milt, normally would let the US fall into political chaos rather than to get involved with ‘government’ the thing because of human beliefs about Gov the Thing…. However, the Chinese attack on the US and the Dems’ absolute corruption and the CIA involvement in the 2020 US election, and Chinese agents altering Dems, forced the milt to take action.
The US plan is unbeatable and non violent; because it was produced by an AI, that does not have human biases or anger or hate. The AI found a solution that humans/the US Milt would not have find. It does not matter who finds, the optimum solution. Everyone benefits.
And the benefit is forever because the entire world will be watching the US. The US new system is going to super outperform, so we can force our countries to make the same change. Get rid of the class of work celebrity politician, professional politician.
Most humans would not know that Congress is pathetically ineffective and corrupt. So the replacement congress will/can very easily super outperform the old ‘elected’ system. The US House of Representative had 438 individual politicians all of who have their own independent campaigns that are tied to special interests. The US House of Representatives is really a fight of the special interest groups in a process which the US people would be appalled at.
The new system will have squeaky clean handsome, security cleared, young Americans (70 individuals which is sufficient and there is limits to where the new buildings will go), many of who are black and have young families (higher percentage than the US population and oldest 47) who want to do a good job for all Americans and the states because that is their job and it is their country.
Also because the US Milt was forced to take action, the US Milt was also forced to do a great job. There is no other choice. A very good solution that is fair to all Americans and states will stop the fighting and rioting. The new system will prove itself by results. And it will solve piles and piles of problems to get the US people and the states on side with the idea of non-political optimum government supported by an AI.
The system when it is developed will, respond to individual or group citizen requests or suggestion for changes. That is the fun of the system. It enables good ideas to change things, if analysis backs the good idea. Our system picks an option and then cheats to come up with ‘analysis’ to support the Politician’s chose.
The objective, which is the common sense logical best option, is a simple system that forces almost all decisions to be 100% analyse based. The system will always find the optimum set of solutions which humans will then select, to make spending decisions and policy decisions after complete and open consultation with those affected, in an appropriate way.
All inputs and outputs and analysis documented. No Mumbo Jumbo. No tricks. Four year limit to server on the team to ensure fairness.
The exciting news is a real AI will help the US team. This is a perfect problem for an AI.
No problems at all using MacOS 10.15.7 with Safari 14.0.2 over an Xfinity/Comcast internet connection.
If you can connect to the link and I cannot, then the filter is required because of country. If so, there is no problem, as my country restricts some video to protect local broadcasters.
That site opens on my linux pc with opera.
Pelosi defends Swalwell.
“Republicans were using the story to distract from having a “QAnon” conspiracy theorist in their delegation.”
I thought the Dems were not allowed to mention QAnon?
Pelosi continues,
“.. the Chinese—I’ve been fighting them as you know for over 30 years—in terms of their undue influence at universities in our country and the overtures they try to make to members of Congress.” mm mm
Three related articles:
Australia: Chinese Embargo of High Quality Aussie Coal is Increasing CO2 Emissions
China Suffering Mass Blackouts Following Aussie Coal Embargo
China’s Covid-19 Recovery is Not Green Enough
Nothing they do will be “Green” enough, nothing any country does will be “Green” enough. They cannot be appeased. Their whole industry stops if they are ever satisfied.
I received an email from Matt Canavan where he is pushing a levy on iron ore exports to China. I agree.
Levy on iron ore would test China’s metal
The Chinese Communist Party’s illegal trade sanctions against Australian products deserve a strong response. We should apply an export levy on iron ore exports to China to compensate those Australian industries hurt by China’s actions. This would also help the world end its over reliance on Chinese steel. As I wrote in The Australian this week:
“No matter how much government largesse it provides, however, China would not be able to produce over half of the world’s steel if not for Australian iron ore. Australia exports almost 900 million tonnes of iron ore a year. The next biggest exporter is Brazil at around 350 million tonnes, and after that it is daylight, and then the Ukraine at just 45 million tonnes. China gets about 60 per cent of its iron ore needs from Australia.
The price is set by demand. Brazil has had issues this year but is coming back and China has invested heavily in Brazil to ensure it offers an alternative to Australia.
If a government levy was applied then it would impact on profits; a bit like the super profit tax that got thrown out a decade or so back.
Australia is currently doing extremely well from iron ore. Australia’s balance of trade with China is roughly 2X in Australia’s favour. It is no wonder they are looking for reasons to reduce imports of non-crital commodities. Although asking people to only use electric heating when temperature is below 3C is tough by western standards. The off temperature for my heater is 5C so it will start heating if the temperature falls below 5C even if unoccupied.
Big mistake Hanrahan, we don’t have the clout, best to stay in the free market.
Beijing plans to support the BRIX nations at our expense, by driving the price of raw material down.
My bad, BRICS nations.
‘The five countries, known collectively as the “BRICS” (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), form an important economic block. They account for more than 40 percent of the world’s population and over 20 percent of global GDP. Together, they produce more than one-third of global cereal production.’ wiki
The blackouts China is now suffering is not entirely caused by a lack of thermal coal. We ship mainly coking coal to China and they have other sources of thermal coal. So how much our coal that’s being blocked by China is impacting their energy production is unclear. I just hope they don’t start blaming their blackouts on us. If they do it will prove being any doubt their real intentions for Australia, and they are not good!
I meant to say “The blackouts China is now suffering are not entirely caused by a lack of our coking coal”.
Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying
We’ve run the air conditioning maybe 6 or 7 times this summer so far so it’s definitely been colder no matter what BOM fudge the numbers to be .
BoM use world’s best practice data homogenisation to tease trends from stubborn records that do not follow the climate model outputs. I have given some good examples for ocean water in #16.1 below.
The data for the water temperature as a lot of gaps so it is easy to tease trends simply by the method used to fill the data gaps.
Looking under the hood of the shiny plots that the BoM produce shows some grimy stuff.
More from Dr Steve Turley posted 22hrs ago as I post this.
Pentagon HALTS Biden Transition Briefings as Patriot Militias Are INFILTRATING Government!!!
In this video, we’re going to take a look at the shocking announcement that the Pentagon is keeping Biden out of military briefings, how members of the Oath Keepers are winning elections and holding office across the country, and how a new political alliance is forming that promises to make America more conservative than ever, you are NOT going to want to miss this!
Brought to you by “The Last Marine” Book Series! Check out this politically riveting book on Amazon today.
Who and what are the Oath Keepers?
I assume “oath keepers” are those who are keeping the oaths they have already sworn to protect and uphold such as the following for the House of Representatives.
Actually, I think he is referring to patriot members of the US Military.
So “Dr Steve Turkey” in a previous post was a typo. 🙂
The stupid spelling checker altered it without me noticing.
Do you think they change the characters after you’ve hit enter?
YouTuber Black Conservative Patriot talks about AG Barr stabbing America in the back on his way out. Posted 2 hrs ago as I write this.
No alternate link on a free speech platform plus YouTube are shadow banning him.
Why don’t hear much of the extensive damage done to coral reefs in Third World countries due to “dynamite fishing”, poisoning and other inefficient and destructive methods?
The civilised world is instead always blamed for harm to reefs via supposed “bleaching” because we burn the remains of old plants and that is claimed to change the weather and climate by some yet unknown and undemonstrated mechanism.
CLINTEL study finds most of the CO2 increase is natural (My latest article)
An interesting new approach.
‘An estimated 62% of the increased CO2 concentration is entirely natural.’
For the sake of argument the glass is half full, I can sell that.
The simple, proveable reality is that man made CO2 is under 5% of all CO2. How that causes Global Warming and Climate Change is a moot point as temperature changes are completely outside our control. And there has been no sign of any human influence on CO2 levels, like forest fires or stopping all the planes and cars and people working from home. No a whisker of change. Nor any sign of over 300,000 windmills or anything else.
38% of the increase in CO2 is not man made. And half of that increase was before 1978. Plus warming oceans are unexplained. And warming oceans contain 98% of all CO2 and when they warm, you get more CO2. To propose that the CO2 causes the warming beggars belief. Or that increased aerial CO2 increases ocean CO2.
I do not know how most of the self appointed ‘climate scientists’ get away with calling themselves scientists. Most of the ‘experts’ who comment in Australia are economists. Like racing and football tipsters, if they really knew what was going on they would be billionaires, not commentators. And most of the politicians are innumerate lawyers.
‘The simple, proveable reality is that man made CO2 is under 5% of all CO2.’
done all this many times. Sorry, not again. Please consider this link from the Royal Society in 1958. It’s really simple science. Old oil and gas and coal has no C14. Modern carbon in circulation in the Biosphere has about 1 part in a trillion of radioactive C14. It’s an absolute measurement like a medical tracer of how much CO2 is from fossil fuel. It’s under 5%. In 1958 after two world wars it was 2.3% +/-0.15% fossil fuel. End of argument.
TdeF do volcanoes emit C14 ?
Depends on where they get their carbon. If as likely from 150million year old coal/oil/gas deposits, there is no C14. C14 only exists in the biosphere, relatively recent carbon say under 50,000 years old, which is a tick in the millions of years taken to turn plant matter into fuel. Half life for decay is around 5,400 years so certainly very accurate over the last 100 years.
Thanks TdeF, the CLINTEL study must be wrong.
And it seems very pompous. “There is a lot of math here, including least-squares minimization, but the results are clear. An estimated 62% of the increased CO2 concentration is entirely natural.”
Least squares is the most basic way of fitting curve to some data using the quality of the fit. It is very basic stuff, not ‘a lot of math’ to any scientist.
If you can measure something by presence of a simple trace atom, the mathematics is non existent. If 5% of the CO2 has no C14, 5% is fossil fuel.
And in fact they are arguing that 38% of the increase is man made, which is very high, up to 10x reality. It is what you would get if the oceans absorbed nothing in 100 years. Oxygen can come and go but not highly soluble CO2?
Here’s a link to a rational discussion:
Thanks for the reinforcement KK.
Why this fixation with baseless voter fraud ?
After recounts and court humiliations, still nothing.
For a ‘science’ blog site, the willingness to embrace any myth to feed the confirmation bias is stunning. What happened to the more objective virus coverage?.
Recounting illegal votes gives the same result.
The real question is: How did Sleepy Joe get far more votes than Obama in his prime?
The illegal votes have been shown to be legal, ask the courts
[By courts that didn’t look at any evidence. Yawn…- Jo]
Forgive a personal comment here but my Daughter and Granddaughter are flying into Melbourne today for Christmas, its the first time I’ll see them in 18 months and the first Christmas with her in 8 years, I’m overcome with joy and would like to remind the good people here not to forget the good things in life regardless of what chaos ensues around us.
“The very nature of Joy makes nonsense of our common distinction between having and wanting.” C.S. Lewis.
Happy Christmas to You and your family Yonnie.
Happy Christmas to Jo and family and all her blog readers.
Back at you and everyone else PeterC , Merry Christmas .
Thanks mate, just noting at the airport now and the difference in people numbers here is stark compared to last year , masks are mandatory inside but security seems effective without being overbearing,……. for now
Good news for you Yonnie. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas. 🙂
Thanks Annie, best wishes to you too.
Where are the coming from?
I have a new grandson in the UK that I will not see for a while. My son usually spends Christmas in Australia but not this year.
Best wishes to all. Remember to buy chocolates.
Gold Coast Rick, the big worry for travelling interstate is getting stuck there if borders get closed due to an outbreak somewhere, Mrs Yonnie is flying to WA this week and I’m worried she’ll get stuck there for Christmas.
We are great grandparents as of this year; great grandson is in the UK, so haven’t seen him yet. My old mother, at 98, is also in the UK, she is now a great great grandmother and we haven’t seen her for over a year. Hmmm.
Wow. A Great great grandmother.
I met my great grandmother when I was about 2 or 3. I have a vague memory. And my family have had long lives, especially on my mothers side.
Congratulations to you and your family.
Enjoy them, Yonniestone.
Congratulations to all with new family, have a good Christmas and enjoy your families.
If your planning on eating a fake meat sausage today to “save the planet, don’t choke … you’ve just been offset:
China approves four coal mines in Xinjiang region
I’m sure they would have an appropriate Karbon Kaptchure and Storage facility ready to offset those Chinese Emissions just down the road.
Travis this can’t be they’ve just released footage of a solar farm that’s in the shape of a big Panda as proof of their green credentials !
The CCP is just pandering to the IPCC globalist.
Panda called Fang Fang?
Travis, your link led me down a wabbit hole the size of a Reuters ‘fact-check’ out-house dump… to the’s release of C-vaccine info. “Always read the fine print”, my parents hammered into me…
Pfftzer’s wonder-vax has not only NOT BEEN APPROVED by the FDA (merely OKd due to the ’emergency’), the list of side-effects reads eerily similar to the ‘disease’ it claims to protect against, including “death by COVID-19 after vaccination”, which must be reported by the administrator – your friendly health professional – to the FDA.
Also, in the release, it states there’s NOT ENOUGH DATA to prove the ‘efficacy’ of said wonder-vax, but that’s hidden way down towards the end, in the tiny TINY print. Step right up folks…
Another wind/subsidy farm gets torn down.
Obviously the operating guidelines were ignored: raise electricity pricing, penalise competitor generators and subsidise the wind turbines for extra shareholder’s profit.
Too bad we haven’t learned that lesson too. PM Morrison please take note, but I know you won’t because he is clueless. He could start by taxing solar and wind farms for the damage they cause to the environment and the grid.
Why do they do this:
Do the “authorities” mix units to confuse or are journalists simply confused about units.
The U.S. Media Are Suppressing the Truth about Hydroxychloroquine
Developments overseas have been totally ignored by the American press. And yet, since Election Day, the media have hewed to the “HCQ Bad” narrative.
Secondly, more than 2 billion people worldwide have taken hydroxychloroquine in its 70-year history, and it is known to be so safe that it can be taken by “pregnant women and nursing mothers,” according to the CDC. By contrast, the largest and most lauded study this year that claiming hydroxychloroquine may cause harm to COVID-19 patients was the scandalous, retracted Lancet paper, which that journal’s own editor called a “monumental fraud.”
And yet, since Election Day, the press has hewed to the “HCQ Bad” narrative, most visibly in their coverage of the two hearings before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security on “Early Outpatient Treatment” of COVID-19, convened by Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).
During the first hearing, on November 19, Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch argued, “every study of outpatient use of one drug, hydroxychloroquine, with or without accompanying agents, has shown substantial benefit in reducing risks of hospitalization and mortality.”
Comment on above article
E_Pluribus_Pluribus Sunflower • an hour ago
Supplementation with 3,000-5,000 units of D3 daily is recommended by a fair number of doctors — as a preventative (supposedly strengthens immune system). Some hospitals prescribe it for the already ill. (Covid patients, especially elderly patients tend to test low in D3 levels.)
Prehospital Management of Covid-19
Zelenko Protocol
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko
Twitter: @zev_dr
Treatment Plan for Patients with symptoms of Covid-19
Fundamental Principles
Treat patients based on clinical suspicion. Perform PCR testing, but do not wait for
confirmatory testing results.
Treat patients as soon as possible, preferably within the first 5 days of symptoms.
Risk Stratify Patient
Low risk patient – Younger than 60, no comorbidities, and not toxic
High risk patient – Older than 60, younger than 60 with comorbidities, or looks toxic
1. Rest, oral fluids
2. Tylenol as needed
3. Quercetin 500mg twice a day for 7 days
4. Elemental zinc 50mg a day for 7 days
5. Close follow up with doctor
1. Rest
2. Oral fluids
3. Tylenol
4. Elemental Zinc 50mg once a day for 5 to 7 days.
5. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQhcq) 200mg twice a day for 5 to 7 days
6. Azithromycin 500mg once a day for 5 days or doxycycline 100mg twice a day for 5 to 7 days
NOTE: If HCQhcq is inaccessible (i.e. pcr test pending) then use Quercetin 500mg three times a day in place of hcq. If hcq becomes accessible (i.e. pos pcr test results are available) then switch to cq.
Additional treatment options. Should be uniquely custom tailored for every patient.
1. Ivermectin 6mg twice a day for 1 day
2. Budesonide 1mg/2cc solution via nebulizer twice a day for 7 days
3. Oral steroids
4. Blood thinners (i.e. Eliquis or Xarelto)
5. Home O2
6. Home IV fluids
Rudy Giuliani thanked Dr. Zelenko after recovering from COVID19 a week ago. According to MSNBC, he thanked to controversial Dr. Zelenko.
Thanks C G,
I was wondering how Rudi was going so am doubly glad to hear that he’s back on deck and that he’s thanked Dr Zelenko.
Dave B
P.S. Your links don’t work.
Curious George – P.S. Your links don’t work.
Oops – 1st –
and second – COVID-19 Outpatients – Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc Plus Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin: A Retrospective Case Series Study
The problem with D3 supplementation is that it takes 2-3 months for levels of the first metabolite to reach stable levels. This is why the Spanish study that gave it to hospitalized patients used a version of the first metabolite.
and other videos in the same series.
The cheapest and simplest prophylactic is D3. Some reports say 80% of Americans are deficient and blacks are the most deficient and most effected by the rona. This has been known for 8 months.
I can buy, retail, a year’s high dose D3 for <$20 so a government can make it available free from chemists and supermarkets and save money in the health budget. That would be true even without the pandemic – A population with high D3 measurements would be a healthier population.
Is there no basic foodstuff to which it can be added in the manner of iodised salt or fortified flour?
Yes, it is called “milk” and can be obtained at your local supermarket. Look at the label on the front to see which ones are D3 fortified. Like the Dude though I prefer my milk fortified with Kahlua.
I’ve got it! The solution to the whole “Dr. Jill Biden” issue is right in front of us: she should be the next Dr. Who. Or maybe Hollywood should do a spin-off series, called “Dr. What.” It could even cross genres, with Dr. Jill Biden running into the Tardis, and coming out with a different superhero costume every time. Why not? It’s no fun being a liberal if you can’t make stuff up.
Nah! Whoopie wants her as Surgeon General.
I still think Dr Jill plans on being the REAL POTUS, not Harris. She will not let Biden be sidelined easily.
Whoopi Goldberg is such a turd. Her rants about Trump ever since he won the 2016 elections are so revealing about her true character.
It was said about Sammy Davis Junior that God made him as ugly as he could and then hit him in the face with a shovel. Humorous. I suppose Goldberg suffers with similar misfortune. That said, I’m not being petty – just saying.
Hmmm, I wasn’t actually commenting on her looks but I think I understand what you mean. Still, I’m not so pretty either.
Jill Biden accused of stealing the wrong cheese
Jill Biden has been flogged ‘round the fleet, her open wounds then flushed with a bucket of sea water, for allegedly preening with a stolen captain’s truckle of cheese — otherwise labeled a Doctorate of Education.
Did education guru Dr Jill secure a wheel of Franche-Comte, Appleby’s Cheshire, or something else equally divine?
No. Jill commandeered a five pound brick of USDA surplus processed cheddar, standard fare found aboard the likes of SS John W Brown, an historic but lowly rusting merchant Liberty ship on display at a berth in Baltimore harbor.
Unable to navigate her way into the captain’s larder, Jill found her bounty in a common seaman’s musty locker.
A flogging for flaunting a PhD in astrophysics might merit a captain’s mast, but for polishing a participation trophy Ed.D? Set her free.
How did the yearning Dr-to-be Jill imagine parading around with a common cheese would be worth the ignominy if caught? Why not a cheese with a rind worth rinsing? Well, for striver Jill Biden, possessing a commodity would still be a luxury to her, no matter how acquired. Just like her acquisition of husband Joe.
Some new charts on tropical ocean energy. Similar data was shown with trend curves that has least error. These are the actual average of all power flux for the entire tropics.
The first one is the reflected power with temperature:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhAv8U6pUAUXPX3nB
Reflected power increases rapidly above 26C.
This one is the net flux absorbed versus temp[erature presented as proportion of all the energy absorbed at a give surface temperature:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhArF7wOhjkSkQWa-
The increase in reflected power above 26C means that the net energy uptake peaks at 28.5C then drop dramitaclly. There is not much ocean surface actually warmer than 30C.
Earth’s atmosphere has a power thermostat that limits open water ocean temperature to 32C.
I also found data that shows the devastating warming around the Australian coastline over the past 30 years:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhAy-x27lvrnx7NwV
Hats off to the guys and gals at the BoM for teasing a solid warming trend out of this data:
The raw data that I figure is used to produce the plot showing warming comes from here:,-17.51872&l0=aims_aims:AIMS%20-%20Temperature%20Loggers,ea_World_NE2-coast-cities-reefs_Baselayer
Have a look a the data quality and how easy it would be to get whatever trend you desired then present it in a convincing plot. This is my preferred example to show warming: A 9C annual swing gives great scope to tease out the claimed 0.08C/decade warming trend shown for the same region in the plot.¶m=water%20temperature
It would be easy to tease a warming trend from this data by selecting the start and finish dates.
I figure that all the current high priests of Climate Change will be long gone before there is acceptance of the fact that Earth’s thermostat readily compensate for the trivial impact of increasing atmospheric CO2. Then a new broom may be swept through the BoM so it gets back to measuring and reporting weather rather than further developing its expertise at contriving trends from data where none exists.
Rickwill any government agency that can increase the size of the trough they are feeding out of by claiming CAGW is real will pull out all stops and truth becomes rubbery in search of mo money.
Problem with BOM is they create the records and collect the data .
I wonder what data from the BoM can we rely on?
For instance, 2011’s annual mean temp was below average. Now it’s average.
From the annual summary – ‘For the first time in a decade, Australia’s annual mean temperature was below the 1961–1990 average.’
In fact, all annual mean temps have been increased by around 0.1C – 0.2C since at least 1995 to 2017. Doesn’t sound like much but adds 10-20% on the warming levels.
As most here know The Australian Federal Government has taken no action whatsoever to audit the BoM following submissions from Jennifer Marohasy and colleagues since 2013/14.
The first was taken seriously by the Minister responsible for the BoM and Prime Minister Abbott but in Cabinet a motion to arrange for an independent audit, for due diligence to be conducted at the BoM, was defeated. However in reply to the Minister the BoM management admitted to “errors and omissions”, and advised that they would ensure that these were not repeated in future.
Because the climate hoax and creatively accounted warming trend are part of a wealth creation scheme (renewables, emissions trading, etc) attached to the new world order agenda, one world government objective, control and manage the people the CCP way including party comrades permitted to participate in capitalism.
World Economic Forum scheduled for May 2021: The Great Reset – build back better, based on the manipulation of people who have been conditioned during COVID-19, restrictions and lockdowns, if the people can be made to cooperate voluntarily or by police enforcement of draconian government laws and regulations. In Australia we are experiencing a range of examples from Victoria at the bottom worst case.
So for most woke politicians BoM and CSIRO misleading the people is also acceptable in the CO2 emissions target game.
This is all just part and parcel of the decay that has crept in all over the place, public and private. Even the SCOTUS has now lost much if its credibility. We have only one leader in the Western world that is prepared to go against that trend. If he goes then we all might as well sit back and watch the West crash and burn.
There is a climate crisis, Joe Basement commented yesterday, well he seemed to be unsure if there was one or more of them.
But he also said that America must “build back better”? Build back from what climate crisis, freezing cold start to winter, maybe?
The World Economic Forum globalists and fellow travellers need to sit Joe down and help him to learn their lines.
If Biden does end up being POTUS then Great Reset will go ahead at full speed and in a matter of years will crash and burn the West. It’s yet another reason for Trump to remain POTUS at all costs, even the cost of a civil war.
Seems like Biden has trouble with his audience.
He will have a lot more trouble handling the thousands if not millions of voters who voted for Trump but had their votes illegally switched to Biden.
Certainly a stark difference in popularity between Trump and Biden which makes the Biden win so much more unbelievable.
Yes I agree. In fact it’s very telling. I almost think the fraud is much bigger than any of us can still imagine. Trump really needs to short circuit all this and use the Insurrection Act and the EO of 2018 to conduct fresh new elections under military supervision. Unless he’s bluffing and all this is some sort of wet dream of his and we have been fooled, he really must go down that path, and in fact he is obliged to do so under the Constitution. Let the real people decide who is to be POTUS, not a bunch of political scam artists, clueless judges and the anti-West pro-communist MSM.
I agree the fraud must be bigger that what is obvious in 5 or 6 battleground states. There was certainly a lot of cheating going on in supposedly safe Democrat states, just to make sure that these states didn’t flip to Trump.
Peter there is more than one EO but the swamp is deep and he needs the backing of the public when and if he moves, we need to be patient.
Why disturb your enemy when they are exposing their deep state supporters?
What would they do if they found their bank account and other assets were frozen?
I’ve been thinking that’s his strategy for some time now. I’m only guessing really but going by everything has he has done since he became POTUS I feel like he’s been secretly setting a big trap to catch the Democrats. Time will tell if that trap is real or just my imagination. If it’s real then I expect the whole world will be in shock, including those on the SCOTUS who by then should resign or else Trump at least impeach them.
G’day PeterS,
I’ve been having similar thoughts, but my guess at the timetable was wrong, as I was expecting and hoping for some fireworks by 5pm last Friday (US time). Am having to re-kindle some optimism and rework my ideas, but think whatever happens will come a surprise. But I’m still hoping that that surprise will be a welcome one.
Dave B
David-of-Cooyal-in-Oz, I think the drop dead date would be Jan 20. If he doesn’t act by then I would start to think he is all talk and no substance. Another possibility is he is right but decides at the last moment to chicken out perhaps under duress by some powerful interests. We have to remember some evil elites will do anything to gain more power, including threats on the lives on family members. There are laws to protect them but they are worthless at stopping anyone with a strong enough desire to inflict harm. It has happened before.
Using Australian politics for comparison, the Labor Opposition Leader is trailing well behind the Prime Minister in the published polls and has been for many months, ever since the 2019 Federal Election after which he was voted in as the new leader. But the party he leads is not very far behind the Government Coalition parties.
I do not rely on polls anymore but as a rough guide they can be useful.
To compare with President Trump and Candidate Biden, based on the Presidential Election, under similar circumstances The Australian Opposition Leader would win an election. And his Party pushes the climate emergency hoax.
To make Climate Change palatable can we just rename it to “Climate Diversity”.
Perhaps climate neutrality given the battle of gender neutrality has been won by the left.
Hold your horse’s dung, NT, I remember a story from my childhood about a ship captain, who’d never been to sea let alone seen a ship, who ran aground on a volcano and was then saved by a rainbow… Climate Diversity Matters!
Just gotta love the good ole Bureau of Misinformation. Coming out with the “fact” that there’s been a 1.44 degree warming since 1910 had me ROFLMAO. Of course they don’t mention ACORN 1 and ACORN 2. I did a simple calculation based on raw (ie; true) data and came up with a 1.25 degree warming since 1880. That might be a bit off, but it means that the BOM’s average warming per decade is about 50% more than the raw data calc. Talk about “smoothing” and “skewing” …….
This became a basic question for me.
How much warmer is it than it’s supposed to be?
Of course, there isn’t a supposed to be.
1.44 degrees.
I’m supposed to believe that the average surface temp of the globe can be accurately extrapolated with an accuracy of a few degrees for a century or more.
Even if so, that it would mean much.
What is the surface?
What is the surface of the Ocean (70% of said surface)?
How is tidal rise and fall accounted for?
Seems like there should more solid agreed upon number.
I’m sure John Kerry has the facts straight.
He is without a doubt a better human than me.
The sea surface temperature is constrained between two relatively hard limits.
It is well known that the ocean surface forms ice, a solid, at 271.3K. Sea ice insulates the water below and dramatically reduces the rate of heat loss.
What is not so well known is that when the total water vapour reaches 30mm in the atmosphere, the atmosphere moves into cloudburst mode. That results in high level, highly reflective cloud that reflects most of the incoming sunlight. Once the water column reaches 38mm, the atmosphere moves into daily cloudburst mode. The cloudburst mode in open water begins when the surface reaches 299K. By 302K, the reflection of solar energy is so great that the net energy input begins to fall. There is very little open water above 303K and it is virtually impossible for ocean surface to reach 305K. I posted a link above to the actual data for January this year that shows how rapidly net energy falls off as the surface temperature increases past 302K (28.5C):!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhArF7wOhjkSkQWa-
Fundamentally the sea surface temperature is constrained between two hard temperature limits 271.3K and 305K. Is it any wonder that the temperature regarded as the global average is 288K.
Sadly for the climate catastrophists this is where the temperature is stuck; without any “Greenhouse Effect”, which of course is a fairytale.
If you see any temperature that purports to be a global temperature showing a trend apart from zero then look for the flaws in the measurement system. The BoM data is highly flawed. Looking under the hood of the BoM data is like looking into a greasy pit; it smells, looks ugly and whatever it hides could be dangerous to your health. However hats off to the guys and gals at the BoM for teasing warming trends from the data they have to work with. But please don’t look under the hood. You will find things like this:
It is just convenience that ACORN starts in 1920. Has nothing to do with the fact that Australia was warmer at the turn of the last century than now – as you might figure from the so-called Federation Drought.
There are blobs of heat the move around the ocean and land ice can accumulate or recede over long periods of time due to orbital variation but they are noise in the scheme of things.
Rick, thank you,
an informed response from someone who knows the subject better than me
the very reason I show up …
holy human waste … I clicked that link …
the hockey stick is backwards!!
Does anyone else remember the 1969 movie “The Magic Christian”.
The Magic Christian was a huge luxury yacht that was in actual fact just a mockup (fake) in a warehouse by the sea, and which had hydraulics to rock it like it was afloat, conning those who took a “trip” in her.
It reminds me of the present times, 51 years later. Greed and Money and Power (the Non electric type) matters above all else to some.
You can watch it free online here:
(Sorry, I don’t have a non YouTube link for it.)
Apart from moving away from censored Leftist platforms (YouTube, Twitter, Farcebook) who hate conservatives and anyone else that disagrees with Leftist ideology, people should consider changing their search engine.
Google changes the rank of search results according to the Leftist ideology they promote. They do this with a tool called Twiddler. Their interference with the 2016 US Presidential election is estimated to have swung 3 million votes to the socialists against Trump. It is probably far greater this year, apart from separate issues of massive election fraud.
DuckDuckGo is worth looking at as it operates as Google used to before it became a political weapon of the Left. You might be surprised comparing the results with Google for political matters or in relation to C-19 or any other subject for which a specific Leftist political narrative is to be promoted or enforcedm
For a while after setting Duck Duck Go as your preferred search engine Google will retaliate and change your setting back to them.
Don’t be fooled, just persevere and Google will give up.
maybe if you use Chrome, which would be odd
Better, remove / delete ggl from the list.
America’s Cup sailing in Auckland.
Run by Prada, who is Challenger of Record.
Racing for the Prada Christmas Regatta will start 3:00 pm local time. to watch and keep track of time.
first race (of 4) for the Christmas regatta starts in 70 minutes ( 3:00pm local time
Video of the Americas Cup World Series regatta for Days 1 2 & 3 are at —Enjoy (relive the races).
Pirrelli Prada is the Italian entry, Ineos UK is the English Entry, and American Magic the
American Entry. Emirates Team New Zealand is the defender for the Cup racing itself — that will take place in March, but it’s out there mixing it with the other teams pre Christmas,
Basically these races are for proving the boats and learning their foibles. Heck 23 knots boat speed from 9-10knots of wind …. who needs aircraft! 😀
Weather is just great …
more light airs today. The boats will be falling off their foils all over the course! Averaging 7 knots with peaks of 10 (these will be rare.)
These regattas are the first time the AC75 monohull boats have been racing so these learning all-in-together regattas are hugely important for optimizing both boats and crews. Huge learning experiences …
– for the sailors
– AND the spectators
Racing starts again January 16th. 2021 for the Prada Cup which will determine the challenger to Emirates New Zealand.
Time table available:
Pay attention to the dates and Enjoy. These boats can be match raced.
Thanks for that – watching the replays of Day 1 – 45 Knots nearly 84 Km/Hr amazing speed and boats
Look like extended 18Ft Skiffs with Outriggers
The virus is s reputed to be highly infectious. Thousands who visited the target locations of this latest cluster turned up to be tested, were tested. A couple of dozen have proved positive. That’s well under 0.5% infection rate. That’s real scary.
Captain K
So is 300,000 ,and counting, deaths
The current population of the United States of America is 331,907,437 as of Saturday, December 19, 2020, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.
The United States 2020 population is estimated at 331,002,651 people at mid year according to UN data.
The United States population is equivalent to 4.25% of the total world population.
The U.S.A. ranks number 3 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
The population density in the United States is 36 per Km2 (94 people per mi2).
The total land area is 9,147,420 Km2 (3,531,837 sq. miles)
82.8 % of the population is urban (273,975,139 people in 2020)
The median age in the United States is 38.3 years.
As of 2019, FAIR estimates that there are approximately 14.3 million illegal aliens residing within the United States. This number is notably higher than FAIR’s previous estimate of 12.5 million in 2017.
Based on estimates derived from FAIR’s most recent cost study, illegal immigration is likely imposing a net fiscal burden of at least $131.9 billion annually on U.S. taxpayers.[
Would that be ‘with’ COVID or ‘of’ COVID??
Look up the total deaths from all causes in the USA for each year for the last 5-10 years and compare it to 2020. You will see there is very little difference.
For everyone’s amusement–it was report in recent days that 40% of the reported Covid deaths in a county in Colorado were actually from gun shots or related wounds.
Mel doesnt delve much below the MSM outer layer
Lest we forget – the 0.02% ‘morbidity rate’ of said voyeurous is only HALF as deadly as the 0.04% ppm ‘carbon pollution rate’ of the atmos-fear, or sumpfink. 🙂
I’m suffering extreme perceptual disonnsnce from the following.
1) The American Medical Association rescinded their opposition to hydroxychloroquine just before the US election.
2) Leftist “fact checkers” say they didn’t.
It’s like living in Orwell’s “1984” nightmare.
We are living in Orwell’s “1984″ nightmare but teleported to 2020 by means of HG Well’s Time Machine.
We aren’t there yet. We still have too much freedom for their liking.
The “factcheckers” – at least one Claire Savage -live in an Orwellian world. She noticed that the 4/16/2020 statement is still on the AMA website, therefore no amendments exist.
Sometimes you just cant win. After months of people being yelled at for not doing fuel reduction burning, fire authorities on Fraser Island, who let half the island slowly burn, are being yelled at, for not stopping the fire! “Well done chaps” I say.
It was reported yesterday that Victoria did not quite manage 50% of its planned fuel reduction burn.
Ultimately I think there will be some useful mechanical collection of ground level fuel and dead standing wood. Big chippers with vacuum cleaner inlet that handle a 300mm log like a matchstick. There are already forestry saws that can handle the dead trees. No need to access all forest areas but enough to provide low fuel breaks over may 10 to 20 km across the forests.
It would be all good fuel for power generation rather than letting it build up to dangerous levels and then spend a king’s ransom on fighting resulting fires.
Increased forest productivity is one of the realities of more CO2 in the atmosphere.
Lord help us in Victoriastan if a fire breaks out this year with the new “Fire Services of Victoria” taking over but forgetting / or deliberately leaving other agencies except CFA out of their work plan .
What this means now is a small fire that’s on FSV land can only be put out by FSV or if they feel generous it will be fobbed off to the CFA .
All other agencies have been warned to not interfere with FSV operations , I’m told that the other agencies won’t even enter their airspace due to legal ramifications.
There have already been two incidents that could have been disastrous turn into a comedy with city pumpers turning up to fires in the bush , problem there is no hydrants which should have been obvious .
was talking with a local SES guy yesterday about a Keystone Cops incident near here recently
they had a smallish green waste fire at one of the tips
despite being previously requested the council had not unburied the tip water outlet
needed longer hoses to get to the next one
keep things under control from truck tanks
FSV people from Melbourne fringe turn up with long hoses
Unload them and lay them out , then wont do anything else, just stand there watching the situation evolve
Little wonder VIC hotel quarantine was a fiasco. VIC Govt , incompetent by design.
The WHO finally decides that PCR testing needs additional CLINICAL diagnostic tests to get closer to a better diagnosis of COVID infections.
That is to say PCR test alone ARE NOT RELIABLE!
Maybe next the WHO can explain where, when, and who has tested the PCR test-kits against the ISOLATED virus — note to date no one has isolated the virus. Many ‘say’ they have but only show samples with monkey, or aborted fetus, or other human cell contamination. Also it is known that this virus can mutate, how does the PCR and vaccine manufacturers cope with that?
Not sure if anyone has picked up on this but Bill Barr has made a very nice fortune out of Dominion over the years .
This looks interesting
How accurate is covid PCR testing?
‘researchers have been “unable to grow the coronavirus out of samples from volunteers whose PCR tests had CT values above 27’
‘September 28, 2020, study in Clinical Infectious Diseases, which found that when you run a PCR test at a CT of 35 or higher, the accuracy drops to 3%, resulting in a 97% false positive rate.’
From Australia:
‘usual PCR assay runs for 35-45 cycles.’
I can understand using higher cycles for tracing the whereabouts of the virus, but media should be informed those results only represent exposure to the virus and are not cases.
‘As per the COVID-19 national guidelines, a COVID-19 confirmed case is a person who:
A. tests positive to a validated specific SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid test
B. has the virus isolated in cell culture, with PCR confirmation using a validated method
C. undergoes a seroconversion to or has a significant rise in SARS-CoV-2 neutralising or IgG antibody level (e.g. four-fold or greater rise in titre).’
So “confirmed” cases in Australia confirmed using A. PCR nucleic acid test are not really confirmed cases and only indicate exposure to the virus.
PCR tests —
Note that to identify the virus a PCR test is used.
How do we know this PCR test is a trustworthy test for this virus — i.e. it can truly indicate the presents or absences of the virus? We don’t — even WHO admit this!
Isolating the virus —
We don’t because the isolation of the virus relies on a positive PCR test result! PCR tests and virus isolation have been a circular argument from day one! ALL of the so called ‘isolated virus’ reports I have seen have relied on the virus being identified by PCR even though ALL of these ‘isolated’ samples are hugely contaminated with other organic matter (monkey kidneys, human cells, etc.).
Good news because of more intermittent electricity generation power prices are set to drop , all except for the ACT because it’s 100% intermittent energy as we know .
An update
Regional cooling signal identified in north east US.
‘Although winters are becoming warmer and somewhat milder over all, extreme weather events have also been on the increase, and especially in the Northeastern United States, as Dr. Cohen pointed out in a recent paper in the journal Nature Climate Change. From the winter of 2008-9 until 2017-18, there were 27 major Northeast winter storms, three to four times the totals for each of the previous five decades.’ (WUWT)
This could be confirmed using the new technique of spectral ‘fingerprint detection (FPD)’ which looks at the relationship between fine-grained details of hot and cold items.
Ultra high speed Jet stream has returned
The very high speed jetstream flows have returned (never really ended, but did weaken out during the southern summer). The East Pacific and Atlantic “Equatorial-Jets” have fully reformed early into the northern Winter, between 30 k feet and 45 k feet. Only this time they got into position about 6 to 8 weeks earlier than their surprise and novel appearance in mid to late Jan 2020. I saw the early parts of them beginning to reform around 2 months ago:
Also, the 2/3 of the global circumference subtropical “Linear Zonal Jet”, stretching from the central equatorial Atlantic, across north Africa, the ME, Central Asia, China and into the central Pacific, has returned also.
You don’t get one, without the other, they’re part of the same emergent standing jet structure. They are in the same place as 11 months ago. Something is holding this structure in place for months. I think it this has to have a geomagnetic driven structure, I don’t know what else could cause such a consistent global structure within the jetstream flow, to form and remain in place for so long. What is for sure is it’s not a freely oscillating fluid’s motion, something has created this structure and locked it in place.
This is the exact same pattern as seen in late Jan 2020, as per this image at 34,000 ft on the 25th. Last winter’s locked jet pattern is exactly the same as now, only this winter the pattern began 6 to 8 weeks earlier:
The pattern mid last Winter:
So, given this is the same structural jetstream pattern as last winter, we can expect a similar wild weather to emerge, with massive snow fall in Iceland, record cold in Greenland, and massive snowfalls Scandinavia and the Alps. Very cold and snowy Winter in the Middle East and Central Asia. Remember the extreme cold in Pakistan, Afghanistan and northern India from late Jan through to March 2020? Yeah, well, this is why China’s power grid is already not coping with this early winter, the pattern is a lot earlier than is was last January. Same again as the massive Linear subtropical jet displaces more equatorward than normal, and remains a very high speed and exceptionally deep persistent windy and cold flow, all the way to low altitudes.
And as prior, a large and very persistent strong thermal warm anomaly will re-establish over Russia, as this linear major zonal jet again thrusts air from central tropical Atlantic into NE Siberia.
Plus we will see a redevelopment of the successive waves of very-deep and super-fast jets (up to 440km/h), affecting all the way down to ocean level (where is much weaker but still as a big impact on existing weather), which will again strengthen the existing frontal weather systems. And these again will pass over the UK and Western Europe repeatedly, about once a week, as late Winter turns into Spring. So the UK can expect major flooding, major snowfall, and repeated high waves and strong warm to cold frontal variations over UK, on into western Europe very similar to the strong repeated storm events of Feb and March 2020.
And as with last winter, the Southern hemisphere is again showing obvious signs of stronger then normal Summer Jets, so we can expect to see 415 km/h jets form in the southern hemisphere this Summer, when they should not exceed ~220 km/h during Summer.
And as I speculated last Winter the novel Eastern Pacific Equatorial jet (then) could induce La Nina as it had strong mid and low-level East to West wind flow under it, over a large region, which could expose any colder waters under the surface. The current La Nina will probably get stronger because these same persistent winds have returned under the re-newed equatorial jet there, and that’s likely to make the La Nina conditions both stronger and to last longer. So expect a strong persistent cooling La Nina to form a lot of cyclones (Cat 4/5 Yasa which hit Fiji on Friday was the first) and many tropical lows will form this summer near Australia, producing much higher rainfall.
Probably in South America too. Heavy rain and also heavy snow are forecast for Peru before new-years … in Summer. Heavy snows are already hitting Iceland and Norway, plus the Alps, so this will be a repeat of last winter, probably more so, due to La Nina’s added contribution.
Here is the ~400 km/h jet at 39,000 ft sitting over Japan this morning. It’s about 80 to 90 km/h faster than it should be, i.e. the central Asian crossing linear jet is doing the same things it did 12 months ago. The highest fastest jets begin east of Japan and then +400 km/h jets appeared globally in January and February 2020. That will probably recur next month.
400 km/h jet last night east of Japan.
As I pointed out in April 2020, the fastest deepest widest, and highest volume jets alter the surface weather as their effects can reach all the way to the ground, especially when their core’s path oscillates vertically by 5,000 to 15,000 feet. Which is what occurred particularly in February and March this year around the globe. As you may have noticed Japan is already getting hammered by the heavier snowfall this Winter.
So if that setup occurs again in the Southern hemisphere’s Summer as it did 10 to 12 months ago, when it was a weak El Nino, plus a dry IOD phase, which drove drought and strong bushfires, then during this Summer the same super-fast, deep and also more equatorward migrating jets will do that during a strengthening La Nina with enhanced storminess and widespread flooding.
As per last year, the deepest fastest widest jets enhanced the prevailing lower level weather, so if it’s raining and stormy, expect those to become accentuated, as the core of the strongest largest jets oscillate vertically by 10,000 ft or so. On the downward leg that will bring jet winds and cooler drier air down to nearer ground level. This is what caused the record daytime summer cold last summer, in central Australia, even during record heat waves.
The ultra fast jet’s vertical oscillations increased the variability of the weather at the surface. Same occurred over the UK, in late Feb to mid-March. That’s what in-falling ultra-dry stratosphere does to areas under the resulting much expanded, accelerated, more equatorward vertically-oscillating ‘super-jets’. It’s not that these will create unheard of weather conditions or events, but just that there will be so many of them, inside the next 6 months. We will see a constant stream of rapid-fire severe weather-related natural disasters in both hemispheres with this glbal jetstream setup.
And the strong thermal anomaly which will get re-established over almost all of Russia in late winter and early spring, will make the climate-worriers latch on to that like glue, and drive their narratives to (politically) ‘explain’ the weather-related rash of large-scale natural disasters occurring. That will then drive the political media narratives by mid-year. As, “We are in an unprecedented and sudden climate crithsisth!” … etc.
Except the whole process is being triggered by expanded sinking of cold ultra-dry stratospheric air into the troposphere, which is probably the mechanism for how the planet manages to flip itself into the next multi-decade cooler, drier planetary-browning phase, with much more stormy and windier weather due to volumetrically expanded, faster far more energized jets. i.e. a multi-decade weather cycle.
Last night’s ultra-low humidity map:
Please note from this, that it does not matter if the jets are sinusoidal, or linear. All they have to be is bigger, deeper, faster, and oscillating vertically more often, and closer to the equator.
And you still get the heavy weather, the browning, and the global-cooling decades. i.e. the previously unrecognized Eastern Pacific Equatorial jet is what causes more La Nina’s to form, more often, which has the effect of increasing storminess, which is further accentuated by the deeper stronger jets. Thus the induced La Nina’s cool more.
A meridianal or zonal jet flow is rendered irrelevant to the cooling process, it’s simply not needed to explain how it takes place, and also does not fit with what’s occurring over North Africa, ME, Central Asia and Western and Eastern equatorial Pacific today. The Earth came up with a more direct way of getting the cooling done, Earth just increases the size and energy of the flow, and not so much the flow patterns. If anything the observed cooling process has much more linear and extremely zonal jet flows, and less meridional flow volume involved. Which is the opposite of popular meridianal jet flow cooling theories, which many expect to be a sign of a cooling globe. But that’s not even needed as it turns out.
The Earth has entering into cooling (which may or may not continue) via zonal flow, of much longer, much deeper, much faster, higher volume, and higher energy jets, which somehow get locked in place geographically, and possibly geomagnetically during periods of lower solar disruption to the Earth’s geomagnetic field structure, that is being expressed throughout the stratosphere’s depth.
Whatever the cause of such ‘structural’ locked zonal jets, and structural equatorial jets, what can not be denied, is that it’s actually occurring right now. The planet is currently turning on its novel ‘air-chiller’.
I think it likely a variable rate of in-falling stratospheric air into the troposphere, is the main mechanism which eventually flips planetary climate, in time slices greater than 250 to 500 years, within the geological record, and does so in conjunction with Milankovitch cycle orientation, and distance from a relatively stable (but highly cyclic) and more or less constant Solar output.
What I really want to understand is what can produce a variable rate of in-falling stratospheric air, into the troposphere, and locked zonal global jet structures we see in the above images.
Understanding how that is even possible will provide real answers to the multi-decade global cooling/warming weather cycle pattern that we know occurs.
It’s certainly not anthropocentric in nature. What I do know is corrupt weather-politics, and failed institutions pushing allegedly predictive ‘climate models’ and associate illogical memes will not get us a better understanding of planetary atmospheric variability.
So what good is any of that? … depends if you’re a weather scammer.
Its not AGW and in your estimation we should experience another strong La Nina, perhaps back to back like 2010-12. So we are looking at a drop in sea level and temperature, but will they bounce back to an upward trend after La Nina?
‘ … possibly geomagnetically during periods of lower solar disruption to the Earth’s geomagnetic field structure, that is being expressed throughout the stratosphere’s depth.’
Its feasible, I’ll follow it up.
My only contribution, the PDO is about to go negative, then the AMO should slip into neutral, game over for AGW. The cyclic nature of climate change needs to be explained.
Re La Nina, its still mild but a strengthening trend is clear since about June, it was weakly visible at the surface even then. The partitioning of hot and cold continues, but neither has really gotten established at the surface as yet. (I won’t add the BOM link as that usually flips the comment into the moderation bin, but you know where to find the Pacific sub surface chart).
I’m looking at this as sinking Stratosphere (which sinks 100% of the time, but suddenly sinks more now for unclear reasons), establishes the equatorial high-altitude quasi ‘jets’, in the current approx locations (right on top of where La Nina’s form … and what really ‘locks’ the thermally partitioned waters like this for a year or two? Winds?).
Under the East Pacific jet the winds flow more strongly westwards with more strength than normal in the layer that’s the most convective, below 15,000 ft above the equator. This can displace warmer surface waters westward and expose more the cooler waters, than in a normal La Nina (where same happens due wind induced up-welling). That’s why I predicted last Jan/Feb it could either trigger La Nina, or amplify a tendency toward one and make it more efficient (more coolness and wetness).
If this is what occurs with equatorial winds, during a higher rate of sinking Stratosphere, this can make La Nina’s more effective and more common, even if weak most of the time, than during the warming decadal-cycle phase, when less stratosphere in-falls and those equatorial jets aren’t present.
My expectation is the current pronounced winds under the East Pacific jet will cause a La Nina to persist for as long as the winds continue stronger westward underneath it.
But if this La Nina becomes strong and long from here, with a wetter IOD tendency, plus the super-fast and very deep swollen and vertically-oscillating jets on top, then I’d say we will be in for much higher variability and extremes than anyone has seen since perhaps the 1973/1975 period (including the very cold winters of that period).
Re geomagnetic jet ‘structure’, I’m only going with that as I can not see what else could possibly setup and sustain such pronounced stable structure, in what should be a mobile fluid flow, that is not prone to that ever occurring – let alone lasting almost a year so far. I noticed the linear jet emerge between Christmas and New Year’s day (Dec 2019), but it got properly established from mid-January 2020 when the Pacific Equatorial Jet became and obvious ‘stable’ and locked feature. The stunning this was not that it appeared, but that it didn’t move, or go away. How can that be, except via a global scale force holding it there? Geomagnetic seems to be the only potential candidate for this. So I’m not wanting or seeking to make it go that direction, I just have no other explanation for how it can organize global standing structures in what I always thought was a chaotic fluid, that was being altered by topography, but basically, always changing.
Except now it isn’t, somehow it suddenly does the ‘impossible’, and stays in one place. So I can see why no one ever figured out how the system could flip weather over decades, or climate over millennia, if no one realized this could happen, nor realized the Stratosphere sinks into the troposphere, constantly, but that sink rate is a multiple-year variable, possibly even a multi-decade, or multi-century scale variable, this may be both a major weather cycle switch mechanism, plus a climate switch. And this may be impacted by solar magnetic variability in the solar wind.
I suspect TSI and spectral shifting with the solar cycle are not implicated, simply because they don’t need to be for solar cycles to affect geomagnetism and the associated electron flows, to get to this. The question is, why does the sinking of the stratosphere then vary, once the geomagnetic field structure is being less disturbed or distorted by a more magnetically ‘quietish’ Sun, with fewer to no magnetic storm spots?
The ionospere and thermosphere get closer to the stratosphere, at such times, and ions are driven by magnetic field flux which creates standing structures and flows. So this combination may somehow causing the sink rate to accelerate, when the Earth’s magnetic field is less distorted.
If we can understand why the stratosphere constantly sinks into the troposphere, at all, that would be a big part of the puzzle. Then it’s a matter of working out why it accelerates, to pump up the jets, and all global winds, with a global cooling phase.
But this also happens every year, in winter, when the pole facing away from the Sun suddenly gets a higher rate of sinking stratosphere and the jets swell and accelerate, and the winds in that hemisphere accelerate.
So there is a direct connection to the sun in winter, and it’s not just a less convective troposphere layer doing this. The fact I’m seeing is that in Winter the Stratosphere in-falls much more, and this is what powers up the Highs, which creates the pressure gradient to swell up and accelerate the jets, thus vastly increasing the wind energy and flow in that hemisphere. Yes the temp gradient pole to equator also rises, and promotes flow and energy, but the Stratosphere is clearly a participant. it exacerbates the gradient via donating very cold and dry air in the Highs and cold-core Lows. And that is what accelerates and swells up the faster winter jets, not just the troposphereic T-gradient induced wind flows from equator to pole.
Something about being more shaded from the sun seasonally varies the rate at which the stratosphere sinks into the winter hemisphere’s pressure systems. What makes it less buoyant in Winter? Lower NET kinetics? It may be that simple.
And we know since the 1960s that when the sun is quieter there’s less kinetic energy in the stratosphere/ionosphere/thermosphere … so it all compacts.
It becomes less buoyant, proportional to recent solar activity level.
That really maybe all it takes for the Stratosphere to sink faster, even in the Summer hemisphere. Thus we got 415 km jets south of Australia last Summer.
But why the standing jet structures? Does the stratospheric air simply find it easier to sink into where the magnetic structures are more structurally established?
It could be this simple and direct Gordo. At least I hope it is, as it would be much easier to predict what weather and Southern oscillation cycle, etc., will do as ultra-low humidity air in-fall increases in volume, within those structures. Which would removes a big chunk of the WX chaos and the unpredictability in the process, during such major changes in jet energy, and structured flow.
Agree very much. And if wind energy level and structured flow comes with higher rates of stratospheric in-fall, that can create the sustained surface entertainment winds to alter basin currents that affect weather, on decadal time slices, and at least alter the flow above the thermocline and adjust the the thermal profile across a basin.
This could be that required mechanism.
… should read, “entrainment” …
So we can expect heavy snowfall on NZ’s South Island within 10 days, this should be fun.
Yup, plus some mountain snow in Columbia, almost all the way to the Caribbean coast. Meanwhile the US will have freezing on gulf coast and central Florida, between Xmas and New Year. Europe is also going to get very heavy snowfall in lost of places before new year.
Mozambique is also set to get another Cat 4 to 5 in the same location a Cyclone Idai, which wiped out 90% of Beira (720k people there). That event was at the start of the current faster jet-flow pattern. The USA recorded its highest jetstream speed record just 1 month prior to when TC Idai struck Mozambique, then another cat-4 hit them around 4 weeks later. So it looks like they’ll get another major cyclone around the 30th of Dec.
It will be interesting to see how accurate the early ECMWF forecast turns out to be, over 8 days. I’ve seen it do a very accurate 8-day forecast when predicting a Cat 4 in central Philippines 18 months ago, and nailed it, forecasted that outcome even before a cyclone had formed! Same challenge this time around. So I take such early ECMWF forecasts seriously, as it’s more likely to occur than to not. If it does occur it will be another major weather disaster for SE Africa. 3 x Cat-4 in under 2 years, for Mozambique. The country will collapse. The media will make much of it if the forecast is correct.
The North Atlantic Oscillation has to fall a lot more before the beast from the east blasts into Europe.
26th Dec 406 km jet steps off Greenland toward UK and Western Europe.
It’s a large and very deep jet (winds from surface to 45,000 ft) and it’s occurring about 7 weeks earlier than these sorts of jets began last NH Winter. They will get faster, more damaging as the Winter turns to early Spring.
406 km/h jet at 34,000 ft Greenland:“><img src="
The 'Beast' from the North West becomes a bigger problem once the stratosphere increases its sink rate into the troposphere. This is what I meant by a constant series of strong Weather events. Each one is OK on its own but the cumulative effect of a dozen of these will not be OK. These began to occur on a weekly basis late last Winter and early spring. it's kicking off 6 to 8 weeks earlier this year.
I expect major flooding, record snowfalls, regular very high winds, and large scale power outages to develop in the UK by the end of Winter. They will probably run out of electrical generating capacity (as will many countries flirting with something other than coal, LNG and nuclear electricity). Look at the snowfall in the Alps from just this one first major Winter jet. This one is only 406 km/h but these got up to 442 km/h by the beginning of last Spring in March 2020.
Oops, messed up the image links, this is what I meant to post.
406 km/h jet at 34,000 ft Greenland:
Surface winds at same time:
Surface waves at same time (up to 34 feet):
Surface pressure at the same time:
Thunderstorms and rain at the same time:
10-day cumulative Rainfall map:
10-day cumulative Snow map:
Those were supposed to all be 4K images, but you get the idea. Here’s the jet at 4K:
CET has to fall below the line for at least a decade to falsify AGW.
Yes, that would do it, except it would then look like generic, “Climate Change™”.
They’d milk that for another decade on top.
New virulent form of covid has appeared in Australia
We have a positive case but the individual is in quarantine.
‘A strain of COVID-19 from the UK has hit Australia’s shores. It comes after Thailand’s biggest seafood market was locked down to contain an outbreak.’ (Herald Sun)
A mad dash of people leaving the UK to all points of the compass before the escape routes are slamned shut. Yeah, I can see where this will end
It should settle down once they get a vaccine, but on top of all this its going to be a hard BREXIT.
Is it more virulent or simply more contagious? Supposedly.
“Britain halts flights from South Africa after finding another new coronavirus strain” and other stuff
There are a few individuals who stubbornly insist there’s no evidence of election fraud. Reality begs to differ. Here are just two videos that highlight the massive fraud that did occur.
It was real. If not dealt with effectively, the USA as we have known it will cease to exist.
In what way will it cease to exist?
Either there will be major election reform or we are no longer electing our own representatives. The republic as we know it will not exist at that point.
Peter Ridd has a new book out in time for Xmas and Jennifer Marohasy wrote the introduction.
Windfarm operator fined a million dollars for not obeying rules prior to the blackout event in SA .
In this news item from
ABC News, a vet blames climate change for the death of dolphins in Gippsland lakes.
I don’t know what quals a Vet doctor has in Climate science, but he obviously does not know a lot about the ecology of Fresh water lakes systems.
Firstly, the we have been constantly told that climate change has reduced the amount of rainfall along the eastern seaboard. So you would expect less fresh water to be coming down if that claim is correct.
Secondly, up until 1800, when the dredging started to permanently open the entrance of the lakes to the ocean, the lakes would have been almost always fresh unless there was a flood significant enough to gouge out a new entrance. The dolphins have most likely only made the lake their home after the entrance was made permanent, and the lakes became more saline because of it.
Thirdly, if we believe that the oceans are going to rise by metres, the lakes will be far more likely to be brackish than fresh, and thus be of benefit to the dolphins.
The science of determining the cause of lesions may well be correct.
The “science” of blaming climate change for causing these lesions would not pass grade three science lessons.