The CEO of Facebook paid hundreds of millions of dollars to enable community groups to take control of voter lists, to dictate how the election was to be conducted, down to the number of ballot boxes and polling places.
Zuckerberg wants to keep his grand government protection racket where Facebook can filter and censor the news but pretend not to be a publisher at the same time. The power that comes from being the unofficial Ministry of Truth is worth billions, and Trump was obviously a threat to that.
Blackwell: The Greatest Electoral Heist in American History
First, this is who Ken Blackwell is:
Ken Blackwell, former Secretary of State of Ohio, is the Distinguished Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance, at the Family Research Council. He served as United States Ambassador to the United Nations Human Rights Commission from 1990-1993.
The Centre for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL) got $350 million from Zuckerberg, which was $349 million more than their normal budget.
Under the pretext of assisting election officials conduct “safe and secure” elections in the age of COVID, Zuckerberg donated $400 million — as much money as Congress appropriated for the same general purpose — to nonprofit organizations founded and run by left-wing activists. The primary recipient was the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), which received the staggering sum of $350 million. Prior to Zuckerberg’s donations, CTCL’s annual operating expenses averaged less than $1 million per year. How was Zuckerberg even aware of such a small-potatoes operation, and why did he entrust it with ⅞ of the money he was pouring into this election cycle, despite the fact that it had no prior experience handling such a massive amount of money?
That money went to Democrat precincts in swing states:
Predictably, given the partisan background of its leading officers, CTCL proceeded to distribute Zuckerberg’s funds to left-leaning counties in battleground states. The vast majority of the money handed out by CTCL — especially in the early days of its largesse — went to counties that voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton in 2016. Some of the biggest recipients, in fact, were the very locales Plouffe had identified as the linchpins of the Democrat strategy in 2020.
How is it that elections in the USA are not run and managed solely by accountable officials?
Zuckerberg and CTCL left nothing to chance, however, writing detailed conditions into their grants that dictated exactly how elections were to be conducted, down to the number of ballot drop boxes and polling places. The Constitution gives state lawmakers sole authority for managing elections, but these grants put private interests firmly in control.
Lawyers tried to stop this but couldn’t because no harm had yet been suffered.
A $10m grant to one county was projected to increase voting by 200,000 people. Is that something like paying people $50 to vote?
Philadelphia County alone, for instance, projected that the $10 million grant it received from CTCL would enable it to increase turnout by 25-30 percent — translating to well over 200,000 votes.
There were other strategies too. Ballot security was weakened. In Wisconsin, an extra 170,000 voters claimed they were “indefinitely confined” which meant they didn’t even have to provide a photocopy of their ID. Did those voters exist?
In Michigan Civic groups were allowed to manage “voter registration”. Signatures were not required. Partisan groups got access to the voter rolls.
In Michigan, Democrat Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson unilaterally voided the legal requirement that voters provide a signature when requesting an absentee ballot, establishing an online request form. She then took things a step further by announcing that she would “allow civic groups and other organizations running voter registration drives to register voters through the state’s online registration website,” granting partisan groups such as Rock The Vote direct access to Michigan’s voter rolls.
Precincts that got Zuckerberg money were able to take advantage of dubious rules to “cure ballots” in Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania, election officials in heavily-Democratic counties that received CTCL funding allowed flawed mail-in ballots to be “cured” — that is, altered or replaced — prior to Election Day. In other counties, officials rightly interpreted this as a flagrant violation of state law. On the night before Election Day, less than 24 hours before polls were due to close, Democrat Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar sought to imbue this illegal practice with the appearance of validity by issuing a statement authorizing counties to contact voters who had cast improper ballots. Even if Boockvar had the statutory authority to do this, which she did not, the timing of her memo made it impossible for rural counties to take advantage of it to nearly the same extent as urban counties.
Did curing the votes create votes for Biden — no outside observers were allowed to see. They were in the room but forcibly kept too far away to be able to see.
All of this sounds like the stuff of fiction — the sort of thing one would expect from a cinematic thriller or a spy novel. Sadly, it’s the reality that our country is faced with…
The USA was evidently wide open to sabotage and from so many angles. The first question is whether any of this particular dubious activity can be subject to meaningful legal steps and in time to matter to the outcome of the election. Unless the blocking of observers can be pinned down as illegal in court, it looks like the rest will flow.
The second deeper question is why was the USA so wide open, and for so long. So many people must have known yet did nothing to prevent this?
h/t Bill C
It is all part of an incredible story, a story that almost everyone in Australia is totally unaware of. How could they be aware since there is total censorship by our Print and TV media. I hope that is not the case in the USA.
How could Zuckerberg dictate via donations alone the terms of electoral conditions in many states? And why would he try to do so (that part might be self evident).
If Trump pulls this off I don’t know who or what will still be standing in the USA. I hope that the Supreme court and the White House (with Trump) will be part of what remains,
If Trump pulls it off via legal procedures, the world press will claim he stole it via an obscure technicality.
The USA media is all about Trump not just giving up like he should and how Biden was elected “fairly”. This is a massively uphill battle for Trump with everything set against him. Lots of rallies by various groups all over the country, but little press.
I understand Sidney Powell has resigned or been sacked? To date there has been very little evidence but a great deal of assertion over the result. Shouting Fraud! gets you nowhere.
Red Thumb away, but we are now two weeks after the election and if there were any blockbusting and credible evidence of widespread, consistent, and deliberate wrong doing on the epic scale needed, then to date it hasn’t emerged.
Trump had the election in the bag until February. He has performed poorly since then. Whatever your feelings about the virus, voters everywhere have shown their concern over it, demanding or accepting the most drastic lockdowns on their freedoms.
We must assume that allowing its spread has been a primary reason for his defeat. If he wants to run again in the next elections he needs to back off, regroup and rebuild his credibility amongst his supporters and those who are relatively neutral. He will never convince die hard democratic voters and may as well not waste his time on them.
Actually I thinks a great deal of evidence has been presented. I suppose that you will say that the evidence that Jo has just presented regarding the Zuckerberg donations is just assertion, but I expect that it can and will be proved.
I don’t think that Trumps efforts to maintain the economy of the United States, despite the problems of the Covid Pandemic hurt him at all.
As far as I can see Trump has no intention of running again in 2024. He intends to be President for the next 4 years.
His gab; “I’m not tired of winning yet”
Trump is losing momentum . If he has credible evidence that will reverse that he needs to present it now. A lot of this stuff is circumstantial. A lot is hearsay. How much of the total of what has been claimed is backed up by hard credible evidence of widespread massive and consistent frau by many players remains debatable. Trump needs to start winning some of the many court cases and gain some traction.
I understand your frustration but from what little I know about this complex constitutional development it may be that the resolution of the matter was never going to be achieved at state level.
Once the states have dismissed the case it presumably can move up to the United States Supreme Court where a more appropriate response will take place and the validity or otherwise of the election made clear.
If Trump pulls this off he will be exposing the DNC the RNC the RINO’s the CIA, FBI, the mainstream media and the Tech Predators.
It could be the greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War.
And with a brutally short timeline.
Perhaps you might give him and the team another week or two ?
Or, dare I say, you might want to help?
Are you doing anything to drain the swamp or just hoping someone else will do it?
So besmirch people responding to the evidence as disloyal.
That’s a bit rich, coming from you.
You, who are happy to use this site and besmirch those who disagree with your rabid green-left nonsense.
I had considered making a donation to the Sidney Powell ‘We the People’ fund. It is partly our fight to. I was waiting see exactly how the land lies between Sidney Powell and the Trump team. If she has not been paid anything that is very very wrong.
I agree Jo. Too many are jumping the gun or are impatient. In fact this could take a lot more than 2 weeks. I say to them “cool your jets”. No one really knows for sure what is going to happen simply because we not only don’t have all the evidence, a lot of it hasn’t even been collated, analysed and made ready to present to the courts. There is just too much noise coming from all sides.
After all this talk and all these varying and complicated convoluted constructs of some massive masterplan, there MUST be evidence somewhere, right?
We’ve just gotta keep waiting, surely it will show up soon.
In the meantime, just keep changing the plot. (Hey, did we forget about the server? There is always a server found somewhere in these stories! )
Listening to an interview on Trunews of Sidney Powell, she had said the amount of information had gone from a fire hose to a tsunami.
Lots of small fires arent much…untill they join up…this is what will happen..the picture of corruption will get clearer and clearer.
I would expect the army to start arresting FBI and CIA people loyal to communism, politicians and billionaire financiers of the current troubles. I suspect it will be a blitzkriek like event, as that is what is needed to cut off the head of the snake….
May the God of the Bible protect the legally elected President and his govt, and to bring to justice evil men and women who would destroy a whole country.
From my Christian perspective, this is a spiritual battle as much as anything else. The USA has also let the scourge of PC and its roit cause, communism, wreak havoc with civic institutions and have kicked God out of schools and society, and so the USA has started to rot on the vine, and the current malaise is indicative of a Godless society. Its so clear to me….
If the claims of election fraud are valid, we have a situation that is truly “unprecedented”! If so, those planning to bring a case against the election outcome would be wise not to reveal their hand(s) too early, but instead get all of their ducks in a row, to provide evidence that is damning and irrefutable.
There is no evidence GA remember
I appreciate what you’re doing.
But Biden, as the cutout for who or whatever, is going to be POTUS.
Federal judges are almost all products of the Ivy League.
They have utter contempt for the average American.
And that’s just the half that voted for Biden.
I’m fairly sure you can’t graduate from Harvard and Yale without passing a series of “Contempt for America” courses.
The Applecart is a Roman banquet for these people.
They’re not about to overturn it.
Even if the military showed them camera footage of the UFOs … er, i mean vote tampering, they would see nothing.
Wait … that’s already happened.
Just want to add,
because I actually believe we may not able to speak freely much longer.
When I was a kid I liked the “Sgt. Rock” series of comic books.
I had no idea that my own father was Sgt. Rock.
He nearly died after surgery on his war wounds in the late 80’s.
Those men bought freedom for us and it lasted 75 years.
I guess that ain’t bad in the scheme of things.
The Zuckerbergs of the world will fail in the long run.
it’ s just going to be a very long run.
Its super important to teach freedom and liberty as the founding fathers did, while not forgetting American was founded to ensure christian religious freedom and freedom from tyranny and persecution…..
In 1908 in his prophetic novel The Iron Heel Jack London granted the tyrant class of oligarchs three hundred years of despotic rule before being overrun; he would have given them many thousands of years had he known of social credit and IoT let alone Biden and the plot to metastasise the diseased PRC into PRW.
If trump pulls this off then 100 pounds is winging its way to your chocolate fund.
I can do nothing to drain the swamp but it does need draining and probably does in many western democracies.
If he does not pull it off then it will be a much smaller amount out of due concern for you about eating too much chocolate
Sidney Powell has not been sacked. She was never officially part of the Trump legal team or as she said she never signed a retainer agreement and has never charged Trump or the campaign for expenses or fees. The Press Release from Team trump was essentially just a clarification note.
Is it true that Sidney Powell can’t testify for the Trump legal team if she is part of it ? Assuming it ends up in SCOTUS .
Not sure Robert, but I have read that elsewhere, as well.
The Courts, especially at the State level, cannot be trusted to deliver a just result whatever evidence is presented to them.
I have not read the 38 page judgement of the Georgia court. The Judge apparently thought he could easily dismiss the evidence that was presented.
Perhaps the headline is correct. What I thought Guiliani and team were presenting was evidence that correct procedures were not followed and hence the result was invalid (a different proposition).
Whatever, it may not matter.
The final act of this play is supposed to occur on 20 Jan 2021, which is Inauguration day for the new President. Even that date may not be kept.
What I have gleaned from reading the comments on the blog is that the corruption is very deep and wide. If Trump wins in the State courts the drama will play out gradually over the 4 years of his second term. If he doesn’t win there and the the matters are kept bottled up by the Swamp the ‘Boom’ will be much bigger and louder. Either that or Trump looses, is jailed or worse.
G’day tonyb,
I too would like to see more rapid progress, but temper that wish with the thought that the Donald has been working on this for over four years and needs some things to happen before his plan can be completed. While I can only guess at what comprises that complete set, some at least won’t occur before January. So I must, at least figuratively hold my breath till then.
I’m actually glad to have ahead of me the task of mowing some acres of thistles… And I’ve taken to watching crime TV on demand to replace the ABC (which I’ve decided to rename the Australian Broadcasting Comrades).
Dave B
Maybe the Australian Bolshehevik Collective….
It appears to be a bunch of activists who just happen to write stuff…that we pay for …
Let’s just get rid of it.
The valedictory speech from Ita would lament that its charter has been superseded by the internet.
By your reasoning regarding President Trump (he IS STILL the President) and the virus, you would blame our PM for the total ineptitude of the Victorian Government with regard to hotel quarantine. The US, like Australia, is a federation of States. They made the local rules, some like NY disastrously so. All the federal government could do was support the states with the resources they requested, and despite critical resources having been badly depleted by the Obama/Biden administration, that is what they did. A hospital ship was despatched to NY, and not used. Hundreds of respirators were rapidly manufactured and distributed. However, the states, especially Democrat states, failed to develop a high standard of contact tracing and quarantine processes and have paid the price. I do not see how Trump can to be blamed for that, any more than Morrison can for Victoria and South Australi.
you know about the national cabinet right? Where was Trump’s?
Seriously a cabinet with over fifty members? Why wouldn’t he do that I wonder…
Neither is true, she is working independently but in support of the Trump Team. She is determined to see the fraudsters brought to account.
Statement from Sidney Powell to we the people;
Look at the numbers; more people voted for Trump than for Hillary and he’s supposed to be on the nose?
I think the northern hemisphere press has got to you since you state without actually citing cases that he has underperformed since February which is manifestly untrue –Israel Bahrain treaty for instance through September and October.
The major fraud in the US election was the Judiciary, in several swing states, changing the laws as to the timing and receipt of ballots.
The Judiciary is there to interpret the law, not to enact it, that is the role of the Legislature. I believe that these actions by somewhat junior judges has the effect under the Constitution of invalidating the election in those States where these actions were taken.
Have not heard Sydney Powell on this aspect of the fraud that was committed here.
The role of the judiciary is not to interpret the law. It never was and still is not. It is to apply the law. Only corrupt judges interpret it.
I heartily concur with the comment at #1 from Peter C.
While I don’t know much about the U.S. Voting system there has been a lot of useful material put up on the net and in looking at Australia’s last federal election there are disturbing similarities.
The electorate of Tony Abbott was besieged by activists pushing the hard green barrow that saw him turfed. In the U.S.the activists were way more violent and destructive and their effect on the vote is still clouded.
The main point is that it seems necessary to introduce extreme emotional pressure on the electorate and bombard them with the appropriate message to get them to vote correctly.
This pattern of hyperactivism has limits and is very unhealthy whichever way you view it.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Cameron’s Behavioural Insights (Nudge Group) comes to mind.
They’ve spawned droves of imitators. You’ll vote for things you’d never think of on your own: today it’s Same Sex Marriage tomorrow it could be World Government… here just tick this checkbox.
They got Al Capone on tax fraud…Capone was supposed untouchable…wrong….
Spandau prison was also full of such people.
Jo one is above the law. Its only a matter of time….
…No one….
JNo one is above the law. Its only a matter of time…Sorry OS you are naive. The Clintons have zero restraints on their criminal activities. The Bushs and Obamas are part of the grand crime family.
Its only a matter of time …
“Allow me to create the currency of the nation and I care not who makes the laws!”
For a second there i thought you wrote Suckerberg, my mistake
Sidney Powell stands for integrity. Her evidence exposes Republican and Democrat corruption. Trump had to distance from her because some Republicans are caught. Trump must win then clean the swamp. Sidney will create a SCOTUS position that should create prevention of vote future fraud.
Good point. Perhaps that’s the plan. I love it when a plan comes together as John “Hannibal” Smith would say.
Richard, I know you mean well (I really do) but allow me to comment on your post.
“Sidney Powell stands for integrity. Her evidence exposes Republican and Democrat corruption.”
Absolutely dead-on. I would add that Sid is one of 4-6 locomotives pulling a 200-car train up a number of mountains at 400MPH (remember, there is a deadline a-coming). There is Rudy, Joe DeGenova and his wife Victoria Tensening (I cannot remember how to spell her last name), Lin Wood and a number of others. She and Rudy are the best national spokespersons for the cause. That why you see and hear them so often.
“Trump had to distance from her because some Republicans are caught.”
Where in the world did that abjectly absurd notion come from? As a matter of fact, and as she has oftentimes publicly stated, she, Rudy, and quite a few of those attorneys are working hand-in-glove with not only the lead counsel for the White House, but Rudy happens to be President Trump’s long-time PERSONAL attorney.
As for republicans being caught, damn their souls anyway. PDJT and that legal team wants the chips to fall where they may!
“Trump must win then clean the swamp.”
I would only replace “then” with “continue to”.
“Sidney will create a SCOTUS position that should create prevention of vote future fraud.”
HUH? You have got to be kidding everybody here with that gem…
Richard, on the Sid Powell issue.
First, I found this after my first comment to you:
I was floored. Then I looked into it.
Here’s the skinny from a pretty damn unimpeachable source.
“This is all about who is getting paid by the campaign and RNC. The Trump campaign isn’t going to reimburse Sidney Powell for any expenses, nor is she allowed to make offers of financial payment from the GOP or Trump campaign. The vultures assembling and protecting their paychecks do not want Powell getting paid, nor do they want any financial liability. That’s all this statement is.
“This statement by the Trump Campaign has nothing to do with Donald Trump, it is directly related to those interests who derive financial benefit from the Trump campaign. The same network of vultures exists on the DNC side of the equation and they exploit Bernie Sanders donor files.
“RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has enjoyed a high life of cocktail parties and lavish expenditures as a result of her position and control over the Trump data files; so too have a host of other entities and organizations that have been sending you text messages for money. That’s just how they roll….
That announcement is all about money; nothing more.”
So, that’s the real deal.
So I’m assuming she will carry on as before. The issue about “getting over her skis”, as it were, is utter Official Press Release Bull$h!t.
Trump has started to clean the swamp. He has said he did not realize how huge and entangled the weeds are (suggesting how many Republicans are also included?) He also said he found it difficult to find anybody he could trust. Obama clearly packed WH Staff ith spies and liars.. PDJT has also said that the construction industry corruption is tiny compared to politics. There are many politicians, relatives and beaurocrats that have become exposed. Clintons, Obama, Comey for starters. Quid pro Joe Biden will let investigations disapate if the SCOTUS don’t intervene. Many, including MSM have reason to be terrified of a Trump win. Sidney references incidents where some Republicans have ‘used’ Dominion. More than sufficient evidence has been stated by Sidney Powell that is easily checked, was it used in Venezuala? Sidney gave a lot of detail but has to protect people and data from current case scrutiny. The instructions showing how it could be used to rig results are not current and are great evidence. SCOTUS must resolve fraudulent voting and I think that means explanationsas to how this election rigging breaches the constitution. I believe states should be compelled to keep their rolls up to date. Penalties for voter fraud should be heavy on both the state and the individual. Fines for duplicate voting should be severe. Failure to notify states of departure and arrival compulsary. This is not difficult we even do it with chilren transfring schools. ID is essential and must be checked. If physical signature is not medically possible potographs must be used. When more pople vote in a county than live in it that states whole state should become invlid. That would deter fraudsters.
And the earth is flat
As far as I can see.
While a devastating global blackout is PREVENTABLE*, BBC: in case of a global blackout, hold a …torch!!!…
Τhe National Preparedness Commission, is looking at what other “unexpected future shocks” we should be expecting.
Funded by businesses, including Amazon, the commission is made up of people from the NHS Confederation, the Serious Organised Crime Agency, Tesco, the British Red Cross, Google Cloud, Unilever, the Bank of England and the National Grid. On Thursday the commission held their first meeting.
So, what will they, on our behalf, be worrying about?
The violent solar storms that threaten Earth.
The commission will be looking at all sorts of issues over the coming months, but for now once piece of practical advice Lord Harris can offer is to make sure you have a working torch to hand.
[Try to post on topic threads or in an unthreaded – Jo]
This article was written before the election.
There were lawsuits to try and stop the funding. See
An interesting twist.
No surprise there.
Barry Soetoro is, and has been, up to his eyeballs in this sort of corruption pretty much his entire adult life, including his college years.
Remember, this Dominion scandal is only surfacing now. But it was going on in 2016 as well.
That’s why Hitlery was so confident she would win. So was Barry.
Around this area
Latest Pointmans
“It’s time to break up the FBI”
And following
Ridiculously huge sums of money, continuously defecated by white billionaire liberals, are responsible for so much of what is wrong, corrupt and rotten in the klimate industry.
Sadly, there seems little chance of getting this corrected.
We have to live with the fact that Trump screwed up big time on covid and that’s why he lost the election, not because of alleged voter fraud, which doubtless existed, but was a minor factor in the great scheme of things.
So now we have a walking corpse, IRA-loving, ecoloon about to assume power in the USA – so, the klimate lies are just going to get bigger and ever more sophisticated.
How did Trump screw up so badly with Covid ? Just as in Australia, the states in the USA have had most of the control. Was Scomo responsible for all the problems in Victoria ? Of course not.
That is a good question.
And I don’t know the answer.
All he had to do was act supportive, be supportive towards all states, be involved in assisting supply chains in a post itv environment way, speak to the public and explain issues as a leader and provide direction and leadership.
But, he managed to blow it by dismissing the threat, playing partisan politics, giving Kushner some strange ill defined overseeing role, belittling his expert team, mistaking viewing ratings for approval… etc etc.
He could not have handled a simple role in a worse manner.
Remember how Mr. Bloomberg spent $500,000,000 in primary elections – and got just one vote, from Guam I think?
That is just the state of play in US politics.
Money = free speech, so the more money you have, the more say you have.
Pity you didn’t post similar information from a second source given that the grauniad is notorious for its left extremism cloaked hypocrisy –ask yourself why it’s free and then check out the shadowy trust arrangements which hide a principal revenue stream from betting shops (sorry, I’ve looked hard for a link without success and cannot remember where I read it but do know it is post Scott Trust).
President Trump must be on the FBI’s doorstep daily asking about investigations into the many areas of voter fraud that the US so prides itself on elected officials and democracy.
If they think President Trump is gone, they too will be very reluctant to do so until after a winner has been announced.
The 2016 election, the Democrats made sure everyone knew that President Trump will be just a one term President and the Democrats would back in power. It made it difficult for him to do much except by executive order.
Connecting the dots .
# Code for connecting and manipulating distributed voting
machines authored in Serbia .
More detail here
# Company involved in voting software development linked to Communist China
There is a wealth of information to be found at this website
however this seems to be a particularly pithy extract ….
“Dominion software’s external network is configured to the Serbian IP address.
The internet network being used by that IP address is SBB. The IP address leads
us to a location in Belgrade, Zoran Djindjic Boulevard. In the building located
at the aforementioned address we can find multiple companies – Opportunity
Bank Serbia, internet provider EUnet, but also the headquarters of the leading
Serbian cable and internet provider SBB. SBB is owned by an American fund
called KKR and George Soros. The chairman of KKR is David Petraeus,
former Head of CIA. Petraeus began working for Soros in 2000, at the time when
he was stationed within IFOR forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was also the
director of Soros’s organization called MoveOn. He was the director of CIA during
Presidential administration of one Barrack Obama, from 2008 to 2010. SBB owns the television channel called N1 which is a branch of CNN for Balkans and the television channel Nova S. SBB also acquired the license for the television channel Newsmax Adria. Even though this channel in the US is inclined towards President Trump, in Serbia it follows the lead of other Soros’s media. Its editor-in-chief is one of the most active Biden’s supporters on Twitter Slobodan Georgiev. Minority partners in SBB are Dragan Solak, who manages the field work of the company and Dragan Djilas, a politician from opposition and former Mayor of Belgrade. Djilas, Serbian President Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic are directly involved in foreign interference in US elections. All of Serbian governments in the last 20 years are directly subordinated to George Soros. He appoints them and he dissolves them. Djilas’s and Vucic’s partner is Nenad Kovac AKA Nesa Roaming, one of the biggest Serbian oligarchs. He controls the entire
IT industry of Serbia and he is directly connected to the Chinese companies
Huawei and ZTE and to the South Korean Samsung.”
# Joe Biden has recently visited Serbia ( presumably along with his bag man
Hunter Biden )
# Oh did I forget to mention …… Zuckerberg has a Chinese wife .
Sorry, Hugh. That comment should have been a reply to you, not a new #.
Now wasnt that interesting! Huge conspiracy. The only thing I dont get is , how come it was in English on a Serbian website?
because the person who made it up didn’t think
Nailed it!
I’ve no idea what’s going to happen in the end.
But what a tragedy, he was achieving all his promises, from the wall to returning troops and no new wars. More importantly perhaps are the steps towards peace for Israel and its neighbours that will now be swept away.
I feel exactly the same way. It will be a tragedy for the US and the Western world if he isn’t returned.
What I find curious, if not disheartening, is that through this time of crisis, President Trump is playing golf almost every day. Either he is incredibly certain of winning in the end, or either he knows he can’t stop Biden and just letting the Rigged Election narrative play as long as he can before moving out of the White House without ever conceding.
Other possibilities?
So he plays an hour of golf each day? He can’t fight this rigged result by ranting and raving 24/7. I’m sure he has his team on the case. The voting fraud issue isn’t ready for the Supreme Court.
Let him have his hour on the golf course.
Indeed. Big company CEO’s are used to big litigation, about which they personally can do nothing. He certainly needs the exercise.
You don’t play golf I presume.
You don’t really need a “conspiracy” if all of the people involved are:
First: Citizens of the world
Second: The “right sort of people”
Third: Smarter than you are
Fourth: Better than you are
Fifth: Only really interested in the great good for all mankind
Each and every on of them knows who to listen to and what to do without direct commands from a controlling authority; they are
like fire ants in that respect.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse, John Kerry
will be the climate czar. “Science” one presumes.
But it can always get worse.
Oh lord, the return of the carbon dioxide blanket on top of the atmosphere; I thought the Swift boats controversy did for that idiot but here he be again.
Censorship? Jo?
My comment has vanished:
Money = free speech, so the more money you have, the more say you have.