Good news, the Intergovernmental Holy Panel has finally released the new World-Saving IPCC Diet (WSID) which will stop storms, volcanoes and the spread of jellyfish. It also solves all those difficult dietary questions — instead of worrying about your weight, your blood pressure, or your brain, you can sip on a soy latte and know that even if you get dementia from the B12 deficiency or the tofu, you are A Virtuous Signaller. Lucky you.
And even though an atmospheric physicist supposedly can’t advise us on the climate, it’s fine for a climate scientist to tell us what to eat. They already tell us what car to drive and how many kids we should have. Why not?
Vegetarian diets and a “sin” tax on unsustainable meat could help to limit climate change, a major new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says.
–The Australian
Sinning with meat for 2 million years?
Humans have been eating meat for 2.6 million years at least, or about 100,000 generations, but it’s time to take the precautionary principle and toss that genetic heritage to the wind.
Meat is a good (as in “the only”) source of Cobalamin, known as vitamin B12, which your body uses to make the myelin sheath on nerves among other things (it’s the insulation on your personal electricity grid). The side effects of not getting enough include:
…demyelinisation of peripheral nerves, the spinal cord, cranial nerves and the brain, resulting in nerve damage and neuropsychiatric abnormalities. Neurological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include numbness and tingling of the hands and feet, decreased sensation, difficulties walking, loss of bowel and bladder control, memory loss, dementia, depression, general weakness and psychosis.3,4 Unless detected and treated early, these symptoms can be irreversible. — Zeuschner et al 2013
Meat is also the best source for creatine, carnitine, methionine, DHA, taurine and iron. Obviously millions of people do fine without meat, but it’s a bit of a bummer for those with defective enzymes or SNP (single nucleotide polymorphisms) in any of these pathways. Some people just shouldn’t be vegetarians. (I know, I was one).
Then there is the infamous Honolulu Heart Study and the dementia-increasing effect of soy, which appears to be replicated in elderly Chinese, Indonesians and Japanese Americans. Other researchers say soy consumption may be a significant contributor to Alzheimer’s dementia. (So may a lot of other things, it has to be said). We could call this side effect “Global Dumbing”. If only it were a joke.
There looks like some unfortunate trade-offs in trying to reduce global temperatures with our dinner plates. I have barely got started on the health effects, the risks, the costs involved.
If only the ABC / BBC / CBC had well funded specialist science units which could ask those kind of questions. Oh wait…
As it is, dieticians have a torrid time trying to figure out what humans should eat, only a cult fanatic would think climate models would do it better.
In the IPCC SRCCL (Book of Chapter 7 titled: Risk management and decision making in relation to sustainable development they talk about trade-offs, and poverty, but don’t mention SNPs, or cobalamin, or B12, or even the word “vitamin”. Perhaps it’s in some other chapter? It’s not in the Summary for Policymakers, and not in Chapter 1. Nevermind.
Tax the oceans instead
In any case the reason cows and sheep are being targeted in the first place were because of methane emissions, and as Tom Quirk found here, global methane levels appear to be mostly due to El Ninos, rainfall and leaky Russian pipes.
How many healthy people do we sacrifice to the weather Gods this time?
Save the forests, burn more coal
If the IPCC are so concerned about forest destruction the best thing they could suggest is to cut back solar and wind power and biofuels which use up to 500 times as much land area as fossil fuels or nuclear power does.
And if people are concerned about food security ponder that the IPCC says that about a third of food is lost or wasted. (Quoting Pep Canadell, executive director of the Global Carbon Project and a researcher at CSIRO). Sounds like we have plenty to spare then, especially if we stop trying to feed good food to cars instead of people .
The IPCC Press release is titled — Land is A Critical Resource. Like we didn’t know that.
As expected from the Groupthink Fashion Leaders of the World, the key statistics are not about the planet, the cows or the plants, but about them:
Key statistics of the Special Report on Climate Change and Land
The report was prepared by 107 experts from 52 countries who acted as:
- 15 Coordinating Lead Authors
- 71 Lead Authors
- 21 Review Editors
This is the first IPCC report in which a majority of the authors (53%) are from developing countries. Women account for 40% of the Coordinating Lead Authors.
Life on Earth is at risk, but the IPCC still has time to count their diversity score.
h/t Pat, George and Dave B
The globalist U.N. elite,
Now tell us what we must eat,
And to drink soy latte,
To keep hurricanes away,
Which are caused by eating red meat.
The Summary for Policymakers of the Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL) is available at A Fact Sheet and Headline Statements are available at All the chapters and details you don’t want to read are available.
The IPCC couldn’t be more wrong about climate science, so that they are wrong about this isn’t surprising. Besides, doesn’t everybody already know that the IPCC exists in opposite land?
Consider that there may well be an ulterior motive here. Ever heard of Soy Boys? It’s a derogatory term for, amongst other things, effeminate men that have an excess of oestrogen due to excessive consumption of soy products, such as soy lattes. Soy Boys also tend to by SJWs.
There is now a strong move to produce and sell vegetable based meat and guess what is one of the main ingredients of this meat? Soy beans. While many will point out that soy has been consumed in Asia for millennia, it’s not consumed in the quantities it is in Western society (such as baby food etc) and is cooked so that the ‘bad’ elements are removed by the cooking process.
It’s odd that the negative effects of excessive soy consumption are rarely, if ever, discussed in the MSM or anywhere but conservative sites. An interesting article here:
Excess soy consumption by pregnant and nursing mothers of young boys increases the risk of gender indeterminate children – and man boobs, according to one article I read.
The timing of this is bad, just when the concept of paleo [low carb, high fat] diet is gaining acceptance many will shun the idea “to save the world” at risk of their personal health.
Plants have “feelings” too. Munch on a stick of celery and it cries. Bite a carrot and hear the stem go snap. Water Melon is red on the inside. A potato burns to death in the oven.
Vegans are murderers of vegies! What can be done to stop their vegecide?
Reducing vegecide by mammals should be our number one priority. Eat more meat!
I’m all for eating grass and herbs, providing they’ve been ‘murdered’ and processed through cattle!
I grow yellow fleshed water melon. I do not want to be re minded of the greenie types!
Ironically, there have been many studies done that show that plants do react to outside stimuli and feel pain.
Odd that Vegans seem to ignore this.
It’s nonsense.
The fact that it’s being pushed by the warmists at BBC is always a red flag for me.
I should add that while plants have sophisticated defensive programs and can “communicate,” no plant is any more conscious than a computer is.
The sooner the IPCC is assigned to the dustbin of UN history the better for all of us.
It makes the IPCC wrong about biology too. Just look at humans’ teeth – you can easily see that we evolved eating meat:
You should hear all the Vegans dispute that. I can’t remember where I came across this, but one Vegan was adamant that our teeth show that we developed to eat plants only. You’d think we’d then fall into the same category as ruminants and have the same sort of digestive system.
The dieticians have been wrongly promoting vegetarian diet for decades.
Saturated fats : butter, lard, fat with meat are needed ingredients of a human diet.
Without these things vegetarian/vegan folks on high carb diets get fat & sick.
And curiously today Graeme & I met for coffee here in Mt Barker
At cafe which is vegan.
I have known the owner for years.
Since she went vegan he has put on lots of weight.
That’s her choice – fine
But to make it mandatory to save the planet.
Niw that truly is perverse non science.
Watch them pronouns, you’re implying going vegan has even more drastic effects.
On the other hand some readers might go vegan in the hope of getting into the women’s cricket team.
From today’s Australian “a new Cricket Australia policy which could see coaches prosecuted if they fail to let anyone identifying as female to play in women’s team”.
It’s definitely time Pres Trump shut that “not fit for purpose” UN down. Move them to Brussels or Accra, in Ghana, one those not fit for purpose capital cities. That space they occupy in New York would be better utilised as a multi story car park.
While Trumps at it we should shut The Guardian down under the not fit for purpose category.
I note them trying to scare the good folk of SE Australia with warning of “thundersnow storms”.
Wow noisy snow in winter!!??. Do they really employ five year old Journos??
Maybe they had a gob full of food while dictating to their secretaries?
Or one soy latte too many?
From the outpourings in the UK of the one Paul Homewood has christened Silly Jilly, I think they employ anybody with a mental age of 5 years.
Please do not insult 5 year olds!
Bruce J:
What insult? I implied they would have been as any adult employed by The Guardian. That means they have the ability to develop, unlike a lot of the Gullible AGW believers.
Thundersnow does exist. I remember a blizzard one February in England when there was thunder too. Happily I was unaware at the time that our pilot son was approaching LGW and had to divert to LHR (and was then stuck out in a remote part of the airport). It’s all just weather. More recently he had to abort a landing at MAN (in ‘Storm Doris’) and head to LGW which had just reopened but still pretty windy…fun for the passengers, eh?!).
It’s just weather and weather can sometimes produce thundersnow.
“Thundersnow does exist.”
Indeed it does. We occasional get a Thundersnow event here in Northeastern Ohio in the US.
I would like to see the UN building turned into a VA hospital. It can treat all the veterans who have fought in the UN’s wars!
The UN has a role to play with international cooperation against common enemies. The problem is that they incorrectly consider CO2 to be an enemy when in fact, its far more beneficial than harmful, even if the effects were as large as the IPCC claims. The IPCC not only exaggerates the effect of forcing on the temperature, they exaggerate the effects increasing temperatures will have on the planet and then further exaggerate the consequences of these exaggerated effects.
The IPCC and the UNFCCC have no legitimate reason to exist and there can be no doubt that these parts of the UN must be excised. Regarding the rest of it, as the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer, so keep it in NY.
Unfortunately the UN sees the west as the enemy, with the US being at the forefront.
It was just so embarassing having to listen to the BBC broadcasting this tosh as News today. They had me at:-
‘Switching to a plant-based diet can help fight climate change, UN experts have said.’
as on it went…
I have it on the authority of a cannibal that switching to a diet of BBC broadcasters can help fight starvation.
I understand that the word vegan and vegetarian come from ancient tribal languages, they both mean incompetent hunter.
Graham R,
this lot haven’t thought this through, have they.
Just like the “ruinable” power thingo.
Looks good in their papers….but practically, hopeless….
Just Thinkin’, how many of those proposing this still eat meat?
The fact that soy and tofu is so detrimental to mental health starts to make it clear why so many people can’t remember what the weather used to be like when they were young. They slavishly regurgitate the nonsense their warmist high priests espouse about how today is the hottest day ever and how we have such Extreme weather events. To me the growth of the soy and tofu is probably the equivalent of spiking the water so that the masses will turn into this pack of climate zombies. All this article tells me is that this experiment has been trialled on large parts of the population, media, government leaders, teachers, university leaders, and now is being expanded to everyone.
I’ll have to start growing my own cows at home in my own little hydroponic shed in the back yard .
Neurological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include memory loss, dementia, depression, and psychosis.
Now what troll does that remind me of?
As evidenced by the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ clowns in Brisbane recently. The other detriment is being unemployed and living with your parents.
Those watermelons are supposed to be active in Perth today.
Those fa’a kwits were active here today too – until they were arrested:
“About 30 members of Extinction Rebellion are on the train line… four freight services had been affected as of 11.30am”. Photo: A supporter offers a snack to a protester on the railway line… from a plastic container! Shortly thereafter they were arrested.
• Arthur’s Pass, Saturday: “30 to 50cm of snow to settle on the road above 500 metres”
• Porters Pass: “20 to 40cm of snow to settle on the road above 500 metres”
• ‘Heavy snow’ warnings and avalanche alerts for the high country & ski areas
My new updated thesis: The more Stinky Zombies arrested = colder temperatures and heavier snow. May I have my grant now?
And here in Victoria we having a”polar blast” I remember when they used to be called areas of low pressure, not scary enough I suppose.
Well once again all the dire predictions for this weeks run of “life threatening weather” continues to run late. The severe and damaging winds in my area turned out to be a fast moving front that went through in under an hour, snow to 500 metres has not arrived as yet (Thats me so I know its not here) now its predicted for Saturday, oh well I’ll sit by the fire and scoff a couple of Bundies with the wife. Nothing like a hot buttered rum when, and if, the weather turns inclement
Sambar, bless the weather gods !
Do not insult them !
And they will look after you too !
We got 40-50 mm of rain yesterday
in the Adelaide Hills
lovely wet stuff by the bucket loads
In fact the creek at the bottom of my road was flooding over the bridge.
Cows and cattle cannot produce more “carbon” than they eat.
They are carbon neutral.
Last night, veal eye fillet with bacon and mushroom pepper sauce, side of green vege.
IPCC can go jump in the nearest lake… with concrete shoes on !!
It seems a basic mass balance doesn’t it?
The Left never allow mere scientific facts to interfere with Marxist ideology….
They seem to be worried about the methane in cow farts. Although, even if atmospheric methane tripled, the effect on the temperature would be too small to notice, and this is assuming the IPCC’s absurdly inflated sensitivity.
Of course, if we get rid of the cows, pigs, chickens. turkeys and the methane associated with their farts, there will no manure to fertilize the vegetables that are supposed to replace meat. I guess we’ll need to use fossil fuels to make lots of chemical fertilizer …
I wonder of Greta can see methane?
Produces it though
Talking of Gërta The Blurter –
Joe Bastardi (great name!) “would like to know what Greta opposes in the following items”:
• Life expectancy up
• Food production up
• Climate-related deaths down (from flood/drought/fire/heat/storm)
“And how is taking the way we cross oceans back to the time of Columbus anything but counter to progress?”
“Gërta The Blurter ”
What !
You are a blasphemer greg
She is “Her Holiness Greta the Blessed”
If she hears about your blasphemy
She will curse thee forever
With her Gore Bull Warming Thunderbolts !
Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening, eeeeeeek! (Galileo, Galileo…)
From Queen Greta Bedwetter’s Greatest
HitsHissy-Fits 2003-2019.You may enjoy the hilarious illustration of Grumpy Green Greta in the link below:
Satirical blog run by Oleg Atbashian, graphic designer who escaped the USSR to the USSA and for decades has been anti-Commie, anti-AGW, anti-AOC, etc. Then again, it could just be my twisted sense of humour…
[snip] oops? cant remember what I wrote anyway..
Alzheimer’s AND dementia? Uh-oh…
Never saw it myself (even tho’ 3 folk enjoyed it).
May I suggest it was: Youth is wasted on young people.
The problem with these UN declarations is that there is more than likely an agreement on the subject matter awaiting ratification by our government. Similar situation to the Paris Accord, the UN Accord on migration & god knows what other claptrap that they tell us will not be implemented but will never be refuted in case they can possibly implement it while we’re not watching them for 10 minutes or so.
The current PM cannot & will not ever be trusted until we see these UN agreements / treaties are shredded preferably with some public fanfare as a bonus. How can these government wankers sign up to agreements which we know nothing about, have not seen any debate on with UN officials whom we did not elect. Not very Democratic is it? Nobody seems to care whether these agreements are in our national interest. This is the Globalist way of undermining our sovereignty, not only here in Oz but world wide.
We must somehow call for a register of ALL agreements, treaties, to made available on line so the public can at least be aware of any treasonous proposals/dealings with the unelected UN & its agencies!!
This needs to be our future.
While ever we focus on the stupidity of the latest intrusion into our freedom we avoid the main issue.
Your comment rightly takes us away from the boogeymen like CO2 and methane and helps us see the real problem: undemocratic, dictatorial pretense of government covering the actions of the Lootocracy.
May MalEx444 rest in peace.
It is the methane developed in the rumen* that they object to but you may still be right. We generate methane from vegetable matter too but not being ruminants it isn’t belched through our mouth.
* Ruminants are mammals that are able to acquire nutrients from plant-based food by fermenting it in a specialized stomach prior to digestion, principally through microbial actions. The process, which takes place in the front part of the digestion system and therefore is called foregut fermentation, typically requires the fermented ingesta to be regurgitated and chewed again. Wikipedia
“To me the growth of the soy and tofu is probably the equivalent of spiking the water…”
Commander Jack D. Ripper had a similar idea 55 years ago: “I can no longer sit back and allow … the international … conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.” (Dr. Strangelove, 1964, )
I’ll go one better, in the 1973 film Soylent Green,
Soylent Industries, which derives its name from a combination of “soy” and “lentil”, controls the food supply of half of the world and sells the artificially produced wafers, including “Soylent Red” and “Soylent Yellow”. Their latest product is the far more flavorful and nutritious “Soylent Green”, which is allegedly made from plankton and is in short supply.
So we have soy, lentils a large entity that influences the world and something mentioned here often Plankton!, Now consider the activities of Maurice Strong at this time.
In 1972 he organised for U Thant the first Earth Summit, The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. This led to the formation of UN Environment Program with Maurice Strong at its head. Later, as the UNEP boss he organised the first international expert group meeting on climate change.
This led to exotic UN sponsored organizations such at Earth Council and Earth Charter, The World Resources Institute, the World Wildlife Fund and later The Commission for World Governance and the UN’s University for Peace. Strong was the driving force behind the idea of world governance by the United Nations when he dreamt up a world tax on monetary transactions of 0.5% which would have given theUN an annual income of $1.5 trillion. About equal then to the income of the USA.
In a few of my posts in the past, I have always said the pagan earth-worshipping Elite would try and encourage, and then if that didnt work then *force* humanity into a vegie diet to “save the planet” and protect their mythical “Gaia”.
But….funny how we aren’t supposed to have a State religion, but in effect – here it is…..Decree Vegie ….handed down by the Intergalactic Panel of Climate Clowns…..
Rather than calling it a religious entity I prefer the term terrorist cult. Funny how we defend ourselves against traditional terrorists who hate the West and seek to destroy it yet entities that push the CAGW agenda who are terrorists of another kind and also hate the West and seek to destroy it are treated as our friends by most politicians and business leaders. Go figure.
So is the West being taken down from witin?
The declines of all past empires were initially started from within so I don’t expect it to be any different for the West.
witin and witout
I listened to this a couple of days ago . . . . . some very skilful dot connecting . . . . . imho . . . .
Far Out Joseph.
I always thought we were being conned by successive gubbnmnts.
This is proving it. And I see that Australia has been singled out
by the UN.
Loooooooooooooooong past time we got out of the UN.
Our government is definitely complicit.
Look at all the industries that they have closed down…by their policies.
No wonder our farmers and Dairy Farmers are in dire straights….
And the sheeples haven’t got a clue.
GOD, help Australia…
O.S. The vegetables only diet cannot save the planet, and in fact probably do nothing for “diversity” in nature. The wide scale production of vegetables in any form changes a diverse landscape into a monoculture landscape, animals that eat “our” vegies rapidly become pests that must be eradicated to save the crop. Even vegans have to eat, so, when the wheat ( or soy, or peas etc. ) is sown the birds arrive to eat the seed, eradicate them, the remaining seeds germinate and then the big animals arrive to feast on the shoots, eradicate them. The crop nears maturity the birds ( whats left of them ) come back to steal the seed, the big animals trample the standing crop as well as eating it, eliminate them. Then the rodents arrive, eliminate them. Yes without doubt a vegitarian diet will benifit every living thing on the planet !
Sarc/ off
It’s deja vu all over again!
August 8, 2019: “The report, prepared by more than 100 experts from 52 countries and released in summary form in Geneva on Thursday, found that the window to address the threat is closing rapidly.
A half-billion people already live in places turning into desert, and soil is being lost between 10 and 100 times faster than it is forming, according to the report.
Climate change will make those threats even worse, as floods, drought, storms and other types of extreme weather threaten to disrupt, and over time shrink, the global food supply.”
June 24, 1986: “The conclusion, conveyed with great authority by several big-league climatologists from government and private research organizations, is terrible: by the year 2000, the atmosphere and weather will grow warmer by several degrees and life – animal, plant, human – will be threatened.
The experts say that melting ice caps, flooded cities, droughts in the corn belt and famine in the third world could result if the earth’s mean temperature rises by a mere two or three degrees.
”The Climate Crisis” was originally produced by WGBH in 1983.
It would be useful to do some re-editing, cut down a bit on the original documentary and bring it up to date, even if only with a brief new introduction or conclusion.”
>> It’s only on Al Gore’s planet Itsacon where carbon (sic) does not cause greening …
2015:” Rising greenhouse gases have boosted rainfall in the Sahel region of Africa, easing droughts that killed 100,000 people in the 1970s and 1980s, in a rare positive effect of [global warming], a study said on Monday.”
Back in the 1960’s they were predicting famine in the first world (and the oil running out). Erhlich’s celebrated Population Bomb and the claim that the world couldn’t support two and a half billion people. And here we are with 3 times that number, better fed and better off financially, (and the oil hasn’t run out either) and they’re still waffling.
I always wondered what they meant by recycling.
Human ingenuity knows no bounds, Malthusianism is wrong.
Not unlike socialism that is unable to countenance the creation of greater wealth and prosperity.
Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy and the unequal sharing of misery imposed on the majority by a corporatist globalist elite and its media pretenders.
How about socialism with Chinese characteristics?
The Climate Crisis (1983) [about Global Warming] should always be shown with the related program The Coming Ice Age with Leonard Nimoy (1978) [about Global Cooling] to provide the proper context.
You want to provide
useless eaterscontext? As in balance? No no no, this will not do, RicDre!They may have any colour they wish – as long as it is Green IPCC #97.
And if I may quote a critique of the bible of our Lord Forward, Brave New World:
“From birth, members of every class are indoctrinated by recorded voices repeating slogans (‘hypnopædia’ or ‘msm’) to believe their own class is superior… Any residual unhappiness is resolved by an antidepressant called soma“.
And if that don’t work, give ’em tofu and pursuade ’em to glue ’emselves to the road, y’know, for the planet ‘n’ neverythink.
[Facetious Friday Fatwa over ‘n’ out]
Yes, that’s when Tom Foolery predicted that by 2000 the Sydney Opera House would be under water.
“a study said on Monday”
“The report, prepared by more than 100 experts from 52 countries”
“The experts say “
“Carnivore All Meat Diet – How It Can Work”
Jordan Peterson is on an all meat diet. I am moving toward one myself.
I love meat. I like pigs too and cows we had over 100, but I like eating them..I never tell any of them though..
I’ve trialed this diet a few years ago with good results and have just started again this week, what people don’t realise is the weight loss is steady, quality meat has plenty of vitamins in it, you never go hungry as the high proteins make you feel full, bowel movements are no problem as meat liquifies it’s plant matter that slows the gut and you eat less as your body adapts.
Grass fed meat is better nutritionally than grain fed.
Plants are my food’s food.
Put me down as carnivore-ish.
The only plant material I’m currently ingesting are tea and coffee, and coffee will be the next to go.
Another N=1 experiment, but right now I’m feeling really good.I may reassess down the track and determine what I can reintroduce to my diet without detriment, but right now there is very little that I’m missing.
IPCC has become irrelevant. Anyone who takes them seriously must seek medical attention immediately. Seriously.
Their words guarantee their increasing irrelevance. And as they perceive this, we all know that their screeches will become a crescendissimo of unscientific nonsense. And so they will fade into oblivion and the World will move on.
Latus, How I wish you were correct.
I’m afraid you are not though and the proof is in recognizing that our types have been saying the same thing for nearly 40 years! We keep waiting for them to finely fail and go away.
They have not gone away.
OMG! FINALLY not finely….
If you follow the IPCC’s line of reasoning ( if you can call semi-legible ramblings, that ) were all doomed and should commit mass suicide……
I wonder if they have purchased any Kool Aid for themselves?
Lead by example, and all….
Regretfully I must disagree with you Peter S,
Their propaganda machine is still working most effectively and is influencing groups as diverse as the ABC, SMH and BHP as an incomplete set of examples. So, irrelevant? No.
But nasty, bullying, powerful, effective, subversive and power hungry? Yes.
Dave B
David, when the reality of economic and societal discomfiture exceeds the discomfiture of infringing virtue signalled political correctness, watch how quickly the irrelevance of IPCC grows.
Reality is a far better indicator of relevance than propaganda puff pieces by the usual suspects.
Socialism, de-industrialisation, de-population, destitution and despair are not and never were sustainable.
To wit:
Global meat-eating is on the rise, bringing surprising benefits
German Agency For Disaster Preparedness Calls On Citizens To “Be Ready For Widespread Blackouts”
G’day L D,
Don’t get me wrong. I do hope they’re on the way out, but the mere fact that have lots of resources (our money) to work with and active supporters as I mentioned, they are not yet irrelevant. They still have politicians, past and present as fans and active supporters. And universities…
Dave B
From the Report, below, regulation on land degradation,due to AGW and human population pressures, giving the leftist medja a field day for doomsday advice to the sheeple. Go Guardian! Go, BBC, CCN et big AL!
‘The report emphasises the role that socio-economic changes around the world will have in determining the planet’s future, noting that projections often show these shifts having a larger impact on land use patterns than climate change itself.
The harm generated by the changing climate will not only result from rising temperatures, but also on how humanity’s consumption patterns, land management and populations shift alongside it, the report says. This is outlined concisely in the SPM:
“Pathways with higher demand for food, feed, and water, more resource intensive consumption and production, and more limited technological improvements in agriculture yields result in higher risks from water scarcity in drylands, land degradation, and food insecurity.”
The “pathways” it refers to are a standard set of “shared socioeconomic pathways” (SSPs), which are used across the IPCC’s reports to give a sense of how changes in global society, demographics and economics will interact with climate change.
While there are five SSPs in total, the land report mainly focuses on the first three, with each one offering significantly different outcomes. A Carbon Brief explainer from last year outlines what each of these scenarios means in more detail.
SSP1 is characterised by low population growth, with just seven billion people on the planet by the end of the century. High incomes, reduced overall inequalities and effective land use regulations are also features of this scenario, as well as less meat consumption and food waste.’
And that Report reads like the usual diatribe from Malthusians.
It’s an utter misunderstanding of how an open market works. And how leftists ideas to attempt to manage markets always fails, always ends in disasters. They misunderstand that capitalism can actually humanly cope with an increasing world population, and has done since Malthus’s stupidity first saw the light of day.
From business life experience and public company board meetings over decades I can advise that the “ivory tower” syndrome is not uncommon but common sense often is.
It never ceased to amaze me how well educated people, very clever people in many ways, are naive about life in general, particularly life at the “grass roots” level.
Therefore I am not surprised that climate change hoax propaganda is taken seriously even in public company boardrooms and senior executive positions.
Apologies to those who are not.
“Wurst Idea Ever? Germany to Tax Sausages to Fight Climate Change”
The only German that will ever tax my sausage is Claudia Schiffer…..and the odds of that is zero.
I seem to remember Claudia marrying that Thunderbirds character, Brains.
Hence forth known as Claudia Schiffer-Brains
We plunge further into the Idiocene!!
‘How many healthy people do we sacrifice to the weather Gods this time?’
Obesity is a first world luxury, so I support a draconian sugar tax.
Meanwhile the simple folk living in third world countries accept nature and related climate and weather as they should be accepted, Earth Cycles.
Stochastic and non linear, a random walk, but with the help of Juno and the gas giants this folly will soon end.
“Stochastic and non linear, … “
That reminds me …
Stochastic elastic:
A particularly poor elastic material having a erratic Youngs modulus that’s highly dependent on temperature, humidity, as well as light and stress levels. Used mostly in cheap foundation garments and Bikinis that fail to reliably hold pendulous bodily appendages in a satisfactory manner.
Also used for quasi-cyclic sagging in mobile structures.
The food supply is one of the things Leftists always attack.
Apart from controlling the Sheeple via the control of food, they attack meat because the ready availability of meat, which is regarded as a luxury in more primitive or socialistic societies, is a defining characteristic of capitalist Western countries.
The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has been pushing for us to eat insects instead of meat for a long time.
Note that UN Elites will continue to eat meat, only the Sheeple will be expected to eat insects.
The FAO report is here:
If the gullible were truly worried about land use/water use/food shortages etc. why don’t they support hydroponics?
Much less area needed, about 1/10 the water used (per wt. of crops). Yet try suggesting that on a green site, e.g. the ABC, and look out for the rejections.
And as a further advantage you can grow crops for animals, as in the UK where conveyor belt type machines produce green grass* mat for race horses in winter. No doubt this could be expanded to other herbivores.
*I think that actually they use a mix of seeds e.g. oats (which are a grass). I wonder if this approach could be used for malting barley?
Almost 30 years ago there was such a system available commercially in Oz for farmers. It wasn’t a conveyor, it was just large trays grown in controlled conditions, and was promoted as drought feed at the time. The ABC was flogging it on Landline. It lasted about 5 minutes then went broke.
In Australia the scale of production of such systems would be beyond miniscule (and very expensive). Scale is probably the killer. People who don’t deal with livestock don’t recognise just how much fodder it takes to maintain an animal. While nature is taking care of things and the grass is growing it’s fine, but when you have to cut and cart — or artificially grow — enough feed to maintain even a moderate sized herd, it becomes obvious that what we take for granted is actually an immense amount of natural production.
When you see those convoys of B-doubles loaded with hay coming up from VIC and over from WA to NSW and QLD, the gesture of support is well-intended and well-received, but it is just that — a gesture. It is of more psychological benefit than practical benefit. Farmers need to know that others care about their plight. A convoy might carry say 400 round bales. Each bale weighs 1 tonne give or take quite a bit depending on what is baled.
When it arrives that load of 400 bales might be split between 40 surrounding farms, so each farm gets 10 bales. The farmers get a boost and go home smiling, but if you’ve got 1,000 starving head of cattle, how long do you imagine 10 bales of hay would last them? My guess is about 10 minutes and half of them would still miss out on a mouthful, then what? Back to buying feed if it’s available and continual de-stocking. Most places don’t have the option of irrigation.
It is not physically possible to mimic nature in our scale of production of fodder. That is one reason why grain is fed to stock as a concentrated energy boost, but you can’t do that forever either and you can’t feed straight grain. Ruminants need roughage to survive and they also get grain poisoning.
Artificial growing systems have their place, but that place is not in wider agricultural production on the Australian scale. Might be fine for malting and in Britain with their toy-scale farms. Whether it is an economic proposition is another question.
I’m also not a fan of hydroponics for animal and human nutrition reasons. Hydroponics was based on the erroneous chemical tenets of Liebig. I know you’re a chem engineer and he might be one of your heroes, and he might have been good in a lab playing with his test tubes, but his understanding of plant nutrition was seriously lacking. Liebig-based NPK hydroponics isn’t all there is to supplying a plant’s needs, resulting in a garbage in, garbage out result. You cannot simply replace complex biological interactions with simplistic chemical alternatives. The resulting tomatoes might look rosy, but that doesn’t make them good. However, if you want to talk aquaponics then I’ll listen — an (almost) closed, semi-natural system with production at both ends of the cycle.
Then there is organic hydroponics (downstream of diluted animal waste).
Sorry to disagree but purely chemical feed solution works very well. Plants depend on bacteria/fungi breaking down organic material into soluble stuff they can absorb. I haven’t seen any evidence that plants benefit by absorbing macromolecules, although I would admit they might have benefits for plant roots externally.
Chem.Eng. (Failed).
Graeme, that makes your chemistry expertise 1,000% greater than mine.
I didn’t adequately explain my point about my scepticism/antipathy towards hydroponics. Complexity is about balance. A healthy soil can provide more balanced nutrition to a plant than some concocted hydroponic solution where relatively arbitrary ratios of a very limited number of chemicals are mixed together.
In the past hydroponics has been used to maximise growth and profit, not to maximise nutrition, and this has resulted in tasteless produce of dubious nutritional value. That may have improved, but it has some way to go.
I could grow a 10ft high tomato plant with fruit the size of small grapefruit if I shoved enough chemicals into the thing, but the resultant tomatoes would not be fit for purpose.
Certainly you can also achieve bad effects with chemicals in the paddock if you splash enough fertiliser about. In the US some farmers in the corn-belt were using so much nitrogen on their corn that it became toxic to livestock. It looked beautiful and lush but the level of nitrates in it was lethal since they convert to nitrites inside animals that eat that corn. You end up with a combination of nitrate and nitrite poisoning. Nitrite poisoning results in virtual suffocation of the animal through interfering with haemoglobin. Nitrate poisoning also occurs for other reasons beyond a farmer’s control, but you don’t want to actively promote it with chemical use.
I’m not familiar with using dilute liquid manure as a hydroponic solution. Sounds like is it worth checking out. It would certainly be more complex than chemicals out of a bag and bio-active too with all the gut microbes, which is not a bad thing. It’s going to be heavy on urea but if it’s diluted enough that shouldn’t be an issue, and urea in solution is the most efficient way of applying N to a plant. It’s a bit like the aquaponics that I referred to except that uses fish effluent in low concentration.
Once again it comes back to balanced nutrition of plants.
David Maddison,
Supply and demand within a properly operating market is THE thing Leftists misunderstand. Leftists the world over attempt to regulate proper markets out of existence, usually to the detriment of producers, suppliers and the population in general.
E.g. as world requirements for anything (including food) rises the prices change to match the demand. Leftist believe this is ‘unfair’ because their socialist indoctrination comes with a huge amount of the ‘politics of envy’.
The globalist U.N. elite,
Now tell us what we must eat,
And to drink soy latte,
To keep hurricanes away,
Which are caused by eating red meat.
The corporatist globalist Left demagogues at the UN peddled the mantra of eating insects to ward off world hunger a little while back in 2013. Six years later, after five years of world bumper and record wheat yields they are now telling the world to stop eating meat. I think they are quite likely to end up screeching from their deranged pecksniffian pulpits that cannibalism is the new old norm. After all, therein lies a wonderful Green ‘double benefit’.
They either have a problem with institutional memory or they are so overwhelmed by their ideological eco-Marxist zealotry and desperation, that along with their MSM sycophants they keep breaking the golden rule:
‘You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time’.
“crescendissimo of… deranged pecksniffian… sycophants”.
Dude, you’re firing on all 8 cylinders today, woohoo!
High carbohydrate diets as advocated by the Left are responsible for the high obesity health crisis of the West and are yet another way to control or kill people. People were much healthier under the higher protein and higher fat diets we had in the West until the early 1980’s when a revised and improper food pyramid was released by the US FDA, the dietary recommendations of which have killed millions.
A Tasmanian surgeon Gary Fettke was suspended for his advocacy of high protein diets (now reinstated). See the following link and the surprising origins of high carbohydrate, anti-meat diets.
‘Desertification in arid regions, including Australia, is expected to increase as tropical and subtropical climate zones expand poleward.’ ABC
In fact the subtropical ridge is too far south for this time of year, accompanied by cold air outbreaks, so i expect the the ITCZ to move further north in the coming decades.
In preparation for this I propose we refill Willandra Lakes with water from Lake Argyle, because the evaporation rate decreases in a cooler climate.
This is excellent news!
We must make sure that all climate scientists in Australia go vegan immediately, and all plane travel for them banned. For the planet! I recommend these requirements be added to their employment contracts, starting with prestigious CSIRO climate scientists, since they are in such a crucial social leadership role.
Doesn’t work that way. Surely you read the book and and watched the movies 1984. The inner party/super elite will keep on eating meat.
Can vegans eat caviar? Just wondering what will be served to the elites at the next climate get-together.
Only when at 30,000 ft in their private jet and there is no one to notice.
“Balanced diets featuring plant-based foods, such as coarse grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, and animal-sourced food produced sustainably in low greenhouse gas emission systems, present major opportunities for adaptation to and limiting climate change”
form the IPCC report (which I would not have read, but for this post. Thanks Jo)
If you were to go to a dietitian this is what advice they would give.
You would be surprised just how little animal protein is necessary in a healthy diet. Most recommendations suggest around 7 grams of protein for each 9 kilos of body weight, which for me, would be around 70 grams of protein a day. Typically, a pub steak is 230-300 grams of protein.
“in low greenhouse gas emission systems”
Absolutely no need to do this at all
Current CO2 levels are very much on the low side of plant needs, barely above sustainable..
There is also no evidence that increased atmospheric CO2 causes warming..
… or even if it did, there is no evidence that a little bit of warming would be anything but beneficial being as it would be in colder regions, opening up those regions to more productivity..
Does everyone in the world have the same access to and the ability to purchase the food that makes up your diet Andy? And if they did, how much land and resources would be required to meet that demand? Would you support a program which allowed the whole world to consume like you do?
Peter Fitzroy,
Everybody with the wealth to consume what they desire and can afford should be able to do it. Everybody NO exceptions! That is regardless of where they live, or their perceived station in life, they should be allow to eat/drink whatever they wish. Restricting peoples diets because some authority says it’s unsustainable (because some idiotic modeling) is crass nonsense.
The whole world should ignore these wannabe UN authoritarians.
love how you get everything back to front.
tom0 is totally correct, PF.
It is your inner anti-liberty marxist/socialist totalitarian attitude that makes you think otherwise.
You probably couldn’t even exist without your group-think commune telling you what to do and think.
Peter Fitzroy,
As people are not born equal that is the way of the world. No amount of political chicanery can or will fix that. Only those born with aberrations of intellect, or are subjected to indoctrination, can believe otherwise.
NO you Peter Fitzroy are simply wrong.
If everyone could afford to live as we do the world population would stabilise, before dropping.
Check out this map to see who is breeding like rabbits, it is not those of us eating meat, and religion has little to do with it.
Strawman PF drones again.
You are yabbering about nothing, as usual, PF
Go eat your soy burger and non-dairy skim decaf latte, and let your mind regress even further into its abyss of mindless emptymess. PF
“Would you support a program which allowed the whole world to consume like you do?”
And I assume you live in squalor eating dumpster vegan food, or are you being a hypocrite !
Or is it your deep-seated Marxist/socialist totalitarian bent speaking !
Yes, everyone should have access to a balance of foods if its possible.
good to see you support my central point
You had no central point, just a load of garbled gibberish.
Normal for you.
Carbohydrate-based diets are killers. We need more meat and animal fats in our diet and fewer carbs. Non-meat diets have their origins in the false belief that meat was a powerful stimulant that lead to “self-vice”. See my other link.
Balanced is the word David.
“Balance” applied to diet is an artificial concept….. If you really took it seriously you would eat far more cellulose and a suite of toxins.
Let us know how the hemlock tastes….
It was always a struggle to survive as hunter gatherers, usually a feast or famine, but civilisation changed all that. A balanced diet is best and cut back on copious amounts of meat, its surplus to requirement.
The beachcombers who first came to Australia had an abundance of sea food and when it became exhausted they moved on.
UN pronouncements amounts to “Do as I tell you not as I do.”
The ideal ‘balanced’ diet for all is what the UN-IPCC has at any of it conferences, and what is served within the restaurants and eateries of the UN buildings. Everyone should have diets like UN scámmers.
Analysis of the last UN-IPCC meeting in Katowice, Poland was shown to very meat heavy…
There is no “balance” in a keto diet. Even a carnivore diet is sustainable long term once the body has adapted. This has been shown by whites living with Inuits.
As the typical protein content of a “pub steak” is slightly less than 20%, your pub must serve some of the biggest steaks in the business. 1500grams is a bloody big steak.
Peter Fitzroy,
““Balanced diets featuring plant-based foods, such as coarse grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, and animal-sourced food produced sustainably in low greenhouse gas emission systems, present major opportunities for adaptation to and limiting climate change”
form the IPCC report “
The IPCC reports are neither scientific nor are they a good source of dietary advice, they are at best a source for those have to believe in some sort of wannabe authority figures to use within their illogical echo-chambers of bias. It saves the weak minded from actually having to think.
Also the fact that because of poverty some people of this planet have a inadequate diets, does not mean that others should have their diets restricted and dictated to them by unelected busybodies from the UN.
If I have the wealth and the desire for a high meat diet then I should be allowed to have it. Meat production does not affect this planet’s climate to any great degree.
The normal natural global variations in SST and changes in solar activity really do affect the climate greatly.
what? Formally accredited contributors, writing in their area of expertise, is not scientific?
Your second para is exactly back to front again. I did not advocate taking from the rich like you to give to those who are needy, rather to bring everyone up to your level.
” rather to bring everyone up to your level.”
At no point in your rambling gibberish did you say this.
You know that, and are just doing your normal sliming and slithering
“Balanced diets featuring plant-based foods, such as coarse grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, and animal-sourced food produced sustainably in low greenhouse gas emission systems, present major opportunities for adaptation to and limiting climate change””
The whole premise is anti-science garbled IPCC nonsense from the start.
There is no way that what they are yabbering about has ANYTHING to do with so-called “climate change™”
Most commentators with formal qualifications think that human brain sizes increased markedly once ancient humans switched to eating meat.
I could draw a parallel but my name isn’t Andy.
On what planet do people learn to think like that, USA’istan?
You’re showing your extreme gullibility again, PF. You need to read Donna Laframboise’s book:
The Delinquent Teenager Who Was Mistaken for the World’s Top Climate Expert
You can read the reviews on this page:
One review, titled “Well Document Expose of an Utterly Corrupt Organization” you should pay attention to:
Jum Benefiel.
Of course, you should also read the other reviews.
Your experts are X-spurts — many are unqualified students. If the IPCC did an honest job, it would have hung up its shingle and shut down long ago. It’s still with us, therefore it’s not honest.
Thanks for the laugh. PF. It’s kept me amused all day.
Peter Fitzroy,
Your indroctrination make it clear you are NOT for “rather to bring everyone up to your level.”, you are about bring everyone down to the same squalid level or misery!
The markets work! Only fools misunderstand that Peter Fitzroy.
It strikes me that some members of the IPCC panel already suffer from soy induced dementia.
I believe the railway engineer, Rajendra K. Pachauri proved that point rather well.
As does the Executive Director of the Carnegie Climate Geoengineering Governance Initiative, Hungarian/Swiss Janos Pasztor (ex-Executive Secretary of the UN Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability, ex-Policy and Science Director and Director for Conservation at the WWF, ex- about everything with YUGE tongue-twisting titles) who is now proposing chemtrailing (oops, I said it!) the planet to (cough!) save the planet:
“So what scientists are saying is that we may need to consider these science-fictiony sounding technologies like stratospheric aerosol injection, where you would go with aeroplanes or balloons, and spread certain materials into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight back into space, and thereby cooling the planet for a certain period of time”.
Oy vey! What could possibly go wrong…
I always thought that he was the ideal choice to head a gravy train.
Wait. What?
During the same period, the world is experiencing what Reuters called a “global grains glut,” with surplus agricultural commodities piled up outside grain silos rotting for want of buyers.
Obviously, growing more grain is not reducing global hunger.”
World Hunger Is on the Rise:
“For the third straight year, U.N. agencies have documented rising levels of severe hunger in the world, affecting 820 million people.
More than 2 billion suffer “moderate or severe” food insecurity.”
I don’t eat meat. I don’t think my dietary choices are superior to anyone else’s. I don’t expect anyone else to eat like me, and I hate the idea of forcing a particular diet on the populace.
That’s the crux, isn’t it.
I have no problems with people being vegans.. their choice.
But when they try to tell me what to eat or to restrict what is available,…
They can expect to be told where they can get off.. in no uncertain terms.
I agree. I find it works both ways – I have had people get unreasonable and offended, along with long lectures about how terrible a vegetarian diet is. Funnily It has never ever been in the context of them having done anything specific, like cooking a lamb roast, or going to a restaurant known for its quality and variety of meat – in which case I would understand such exasperation.
I have to say though, the vast majority of “vegetarian” pizzas are a scourge on society.
When someone says they are a “vegetarian”, I usually just say, “Oh, I hope you enjoy that”
There’s another beauty in today’s SMH (same IPCC report I think):
Temperatures over global land areas are extending arid zones, including in Australia, and hitting food security hard, a new UN report finds.
” Temperatures over the world’s land areas are warming at about twice the global rate, expanding deserts in Australia, Africa and Asia, and hitting food security hard, a new UN report finds.
The Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that surface air temperatures between 2006 and 2015 were 1.53 degrees warmer than the pre-industrial average of 1850-1900. By contrast, the combined warming of land and oceans was 0.87 degrees, the IPCC’s special report on land said.
Compared with current conditions, though, land areas have warmed by about 1.8 degrees, and global mean temperatures by 1.1 degrees, said Stefan Rahmstorf from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. ”
For all their talk about averages, it appears they believe that because they’ve calculated it so carefully it actually means that it’s the universal experienced temperature. And now they’re surprised to find that some places are hotter than it. But it seems they’re still unaware that come places are colder too.
I wonder who’ll get the research grant to discover that?
‘ … land areas are warming at about twice the global rate …’
That is primarily due to the urban heat island and a giss gallop.
Probably the potential hardest hit to food security in Australia would be our huge fuel reserves. With approximately 25 days of reserve of fuel, within one month we have very little moving from production areas to city areas to keep the populace fed, nothing left to plant new crops and a year to wait to start to breed up Shire horses and Clydies to fill the gap. Lots of really hungry people really quickly.
Now that the socialist globalist leader has retired the new leader since 2018 and his team have been working to make changes, including the end of RET and subsidies by 2022.
Latest announcement not well publicised is the agreement negotiated with the US for Australia to buy from their vast crude oil reserves to produce transport fuels.
Singapore is I understand our main supplier of refinery products, but we do have a couple of small refineries still operating.
Around that area
Some Chiefio realism on Oz tapping the US strategic oil reserve
Seems like we need a better idea.
The IPCC releasing this load of $6|t might enlighten those otherwise willing to accept their other ludicrous pronouncements.
What Jo says about B12 is all correct. There are other elements; some people have the “intrinsic factor antibody” that prevents them adequately metabolising cobalamin. Never mind Schilling Tests; the antibody is detectable by a blood test. If you have it, make sure you get injections of cobalamin or at least monitor your blood levels. Apart from the paresthesia (numbness and tingling of hands and feet), there are other symptoms such as jaundice, loss of balance, and “fog days”.
My wife nearly died from neurological pernicious anemia when she was 32. Just as well she had the habit of eating raw liver when she was pregnant. Eventually we found out she had very clear symptoms. The medical specialists never found the cause. First, they decided the symptoms were “functional” eg she was psychotic. Then they claimed she was a vegetarian or vegan, in spite of all the contrary evidence. It was her GP who cracked the problem. She had spinal chord damage, occasional convulsions, two years before she could walk again. Long story. We went to PNG where we were able to force the Brits to release her medical records. She later completed her postgrad studies with high distinction, but eventually succumbed to dementia, and did not recover from a second bout of pneumonia at age 70.
In my opinion this fatwa on meat-eating is a feature, not an error. One more pathway for the death cult Church of Climate Change to achieve its aims.
As we know, the thing about cattle and methane is nonsense, and it is ludicrous to claim that the vast grazing lands of Australia could be converted to cropping. But the nonsense still goes on. There are a few places where the stocking rate can be 10 head per hectare. Up here in NQ one head per 10 hectares with regular supplementary feeding is about as good as it gets.
I have been doing some research for a talk I am giving on termites, amongst other things. I found a reference that says that for every human on earth there are estimated to be about 500kg of termites and that termites produce 10x as much CO2 as the entirety of humanity does in one year, along with 150,000,000kg of methane.
Fat chance of controlling that lot.
Like all the attacks on Western society, it’s based on guilt. Shame. What terrible people you are to eat meat. One lady last weekend refused to eat ham, not because of religious beliefs, but because a pig is almost identical in gene structure to humans so in her view it was cannibalism. So her husband had to go and get a leg of lamb and cook it, at the party.
I pointed out that lamb was also almost human in genes and worse, that bananas and carrots had a 60% overlap with human genes, which means logically that many vegetarians are half cannibal.
Where does it end, this posturing and shaming and guilt. Guilt for being comfortable. Guilt for eating well. Guilt for existing. Even guilt for being white. It is an emotional device used by the communists to undermine our society. And there is nothing the government loves more than taxes. As I saw this week on a sign on the Berlin wall, socialist is what totatitarians call themselves.
There is also the ban on cattle grazing in Victoria in the high plains, a centuries old tradition. They eat the grass between the trees and keep the fuel load down. It’s a perfect and natural balance which existed in nature for all time. When the fires come, the intensity is blamed on Climate Change and our fault for flying, driving, existing, eating meat grown on mountain grasses. In fact it’s the communist Victorian government’s fault.
My Snowy Mountains Cattlemen friends have explained that the traditional seasonal burning developed by the Australian Aborigines, based on their early settler’s observation of how nature (lightning strikes) were beneficial to the bushland, were adopted and fires were lit as the cattle were driven down the mountain after the grazing season.
And that today, from observations during Horse rides, the native grasslands are being replaced with blackberry bushes and other rubbish undergrowth, perfect fuel for very hot wildfires in future.
Conservative Paul Joseph Watson talks about soy-based diets.
Love Watson’s delivery, sarcasm, satire and facts, on the subject of Moobs back in the 80’s when soy was becoming popular a few guys at my gym tried it as a milk alternative, all of them felt lower energy and one developing Moobs despite being a bodybuilder and an excellent diet.
Most of Western Europe is man made, the beautiful landscapes of England and France are all man made, like the ancient fences and hedgerows and forests. However in the new interpretation of environmentalism, nothing is to be changed. No trees are to be cleared for crops, despite the fact that humans and other animals cannot eat trees, just grasses, leaves and fruit.
So the people against everything would have most of Tasmania, Victoria, the UK and Europe totally unlivable for people. In the name of Green environmentalism. It’s nothing of the sort. Simply a fantasy from people who live a privileged sheltered existence in the inner city and want the real country left to rack and ruin, in case they visit. Who needs farmers? You can get everything from the market.
Jo, I love reading your articles because you have a way with snarky commentary which always brings a smile to my face. Kudos to you!
Could someone point me to the page in the IPCC report or any of their press releases where they give dietary advice?
It’s subcutaneous.
but surely you could do this yourself?
the word diet is mentioned 3 times and each is to do with how diet impacts environment.
I asked specifically for the IPCC giving dietary advice as seems to be the implication of many comments here
The 1980’s US FDA food pyramid, followed by most Western governments, is the global warming scam of nutrition. It has killed millions and in common with supposed anthropogenic global warming, wasn’t based on science.
I knew when I saw the 1988 USDA Food Pyramid that I couldn’t keep my weight down on that. IIRC it called for 6-11 servings of grain foods.
I had been on Weight Watchers from 1985-1986 or so and reached my goal. I was shocked that it restricted me to the equivalent of 2 pieces of bread a day, but after about 2-3 days I no longer craved the starch and sugar a high-bread diet supplied.
In about 1992 I read a book called “Fat Attack” and tried to implement its principles. I gained 3 pounds in a week and gave it up!
giving it to Shukman:
TWEET: David Shukman, BBC Science Editor
Switching to a plant-based diet can help tackle climate change – UN study by @IPCC_CH reported by @RHarrabin LINK
8 Aug 2019
from replies:
minette batters
It categorically doesn’t say that. I really don’t understand why you are continually taking this line. As if Brexit hasn’t divided the country enough you seem determined for the London bubble mentality to drive further unrest. it’s been appalling reporting all day
Owen Roberts
I’m really not one to bash journalists. But the reporting on this has been appalling. So many seemed to have written their cut & paste ‘go vegan’ pieces already without pausing to look at what the report actually says. It’s pro balanced sustainable agri; meat, dairy and plants.
Paul Matthews
I don’t think the report says that. See highlighted text in this tweet from Roz Pidcock and her veiled criticism of the BBC’s headline. TWEET
Tim Bradley
Utter nonsense again BBC, about in a par with your daily brexit scare stories
Helen o’D
That’s not science David .Stop being a propagandist
Peter Mawson
That’s not a conclusion of the report!
Tom Clarke
The @IPCC_CH estimates that rice paddies (which produce 90% of all rice) constitute between 5-20% of all anthropogenic emissions of methane. Strange you haven’t reported it as saying switching to a rice-free diet can help tackle climate change?
J. Hi-Viz Watson
More eco-bollocks from the BBC’s chief climastrologists.
Then treating an abused child Greta Thunberg as some sort of expert.
Then push vegetarianism with someone straight out of central casting.
BBC outdoing itself for utter and complete madness.
minette to Roger Harrabin, BBC:
TWEET: minette batters, Wiltshire farmer: beef, sheep and arable… Co founder, Ladies in Beef and GBBW. NFU president
Every global report Roger – #EATLancet #ClimateChange and now @IPCC_CH @BBCNews only ever focus on meat eating. People have no idea what a healthy balanced diet is anymore. You need to know how much this is impacting on #MentalHealth for farmers
11:31 AM 8 Aug 2019
reply: norman bagley
Harrabin caring about farmers, give me a laugh, he’s a right on leftie farming hating piece of work #thepits
TWEET: Roger Harrabin reply to Minette Batters
Yes indeed. It is a very complex issue and at times contradictory. I frankly don’t think the science is sufficiently well understood at the moment. I asked IPCC whether intensive or extensive beef was better for the climate.
The answer – we don’t know yet.
4:27 PM 8 Aug 2019
note the original headlines for Harrabin’s BBC piece:
Muckrack: Roger Harrabin
Diet shift ‘vital to fight global warming’ – UN
Diet shift ‘can help fight global warming’ – UN
evidence Muckrack is correct:
8 Aug: NewsTrust: BBC: Diet shift ‘vital to fight global warming’ – UN
Chart: ***2018 is on course to be fourth warmest year
Tom (reply to David Shukman thread just posted):
@RHarrabin in the article there’s a graphic that says “2018 is on course to be the fourth warmest year” but the year is 2019
in the actual article, 2018 has now been corrected to 2019 and GLOBAL WARMING is now the PC “CLIMATE CHANGE”:
8 Aug: BBC: Plant-based diet can fight climate change – UN
by Roger Harrabin, BBC environment analyst, Geneva
A major report on land use and climate change says the ***West’s high consumption of meat and dairy produce is fuelling global warming.
But scientists and officials stopped short of explicitly calling on everyone to become vegan or vegetarian…
The environmental impact of meat production is important to many vegetarians and vegans. A UK-based group called #NoBeef lobbies caterers to take beef and lamb off student menus.
In the US, vegan burger patties are made from plant-based meat substitutes said to taste like the real thing thanks to an iron-rich compound called heme…
***But in some parts of the world, such as China, beef consumption is growing. This is despite attempts by the Chinese central government to promote traditional diets…
***send more meat to China and price it further out of the reach of Australians!
They’re an angry, violent mob, these vegans:
Fight! Tackle! Battle! Grapple! Head-on!
ThugbyRugby for pacifists?Chill out – eat a cow.
“Plant-based diet can fight climate change? –
UNBS !!!corrected it for them !!
Would have absolutely ZERO impact on climate.
So…… animals eating grass is supposed to be destroying the planet?
1. Do they think this is a new thing?
2. What do they think will happen to the grass if cattle, sheep and goats don’t eat it?
3. 90-95% of the feedlot rations fed to cattle are not human-quality materials. What do they think we should do with that ? Waste it?
Here is the reality.
If we do not raise ruminant grazing animals, something else will eat the grass, herbs and forbs that grow, which will result in similar levels of gas production. Not only has methane production by ruminants been going on for longer than we have been on the planet, but methane has a relatively short life-span in the atmosphere, so it is already at equilibrium and cannot build up significantly.
Secondly, the reason that we raise ruminant grazing animals is that they are really, really good at turning cellulose that we cannot digest, into protein and fat which we can. Not only do they make grass into a human food source, but also the vast amounts of grain and vegetable by-products which humans cannot or will not eat. 97% of Australian cattle and sheep are grazing pastures at any one time. 90-97% of the rations fed to them in feedlots (if they are lot-finished) are not human-quality….. so it simply Is. Not. True to claim that livestock food could be fed to humans instead.
Thirdly, some 70% of the earth’s land surface is classified as “Rangelands”. This is a land classification in which regular intensive crop production is not sustainable, but properly managed grazing is. Couple that with the grazed areas that are too steep for cultivation, and you start to understand how much of the earth’s surface would be take out of production is the world went vegetarian.
I’d be willing to bet that there are far more Leftists that are vegetarian or insectivores than there are conservatives, who usually love meat.
Maybe that is part of their problems?
Reminds me of a SNIP[person of race] in the #Walkaway movement who said it was easier to tell conservatives that he was gay than to tell his gay friends that he is conservative.
[best not to evade the mod.] ED
Why don’t they just come out and say it. Their aim is power, power to control everything we do. They could get rid of this holier than thou attitude and be themselves — surrender to us oh stupid humans and we’ll keep you forever fat, dumb and happy. Wouldn’t that be easier on everyone? But the only part of that trilogy that’s truthful is dumb. Fat and happy aren’t allowed.
Economic Systems: The alarmists keep telling us their concern about global warming is all about man’s stewardship of the environment. But we know that’s not true. A United Nations official has now confirmed this.
At a news conference last week in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution,” she said.
Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history.”
The only economic model in the last 150 years that has ever worked at all is capitalism. The evidence is prima facie: From a feudal order that lasted a thousand years, produced zero growth and kept workdays long and lifespans short, the countries that have embraced free-market capitalism have enjoyed a system in which output has increased 70-fold, work days have been halved and lifespans doubled.
Figueres is perhaps the perfect person for the job of transforming “the economic development model” because she’s really never seen it work. “If you look at Ms. Figueres’ Wikipedia page,” notes Cato economist Dan Mitchell: Making the world look at their right hand while they choke developed economies with their left.
Sorry Roy, I meant to give you a thumbs up, not a thumbs down. On a smartphone.
were you reading upside down?
While you’re there, what do you make of this?
Turnbull wanted Alinta to buy Liddell from AGL and according to the Oz its on again, but Taylor is looking at the socialist model.
I make of it that priorities and options change with time.
I have this sneaking suspicion that Alinta is a Hong Kong shelf company, supported by the Beijing princelings.
An Interesting insight.
the apex of our australian education programme.
“Why don’t they just come out and say it. Their aim is power, power to control everything we do.”
Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. … They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.
O’Brien speaking to Winston Smith in George Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty Four
Red meat is the product that created modern man! It is the substance that enabled post ww2 growth and physicality of Japanese. Only the dopey UN PCC could dream-up such an inane suggestion. Then you realise their cunning plan. Fewer cattle more room to plant useless solar panels!
Interestingly, vitamin B12 ‘s main component is cobalt which is mined in central Africa (65% of the world’s cobalt is from the DR Congo) where much of it is produced by child labour and primitive artisinal mining. Cobalt is an essential metal in many lithium-ion battery chemistries as well as wind turbines – all key to reducing reliance on hydrocarbons.
You can’t eat with your head. Appetite is a deal between that little understood organ, the brain, the sense organs and a heap of other organs. Trouble starts when the deal is shut down and the feeble rational takes over. (You heard me right: the rational is feeble. Useful, of course. But feeble.)
The types of people – if not the same people – who were into margarine and cholesterol terror in the seventies, carb-loading in the eighties or a naughty flirt with Atkins, fat-free lite gunk in the nineties and so on are now doing cave man and keto. Eating with their heads still. Won’t work.
Hey, all this keto talk has made me crave lamb chops. But you can bet I won’t keep shoveling lamb chops all week to up my B12. I took the tip from mum years ago and what brain I have contracted the full deal with my body. (That woman had to smoke herself to death, her instinct for food and exercise was so perfect.)
Uummm, lamb chops …
noticed roger harrabin re-tweeted…
TWEET: Luisa Neubauer, climate activist #fridaysforfuture | youth ambassador & student
Since this is just so relevant internationally:
Today, Germany’s second-largest labor union declared to ask their two million members to join the #climatestrike in September. This is incredible. This is youth and workers uniting behind this crisis. Which union will join next?
5 Aug 2019
SBS video doesn’t work for me:
VIDEO: 9 Aug: SBS: Australian students to walk out of lectures today to protest climate change inaction
Inspired by the recent school climate strikes, university students and staff across the country will protest climate inaction across Australia’s capital cities ahead of global strikes next month.
By Cassandra Bain
Thousands of Australian university students will skip classes on Friday, as they join a global youth movement calling for urgent action on climate change.
The National Union of Students (NUS) is leading mass walkouts and marches in every capital city to shine a spotlight on what it describes as “the biggest issue of our generation”…
PIC: A recent NUS survey found 82 per cent of students voted climate change their biggest concern.
Walkouts will take place in Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, Canberra and Wollongong and organisers said the initiative aims to put four key demands on the Federal Government: no new coal mines or gas fracking, stopping the Adani mine, a full transition to renewables by 2030, and a sustainable jobs guarantee for workers to transition to green industries…
LINK: Greta Thunberg: World leaders must prove they’ve listened to climate activists
“Climate change is going to affect the way that we work in the future, the way that we live, our quality of life … it’s really scary and daunting,” Ms Cai said.
“We need to educate workers to go into renewable industries and use our researchers in order to find new solutions to stop the climate catastrophe.”…
The National Tertiary Education Union has encouraged its members to attend the rallies and urged universities “not to penalise students who decide to take action.”…
(NTEU president Alison) Barnes backed students’ calls for increased government funding into climate change research at higher education institutions.
“Given the current funding freeze that universities are subjected to, and that since 2011 public investment in higher education has been slashed by more than $10 million, we would welcome any increased funding across our sector,” she said…
PIC: 8 Aug: GreenLeft: Westpac workers back student climate strike
The following motion to support the student climate stike on September 20 was passed on July 31.
We, the Finance Sector Union, Local Enterprise Council, Westpac, NSW/ACT:
a) Recognise that climate change:
Presents an existential threat, being a “global emergency” according to the 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report…ETC
e) Commit to the stated demands of the movement, namely:
i. Stopping Adani
ii. No new coal or gas
iii. Just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030.
Cows and Warmists have one obvious thing in common. They both produce a lot of bullsh&t !
But it takes a lot of Bull to produce a calf.
first 7min11sec Roger Harrabin and Glen Dinning of Blue Collar Street Food in Reading.
3min15sec in – 2 listeners: Nancy from Kenya on the extra costs/health impacts associated with trying to go vegan, purchase of B12, buying imported vegan products, etc; Diane from Jamaica – loves her meat.
AUDIO: 52min59sec: 8 Aug: BBC World Sce OS: Could a plant-based diet fight climate change?
Presenter: Chloe Tilley
UN experts say that switching to a plant-based diet can help fight climate change. But what do people who work in the restaurant and food industry think? We hear from ***two chefs…
***only heard one chef – the young Dinning, who started his business in 2016:
8 Nov 2018: InYourArea: Passionate foodie behind Reading’s thriving street market named town’s top entrepreneur
Glen Dinning from Blue Collar Street Food won Entrepreneur of the Year at the Pride of Reading Awards
By Karen Jordan
“In two years, Blue Collar has risen to almost cult status with a growing, dedicated following of customers who will never miss a Blue Collar Market or a Summer Feastival.
On collecting his award, the 25-year-old street foodie, who is also the force behind Reading’s Feastival, ***Cheese Feast and ***Meat Feast, said: “I’m very grateful…
This confirmation that the alarmists, like Harrabin, have run out of excuses/ideas to push their propaganda. They are absolutely desperate (or their puppeteers are)
Its not an organised conspiracy, they all believe their own propaganda.
“Its not an organised conspiracy, they all believe their own propaganda.”
Does that make it a self-organizing conspiracy?
the new rapport from the ipcc furnish us with names of all authors an little background check into the aussie dream team of the lacklustre crew they have assembled modellers and bureaucrats out number scientist . norway, who by the way take this stuff extremely seriously are represented by one italian modeller . Jamaica better known for reggae and track and field are well represented .the maldives even sent an expert / bureaucrat, amazingly the one country in the world that has actually transform a desert into a forest and supplies its
neighbours with water (not well known around the world) all forms of water conservation and desalination not one expert namely Israel amazing even if i say so myself
Re an embargo on eating meat.
No surprises here. Religious leaders have though the centuries decided what can be eaten and what is forbidden. Judaism and Islam have many strict dietary commandments. None of which have any basis in physiology. Former Popes have ruled the eating of meat on Friday is taboo.
The regulation of food and sex has a long tradition in the history of religious faiths. Why should the cult leaders of the so-called climate emergency and/or ‘extinction rebellion be any less absurd?
I really don’t understand. If we are not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat ?
Listen up brothers and sisters come hear my desperate tale
i speak of our friends of nature trapped in the dirt like a jail
vegetables live in oppression, served on our tables each night
this killing of veggies is madness, i say we take up the fight
salads are only for murderers, coleslaw’s a facist regime
don’t think that they don’t have feelings, just cause a radishcan’t scream
i’ve heard the screams of the vegetables (scream, scream, scream)
watching their skins being peeled (having their insidesrevealed)
grated and steamed with no mercy (burning off calories)
how do you think that feels (that it hurts really bad)
Carrot juice constitutes murder (and that’s a real crime)
Greenhouses prisons for slaves (let my vegetables go)
it’s time to stop all this gardening (it’s dirty as hell)
let’s call a spade a spade (is a spade is a spade is a spade)
Read more: Arrogant Worms – Carrot Juice Is Murder Lyrics | MetroLyrics
No, a spade is not a spade or a spade.
Lord Christopher Monckton
It’s time for PM Morrison to get real and blast the whole emissions issue to smithereens by exposing the renewable supporters into the corner and exposing them as the hypocrites they really are. Otherwise it will keep festering like an old wound that never heals. He has to mandate that the majority of new power sources (say 80%) connected to the grid have to be reliable, sustainable and free of emissions. That means nuclear. End of story. Of course I doubt he has the fortitude to do that.
“and free of emissions.”
NO, the planet needs more CO2 in the atmosphere.
You miss my point. By mandating the use of nuclear it shuts everyone up, except for the extreme fringe who can be left to rot in the corner in their own excrement. Besides I thought we all agreed man-made CO2 is a tiny fraction and irrelevant in the whole scheme of things. If we really needed significantly more CO2 we would have to find a means to generate it in mass quantities far greater than what we are doing now.
” By mandating the use of nuclear it shuts everyone up,”
No, you miss the point.
By mandating nuclear, you starve the planets plant life !!
Even the some 10-15% of CO2 that we contribute is highly necessary to keep the carbon cycle expanding.
I have said before, that there may come a time when CO2 production to help keep the atmosphere viable for plant life may be necessary.
10 – 15% that we contribute? What?
Andy: get it right: mankind contributes c. 3.8% pa. (IPCC’s own database
Then you had better get out there and stop all those fools sequestering it by pumping it into the ground.
‘That means nuclear. End of story.’
Cory’s hole in the wall apartment in Canberra is up for sale and rumour has it that he might get a job with the uranium industry.
I can’t see anything that says the IPCC members are all vegans.
Looks like the windmills are churning away down south.
You are permitted to switch on your heaters.
My biomass heater is better.
Its blowing a gale on the central tablelands and down draft is feared, gas is a better option in windy weather.
It’s cold in the south. In the north? Not so much. Neighbour’s kids are in the pool.
Laughable, the wind blows to power the (useless)windbines that run the heaters that are needed because of the wind! You cant make this stuff up.
Seen on an American bumper sticker:
“The West wasn’t won on salad!”
Even a well balanced salad roll has meat and is called a hamburger
From experience – a vegetarian lunch is very poor power for a manual soil auger
– toss away the buns and you could be right.
Love it!
Well, the 372 tonne 82 metre long Superload passed by road through Geelong last night according to news reports. It’s a transformer from Wilson Transformers in Glen Waverley in Melb bound for a wind farm at Dundonnell in western Victoria. A Google search shows this $550 million boondoggle is part of the Victorian Renewable Energy Auction Scheme, which rates its own acronym VREAS.
And you want lower electricity prices? Haw haw…
Guest, Ian Noble, is a reviewer of the report:
AUDIO: 8min44sec: 9 Aug: ABC Breakfast: Climate report warns of dire consequences for the planet
The UN Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, or IPCC, has compiled the first comprehensive global assessment of land use.
That includes deforestation, food security and agricultural production…
Guest: Ian Noble, emeritus professor, ANU College of Science; former Senior Climate Advisor, World Bank; expert reviewer, IPCC Climate Change
AUDIO: 3min39sec: 9 Aug: ABC The World Today: Beef industry contributing to climate change
By Rachel Mealey on The World Today
The report has paid particular attention to pastoral industries such as beef farming which relies on cleared land and produces one of the most potent greenhouse gases – methane.
So what does that advice mean for Australia’s agricultural economy and potentially for our diets?
Albert Hancock, beef farmer
Mark Campion, farmer
Fiona Willer, dietician
Katie McRobert, manager, Australian Farm Institute
Fiona Simson, National Farmer’s Federation
AUDIO: 5min1sec: 8 Aug: ABC PM: UN climate report warns our land use must change
By Penny Timms on PM
Unnamed representative, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Professor Jim Skea, co-chair, working group III, IPCC
Annette Cowie, adjunct professor of agricultural science, School of Environmental and rural Science, University of New England
Skye Blackburn, entomologist, food scientist and founder, Edible Bug Shop
AUDIO: 2min45sec: 9 Aug: ABC AM: Warming waters killing Great Barrier Reef faster than expected
By Eleanor Whitehead on AM
Scientists have warned for years that warming waters are slowly destroying corals through a process of bleaching, but new research shows even more severe effects are underway.
Heatwaves are killing reefs almost instantly, leaving them with no chance of recovery.
Tracy Ainsworth, Associate Professor, University of New South Wales
Imogen Zethoven, Strategic Director, Australian Marine Conservation Society
AUDIO: 10min10sec: 9 Aug: ABC Breakfast: AGL to delay closure of Liddell power station to 2023
Presenter: Geraldine Doogue
The future of the Liddell power station NSW’s Hunter Valley is again far from certain with the NSW Government joining a Federal Task Force looking at both short and long-term options for the aging coal plant.
After considerable public and private pressure from the Federal Government, AGL said it would delay the planned closure of the plant by four months, to April 2023.
Guest: Angus Taylor, minister for energy and emissions reductions
Editor’s Note: The interview above described the NSW Liddell power station as Australia’s largest electricity generator. That’s incorrect. AGL Energy, which owns Liddell, is Australia’s largest electricity provider.
Not sure if anybody has mentioned Germany’s meat tax.
Ian at #11 – Wurst Idea Ever? – where
Yonnie waxed
Claudialyrical whileSambar scored Schiffer-Brains:
One model to rule them all!
Zer vill be a riot zer soon!
9 Aug: ABC: Vegan food’s sustainability claims need to give the full picture
The Conversation By Maartje Sevenster and Brad Ridout
(Maartje Sevenster and Brad Ridoutt are research scientists at the CSIRO)
being aired by numerous community radio stations:
AUDIO: 3min56sec: 8 Aug: Deforestation and land clearing for beef production risks longevity to Great Barrier Reef catchments
Environmental group, The Wilderness Society (LINK) has published its spatial data analysis into the high levels of deforestation and land clearing of native bushland and vegetation in the Great Barrier Reef catchment areas in Queensland.
It also found that 94% of all deforestation and land clearing had attributed beef and sheep as the primary land use, causing it to be the number one risk in a number of commodity supply chains.
But is there an eco-friendly solution to stop the erosion and destruction of the reef catchments without causing financial risk or damage to brands and reputations of major retailers and industries?
Featured: Jessica Panegyres – National Nature Campaigner, The Wilderness Society
forgot to include the disclosure statements for the CSIRO pair published by ABC:
Disclosure statement
Maartje Sevenster is affiliated with the Australian LCA Society and has undertaken integrated environmental assessments of agriculture and food for a range of stakeholders.
Brad Ridoutt has undertaken food systems research related to environmental issues for a variety of private sector organizations and Australian government agencies. This includes Meat and Livestock Australia and Dairy Australia.
I am loving this.
The level of bullshit coming from IPCC is increasing exponentially. Not too long before everyone starts seeing that. (Given that the amount of soy latte consumption is not that high, otherwise no one would notice the bullshit)
9 Aug: SBS: Australian government brushes off UN’s urgent climate warning
Humanity faces increasingly painful trade-offs between food security and rising temperatures within decades unless emissions are curbed and unsustainable farming and deforestation halted, according to a landmark climate assessment.
By SBS News (AT BOTTOM: Source AFP – SBS, AAP – SBS)
Farmers for Climate Action want the federal government to implement a national strategy on climate change and agriculture, and to speed up the transition to clean energy…
Teenage climate campaigner Greta Thunberg, who along with a group of activists presented IPCC co-chairs with a thank you letter in Geneva, said she hoped governments would act on the report’s findings…
“Of course if you are a very powerful person in a very powerful position then I think you should definitely read it,” the 16-year-old said.
“I just hope that the conclusion of this report becomes in a way common knowledge, so everyone knows the importance of those numbers and facts within a bigger perspective.”…
The IPCC is the world’s leading authority on climate change…
The 1,000-page report takes a deep dive into the systems we use to feed ourselves and the devastating impacts they are wreaking…
VIDEO: Attenborough briefs MPs about climate change
VIDEO: Greta Thunberg receives freedom award for work on climate change
“It’s not only about reducing emissions,” said Ms Thunberg.
“The science says that to stay below 1.5C of global temperature rise we need to make unprecedented changes in all aspects of society.
“Those are not my words. Those are their words.”
Channel 7 still promoting the protesters:
9 Aug: 7News: Backyard barbecue under fire as UN report suggests governments move to limit meat eating
by Chris Hook
Are you willing to surrender the Bunnings sausage sizzle for climate change?
Or put the family barbecue on the backburner?
In the video above: Climate change activists protest in Brisbane on Tuesday: 3min16sec
But federal energy minister Angus Taylor has slapped down suggestions it is up to the government to force people to eat less red meat, saying that it’s not about to tell people what they should be eating.
And Australia’s Institute of Public Affairs says it is unfair to expect Australian families to surrender key cultural activities such as the backyard barbecue.
However, one of the IPCC’s Climate Change and Land report lead authors, Hans-Otto Poertner suggested governments could play a part in forcing the change in diet away from meat…
“It would indeed be beneficial for both climate and human health if people in many rich countries consumed less meat and if politics would create appropriate incentives to that effect,” he said (LINK)…
On Thursday, Greens MPs in Germany proposed a meat tax to help the environment and in January a similar suggestion was mooted by a UK Greens politician.
There are similar pushes across the European Union.
And ahead of the report’s release, Greenpeace Switzerland activists unveiled a banner outside the UN meeting with the slogan “Less Meat = Less Heat. Climate Action NOW!” emblazoned across it.
But Emissions Reduction and Energy Minister Taylor rejected the suggestion…
And National Farmers Federation president Fiona Simson said the food warning should send “a shiver down your spine”…
Battle of the Barbecue?
That’s it – I’m seeing red now.
Steakholders, man the grills!
Grab yer tongs and charrrr……..
Oh dear.
Endangered Spotted Frog Controversy
It seems that a man made reservoir has become a haven for frogs. To protect the frogs “they” mandated that it must not be drawn down below 65%. Law of unintended consequences meant that there was not enough cold mountain water to keep the lake cool in summer so predators like bass and catfish thrive as well. Who’s worked out already that the bass love eating frogs?
So how does this simile work? The IPCC has issued a formal ruling in response to a question from the UN?
how dare they.
Exactly. Two similar religions. Each equally intolerant of discussion or scientific evidence.
Jo, I don’t think that you’ve allowed to say that.
The mods will pick it up.
What do you mean? Legal judgements are intolerant? A fatwa could easily be promoting discussion or evidence. It’s a tool for an institution
By the way, what are you implying by “intolerant” ? Who?
“The IPCC has issued a formal ruling “
SO WHAT !! Just another bunch of totalitarian monkeys.
Our species has always eaten meat, and our hominid forbares did too going back 2-3 million years ago. Given that chimps also like to chew the fat, so to speak, indicates that our pre-hominid ancestors probably also enjoyed a steak or two going back tens of millions of years. The increasing size of the hominid brain was fueled by meat protein as it is the only way to provide enough energy to support a larger brain. The larger the brain the more likely you are able to figure out ways of getting more meat so on and so on.
In their presentation these UN peanuts made the statement that 72% of non-ice covered land is being used for agriculture. Can this be right? It sounds like BS to me. When you take out deserts, mountains etc. that must mean that 100% of land on the whole planet is used to produce food for evil humans. What a crock!
I think some of these government funded “scientists” should use some of their enormous salaries and get out of New York or where ever and have a look for themselves just how much land there is on the planet that is not being used. That of course would mean going without the little comforts they have become used to so I won’t hold my breath.
Funny how they seem to want to replace cows with sheep, of the human variety. Human sheep have already taken over the government, universities, big business and big media. How long before we are all nodding along with the drive to de-evolve?
‘Sinning with meat for 200 million years?’ Big carnivores evolve to eat bigger herbivores, and so its been going for a long time.
Big Soy has a lot of money behind it. Shame it’s awfully unhealthy stuff, but I can see a lucrative tag team partnership with Big Pharma and Big Medicine happening. The people who make you sick will now sell you the cure. There’s a pill for everything.
Sort of like Big Booze is supposed to be?
Wow, now this entire post and comment section really is a thought-free zone. The sheer ignorance on display is breathtaking.
Go eat another bit of sweet sugared cake Graeme
Good for you, you’ll pass on quicker
Good for us – you’ll then be an example of what not to eat !
Cheers !
“The sheer ignorance on display is breathtaking.”
Yes, yours is !!
The twentieth century will be infamous for the BAD dietary advice promoted by authorities who were supposed to have public health as their guiding principle.
Regardless of your age DYOR and live longer/healthier. Low carb/high fat diet would be particularly difficult for one that believes conventional wisdom to accept but worth the effort.
We might as well all face it. If humans had been intended to eat both animal and vegetable food we would all be born with a very generalized mouth. We would not have teeth specialized for grabbing and tearing as a hunter would need to bring down and then eat whatever prey was available. We would not have grinding teeth as would be needed for the grazer or the practitioner of agriculture who needed to grind up tough things plucked from the ground. We would have a mouth so generalized that we could not survive without the help of our brain. A brain that can show us how to manage eating anything available. Something we can do by making a wide variety of tools to assist our mouths in feeding us.
From this analysis of the human mouth you can see that only one of two things is possible. Either we are not intended to eat anything at all or we are intended to be omnivores, capable of eating the wide variety of foods our world provides for us. I know which answer makes sense and which does not. Can the IPCC say the same?
My favorite dinner begins with a sauteed mushrooms appetizer. For wine I prefer a good Merlot. Then moves on to a salad full of various things from nuts to cheese and back again and Ranch dressing on the side. Then on to a slow cooked well done sirloin steak with baked potato smothered in butter and sour cream. Throw in some steamed broccoli a few bacon wrapped shrimp on a skewer with peppers between the shrimp and you have a meal for which I’m willing to pay the local steak house an exorbitant price.
If the IPCC or anyone does not like the way I eat, that’s too bad. You better keep your grubby hands off my steak dinner.
When I think of paleo diet I think of meat during the dry periods when animals gather around diminishing resources and gorging on eggs when the season breaks. Pre-settlement locals [not sure what term is acceptable here, the B word isn’t] must have lived well on magpie goose eggs.
B12 is in eggs and dairy too.
I need my meat. I have M.E. and meat gives me more energy. Plant sources of protein just don’t work. The IPCC can kiss my hiney.
Most people who do better on a vegetarian or vegan diet have underlying health issues that should be addressed. If they sort their health out then they do ok on meat and dairy.
for the record, some of the most amusing headlines:
The planet is being consumed by humans
Opinion – CNN International-16 hours ago
We’re Eating This Planet to Death
WIRED – 22 hours ago
Eat beans, not beef to save the planet
POLITICO – 15 hours ago
9 Aug: UK Times Editorial: The Times view on the environmental benefits of eating less meat: Plant-based Planet
A landmark report by the UN stresses the environmental benefits to be reaped from eating less meat and managing land more responsibly
Albert Einstein saw the virtues of a plant-based diet. “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet,” he said. His words found an unlikely echo in a United Nations report whose summary was published yesterday…
While the report does not instruct consumers to become vegetarians, its message is clear. If more people in wealthy countries ate less meat, the environment would benefit.
This makes sense…
9 Aug: Guardian: We can’t keep eating as we are – why isn’t the IPCC shouting this from the rooftops?
by George Monbiot
It’s a tragic missed opportunity. The new report on land by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shies away from the big issues and fails to properly represent the science. As a result, it gives us few clues about how we might survive the century. Has it been nobbled? Was the fear of taking on the farming industry – alongside the oil and coal companies whose paid shills have attacked it so fiercely – too much to bear? At the moment, I have no idea. But what the panel has produced is pathetic…
Consuming… eating… blowing… amusing ourselves to death…
Ex-Floyd’s Roger Waters’ 1992 album had quite an effect on me (still does) having left the USA the previous year because of ‘the war’. This 2015 updated album cover sums it up for me: a small child sitting alone in front of a massive TV screen as a HUGE eye stares back out at it –
Waters named the album after Neil Postman’s 1985 book, Amusing Ourselves to Death: “Postman distinguishes the Orwellian vision of the future, in which totalitarian governments seize individual rights, from that offered by Aldous Huxley in Brave New World, where people medicate themselves into bliss, thereby voluntarily sacrificing their rights. Drawing an analogy with the latter scenario, Postman sees television’s entertainment value as a present-day ‘soma’, the fictitious pleasure drug in Brave New World, by means of which the citizens’ rights are exchanged for consumers’ entertainment”.
Mass mind kontrol media here is in overdrive as well pushing this non-science nonsense, ie. sacrifice yourselves for gaia. To quote from the above album’s lyrics:
“It was the greatest show on Earth – and then it was over”.
9 Aug: Guardian: ‘People should be terrified’: one teen’s hunger strike over the climate crisis
Giovanni Tamacas starved himself for 10 days in the US capital to protest about a ‘criminally complicit’ government’s inaction
by Emily Holden in Washington
A student at the University of California in San Diego, Tamacas spent seven days baking in the sun in front of the White House and three more at an American Civil Liberties Union advocacy institute. He also staged a “die-in” in front of the US Capitol building.
Tamacas’s mother is from Vietnam, and his father is from El Salvador – two places expected to be hit hard by the chaotic climate changes that will come from rapidly rising temperatures…
Tamacas was visiting Washington DC in the middle of a historic heatwave, with temperatures some days feeling as hot as 110F…
“I did cry. And I did feel extreme frustration and hunger and just overwhelming feelings of sadness at times,” he said. “But at the end of the day I remembered what I was fighting for and that’s what kept me going”…
He calls the US government “criminally complicit”…
Tamacas also protests with the group Extinction Rebellion. On his campus, he has chained himself to trees and camped in a tent outside the university library during final exams.
8 Aug: NYT: Notes From Three Months With Young Climate Activists
Astead W. Herndon, a politics reporter, answered questions on Reddit about his reporting on the Sunrise Movement’s Democratic pressure campaign.
Compiled by Jake Lucas
Astead W. Herndon, who covers politics for The Times, spent three months reporting on the Sunrise Movement and its political pressure campaign, which appeared on an episode of The Times’s television show, “The Weekly.” He answered questions about his work in an Ask Me Anything session on the website Reddit this week…
9 Aug: BBC: Climate change food calculator: What’s your diet’s carbon footprint?
By Nassos Stylianou, Clara Guibourg and Helen Briggs
All this talk of meat has made me hungry for a big steak.
Hey Jo,
Apart from that generalised attempt to use their influence to control things they don’t like, based on no actual evidence, with a lot of evidence that denies the nonsense this represents, we have had mark Carney in the UK suggesting that we may need to control GDP growth to save the planet. Really? CLiamte science and economics have a lot incommon, as pseudo sciences.
It’s all about the money. After the realisation there was nothing in global cooling or over population they could easily profit from, the elites switched to creating a problem they could. This was always about controlling the major money flows and skimming them for the elites on bogus excuses, CO2 being a major component of our energy dependent economies, and of course we have to eat food, including meat. So make it bad and tax it as well. The atmosphere is also,polluted with Oxygen, which causes oxidation in our bodies, etc. Tax oxygen. And water. Perhaps we should decarbonise the planet entirely. As many idiots believe, w/o a clue that means no life………… How do you end this deceit, when so many people are so stupid they accept what they are educated to know is a lie?
There does not appear to be a mention that because the main methane absorption band is buried in a water vapour band, its effect in the atmosphere is minimal on incoming and outgoing radiation. Forget about methane, it is not significant.
Also where there are coal seams underground methane seeps through to the air above, small but measurable.
Perhaps there is a reason why Joelle Gergis cries after her talks, particularly those at the IPCC. Perhaps Joelle has become a vegan because she believes all the nonsense about meat eating and methane. She flies to an IPCC meeting, and after the meeting, they have dinner at a restaurant, which you do if the taxpayer is paying travel allowances. Her IPCC colleagues believe in do as I say not as I do, so they eat meat. At the restaurant, her IPCC colleagues either side of her both have steak, medium rare and she can smell the steak being grilled in the kitchen, while she sits with her plate of lentil burgers and lettuce or something similar. That would make anyone cry.
Lol If it weren’t an important topic it really would be super funny to read all your moronic comments. A bunch of idiots thinking they know more about hundreds of experts who dedicated their lives and careers to this topic. It’s so fucking hilarious
[Usually using this kind of language would prevent you from getting comments published. Because you are new here I wanted to give you every opportunity to bring your wisdom to the discussion. Good luck.] ED
It is not necessary to use bad language to make your point. I, for one, dislike it intensely. Being insulting gets you nowhere with thinking people.
Perhaps little alphabetman could produce a paper from one of these “experts” that proves empirically that CO2 causes warming.
If not, then you, like all these so-called “experts”, are one gigantic FAILURE.
And I bet you are one of those “believers” who is so lacking in any scientific knowledge that you fall for all the scientifically baseless propaganda that you are fed with.
Comments like yours make us laugh, because it shows just how brain-dead the below average “climate change believer™”, really is.
So little alphabetman.. we are waiting for your SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE. !
And all along I thought it was just old age!
The UN needs to be moved to a global hot spot…like Syria.