Remember when polar amplification was the rage? So much for that theory
Antarctica is twice the size of the US or Australia. Buried 2 km deep under domes of snow, it holds 58 meters of global sea level to ransom. The IPCC have been predicting its demise-by-climate-change for a decade or two.
A new paper looks at 60 sites across Antarctica, considering everything from ice, lake and marine cores to peat and seal skins. They were particularly interested in the Medieval Warm Period, and researched back to 600AD. During medieval times (1000-1200 AD) they estimate Antarctica as a whole was hotter than it is today. Antarctica was even warmer still — during the dark ages circa 700AD.
Credit to the paper authors: Sebastian Lüning, Mariusz Gałka, and Fritz Vahrenholt
Feast your eyes on the decidedly not unprecedented modern tiny spike:
The little jaggy down after 2000 AD is real. While there was rapid warming across Antarctica from 1950-2000, in the last twenty years, that warming has stalled. Just another 14 million square kilometers that the models didn’t predict.
We already knew the Medieval Warm Period was a global phenomenon, thanks to hundreds of proxies, and 6,000 boreholes. But this new paper is a great addition.
With an awesome dedication to detail, the team put all the big oceanic and other factors into one big graph. It is nice to see them side by side so we can see the connections between them.
- Fig. 8. Reconstructions of key drivers of natural climate variability. Southern Annular Mode, SAM, 70 year loess filter (Abram et al., 2014); El Niño-Southern Oscillation, ENSO (Conroy et al., 2008); Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, IPO, piece-wise linear fit (Vance et al., 2015); Pacific Decadal Oscillation, PDO (MacDonald and Case, 2005); Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, AMO (Mann et al., 2009); solar activity changes (Steinhilber et al., 2012); volcanic eruptions (Sigl et al., 2015).
Main drivers of the multi-centennial scale climate variability appear to be the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which are linked to solar activity changes by nonlinear dynamics. The MCA forms the final part of a long warm phase that dominated the first millennium CE
Looking at different parts of Antarctica some parts cooled while other parts warmed. Many of these “sea-sawing” pairs appear to be flexing as a dipole.

Fig. 4. Temperature development in the Antarctic region during the past 1500 years based on palaeoclimate proxies of selected study sites. 7: Fan Lake (Strother et al., 2015), 25: ODP 1098 (Domack and Mayewski, 1999; Shevenell et al., 2011; Shevenell and Kennett, 2002), 31: Berkner Island (Mulvaney et al., 2002), 45: EPICA Dome C (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2004), 49: Woods Bay (Mezgec et al., 2017), 57: RICE ice core (Bertler et al., 2018), whole Antarctica (Stenni et al., 2017:
composite-plus-scaling CPS reconstruction). Location maps in Figs. 1–3. Those location numbered:
Somewhere is all this data are some answers that might help us figure out the climate.
The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) is a well-recognized climate perturbation in many parts of the world, with a core period of 1000–1200 CE. Here we are mapping the MCA across the Antarctic region based on the analysis of published palaeotemperature proxy data from 60 sites. In addition to the conventionally used ice core data, we are integrating temperature proxy records from marine and terrestrial sediment cores as well as radiocarbon ages of glacier moraines and elephant seal colonies. A generally warm MCA compared to the subsequent Little Ice Age (LIA) was found for the Subantarctic Islands south of the Antarctic Convergence, the Antarctic Peninsula, Victoria Land and central West Antarctica. A somewhat less clear MCA warm signal was detected for the majority of East Antarctica. MCA cooling occurred in the Ross Ice Shelf region, and probably in the Weddell Sea and on Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. Spatial distribution of MCA cooling and warming follows modern dipole patterns, as reflected by areas of opposing temperature trends. Main drivers of the multi-centennial scale climate variability appear to be the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which are linked to solar activity changes by nonlinear dynamics.
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h/t NoTricksZone, Willie S, Ronan C.
Lüning, S., M. Gałka, F. Vahrenholt (2019): The Medieval Climate Anomaly in Antarctica. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109251
When the Antarctic ice sheet melts, they find remains of ancient villages etc throughout the land mass. Maybe aliens as well.
The Piri Reis Map can now be looked at in a whole new light.
There is always the possibility that the existing volcanic activity was more pronounced 6000, or less, years ago and kept part of the Antarctic ice free until recent times.
But realistically, climate only began in the 20th Century when fossil fuels were discovered.
I think it is wise to be very skeptical on this.
This book by Hapgood about this map was published in 1965. In the link it is written :
” Professor Hapgood went on to state that the topographical representation of the area inland from the coast was so accurate that this ancient super-civilization had to have aerial capabilities in addition to their nautical and cartographic abilities”
Ummmmm ? In 1965 we did not have an accurate map of the coast of the land of Antarctica. An accurate mapping of Antarctic only came after with satellite imaging.
And there is no archeological record of an ancient ( 6000 years before now ) civilisation which could have travelled by sailing ship to the Antarctic..
No one has yet figured out how the pyramids were built so many thousands of years ago, but there they stand.
Sorry Bemused.
Recent archeological digs in Egypt have done just that.
but apart from that
Your comment is beside the point and irrelevant.
Do you have scientific consensus on that? 🙂
Wrong again bemused look at this and also look at the literature at the Geopolymer Institute here
People have done chemical analyes of all the materials including the mortar to hold the marble slabs on the surface (only a bit left at the top of the min pyramid) and they have reproduced the techniques
I think a total loss of sense of humour has been experienced by some. It like there are IPCC climate scientists at work. 🙂
I think not enough credit is given to the ancients for all there ingenious hard work. Many try to suggest it was all ‘aliens’, which is an anti human achievement statement.
Save more for unthreaded.
When you look around a millennial’s today does it not seem much more likely that Aliens must have done it all? Occam’s razor.
Blaming `aliens’ for the millenials is not so silly! 🙂
Here is a critique, it was a map of the lower part of South America and not Antartica.
“And there is no archeological record of an ancient ( 6000 years before now ) civilisation which could have travelled by sailing ship to the Antarctic.”
It perhaps would be unwise to assume that a civilisation 6000 years ago was not sea-faring …
“Experts believe they may have found a Kilwa coin that could change what we know about the history of global trade –
“There was trade between Kilwa and China, and possibly those traders were blown off course or escaping from pirates.
Perhaps there was a shipwreck.
But he says the most likely scenario is that the Portuguese, who looted Kilwa in 1505, went on to set foot on Australian shores, bringing the coins with them.”
And there is this one, disputable for sure, but not the concept that Phoenicians were capable seafarers of achieving such travels 3000 years ago:
Phoenicians in Queensland?
Ancient Egyptian visitors to Australia or miner’s mishap? Riddle of the rainforest coin
The bronze coin — about the same size as a 50 cent piece — was minted during the reign of Ptolemy IV, between 221 and 204BC.
Images of cockatoo on 13th-century Vatican manuscript inspire trade route rethink-
Holy Emperor’s falconry guide shows the oldest known European depiction of the bird:
And the Piri Reis Map, mentioned above, which seems to date from antiquity, maybe drawn when the poles were reversed.
and then there is … “The Antikythera Mechanism was lost over 2,200 years ago when the cargo ship carrying it was shipwrecked off the coast of the small Greek Island of Antikythera (which is located between Kythera and Crete).
How advanced? The second century BCE Mechanism could do basic math, calculate the movements of the sun and moon, track the movements of the constellations and planets, and predict eclipses and equinoxes. It contains over thirty hand-worked cogs, dozens more than the average luxury Swiss watch. It may not have the faculties of an iPhone but it is more than a simple calculator.”
Also, building precession into the pyramids.
“The tombs are aligned north-south with an accuracy of up to 0.05 degrees. How the Egyptians did this has been unclear. Today, you could align a building north-south by pointing the sides towards the pole star, which sits roughly at true north. However, a wobble in the Earth’s axis of rotation (called precession), means that the positions of the stars changes gradually over time.”
That knowledge doesn’t happen overnight.
I recommend watching the Youtube videos of a clock maker where he is reproducing the Antikythera mechanism.
The knowledge of the ancients, both in theory and practical mechanics, was outstanding
Not about Antarctica Travis.
Sorry : irrelevant !
Actually, it is quite relevant. If it provides evidence of ancient seafaring, timekeeping and astronomy skills, it could indicate that there’s more to the ancients than we give credence.
And if there is some chance that at least portions of Antarctica were ice free and visited by some seafarers, then it does have something to do with the topic and especially climate change.
And when you look at Antarctica, it’s not that far away given the distances that seafarers travelled to the New World. Even the Vikings travelled much further in their long boats.
But, Bill, isn’t it like the heat and that knowledge is hiding in the deep oceans?
So now you debunk varifiable data because you say we didnt have a map. The tests are done from core samples. I know who the scrptics are.
Probably not Bemused.
But fossilsed remains of trees
And dinosaurs ?
Yes !
Is this relevant to our fate ?
Probably not !
But interesting to know.
Well yes, because Antarctica was not where it is now always! I have long held the (totally unproven) theory that penguins (or at least the distant ancestors) stayed with Antarctica as it moved southwards and evolved as it did so. That’s why some have such bonkers breeding grounds, because that’s where they were going millions of years before, when Antarctica was warm.
Antarctic ice has been around for well over a million years through a dozen inter glacial periods whose temperatures were the same or higher as they are now. Even the worst case scenarios imagined by the IPCC/UNFCCC wouldn’t make a dent in the Antarctic ice.
There is some discussion about the time that there has been an ice cap in Antarctica, with some claiming it has only been there for the last 25 million years. Other estimates run all the way back to 38 million years.
In any case I think that it will still be there for a few years yet, and long after this nonsense about man-made global warming has been dismissed.
Run with c. 38 million YA, Graeme. It’s more accurate.
Antarctica and Australia were packed in more or less side by side into Gondwanaland, the southern half of Pangea. When they separated, Australia headed north (where it’s still going and rather quickly too), and Antarctica headed south. It would have been growing ice and snow on its southern flanks around then. It settled in and set about building its ice cap c. 33MYA.
See this graph: note Antarctic glaciation and Antarctica melting …
A map of the Milky Way. Spiral Arm and Solar System rotation is clockwise. The Solar System takes c. 250 MY to orbit the Galactic Centre. Click on it to enlarge it (follow the mouse cursor to magnify a particular area more). Locate the solar system (to the left of SUN) You will note it’s on the outer trailing edge of the Orion Spur. That’s why it’s cold. Like: it’s the Quaternary Ice Age. Read Shaviv’s paper on Ice-Ages. It started when we crossed into the Orion Spur.
The Sun and its Solar System is about 2.5 MY into Gould’s Belt where Cosmic Rays are fairly intense, hence the Quaternary Ice Age. We have at best guesstimate, about another 15 – 20 MY to cross the Orion Spur in. The far side of the spiral arm will have high levels of Cosmic Rays so we will probably ice over again then.
Here’s a map of the Milky Way Galaxy. We’re looking at roughly 60 – 63 MY to cover each quadrant. While we are in Gould Belt, Antarctica is not going to melt. It will stay cold. Planet Earth is not going to warm much. If you look at the milky way galaxy again, to the right and up, you will see the Scutum – Centaurus Arm which the Solar System crossed during the Cretaceous. Yes, the Cretaceous had an ice age: that’s when the Dinosuars and Theropods invented feathers. Below the word ‘Arm’ there’s a clear area of space just before the Solar System entered the Sagittarius Arm. That corresponds nicely with the PETM – no Cosmic Rays, very sunny and very warm.
The entry into the Sagittarius Arm caused cooling and there was lots more of that on the leading edge of the Sagittarius Arm as it the Solar System exited the arm and met the concentrated Cosmic Rays on its leading edge. About 30 MY to transit the Sagittarius arm. That was when Antarctica became King of the Underworld and really got to work building its Ice Cap.
Cosmic Rays end up grouped by galactic magnetic fields — they run in streams and rivers. They do not form any amorphous bunch of atmosphere. So you will get warming — when GCRs go down a bit — and cooling as they rise. Antarctica is not going to melt any while we’re in Cosmic Ray rich territory. Yes, temps will go up and down just a bit but that’s noise. You could say, it’s going to be variably cool to cold for a while yet. However the idiots will run around like headless chooks and declare Klimate Krises.
Light Entertainment:
Supposedly there are alien spacecraft and alien bases hidden under the Antarctica Ice Cap..
Yeah. Right.
Have fun hunting for them … 🙂
This is the `entertainment:’
[Antarctica Anomalies Documentary 2018 There is DEFINITELY Something Under the Ice]
I watched it for a bit then left it alone as it got more and more and even more incredible, fanciful and ..farfetched.
You have been warned.
The “hundreds of proxies” link appears to be bad.
The ‘AD 1300 Event’ is clearly depicted as the plunge into the LIA, cause still unknown.
‘Main drivers of the multi-centennial scale climate variability appear to be the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) which are linked to solar activity changes by nonlinear dynamics.’
Fair enough, but what about nonlinear geomagnetic reversals?
nonlinear dynamics = unknown model, impossible mathematical solutions, so we just ignore it. Well thats ok just work on it when you have time.
Going back a little further, our leap into the Holocene may have been a reversal. Where is Sophocles?
‘Sites from Ecuador recorded two stable oblique reverse records with a large fluctuation far from the present GMF at ∼10.5 ka BP. The transitional virtual geomagnetic poles generally agree with those registered during the possible Pleistocene-Holocene excursion observed in other places of the planet.’
H G Nami 2015
With it being so warm in Antarctica during the Northern Hemisphere ‘Dark Age’ period, it must be the bipolar seesaw.
The bipolar seesaw is related to D-O Events (glacial) and Bond Events (interglacial). Apparently it takes a couple of hundred years for Northern Hemisphere ocean waters to reach Antartica, a reflection of the Roman Warm Period perhaps.
Generally the hemispheres dont mix. Oceans or atmosphere. There is also no Circum-Arctic current/circulation.
From my scant reading the AMOC collapses during Bond Events and there is talk that the ITCZ is pushed further south, accompanied by monsoon failure.
I’ll look for a definitive paper to prove my heat transport theory.
Deep water crosses the boundary.
Judith Curry (Climate Etc) did a post on ocean heat transport and strolling through the comments I found this from Javier.
‘When summer insolation in the northern hemisphere decreased enough, about 6000 years ago, the seasonal insolation gradient changed, the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ, the Earth’s climate equator) moved South, and the entire climate pattern of the planet got altered in what is known as the Mid-Holocene Transition.
‘Monsoons moved South and the northern 30° band dried up ending the African Humid Period and creating the Sahara desert. The planet moved from the Holocene Climatic Optimum to the Neoglaciation.’
… still reading/browsing all the comments 🙂
In the words of General Douglas MacArthur: I shall return!
If the Younger Dryas cold snap was caused by a Big Rock from Space, then it could have had a short magnetic reversal. Ben Davidson documents it as a short one and the Mega Fauna Extinction could have been because of it.
Plants don’t grow at all well when there is thick cloud (Svensmark effect) and lots of cold from lack of sunlight from masking by lots of dust and ejecta in the atmosphere. Plants die and the first flash of lightning sets off the fires. Starvation from lack of food and there’s a lot of life gone. Clovis man was no exception.
The two Hiawatha Glacier craters need to be dated to set them in their place: either as cause or not.
Then more evidence can be gathered. It’s not thorough enough yet so there are lots of doubting Thomases throwing ice water everywhere.
… Wolf Solar Minimum.
“radiocarbon ages of glacier moraines”.
Really, all scientists know about radio carbon dating. Old CO2 has no radioactive C14. Modern CO2 has a near constant level at one atom in a million million. C14 decays and when trapped the % left gives the age. Do you can date carbon atoms in bulk.
Why don’t the same scientist apply this to the CO2 in the air and even CH4, methane? The total fossil carbon is under 5% and in 1956 was 2.1% even after two world wars, more than half way through the 20th century. Except the IPCC disagrees, without any proof.
There is this continual suggestion without proof that CO2 and CH4 accumulate in the air
In fact there is little fossil Carbon in in the air but that would be the end of the man made story, the end of man made Global Warming, the end of man made Climate Change, the end of windmills.
I have written to Dr. Ed Berry suggesting the world needs a live % fossil CO2 meter. Any laboratory could maintain this with authority.
Even the same for methane (CH4) a new attack by the Green blob. Then the ordinary person would understand instantly that there isn’t a man made problem.
Then if there really is a Climate Emergency, what do they propose we do about it? Move the sun?
As for Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick and his elimination of the Middle Ages warming, how does he live with himself when others are analysing what his graphs said didn’t happen. Nor the Little Ice Age which followed.
True TdeF, ‘ radio carbon dating’ is used on biota which takes in carbon untill it dies, is the usual application.
‘Except the IPCC disagrees, without any proof’. Nothing that scamming organization says has any proof. When they have hijacked the ALL the world govts into the scam, which is looking like they have done a reasonable job at so far, then we will all have to watch out. Sooner the IPCC is abolished the better for humanity.
“Even the same for methane (CH4) a new attack by the Green blob…”
I take some comfort in the thought that the carbon in any methane molecule straying into my car’s air intake will be ‘mitigated’ into the more benign CO2 within milliseconds.
MCA: local or global?
I was wondering when someone might raise that point. The above authors, Lüning, Gałka, and Vahrenholt state in the opening sentence of their abstract: The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) is a well-recognized climate perturbation in many parts of the world, with a core period of 1000–1200 CE. They dodge the global MCA, sticking to the line of settled politics, ‘local’ MCAs … (ironically not unlike global warming today, local not global).
Taken one step further by the usual spin meisters of climatism: ‘Medieval Warm Period’ Wasn’t Global or Even All That Warm, Study Says, (Glacier maxima in Baffin Bay during the Medieval Warm Period coeval with Norse settlement) , the spine meisters chant (truncated):
That comment about the MCA being global caught my interest also. In recent comments about the Antartctic sea ice in The Australian, somebody claimed that the MWP wasn’t global. I responded saying that there are at least 200 reports from all around the would indicating that the MWP was global. The AGW crowd are trying very hard now to minimise the MWP as they have no answer to it being a natural event.
To repeat: the above authors of the centre-piece of this thread, Lüning, Gałka, and Vahrenholt state in the opening sentence of their abstract: The Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) is a well-recognized climate perturbation in many parts of the world, with a core period of 1000–1200 CE.
They dodge the global MCA, sticking to the line of settled politics, ‘local’ MCAs … (ironically not unlike global warming today, local not global).
I made this point and cited a paper that highlighted it, also pointing out the irony that the globalist crowd think of their CAGW as global when in fact the evidence suggests it is local.
No response from TdeF and a bunch of reflex reds, the proxy ad hom, no better than the usual globalist Left climatism venerating site. It would have been interesting and illuminating to have aired the salient literature, particularly since the centre piece of this post suggests a local MCA. Pretty weak.
Thanks AndyG55.
MANY studies.. a CONSENSUS of studies, you might say. 😉
And a map to go with it. 🙂
Tell all that about the North Atlantic to Iceland and Greenland, and the Vikings in Vineland!
Just willfully ignoring vast amounts of evidence – much in other disciplines – in favour of a small study of dubious modelling of a small area. The idea that this paper refutes all the rest is idiotic.
14Carbon is cosmogenic. With GCRs increasing as the Sun snoozes, you might just find a small uptick in the formation of 14C by GCR action. Or you might not.
So much for that theory…Well so mush for ALL their failed theories.
Actually being pedantic none of them are theories they are hypotheses. All based on non, discredited or just plain fake data.
And the geophysical world just keeps trukin on…next.
Nice comparison graphs, wants a deep look.
Only somewhat O/T
“Scientists Trace Heat Wave To Massive Star At Center Of Solar System”
Check the comments
ROFLAMAO, expect they mention trapped heat…
…. Somebody’s onto something there!
In a recent thread someone put up a link to the real Antarctica. It’s a series of islands!
Another insightful post Jo.
Uh-oh, you’ve all done it now, what with your
denying thescience and observations and history and facts: Warning Southeast New South Wales, “BLIZZARDS are likely for Alpine areas above 1500 metres. Blizzard conditions are currently forecast to ease during Saturday”. C’mon, it’s gospel truth, straight from the horse’s mouth – Aus Govt Severe Weather Warning 11 July
Seems Antarctica has up and skedaddled north to the hills of VIC & NSW for the school holidays: -2˚C max today, “Snow. Very windy. Very high (near 100%) chance of snow… Blizzards. Heavy snow falls possible” for the next 7 days and nights –
Will be fun watching Flim-flam and Prof Turkey and their ABC twist and turn cold hard reality into Existential Climate Action NOW! As long as penguins don’t fall from the sky you should be OK. Run for the hills… the snow has arrived. Hoot!!!
Going to be a real cold week next week, all the way to the top end.
Somebody forgot to tell Daniel Andrews this.
They probably did but he didn’t want to hear it
No doubt our taxpayer funded unbiased ABC will run this story on all their news media.
It’ll be right after one of their regular “Hottest Day Evaaaah” stories.
The Guardian is continuing with the scaremongering today. GW has been upgraded to the more chillingly-sounding term global heating. London is predicted to be as hot as Barcelona by 2050. Wow.
These guys just will not give up… Just who is orchestrating this nonsense?
The Guardian is about late with this news , by about 70 years. Someone at paul homewood’s blog has found a clipping from
1949 predicting that Britain would be subtropical in 30 years, ie by 1979. Trust me, 1979: subtropical it was’nt, nor is it now.
Wait until September. The global MSM will be (trying to) synchronizing their stories for a week.
That’s going to be a hoot.
Try contacting notable conspiratorial theorist Professor Stephan Lewandowsky over at Bristol University in the UK. He should be well placed to help out. After all, Bristol University has just declared a “climate emergency.”
Much of the academic World in general and the UK in particular have gone truly fcuk-wit. But then again, they are key doyens of the Lefts corporatist globalism UN Rainbow collective, wherein in all probability the answer you search for resides.
Who was that old-school English comedian who bawdily sang about “landing the milkmaid’s loverly pair of Bristols”.
Lew-and-Owksy’s Uni of B. has about 24,000 students and 6,000
fcukwitsfaculty; 500 + 100 signatures = 600 out of 30,000; I’m noclimaterocket scientist nor Yamal Bristlecone Pine tree ring expert, but my calculator tells me that’s a total of 2% of the university’s population (sue my calculator if I’m wrong).Student democracy UK2019-style in action! The mob hath spoken!!! The two per cent rabble know better than the other 98%, or in old-school language, the overwhelming majority. So march, comrades, we are moving
forward– backwards, to the Bristol University of Backwards (BUB).10
“Just who is orchestrating this nonsense?” The new attempt at ‘One World Government’ thats who. The IPCC and its entourage of fake scamster scientists.
Attenborough esq. is now also suggesting we all pay more for air travel to ‘save the planet’ and his reputation I would guess.
Mr.A also said that the GBR has turned white with bleaching.
He did not mention the Walrus stampede caused by his drone cameras.
410ppm CO2 produces this:,-90,300/
I think we’re going to be OK.
Just watched Peter Ridd on The Kenny Report, he nailed greenie activist claims about the reef, BBC claims, Attenborough BS claims and JCU’s backwardness.
“… must … not … tell … truth …” – BBC
To be honest, I’m not really seeing a MWP? I’m somewhat surprised by the resolution too? Is it really on five-ten year scale?
Its just a jump off point, clearly while Europe was freezing in the cold wet Dark Ages it was a different story at the other end of the world, basking in RWP warmth.
I did some serious research on Antarctica climate, the article Try us out to help my study about local Antarctic effects of climate change are only part of the problem. Antarctica comprises two geologically distinct regions, East Antarctica and West Antarctica, separated by the great Trans-Antarctic Mountains but joined together by the all-encompassing ice sheet. The presence of the high ice sheet and the polar location make Antarctica a powerful heat sink that strongly affects the climate of the whole Earth. Furthermore, the annual sea ice cover around the continent, which seasonally reaches an area greater than that of the continent itself, modulates exchanges of heat, moisture, and gases between the atmosphere and ocean and, through salt rejection when it freezes, forces the formation of cold oceanic bottom waters that spread out under the world’s oceans. Alterations to this system will affect climate all over the planet.
This data is not to scale. You can’t compared all these variables with different scales to a community that may not understand what to look for. It does a really good job at showing the that this is not the hottest point in history. Which is what the article wants. And although it’s happened before we are better connected now to report on the damage to wildlife, landscapes and how people living on islands would be affected. They didn’t have that communication back then so how do we know what damages did and didn’t happen?
This note was written as a reaction to all those protestations of Climate Emergency and Net Zero CO2 emissions policies that are being promoted in Western Nations, particularly in the UK.
When will people realise that any CO2 reduction policy should also be seen in a longer-term context:
· The modern short pulse of beneficial Global warming stopped 20 years ago and recent global temperatures are now stable or declining.
· According to reliable Ice Core records the last millennium 1000 – 2000 AD was the coldest of our current Holocene interglacial and the world had already been cooling quite rapidly since before Roman times, in fact since ~1000 BC.
· At 11,000 years old, our Holocene interglacial, responsible for all man-kind’s advances, from living in caves to microprocessors, is coming to its end.
· The weather gets worse in colder times.
· The world will very soon, (on a geological time scale), revert to a true glaciation, again eventually resulting in mile high ice sheets over New York.
The prospect of even moving in a cooling direction is something to be truly scared about, both for the biosphere and for man-kind.
Spending any effort, without true cost benefit analysis and full due diligence, let alone at GDP scale costs, trying to stop the UK’s 1% of something that has not been happening for 3 millennia seems monumentally stupid.
Countless times I have made the observation that if CO2 levels for the last 10.000 years has been stable until just before the onset of the Industrial Revolution but there were periods such as MWP and RWP, then CO2 could not possibly be the driver for those rather wild temperature changes. Every time I said so I was attacked by innumerable commenters saying that this was a regional event only and does not stand for global changes. Now we know that this was horse dung and those warming events were global. This alone is enough to refute the entire Global Warming complex and all its models as garbage.
00 Sorry for the levity, but having enjoyed reading through the comments above, I am much more assured that there is still intelligent life here on earth.