The Beast From The East is coming
Siberian winds are blowing across Europe, just as the IPCC didn’t predict.
In Rome, it’s snowing for the first time in six years, the Air Force is ‘helicoptering over the city, looking for isolated people. Naples got the heaviest snow in 50 years. Schools are closed and people are skiing down the streets.
The UK is expecting heavy snow and a wind chill of minus 15C. The snow has already caused more than 200 trains to be cancelled. Roads and hundreds of schools are closed.
If we could only install enough windmills we could stop this.
Still, it could be worse. “During the Great Frost of 1683–84, the worst frost recorded in England the Thames was completely frozen for two months, with the ice reaching a thickness of 11 inches (28 cm) in London”. — Wikipedia

Thames Frost Fair 1683-84, Painting by Thomas Wyke scan from FT magazine.
@ITVLorraine Tweets: #BeastFromTheEast #uksnow
@PunctureSafe-NE Tweets:
2 feet of snow expected
In Europe we’re awaiting the Beast,
A Siberian blast from the East,
Where the warmists foretold,
No snow and no cold,
But more often where snowfall increased.
— Ruairi Reply
h/t Pat, Dave B, Robert R, Environmental Skeptic.
Will we get deja vu 1976, ‘Earth may be headed for another ice age?’ Yikes!
And in the midst of the “global cooling” hysteria England in’76 had its hottest and driest summer in my memory
(or ranking with ’59). Water rationing and stand pipes in some places.
In 2018 in the midst of “global warming” hysteria England has its coldest spell for 20 years. Roads , rail and airports closed.
The old diarists , of an intellectually more robust age, just called it weather.
They are working on a way to make it our fault.
Salome said:
That shouldn’t be a surprise; that’s what they’ve been claiming for the last 28 years, and lately fewer and fewer people are believing them.
I get some amusment from the efforts of the AGW Gullibles trying to explain that Global Cooling is caused by Global Warming. The ABC and the BBC seem to be the first to fall for that nonsense, but they don’t seem to be able to think at all these days.
They seem to think that a tiny little Arctic can melt a bit and freeze the whole of Europe. Trouble with that theory is that the Arctic ice extent which is only a small amount below average grew. The blue line here got closer to the +/- two standard dev line.
. . . and the funny thing is that according to them the Arctic is practically ice free, or so we’re told. So either the Arctic Ice pack in much bigger than they’re saying or they’ve been lying. They can’t have it both ways.
None of “them” seem aware that the Arctic is where the Gulf Stream terminates.
That must be one of. if not the warmest current evah, so of course the Arctic has warmth
” The ABC and the BBC seem to be the first to fall for that nonsense, but they don’t seem to be able to think at all these days “
or perhaps it is that they Choose not to think …. or to check facts that disagree with their preconceptions or quasi-religious beliefs ….
…. and that is a classic example of “Groupthink”
Groupthink – Christopher Booker for the GWPF
and reported at WUWT here:
It started a long time in Hollywood movies, the latest being the Cold Zone, which I soon thought was a comedy until I realized they were serious about sending the message global warming was causing global cooling. BTW the movies is crap by many standards but I still got a few laughs out of it. They might as well make a movie about rising sea levels in the Pacific causing the oceans to fall everywhere else, which wouldn’t be that hard for those who believe the earth is flat. Perhaps they could make one depicting the Sun dimming for years and the earth suffering more so from CAGW than even the worst of their current predictions. After all so many of them strive to make as much money as possible to try and live in a world of their own divorced from reality, and when they do make it they try to force their world onto us while they actually believe or pretend to believe theirs is real and ours is not.
Graham appears confused by the difference between “global” and “regional”.
Michael Mann reckons global cooling starts in a regional way, so I say this anomaly is a precursor to global cooling.
And the average global temperature doesn’t include regional temperatures?
And do tell us who is experiencing the global temperature and why it worries them.
So howcome the Warmunists are claiming Global Warming is proved by increased temperatures in the Arctic.
Craig says:
All the Klimate scientists make a similar mistake but on a larger scale: they consistently confuse “Global” with “Hemispherical.” Many can’t or won’t understand why the Southern Hemisphere is not following their expectations.
What most call “Global Warming” is actually Northern Hemisphere warming. A very few are starting to wake up to the weather control Antarctica exerts on this end of the globe. They’re hopeless, it’s only taken them 28 years to catch on, As for the rest … well, clueless is an adequate word.
Wikipedia authors should look at some of the contemporary records of the Little Ice Age – ice on the Thames was measured at up to 4 and even 5 feet thick. Elizabeth 1st’s court diaries record the court holding parties on the ice, carriages being driven along the Thames as well as the well known ‘Ox Roasts’.
In the depths of the LIA ships were recorded as being stuck in Sea Ice as far as 2 miles offshore along the East Coast of England. Oak and Elm trees trunks split from top to bottom as the frozen sap forced the trunks to burst apart.
Should have put this link in – Judith Curry has a great chronology from contemporary writing and records throughout the LIA – “The Long slow thaw? Temperature reconstruction 1538-1659 through a reappraisal of the work of Hubert Lamb and Michael Man” Supplementary information.
– you can find it here:
In Europe we’re awaiting the Beast,
A Siberian blast from the East,
Where the warmists foretold,
No snow and no cold,
But more often where snowfall increased.
Phew, that was lucky…you didn’t say it was from a polar region Ruairi…it is taboo to say the cold weather came from a polar region.
Groupthink consensus forbids saying cold air comes from polar regions..
The cold came from the east, Russia, the troposphere, atomic testing by the Russians collectively etc….anywhere but from the north or a polar region connected or in close proximity to it. There is a danger it might imply there is snow or that it is cold there and send out the wrong consensus groupthink signals.
But, the cooling over Europe is due to displacement of Arctic air due to a Stratospheric warming and enhanced meandering of the Jet Stream. The NH as a whole is still running 2C above pre-industrial average.
Meanwhile temps over the Arctic are running about 18C above the long term average.
But, but, look over here.
I think we refer to your diversions as BS.
Have a nice day peddling rubbish.
Speaking of wandering jet streams, and enhanced meandering, (and BS) most models predicted that the jet streams would move closer to the poles, and that wintertime “blocking” would decrease, which was then changed in later models to be more ambiguous when it proved to be wrong.
“Most CMIP3 models projected significant reductions in NH annual blocking frequency (Barnes et al., 2012), particularly during winter, but CMIP5 models seem to indicate weaker decreases in the future (Dunn-Sigouin and Son, 2013) and a more complex response than that reported for CMIP3 models, including possible regional increases of blocking frequency in summer (Cattiaux et al., 2013; Masato et al., 2013). There is high agreement that winter blocking frequency over the North Atlantic and North Pacific will not increase under enhanced GHG concentrations (Barnes et al., 2012; Dunn-Sigouin and Son, 2013)”
IPCC AR4 Ch 14 p 1247
“In summary, the increased ability in simulating blocking in some models indicate that there is medium confidence that the frequency of NH and SH blocking will not increase, while trends in blocking intensity and persistence remain uncertain…” IPCC AR4 Ch14
A look back at the DMI Artic temp charts will reveal times in the past when we had such blocking. I think 2000-2001 and 1976 have been mentioned on other blogs as times similar to now. But what the heck. Right now it’s still about -8 C with virtually no insolation so the Arctic is not “melting down” and in fact the Greenland ice sheet SMB is still growing like gangbusters. The reality is that for the last several winters most of the warm anomalies have been at the poles and particularly the N. Pole.
This truck driver actually had a couple bug splatters on his wind shield today driving in Pennsylvania because it has been so warm for the last few days. But that’s about to change. Our winter isn’t done yet by a long shot.
And watch out for a bad storm this weekend on the east coast of the US. Looks like it will pack hurricane force winds and is forecast right now to hang just off the coast of Long Island. A little shift of the forecasted track and NYC would get it. If Joe Bastardi is right this one will be just the first of several of these severe Nor Easters the East coast will see in March.
Ah! Here we go. Arctic Temperature spikes 2004-2018 courtesy Dr. Ryan Maue
“…due to a Stratospheric warming…”
Must be global cooling – after all, stratospheric cooling is a “fingerprint” of CO2 AGW, innit?
Yep. When the stratosphere is warm the troposphere is cool and visa versa. But all the Kings horses and all the Kings men nor the temperature variations in the Stratosphere can make the hot spots in the upper troposphere over the equatorial band show up as the physics upon which all the climate models used by the IPCC demands! And THAT FACT ALONE falsified the catastrophic AGW hypothesis long ago.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men, Humpty, can’t
make hot spots appear like magic lantern transmogrifications,
because science is so inconvenient re wishes and beggars, and
in reality, falsification’s the name of the game.
How is this wonderful “pre industrial average” calculated…
By using the temperatures at the end of the LIA – using anything else would not show any ‘warming’ at all.
Well, first you take the lowest temperatures in 8000 years……..
Temperatures in the Arctic may be above average but the are still in the distribution that makes up that average.
Perhaps you should learn about averages and how they work rather than making a fool of yourself (and Monbiot).
Other SSW event are listed here —
And UK’s Met-Office explains SSW here –
I have not spent much time in snow country.
Thank you for showing me what two feet of snow looks like.
Well most children today do not know what snow looks like anymore because it stopped at low lying ski fields two years ago. BBC News Saturday, 17 November, 2001 “They claim that in 15 years time, many low level ski resorts could have no snow at all.”
Time for a Royal Commission into “who turned off the heater” before these records are “homogenised”.
NOAA has already homogenised the TMin for New York state and surprisingly the recent exceptional cold is now not as cold as was actually recorded…………….
They have been divided.
Divide the polar regions into ‘Siberian’ and ‘Polar’ and conquer.
Funny how we keep seeing so much snow yet the alarmists keep reporting higher and higher world record temperatures. If this keeps up we will soon see snow in some parts of the world while various alarmist organizations pretending they can forecast climate change will be caught out reporting record high temperatures in the same place. Perhaps they will use their homogenisation techniques one step too far without realising it.
And how many are convinced by those claims of higher temperatures when their teeth are chattering with the cold? I suggest that this cold weather is causing more people to become sceptical, and worse for the AGW Gullibles as public support falls politicians will reduce the flow of subsidies.
If people who happen to be feeling cold choose to disbelieve in the scientific method, that is mainly a comment on their intellectual ability, rather than any comment on the science.
Say, ‘The Scientific Method.’ First we guess, then we compute
the consequences and then we compare directly to observation –
don’t laugh! If it doesn’t comply with observation -you know-
it’s wro-o-ng. Now this means yer hafta show yr werkings – can’t
be tinkering and homogenizing ‘n addjusting and telling the plebs
– ‘Plebs yer hafta trust us- our guess confirms to observations.
Our tests conform to A1 quality control measurements.”
You left out:
… and when reality—the observed—doesn’t match your
dogmadesiredresults, then you adjust all the past temperatures down until they do.50
Actually comrade the people are questioning the veracity of AGW science, we are about to witness a paradigm shift and you are on the wrong side of history.
What this “scientific method” method you speak of CT and how right you are that anyone under four foot of snow has no business complaining how cold it is because we all know that Co2 makes warm snow !
I love it when Alarmists use words and phrases they clearly don’t understand! Measuring things isn’t the scientific method, and neither is adjusting those measurements. Understand what you are talking about before you assume your opponents are the ignorant simpletons in the debate.
Unfortunately the scientific method does not appear to have a primary role in climate science.
An example of genuine application of the scientific method.
The shamans ignore paleo climate history at their peril.
Its interesting to note that the winter of 1878-79 in the UK was severe, equivalent to 1740, and off the top of my head on both of those occasions there were worldwide heat spikes.
There’s a bit of evidence from Vostok, Greenland, caves, moraines etc, that this Modern isn’t quite as cosy as the previous warming phases. It’s also a fair bet that the latest two significant cooling episodes (we’re not counting blips like the 1960s-70s) were more marked than those previous. The cold of the Migration Period and LIA might show a downward trend from cold/drought which withered Bronze Age cultures over a big area. Rameses II, that big fibber, didn’t beat the Hittites, but something took them off the scene not long after. Climate change? Who can tell for sure? But when the LIA hit there no ambitious civilisations to get wiped out in Anatolia. Where there were civilisations, eg W Europe, the Ming, those were big and complex enough to limp on. Certainly drought in the 1970s should give us pause about the benefits of cooling for much of the world.
As before, we need more science and instead we get…more temple priests!
One disturbing thought is if these low temperatures keep spreading it will cause massive crop failures, world wide famine and millions of deaths as a result. Let’s hope this doesn’t happen but if it does I do hope anyone who still pushes the CAGW agenda is called out for what they really are; dangerous fake artists, and treated accordingly under our justice system for scare mongering and perpetrating the biggest scam in history regarding renewables.
give you my gunadmit CAGW is cr@p when youpry it fromunfreeze my cold, dead hands”50
“ I find it noteworthy that for the duration of the present ice age (apparently) there has been another zone of high pressure, over North-West Canada. Here again the glacial record shows that in the vicinity of the high pressure area, there was a “corridor” which remained free of ice during the last glacial advance.“ – Alex S. Gaddes ‘Tomorrow’s Weather'(1990) p62
An updated version of this work (including X Factor ‘Dry’ Cycle forecasts to 2055,) is available as a free pdf from
What about the Perth summer – about the coolest anyone I talk to can remember ever – by a mile. What is the BOM going to say about this??? I can’t wait.
They were so convinced that the subtropical ridge would remain intense because of global warming, but they got it badly wrong and struggling to come up with an answer.
If they just took out AGW from their supercomputers it would become abundantly clear that global cooling has begun, the signs are everywhere.
The BOM have commented in the West Australian yesterday. Acknowledged that it’s the coolest summer in 19 years, but won’t go back further than that because the Mt Lawley recording site started at that time. However, the BOM often says “hottest whatever ever” when we have typical hot weather, without restricting their duration to the Mt Lawley site. The BOM hasn’t attempted to explain why this is occurring, so I think EG’s explanation of the sub tropical ridge remaining at higher latitudes sounds good to me.You could then ask why this has occurred for the last two years. I note that there was a chance of snow on Bluff Knoll. Summer snow in WA? Now that’s a new one for me.
This is BoMs viewpoint before the collapse of the subtropical ridge in late July.
But Matty, the rest of Australia is burning to a shrivel and they are so much more fragile than us. Do I need to? \sarc off
The BoM says you’re imagining things:
“Greater Perth in 2017: Rain and temperatures near average”
(Even if one cool summer in one place was of any relevance to anything….).
They will say the same for Sydney, a few days of heatwaves followed by an equal number of chilly days, temperatures should be average.
The people know instinctively that the weather has changed from what we have come to expect under AGW.
Pot , kettle , black ! Where is our regular troll at least he admits to knowing nothing !
In a way Robert it is depressing that the trolls lack any skerrick of intellect -let alone real world experience ; empty headed mush. Then again, that is what we’re up against in the wider field. Pseudo- science, subverted by politics.
Nick Stokes (a regular contrarian at WUWT) would be a better choice, he at least knows something of the science and argues his case.
The schools are back so maybe Harry couldn’t make it.
Or Craig must have drawn the short straw for this post.
And the hottest ever is also near average. Are you not aware of that?
Never let the truth get in the way of a good bit of propaganda !
To be a good liar you need a good memory ! trouble with the CAGW crowd is they live by the first but forget about the second .
“(Even if one cool summer in one place was of any relevance to anything….).” The only place Craig? and only once?
About an honest attempt an attempt at diversion, as your spruiking of Iceland (almost all geothermal) and Norway (almost all hydro power generation) as examples of successful implementation of alternative energy, when the subject was solar and wind energy. You just omitted the facts about those countries energy sources, hoping readers were ignorant of the facts.
Not only in Perth Matty. Myself and some of my friends have had our fires burning overnight on several nights in each of thye summer months because it’s at time been just damn cold. Same last summer.
Hope the CO2 from our fires is going to warm us a it.
Not sure how my comment appeared here. To see relevance scroll down to Matty’s comment.
poor layout by – u have to scroll past a video with Rome’s Colisseum showing to get to the pic, which is fantastic:
PIC: 28 Feb: Siberian snowstorm ‘beast from the east’ blankets Europe
THIS incredible photo captures the moment the Beast from the East struck London – shrouding the capital in a dense layer of ice and snow.
Londoners stood open-mouthed as the freezing blizzard brought traffic to a standstill and sent the mercury plunging to a Baltic -2C.
Up to eight inches of snow has blanketed much of the UK, with Brits shivering in -15C temperatures as the “wind chill factor” makes it feel colder than it has in 27 years.
The Met Office has now upgraded its warnings to the “danger to life” zone with snow expected for the next four days.
Forecasters are predicting a further four inches of snow widely across the UK, with up to 15 inches possible for higher grounds in Scotland.
Thanks for that link Pat. Some of the comments re. Snowmageddon are very funny.
Snow fun time in Rome.
The Beeb is a berk and the UK Met Office is the “Funny Farm” incarnate—just incredible. They both have hung themselves and their reputations on the “Warming Forever and it’s all Mankind’s Fault” propaganda hook. Then Natural Climate Change and its cold weather puts its oar in and stirs vigourously. Again.
“Business as Usual” or warming, warming, warming as far as The Models, those Paragons of Accuracy, can see—out to 2100—is trumpeted abroad. Not a mention of cool, let alone cold. While I sympathise with the NH populations, I think the cold flying in the face of those convinced Warmists predictions (sorry—projections) couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of Dweebs. What’s keeping people alive and warm through the present Northern Hemisphere winter? Fossil Fuels. Let’s not forget it. Unicorn Farts™ Fairy Dust™ and Green Wishful Thinking just can’t and aren’t cutting it. Fossil Fuels kept them alive through the previous winter, but no, the propaganda continues.
Will 2018 be acclaimed the “fourth warmest year evah?”
“Will 2018 be acclaimed the “fourth warmest year evah?” probably already locked in. Once you know the answer you can readily work backwards from that. In this, they decades of experience.
VIDEO 44secs: TWEET: 27 Feb: NationalPoliceAirService: It’s not often that you get to see half of #London with bright blue skies and the other half covered in a heavy snow shower #TeamA ^743
Read all about it, read all about it! High Priest of the Adjustocene, Prof Hokey B. Shtick, appears at New Zealand climate conference the same day it snows the whole length of the South Island. The science is in: Warmy Groupthink Gatherings cause 3-day-long summer snowstorms. Read all about it – summers ain’t wot they used to be! Because.
The above header should read: fighting THE facts.
It’s the Russians!
In the words of Boney-M no less,
“Oh…..those Russians”…..
Funny you should say that. A few are claiming the Russians are using HAARP technology to change the weather. Without any real proof they can be assumed to be the ravings of wild imaginative lunatics.
Funny concept! The title is “…Causes Siberian Cold Snaps.” Gotta wonder if they are that inept?
I visited Naples and environs back in the 70’s , when we were running out of oil and an ice age threatened. It was during a very balmy September just after what passed then for peak tourist season. My brain has trouble thinking of that place and snow being present.
By the look of the story its not even “unprecedented!!” We humans only get to see such a short window of time. Its supremely arrogant to think that anything we see or experience is really that unusual in the grand scheme of things.
you can tell from the RIDICULOUS video at the following that theirABC’s hearts aren’t into this story. it is meaningless & silent, except for a couple of seconds of sound at around 30secs, 60secs and the final seconds:
28 Feb: ABC: Reuters: ‘Beast from the East’ kills two in Romania as freeze hits Europe
Posted 9 minutes ago
VIDEO: 1min30secs: ‘Beast from the East’ blizzard sweeps across Europe (ABC News)
Key points:
•Woman, 83, dies after being found in the snow in Romania
•Snowfall of 182 centimetres recorded in Delnice, Croatia
•Roofs of houses collapse under snow in north-western Bosnia
Do you have any information of wind turbines icing-up and thus being rendered useless?
Something like sailing ships in days gone by icing up when sailing in high latitudes waters.
THe changing climate is indeed interesting, and further north of Europe it’s changing even more – the world’s northern-most weather station has been recording maxima over the last week of 20-30 degrees higher than the average!:
“On Feb. 20, the temperature in Greenland not only climbed above freezing — 32 degrees F (0 degrees C) — it stayed there for over 24 hours, according to data from the Danish Meteorological Institute. And on Saturday (Feb. 24) the temperature on Greenland’s northern tip reached 43 degrees F (6 degrees C), leading climate scientists to describe the phenomenon on Twitter as “crazy,” “weird,” “scary stuff” and “simply shocking.””
In 2018, there have already been 61 hours above freezing at Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland.
The previous record was 16 hours before the end of April in 2011.
— Robert Rohde (@rarohde) February 26, 2018
Cape Morris Jesup at the northern tip of Greenland just registered a temperature of +6 C (43 F).
Here is a map of the parts of Europe that are currently colder than the northernmost weather station on Earth.
— Robert Rohde (@rarohde) February 24, 2018
I’m still confident this anomaly has nothing to do with CO2.
‘The models predict that over the next two weeks ridging/positive geopotential height anomalies will dominate the Eurasian side of the Arctic first focused in the Barents-Kara seas and then shifting to Greenland. This will force troughing/negative geopotential height anomalies further to the south across northern Eurasia. High pressure/geopotential heights to the north and low pressure/geopotential heights to the south favor cold temperatures across Northern Eurasia continent including the United Kingdom (UK), Northern Europe and Northeast Asia over the next two weeks.’
Judah Cohen (AER)
‘While waves crash against the western tip of Alaska at a time when the sea should be completely frozen over, Europe is experiencing unusually cold weather. What some may mistakenly view as a return to normal winter conditions in Europe appear to be a global shift in the redistribution of heat from the mid-latitudes to the Arctic.’
What the author fails to mention is that the cold has been transferred to the midlatitudes, its a global cooling signal.
Using your beloved BOM as a marker for all that’s holy with your CAGW religion .
Try some history craig from geologists. The last ice age saw much of the north warm and ice free, it would seem it was a change in the jet stream, much as like is happening now.
Nothing to do with CO2, the quiet sun same as the L.I.A. may also be the trigger, like I said look at history you may change your mind about your religious belief in man made global warming.
So those regional variations matter but others don’t? Just as with the temperatures in London, it’s happened before. With the Arctic, under certain conditions a tongue of warm air pushes north. That causes local warming, but it can happen anywhere in the Arctic, so it’s easy fir local records to be broken.
And the rest of the Arctic stays cold. Or are you saying this warming isn’t localised?
So what? That’s the Northern Hemisphere. We knew about that over 5 days ago. Did the ice around Svalbard melt?
Where were you?
Here in the Southern Hemispere, we are supposed to be in the hottest driest period of summer—heatwave time—and instead we had a three day snowstorm—a coldwave. And this is the second summer in a row it’s snowed.
We are breathlessly awaiting your erudite explanation …
From the link to Live Science:-
What do they expect with a winter wind blowing off the open sea in Polar Regions going onto an icecap, dumping its moisture as heavy snow and then descending on the far side as a Föhn Wind?
Kap Morris Jesup 22nd February 2018
This is local weather not climate, or in the banter of friend from the BAS who used to work in Antarctica:
Oh and don’t get me started about the resulting latent heat polynya as the wind drives the sea ice away from the north coast of Greenland. The EOSDIS satellite did not cover this area, but here is a recent example of offshore wind in the Gulf of Bothnia driving sea ice away from the west coast of Finland. In this case the freezing wind fractures the coastal ice WorldView 27Feb2018 with strong refreezing of the open water when the wind dropped the next day WorldView 28Feb2018.
It’s global warming snowing in North Africa today
But wait…there’s more!
“Earlier this month, a freak snow coated the giant sandy dunes of the Sahara. Ain Sefra, Algeria, hadn’t seen snow in nearly 40 years until it happened for the first time this century in 2017. Now it’s snowed there two years in a row”
You are confusing tropospheric blocking with stratospheric warming events Jo. Better Google better next time.
In any case, still doesn’t explain the unprecedented anomalous warming in The Arctic.
“In any case, still doesn’t explain the unprecedented anomalous warming in The Arctic.”
a) I guess you think AGW does
b) You have no clue if its unprecedented or not, its just unusual, as is snow in Naples
Yeah oh green one Jo also forgot to mention the warming hole as well !
A new troll I wonder if this one can count to 14 because none of the others could !
‘…the unprecedented anomalous warming in The Arctic.’
The polar vortex has collapsed.
I wonder why certain people call that not uncommon warm air intrusion into the arctic “unprecendented?”
It’s obviously unprecedented for them, so perhaps it’s to show off their youth, their ignorance, or both.
Just a reminder for Brunswick_Greenie: the Arctic is where the Gulf Stream—one of the, if not the most, warm water currents in the world terminates. That’s one of the reasons the Arctic ice melts back so much every Northern Hemisphere summer …
… and then the Beast from the East arrived, tore temperatures down to below where they belonged and dumped another 12 billion tons of snow and ice per day on Greenland.
Winter as usual…
Been and gone in western france. Cold but no snow. 60F 15C tomorrow.
Where we can learn is to look at what actually happened during other recent cold periods …
From the British Records only ( …
–1645-1710 — “The Maunder Minimum”: Period of notably reduced solar activity. Possibly contributing to (or adding to), the downturn in temperatures during this period (though note, there were also some very warm summers, e.g. 1645!)
1646, very hot — 31st May, 1646 (new-style date converted): Notable outbreak of tornadoes in eastern England. Specifically Thetford / Newmarket, (Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Norfolk); Brandon Parva (Norfolk) and Swaffham Prior (Cambridgeshire). At least three different tornadoes involved. It was a notably hot day (“violent hot day”), with severe thunderstorms, heavy rain & large hail. The hail is noted as being of “extraordinary size”, and “some hollow within like rings”.
1651-1654 — Four successive fine (i.e. often dry / hot) summers but that of 1651 appears to have been ‘fine’ only across England; Scotland though is specifically included for the other years in the various chronicles. 1651 in particular across England (only?) was noted as being dry with a ‘scorching’ summer – a ‘great’ drought with excessive heat. Kent is specifically mentioned (continental influence). It may be that only the southern half of Britain was so favoured, as there are notes that in Scotland, this year (1651) was subject to even ‘greater dearth’ than the preceding year.
However although there were many warm and very warm summers during this solar minimum period, cold and extremely cold weather easily dominated the general climate of this period. Winter periods grew in length and extent during the LIA — and that was it’s main feature.
The most foolish uneducated people assume that when a ‘grand minimum’ or ‘Little Ice-Age’ style cooling happens it will be almost instant and be continuously extremely cold. This is the mind-set of the uneducated who can not be bothered to read-up about how the cold creeps up with increasingly devastating developments.
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I have come to the conclusion that the coming cooling will start very soon (about 2020), and this start will last about 3 to 5 solar cycles. That is to say come 2020 a new cooler weather/climate regime will be beginning, in the main bringing stormier, colder, winters and shorter, dryer, summers. Of course the uneducatable troll that comments here, considers I am saying that come 2020 we’ll all freeze but that is what is to be expected from some cAGW actist types that comment here.
‘….in the main bringing stormier, colder, winters and shorter, dryer, summers.’
During cool regimes the summers are often wetter, which causes crop failure and mass starvation.
… in other words: weather as usual but more variable with more cold periods.
For those of you Down Under, using school closures and train cancellations is not a reliable indicator of bad weather. Round my way there was a light dusting of snow but the lack of children waiting at the station suggested the schools were closed – which was indeed the case. And the train companies were already cancelling trains before the first flake had even been spotted. The amount of snow is patchy as some places have had 3 to 6 inches and then just a mile or so away there has hardly been more than an inch. Definitely the coldest it has been for a good few years.
Is there anything global warming doesn’t cause?
Maybe we could work all this to our advantage by selling advice to buy EVs as a cure for everything from hiccups to cancer and back again.
Or maybe not.
But isn’t it tempting?
But I am sure there is one thing caused by global warming — bad politics and bad politicians.
Climate Change ticks all the boxes better as far as gross applicability is concerned, which is probably why we hear it more than Global Warming these days.
Bad politics and bad politicians have always been with us but with this cause celebre it seems to attract both bads like a dead animal attracts flies … but with more opportunities for a few minutes in the limelight.
Here is a link to
scroll down to the third page with the free videos and check them out.
Weatherbell is a private forecasting firm. They make their daily bread by providing forecasts for companies, municipalities, etc. Unlike government forecasting organizations the private guys live and die based their performance. This is why I think their forecasts have more value than those generated by government agencies. Though Weatherbell is a pay site, they offer free content. Meteorologist Joe Bastardi, their Chief forecaster, puts out a free video 6 days a week. In the video he explains “the why before the what”. Or in other words he not only forecasts but explains what data he is using to formulate his forecasts. His week day videos typically run 3-5 minutes and his weekend videos run a little longer generally because he often gets into climate in those weekend videos.
I have learned more about the science of meteorology watching Joes free videos than from any other source. And when it comes to tropical storms these guys are on it. Between Joe Bastardi and Levi Cowan at I remain very well informed during the hurricane season.
Well said RAH. Joe Bastardi was the first thing that I thought of. Joe’s Saturday summary at is really educational, and he forecast the “beast from the east” weeks ahead.
His forecasts are for North America, but he explains the meteorological reasons for the forecast.
‘Heavy snow hit Northeast China on Wednesday, causing flight delays and expressway shutdowns.
‘As of 5:30 pm, all sections of expressway in Northeast China’s Jilin province were shut down due to snow, according to local expressway authorities.
‘The airport in Changchun, capital of Jilin, was closed. More than 100 inbound and outbound flights were delayed, and some 20 inbound flights have been diverted to other airports.’
China Daily
The Mayor of Rome says that Climate Change causes heatwaves AND snow storms,
“As a huge city, Rome is on the front line tackling climate change,” Raggi said, addressing the Women4Climate conference Tuesday. “The risk of careless politics is before our very eyes, I would say: snow storms, fire, floods, abnormally heavy rainfall, heatwaves and … polluted air.”
from the article at,
Am I the only person old enough to remember the winter of 1962-63? It started in mid-December 1962 with the last pea soup fog to hit London. Then in London anyway, we had a white Christmas, and from then the snow continued, and froze and snowed until nearly the endof May. There was a general election in May that year, and people couldn’t get to pollong stations in the country, because of the snow. Then there was a later year (I don’t remember which, but it was after I bought a car in 1964 and before I left for Ausstralia in 1977). In london the Spring weather was lovely about the end of march -you know, daffodils, crocuses, snowdrops, etc). But as I drove north to Scotland along the A68, I came to roads that were clear of snow on the tarmac, but which had banks of snow up to 15 feet high on either side of the road. It was like driving through a snow canyon. Now I know that people’s individual memories of weather events are not totally reliable, but I assure you that what I have written here is correct.
Yes, Marjorie, I remember. I was just finishing my university degree at Glasgow Uni in ‘62 and I remember having to trudge through snow to get to the station. I was working in London in 1964 (before coming to Oz in ‘95) and having to pour warm water in the locks and windscreen on my car before heading off to work. The problem with our young media persons (and young scientists) is they have never really experienced the weather cycles (not climate cycles) that we despised “oldies” have and have no hiistory. Everything is “unprecedented” because they have never experienced it. As the POTUS would say – “Sad”.