A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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SunEdison YieldCos Delay Filing Their Earnings Reports Again
Brookfield ponders takeover of SUNE Yieldco’s
NRG tumbles 16% after Trump win
Victory for America’s Youth – Constitutional Climate Lawsuit against U.S. to Proceed
Federal Judge Ann Aiken rejects U.S. government and fossil fuel industries motions to dismiss
Eugene, OR – Today, the federal court in Eugene, Oregon decided in favor of 21 youth plaintiffs in their “groundbreaking” constitutional climate lawsuit against President Obama, numerous federal agencies, and the fossil fuel industry. U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken completely rejected all arguments to dismiss raised by the federal government and fossil fuel industry, determining that the young plaintiffs’ constitutional and public trust claims could proceed. Now, the 21 plaintiffs, who range in age from 9-20, are preparing for trial in what is believed to be a turning point in United States constitutional history.
In determining the complaint to be valid, Judge Aiken’s ruling contained these passages:
Here is some background in an article I wrote awhile back:
And so we now feel the wrath of the children, those whose opinions we should not give any weight at all. And the climate change debate goes further astray into the courts instead of into the field of honest science where it belongs. There will be nothing good come of this suit no matter what the decision is. And not even the President of the United States can ignore the decisions of the Federal Courts. At least not unless he hopes to get away with the same unconstitutional means of governing that Obama used.
I wonder who is behind this. And there must be someone driving it. Tom Steyer is one good guess but there are numerous others.
James Hansen must be overjoyed to see this, probably gloating.
I can only hope for the appointment of a very good Attorney General. And I know of no one any better than Rudy Giuliani. Then along with that, some drastic changes within the EPA.
And once more our children are used for a political end. And this is the biggest disaster of all.
And while he’s at it, it would hurt nothing if President Trump would work to abolish the department of Education which has been turned into a propaganda machine that now infects our schools and makes it possible to find 9 – 20 year old kids willing to be used in this fashion.
Our new president and the congress have their work cut out for them like never before in our history. Climate change has become a runaway train heading at ever increasing speed for either a sharp curve that it will not negotiate without derailing or a concrete wall that will smash it to bits and pieces.
I don’t know which to hope for.
I was going to suggest Trumps team could launch a negative campaign against the Climate Change machine but going by the American voter turnout that has exhibited a clear awareness of the climate ruse I don’t think he’ll have to, as you inferred education is the key to secure the future generations from usurping politicians that don’t have the republic’s well being foremost.
Remember the three ‘P’s-Police, Politicians, Professors, the takeover and management of these will give the orchestrator complete control of any countries social structure and thus it’s future.
Three ‘P’s. Exactly right. And right now, in spite of Trump’s victory those 3 things are not all in the right hands.
everyone must at some point learn responsibility which is self-responsibility firstly, regardless of alphabet letters, #s, and explanations
what kind of freedom is there actually in “the takeover and management of these will give the orchestrator complete control ” ??
Good question and my answer is, those things should be in local control. After all, they act on you locally and you should have the right to vote to determine how they work. It should not happen in one all powerful place that dictates those things to everyone.
first the individual, then family, then community, then nation, then world.
Within the hierarchy you present, which grouping should the legal system most protect?
please see also this:
Roy , in my opinion what you have missed during this election is the ideology , the left see’s the right as fascists , the right see’s the left as Marxist , but whats the difference ? its all ideology to me . and the result is the same , you end up with a system where the few rule the many , what Trump has achieved is to show that instead of focusing on each wing of the bird , you should concentrate on the body of the bird that controls both wins for ideological reasons , he has given us all a peak behind the wizards curtain , what interest me about your views Roy is your early support for John Kasich , what do you think of him now
I haven’t missed the ideology aspect.
The whole idea behind a Republic is that a few, the congress, the president and the courts do rule the many. This would be dictatorial except that the people get to choose who constitutes the first and second of those groups by voting at regular elections. And between them, the president and the Senate get to choose the judiciary. I suspect you know this but I repeated it because it’s unique among all the nations I know of on this Earth. It doesn’t have surprises like the sudden ouster of Tony Abbott in Australia or the instability of the government of France of many years back. There are definite times when members of the House, Senate and the president can change.
And it is based on the principle that those people, a very few compared with a 330 + million population, do govern the many and they can only be held accountable for anything they do at the end of their specified terms in office when they must manage to be reelected or leave office. And like any other form of self government it relies on honesty to work. There is an exception. For the House and Senate if the people who elected them can manage a recall election and vote someone else in then the incumbent is out. And for the president the House must impeach and the Senate must convict to remove him. Those are high hurdles to get over. And like any other form of self government it puts a heavy responsibility on just a few people but it allows them to act without fear of sudden surprises like what happened to Abbott. I like that aspect of it myself because it results in a more stable government. But I think the rest of the world wants more immediate, almost instant ability to change government. I disagree with that philosophy because it’s even easier to make laws you later regret. A slower pace with more debate and deliberation is the way to avoid those mistakes as much as possible. And one of the things that most angered conservative thinkers was the ramming of Obamacare down everyone’s throat without any debate, without paying attention to any feedback from anyone. And the law is now financially unsound, in fact it was from the very beginning and it’s going to collapse and fail if not replaced with something financially sound. ***
Like anything the Republic has it’s good and not so good things. One such bad thing happened to us when some group, or if you prefer, ideology conspired to take and hold control over the entire country indefinitely (and yes they have done exactly that), locking out the other major political point of view and it then becomes a different matter. It became a job of restoring the Constitution as the basis for all laws and government actions. Trump took on that job and played masterfully to the dissatisfaction with the current governing ideology that for one thing, thinks the constitution is toilet paper. He did exactly what Obama did and for that matter, what Clinton did and told anyone he was addressing exactly what he thought they needed to hear to get their votes. It wasn’t ideology anymore, it was simply a less control oriented politics trying to take back the country from those who had us almost locked into Democrat rule on into the future without foreseeable end, a virtual dictatorship.
Under Obama and also past presidents we went far astray from the nation our constitution defines, with government taking on responsibilities that the constitution does not authorize it to have and in fact prohibits it to have, like a Department of Education. So many of us were angry about this that it’s no wonder Trump could win the election. And I say that who, after looking at the political landscape, did not think he could do it.
As for Donald Trump himself, he showed me a man during his campaign that I can only describe as a bloviating Jackass and unsuitable to be president. And he kept that up right up to very near near the election. And I still have reservations about him now. Being angry is not a qualification for president and going around picking fights with anyone who disagreed with him is not going to fly when he’s in office. But I had no choice but to vote for him once he had secured the Republican nomination for president. I would have preferred someone like John Kasich or Scott Walker who both have actual government executive experience at the state level and who have a well known track record of cleaning up corruption in their states and standing up to the bullies trying to stay in power. I have no more idea than anyone else has about whether either of them could succeed and for that matter, whether Donald Trump can succeed. Election of someone to government responsibility is nothing more than a guess until you see what they actually do.
Sorry this is so long but the only way I can explain my thinking is to go through it’s important points.
*** About Obamacare: Like anything you want to do, there is a cost to making medical care available to everyone. And no matter how much you want something you dare not try something you cannot pay for indefinitely. I think everyone reading this knows that from personal experience. And Obama care relies on subsidizing those who can’t pay high premiums by bleeding the rest of the population. Such a scheme cannot work and must eventually collapse. And there’s the added problem, one that no doubt helped Trump get himself elected — the people you bleed to fund things for someone else will get angry about it. The provisions that force everyone to be insured for things they have no use for are laughable at face value, for instance, paid birth control for a single man is the stupidest move in the whole law and is the source of some very basic and strong complaints about it.
But the anger goes deeper than that. When Nancy Pelosi stood up and said, “We must pass this law so you can, uh, find out what is in it,” she flipped the government’s finger at every citizen of this country. No, Nancy, tell us what’s in it before you pass it, not afterward. When I heard those words I vowed to fight and resist any way I could. And frankly the idea that medical care is a right is abhorrent to me. I worked a lifetime to secure good medical care for myself and my family and for anyone to even imply that you should be able to get that same care without working, without contributing to paying for it, is total BS. Life comes with but one guarantee: you enter the world wet, cold and usually screaming about what just happened to you; you go through life competing and fighting for everything you need and want; you succeed and fail along the way, taking your lumps along with your successes; and you die at some point; and tho only people in the world who will give you anything worthwhile are your parents unless they fail at their job. If you’re willing to work for what you want you can probably get most of it. And I see no reason to believe anyone should eat or get medical care or anything else without being willing to work for it unless they are unable to work because of a real handicap of some kind.
I suppose this point of view will make me unpopular with some but before you judge too harshly, walk around in my shoes for 77 years. I’m willing to help anyone who needs help. But I’m not willing to carry anyone around on my back. And most government help programs end up enslaving you to the government by leaving you dependent on the handout forever, with no incentive to even try to become self sufficient. And in some cases there’s an incentive to stay on the handout, not leave it behind you.
Very sage and scholarly advice.
I rather suspect that if D.J. Trump were to call you into his inner circle, your opinions would be appreciated endlessly.
Of all of the ideas you present above, the most important in my opinion is
That is the very essence of the difficulty we face as Western Civilisation must defend itself against the attack of Cultural Marxism, the Frankfurt School, or the commintern, or whatever it is called.
In your day and mine, (I am seven years younger than you), God-fearing folk considered honesty a virtue, and the dishonest were summarily dismissed once discovered.
Due to the work of those who vow to destroy us, (and I am leaning heavily on the work of Diana West and others here) honest people seem not to be in high regard.
I see that trait in Trump’s character as the appeal the man has to the masses. This of course is in stark contrast to the character traits of the Clintons.
I was dragged away yesterday by other things before I could answer both you and Brad Keyes but I didn’t forget to come back.
Thanks for the complement. But I sometimes wonder if I have things pegged right. And in the end, all I can do is look around me at what’s happening and ask myself what’s working and what’s not. And then I try to answer that question as objectively as I can. And the free lunch so many have been getting is not working in the long run. It’s just destructive of society and the individual and the individual’s ability to function and to be an accomplisher of worthwhile things. It helps to have some life experience too. But still, I’m only one opinion and sometimes I do wonder.
Donald Trump will have his hands full and he’s soon going to know things about our situation that I have no way of knowing and in my position now I would not relish being under the pressure I would be under if I were to be advisor to President Trump. And I’ve already gone through the laborious process of obtaining the necessary security clearance twice already (and yes I would need to get a clearance again) and I don’t relish that one more time either.
They’ve been giving Ice cream laced with MDMA from Al Gore’s pedophiles running ice cream trucks. They see rainbows coming from…
The Warren Buffet B&B Railroad….all inclusive (except the buffet). Come one come all, move out of your parents basement and join Uncle Warren for a renewable and green adventure!
I might add a comment that you all probably already recognize as what’s happening.
They have been losing in the political arena and rather than accept their defeat they now turn to the courts, the last refuge of those who want to win no matter what. I call it the last refuge of fools. For as long as Obama raged on with his crusade against abundant low cost energy, I never gave serious consideration to the courts for redress of my grievance. But the other camp is not wiling to accept the decision of the voters.
So who are the good guys and the bad guys in this drama?
The courts were never designed to be the arbiters of what amount to political disputes and they do that job poorly at best. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts correctly pointed out this fact in his decision against the anti Obamacare suit over the mandate that everyone must purchase health insurance that reached the Supreme Court. And in spite of that decision being probably wrong in legal terms, in fact Roberts pointed out in his decision that legally the decision should be the other way, he chose to reject dealing with the mistake of the American voters at the Supreme Court level. And by doing so he may have set a beneficial precedent but I can’t tell for sure.
The judge Oliver Wendell Holmes Jnr once said something like: “If my fellow citizens want to go to hell, it is my job to help them…’
Holmes was a man of contradictions (what we would call today ‘double standards’or ‘hypocrisy’).
He’d claim to have deep respect for your free decisions as a citizen… right up until the point you felt like shouting ‘Go to hell!’ in a crowded theatre.
By way of mitigation I would say that Holmes himself said: “the life of the law has not been logic. It has been experience.”
Not trying to pick a fight, but that “mitigates” flimsy jurisprudence in much the same way as being coked out of your gourd “mitigates” a speeding ticket.
To reject rationalism for empiricism is to pose a well-worn, but nonetheless false, dichotomy. The job of a judge, like any other highly-paid public thinker, is to think thoughts that are equally and fully compatible with experience and logic.
Gosh! I thought the job of a judge was to insure that every case brought before him got handled according to the applicable laws, not his own particular thoughts or experience.
I don’t think that rejets good logic or experience but I can’t see experience trumping applicable law. For a judge to rule any other way but according to what the law says is for the judge to be making law, something reserved for the legislature and implicitly forbidden to the judge.
Precedent comes in there somewhere but it shouldn’t override considering each case according to law before falling back on precedent.
Touché. Yep, that’s a better job description in this case. My formula was a minimum, but far from sufficient, statement of what we expect from “intellectual” laborers of all kinds.
Hang on—how is that even possible, neurologically?
Anyway, to repeat:
Mainly because I’m getting the feeling I’d lose 😉
Don’t sell yourself short. I may just have been thinking about the problem of activist judges longer than you have.
As for a fight. No way! I never consider an honestly held opinion to be fighting words.
You need to think of this statement by Holmes in the following way – think of the converse: “if my fellow citizens want to go to hell, it is my job to save them”. I think most would agree that is decidedly NOT the role of the Court. Therefore his statement makes sense as an admonishment to not legislate from the bench
I see your point.
In which case he ought to have phrased it, “…it’s not my job to interfere.”
Down in South Africa, we end up HAVING to use the courts to try to force the Executive (president Zuma and his sidekicks)to do what they are actually paid to do – that is, to govern a country. They would prefer to RULE, then no-one would be allowed to criticise the ongoing and continual theft of the country’s wealth.
There is a compensating factor here – the new Trump administration should get to appoint a lawyer of its’ choice to the SCOTUS. That should help beat back green lawfare.
I’m careful here, though. Can Obama successfully appoint his choice before he finally, at last, after several lifetimes, slopes off into the setting rain ?
No. Anyone Obama proposes has no prospect of confirmation before the changeover. He has had a few months already and hasn’t proposed anyone because he knows it would go against precedence.
I somewhat agree with you as usual. But here in the land of Oz we occasionally come across these legal anomalies. In this case I think the “Kids” have only been given standing, so the case can proceed in a classic sue-and-settle gambit where a non-judicial outcome gives a government an excuse to act. These cases are often legislated against by our house of representatives buy modifying some underlying non constitutional argument they rely upon. For example by simply clarifying in the law thatCO2 is not a pollutant.
In the end though it’s important to attack the moral underpinning of the argument that “Future” kids are somehow damaged by AGW. The Argument should be that 1. There are no existing damages to anybody, and B. Reducing CO2 and temperature damages the food supply to potentially the point that the government starves it’s own population. IE Saving the earth by destroying mankind. Now THAT is unconstitutional. I would also tackle this case by demanding that the plaintiff substantiate what the “Ideal” level of CO2 is. Even the IPCC says that benefits accrue for Preindustrial + 2 Degrees, a point we have not yet reached. So there is no legal certainty that the point of diminishing returns will ever be reached or whether +2 deg is even correct, whether because AGW is wrong OR Mother nature decides to plunge us into a new ice age all by herself or because the benefits on food availability and reduction of cold outweigh the supposed losses of higher CO2 and temperature (none of which are proven in any degree). It should be easy to show for example that Low CO2 and temperature by whatever cause is much more damaging than making more of the planet a tropical paradise.
Weird things do happen though in US courts so the legislative branch should probably set about looking at why such a kooky dispute is allowed to proceed. I say Alaska should intervene as a friend of the court, in that this case is attempting to force (by their own science) lower temperatures in Alaska which could if taken too far might result in Alaska becoming uninhabitable.
There are some great constitutional arguments against AGW that should be raised in this case that argue that “colder is worse” and that the government should by the constitution not engage in any actions that would make the climate any colder. The unanswerable question as to “What exactly is the “Ideal” temperature” should become the centrepiece of this case.
Inexplicably buried in moderation all day for nix. Comment on the competence of children and the definition of ‘climate’.
Time for a glass of wine.
Ponder the above for a moment — “a legal right to a stable climate.” … huh?
It’d be fascinating to learn what definitions they use for ‘stable climate’. I’m thinking that they would refer to the UN definition of climate change, a definition that requires the absence of humans for there to be considered an absence of change.
How these kids have been used and betrayed appears as extraordinary as it is immoral. Given that none of them have lived 30 years or more, they have yet to experience more than one period of defined climate, ipse facto, they have never experienced ‘climate change’. Also, given an eighteen year ‘Pause’, the global temperature anomaly was in fact remarkably stable and statistically unchanged, part of their incontestable existential reality.
It is precisely their absence of, or immaturity in, experience, knowledge and insight that permitted them to be used in this manner. It is these very qualities that require adults to educate and shield children until they appear to demonstrate adequate competence, for which there is no guarantee. Some never quite make it.
Console yourselves with the thought that some of these
puppetspoppets may actually grow up. I imagine that alone could undermine the case quite severely.40
As you correctly surmise, there is no legal right to a stable climate. I’d be even more fascinated to see where they get that right because if there was such a right it would have to be stated in federal law or the constitution somewhere as “blackletter law”, words that say such a right is guaranteed to everyone and it’s not in anything I know of. They are trying to invent a right out of thin air.
Of course I suffer from not being a lawyer and am therefore incompetent to even think about speaking on the subject, right? Pun intended. 😉
The Supreme Court has been known to come up with some really shaky logic to justify rights as tough they’re specified in the constitution when they are only the general rights left to the states or to the people. And I don’t see how that stretch of imagination is anything but a joke. But they’ve gotten away with it.
Federal Judge Ann Aiken….Clinton appointee
She pops up a bit with controversial court cases.
PS..something wrong with the red thumb, vote recorded but not depicted.
The green lawfare lawyers are experienced judge shoppers.
Mark Steyn ran into that brick wall.
That must be why Judith Curry is asking for comments on an explanation of climate modelling for lawyers.
I can’t comment on her blog because I won’t use facebook or twitter and I don’t even know what the other method is, but her paper is very good, except that she doesn’t explain why the IPCC uses the Celsius scale rather the Kelvin scale. Also, it gets better as it goes along. Two authors, or growing confidence as she develops her theme?
I’m liking Judith Curry progressively more and more, since she has turned slowly from lukewarmer to sceptic. Luckily, I’ve never sprayed her with the vitriol I think lukewarmers deserve, because she’s clearly much smarter than me, even if she has been a little slow coming reality.
The Kids Climate Crusade also crossed into a witch hunt by US States Attorneys Generals. The Massachusetts SJC ruled in favor of the ‘kids’ and set the ball rolling into federal court way across the country to Oregon. Note the violent protests going on in Oregon now.
And The Age and Their ABC keep on with the doom, gloom and horror stories about Trump.
The Guardian is as pathetic as usual, but I like this Trump quote.
On foreign policy, Trump described resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict as “the ultimate deal … As a dealmaker, I’d like to do … the deal that can’t be made. And do it for humanity’s sake,” he said.
You know, narcissism isn’t always a bad thing.
Chatting with a green leftoid zealot he made the remarkable comment that Donald sounds like someone who is honest and sincere. Apparently this is based on Trump’s locker room comments about women.
Sticking with foreign policy:
‘Donald Trump has called Kim Jong-un a “bad dude”. But he also added that he would be prepared to meet him over a hamburger.
‘And Kim Jong-un seems to have made an assessment of the president-elect. In June, the state-controlled media called Mr Trump a “wise politician” and the right choice for American voters.’
Back-story Kim Jong-un was educated in Europe, the better to understand the decadent west. Apparently, when asked if he missed anything about western society, he said “No, nothing, … except perhaps hamburgers.” Kim Jong-un sees himself as being a “bad-dude”, and can demonstrate that by the purges he has commanded.
This indicates to me, that in making the statement he did, Trump is prepared to listen to his intelligence advisors. This is a good thing, in my opinion.
Negotiation is a skill few have, especially when the stakes are high. At 70 Trump has the track record and settling this dispute would be a great challenge. Is that narcissisim or necessary self confidence? One is a derogatory term which would seem unjustified. Ultimately every battle ends up a political battle. Solve that and you win, everybody wins. What is happening in Syria is a terrible example of how to get it wrong, to take sides in fight without understanding the fight or with the naive idea that it is all about good guys and bad guys. Nothing is that simple.
What’s the bet Trump converts Jerusalem into a nation state like the Vatican.
No he will take up the option, and sell the whole place to the highest bidder. Just kidding.
The Doom Cult Derangement Syndrome will shift to focus on anything that’s remotely positive concerning democracy, sovereignty, capitalism or happiness.
I plead with all cult members to choose onanism over procreation as this gene has proven to be destructive in real life events.
Watching the SBS coverage on the eve of the election one could have come away with the informed opinion that no one in their right mind was about to vote Trump.
The feed they used was clearly propaganda, no attempt at analysis, just interviewing ‘random’ young people all telling me that they were voting for Hillary.
Last night in their promo, SBS then told me that the place people go to be informed was, you got it , SBS.
After Trump’s win all I could find on SBS was commentators telling me what a shock they had and how bad it was for us all.
They then rehashed the old film of crass comments by Trump and the attacks that were made on him by estranged and allegedly groped women.
The numbers told me that six million fewer people voted for Hillary than Obama, that she was trusted less than Trump, who moved the minority and disenfranchised votes back to him as the radical centre.
I had to go to the net to find commentary and analysis.
The NYT of all outlets was far better than SBS.
What needs to be addressed is the poor coverage by SBS.
We paid for their coverage, all they did was cut and paste promos from the Democrat supported MSM and presumably content produced by the well funded Hillary campaign.
I will be watching Nazi megastructures tonight.
Great and PC program.
But then, they did not make that anyway, anyone could load that and play it.
Why have SBS when the most reliable source of news is elsewhere,
even when they tell us they can be trusted with this obligation?
And it won’t matter what good things Trump achieves; The Age, Their ABC and Their SBS (and probably the other lot as well) will continue to find anything and everything with which to disparage Trump at every turn. Their mission in life now is to make Trump appear as bad as possible for the next four years. The MSM is already lying about Trump and his supposed backflips. Expect more as time goes on.
What’s happening in the USA now reminds me of the “Tony Abbott. Worst Prime Minister ever!” campaign. It started before he was even sworn in. Looks like the same tactics to be employed against Mr. Trump.
Actually the tactics were first deployed against UK leader of the opposition David Cameron before his group won the UK election. The spin doctor behind it was John McTiernan who was later recruited to travel to Australia, first working for the SA Labor government and then moving to Canberra to join the PM Gillard media unit. He worked here on a 457 Visa.
I remain amused that the sisterhood that sees Gillard as a role model are blissfully unaware that her speech under the protection of parliamentary privilege was written by that man, John McT, who rehearsed it with her.
As soon as the misogynist accusation was used against Donald Trump I could see the McT factor emerging once again.
He might bite an onion. He might pause when speaking. He might look at his watch or glance at a woman. Trump will be treated just as Abbott was treated. However in this election they threw everything at him and he came through. That gives you confidence that he will not be cowed. Unlike Abbott, he cannot be removed by his own loyal team. As for Turnbull, who used polls to justify his assassination of the man who won the election, he is polling lower than the leader of the opposition. Time to take his own advice and resign.
Trump achieved the unthinkable (at least for those on the Left and many Republicans), and the Republicans now cleanly control both houses, which makes things even better. All that now needs to be done is clean out SCOTUS and the wheels of industry can start to turn once again.
Abbott was too “nice” and refused to fight back in kind. Trump despises the media and tells them so. He will stick it right up them if they continue this way. They are still smarting from the way Trump’s supporters booed them at his rallies plus the fact that almost all of them called it wrongly. Interesting times ahead, because Trump has a very tough skin.
The Clinton News Network is still in meltdown.
Pravda is more open and honest than SBS.
In somewhat related news, I see de Niro is carrying on like a pork chop. Who’da thought he is such a wussy sore loser, given the tough guys he usually portrays in films. Here he is backing the protests, which will probably become riots sooner or later:
Oh wait … look it is already turning violent:
What’s the betting Soros’ fingerprints are all over the “protests”?
Black Lives Matter activists, George Soros sued over slain Dallas cop
“The father of the Dallas police officer who was killed by a lone gunman during a Black Lives Matter protest is suing the organization’s activists and George Soros for $550 million. In a separate suit a Baton Rouge police officer is suing for injuries sustained during a BLM protest.
The father of Patrick Zamarripa filed a lawsuit against Black Lives Matter and other groups for allegedly “inciting a war on police” that led to the death of his son.”
I imagine Soros is pretty much untouchable legally, but good on him.
IIRC Putin has a warrant out on him
Hillary Clinton is not about to go quietly into the night. On the day of Mrs. Clinton’s concession speech; the Clinton’s entered the ball room of the art-deco New Yorker hotel in midtown Manhattan and were both wearing purple. The press immediately noticed the color and asked what it represented. Clinton spokespeople claimed it was to represent the coming together of Democratic blue America, and Republican, red America; into a united purple blend. This was a complete ruse as is known by citizens of countries targeted in the past by the vile international hedge fund tycoon George Soros political operations.
So, what that tells us is that the Clintons are still working for “Der Man”. They probably have huge debts to pay off, not to mention the loss of income associated by not being elected.
Soros guilty of treason? It would appear so.
Fingerprints of the DNC, Bulldust.
Hollande Impeachment
‘Members of the National Assembly of France have prepared a draft resolution for the impeachment of French President Francois Hollande, TASS reports citing local media.
‘Chairman of the lower house of the French Parliament Claude Bartolon stated that the document was initiated by the Republican party and received the support from 79 deputies. According to the law, the minimum of 58 votes is required to give the process a go.
‘The French Republicans accuse President Hollande of divulging secret information about operations of French intelligence services for the physical elimination of particularly dangerous Islamic radicals in other countries.’
– See more at:
Latest Chiefio
Won’t somebody stop talking about the children?
Very well, since we’re on the topic, we haven’t heard anything from 6-year-old Gracie in a while, have we? Her last adorable letter to a major head of state was years ago, roughly around the time we were ‘letting her down’ at Copenhagen for the umpteenth time. What ever became of her? Did she die of climate change? I hope it wasn’t leukemia. Climate change is definitely the way to go, if you have to die at all. Losing a child is never easy—I can only hope Gracie’s parents succumbed to the (imaginary) rising tide first, so they didn’t have to hallucinate their only daughter’s make-believe death with their own eyes. That would be horrible. I can’t even imagine imagining I was going through something like that.
Boy, that was a depressing paragraph. Never knew this was such a morbid blog. Hey—let’s talk about the rising tide of Trump’s popularity instead.
But, but, Brad.
SOME little girls write with perfect insight.
outstanding! You can thank me and my wives (my wives and I??) for five of those thumbs-up. The balls-and-chains loved that article, and the PickeringPost blog is now a favorite of the missuses Keyeses’.
My wives and Me!
Syntax N@zi!
Our ABC is still throwing a temper tantrum , they may get over it but I doubt it .
Might be YOUR ABC but not mine!
Unfortunately Rick if you pay tax it’s your ABC .
Can anybody give us a reasonably accurate figure of ABC viewers?
Last I knew they had about a 15% share – Green voters plus one or two percent.
Hmm it’s worse than I thought, they have dropped to a 10.1% share on a 5 market basis so about the same or a little less than the greens vote.
They are 14.1% across all their channels (last).
How many are adults?
Or else claiming to be?
Since retirement, my forced support is now a pittance. Probably low enough to claim it is definitely not mine.
The Leftist Losers Can’t Handle the Truth
By Robert on November 12, 2016 12:00 PM | 14 Comments
An election just occurred in the United States of America. One side won and one side lost. Yet, the side that lost can’t handle this fact and is now melting down:
The University of Michigan offered its traumatized students coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them. (Are its students in college or kindergarten?)”
More at
Societal infantilization.
It’s a tiresome but key ploy of Cultural Marxists designed to foster the role of Authority in general and the State in particular, as parent, guardian, provider of all and edifice of dependence upon at all times and in all ways. Amen.
OT..Tim Blair in Australia starts the search for all this social misfits leaving the USA after the TRUMP election..ENJOY ! 🙂
As long as they don’t come by boat !
That’d be OK as we could place them in detention on Mannus Island – a good reason for it to stay open.
Drain the Swamp In Oz!
Climate activist Julie Bishop smugly announces jumping onboard the Marrakesh Express to discuss the weather and how to waste billion$ of hard-earned Oz taxpayer money:
“Whoopa, hey mesa, hooba huffa, hey meshy goosh goosh”
. . .
Word of advice for free for Ms Bishop: Don’t underestimate the mood of your employers. We’ve had a gut- full of your UN.
There must be fashion parade somewhere close by.
I’ve had a gut full of Julie B (and the UN).
Now that the Clinton fund is no longer taking deposits perhaps she’s looking for someone else willing to accept a few millions?
Try the Nigerian delegation, Julie.
Graeme No 3
Try not to laugh please!
Via Reuters;
There’s a $2.5 billion saving just there !!
How much more is being WASTED on this SCAM.
Hi Andy
As we discussed the other night, none of the money is “wasted”, It always finds an appreciative home.
DRC – “My only worry is the money”.
This says it all.
She of the”Long Knives”is probably shopping around for a new place to put them.
Leaked NASA paper shows the ‘impossible’ EM Drive really does work.
Did we just achieve fuel-less propulsion?
“But there’s one major problem: according to the current laws of physics, it shouldn’t work.
The issue is the fact that the EM Drive defies Newton’s third law, which states that everything must have an equal and opposite reaction.”
What about the Turnbull drive? It bounces thought bubbles around in a small enclosed space called a canberra, but it seems doesn’t work as there is no drive.
EM drives can work, but as the article points out, Light Sails are the most common form.
Light Sails compared to the EM drive proposed have equal “exhaust velocity”, but come with a far lower drive weight (no reactor, no solar panels). If you want an EM drive to drive cargo to Ceres (more important than the Moon or Mars) the Light Sail is the answer. Some call the concept “Sun-Diver”. The cargo vessel is launched from earth orbit, not to Ceres, but inward to the Sun. Only within the orbit of Mercury is the smaller light sail deployed. Light pressure here is exponentially greater that that at earth orbit, making light sails fast and practicable.
That said, there are more practical electric drives that are being tested, which do use “fuels” they eject at high velocity. One of the interesting ones is from an Australian start-up, Neumann Space. This is an arc-discharge thruster that uses metal rods, expending them like welding rods and creating high velocity, high mass plasma discharge in vacuum. NASA has taken an interest, and may place a test unit on the ISS shortly. Like VASIMR, it can produce low end grunt and “high gear” in the one drive. The bonus? The metal “fuel” is already in orbit, in the form of space junk.
But to colonise the Belt, we are going to need far greater low end grunt, and the answer is as boring as your microwave oven. The magnetron and horn in your microwave may not seem efficient, losing cooking energy through its air cooling fins and fan. But what if cooling was pre-heating the fuel (water), before entry into the PSZ ceramic reaction chamber surrounding the horn? 1Kw in = 1Kw out. And “out” is steam at 4 times the velocity of a space shuttle main engine.
PS. You can probably guess my favourite TV series – The Expanse. (Season 2 early next year).
I was wondering if anyone in Marrakesh has noticed that the region has been quite cool recently. You know, no global warming evident…–to-morocco-cold-wave-72069/
and a little farther south
Right now its in watching the left crying over Trumps victory. 🙂
Oh, the Humanity.
It was magnificent watching the Clinton News Network (CNN) robots on autocue scurrying around like asphyxiated roaches as it became clear that Trump would do the impossible and win, and that the public saw through the animosity of the lazy, complacent, boot-licking, myth-making claque of the Washington media, with its liars, defamers, frauds and idiots.
12 Nov: Reuters: Trump looking at fast ways to quit global climate deal: source
By Valerie Volcovici and Alister Doyle
Trump, who has called global warming a hoax and has promised to quit the Paris Agreement, was considering ways to bypass a theoretical four-year procedure for leaving the accord, according to the source, who works on Trump’s transition team for international energy and climate policy.
“It was reckless for the Paris agreement to enter into force before the election” on Tuesday, the source told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity…
Alternatives were to send a letter withdrawing from a 1992 Convention that is the parent treaty of the Paris Agreement, voiding U.S. involvement in both in a year’s time, or to issue a presidential order simply deleting the U.S. signature from the Paris accord, he said…
U.N. climate chief Patricia Espinosa declined to comment on the Trump source’s remarks to Reuters…
The Trump source blamed U.S. President Barack Obama for joining up by an executive order, without getting approval from the Senate. “There wouldn’t be this diplomatic fallout on the broader international agenda if Obama hadn’t rushed the adoption,” he said.
I favour withdrawal from and ending or at least defunding de-funding the UNEP and UNFCCC. I would like to see Trump push the UN back to where it began, regulating the international Post, Telecoms, Trade, Shipping, Airlines and Security – And exiting all the moralising add-ons like Aid, Environment, and other dictator enrichment programs. The international aid is mostly done on a bilateral basis anyway and channelling funds via the UN just makes it more inefficient as the UN skims the kitty for itself. UN is Clinton Foundation writ large… I would love the US to insist that the UN be transparent as to where it’s funding actually goes.
The US can then remake the money laundering part of the UN in a different organisation that is answerable to someone. Perhaps Trump could set up a multilateral transparent body that is a bit like a government department. All expenses audited, where the governments just pay the wages and materials bills instead of handing over the cash. Environment and Aid also already have plenty of other vampires sucking the blood from the worlds economy that do these things better than the UN ever did.
Oh by the way I reckon the UNHCR should be included in the purge, I’m sick of our refugee policy being outsourced to god knows who, with no accounting for our local conditions or impacts on our society. Those Kiwis should never get near our border 😉
Hang on a minute . . let’s think this through.
I wonder if we couldn’t interest the UN in buying the ABC?
The UN could do with a decent media arm and our ABC is trained up and ready to go out of the box.
And it’s not like any commercial media outlet would buy it . . but for the UN it would be a perfect fit.
That’s a win-win situation if ever I saw one.
Just stop paying the”Blood-suckers”What are they going to do?Go to war?LOL
Remember the Greatest Threat to the Planet, the melting Greenland icecap and the consequent metres rise in sea levels, the demise of the polar bears, the desertification of the planet, the heat waves that mean’t mankind would no longer find the current areas on the globe habitable and would be living near the poles to escape the heat, the predicted increase in Hurricane,/ Cyclone / Typhoon intensities turning them into the most destructive storms the planet has ever seen.
Remember how all of this was because of mankind’s burning of coal and fossil fuels.
Remember the now 30 years long high intensity, non stop promotion of mankind’s planet destroying use of fossil fuels propaganda by the whole of the leftist academia, the almost total political apparatus across the western world all endlessly promoting Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming , the uncountable numbers of third and fourth rate climate papers with all their crazy unsubstantiated vacuous opinions that pass for science in the alarmist climate scene, the output of numerous power stations, [ fossil fuelled ] whose power was used to force feed the climate alarmists ideology onto the general public through the power consuming electronic media.
Remember the millions of hectares of forests felled to provide the raw materials for the paper on which unending screeds of gross misinformation along with whole trainloads of lies on the claimed and evidence free “catastrophic global warming” morphing into the equally evidence free dreaded “climate change” when the CAGW meme no longer resonated with the public, all endlessly promoted ad nauseam by almost the entire MSM across all the nations of the western world and much of the rest of the world’s nations and unending , unrelenting force feeding of this meme to the public through the printed word.
30 years, a trillion and half dollars plus, plus of the tax payers hard earned expended willy nilly on the dreaded CAGW / Climate change, the abject blind ignorance and the gross culpability of the destruction of reliability of entire nations and states electrical generating and grid systems that are the fundamental basis of our civilisation’s entire prosperity.
Tens of thousands of groups, a few million individuals, entire governments, a near billion dollars a year income enviro fascist organisations, endless lines of ignorant in the extreme politicians , layers upon layers of journalists who believed their personal opinions reflected the opinions of the public, self styled climate scientists with no recognisable qualifications on climate at any level pontificating at great length and now doing science Immense harm in the public’s increasingly skeptical eyes.
Nor should any be allowed to doubt or to question them and all endlessly promoting the dreaded alarmist climate change catastrophe meme.
And yet, and yet after 30 years or more of all that utterly needless destruction of public’s resources and treasure in the name of “Saving the Planet”, the continuous and unrelenting attempts to manufacture fear inducing propaganda about mankind’s effects on the climate, the endless meetings of thousands of utterly useless, totally hypocritical, feral pest level anthropogenic climate change parasites who produce nothing and whose sole object is to destroy what mankind has spent countless generations creating, all this has come to absolute nought as the American voters elect a known full on Skeptic to the highest office in the land with more to follow if the trends are right, in the times ahead in most of the nations of the western world.
Oh weep your tears you of the mindless “mankind is evil ” cult for your star which shone with such brightness and in which you invested so much is now setting never to rise again in the annals and future generations of Mankind.
ROM – You should not pussy foot around the topic like this. It is not good to keep things bottled up; let it all out, say what you really mean, and you will feel better.
Awaiting moderation for quoting Conrad Black…sigh!
(fra@ds, li@rs, 1d1ots, def@mers)
Its a Black day indeed. 🙁
Indeed. Welcome to Laustralia?
We will start to see the collapse of the Clinton Foundation, Julia’s ‘Global Partnership for Education” scam, the huge pay to play schemes which bought access to Washington, the Secretary of State and the President. Giving a dollar to Clinton will no longer buy anything. An ex-President and an ex-Secretary of State with no political influence at all. The money will stop instantly. In fact many countries like Australia should be asking where the billions went, what good they did or even asking for a refund. Some will sue. Then the real facts of Pay to Play Clinton schemes will come out.
This is now the beginning of the End for the Clintons. They will be in the bunkers or escaping overseas for a well earned rest in some country with no extradition arrangement with the US.
The Huma Weiner story is yet untold. The gossip will be incredible and the denouement juicy and scandalous and the prosecution of Wiener irresistible. The MSM in particular will not be able to resist even though they will squirm when the real Clinton story unfolds. It will not be a story like the fairy tale, the Camelot story of saint John Kennedy, saint Bobby Kennedy and Jaqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis and Marilyn Munroe. (funny, Homer Simpson’s wife was a Bouvier) Political commentators and media personalities will have to hope the public have short memories as the true story of the Clintons appears. The 1987 book The Art of the Deal by Donald Trump will be revisited while we all hope for a new beginning for the US after sixteen years of Clinton and Obama socialism.
In the context of this blog, no one said it better than Tony Abbott “the carbon tax was socialism masquerading as environmentalism”. However as
I have posted, the RET is the carbon tax/ETS. It is massive. Same idea. Carbon credits. Large-scale Generation Certificates, LGSs ‘traded’. Government controlled. No one says anything. All coal fired power will stop quickly. Hazelwood is just the first.
We are all paying it, up to 60% of our electricity bills and it is going to private companies while the Weatherill and Bill Shorten handed hundreds of millions to private companies just to keep the businesses like the smelter at Port Pirie (Dutch Nyrstar, $291Million a year) and the coal power generator at Hazelwood (Bill Shorten, French Engie, $528Million) going. Now they shed crocodile tears at the closure when it is everything they want. The closure of the Alcoa aluminium smelter at Portland will come as a huge shock (sarc.) and more tears.
Trump would stop this. Malcolm never will.
I don’t believe we are so stupid as to close down any more of our coal fired power stations. If we do then it proves this country is a basket case and the Green thugs have won the war eve if the rest of the world start to see through the crap. I have a sneaking suspicion as time goes on with Trump’s new agenda that many politicians here will be rethinking their stance on coal power. People power still works.
Yes, I’m looking for a nice Diesel Generator that will last long enough to see out my days.
The MSM in particular will not be able to resist even though they will squirm when the real Clinton story unfolds
True enough. Irony is a wonderful aspect of karma.
But this rests on the assumption that Huma/Weiner will be prosecuted. Trump’s DoJ might try, but there are many pitfalls to that.
True enough. Irony is a wonderful aspect of karma and it’s an essential part of HUMA too
Silly Willy loves Port Douglas.
I don’t think Hillary the Crook has been there yet.
Extradition treaties might come in to play not too far down the track!
There are some spare rooms in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.
Hillary thinks Huma will stick around! Silly Hilary. She is no longer of any use to Huma and her mother in the M.slim Sisterhood and the Saudi backers. Hilary will be stuck with Bill forever. Ha! Hilarious.
I’ve posted this before, but it seems even more relevant now:
Maybe Bill isn’t stuck with Hillary ?
What are the odds that Bill and Hillary separate/divorce? What use have they for each other now that their political careers are finished?
It looks as if other major contributors have already dumped Gillard’s fund due to non compliance of stated aims.
It would appear that top down trickle funding did not educate any kids.
It just paid bureaucrats.
‘Britain has been one of the largest supporters of GPE, donating $US851m until 2014, as has the Netherlands [$US645m].
Neither donated in 2015.
yesterday, in jo’s previous thread, I mentioned ABC’s Rod Quinn/Overnights advising Trump to give up tweeting when he moves into the White House, as if it would be unbecoming of the President or something.
no surprise ABC picked up this rubbish about Trump’s CBS 60 Minutes appearance. all the MSM have it:
13 Nov: ABC: Reuters: US election: Hillary Clinton blames FBI director James Comey for election loss in call to donors
Trump to be ‘very restrained’ on Twitter
The President-elect plans to keep his communication channels open.
In an interview with CBS’ 60 Minutes that will air on Sunday, Mr Trump said he was not ready to give up his Twitter account, where he routinely posts controversial statements during the campaign that unleashed harsh criticism…
“I’m going to be very restrained, if I use it at all, I’m going to be very restrained,” Mr Trump said.
ABC could have chosen to carry this more informative AP piece instead:
13 Nov: AP: Trump pledges restraint with Twitter
But you can already tell he’ll be mightily tempted to let loose with those trademark tweets.
He tells 60 Minutes he’s going to be “very restrained, if I use it at all”.
But he went on to call Twitter “tremendous” and said social media is “where it’s at”.
As he put it: “I have a method of fighting back.”
The president-elect says social media helped him win races in states where he was vastly outspent, and he thinks he’s proved that the medium can be more powerful than money…
yet I don’t recall ABC being at all concerned about Obama having a team of “***20 aides who spend their days managing his Twitter account and the White House Facebook page, Instagram account and YouTube channel”:
Nov 2015: NYT: JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS: A Digital Team Is Helping Obama Find His Voice Online
Leading the charge is Mr. Obama’s Office of Digital Strategy, a team of roughly ***20 aides who spend their days managing his Twitter account and the White House Facebook page, Instagram account and YouTube channel.
Led by Jason Goldman, a 39-year-old former executive at Twitter, Blogger and Medium, the team has a variety of tasks, including live-tweeting presidential speeches in 140-character squibs from the White House Twitter account and using analytics to track which issues may be most ripe for a web video or graphic and then producing them…
When Mr. Obama traveled to Alaska in August to build public awareness about climate change, he took over the White House Instagram account. For several days the president wielded a GoPro camera and a selfie stick to capture receding glaciers, and shared his every picture and video as if he were just another American guy taking a spectacular summer vacation…
all this reverence for Obama’s Tweets etc., but only concern about possible continuation of Trump ***”rants” at the end of the piece!
10 Nov: Adweek: Sami Main: How the White House Will Keep Obama’s Tweets Alive While Handing Over Control of @POTUS Official accounts will be wiped clean for new administration
In late October, the White House released a “digital transition” strategy, as the Obama administration was the first to use social media.
The plan poses this major question: In “nearly eight years of digital firsts, more than 470,000 We the People petitions, nearly 30,000 @WhiteHouse tweets, and thousands of hours of video footage—what happens when the next administration takes office?”…
Mostly, President Obama’s team will work closely with the National Archives and Records Administration to conserve his administrations’ posts.
“While we are required to preserve our social media content with NARA, we wanted to take extra measures to make our digital archive as useful and accessible as possible in the months and years to come,” Kori Schulman, special assistant to the president and deputy chief digital officer and author of the digital strategy, told Adweek…
The White House Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts, along with other official agency accounts, all will be archived…
The digital team is in the process of creating new accounts that will end in “44”—@POTUS44, for instance—to signify which president they belonged to. Every post created between 2009 and 2016 will be removed from official accounts like @WhiteHouse, @FLOTUS, @PressSec and @VP once the transition is ready to take place.
***Since President-elect Donald Trump already has a prolific Twitter account, will he use @POTUS for ***rants? We’ll have to wait until January to find out…
u have to laugh at the MSM.
13 Nov: UK Daily Mail: Simon Watkins: Defy ‘Stalinist’ global warming rules and burn much more coal, says Trump’s key economic adviser
A former adviser to the Reagan administration, (Stephen) Moore has the ear of ‘The Donald’ on economic issues…
And few things about the Obama era rankle Moore worse than climate change measures and the shrinking of the American coal mining industry. ‘Obama has put tens of thousands of our coal miners out of work. These are great middle-class workers. Hillary and Obama had this ludicrous idea that the government would build 500million solar panels. What are you talking about? We’ve got the cheapest natural gas in 100 years. We should be producing every single barrel of oil we’ve got, producing as much coal as we can and producing as much natural gas as we can and become an energy superpower.’
As for the Paris Accords on climate change under which governments have agreed to cut carbon emissions, Moore is blunt: ‘That is the stupidest agreement ever. You are not going to solve climate change by government. It happens through technological change, through economic growth and new technologies, not through Stalinistic regulations.’
We are speaking almost 12 hours after the Trump victory was confirmed. Moore, 56, has had little sleep and he claims he does not have the same energy as Trump…
Also the fear of Mike Pence, soon to be Vice President of the US.
The Huffington Post explains0
“I’m not going to sugar-coat this at all. We are in for a full-blown assault on LGBTQ rights the likes of which many, particularly younger LGBTQ people, have not seen. Progress will most certainly be halted completely, likely rolled back. And it’s already underway.”
What happened to the I? I thought it was the LGBTQI? Later they write about LGBT people and the Q’s are left off? We must protect all our alphabet people. In the land of the free, some people need special rights. As in Australia. Some men are not created equal.
I just hope we get sense on climate soon. Malcolm Turnbull will lose his biggest supporter. The UN too will lose funding and the EU will lose their Paris agreement. Could not happen to a nastier group of bureaucrats and failed politicians. “The Science” will become The History of socialism while the Chinese government laughs all the way to the carbon bank, as Trump has made clear. It’s a wonder the journalists themselves have not rioted and resigned.
Mother kicks her young child out for voting Trump in school. It looks real – just wish it wasn’t. If real then that mother should have all her children taken away.
The ABC are reporting on the storm that lashed the Mildura area on Friday evening.
I lived through a similar storm in the late 70s. Our grape crop was completely destroyed and when I got home from school, there were foot high piles of hail still around. Two class mates had their houses destroyed. They were neighbours and the houses were old weatherboards but both were reduced to splinters.
Looking up Trove, I found an even worse storm in 1936
You know Australian Supercell storms are not so unique that they can’t spin up tornadoes. What is described is possibly a broad F1 tornado.
SW Vic has its own tornado alley. Not quite on the same scale as in the US but one destroyed Nhill in 1897 . Brighton, a suburb of Melb, has also been hit often.
CBC the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, think ABC, BBC, also taxpayer funded. CBC is also the taxpayer funded PR machine for the liberal government therefor Trudeau 2.0 CBC while covering the US election there are three talking heads commenting, two women and a man sitting in the middle wishing he was somewhere else. One lady was calling Trump sexist, racist and getting emotional about it. The other lady, Moodi-Mills actually compared Trump to Hitler right on the air.
There are two Vancouver stations CTV and Global are relentless anti Trump running into a crescendo leading upto the election. After the election CTV is considering the crescendo. Talking heads it seems will say anything on the script to keep their jobs and lose their pride.
Will I will not watch anymore and only use the internet though that also takes filtering.
Media, you lost, give it up, democracy ruled. Why are the left and snowflakes so anti democratic?
Thank you, JoNova, for your efforts to restore sanity (contact with physical reality) to society.
The aftermath of the election shows the need for both sides to show emotional maturity:
“Hatred does not cease
By hatred in this world.
By love alone it ceases.
This is an unalterable law.”
U.S. to push ahead on climate pact before Trump takes over: Kerry
This news is three weeks old but I’ve only just seen it when checking back on the AEMO web site.
I previously asserted that the ABC was telling porkies by claiming it was “Unclear whether wind power played a role in the outage”. As the 2nd update of the AEMO event report had outright stated that the wind farms stopped generating I would have thought that would be the end of the argument. Unfortunately it is all in the interpretation. Just because the wind farm stopped generating does not mean that was due to wind power. One of my speculations that the wind farm’s electronics tripped unnecessarily has now turned out to be the actual cause of the 28 Sep 2016 blackout.
Lesson of the day…. always do a “custom install” instead of accepting the software defaults? 🙂
In AEMO’s Energy Update at the end of October they said the particular settings have been adjusted from the “surrender monkey” mode to the “less embarrassment for Jay Weatherill” mode:
This also means that the wind-specific aspect of wind power has been let off the hook (pardon the pun) for Black October as the wind farm isolated itself before the wind strength could cause any auto-tethering. This has not stopped AEMO from further examining the effect of renewables on the grid. In their latest annual report the AEMO says
Right, so in spite of the many “challenges” imposed by wind power, the State can continue to “operate reliably” on wind power as long it doesn’t actually rely upon wind power and instead relies on backup coal and gas fired power stations across the border in Victoriastan. I’m glad the politically neutral AEMO could be so honest and terse about the situation. /s
“Several wind farms have already implemented revised settings allowing them to ride through a higher number of disturbances.”
Does that mean more likelihood of internal damage.. I hope so. 🙂
“transmission network connecting South Australia to Victoria remaining in service and uninterrupted.”
ummmm… Hazelwood ?? DOH !!!
It could well be that the state of NSW will be integrating rooftop solar collectors efficiently into the grid.
It would appear that the poles and wires sale also sold fibre optic along every street to act as the control of the system. This was put in prior to solar collectors when the suppliers knew the inputs from their power station.
This can then be used to measure the input of solar cells into the system by the use of smart meters measuring inputs and outputs in each electricity box.
In a win win for the power supplier, phone and internet services could be piggybacked on the system using existing fibre optic lines.
It could be that wind power is placed in this system.
Who knows what it will cost.
If it gets going our prices will skyrocket.
check out the pic:
13 Nov: CNN: Nigel Farage, Donald Trump meeting “very productive”
By Caroline Kenny
Farage, the head of the UK Independence Party and leader of the Brexit movement, was spotted in the lobby of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue. He yelled out, “We’re just tourists!” when reporters asked what he was doing there…
Later that day, Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said the two met in the President-elect’s residence inside.
“I think they enjoy each other’s company, and they actually had a chance to talk about freedom and winning and what this all means for the world,” Conway said.
Farage later posted a picture on Facebook and Twitter of him with Trump, who gives a thumbs-up for the camera.
“It was a great honour to spend time with Donald Trump today. He was relaxed, and full of good ideas. I’m confident he will be a good President. His support for the US-UK relationship is very strong. This is a man with whom we can do business.
“I was especially pleased at his very positive reaction to the idea that Sir Winston Churchill’s bust should be put back in the Oval Office.”…
Don’t forget to look at supermoon tomorrow. It hasn’t been this close since 1948.
Gosselin on Trump’s spectacular victory.
‘The overwhelming majority of the German media were shocked and infuriated by Trump’s against-all-odds victory. Indeed if Germans had cast their votes in the US election, Hillary would have won by a margin of something like 94 – 6. That’s how disgustingly one-sided the press here is.’
– See more at:
the colour purple. part one.
woke up this morning to ABC’s Lisa Millar reporting on fourth night of “relatively peaceful” anti-Trump protests in the US. MSM is no different in the US, or anywhere else really. no attempt to expose the groups behind the protests, no calls for Obama & Clinton to call on the protesters to respect the results of the election and go home. shame on the “media”.
much has been made (by MSM) of the symbolism of Bill & Hillary Clinton wearing purple at her concession speech. it symbolises suffragettism?, the anti-bullying movement, bipartisan unity (merging of red & blue), etc, & it was broadcast, in glowing terms, worldwide. Clinton’s VP nominee, Tim Kaine & his wife also wore purple. they were all thinking of the suffragettes?
Then Michelle Obama wore purple for her meeting with Melania at the White House. Obama was odd man out with what looked like a blue tie, but he has worn purple on other occasions. Michelle was said to be in sympathy with Hillary? all too ridiculous for words, but not for the MSM, who found it all wonderful, apart from Melania’s FUNEREAL black sheath dress (NYT got to repeat that one by quoting Yahoo who first suggested it). all MSM thought it odd Melania wore black (it was perfect when it was Jackie Kennedy) and said she usually wore pastels, but she wore black at the third presidential debate, which Hollywood Reporter admitted was a fashion classic, though also a sign of mourning!
Youtube: 2mins10secs: Obama Pledges to Paint the Nation Purple with SEIU (Jan 15, 2008)
Obama: “I’ve still got my purple wind-breaker from 2004”
Comments are disabled for this video
Wikipedia: SEIU
In June 2004, SEIU launched a non-union-member affiliate group called Purple Ocean as a mechanism to mobilize non-SEIU members in support of the union’s agenda. Purple Ocean members do not have voting rights within the SEIU.
more to come.
worth reading all:
DiscoverTheNetworks: THE ANTI-DONALD TRUMP MOVEMENT OF 2016 (MoveOn, ANSWER, etc)
Service Employees International Union
Joe Iosbaker, a leader of SEIU Local 73 (which represents approximately 3,000 UIC employees), took part in the March 11th protest in Chicago. In an interview with David Axelrod two months earlier, SEIU president Mary Kay Henry had stated that her union’s leadership viewed Trump as a threat and would thus be going into “hyperdrive” to discredit and undermine his campaign.
Employing highly aggressive methods of protest is something the SEIU has done for many years. Under John Sweeney, who served as SEIU’s president from 1980-95, the union initiated the use of “Muscle for Money” (MfM), an Alinsky strategy featuring organized efforts not only to discredit and intimidate opponents, but also to pressure business leaders and public officials…
Zerohedge carried Wayne Madsen’s piece a couple of days ago, claiming the Clintons wearing purple was a signal for a
Soros colour revolution for America, the Purple Revolution. when he wrote it, he wasn’t even aware of the Kaines & Michelle also wearing purple. I’m starting to think he was right:
the following is the one and only mention I have found of SEIU involvement online so far – & not exactly major MSM!
12 Nov: LAist: Matt Tinoco:Photos: Largest Anti-Trump Protest Yet Swarms In Downtown L.A. For Fifth Day
An enormous gathering of more than 8,000 people expressing their disapproval of President-Elect Donald Trump have taken to the streets of downtown Los Angeles…
The march was organized the group Union del Barrio, a political organizing group that aims to increase political literacy in America’s growing Latinix community. Several groups—International Action Center, different MEChA groups from various campuses (including UCLA), union group ***SEIU Local 721, SWANA-LA, and Black Matters (not to be confused with Black Lives Matters) and others—also announced that they are working with Union del Barrio to organize Saturday’s march…
ANSWER has had some mentions, in a nice way, of course:
Anti-Trump protests continue across US cities
Financial Times-14 hours ago
…said John Beacham of the Chicago chapter of the Answer Coalition.
Protesters Take Anti-Trump Message to His Doorstep, and Plan Next …
New York Times-13 hours ago
an organizer with the Answer Coalition, an antiwar and antiracism activist group
US election: Shots fired at anti-Donald Trump protest in Portland
ABC Online-19 hours ago
Massive anti-Trump protests planned for Inauguration Day, police on …
Fox News-4 hours ago
Trump’s surprise win…(NO SURPRISE, FOX)
Film-maker Michael Moore is blocked by Secret Service on the fourth floor of Trump Tower from confronting President-elect and telling him to resign – before joining thousands of protesters in New York
Michael Moore has called on Donald Trump to step down as President-elect during protests in New York
Daily Mail-7 hours ago
Fort Trump: New security measures ring Trump Tower
Stouffville Free Press-9 hours ago
the colour purple cont’d.
re all the MSM coverage of the protests, note this reply from the following RedditThe_Donald thread:
– On Thursday there was a “protest” at our county courthouse. I watched as they showed up, yelled for five minutes, and then, ***WHEN THE NEWS CAMERAS DIDN’T SHOW UP, got back on their bus and went away –
this is still a work in progress, but at least they are investigating:
13 Nov: RedditTheDonald: Dallas protests are paid for. Proof.
I’m sitting in a hotel in Frisco, TX watching NBC news 8. They just interviewed a protestor who had a unique name, so I googled him. His name was Odell Tannehill
A quick Google of his name pulls up his Linked in profile which shows he works for Allied Barton, a security and janitorial firm. No big deal, right? Except I remembered that the SEIU is a HUGE union that focuses on enrolling janitors into their organization so I googled “Allied Barton SEIU”. Then this popped up…ETC ETC
I went to all of Craig’s and searched STOP TRUMP. saw lots of posts…
Hey guys, now not everyone is getting paid… some people are just that stupid…
Only a few have to be paid. The rest will follow. Those few are known as “organizers,” at least on the payroll…
Wasn’t SEIU in the O’Keefe vids? Can anyone confirm?
(LOGO AT BRENDAN HUNT LINK) SEIU “Stronger Together” wasn’t that HRC’s it’s also this group’s logo as well. Hmmm???…
CNN Must be in on it , constant coverege while ignoring to say anything about protesters being paid and organized …
I knew they were paid protesters. Channel 4 showed them getting lost downtown trying to get to Dealey Plaza…
Our president (Obama) not saying or doing anything about it or Hillary stepping in. People are getting injured , deaths , business getting smashed…
****Also if anyone has seen (TRUMP CAMPAIGN CEO) Steve Bannon’s “Occupy Unmasked” they show the SEIU being behind some of the Occupy Wall Street bullshit years back…
Notice Hillary and Bill wore purple at her concession speech on Wednesday? There’s a reason they did that…
****worth noting Steve Bannon mention. it means the Trump team should be aware of exactly what is going on, but what to do if the Democrats aren’t calling the protests off.
NOTE logo for SEIU in following. it can also be found online, with the slogan “STRONGER TOGETHER” – the Clinton campaign slogan.
but no, the MSM aren’t interested; Clinton/Obama aren’t calling on the mobs to go home, & democracy dies a little more every day.
***Aug 2013: SEIU network infiltrating, manipulating Occupy movement
I feel obligated to preface this post by making it clear: I am not trying to discredit the Occupy movement or its supporters. I myself am one of them. I am simply trying to warn folks that the people and organizations they’re working with have hidden political agendas and connections, directly relating to the Obama administration. In order for the Occupy movement to survive in any meaningful way, I believe we must expose these groups, and initiate a more transparent system for direct action…
***LOGO ON PAGE: SEIU: Stronger Together
The SEIU publicly endorsed Barack Obama in the last U.S. presidential election, and the head of SEIU (Andy Stern) has stopped by the White House more than any other visitor…
The infiltration and manipulation of this movement by partisan political organizations like the SEIU is a serious breach of the original intent of Occupy Wall Street, and it’s a deceptive tactic that results in good-natured protesters being used as puppets to fulfill a hidden agenda…
Another instance of subversion, that I personally experienced, was the SEIU-sponsored bus trip from NYC to the Tampa 2012 Republican National Convention protest. I was initially under the impression that the trip was being paid for by the massive Occupy Wall Street donation fund, but eventually learned that Obama-supporting leftist organizations were footing the bill.
The SEIU trip was organized and managed by a man named Aaron Minter (aka Aaron Black). While protesters slept in an open field that week, Aaron was put up in a Tampa hotel room. We had a running joke that he was the 1% of the 99%.
Many of the protesters on the Tampa trip were expecting the buses to swing by the Democratic Convention on the way back to New York, but since the buses were sponsored by SEIU (who were supporting Obama) there was really no plan to protest there. Upon learning this, the Occupiers revolted against Aaron Minter, and he was forced to re-route one bus to the DNC. However, Mr. Minter further betrayed Occupy principles at the Democratic Convention when he got on CNN and falsely claimed, “A lot of our people are not interested in protesting Obama.”
This caused a bit of an internal firestorm, and fueled the rumors that Aaron had ulterior motives…
Aaron Minter is part of a small ring of well-connected people who repeatedly exploit the Occupy movement to promote events for partisan political purposes. He meets regularly with White House officials to plan astroturf events like “Occupy the NRA.” He also has an office in Washington DC, at H street & 7th, and well-respected Occupiers have informed me he collaborates with the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC)…
11 Nov: NYT: Vanessa Friedman: When Melania Trump Met Michelle Obama, Their Clothes Did Some of the Talking
Hillary Clinton began the messaging when she wore a purple-lapel Ralph Lauren pantsuit for her concession speech on Wednesday morning, uniting red and blue in a single shade as she urged the country to unite. And Michelle Obama continued the subliminal signals when she chose a purple Narciso Rodriguez dress with an orange aftershock sunburst curve for her meeting with Melania Trump.
It was a nice bit of color diplomacy…
It would be interesting to see how many people would sign a counter petition to the Electoral College Electors, asking them to confirm their pledges.
i posted 2 mentions by NBC of the following on jo’s “Trump Victory” thread comment #77 – supposed to be a pic taken by Bill. people were immediately suspicious. 109,000 results on google for this heartwarming little “story” – it went around the world. similar fake to the little girl who rushed to her side outside Chelsea’s apt on 9/11, who turned out to be a neighbour of Chelsea’s:
11 Nov: Twitchy: Whoa. Was that photo of Hillary Clinton and the woman on a hike a setup?
By now you’ve seen this photo of Hillary Clinton on a hike near her home in Chappaqua when she just happened to run into a woman named Margo Gerster, leading to what looks like a nice moment a day after Hillary’s humiliating defeat…
…but check this out. According to this, Ms. Gerster has not only met with Mrs. Clinton in the past, but worked for her too…PIC
New York magazine’s write-up of the pic has this as the link for Ms. Gerster’s Facebook page, but it looks like all of her posts have been deleted … including this one that goes to her original post:…
So, what’s the deal. Did Hillary Clinton and this woman already know each other?
original NY Mag piece:
10 Nov: NY Mag: Madison Malone Kircher: This Is Good Facebook: Mother and Daughter Hikers Run Into Hillary Clinton in the Woods
Facebook may bear some responsibility for Donald Trump’s election to the presidency, but it can still be a reassuringly heartwarming place. Take Margot Gerster’s most recent post…
Gerster’s post has only been up a little over two hours and has already been liked more than 2,000 times and counting. Excuse me, while I hop the next Metro-North to White Plains to go hiking in the hopes of also hugging and thanking Mrs. Clinton
Ingraham & Bannon would be perfect choices. fingers crossed:
13 Nov: The Hill: Laura Ingraham under consideration for White House press secretary
Trump appreciated Ingraham’s loyalty through the campaign. A former white-collar defense attorney and Supreme Court law clerk, Ingraham helped Trump with debate preparation. She also campaigned on his behalf and offered occasional strategic advice…
Ingraham would not comment for this article. A source familiar told The Hill that she’s in contact with people in Trump’s inner circle and has expressed interest in the role.
The president-elect and his inner circle hold Ingraham in the highest esteem. They view her as tough, admire her rhetorical skills, and believe she’d powerfully convey Trump’s anti-establishment message. Selecting Ingraham would send a signal that Trump has no interest in softening his relationships with the Republican leaders in Washington, D.C…
Another debate going on in the transition planning is whether Trump should pick Republican National Committe Chairman Reince Priebus or his campaign CEO Steve Bannon for chief of staff.
Some conservative grassroots activists, including Tea Party leader Jenny Beth Martin, have publicly warned Trump against picking Priebus because they view him as part of the “establishment” and thus in conflict with Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp” in Washington.
Bannon, by contrast, is a bomb thrower. As chairman of Breitbart News he built a home for the populist nationalist philosophy that underpinned Trump’s presidential campaign.
Blogged this at Watts Up With That but caught in Moderation.Re Kerry and Hillary.
November 13, 2016 at 3:03 am
If Trump has his way Kerry will be unable to work as a lobbyist for at least 5 years.
It would appear he will be independently funded to carry on the Climate Wars.
Although it has been moot to discuss the Obama legacy, it would be worthwhile discussing Kerry’s and Hillary’s.
Between them they presided over a retreat by US power and prestige marked by Crimea, Ukraine, Iraq
West Bank and Israel,latterly failures in Afghanistan and, of course, Syria.
The US deceit which riled the Russians over Libya was the turning point that allowed the Russians to take the moral high ground over Syria, leading to the mass killing going on now.
They just laugh at the UN and US blandishments.
There was a time when the superpower was represented by those of intellect and competence, not climate warriors and those who would not protect, about to be born, children.
Kissinger had the measure of the Soviets.
‘To expect the Soviet leaders to restrain themselves from exploiting circumstances they conceive to be favorable is to misread history.
To foreclose Soviet opportunities is thus the essence of the West’s responsibility.
It is up to us to define the limits of Soviet aims.’
Then there is China and the South China Sea, a Chinese lake with frightened Asian countries about.
Again Kissinger
‘The Soviet practice, confident of the flow of history, is to promote the attrition of adversaries by gradual increments, not to stake everything on a single throw of the dice.’*
Hilary and Kerry used this technique in the Climate Wars, as they uniquely perceived that ‘ds ’ were on the wrong side of history and that their will and legislative attrition would wear them down, despite the invalidation of the Models underpinning the CO2 catastrophic hypothesis.
By doing so, and burning up so much energy, they lost sight of their primary obligation to keep the US, and so the World, safe from new tyrants.
We are best rid of them.
*Henry Kissinger
White House Years 1979 pp 118, 119
13 Nov: Zerohedge: Tyler Durden: Anti-Trump Protests: Proof Of Professional Activist Involvement
In a story from November 12, USA Today writes an article to discredit the idea that the professional activist community is involved (LINK) with organizing anti-Trump protests. They invite you to meet the protesters. USA today presents them as ordinary people. However, WikiLeaks exposes them as experienced protest organizers and activists…
Ben Wikler, Washington director for the professional activist group MoveOn, is quoted – only to insist that these are not organized protests but an “enormous outpouring of spontaneous energy and concern.”…
So should we expect that everyone quoted in that article is there out of spontaneous concern? Would a reputable newspaper properly identify its sources, noting if they were known activists and organizers? Let’s meet USA Today’s first protester:
Yong Jung Cho, 26, who organized a candlelight vigil in front of the White House on Wednesday night, said about 2,000 people showed up. “Together, we sang, we cried and we marched” to Trump’s hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue. “In this moment, the protests are showing the people, the country and the world that we are here for each other.”
USA Today presents Yong Jung Cho without any introduction. Is she an average citizen, or an experienced protest coordinator?
***In a February 2016 email from the Podesta files, Yong Jung Cho is described as ***“350 Action Campaign Coordinator”…EMAIL
On twitter, she claims credit for organizing the protest in an offhanded way that shows she does not consider herself to be a rookie…TWEET
The profile for this promising young activist at netrootsnation highlights her experience as an organizer on the protest scene and her involvement with the presidential primary at the state level…PIC…
So USA Today’s first person from “all walks of life” is an organizer who has experience on the activist circuit, and in that capacity she worked on the presidential primary. Not exactly the “spontaneous concern” presented by the newspaper.
How about another source, someone that USA Today introduces by more than just a name? Here’s Phil Roeder, a public school official with no disclosed interest except the welfare of his students…
So: Phil Roeder, concerned public servant without a partisan agenda, or veteran Democratic activist? Once again, WikiLeaks can shed some light on that question…EMAIL..
In the same 2014 email from the Podesta collection, we find that many of the activists in the Iowa organization had private meetings with Obama and Clinton, and that Phil Roeder was prominent in the group…EMAIL
Phil Roeder is well-enough connected in Democratic circles that he merits more than one mention in WikiLeaks…EMAIL…
There is one more WikiLeaks connection for this article: USA Today …
In this leaked email, the DNC schedule for an upcoming “earned media” campaign shows complete confidence that the editorial board of USA Today and other organizations will coordinate their schedules and their editorial priorities to suit the DNC…READ ALL
COMMENT #22, I posted Adweek calling Trump’s tweets “rants”. seems this is an MSM meme.
apart from the fact Trump hasn’t moved into the ****Oval Office, & apart from the fact Trump effectively bypasses the MSM with his tweets, reaching 10 million followers as opposed to the MSM’s smaller numbers, & apart from the fact he is the first President whose tweets have helped to win him the Presidency, who the hell do CBS think they are? not even bothering to provide a link:
13 Nov: CBS: Reena Flores: After promises of restraint, Trump rants on Twitter
After promises last week to curb his sometimes ***controversial use of Twitter, President-elect Donald Trump went on another of his ***infamous tweetstorms early Sunday, targeting the New York Times for their “BAD coverage” of his presidential campaign…
Trump was likely referring to a letter to readers sent from the paper’s publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., and their executive editor, Dean Baquet, on Friday. But the tweet from the president-elect mischaracterizes what Sulzberger and Baquet wrote in their message, which contained no apology and maintained that the Times covered the election “with agility and creativity.”
“We believe we reported on both candidates fairly during the presidential campaign,” the letter reads. “You can rely on The New York Times to bring the same fairness, the same level of scrutiny, the same independence to our coverage of the new president and his team.”…
In an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” scheduled to air Sunday, Trump said he would be “very restrained” with his use of Twitter in the ****Oval Office…
first, they are not “immigrants” CBS/AP. second, define “mostly”, third, why aren’t you asking Obama/Clinton to call of the mobs? fourth, MSM is a joke:
13 Nov: CBS: AP: Immigrants join anti-Trump protests, now on their 5th day
Mostly, the demonstrations were peaceful. However, in Portland, Oregon, a man was shot and wounded Saturday morning during a confrontation. Police arrested two teenagers…
The former New York City mayor said he wishes that Hillary Clinton, the former Democratic presidential nominee, and President Barack Obama would say something to the protesters…
Demonstrations also took place internationally. On Saturday, a group of Mexicans at statue representing independence in Mexico City expressed their concerns …(NO OTHER EXAMPLES)
no suggestion this has anything to do with anti-Trump protests, which were taking place at the time, yet they “broke off from a large crowd”. what was the large crowd on the street for, Inquirer?
13 Nov: PhiladelphiaInquirer: Rob Tornoe: 6 hurt in ‘flash mob’ attack in Center City, including off-duty cop
According to police, a smaller group of juveniles broke off from a large crowd and began attacking people in the area of 16th and Walnut streets around 6 p.m. Saturday night. Six people were injured.
Officials say one of the victims was a 55-year-old police officer, who was off-duty at the time…
His wife was also assaulted and punched in the face after throwing water on the assailants in an attempt to stop their attack.
“We looked and we saw people who had obviously been beaten up,” an unnamed witness told NBC10. “They were bleeding from their heads. We saw at least three people that were like that.”…
I don’t doubt it. too hard for MSM to investigate?
VIDEO: 46secs: 13 Nov: Zerohedge: Tyler Durden: Blocks Of Anti-Trump Protest Buses Caught On Tape
Now, courtesy of a Zero Hedge reader, we have visual confirmation of how a substantial portion of these professional, paid protesters arrive at the site of the protest, in this case Chicago.
As our reader notes, “I have a video of 5 city blocks on the West side of Chicago lined with busses from Wisconsin (Badger Bus Lines) bringing in protestors. The Sears tower is visible in the background.”
The video was taken at 3:30pm on South Canal Street in Chicago on Saturday. As our reader points out, hundreds of the participants that took part in the downtown Chicago protests from November 12 were bused in using these vehicles. Other arrived by train.
12 Nov: WTHR13: Emily Longnecker: 7 arrested, 2 officers hurt when anti-Trump protesters reportedly throw rocks at cops downtown
INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) – An Anti-Trump protest reportedly grew violent downtown Saturday evening…
Police said protesters later started chanting and making threats directly at IMPD officers like, “Kill the police.” IMPD eventually decided to arrest protesters they referred to as “instigators” in order to keep the rest of the crowd peaceful. When they tried to make those arrests, though, others in the crowd started throwing rocks at the cops…
“We believe we had some instigators who arrived from out of town, but there were locals as well,” Chief Riggs told the media…
There have been reports some protesters showed up with backpacks filled with rocks…
Clinton campaign/MSM & their cronies have a lot to answer for:
13 Nov: Freerepublic: from Reddit: BREAKING: CEO with ties to the CIA makes a direct threat to kill Donald Trump with a sniper rifle
LINK His apology that he has since deleted…