All the sensible people have left the room.What’s left, double or nothing?
In the religion that is “climate change” all correlations point to the CO2 God. Bill McGuire is professor emeritus in geophysical and climate hazards at UCL and he hath written a book of imminent quakes, shakes and eruptions. Turn off your heater for it feeds the volcano.
Let us read from Climate-Psalm-101:
Global warming may not only be causing more destructive hurricanes, it could also be shaking the ground beneath our feet
Be very afraid little bunny:
… it does not stretch the imagination to appreciate that a warmer atmosphere promotes greater melting of the polar ice caps, thereby raising sea levels and increasing the risk of coastal flooding. But, more extraordinarily, the thin layer of gases that hosts the weather and fosters global warming really does interact with the solid Earth – the so-called geosphere — in such a way as to make climate change an even bigger threat.
Thus and verily will the continental plates dance to the tune of the magical CO2.
Pagan civilization found the Dog Star caused flooding in the Nile. So is it that McGuire finds papers with weak correlations to storms, quakes and volcanoes. The cause and effect link is the fairy-fantasy conjecture of broken climate models that things like “hand-shake” changes in air pressure might induce a quake.
…In the [Nature 2009] paper, Liu and his colleagues provided convincing evidence for a link between typhoons barrelling across Taiwan and the timing of small earthquakes beneath the island. Their take on the connection is that the reduced atmospheric pressure that characterises these powerful Pacific equivalents of hurricanes is sufficient to allow earthquake faults deep within the crust to move more easily and release accumulated strain. This may sound far fetched, but an earthquake fault that is primed and ready to go is like a coiled spring, and as geophysicist John McCloskey of the University of Ulster is fond of pointing out, all that is needed to set it off is – quite literally – “the pressure of a handshake”.
If the pressure of a “hand-shake” can trigger a quake, how do we know that dynamic flows of the solar wind which varies from 300 -800 km a second past earth in different directions is not causing both the air pressure change and the quake? Solar Wind speed correlates with the sea surface temperature and the North Atlantic Oscillation.
Nearly all of the changes he blames on CO2 also correlate to changes in the solar cycle — like ice melting, atmospheric pressure, quakes, jet streams, storms, rainfall, and floods. Unlike CO2, the correlations go back to Egyptian times rather than just to 1975.
McGuire suffers from the usual Total-Solar-Blindness (TSB): his entire article is predicated on the assumption that sun does nothing.
The Guardian, of course, laps up the preposterous fantasy as if it meant something and the editors do zero minutes of research, ask no hard questions, and phone no skeptical scientists.
And the litany of weak associations goes on. All paths lead to the God of Carbon Dioxide:
The University of Miami’s Shimon Wdowinski has noticed that in some parts of the tropics – Taiwan included – large earthquakes have a tendency to follow exceptionally wet hurricanes or typhoons, most notably the devastating quake that took up to 220,000 lives in Haiti in 2010. It is possible that floodwaters are lubricating fault planes, but Wdowinski has another explanation. He thinks that the erosion of landslides caused by the torrential rains acts to reduce the weight on any fault below, allowing it to move more easily.
It has been known for some time that rainfall also influences the pattern of earthquake activity in the Himalayas,…
…Volcanoes seem to be susceptible too. On the Caribbean island of Montserrat, heavy rains have been implicated in triggering eruptions of the active lava dome that dominates the Soufrière Hills volcano. Stranger still,Alaska’s Pavlof volcano appears to respond not to wind or rain, but to tiny seasonal changes in sea level. The volcano seems to prefer to erupt in the late autumn and winter, when weather patterns are such that water levels adjacent to this coastal volcano climb by a few tens of centimetres.
There shalt be only one true cause of climate change:
Volcanologist Hugh Tuffen, of Lancaster University, is worried about the stability of the more than 10% of active volcanoes that are ice-covered. He says that “climate change is driving rapid melting of ice on many volcanoes worldwide, triggering unloading as ice is removed. As well as encouraging magma to rise to the surface, leading to increased volcanic activity, removal of ice can also destabilise steep volcano flanks, making hazardous landslides more likely.”
Volcanologist Hugh Tuffen, of Lancaster University, …says that “climate change is driving rapid melting of ice on many volcanoes worldwide, triggering unloading as ice is removed. ”
Sounds like a good thing to me, a negative feedback. CO2 traps sunlight and warms the air, melts the ice to water. The missing ice allows pressure to blow the volcano and “unload” ash to cloud the air, reflect the sunlight, cool the air, and refreeze the water to ice.
So, the CO2 is not, actually, a long range problem. There may or may not be a cycle of ice and ash, but the long term trend — as shown in Mann’s Hockey stick shaft — is very stable and held stable by negative feedbacks.
Welcome to the great awakening to reality!
We are now moving from a false web of fearful deceit into a real world of benevolent reality.
Even Time magazine will awaken to a new reality on 1 Jan 2017:
I shake my head. It wont be long at this rate before people are sacrificing virgins to volcanoes again….
They skipped the whole virgin thing, but they are sacrificing infants to the Progressive idols: Baal, the original climate disruption god; Ashtoreth, the sex goddess; and Molech, the god of child sacrifice to clean up the consequences. The Progressives’ pantheon of idols in 2016 A.D. is the same as the Canaanites’ pantheon in 1400 B.C. Neither one ends well.
Yes, Dean from Ohio, selfishness, self-centeredness blinds world leaders to reality as well today as it did in 1400 B.C.
The wisdom of Solomon will be needed to restore humanity to sanity.
Dunno about that but they are certainly sacrificing infants to SIDS on the altar of Vaccination. In Japan SIDS just about evaporated when they stopped immunising kids under 2 years, yet the rest of the world keeps going in spite of the high rate of vaccination driven death among infants. Exactly what risk does an unvaccinated under 2 pose to the community – sweet FA that’s how much.
“You are not to present any of your children to Molech as a sacrifice.
That way, you won’t defile the name of your God.” “I am the LORD. ”
( Lev 18:21 )
Pretty nasty stuff back in the BC days….makes you wonder though if under the pagan Gaia love-in, whether we will regress as a society? Certainly from a Christian point of view, mixing christianity with paganism is a huge no no. The good thing about Christainity is that it put a stop to a lot of barbaric stuff.
That is what abortion is!
Were you away from school, when they discussed the Crusades, and the barbarism that went on, on both sides?
I remember vividly sitting in a religious instruction class as an 11 yr old. Having being reliably informed by the Jesuit priest that were we to chose to miss mass on Sunday the resultant mortal sin would ensure that my eternal soul would be damned in perpetuity. There was a deafening clang as the penny dropped in my head. It was little different when the climate charade began in earnest.
There was a nasty “if this goes on’ story some years ago on the ‘web.
DON’T read this on a cold night in the dark!
Unfortunately, once we start sacrificing virgins we will rapidly run out of telephone marketers and climate modellers. Oh wait, did I say unfortunately?
It’s all by simple to explain these phenomena. Quit the analysis & concentrate on the UN / Marxist agendas.
It’s all to do with control, money, globalism, new world order, (please. Include IMF, world currency agenda).
As long as everyone is busy analysing & trying to repudiate the Warmist theories the One World Order mob will be happy as no one is paying attention to the real reason for them trying to impose world Government.
Maybe we are observing the involution (the opposite of evolution) of humans into a subspecies of electronic biped insects…??
“China’s New Tool for Social Control: A Credit Rating for Everything”
Goodenss, it’s four in the morning and must have been having a nightmare, and in it earthquakes, and hailstones are caused by trump…….ets
From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia…
“Seventh trumpet
The sound of the seventh trumpet signals the “Third woe”. This is the final trumpet sound and the final woe. Loud voices in heaven proclaim Christ as ruler forever and ever under the “Kingdom of our Lord”. Thanks is given to God, the Almighty and praise for the wrath that came, the dead who were judged, and the bond-servants rewarded. The temple of God in heaven then opened and the Ark of the covenant appeared in His temple. Then lightning and peals of thunder occurred followed by an earthquake and a great hailstorm.[16]
Thanks for a great analogy that is closer to truth than anything from the UN’s IPCC, Al Gore, and the National Academies of “97% Consensus Pseudo-science.”
I had just reached the conclusion that in future I would refer to “The Settled Science” as Climate Scientology when this explanation for volcanoes came along, so I will have to abandon that description – I wouldn’t want to make Scientology appear worse.
No, Graeme no.3, stick with the “climatescientologist” label, as it is more appropriate than any other. There is $$$$$ in them there hills!!!
About those “hills” and his ideas about landslides.
from wikipedia:
“In his latest book, Waking the Giant,[8] he argues temperature change brought about by global warming could release pressure from melting ice caps (through post-glacial rebound) and trigger earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as increased landslides resulting from heavier rainfall.[9]”
I wonder if he has considered that landslides are increasing due to deforestation when the soil looses its stability due to the absence of a root system supplied by big trees which forms a reinforcement in the soil. When soil lacks a root system to hold it together after logging and land clearing there are always problems including erosion and increased risk of landslides..
Can you in some way, express to those that consider, power without mass the conjugate of mass accumulating power; just what you may mean by your ‘neutron mass\energy’. Many would like to ponder! ‘Tis most difficult without guidance’! Petting upon kitten seems much more rewarding!
Will Janoschka,
Please study Figure 3 in this message to officers of the American Chemical Society,
Ask and I will try to help you “see” for yourself the message indelibly recorded in exact rest masses of the ~3,000 types of atoms that compromise all matter:
1. Powerful, short-range attraction of neutrons for protons that reduce mass (energy) and produce nuclear stability near Z/A ~ 0.5 (Bottoms of mass parabolas in dark blue lines)
2. Less powerful, long-range Coulomb repulsion between positive charges on protons that increase mass and nuclear instability as Z/A => 1 (Red dots along back panel)
3. Powerful, short-range repulsion between neutrons that increase mass and nuclear instability as Z/A => 0 (Blue dots along front panel)
– – –
1. The strong, attractive n-p force produce tightly bound nuclear cores and high nuclear stability for light atoms like He-4, C-12, O-8, Ne-20, Mg-24 . . . .Ca-40
2. Long-range Coulomb repulsion becomes so strong that it forces n-p pairs to move to the nuclear surface and spontaneous alpha-emission above A = 144 amu
3. Then neutrons are confined to the nuclear core and neutron repulsion eventually becomes so powerful all of the heaviest atoms spontaneously decay by fission.
Please ask if you have questions.
This may interest you.
From the website:
This web site and discussion forum has been set up for the purpose of discussing a newly discovered correlation between the nuclear binding energy of Ni62 and the electron to proton mass ratio.
The format of the forum is simple, anyone can join the forum, and have their say. Ultimately the objective is to try and prove the theory wrong, only by the failure to to prove it wrong, will it gain credibility.
Just for fun, anyone making a significant contributions to advance or debunk the theory, will be formally recognised, and will have their name associated with their contribution.
The Starting Point
We start with a set of two postulates, which simply state that no matter can be at a lower electrical potential than the electron, and no matter can be at a higher electrical potential than the proton. Providing these postulates are true, reason leads us to an amazing world, very different from the one we currently believe in.”
Oliver K. Manuel November 30, 2016 at 11:23 am
“Will Janoschka, Please study Figure 3 in this message to officers of the American Chemical Society,”
I have read your plea and support your plea! What I do not understand\is any science in your plea! What you have done is to to convince local earthlings that your plea has no benefit whatsoever to those earthlings!
Thanks, Will Janoschka. I’ll try again.
In 1945 frightened world leaders and guilt-ridden scientists joined forces with one-world globalists to “Save the world” from possible nuclear annihilation by:
_ a.) Uniting nations to avoid future wars
_ b.) Uniting national academies of sciences to hide the energy in atomic bombs
By 2016 this unholy alliance of politicians, globalists and pseudo-scientists had completely destroyed the credibility of political parties and government scientists worldwide:
_ a.) The UN IPCC claimed CO2 caused global warming
_ b.) All NAS worldwide hid evidence the Sun is a pulsar that shakes the whole Earth
_ c.) Trump had to defeat Republicians to defeat Democrats to defeat the UN and the totalitarian, one-world government that treated humans as domesticated animals
I suggest there is a far less esoteric factor at work here. It has to do with the success of indoctrinating the citizens and ruling class with the basic assumptions behind post modern philosophy and its illegitimate offspring post normal science. The power of the human mind using reason was undercut and generally became incapable of critical thought.
The “leaders” of this drive to destroy the mind of man did it with malicious purpose: to hide the fact they resented the responsibility of being human which required them to use reason to acquire knowledge, use that knowledge to make sound choices, and take the risk to act according to those sound choices to support their own lives. In fact, they hated that responsibility so much, every decisions they made and every policy they put in place was designed to fail. The ultimate consequence of the intentional failure was to destroy modern technological civilization and from that, eliminate all consequences of man using his mind to be able to thrive. Since the failure is so consistently done, the failure and its consequences were their goal.
It made and makes no difference if your two hidden things were true or not. The result would be exactly the same. Only if mankind valued reason as a primary virtue would the hiding count for more than a hyphen in an encyclopedia. Discredit reason and the collapse of modern technological civilization is certain.
Thanks, Lion, I partly agree.
But I prefer to err as follows:
“Never attribute to malice
What can be attributed to noble motives
Or simple stupidity!”
Malice is more consistent than stupidity. Sometimes stupidity can be right by accident or otherwise the stupid would not survive as often as they do.
A noble motive that results in actions always achieving a result opposite to the stated motive, is NOT noble. The underlying covert motive is intentionally malicious.
Yes, mistakes in planning and action are possible. Yet, if no correction is made to the planning and action to achieve the stated results, the true motive is to achieve the result obtained. This in spite of any “noble” words to the contrary.
In the long run, actions and results from the actions tell the truth. The words used to justify actions are often nothing but a misdirection to hide the truth from self and others.
Lionell Griffith,
World leaders had both good and selfish reasons to try avoid nuclear war to “Save the World (and THEMSELVES) from Nuclear Annihilation.”
Although society was never told, world leaders knew Japan had independently built atomic bombs during WWII, and Stalin’s USSR troops had captured Japan’s atomic bomb production plant at Konan, Korea and retained all of its scientists and engineers.
Three groups – Allied Nations, the USSR & Japan – had access to atomic bomb technology when WWII finally ended.
Nobel Laureate Francis W. Aston had warned in the last paragraph of his Nobel Lecture on 12 DEC 1922, that nuclear energy, once released, might become UNCONTROLLABLE, ignite Earth’s hydrogen and other elements, and convert the whole Earth into a stellar nova, new star!
Under those conditions it is not surprising that capitalists, communists, globalists and guilt-ridden scientists agreed to unite nations and national academies of sciences on 24 OCT 1945.
If the tsunamis from Trump’s election shatters the web of deceit that isolated humanity from reality after WWII, the late Professor Paul K. Kuroda (1917-2001) deserves credit for risking his life to keep post-war nuclear secrets available for the public to re-discover.
1. See pages 3-5 of Kuroda’s autobiography on the inability of a nuclear physicist to understand nuclear energy on 13 June 1936:
2. See Kuroda’s realization in the Aug 1945 ruins of Hiroshima that “the beginning of the world may have been just like this“ [The Origin of the Chemical Elements and the Oklo Phenomenon (Springer Publishing, 165 pages, 1982), page 2]
3. See BBC report of Kuroda’s secretly retaining Japan’s successful design for atomic bombs in his personal possession for 56 years (1945-2001):
“BETTER RED THAN DEAD“ was much more than an empty slogan of the Hippy Movement !
I have been in Taipei, when a typhoon came through. Buildings shake in a typhoon, especially high-rise hotels, built by manual labour, using shoddy materials. When buildings shake, the ground beneath them shakes, giving the indications of “small earthquakes”.
I respectfully suggest that Liu, et al, have detected, and documented a cause and effect relationship.
I further suggest that Bill McGuire has considerably more experience of the politics of academe, than he has of the real world situation, outside of his ivory tower, and is thus interpreting Liu, et al, in that light.
Have Liu et al confirmed evidence of a powerful source of energy that shakes the Earth?
Precise measurements of solar and terrestrial vibrations (Proceedings of the IEEE, 2007, 95 (5), 1085-1132) showed the whole Earth “Moves (vibrates) to the rhythm of the Sun,”
Precise measurements published in Nature in Nov 1977 showed a regular “pulse” or “heart-beat” of the Sun, like a pulsar, every 160 minutes (See “Is the Sun a pulsar?”)
Precise elemental and isotopic measurements published in Science in Jan 1977 showed that meteorites condensed directly from chemically and isotopically heterogeneous supernova debris (See “Strange xenon, extinct superheavy elements and the solar neutrino puzzle“).
None of these things being claimed for climate change compare with the forces of earth tides every day. See:
Yes, and ultimately this continual flexing of the crust results in heating in the same way that bending a wire over and over causes heating, yet all this energy is missing from the models.
IR Out = Insolation + NR Gain – NR Loss (NR = Non-Radiative)
Until all the NR Gains and NR Losses are completely quantified the basic energy balance that all of climate science rests upon (That Longwave out should equal Insolation) is scientifically unsupportable nonsense!
I think McGuire has experienced the pressure of a handshake once too often to expel this sort of beat up……..
A dodgy batch of cooked chicken can have the same affect….
Have you seen wat dey did to dose Ducks in the Netherlands?
Jew are next!
I believe the correct response to the dear emeritus professor is as follows:
These geological tipping points appear to be based on potential energy being released at the wrong time (have earthquakes ever occurred at the correct time?) a summary of potential energy highlights a function of “arbitrary constant of integration in that definition, showing that any constant can be added to the potential energy. Practically, this means that you can set the zero of potential energy at any point which is convenient.”
You may move a vault door with one finger but two hands are needed to operate the lock.
Yes. In the past, is absolutely the correct time. Occuring in the future is problematic, and “now” is just totally inappropriate.
Ok, that’s it.
No more playing with the planet.
We’re covering the whole thing with those plastic zip covers like Grandma had on all the living room furniture.
Only comes off when we have company.
And don’t forget the cottonwool padding !
You know, the stuff they use on the inside of “safe” cells. !
And this is why you need adults in charge….
Someone has to put the kiddies to bed when its been a very long day and they are tired and they fight going to bed every inch of the way…
Of all the things that flex the earths crust (tides are twice daily), there’s a long list you could make but CO2 would rank somewhere indiscernable from the noise.
I wonder if the good man has considered that molten rock can melt ice, or even considered the furious dynamics within the earth’s molten core.
“or even considered the furious dynamics within the earth’s molten core.”
Like 97% Al Gore, who thinks the earth is 7 million degrees only 2 kilometres below the crust.
McGuire has it exactly backward — movements, flex the earths crust cause CO2 to be emitted. See
Perhaps we could do an experiment. Put all of these people into a room that contains no CO2 and see what happens.
Too cryptic. Enlighten us – what do you think might happen, apart from the level of CO2 increasing because they are in there?
CO2 is a trigger that manages the breathing process, a room that contains no CO2 will interrupt that breathing process, potentially resulting in one’s demise:
Hi Bemused,
The active CO2 level levels you are talking about are in the bloodstream.
When expired air is at 40,000 ppm the presence of CO2 in the atmosphere is basically irrelevant.
If CO2 in the bloodstream gets too low it cannot trigger the next breath and that’s it.
” into a room that contains no CO2 and see what happens.” What would happen is that the room would immediately have an increasing component of CO2. Each breath expelled has a component of 4% CO2.
What rubbish!
Can you not even attempt to think before posting?.
I did read your post for some possible glimmer of sentience\intelligence\sanity! No luck!
For our edification… what is incorrect here?
Hi Ted,
Unlike Will I see nothing out of place in what you have said.
If we walked into a room full of oxygen we would be dead in a few minutes.
Because we are talking about air without CO2 there would probably be little difference.
Air is near enough to 400 ppm and expired air from the lungs about 40,000. I suspect that the absence of the 400 would have negligible effect.
If the people stay in the room forever, that’s a problem.
This is an interesting question. Gnome and TedM are thinking of a smallish room with a largish number of people. Let’s imagine a huge CO2 free room with a small number of people.
Gas exchange in the lungs is driven by a concentration gradient. [CO2] in the blood is removed at a higher rate when the lung concentration drops and this can have physiological effects that will take place before the [CO2] retturns to a normal range in the large room. Take a look here
This can have knock on affects via some aberrant neurological behaviour and (guessing here) might be nasty for frail and elderly.
Find the figures for astronaut or submariner CO2 levels.
It maybe surprise… many thousand parts per million!
And here
that is sort of the opposite of what I was writing about… acidosis rather than alkalosis
“This can have knock on affects via some aberrant neurological behaviour and (guessing here) might be nasty for frail and elderly.”
You appear to be quite correct. To much oxygen is a problem for the sick and elderly.
From your wiki link
“Respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation,[2] resulting in a loss of carbon dioxide. Compensatory mechanisms for this would include increased dissociation of the carbonic acid buffering intermediate into hydrogen ions, and the related excretion of bicarbonate,[citation needed] both of which lower blood pH.”
and from
“Unconsciously, breathing is controlled by specialized centers in the brainstem, which automatically regulate the rate and depth of breathing depending on the body’s needs at any time. For instance, while exercising, the increased production of carbon dioxide by the exercising muscles tends to increase the alveolar (and therefore the arterial) PCO2. This is however immediately sensed by the PCO2 sensor on the medulla oblongata of the brain stem (as well as by the gas tension sensors in the aortic and carotid bodies). These blood gas chemoreceptors send nerve impulses to the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata and pons in the brain. This, in turn sends nerve impulses through the phrenic nerve and other somatic motor nerves to the diaphragm and accessory muscles of inhalation and exhalation, increasing the rate and depth of breathing (hyperventilation). This keeps the arterial blood PCO2and PO2 virtually unchanged during the transition from rest to vigorous exercise.”
Lastly Dr Artour Rakhimov explain why we breath from an evolutionary aspect, and how the balance of O2 and CO2 affects us. sound is not that good.
In other words the bodily action would assume functions to counteract excess acid or in the case of alkaline the breathing would be shallower with the bronchioles constricted to raise blood acid levels. Ability to exhale is dependent on blood CO2 levels therefore it is dangerous to have oxygen levels too high.
too much oxygen and too little CO2 in the blood are different things but nonetheless co-occur. Breathing at different rates affects the amount of dissolved CO2 and therefore the pH of blood.
First year physiology dear chap.
You want to have another go?
You don’t seem to appreciate what causes alkylosis.
No, I trying to learn as I go along.
Was for geeaye
Earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones and plague and pestilence. All caused by Donald Trump and his total denial. In a world where a thin and unlikely and unsubstantiated line of thought is considered the truth, all the world’s problems are clearly caused by Donald Trump. Born in 1946, he was the product of WW2 and all the evils of the world were placed in one individual and despite the monumental efforts of St. Hilary and the media, he has come to rule over us and the time of troubles will start. The only hope now is to overturn the election result or the happy and safe world of windmills will end and the 44,000 people who work for the UN might have to go home and get real jobs.
Of course..the answer to corruption is alwas more corruption….as espeoused by the corrupt of course….which is why they are terrified of being exposed by Trump….
You truly are Ruari in prose!
Climate science has attained a new height of madness with no “tipping point” in sight.
Here we have a demonstration that Einstein was onto something: “Both human stupidity and the universe are infinite, although I am not sure about the latter.”
Both human stupidity and the universe are circular\closed, never infinite!
All the best! -will-
The planet’s crust is 3-6 km thick (oceanic crust to continental crust).
The mantle below this crust is about 2900 km thick.
Yet somehow a surface temperature variation of 0.8C will move this combined mass by rearranging relatively tiny masses of surface water/ice ?
Water/ice has RD of 1.0 for practical purposes. Oceanic crust is quite dense, RD about 2.2; continental crust slightly less dense, RD about 2.1.
Tonnes of material may be calculated by simply multiplying Volume x RD. The comparable masses of rock and water obviously become many, many orders of magnitude different. As is the temperature difference between the surface and the mantle.
All that scares me here is the unbridled propensity of people to believe anything they are told. This Bill McGuire is guilty of falsely shouting FIRE !! in a crowded, and gullible, theatre.
I’m sure we have heard this fear mongering claim before , there is nothing that can’t be blamed on the evil Co2 , it just takes a little imagination no self respect and the fear that your grant money is about to reach a tipping point .
Flat beer?
Thats lack of CO2, surely?
Proof that lack of CO2 is a bad bad *very* bad thing…..
Hey what about reducing the Co2 in beer and labelling it “low carbon ” oh sorry I forgot most of the leftards drink Chardonnay.
Wonderful. With all the causal evidence now truly and finally settled, the CO2 to earthquake-flood-volcano-landslide and let’s not forget the moon, other celestial conjunctions, congregations and conjugations, the GOP and DJT, not a single further life should ever be lost to any of these clearly unnatural, catastrophic anthropogenically driven events, occurring either singly or in combination.
Now, where is the rigorously tested and validated prediction rule?
Thank you, Jo Nova, for reporting humanity’s awakening to reality!
We should not be surprised by the nature of this publication from the good professor. It seems he has also written the “Global Catastrophes” volume in OUP’s ‘A Very Short Introduction’ series. Chapter 2 of said book is entitled, “Global Warming: a lot of hot air?” and chapter 3, “The Ice Age cometh”. Later chapters deal with “super-eruptions, giant tsunamis and the coming great quake” plus asteroid and comet impacts for good measure. So put on your hard hat now and take cover!
Makes as much sense..that and being attacked by humungeous moster spiders….
Its more Monty Python than science…or perhaps its scince, Jim, but not as we know it….
– Spock.
AGW Climate Science – a new level
when Climate Scientists who promote AGW used to gaze up into the sky the furthest object that they could see was “rock bottom” .
Because that is where AGW climate science used to be just a few years ago.
Nowadays it is at a level which can only be described as subterranean.
OT.. but still climate…
We all know the Arctic has had a large pool of “less colder” air over it for most of November, and there has been a big pool of “more colder” air in northern Russia.
( Less colder, more colder… my terminology and I’m sticking with it
ouch, I broke the post.. try again
We all know the Arctic has had a large pool of “less colder” air over it for most of November, and there has been a big pool of “more colder” air in northern Russia.
(Less colder, more colder… my terminology and I’m sticking with it)
Here’s the fun part…
The “less colder” blob is above 82.5ºN latitude, so won’t be calculated in RSS
Its also mostly above 85ºN so won’t show-up in UAH
But the Siberia “more colder” blob will have a big impact on both.
RSS and UAH for November could be quite interesting.
Yep, the Arctic had a big gulp of North African air as it froze Siberia earlier in the month.
As you say the figures will be interesting.
I’ll save you the wait:
Official figures from the world’s top climate scientists prove that it has been the hottest month of the hottest year ever.
Are you taking the p*ss?
That’s weather, according to warmist’s
Of course he is taking the p*ss. That is what gnomes do. Note the gnome eyes, looking to the heavens.
Nah. I just kicked him in the Lobbocks.
Can our tourist industry or better still the Australian government sue the BBC because of the pack of lies it told its viewers about the great Barrier reef yesterday.
Their disgraceful and vicious propaganda is lethal to our tourist industry.
They’ve been broadcasting the same on the World Service, so now the whole world thinks the Australian Barrier Reef is dead…
“It is, isn’t it as I heard on the BBC!”
Methinks getting closer to
“It isn’t, is it as I heard it on the BBC/ABC/CBC/ – – -“
That more quakes in Earth’s crust will appear,
Is what some professors most fear,
Due to man’s CO2,
While the sun is taboo,
And its wind through the heliosphere.
The more they overplay their hand the more absurd these climate practitioners look. Therefore the quicker their downfall.
By the way, Jo, no apostrophe after the i in tsunami in your title.
Over the years I’ve read some real ¢raþ about CO2 apparent effects but this is by far the most laughable. Even more than CO2 lowers the male’s sperm count.
Here is a not up to date list of CO2’s many alleged effects —
Once again I found myself wondering if the dates were mixed up and it’s actually the 1st of April.
The sperm count one is a bit of a stretch………
Where is Legendary Louis to explain proton flux & CME s?
This is a revelation!
Who, even those in their right minds, would have thought such gentle pressure on the geosphere could cause earthquakes?
The implications are clear and legislation is required immediately to band striding and requiring the mandating of tippy toe perambulation.
Jumping up and down, especially by angry old white men, should be strictly prohibited if we wish to preserve places on the planet where our grandchildren and future generations can maintain a firm foothold.
When “scientists” of that calibre suffer knee-trembles by being surrounded by 0.04% CO2, I can’t imagine how they managed to avoid their heads exploding when high concentrations of the stuff (CO2 gas cylinders, fire extinguishers, soda water bottles etc.) are transported RIGHT PAST THEIR FRONT DOOR EVERY DAY!
BCF (Bromochlorodifluoromethane – Halon 1211) fire extinguishers were essentially banned back in ’92 thanks to the Montreal Protocol. The “scientific” excuse was that it had something to do with the Ozone layer. The same happened with CFC refrigerants. All that expensive mucking about and no real change in Ozone protection, considering the US EPA is trying to limit Ozone itself. Sheesh.
CFC’s were also used extensively as propellants in pressurised spray cans, but was replaced with flammable propane. This had the effect of making camping trips far more enjoyable, but the opposite for air travel.
CFC refrigerants were replaced by HFC’s – which ironically, they’re trying to ban now.
No Montreal-style gabfest yet on attempting to ban CO2 fire extinguishers. This’ll never end until we collectively tell ’em to pee off.
Yep, Halon 1211 was THE extinguisher of choice for fuel fires like gasoline or kerosene. It was an exceptionally good extinguisher, and saved me from serious bad burns or maybe death!
This goes all the way back to the use of DDT to control the disease Malaria! Some moderate application was appropriate!
The huge profit by the DUPonts for ‘eradication’ now results in Malaria that cannot be controlled via DDT! Oh woha are we!
All the best! -will-
I thought the mosquitos developed a resistance to DDT though.
Is that not right?
In a previous life, I worked for a commercial pest control company and insecticide/poison resistance was very much part of the landscape. For instance, it’s very common to find Warfarin resistance in rats & mice.
I trust that the good Professor Emeritus Bill McGuire is fully aware of the immense damage he is doing to the Environment with his own personal 350 kilograms of CO2 that he exhales and continues to exhale through each and every year of his entire life on this Earth.
Now 350 kilograms per year of CO2 from one person’s breathing is quite small beer in the overall scheme of things but as they say, every little bit helps.
So perhaps the good Professor could help mitigate the distressing effects of CO2 on this planet by removing himself and therefore his own annual personal breath emitted 350 kilograms of CO2 contribution to the destruction of the Planet forthwith.
In his passing he no doubt will be greatly admired and complimented by his contemporaries for the very significant personal sacrifice he was prepared to make to the saving of the Planet for the Children’s Sake.
No, no no!
Such passing and decay must emit more CH4, a much more potent GHG than his CO2 could ever be! Oh woha are we with Bison, Effelumps, Camel, Moose, Bear, Cats of every stripe, farts in addition to those of 7,600,000,000,000 earthlings! This must be driving our friendly local apprentice GOD ape shit crazy!
All the best! -will-
Great news! Since in the Antropocene era there are fewer wins events than at any point in the proxy, that also comes with fewer quakes! Yay!
It’s the ‘Elvis effect’.
“Shakin’ all over”
Or perhaps the ‘squirrel effect’
To support Professor Bill McGuire’s entreaties towards Saving the Planet by reducing green house gasses, methane in this case, “Moonbeam Brown” for that is what he is known as, “aka” California Governor Jerry Brown has just signed a legislative bill to regulate cow farts.
California regulates cow farts
Every productive (note productive) industry should move out of California. They can then sell their produce at inflated prices to Californians and have the best of both worlds. They could set up sales points at the border, where Californians can come and collect their produce (in their electric cars) so that the polluters don’t have to enter that privileged land.
bemused @ # 29.1
They already are!
California lost 9,000 business HQs and expansions, mostly to Texas, 7-year study says
It’s typical for companies leaving California to experience operating cost savings of 20 up to 35 percent, Vranich said. He said in an email to the Dallas Business Journal that he considers the results of the seven-year, 378-page study “astonishing.”
It occurs to me that even if the good professor nutball was correct, that volcanoes with enough ice mass on top to suppress the belching of millions of tons of thousand degree lava are probably located in places like the Antarctic, where to be frank it wouldn’t matter one iota if they did erupt.
Why are we constantly barraged by scares from so-called scientists about stuff that is meaningless to the survival of mankind. OK so if it gets 10 degrees warmer a volcano or two in a place nobody lives might erupt but if it gets even 1.5 degrees cooler then we will probably have major crop failures in the Northern hemisphere and a famine that kills half the people on earth. These scientists don’t understand the word “Perspective”.
I see the ABC is axing the Catalyst science crew:
I would argue they left science a long time ago when they embraced CAGW group think over critical thinking. Cutting a few scientifically literate employees off the payroll will free the ABC up to pass along whatever garbage the green groups pedal to them, without the possible hindrance of an employee questioning the veracity.
The Oz picked up on this a few weeks ago and its obvious the Catalyst crew blotted their copybook.
Note the Board members have had heated arguments.
We shouldn’t get our hopes up.
One hour episodes translates to 2 x the BS.
I reckon we could run a book on just who is considered an “expert subject presenter”
My bet is we’ll soon see an expert on dead kangaroos (Tim Flannery) telling us and the world that the Great Barrier Reef is dead.
Any takers?
I bet “Dr Karl” will be one too.
Actually, the charge against the Catalyst Crew interestingly is that they reported against the orthodoxy which shows just what a groupthink shop the ABC is. Every Catalyst show should have been Pro VS Con. It’s perfectly ok to give the WiFried view provided the no harm side is adequately represented.
A show that presents the pros and cons.
The new producer outsources the reporters to present both sides of any scientific argument. The reporters are hired for the one show, nevertheless they are enthusiastic to prove their bias is correct.
It might work, depends on the producer, and having a different subject presenter won’t be necessary.
Bring Back Balance
I’d say ALL SIDES since in science there are often multiple ways to skin the cat…. Sorry Cat lovers.
I have not watched catalyst since a show that had a segment on ocean acidification.
The presenter put a stick of teachers chalk into sulphuric acid and claimed it demonstrated how crustaceans would be effected.
Science? Not according to my definition.
As for Flimflam, I usually watched the Nation Press Club addresses after I retired. When he was their guest speaker Flannery said “Co2 has become so bad they now have to measure it in parts per ten thousand instead of part per million” or words to that effect. Clearly not the most maths literate person about!
“Nearly all of the changes he blames on CO2, also correlate to changes in the solar cycle”
Misplaced comma. The rule is that there should be no comma after a subject clause.
They used to teach this stuff in primary schools.
Says whom, and, by what authority?
Free, the commas, I say FREEEEEE!
It is explained here.
in keeping with the “religious” theme.
following has current date, but obviously written in the week Sachs spoke in Joahnnesburg (see second link – Brainstorm Mag):
The Remnant: Elizabeth Yore: (Jeffrey) Sachs Watch: White Man Lectures Black Man
Africa is in their crosshairs.
This cynical tactic was on display during a speech on globalization in Johannesburg, South Africa this week. None other than Jeffrey Sachs, Columbia University professor of economics, UN uber technocrat, Vatican papal advisor, globalist guru of sustainable development, warned that the population growth in Africa remains out of control and sent out the alarm that the continent could not develop sustainably with nearly 4 billion people…
from Brainstorm, a monthly trade publication for the South African technology sector published by technology media house ITWeb:
13 Nov: Brainstorm Mag, South Africa: Trumping globalisation
How did Donald Trump succeed? Economist Jeffrey Sachs provides some answers.
by Adrian Hinchcliffe
One night this week, I was lucky enough to be a guest at the Old Mutual Wisdom Forum (Johannesburg) where keynote speaker – renowned United States economist and special adviser to the UN’s secretary general, Professor Jeffrey Sachs – provided the attendees with his take on the future of globalisation…
Except, the event was held on the evening when the US was going to the polls. And then I woke up to the somewhat unexpected news that ‘The Don’ had won.
With retrospective irony, Sachs opened his presentation by answering the theme of the evening ‘is globalisation crumbling?’ by joking that if Donald Trump were to win the election then the answer is ‘yes’. Oh hindsight, what a funny fellow you are…
He listed five reasons why we find ourselves in a climate where Brexit and Donald Trump have surprised many analysts and threaten the global economic trajectory (including)
Dire environmental threats…
“In my job in the UN, as advisor to the secretary general, I’m working with the IMF, the World Bank, G20 and China to bring more savings to Africa for a boom in infrastructure spending. There’s no escape from poverty without mass electrification,” he says…
“The population growth in Africa remains out of control. In 1950, sub-Saharan Africa was 179-million people. Today it’s one billion. The UN’s median forecast puts Africa’s population at four billion by 2100. This continent can’t have sustainable development with four billion people.”…
Thanks to the benefit of time, and this writer being particularly tardy in filing copy, we’re able to add extra quotes from Sachs, who was speaking on the morning of the US presidential results at the Old Mutual Corporate Wisdom Forum breakfast.
On Trump’s victory, Sachs (who acted as an advisor to Democratic former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders for several months) says: “I don’t see any good news in this. But we have to keep watching the longer term, not the day to day. We have to plan for the longer term and somehow turn the unhappiness into a much more constructive approach.
“Trump is not trained and not of the temperament to be president. And the world will be a strange place for a while. It’s not necessarily a disaster, but it could be.”…
On Trump’s prospects to execute on his campaign promises: “It’s going to be complicated for him. His analysis is filled with ignorance and contradiction. How that will unfold is a big question with populist policies. Populists get their way for a while, but reality interferes with the populist vision”…
The third premise of Trump’s campaign was that America was hurting due to various trade agreements.
“That is possible,” says Sachs, “in that the president has some administrative powers to do certain things. But then the US will find out it only accounts for about 4.8% of the global population, and it can’t really run or determine the world’s trading system by itself”…
“In fact, one of the darkest parts of the American psyche is America’s paranoia about China. Its neurotic as China is threatening America’s self-image and the US geopolitical role. Most of the American corporate class and congress would be horrified at the prospect as that’s where a lot of money is made, in the US-China production. Apple makes all its phones in China”…
“Our [America’s] biggest companies, like Apple, Amazon, don’t pay taxes because they’ve figured out how to put all their money in the Caribbean. It’s corruption.”…
Dire environmental threats
“With economic growth that pays no attention to the environment, we’re so good at production we’ll completely wreck the planet. The market system doesn’t protect the environment. The cumulating pollution is warming the planet, creating droughts, extreme storms and heatwaves. If we take a narrow view favouring money, then this is a side effect of globalisation.
“Last year was the warmest year in the instrument record of earth, going back to 1880. The great success of global growth has been based on coal, oil and gas as energy sources, which put carbon dioxide into the air.
“The scientists tell me, as director of the earth institute for the past 14 years, ‘it’s worse than we thought’ and they keep saying that. Things are changing faster. The powerful interests around coal, oil and gas, have basically said ‘don’t think about this’. We’re almost too late to avoid catastrophe,” he says…
“The centre of gravity for the world economy in the future will be in Asia.
“If you’re in Beijing, they don’t think globalisation is crumbling, they think it’s the greatest thing going.”
Off topic:
More insanity from The People’s Republic of Victoria.
“The Economic, Education, Jobs and Skills Committee will be in Geelong on Monday 5 December to learn about innovation in energy storage technologies and hold a public hearing for the community energy projects inquiry. Follow the link for details on the hearing and the inquiry.”
don’t think the mighty China is listening to foundation-funded CAGW campaigners:
28 Nov: AFP: China risks wasting $490 bn on coal plants: campaigners
China could waste as much as half a trillion dollars on unnecessary new coal-fired power stations, a climate campaign group said Monday, arguing the world’s top carbon polluter already has more than enough such facilities…
As of July, China already had 895 GW in coal-fired power stations — representing more than half its electricity generation — said the London-based Carbon Tracker Initiative, which argues for limiting carbon emissions using financial data.
The country was operating the coal units at less than half their capacity, it said, but “perversely” had another 205 GW already under construction and plans for an additional 405 GW.
At an estimated US$800 million per kW, that could cost US$490 billion in total, CTI said…
“China no longer needs to build any additional coal plants and therefore should act with conviction to contain its coal overcapacity crisis,” the report said…
But even though capacity cuts do not necessarily lead to reductions in production, they have been blamed for rising coal prices, giving stricken producers a new lease of financial life.
CTI’s comments echo statements by environmental campaign group Greenpeace, which estimated in July that China has up to 300 GW of excess coal-fired capacity.
Two new coal power plant projects were being begun each week across 10 different provinces, it stated…
but the FakeNewsMSM is telling such a different story!
17 Nov: ABC: China’s coal use likely peaked in 2013 amid rapid shift to renewables, global energy report says
By consumer affairs reporter Amy Bainbridge
A dramatic shift to renewable energy is underway in China and India…
“[The IEA] now take as an absolute given that China’s consumption of coal actually peaked three years ago and is now in structural decline,” Mr (Energy Economics and Financial Analysis director Tim) Buckley said…
Mr Buckley said Australia should be “extremely nervous” because it has profound implications for our exports…
“So Australia is probably one of the most exposed countries in the world to that changing dynamic in the international traded energy market.”…
29 Nov: SMH: Marcus Strom: Exclusive: CSIRO sells concentrated solar power technology to China
The deal with Beijing-based Thermal Focus will allow the company to bid for business in the burgeoning Chinese market for concentrated solar power using Australian-designed technology…
China aims to build infrastructure that produces 1.4 gigawatts of concentrated solar power by 2018, increasing this to 5GW by 2020…
Mr Grimes said what gave this deal credibility was that the Chinese had delivered on their plans in renewables…
The solar deal comes a day after an interim report by a Senate committee recommended all Australian coal mines close by 2030.
The retirement of coal-fired power stations report committee is chaired by Greens senator Larissa Waters. Its final report will be handed down on February 1.
the Australian public deserves to know the truth about China and coal.
climate darling Trudeau:
29 Nov: Seattle Times: Lynda V. Mapes: Trudeau OKs expanding Trans Mountain oil pipeline to B.C.; foes vow to fight
As the Canadian government approved the expansion of a pipeline that will triple the amount of oil brought from Alberta to a Vancouver-area port, opponents promised to continue their efforts to kill the project…
The decision is “in the best interest of all Canadians,” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a news conference.
“Others will oppose this decision,” Trudeau said. “We will not be swayed by political arguments, be they local, regional or national, we are convinced it is safe for B.C. and the right one for Canada. This is a major win for Canadian workers and the economy now and into the future.”…
The pipeline expansion planned by Kinder Morgan — the largest energy infrastructure company in the U.S., based in Houston, Texas — will increase capacity of Trans Mountain from 300,000 barrels of oil a day to 890,000 barrels a day.
“This is a defining moment for our Project and Canada’s energy industry,” Ian Anderson, president of Kinder Morgan Canada, said in a prepared statement. “We are excited to move forward and get this Project built, for the benefit of our customers, communities and all Canadians.”
The $6.8 billion expansion will run along the same route as an existing line built in 1953.
The pipeline expansion is needed because existing pipelines are at capacity and Canada, with the world’s third-largest proven oil reserves, needs ways to get that oil to export markets, Trudeau said. He said moving oil by rail instead is more expensive and more dangerous…
28 Nov: UK Telegraph: Emily Gosden: Signs of revival in North Sea as BP inks exploration deals
It has picked up a 25pc interest in two Statoil licences east of Shetland, which include the Jock Scott oil prospect, and interests of 30pc to 40pc in two Nexen licences west of Shetland, including the Craster gas and condensate prospect.
A spokesman for BP said this showed that “projects like these are able to compete for investment within the wider BP global portfolio”.
The company said it planned to participate in the drilling of up to five new exploratory wells in the North Sea between now and the end of 2017…
Deirdre Michie, the trade body’s chief executive, said BP’s announcement “demonstrates that there is confidence that there continue to be opportunities in the UK basin”.
“The North Sea needs new investment and new development of this kind so that we can continue to maximise economic recovery and help secure the future of our industry which is so important to the UK economy,” she said…
29 Nov: Livemint: Coal better than renewables for India: WCA CEO Benjamin Sporton
Sporton says high-end coal-based power plants using advanced technology will be as environmentally friendly as a renewable power project of similar investments
New Delhi: India’s goal of reducing carbon emissions and supplying affordable electricity to nearly 237 million people with no access to power is best served by coal-based power plants using the latest technology, rather than renewable energy projects which are less reliable and have huge additional costs, a top official at a global organisation of coal miners said.
Benjamin Sporton, chief executive of London-based World Coal Association, said high-end coal-based power plants using advanced technology will be as environmentally friendly as a renewable power project of similar investments, and yet produce about four times more power. Considering that solar and wind power projects are intermittent due to weather conditions, these sources of energy need systems to manage this unpredictability, which will add to the actual cost of power generation.
“What we often do not consider in the cost of renewable power generation is the system costs for installing back-up (for supplying power when there is no sunlight or wind), power storage facilities and a smart grid that can manage voltage fluctuations. We do not factor in any of these when we say solar power has reached cost parity with coal-based power,” Sporton said in an interview…
As per WCA estimates based on planned and under-construction projects in India, coal-based power generation in the country will rise significantly in absolute terms by 290 GW in 20 years, although its share in the energy basket will decline slightly. At present, about 60% of the country’s over 307 GW of power generation capacity is based on coal.
“Coal’s share in world’s energy mix will drop to 31% by 2040, down from 41% now, but since the world’s energy pie and consumption of every source of electricity is growing, coal consumption too will grow in absolute terms from present levels,” said Sporton, citing an estimate by the International Energy Agency (IEA)…
Nov 2016: World: Coal – Market Report – Analysis and Forecast to 2020
This report has been designed to provide a detailed analysis of the global coal market. It covers the most recent data sets of quantitative medium-term projections, as well as developments in production, trade, consumption and prices. The report also includes a comparative analysis of the leading consuming countries, revealing opportunities opened for producers and exporters across the globe.
According to IndexBox estimates, Australia continued to lead the way by a large margin in the global supplies of coal. In 2015, Australia’s coal exports totaled 29,630 million USD, which accounted for a 39% share of global exports. Indonesia, Russia, USA, and Colombia were the other key global suppliers of coal in 2015, with a 45% combined share of global exports.
Indonesia (+10.3% per year) and Australia (+6.9% per year) were the fastest growing exporters from 2007 to 2015. Indonesia significantly strengthened its position in the global coal export structure, growing its share from 13% in 2007 to 19% in 2015.
On the other hand, Japan (18%, based on value terms), India (16%), China (11%), the Republic of Korea (11%), and Taipei (5%) were the leading destinations of coal imports in 2015. Imports to China grew the quickest, at a pace of +19.6% per year from 2007 to 2015. The balance of key imports also increased their imports over the period under review. India’s share of global imports increased by +9 percentage points…
30 Nov: BusinessInsider: Danielle Muoio: New York State hasn’t paid contract workers building Tesla’s solar plant in months
Contractors working on Tesla’s solar manufacturing plant in Buffalo, New York are receiving payments late due to corruption charges filed against Buffalo contractor LPCiminelli.
The contractors have not been paid for work done between July and through the Fall, the Buffalo News (LINK) first reported. Howard Zemsky, the president of Empire State Development, wrote in a statement to the Buffalo News that the payment process is undergoing close examination because of the corruption charges, but that everyone will be paid…
Tesla is not responsible for paying the contractors.
The state of New York is spending $750 million on the Buffalo plant as part of an economic revitalization project called the Buffalo Billion initiative spearheaded by Governor Andrew Cuomo. SolarCity pledged $150 million toward the plant…
Tesla did not return Business Insider’s request for comment on how the payment delays will affect the plant’s production timeline. The Buffalo News reported in August that construction of the plant is near completion with production slated to begin in June…
Federal corruption charges were filed against two former aides close to Cuomo, as well as six other people, over the economic revitalization project in September, according to the New York Times. The complaint alleges that the state’s original request for proposals for the solar manufacturing facility was worded in a way that appeared to exclude all bidders except LPCiminelli.
Louis Ciminelli, CEO of LPCiminelli, is known as a generous supporter of Cuomo. Ciminelli, along with his associates and relatives, have donated nearly $150,000 to Cuomo’s campaigns over the years…
O/Topic but you have to love the left regressives … protests stalled Question Time in Parliament today. They shouted and screamed, superglued themselves to railings etc:
The fringe that call themselves WACA (more like WHACKO) were protesting detention centres and terrible treatment of refugees. I wonder which flavour of government is the problem? (Hint: look at the graph on page 6 of the following report):
The reversal could not be more obvious. Abbott & Libs were elected late 2013 and the boats were stopped. Detention population peaks around 13,000 that year and is less than one sixth now. Where were the protests when the Labor-Greens were in power?
Short version: detention populations have plummeted under the Libs, and yet these left regressives chose now to protest, as opposed to when the Greens shared power and the problem was worsening. And we wonder why Borat’s homeland beats us in maths?
Bulldust –
I was just looking at these Twitter Moment pics of “protesters” who are harassing Ivanka Trump, & another Twitter Moment thread is below the Ivanka stuff.
Fairfax Massola & Adam Bandt seem to be enjoying the Canberra rubbish. u can click to get the full Canberra thread & also link to Massola & Bandt twitter pages.
Twitter Moments: Protesters gather outside Ivanka Trump’s home in Manhattan
CLICK FOR THREAD: (Canberra): Chaos as protestors disrupt Question Time
Social Action • 3 hours ago
Student protestors have super-glued their hands to the railings and seats in the public gallery, before shouting chants at MPs from the public gallery. The protest has centred around treatment of asylum seekers and Aboriginal land rights. The Speaker of the House officially suspended Question Time.
TWEET BY JAMES MASSOLA, Fairfax chief political reporter in the Canberra bureau: I’ve never seen a protest as effective as this in the HoR. Normally 1-2 people, and it lasts a minute. MPs looking on bemused, shocked…
ADAM BANDT: So we start #qt a bit later. Fifteen minutes of disruption is nothing compared to lifetimes of misery #CloseTheCamps
also in US:
29 Nov: Youtube: 2mins12secs: Mark Dice: CBS News Reporter Wants Trump Dead
plus this is an awful case – watch the video:
VIDEO: 2mins15secs: 29 Nov: FoxNews13: Lloyd Sowers: Veterans home vandalized, torched
PLANT CITY FLORIDA (FOX 13) – There are lots of questions surrounding a fire that gutted a home on Johnson Street in Plant City overnight.
Along with heavy damage, anti-Trump graffiti was sprayed on the house, inside and out. The family who lives there was spending the night with relatives, but Navy veteran Matthew Smith says his home was targeted because he is a Donald Trump supporter.
“It’s not what I expected out of America,” says Smith. “It should be us figuring problems out together.”…
“We supported Trump from when he started running for office,” says Matthew’s wife Brittany. “We never made it public. We never had a sign in our backyard, so no one really knew we were pro Trump.”
But Matthew says he’s been very active on Facebook, with posts supporting Trump, the Second Amendment, and other conservative causes.
Investigators are looking into possible connections with arsonists…
Earlier this month, anti-Trump graffiti was sprayed on two mobile homes near Mango. Investigators say someone tried to light one of them on fire.
The Smiths, who have two young children, say times have been hard recently. They say their home is in foreclosure and they have no insurance to cover the belongings that burned. Brittany says it doesn’t make sense to her.
“We were always nice to everyone,” she said. “It’s very odd, very odd.”
She added, they were lucky they were away when their home burned. Otherwise, the message someone sent could have been deadly.
some ugly antidemocratic forces are showing their true colours.
Of course, none of this lines up with history, natural or human. But neo-pagans don’t need no steenkin’ history.
Hey look now! Your most aggressed folk\fraudsters Now think think they control! Sit back, watch, sip beer, consume pretzels, pet upon many fine loving critters (pets) more aware of is than you can be! -will-
Let’s leave aside whether a warming climate does cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions – this still begs the question.
The climate may be warming and all these terrible things happening – that still doesn’t prove it’s man-made CO2 that is the cause.
So let’s try a thought experiment: say we could prove definitively that all the warming is natural. What would all these Greenies and The Guardian say we should do then? Since warming causes all this awfulness, shouldn’t we try an artificially cool the planet? Who would bet on that happening?
The Environment is a main part of Cultural Marxism. That is why these marxists are so involved to try and destroy the conservatives.
‘Solar Wind speed correlates with the sea surface temperature and the North Atlantic Oscillation.’ Perhaps the author could explain the ‘mechanism’ of this piece of ENSO Fantasy?!
Extract from ‘Tomorrow’s Weather’, Alex S. Gaddes (1990) p114 ;
“On being advised by Dr Harrington of the correlation by scientists of the Chandler Wobble etc. with the occurrence of major earth-quakes, I was moved to seek a cause for the phenomena (see pages 166-7 of Ref. No.17,)
Considering this information in conjunction with the Law on Conservation of Angular Momentum, it seems that, if the intensity of the Jet Stream is greater in the Northern Hemisphere than the Southern, it should follow that there ought to be a greater transfer of angular momentum in the Northern Hemisphere than the Southern.
Assuming the above to be the case, it should follow that the rotation of the Northern Hemisphere would tend to slow down to a greater degree than that of the Southern, with a consequent resultant stress (torsion) which must ultimately find release, after elastic limit is reached, by dislocating the Earth’s crust.
This ‘brake’ being applied, unevenly, to the one Hemisphere, would tend to instigate the Chandler Wobble as well as other local irregularities of rotation, plus the enigmatic pear shape of the Earth.
From the above considerations it is tempting to conclude that major Earth dislocations and volcanicity be likely attendants with glaciation.“
(Note the oblique volcanism/earthquake zone running from the Antarctic Peninsula through the Asia /Pacific Region and on to North-Western Russia.)
People here may be interested in this site where they are investigating the normal winds (range, speed, direction, etc.,) and its effects on wind power generation.
Just imagine any bad thing that could happen to you, and then find even the weakest connection to CO2, then publish it as a near certain fact.
Strangely enough, no one tries to connect CO2 to the good things that also happens.
A summer with good weather, a good harvest, the wind blowing just at the best speed to turn the windmills, or rain at the right point in time.
Every time you hear of bad weather somewhere on the Earth, then think of all those places that had just normal or even good weather.
Those places could just as well praise CO2 for it. For is’nt it a fact that CO2 controls the weather?
Very true.
So just think of all the earthquakes the people of the Caribbean and Central America must have avoided – given that there’s been a strongly negative correlation between CO2 concentration and frequency/severity of hurricanes in the area.