Eggs and Bacon Bay, Tasmania
Their billion-dollar-ABC reports every irrelevant thought bubble a greenie group can dream up:
“PETA launches bid to change Eggs and Bacon Bay to healthy alternative”
The ABC can’t find a single local who wants the change, but they treat the fantasy to a three-photo feature, complete with expert opinions and interviews. The locals think the idea is a bad joke. Listen to Doug:
…Doug said locals were perfectly happy with the name.
“These single-interest groups ought to go overseas and annoy the shit out of ISIS,” he said.
The only person outside the ABC who thinks this issue is worth discussing is some poor chicken mayor who is happy to sell out the locals for fear of offending the busybody control-freaks:
Huon Valley Mayor Peter Coad is willing to consider the idea.
“Obviously these issues should be taken seriously and have some merit,” he said.
Dear Mayor Coad, PETA are demanding a meat-free map. You think this is serious?

One type of Eggs And Bacon Flower.
The town, by the way, is named after a flower. That’ll be next on the hit list, and before long Australia will be converted to the Most Boring Nation on Earth. Tourists will stop visiting. Businesses will die, and no children will remember the name of the town or the flower.
So when a group concerned with animal welfare announces a frivolous bid to change the name of a bay to promote human dietary concerns they get instant ABC free advertising. When an Australian launches a group of 60 people including the former President of The Czech Republic to try to keep the poor warm, it’s crickets from the ABC: go find a mention of Clexit.
Only a registered peer reviewed approved climatologist can speak about the climate on the ABC, but animal activists can tell us what we should eat. It’s just a part of the non-stop promotion of the nanny-state tribe.
The ABC works hard to keep the national conversation hyperventilating about irrelevancies. It’s why they have to be sold off, the people who want this kind of bread-n-circus pap crap can pay for it.
No animals died in the naming of this story.
h/t David B.
Photos : Eggs and Bacon Bay real estate. Flower: A West Australian version of Eggs and Bacon type of pea flower (there are 700 different types).
Must be a really, REALLY slow news day for the ABC. More inanities and talking heads to lull us into a sense of comfort while the fox eats the hens. They should have their broadcasting licence cancelled.
no not a slow news day , this is what they do, this is all they do
a slow week if you read the last half-dozen blogs. When there is nothing to write about, confect some outrage about something.
The waste which is ABC is simply one of Jo’s pet hates.
It’s her blog, it’s her space.
true. And?
You’re an cretin for a start.
poetic justice in that comment
Damn, I read this after lunch. I could have made my self a cheese and bacon omelette for lunch but ended up with microwaved pumpkin soup with home made bread from spelt flour!
Well the missus is out for dinner with the grrrls tonight so its free range feeding for me and I’ll double down with rump steak burger with bacon and I have beer in the fridge! Yee ha!
I know I’ll never get into green left heaven this way but that is hardly a deterrent. In any case Valhalla is looking a pretty bloody good option.
“No animals died in the naming of this story.”
My kitten, Shadow, damn near giggled to death. Then she threw up on the display! Sleeping now! Oh wowh are we!
Hey, and I almost choked on my coffee from laughing so hard……
Dangerous stuff this greenie pyschosis….
All over the world, come spring, pea flowering shrubs turn some shade of yellow, red, orange, purple. Here in Oz we have various delightful two-tones we call simply egg and bacon, and they should be starting soon in my part of NSW…
But even if the bay was named after a traditional high protein breakfast it’s clear that PETA are finding politics much easier than animal welfare. It’s the way of the activist world: anything beats a real job.
Eggs and Bacon Flower; soon to be known as the Flower Whose Name Shall Not Be Mentioned; or, what about The Flower Formally Known As A Traditional Fat Filled Red-neck Ausi Breakfast On Toast, that’s sure to catch on isn’t it?
Rent from people in Eggs And Bacon Bay from $23/night. Find unique places to stay with local hosts
“President of Czechoslovakia”?
No such thing. Ceased to be in 1992
The Czech Republic that wishes to be referrred to as “Czechia” in English preciously had a President named Václav Klaus.
If you’re not looking for a job at the ABC, you should try to be more accurate. 😉
[–Aww – Got me. Thanks. Fixed! – Jo]
There was a song & dance, that may have been only in the Townsville area, back in the 70s. Some clown decided it was racist to have a “WHITE ROCK” just off Magnetic or Palm Island, I forget which. They wanted to rename it albino rock.
It was a prominent feature, used for navigation by small ships, so charts & sailing directions would have had to be changed.
The proponents started to look silly when someone pointed out that sea bird sh1t is not black, brown or albino, but white.
Someone else suggested that James Cook university should conduct experiments to see if feeding the seagulls jellybeans would induce them to poo candy stripes.
More word redefinitions fer our burgeoning
thought-crime Oceana.
Here’s a couple I like:
‘Criminal,’ replaced by ‘Behaviorally challenged.’ ‘Failure,’ replaced by ‘Deferred success.’ 🙂
And one for the greens. ‘Lumberjack,’replaced by ‘Murderer.’
Up in Toowoomba there was a sport stadium stand called ES Nigger Brown Stand at a local football field after a famous Local Sportsman, Ironically E.S. “Nigger” Brown who was so-named because of his unusually fair skin.
The same activist wants Coon Cheese renamed too. Maybe we should rename Malcolm Turnbull because Mal means bad, Turn could be disease as in “Bad Turn” and Bull is often a pseudo swear word being short for Bull-S***. Most offensive I think, Malcolm Turnbull’s should be outlawed or at least kept in a back room and never shown to the public.
For those lefty do-gooders that might be offended this is called “Satire” and despite your best efforts, satire is still protected free speech in this country!
[This was found in moderation and the reason should be obvious to all. Please do not go on commenting with those words that tend to offend. It’s a matter of basic courtesy if nothing else. Thanks.] AZ
Except when you Ironically get moderated for exercising it!
The power of 18C. Mods, the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Everyone else, you’ll see what I means when my “racist” comment comes out of moderation.
Thanks AZ.
I endorse AZ’s comment my Post was about the idiocy of making assumptions that a “Word” always has a negative connotation even though it has a different historical significance. For example Poo, might simply be referring to a cartoon bear of the honey eating variety – clearly likely to die out due to global warming.
Always thought it would stop at renaming Manholes, but clearly not.
To what would you rename a manhole?
Never mind, I’m not sure I want to know the answer.
Will it never end? Maybe we should paint out all signs and put duct tape over our mouths and be done with it.
Oops, we’d need to plug our ears too, lest we hear something offensive. 🙁
I think they renamed them to Personnel Access Portals or some such
How about just calling them a hole in the ground? After all, that is what they are. 😉
Damned keyboard doesn’t work with Port swilling next to it… “preciously” should read ‘previously” though the former is also accurate, but not what I intended to pyte.
And there I was thinking you were just being a bit precious.
But you were just needing to be more accurate.
Isn’t Karma a marvellous experience.
pyte? type? Use but one finger. OTOH kitten can demonstrate from the floor, one pounce from the floor onto the keyboard with many tozes, can lock that puppy up so front panel reboot cannot be! Must unplug and replug! Shadow meanwhile is grinning and licking her royal ass!
Thort so when I first redit.
Keep in mind that Coads council is so dysfunctional that the Tasmanian gov’t has given it 6 months to get its act together or be sacked.
Apparently Eggs and Bacon are bad for ones’ Cholesterol
I have catastrophically bad Cholesterol levels; a walking time bomb.
Does anyone know what causes high Cholesterol and how to get it down?
What we eat today walks and talks tomorrow,
I’m a default vegan but think its silly to change the name of the bay because it was named after a pretty flower.
Rename the flower!
I propose ‘Yellow and red flower’.
“‘Yellow and red flower’.”
That is highly RACIST of you !!
Asian-Indian flower doesn’t sound so PC.
My treatment is to eat lots of steak and chips, alternating with pizza with the lot; double anchovies
Wash it down with lots of beer.
Who gives a da** about cholesterol?
My treatment is to eat lots of steak and chips, alternating with pizza with the lot; double anchovies
Wash it down with lots of beer.
Who gives a da** about cholesterol?
My treatment is to eat lots of steak and chips, alternating with pizza with the lot; double anchovies
Wash it down with lots of beer.
Who gives a da** about cholesterol?
Multiple posting!
Don’t know how that happened.
Probably my “send” button was trembling from being so agile during these exciting times being an Australian.
Also, I still can’t get onto the census site. Big surprise.
Thanks Malcolm and Kev.
“had I three ears I ‘d hear thee”
Macbeth Act 4, Scene 1
WOT (=Way Off Topic 🙂 )
Yay. I’m not alone!
I have a friend’s laptop which does that so quickly and easily, my posts aren’t even finished before they’re up.
If you ask Will J. nicely, he might let Shadow the Keyboard Killer Kitty tame that keyboard for you. If it works for you, then I’ll ask too!
I just assumed the multiple postings were because you were extra hungry. 🙂
You appear to be eating 3 times more than you need.
William and Sophocles —
If you are using a laptop be aware of the sudden unwarranted actions happening due to your hand accidentally dragging on the touchpad as you type. See http://www.pcworld.com/article/241048/how_to_disable_your_laptop_touchpad.html
Multiple posting is a symptom of excess cholesterol.
And just who doesn’t know that?
Shoot your doctor!
eat your doctor
eat your doctor
Shoot your doctor!
Especially if they prescribe statins !!!!!!!!!
Three + years on and my other half is still suffering from the horrendous “side effects” of that dangerous rubbish.
Cholesterol is NOT bad for you, just moderate your diet, try going for a more “whole” foods based diet, drop all trans fats and such nasties, cut the sugar and grains, don’t try to “diet” yourself out of high cholesterol. Don’t try to follow any fad diet (you’ll never be able to stick to and it just causes stress to try – and stress is bad for you!), just adjust and moderate what you do eat, and do what exercise you can.
Sure. Changing the names of places like Eggs and Bacon Bay to something healthier like say, Mong Bean Beach is bound to lower your cholesterol level.
Yes, easily found. First tip: Eating eggs in moderation is not an influence on serum cholesterol. Your body makes it in the liver.
PeterC — Since you asked… I eat dark chocolate for breakfast, with macadamia and cashew nuts. Green tea. I eat extra virgin olive oil on salad with two eggs for lunch. My cholesterol was 2.7. I was concerned it was too low. So I measured it again, and it was 2.5.
I would prefer it a bit higher.
Fair disclosure: There is likely a genetic element to my low cholesterol. But FWIW I don’t eat a lot of carbs. I’m fussy about the quality of my fats, and I eat a lot of salad. The olive oil is used within a year of manufacture. I also use coconut oil, and eat the odd avocado.
What do you do with the even ones?
Even avocado eaters unite!
To all lovers of the even avocado, the time to rise up against the tyranny of odd avocado eaters is upon us!
Ignored, suppressed, pushed to the dark, cramped, back corner of the vegan cafe no longer!
Its time righteous fatty fruit lovers, to march in the streets, to demonstrate, to agitate, to strike fear into the hearts of the oppressor; we must thwart this odd-avo-centric system at every opportunity!
I call upon you devotees of the righteous even avocado way to crush the odd avocado wherever you find it; in its tree, in its pantry, in its shopping basket!
We shall crush them on the streets, we shall crush them on the beaches, we shall crush them with growing confidence, whatever the cost may be; we shall never surrender!
It’s smashed avocado these days.Keep up.
Smashed avocado is an interesting concept.
I always thought that they were stoned.
You don’t get it do you, the odd Avocadoes are on the left, the even ones are the far right nutjob Avocadoes, it’s no wonder they get pushed to the back to be never seen or heard. Of course when you open the odd Avocadoes there is no nut inside (Because clearly odd left avocadoes are not nutjobs)
Interestingly on topic here we are we live in a society where to say, Manhole is an egregious insult to women, but it’s perfectly ok to say to someone that they are a far right wing nutjob denier! No not insulting at all.
Equal rights for Far right wing Nutjob Deniers I say!
I’m more of a Far Right Wing-Nut than a Far right wing Nutjob, or even a Far Right Nutjob Wing Nut, nevertheless, in essence I totally agree with you.
Jo: the research I Read says that higher HDL is the most important metric. 2nd goal is lower LDL, these both respond to KINDS of fats in the diet.
Here in the US, the first step is skipping French Fries (English chips)’, especially those cooked in Omega 6 fats.
I had the issue myself 8’years ago, esp high triglycerides, and brought all 3 metrics into the normal range in 6 mo.
All the best from Texas.
Yes on the HDL/LDL. Yes on the Omega-6s, which I mostly avoid. I eat a higher fat diet, but almost no butter, never margarine, and minimize the vegetable oils except for olive, nuts, and coconut. Avoiding oxidized fats, trans fats, and omega 6s is worth a lot. Avoiding bulk carbohydrates probably helps too. I don’t eat a lot of bread, noodles, pasta or rice, which is a shame cos they are rather tasty, but I don’t miss them much now.
The fussiest food-nerds like EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and source the freshest stuff they can get — even splitting their intake from the NH to the SH through the year to get the latest harvest. Australia has become a bit of leader in assessing the polyphenol content of olive oil, and one zealot site in the US was sourcing half its years worth of oil from Cobram Estate here in Oz. So that’ll do for me. Flax seed oil is probably a decent source of Omega 3.
PS: I only eat the odd avocado, but David eats both the odd and even ones, whole numbers, fractions, everything.
I am not much of a salad muncher but I could enjoy avacado. And Chocolate sounds good also!
I’d like to see him eat one of those unreal numbered avocados. I bet that’s spectacular.
What a co-incidence. The avocados in my diet are imaginary!
Beer is rumored to be a universal solvent for cholesterol.
…and if not who cares?
Scientists turn urine into beer
It’s easier the other way.
Simple, carbohydrates increase cholesterol. Dietary fats have little to no effect. Eschew starches and all sugars. Eat all the meats, fat, eggs, dairy (other than milk) and green leafy veggies you want. Eat when you’re hungry and eat ’til you’re full. You get lean, reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
Ah yes but if we want to reduce weight to look like a 1950s civilized man then its imperative to cut back on the beef, pork and chicken. I don’t keep dead meat in the house, but eat it with relish on the rare occasions I dine out.
Dairy products and eggs are OK in moderation.
Eat only when hungry and don’t treat food as a reward mechanism.
Its also important to recognize that process food is a relatively new invention and if not for the miracle of modern medical science half the population of the western world would be deceased.
Don’t believe all that stuff about Cholesterol & heart attacks PeterC. I have extremely low Cholesterol, but it hasn’t stopped me having 3 heart attacks.
I am starting to wonder if our medicos know any more than our climate scientists.
I’m pretty sure they don’t, Hasbeen. Apart from a few specialists who really do know their stuff, they seem to be little more than prescriptions-writers and shills for the drug-making industry.
PeterrC @ #9
Your high cholesterol is probably an inherited genetic condition like one of my brothers, and doesn’t have much to do with what you eat if recent research is any indicator.
And it depends on the type of cholesterol you have that is “high”.
From; Science Today; Cholesterol
Plus more of the latest research on Cholesterol in this Science Today health section which paints a very different picture on Cholesterol than we have been fed over the last couple of decades.
And have a read on the carbohydrates / protein outcomes and the consequent Andropin levels and the unpredicted health effects on the same page.
This health kick can get confusing to say the least when alternative and contradictory claims are made on the identical items, all occurring apparently as a result of analysis of research results ie; estimates / guesstimates only in a hell of a lot of health research as is the case with most of science today as the excess of scientific troughers greedily grasp for evermore funding.
Then ten years later they reverse most of what they claimed about some supposedly critical to health item and do the fear thing all over again.
When some of the current health fads are traced back to their original research, it has often been found that all the claims and the entire current medical recommendations have been made based on just one paper from some researcher somewhere many years back.
A paper from which the results had usually never been replicated by other researchers but were adopted by the medical research fraternity and then handed on down to the medical proffession because there had been a growing and unchallenged majority of researchers consensus around the paper’s results that nobody questioned and it was claimed to give the right health outcomes so just became accepted as the conventional wisdom as happens with so much science today.
The real advances in science and health come when we have the David Evans of this world and many others across all scientific disciplines who are prepared to step well outside of the current consensus and begin questioning and challenging the current scientific wisdom even if they eventually prove to be wrong or are pushing the wrong science barrow .
That disrupts the current scientific consensus on a subject and then we have progress, often progress in very large lumps and jumps as the old order breaks down as new results begin to flood in.
Thanks ROM,
The Article you referred to was illuminating. In the abstract they say:
I may try to obtain the full article.
PeterC @ #9.12.1
Some very new research is showing that different chemicals / drugs and foods have very different effects on each specific individual.
Which is becoming the driving force behind the new research into the tailoring of drugs and medical treatments to the fit in with the individuals own genetic traits as outlined by genetic testing.
Which to give the short version; what works very well for one person may not work for another or worse, even be detrimental to that other person’s health.
So far the medical research and medical proffessions have used the shotgun effect when advocating specific treatments for a range of diseases and problems on the populace, treating that populace as an apparently homogenous whole.
But when broken down to the individual they are seeing a vast range of different reactions to drugs and surprisingly to a whole range of food types and food groups.
So if somebody says that this works for them, OK, it might work for them but it will quite likely not work as well for others and may even be detrimental health wise for another group of individuals with a different genetic make up and different levels of tolerances for certain foods and drugs and chemicals.
And that applies to statins, drugs, foods and entire food groups.
[ ie one of my brothers can’t consistently eat fruit as immediately he does so he just packs on the kilograms at a very high rate .
He also has a very high long standing cholesterol levels that are genetic in origin
I personally can no longer eat bread products since a very serious stomach upset some years ago as my weight just balloons so my morning scaleing tells me as soon as I have a couple of slices of bread the day before.
I can’t sleep with woolen blankets as I have developed an intolerance some years ago to wool close to my mouth and nose during the sleep periods.
I can’t eat those delicious deep fried tucker products anymore as my blood sugar begins to go ballistic if I do so for more than a meal or two.
Some of that is ageing.
Some is the picking up of new varieties of the innumerable number of viral infections around which firmly implant themselves into one’s system for the duration of the rest of ones life time if you get infected by a version of and then develop an intolerance or a aversion or even an allergy to some products of indeterminate origin including some medical products .
We as a biogenic origin species are also genetic shape shifters in our tolerances for products of every type throughout the length of our lives.
We just have to recognise when something is no longer acceptable to our systems or conversely we suddenly realise that we can tolerate and even like something that was an anathema to us in a previous period of our lives.
And thats the hard part of making our own lives as comfortable as possible, given other circumstances, right through to the end of our lives. ]
Thanks ROM,
I am on the tail end of life now. I just do not want to get panicked into making my declining years worse than they could have been by taking inappropriate medical advice.
Your comments , as well as all the others, have been taken into consideration and are most appreciated.
And so we discover that individuals are in fact individuals.
PeterC –
Although my “beer” comment above was only intended to add a bit of levity to the posts, if your cholesterol is truly very high, may I politely suggest that you ask a doctor to have a complete lipid panel of tests done on you and then to prescribe (or not) based on those results.
For my cholesterol problem the doctor prescribed a drug of the “statin” family and it has worked very well. My wife is also on a “statin” though it is different from mine, but eqaully successful.
Thanks F.Ross,
Levity is fine.
Most Cholesterol depends on your bodies default regulation mechanism, but buck up because the biggest meta study in history shows that Cholesterol is NOT related to heart attacks.
Eliminate Sugar/super carbs like wheat/corn flour or potato – Ironically generally of vegetable origin. Sugar/carbs are the biggest health problem unless you’re an olympic athelete.
Look at it this way, Fat and protein are hard to process, your body will use glucose (from sugars) if it can. Generally your body won’t process much fat/protein unless it runs out of glucose. When that happens you start to reduce fats to produce energy, but your body can’t tell stored fats from consumed fats. Even while eating a relatively high fat diet you will lose weight if you don’t eat high energy carbs like sugar because, always some of the fat comes from stored fat (energy reserves).
Me, I try to almost completely eliminate the carbs while keeping fat to normal.
Be sure to get all your nutrients though – no vegetarian diets OK, they are very bad for your metabolism, particularly for Women
…Ironically generally of vegetable origin…
Nothing ironic about it. The reality is that humans are not evolved to be vegetarians much less vegans, any more than chimps and gorillas are (and neither passes up an occasional meaty snack). We are not obligate carnivores any more than dogs are, but we are readily capable of being pure carnivores and remaining healthy for very protracted periods. Arctic peoples frequently were pure carnivores for more than 3/4s of a year. We do better with fruit, but have a very difficult time avoiding Vitamin D deficiency – which has been linked to such familiar problems as type II diabetes, and heart disease.
I think you really need to read the book mentioned in this link.
Bad cholesterol? Or too much of the LDL (bad bad cholesterol) vs the HDL (heavenly good stuff) ?
Reduce soy-based everything, eat more fish, walnuts. That ups the good stuff. Kale and oatmeal are said to be good for reducing the bad LDL – Kale is an awesome (but stinky and somewhat bitter) green.
I got my numbers fixed just with changing the diet. Statins made me super sick, so had no choice, really. Added Kale in smoothies (not so bad as it sounds) and as a side dish a few times a week, added oatmeal to the morning mix, cut back on the cheeses and added more fish. Still eat things like steak, beef roast, pork chops, etc – just not as often.
Some say we get tons of Omega 3s because soy is in damn near everything – and too much Omega 3 is as bad or maybe worse (depending on who you read) than too little. Eat lots of walnuts to balance it out. Fish has a good mix of all the stuff you need, so it’s a good protein source. Or listen to the folks who say it’s all wrong and just don’t worry, or worry lots and only eat grains and beans.
That’s the kind of thing that comes from brains starved of B12, animal fat and a bunch of other nutrients found in animal products.
Defund it or sell it.
Put it down like you would a rabid dog that bites its master.
But where will you find a buyer? I know, “Two Eggs” a small unincorporated community in Jackson County, Florida.
‘Defund it or sell it?’
Deconstruct it slowly, selling off parts like they did at SBS two years ago when Delux got a chunk.
They called it a partnership but in effect it condemned those SBS staff to survive in a free enterprise environment. As you know the real world can be a brutal place, quite different to the pampered existence of a public servant. Its not going well for them.
Do not put the dog down, it has only eaten loco weed and should get its balance back within a couple of years. Remember the big picture is the paradigm shift and for the time being we need aunty to please explain how they got it so wrong.
OK. So that’s what happens when you have a vegan dog.
Deconstruction sounds like a good third way.
In the short term it would be a political no brainer to even suggest dismantling the structure.
‘New polling from Essential Research shows Australia’s most trusted media outlet remains ABC television news and current affairs: 70% of voters have some or a lot of trust in it, including 21% who say they have “a lot of trust”. But that’s down three points from January of this year. SBS television news and current affairs is also trusted, with 65% of voters having some or a lot of trust.’
Crikey 2013
As the ABC staffers seem to believe they are so essential to the running of the nation, just make them an offer of a management buy-out to the value of the ABC’s infrastructure, their programming is not worth anything , of the whole ABC kit and caboodle.
Sweeten the offer up by offering to provide a fixed amount of depreciating funding that will cease in say 3 to 5 years while the new management gets its funding established after which they will have to raise all of their own funds to keep operating just like the commercial stations have to do.
If they refuse such a generous offering to own their own media and all its infrastructure built and paid for by taxpayers, a media outlet that crosses all media types and boundaries then we know what the entire ABC is really worth or that in the eyes of its own employees and staff, is worthless.
The ABC of course when created was based on the British BBC.
I can still remember my father going off the planet when he received the quite considerable bill for the ABC’s license fee each year that went out to every household whether you listened to the ABC or not.
Just like the BBC’s present and very long lived license system which still applies across the UK today but is now coming under some very heavy pressure to be dispensed with as another hidden tax.
The ABC [ Australian Broadcasting Commission ] was created as a service to Australians as the commercial radio system network was still in its infancy and was rudimentary at best when viewed across the whole of a sparsely settled Australian continent back in the early 1900’s.
It filled that role in radio in particular very well indeed particularly to the rural areas where the ABC had a whole string of studios in the larger rural towns and cities which were usually staffed by two or three reporters .
As such its approach to reporting was usually conservative and was very neutral, deliberately so in reporting politics.
This situation lasted until the late 1970’s when the leftards began to move into the media promoted propaganda game in a big way.
Think Greenpeace, the rise of the almost totally city centred, rural country and natural environment ignorant in the extreme, greens, and other similar do-gooder, saving the planet types who wormed their way into what was government run organisation that didn’t have to show a profit and therefore there was no real sense of responsibility to any identifiable group such as the shareholders and owners of the commercial media outlets.
Now there is the drive by the ABC hierarchy to centralise everything in Sydney in the interests of “efficiency” otherwise known as centralising control and power which basically abandons the rest of Australia and the attitudes and cultures of the other major Australian cities as well as the rural and country culture and its people and their interests.
Yet the ABC hierarchy and staffers along with their selfie delusions, are now becoming increasingly isolated from the rest of Australia and have settled very comfortable down amongst the city centric elites and have removed themselves very far indeed from the real Australia outside of that inner city Sydney environment.
Yet they persist in deluding themselves that they are somehow still important and arrogantly assume that they will remain important to the extent that they can never be shut down, as a part of Australia’s cultural outlook.
Increasingly isolated from mainstream Australia, side tracked through the increasing arrogant, grossly intolerant and and vapourous green leftist influences now firmly established within the upper levels of the ABC’s hierarchy into supporting very peripheral and unimportant, intolerant and highly socially destructive but currently fashionable semi cultist social movements, all of which coupled with the still believed self created grandiose delusion that they, the ABC somehow still speaks for all of Australia.
As we are now beginning to see everywhere in the democracies, the populace as a whole is reaching the end of its tolerance for this outright attempts to destroy the democratic and social structures of many western nations .
And the whole intolerant hard left, social reconstruction of society along socialistic trending communistic lines of which the ABC is becoming a mouth piece, is beginning to back fire as the populace begins to say enough is enough.
The ABC in wrapping itself in the hard left socialistic cloak and preaching and trying to enforce through leftist and intolerant propaganda, its ideological beliefs onto the public so isolating itself from the general populace as an elitist organisation, is in the process of signing its own death warrant.
And many are beginning to say; Unless there is a major change in the ABC’s increasingly leftist ideological and increasingly divisive and harsh, bigoted approach towards the conservative side of politics along with an increasingly arrogant elitist attitude, its time for the ABC to be wound up for the good of the nation.
That’s precisely the problem Sceptical Sam, if the damned mutt had stayed away from the exotic weed and tofu in the first place we wouldn’t be facing the dread prospect of having to tell the kids it’s time for pooch to face the big green needle.
I’m doing my Cencus!! – at 8pm as I was at the last part before submitting and the cleaver little bast**ds block everything with a message “Please wait, request in progress” so I can’t finish/submit.
How many of us had that niggling little doubt in the back of our heads – hmmm …. what? ~10 million households +, in one night ONLINE! = REALLY??
Oh what a clusterf***! YEP it appears it will/has CRASHED!
5 Years ago the government had active PFD files you could download, fill out at your leisure and submit easily.
Butt it appears some very cleaver company has convinced the Cencus people “WE CAN DO THIS”!!!
I wonder if they were the same bunch who did the QLD Health care pay system = probably – our gov.au is great at checking past performance/references!
So what do I do now = hope to hell that the whole site crashed so Gov.au must accept fail and NOT FINE me and the millions of other poor plebs who tried to do the right thing ??
Best advise to those attempting this farce – SAVE AND EXIT EACH PAGE and reload site so at least they can see you tried!!
Posting at 8.35 and yes it is still locked up.
BUGGER did the wrong thing and now I will have to start again!!
“Thank you for participating in the Census. The system is very busy at the moment. Please wait for 15 minutes before trying again. Your patience and cooperation are appreciated. [code 9]”
OH really why am I NOT SURPRISED!!
Yep same problem with mine CoIA, couldn’t submit it or save and exit ended up closing the page, went back an hour later can’t get the site up.
If I try it again does my duplicated information refer to another me in an alternate time dimension?
Your duplicate(s) will vote Green in every subsequent election.
Only in a Bizarro World would my clones commit such crimes!
Second thoughts their world would be actually warming from anthropogenic CO2, but 97% of scientists would agree it wasn’t!
“This site can’t be reached” ==== CRASHED AND BURNED!!
OUR TAXES PAY FOR THIS …. so who will accept responsibility???
So sad our gov.au can’t perform!!
Forget the “Send an inquiry” @ https://stream20.census.abs.gov.au/eCensusWeb/help_form.jsp
to the ABS it don’t work!!
I filled in the paper, though the computer was free and right in front of me. My recent experiences with government websites of all kinds convinced me not to even try doing the census online.
Never mind. Our PM is a former communications minister who brought email to Oz. He’ll get right on to it…just as soon as he gets right on to everything else. He just has to go carefully. One more frown or sharp word from the ABC harpies would finish him emotionally.
10pm the site is still DEAD and a bottle of red lubrication latter = hmmm … total lack of interest = time for bed and watch the sh*t hit the fan in the morning!!
Goog night all, don’t let the bed bugs bite (or gov.au!)!!
Census website still busy at 1:00 in the morning !!
Lucky I did mine two days ago.
“So what do I do now = hope to hell that the whole site crashed so Gov.au must accept fail and NOT FINE me and the millions of other poor plebs who tried to do the right thing ??”
In the UK this is recognised as a feature not a bug.
Rumour is it was hacked from overseas.
It was a lone wolf DDoS attack by a mentally unwell person. We don’t know yet if he had a picture of Anders Breivik in his drawer but at school he possessed an atlas which clearly showed Norway. Relatives say the quiet youth was radicalised by watching The Apprentice while gorging on cheezels.
Census computer have CRASHED !! 🙂
Computer says nooooo……sorry.
As soon as I read the census leaflet I thought uh-oh if only half the population actually try this when asked its going to crash. Then I forgot all about it 🙂
Waffle strikes again !! 🙂 🙂
I filled mine in last night, on the basis that nothing would be different tonight (it wasn’t, of course) and the easy prediction that 10m people accessing the same site on the same night would cause the ABS system to crash … I mean, who would have thought that was likely ? 🙂 🙂
As Lil Abner said: “The country’s in the very best of hands”. These people are truly a parasitic curse on the productive class.
I’m hearing that IBM are in this
– no doubt following up their successful launch of the Qld Health payroll system?
Filled out our census paper version and just put a line through where our names were supposed to go.
My conclusion was that the whole census form was never intended to be filled out by anybody past the work retiring age.
Considering what those in the older age groups are now costing the tax payers a great deal indeed and I and my wife very unfortunately, are numbered in that category, you would have thought that the Census forms would have had a section geared to establish a stack of statistics on the older generation’s activities, health, life style, mobility and everything else.
But nothing at all on the older generations except an overall basic age question and an income question.
Census night use to be a very important night during most of my lifetime but considering the cluster f— surrounding the running of this census, that respect and careful accuracy from the populace in filling out the census form will be replaced by a far more casual approach to the numbers and even an outright highly inventive corrupting of the numbers by a big part of the population if the Census Bureau continues on in this highly inept and normal government public servant run fashion.
Talking about this very thing this afternoon ROM, with an employee of that benighted Qld department. They say that there might finally be a fix in place, but it does require employees filling out a time sheet every day – just like they did decades ago. I guess that’s not bad, I mean it’s only been about 4 – 5 years to get to this point in the repair………
Just another load of greenie farm shit for the compost!
I`m 96 and I have bacon and egg every morning – no shit !!!
Geoff W
Geoffrey, you have to vary your morning diet, mate..
I suggest you have eggs and bacon tomorrow morning ! 🙂
Try a laxative?
Read The Age.
I remember Granma, At her house, no electricity yet but is in the barn for the milking machines and coolers. The smell in the kitchen in morning and smiling ‘her’ ‘sweet boy’ you want bacon unt egg or oatmeal unt milch less dan to minute out from Gertrude, da best Cow?
Now when the cops stop me; tis Solly i no speeka da englitch i yust been in dis country a short distance!
All the best! -will-
It strikes me this comes from the same source that decided to rename ‘Fairy Penguins’ to ‘Little Penguins’. On the assumption that the original name is a slight on the GLBTI community, I canvassed a few, and none could give a toss.
I’ll take their advice when they decide that Port Fairy is renamed to Port Little.
I recall a place called Fairy’s inlet….. no wait that was a club in kings Cross, moving on….
Rename Eggs and Bacon Bay? What an offal idea! (runs for cover …)
… And, btw, what they want is not a “nanny state”, even if you accept the implied insult (to an adult) of being treated as a child. A nanny is an employee who does her employer’s bidding, and can simply be fired if she does not do the job satisfactorily. What they are building around us is a child molester state, which just screws us hollow and doesn’t give a toss what we think.
It’s off-topic, but no-one seems to have noticed ‘The Observer’ newspaper from last Sunday here in the UK.
The headline’s a full-on climate scary story. This newspaper is part of the ‘Guardian’
group – ’nuff said here I think.
I’m not sure if this link will take you straight to the article, but if not, just ‘google’ The Observer.
If you wish to email The Observer, then you’ll need to give them your name, address and telephone number (for ‘verification’!), with the letter less than 250 words long. No attachments are accepted, and you’ll need to put Letters to the Editor in the subject field. The email address is:
[email protected]
This article contains all the worn-out old cliches, including a picture of the Maldives – which won’t of course come as a surprise!
Possible new PETA related names:
– Newkirk Bight.
– Gastro Gulf.
– Annoying Sound.
– Loch Lentil.
– Notso Straight.
– Opinion Narrows.
– Bay of pigs.
– Drooling Mouth.
– Harbour of Doubt.
– Mealy Mouth.
– Killjoy Cove.
– Bay of pigs.
– Bay of FIGS??
Maybe they want the name changed because it is not halal.
I don’t know, I think they make a valid point, I mean it really is annoying when you’re driving the car, trying to read your new buffalo skin map to find directions and the juices dribble all over your going out clothes; really messes up your day out.
>>> Most Boring Nation on earth
… this title will always be held by Greenland; unless of course ‘melting ice sheets’ and polarbeargeddon suits your tourist fancy. In fact, if one was to believe the warmageddon propaganda, one might be fooled into thinking it was safe to go on a hike without proper equipment or a bear gun, in which case it would probably be generically reported that you ‘died of Global Warming’ (which would, given the context, be quite correct).
Eggs and Bacon Bay is only a small drive from my house, and if they ever changed the name, I think I would be tempted to open a rest house on the roadside called EGGS AND BACON FOREVER, with a huge big sign plastered with piglets and chickens – to tempt the Greens voters in Hobart; it’s like bloody Melbourne in places in Hobart … cafe latte sipping trust fund hipster babies – aka, Greens voters – everywhere.
I love it (hate it) how all of the out of towners are so bored and obviously surfing the wave of cultural rot, that they have to lobby political people and stooges at the ABC to justify their own reason-for-existence by renaming someone else’s toponyms.
Can we rename Melbourne as it is named after a white male imperialist? We could call it Greentopia, even though it is a big concrete slab … and maybe rename St Kilda as St Bandt while we are at it? … and we could lobby to have all the power cables cut into the greater Melbourne area, as not to allow the cafe latte sipping hypocrites to lecture everyone else about their ‘carbon footprint’ without first having to heat their coffee pots with a parabolic sun mirror?
I can dream can’t I?
A Terrifying Polar Bear Attack Thriller
It’s 2025, in Newfoundland, Canada. In the small northern town of St. Anthony, a local family is ambushed by a polar bear just beyond their front door. . . . more
Ha ha! Nice one!
But I thought Canada would be under water by 2025 though?
Al Gore said we could take that prediction to the bank! …as long as we bank with his chosen carbon trading facility in the City of London!
I find this is a simple problem. Call it the “Over Easy and Crisp Bay”.
(well, that sounds delicious to me anyway..)
Nobody except Martin Durkin, a British TV documentary producer, has noted in detail how eerily the vegetarian-environmentalist-global warming crowd mimics the Nazis. His website posts three essays on the the history of Nazi Greens starting from post feudal times in Germany. Remember Hitler was the vegetarian in chief for that bunch, and they were all blood and soil environmentalists. There are one or two books on the subject, too.
Time somebody pointed it out to the world. The website with the discussion is at:
“Only a registered peer reviewed approved climatologist can speak about the climate on the ABC, but animal activists can tell us what we should eat.”
I’d guess Murry Salby is not qualified by the approval requirement.His latest presentation as seen on No Tricks Zone on Aug.7 deserves to be published widely.
A bay in far off Tasmania,
Falls foul of the Green megalomania,
To change place names for good,
Named from non vegan food,
And supported by A.B.C. mania.
Why does PETA want to change the name of “Eggs and Bacon Bay?” Is it to reduce consumption of meat and dairy products? Or is it to avoid offending chickens and pigs? Giving credence to inanities and the organizations who promote them has long since passed being reasonable and become an inanity in its own right. I’ll play. I’m thinking of starting PETI–People for the Ethical Treatment of Inanities. Monthly dues will $20–payable to the Jo Nova chocolate fund.
It’s because the staffers are attention (Deleted).
A couple-three decades back, PETA launched a similar attention-grabbing stunt, demanding that Fishkill, NY be renamed. As a new name, I suggested Babysealkill. I doubt if that had any role in sinking the proposal, but nonetheless I’m still fond of the idea.
I’ll have mine “over easy” as we Yanks say!….:-)
Eggs and Bacon bay? There could be a tourist boom. However it is a tiny place at the end of the Huon valley and is incredibly isolated. The nearest cafe is in the Cygnet Central hotel 10Km away, so you would have to take your own breakfast and sit on the sand. They could rename it with Lentil lagoon, Bran bay, chickpea or carrot cove and porridge point but no one would go there. Too boring and quite tasteless.
Whole cities and countries could be renamed to please PETA. Turkey for one. Then Hamburg, Frankfurt, Bologna and even Pisa. You can no longer have your Eggs Florentine even if the spinach is healthy as the eggs are not, apparently. French fries however are agreed to be deadly and France should be renamed.
What again? Fries were invented in Belgium but they lost the naming rights for reasons I have never bothered to look for. Blame Cultural Imperialism and the Greenies will all stand on their hind legs and shout that it is unacceptable and must be changed. Don’t ask change what? As it will confuse their tiny frontal lobes.
As my old Maths teacher would say “they haven’t got the brains of a raspberry seed”.
Constipation Cove?
Gruel Grove?
How about a change to Sea Level Rise or Climate Change Cove.
I think these sickos should be put down!
Perhaps someone should ask the Marylebone Cricket Club to change the name of their tie?
Having eggs and bacon is one of the healthiest meals around but in moderation like anything else. The world is certainly getting madder by the day. I wonder what next? Ban eggs and bacon itself? If one is consistent then yes that would be their next step. Fortunately for us who enjoy eggs and bacon they are not consistent so it probably won’t happen.
A crack appeared on the ABC morning show, they were all laughing at the green stupidity and generally agreed that bacon and eggs make a great breakfast.
All we need now is for those four anchors to laugh at climate change stories and we’ll be home and hosed.
Goodness me who has egg all over their face now!
Its a bit like the Australian habit of naming all poisonous snakes ‘brown snakes’ even if they arent actually very brown.;)
feel the Bern – another climate crusader chooses a “beachfront” property:
9 Aug: MichelleMalkin: Doug Powers: Climate change causes crusader against capitalism Bernie Sanders to buy $600k summer home
“Sanders’ new waterfront crib has four bedrooms and 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront on the east side of the island — facing Vermont, not New York.”…
The proponent of socialism from Vermont now has three homes, which is more than the the Clintons own (if you don’t count Bill’s suite on Epstein’s jet), but Bernie’s still behind when it comes to square footage…
Oh, Jo, you really can put a spoke into the despair that invades me most mornings when I read the news! So funny, and the comments from your regulars are hilarious. Thank you so much, I feel better already and am tempted to make a BLT for lunch, with a glass of Margaret River red!
Mayor Peter Coad is gullible!
18 Jul: Hobart Mercury: Bruce Mounster: Huon Valley Mayor Peter Coad calls for permanent flood fix for Huonville
THE Huon Valley Council has a moral obligation to protect its constituents from floods, which are expected to occur more often and be worse, Mayor Peter Coad says.
Cr Coad said as Huonville households and businesses picked up the pieces after the Huon River’s worst flood in 20 years, the council needed to turn its attention towards combating the next flood.
“This town is at sea level and the sooner we start the better. The council has a moral obligation,’’ he said…
But he said the community needed to face up to the likelihood of more extreme and more frequent flooding as a result of climate change…
9 Aug: Washington Times: Valerie Richardson: Most voters oppose government prosecution of climate skeptics, say debate isn’t over: poll
Survey comes as Democratic attorneys general have been targeting ExxonMobil
A Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday found that 69 percent of likely U.S. voters are opposed to such investigations, while only 15 percent approve of them. Another 16 percent are undecided…
Only 25 percent of voters in Tuesday’s survey said they believe the debate on global warming is settled, contrary to the claims of Democratic lawmakers, while 61 percent said the debate is not over…
Just 26 percent of Republicans and 28 percent of Democrats agree that the debate about global warming is “over,” as opposed to 19 percent of unaffiliated voters…
The debate is over? What debate? 25% think the ‘debate is over’? When was there ever an informed public debate, let alone between people who were reputable scientists, let alone in a related field? Even Obama quotes 97% of scientists when he knows that is not true. Kerry the same. Innumerates.
Al Gore is not a scientist. His essay for his Arts degree was on the impact of Television in the Nixon campaign.
Sir Paul Nurse is scientist but a genetecist and physicists who are also Nobel prize winners say it is all absurd, even the notion of a single global temperature. Our very own Timmy is a very dead kangaroo thesis populist writer with no hard science qualifications. None of our Climate Commission had any meteorology qualifications. The debate is not over! It never started. Science is not truth by consensus. Global Warming remains a political opinion, nothing more.
No one has even established that mankind can change CO2 levels let alone be responsible for an increase or even that a 50% CO2 increase since 1900 has caused any measurable heating. Apart from a short period 1985-95 when all the thermometers changed, there has been no detectable heating at all for 70 years and the quality and range of records before that time are not good enough.
Why then is all opinion on Global Warming polarized so strongly as purely a Green/Labor/Democrat issue exclusively supported by the media, unions and public servants? What do they know that other people do not know? Climate Change makes Scientology and the Rapture look like real science.
Good one, Jo. My second laugh this morning, after the government spokesman trying to explain the Census muck up. I think it was that Chinese swimmer, getting revenge. As for Eggs and Bacon Bay, I suggest they call it Greyhound Bay. This should keep PETA happy.
Think, these people are so stupid they will abuse you for advocating eating greyhounds.
That’s because they are only skin and bone, with a bit of tough muscle.
Got to hand it to you Graeme No.3, sometimes it’s the shortest comments that are the best.
I think all the locals should name their houses like Steak Chops Mince Bacon would really piss off these interfering nutters and would look good on the letter boxes.
Don’t give in to the PETA screwball putsch to make everything vegan. Hen & Chicken Bay on the Paramatta River will be next. Probably renamed Tofu & Lentil Bay.
News Flash
Valentina Zharkova is in agreement with Scafetta, we are looking at clear signs of cooling by 2020.
There may come a time soon when everyone wished CO2 actually produced significant heating.
So far a 50% increase has produced none, so there is little hope of that. The world’s fresh water will be locked up in ice and the world needs three things, fresh water, CO2 and sunlight. Cities could be left with their harbours out of the water like many silted up harbours from Roman times like Ostia and Ephesus.
TdeF: agreed entirely regarding the CO2 increase – I’m interested in the 50% increase you mention – which set of figures does this come from?
For my part, I’m fond of using the atmospheric increase from the pre-industrial 280ppm to the present (just over) 400ppm in discussions (or arguments!).
That’s an increase of just over 43%. It’ll be higher now I daresay.
Whatever, we’re all still here! It’s surely crystal clear that CO2 isn’t doing much at all – perhaps that’s why the climatic great and the good insist on fiddling about with piddling temperature changes of a fraction of a degree in order to convince us that we’re all doomed, and of course to get lots of grant money from gullible politicians.
It depends on your threshold for outrage: I recall a time when Leftie folks were going around saying that the world would laugh at Straya unless they renamed a sports field in Toowoomba that was named after a famous black footy player (whose nickname started with ‘N’ and used all the letters in ‘ginger’… I hesitate to even type it these days, because it almost certainly gets ‘moderated’ away).
They’ve won that battle now – anyone who uttered a peep in protest these days, would be sent for adult re-education or would have their kids kicked out of gummint school (which may not be a bad thing).
Little by little, the Left is trying to ‘nudge’ people to thinking the right thoughts at all times. Anything less would be doubleplusungood and they doubleplus unbellyfeel such things.
And shock, horror, the census site crashed. That’s what happens when the site is built by some political crony.
Sadly, I was not home at the time – I was at an undisclosed location without an address, to which I repair every time the vermin of .gov demand that furnish information for them. If they want me to fill out forms, they should pay me to do so – and give me a free infinite-expiration call option over their personal property that I can exercise when it turns out that they stored the data with security that could not withstand a determined teenager. (You do realise that will turn out to be the case, right?)
I reckon the Tasmanians should rename nearby hills Hash Brown Mountain
Hey, off topic I know, but I cant resist….the ABS Census web site debacle – caused by climate change….add it to the list!
Maybe someone will get funding to study the impact of higher temps on incompetance…I think they will find temps wont affect stupidity – its hard wired….
I’m pretty sure that this falls into the category of “First World Problem”…….
Slightly O/T whilst we are talking about silly decisions/choices.
Has Australia really just passed a law that criminalises inciting ridicule?
If so, that means free speech is dead in Australia.
How on earth did that happen?
I’m reasonably sure that the laws you’re thinking of are old (in NSW the relevant amendment to the ADA happened in 1989) and only apply to specific narrow cases (race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation etc); Federally, the Crimes Act s85ze makes it an offence to write stuff on the internet that intentionally causes someone to be subjected to harrassment; s18C of the Racial Discrimination Act makes it an offence to write, do or utter stuff that is ‘reasonably likely’ to hurt someone’s feefeez if the writing, doing or uttering are based on the race, colour, or national or ethnic origin of the person.
So there’s not a ‘law against ridicule’ unless the gentle snowflake being ridiculed is part of a racial, ethnic or national group (and then, only if the racial, ethnic or national group trades on its ‘oppressed’ status… I’m part-Maori, and there is literally nothing that any pakeha can say that could possibly cause any Maori to be/feel ridiculed, because Maori are so universally proud of who they are that 75% whitefellas like me line up around the block to identify as ‘Hori’).
Anyhow… as to Aussie law: if I say/write
That should be OK but would depend critically on the judge’s religious views (which should make them recuse themselves, but would not – religion often makes people behave dishonestly).
However if I write
… well, that wouldn’t sit well with the corpulent tax-welfare-queen Brandis and the rest of the tax-parasite control freaks – despite not naming the group making the land claim by name, ethnocultural group or anything else.
As I said… the aim is to affect the marginal agitator – to tilt the cost-benefit calculation such that some subset of people who would otherwise agitate, will rationally abstain from doing so.
When it gets bad enough, and people like me have had a gutful of it, someone will leak all the vile stuff that folks like Brandis do in their grasping venal climb up the greasy pole of political life. Politics is like making sausages or running an abbatoir: those who benefit most, are happiest when people don’t think too much about how the system ‘works’.
PR Free Speech is dead. The law can be subjectively reinforced (or ignored) as it suits those in power. Read the Human Rights Tribunal summary of what 18C means to see how elastic it is. People involved in the Bolt case were 7/8th white but identify as an ethnic group. There is no scientific definition that makes sense here. “Offence” and “insult” is as unmeasureable and meaningless as the determination of witchness that was prevalent in the 1600s.
The common name of the Birds Foot Trefoil where I come from is “bacon and eggs”, not “eggs and bacon”.
“Healthy Alternative Bay” should have leading capital letters.
Obviously the ABC and probably many “journos “at fairfaux would consider this as a serious issue.Members of PETA and vegans are probably offended by the old world term Egg and Bacon.Could be a test case for 18c .Offence has been taken and these nuts are bordering on religious zealots.How do I fair?I live in a little community called UpperPlenty,will the feminists demand a name change due to its offencive connotation .Just happens to be the catchment area for the plenty river.Im really over these nutters and their ABC( Anti Beef Collective )
Gday Greg.
I used to live down the other end of that catchment in the tiny town of Plenty. There wasn’t plenty of anything much in those days, just rabbits, and a fair few lowland hillbillies; anyway, we can probably think ourselves lucky we don’t live in Pakenham Upper.
Eggs and bacon bay goes well with wineglass bay if the glass is full.
Please do not get me started on PETA. This organization is composed solely of totally ignorant children trying to pretend they’re adults.
Enough said.
Add hash brown potatoes and, “Eggs, Hash Browns and Bacon Bay,” sounds absolutely perfect. Who could possibly want to change its name?
I assume one can drink a little morning coffee there but that wouldn’t be a requirement.
I must be the only reader who appreciates hash brown potatoes. I’m surprised. 😉
Any suggestions for the renaming of RockingHAM and RockHAMpton plus the many other names of all sorts that have any form of vague similarity to an animal?
Fat Cat and Humphrey B Bear should also look out as PETA could use them as examples of animal victimisation
According to a local libertarian, Mr Coad has brought the Huon Valley Council to its knees. However, “most of the Greenies there think he is bloody wonderful – a martyr to the Evil Redneck Oligarchy.
He is the best argument ever against popularly elected councils. I understand there will be a meeting with a committee tonight to prepare a case for returning to the Westminster system of Wardens elected from the floor of the Council Chamber. This is to be presented to the Minister for LG. Popularly elected mayors are a disaster when you get someone like Peter Coad elected. He only got in because people thought he was a pro-development local.”
“So when a group concerned with animal welfare announces a frivolous bid to change the name of a bay to promote human dietary concerns they get instant ABC free advertising. When an Australian launches a group of 60 people including the former President of The Czech Republic to try to keep the poor warm, it’s crickets from the ABC: go find a mention of Clexit.”
ABC is just one of the Australian government’s organs of state propaganda. ABC could just as well be named Pravda (Russian meaning “truth”) or Tass (Russian meaning “news”). Recall the old Soviet saying regarding Pravda (truth) and Tass (news): “…there’s no truth in the news and no news in the truth.”