A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Not as silly as it sounds. What will the warmenistas have to say if Hell does start to freeze over in the next decade or so (or even sooner)?
Don’t expect an apology or even a retraction form the global warming alarmists. They will figure out some excuse and still peddle the tax scam. The models can easily be fiddled to produce whatever outcome they need to support their religion.
‘They will figure out some excuse …’
The Klimatariat will find it hard to explain a gradual cooling trend as CO2 continues to climb.
The MSM and HADCRUD will handle that eventuality. They’ll just make stuff up. I.e., lie.
Hmmm, there were records showing cooling for the thirty years prior to 1977, then the coldest winter the U.S. experienced in a century, can only go a couple of ways from there – colder or warmer, thank goodness we got warmer – until 2014 and the coldest winter the U.S. experienced in a century and a half.
The Russians did say that we would start to see some cooling effects in 2014 based on their ISS work examining the diameter of the sun and other work. Personally think we have to wait for the next solar minimum about 2022.
“What will the warmenistas have to say if Hell does start to freeze over “
From NOAA.. “This is the hottest year EVER”!
I just wonder where are the records now that showed cooling till 1977?
They’ve been homogenised.
My apologies – OT
Given the warmist penchant, nay addiction to extreme alarmist hyperbole, has any dependable data surfaced regarding current Hurricane Patricia? It is presently being advertised as the greatest evah….
It appears quite difficult to corroborate the claim.
In a cooling world we should actually see MORE hurricanes and extreme weather events. Smart of the war-mists to claim this is the result of AGW. I wonder when the ‘people’ will wake up and pay attention. Probably when the renewable energy supplies are frozen over and the electric car can’t charge and no way to get to the supermarkets to buy food and fuel.
Now Radio NZ reports that the hurricane has been downgraded to Category 2…after the greatest winds EVAH reported in the northern hemisphere.
Love to meet the crew of the plane under orders to report their ‘data’.
Ah yes, Hurricane Patricia, the weakest catastrophic hurricane ever predicted by the weakest catastrophic predictors.
65 KTS…75 MPH…120 KM/H.
A bit windy is all.
PS Sorry for caps..
its a cut and paste.
Darn, and they have now changed the report time to 1500.
Time for morning coffee , methinks 😉
Remember, remember the last cyclone to come ashore in Queensland was a category 5 until the wind speeds were actually measured and it turned out to be a cat 2. The media played that one down very quickly & quietly.
Now the poor oppressed Mexicans had to have the strongest most powerful hurricane ever [possibly propaganda for the Paris meeting??} NO THEY COULD NOT POSSIBLY BE THAT DEVIOUS.
Even the Mexican authorities stated that damage was very light. I wonder exactly how high the wind speeds were.
Oh for the days we could believe statements from any form of authority…either here or world wide.
Has anyone any idea when “evah” started in this report? Is it only since satellites started seeing hurricanes?
Dave B
At #19 below, Pat has posted a link to a brietbart article which gives me a number. “Evah” is 30 years old according to that article.. Now aint that terrifying…
Thanks Pat.
Dave B
That is truly scary. What is the likelihood that this will happen?
CO2 apparently doesn’t cause global warming, so in order to know what is happening we have to look back.
The system appears chaotic, but I’m betting its closer to a random walk. A repeat of the 1962-63 winter would put the warmists on the back foot.
Keep in mind that our ancestors have survived an ice age and so can we.
Yes, if I go back enough generations, the vast majority of my grandmothers would have had a beard. They all survived, moderately well, or I would not be here to comment on the fact.
Not that it tells us anything useful about what is happening in the world today. Except, of course, that anything that happens today, that has not happened before, in the personal experience of the current 15-40 year cohort, is cause for fear, alarm, and mind-numbing panic.
23 Oct: ClimateDepot: Marc Morano: Fighting AGW is a ‘mad obsession’ – New 195-Page White Paper by French Scientists Declare: ‘The battle against global warming is an absurd, costly & pointless crusade’
The Paris France based Mathematical Calculation Society, SA: ‘There is not a single fact, figure or observation that leads us to conclude that the world‘s climate is in any way =disturbed‘. It is variable, as it has always been, but rather less so now than during certain periods or geological eras.’
‘Rising sea levels are a normal phenomenon linked to upthrust buoyancy; they are nothing to do with so-called global warming. As for extreme weather events – they are no more frequent now than they have been in the past.’
‘We are fighting for a cause (reducing CO2 emissions) that serves absolutely no purpose, in which we alone believe, and which we can do nothing about. You would probably have to go quite a long way back in human history to find such a mad obsession.’…
23 Oct: CFact: Craig Rucker: UN climate text adds “An International Tribunal of Climate Justice”
Negotiators at the UN climate talks in Bonn, Germany resurrected the “International Tribunal of Climate Justice” and inserted it into the text they are preparing for nations to agree to at the big UN summit in Paris in December. The draft text will allow developing nations to sit in judgment over the U.S. and its allies, but not subject those nations to the tribunal’s jurisdiction themselves. From the October 20th UN draft text (full text available at…
The UN are hell-bent on imposing their doctrine of post-2015 millennium goals which depend in no large part on the success of COP21 and the success of the trade agreements. The destination is global governance by 2030, largely at the hands of ‘civil society’. Is there a refuge on the planet somewhere, a refuge where rationality prevails and freedom from this madness? It’s going to be interesting to see the refugees escaping from totalitarianism stream into India…China….Russia…pure irony and volte-farce.
Pat – “International Tribunal of Climate justice”. I think that the developing nations have now jumped the shark in their attempt to screw the west. Not withstanding the $100b p.a. price for any agreement they have now made a demand that scuppers Obamas ploy to bypass congress and the senate. Such an obligation must redefine the agreement and require a 66% majority in both houses. With this clause there, agreement is impossible.
Of course it may be a bargaining counter reminiscent of “The Life of Brian” when “The Judea Peoples Front” demanded a 10ft high statue of Caesar with his dick hanging out.
Though I don’t think Obama will need house approval to agree that concession.
Manfred –
the MSM got their “strongest” “most powerful” stories, that is all that matters:
24 Oct: Reuters: David Alire Garcia: Hurricane Patricia batters Mexico as one of strongest storms ever
PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico (Reuters) – Hurricane Patricia, one of the most powerful storms on record, struck Mexico’s Pacific coast on Friday with destructive winds that tore down trees, moved cars and forced thousands of people to flee homes and beachfront resorts.
Hours after making landfall, the storm weakened but still packed winds of 130 miles per hour (210 km per hour). There were no reported casualties and officials said the damage might not be as catastrophic as feared…
While still out to sea as a Category 5 hurricane, Patricia blew furious winds of 200 mph (322 kph)…
Before reaching land, Patricia was the strongest hurricane ever recorded in the Western Hemisphere…
The strongest storm ever recorded was Cyclone Tip which hit Japan in 1979.
(Additional reporting by Mexico City Newsroom and Tom Miles in Geneva; Editing by Dave Graham, Kieran Murray and Lisa Shumaker)–one-of-strongest-storms-ever–slams-into-mexico/41737914
Yes, this is a classic video and I often refer it to people. The original genuine climate scientists had it about right, akthough I think we are heading for major cooling rather than an Ice Age.
Verdier ***could be fired in the coming days…
23 Oct: TeleLoisirs: Delphine Ernotte is expressed on the book by Philippe Verdier, “that I have a problem.”
In an interview with Paris Match, the president of France Televisions, Delphine Ernotte, spoke on the controversial book by Philippe Verdier, weather presenter on France 2 and group leader of the weather service.
No thinning for Philippe Verdier in the business! When questioned by our colleagues of the magazine Paris Match, Delphine Ernotte, new boss of France Televisions, responded to the controversy Mr. Book France 2 Weather, Climate Investigation… “I traveled admits Delphine Errnotte. I have not thought much about it, except that when an employee’s home is France Televisions, it is necessary to distinguish between personal opinion and what we do bring to the company. There, there was confusion and that I have a problem. “…
Released in early October, Climate Investigation caused a stir in the public service. And the first victim of this controversy is none other than its own author. As we revealed on this Thursday, October 22, Philippe Verdier, away from the antenna, ***could be fired in the coming days. The Perfect Storm, the reporter still received support from Herve Mariton. In an open letter co-signed by ten MPs, the Current Values magazine would have consulted, the deputy Republicans Drome ensures that “the words of Philippe Verdier violates in no way the laws of the Republic” but rather “enriches the exchange and helps to sustain democracy. ”
Unless Verdier is in clear breach of his employment contract, with no legal recourse, then his dismissal could become a lengthy court-driven affair, whilst still legally required to be paid by his employer, even if he does not actually do any work.
Interesting times ahead.
For extra bonus points, who wrote these lyrics
The ice age is coming, the sun is zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growin’ thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
‘Cause London is drowning, and I, I live by the river
London Calling, The Clash, got it on vinyl.
That is so sad. I feel for you Yonnie …
London trawling, the clap, got it in Vauxhall…better?
What would you prefer, Rereke, an endless rotation of “Slice of Heaven”?
CO2 is the problem. Western Industrial societies. Rampant consumerism. Global Cooling is produced by a global reaction to Global Warming caused by CO2 and warmer oceans which melted the ice which then cooled the surface water and then reached a tipping point where adiabatic winds and the jet stream combined with an El Nino to expand record Anatarctic ice and so cool currents and disturb the Gulf Stream and the Humboldt current, creating Global cooling. The only solution is a carbon tax to reward poor countries for not attempting to increase their quality of life. It all makes sense. The IPCC will be proven right and Pachauri vindicated.
Yes, I think there are enough gullible people to accept that line of thought and praise the IPCC for continuing their efforts to prolong their scam, sorry scrub that, their endeavors to save the world from overheating, sorry scrub that, from freezing to death.
You got everything there.
We are definitely doomed.
Great video. Thanks
Climate Experts believe
the next ice agerunaway global warming is on its way and according to recent evidence it could come sooner than anyone had expected. At weather stations in the far North, temperatures have beendroppingrising for thirty years. Sea coastslong free ofblocked by summer ice are nowblockedice free year round.According to some climatologists, within a lifetime we might be living in the next
icedinosaur age.A mere ten years before the formation of the IPCC, the world already had climate experts, climatologists and one hundred years of data to back up their prediction with data and authority. We are sorry to lose Leonard Nimoy. He could make the unbelievable believable and he was a Vulcanologist.
At least they did not have to homogenize the data to support this prediction. The data showed steady cooling then.
Expect videos like this next decade when planet Earth is in the grip of the next GM/LIA which is expected to commence during the next Solar Cycle [SC25] according to many Solar Physicists e.g. the Russian & Ukrainian scientists Galina Mashnich, Vladimir Bashkirtsev, Khabibullo Abdussamatov & Valentina Zharkova. You see these northern Hemisphere scientists tell it as it is simply because their nations will be the most severely impacted by the imminent LIA. The Russians with their abundant natural gas supplies will be in good position to cope with this severe LIA, which if like the 70 year Maunder Minimum [1645 – 1715], is likely to persist through most of the 21st century. You won’t find any RE in the vast Russian landscape – they are too smart for that.
In the past 450,000 years there have been 4 periods when the inter-glacial has been hotter than our current one.
The length of interglacial periods seems to be from about 30,000 to 25ky to 10ky to 5 ky and the current one is about 10 ky in so far.
It could fold anytime from now on.
When it happens just watch the rush towards equatorial land.
New Guinea could become the new New York.
Click on the second icon in from the left.
The hot equatorial areas (+/-20) are already crowded with 40% of the world’s population. Strange, that. It is supposed to be uninhabitable being many degrees hotter all year than Europe and that we are told is not survivable.
Anyway the ones at risk in the new ice age are those living above 40 degrees, the glacial areas from 10,000 years ago. Possibly 25% of the world’s population. None South of the equator.
There will not be a lot of room in SE Asia. Migration will be to areas below 40 to those between 20 and 40.
So all of Canada and half of the US above St. Louis. Almost all of Europe will be uninhabitable, above Athens and Madrid. China, India will be fine. Why people are worrying about slight and very beneficial warming above 40 is a mystery. We have just come out of an ice age and it will return.
And TdeF,
as a special case everyone can relate to just imagine the area of Manhattan Island – New York City.
A thriving hub at the moment.
During the last ice age 20kya it was under an ice field 1,500 metres thick.
Just imagine being in New York’s central park and looking up at almost a mile of ice wall.
The warmers have no appreciation of geological history nor of orbital mechanics which mostly drives our changing weather one many time scales.
New York City. A thriving hub at the moment. During the last stupid age, it was under a stupid field 1,500 metres thick. Just imagine being in New York’s central park and looking up at almost a mile of stupidity…
Well jorge we can’t actually look up at an ice field that is on top of us.
Most of the Western Civilised world (US/Can and Europe) will be in trouble due to this cooling. They are already at risk because of an expansionist political ideology, practioners of which are currently invading them so things don’t look good.
During full glacial conditions the waters lapping the equatorial shores were six degrees cooler and I draw your attention to the AD 1300 Event in the Pacific for a sobering perspective of LIA cooling.
On the brighter side the shoreline in our location, Newcastle, will be 19 km further out where it was during the last full ice age.
More land to live on for at least 60,000 years before the water rises again.
🙂 KK
I bet the warmists will be buying up land soon, just like Lex Luther bought up cheap Nevada desert land before he tried to activate the San Andreas fault in one of the Superman movies.
Meltwater Pulse 1A would have submerged a lot of middens within a generation and the locals must have wondered what in the world is going on.
In hindsight we can say it was the start of Holocene warming and a universal mega flood.
A recent paper by Patrick Nunn and the importance of oral history in primitive society.
“These stories talk about a time when the sea started to come in and cover the land, and the changes this brought about to the way people lived – the changes in landscape, the ecosystem and the disruption this caused to their society,” he said.
“It’s important to note that it’s not just one story that describes this process. There are many stories, all consistent in their narrative, across 21 diverse sites around Australia’s coastline.”
I’m guessing the red thumbs are from readers who dislike alarmism in all its forms
The reason why civilisation suddenly flourished was because we hit the temperature stability period which continues today. This also allowed the sea level to stabilise which caused steady progradation of rich deltaic sediments in the Nile and Euphrates deltas perfect for agricultural explosion. Coastal settlements benefiting from depositional stability were transformed into thriving merchant centres and the rest is history.
The onset of the cold weather in the past has been devastating and it will be again despite us going to the other planets, knowing the evolution of the universe to less than microsecond before the Big Bang, unprecedented explosion of (in good not junk) science, improvement in health and wealth, and yet we are still completely defenceless against this cold.
Now there is growing evidence that such change can happen within 2 generations and yet we waste trillions on the preventing to get slightly warmer.
I like the background music, especially the sour, clashing piano notes at the end. I think I may record it, and then, when I am in a conversation and have just made a significant point, I’ll play that music.
“In Search Of” also did a good episode on the Loch Ness Monster.
About time that they did one on Global Warming, isn’t it !
Harry don’t try to be funny, it doesn’t suit you.
‘The snow has gotten off to an incredible start in Siberia, where a record snowfall has paralyzed many areas of the city of Omsk, with thousands of drivers hopelessly stuck in hellish snowstorm traffic for hours.
‘You might say it’s nothing special for Siberia, but those who know – namely weather forecasters – believe it could be the most significant snowfall in 10 years.’
You and I both know they’ll never find the Loch Ness Monster, Harry, because it is swanning around in the deep ocean with all that ‘missing heat’.
James, If Nessy has been task with finding that missing heat….
…. he/she may never be seen again ! 🙁
Trenberth has a lot to answer for. !
And yet, we’re now going to fry instead. Go figure.
Leonard Nemoy played the role of Spock, Captain Kirk’s faithful science officer very well for much of his life. He was the perfect choice and the writers had no end of fun with his super logical persona. But the use of a celebrity as narrator is a common trick to add credibility to the story line, just a little more subtle appeal to authority than the usual attempts. Anyone with reading skill could have narrated that video and it would have the same real content and impact, actual evidence, however it may have been correctly or incorrectly interpreted.
So where are we now? Seemingly were caught in a state of limbo between two horrible fates, fry or freeze. Which one will win?
Off topic but…
If you have a Netflix account you can get the full three years of the original Star Trek (1968). The difference between then and much later is astonishing. The first episodes were really cobbled together with chewing gum and bailing wire, terrible plots, terrible acting and terrible directing — you name it. It’s as if they weren’t sure the public was going to accept the idea of space travel a la Roddenberry and weren’t very careful about what they did. But they got a lot better with time.
My wife and I are trekkies if the truth be known and have been going through it one episode at a time. Great fun. One more season to go…
It’s ice Jim but not as we know it…… sorry 🙁
Having a popular celebrity as narrator is a good way to market or sell something to an audience, I think a producers dream would be able to recreate the incredible impact that Orson Welles did when broadcasting a simulated live version of ‘War of the worlds’ in 1938, considering how people forget history we’re probably doomed to repeat this one too, maybe a global dragon attack that causes warming?
Dragons now? Well the solution to that is easy, just call in Bilbo Baggins and there goes your dragon problem.
I think you’ll need a better antagonist than dragons, Yoni. 😉
Wells’ broadcast was a good warning about making fearsome claims about things currently happening. But of course there’s no resemblance there between Wells’ broadcast and climate change, is there? So everyone move on along, there’s nothing to see here.
A bit of creative licence maybe….”We are reporting live at the Wilmuth farm, Grovers Mill, New Jersey, where a huge object has made a large hole in the earth…..wait there appears to be something crawling out of the hole…a large creature with a strange red glow coming from what could be it’s neck…’s now rearing back as if drawing breath…..
A bit over dramatic, aren’t we? 😉
Well, yes indeed.
And he did sell an awful lot of Fish Fingers…
The Third Man was Wells’ masterpiece. I have never seen or heard Wells “anything” that matches that 1950 movie. Not even his classic in which the phrase, “Rose bud,” was such a mystery competes with The Third Man. Just the theme with those zithers was so haunting I can still hear it in my head to this day.
Joanne, Now you’ve got me spinning. Should I stock up on winter gear or summer gear? I know, I’ll buy both a heavy down parka and a boatload of Bermuda shorts. That way, at least half of me will be comfortable.
having just woken up to news headlines still attempting to suggest, through careful wording, that Hurricane Patricia had actually hit Mexico as the strongest hurricane every recorded, then weakened, it was good to find some sanity online:
24 Oct: Steven Goddard: 1959 Storm Was Much More Powerful
Ahead of Paris, we now have a completely fake record hottest year, a completely fake record flood in South Carolina, and a completely fake most powerful hurricane ever. All declared by government agencies under control of the White House…
24 Oct: Breitbart: James Delingpole: Hurricane Patricia Was A Damp Squib
The MSM NZ news propagandised the expectation that thousands of people could be killed by Patricia. This morning, the number of reported deaths (happily and in the real world): 0
AP (Associated Propaganda) is probably greatly saddened by the failure of Patricia to perform as advertised (by them):
“Hurricane Patricia roared ashore in southwestern Mexico as a Category-5 storm Friday, bringing lashing rains, surging seas and cyclonic winds hours after it peaked as the strongest storm ever recorded…”
Here is a page linking the “In Search of” episode on the Ice Age on YouTube.
Radio 2UE Sydney, Sun 25 Oct 2015, some time after 730am, they are going to talk about Lord Monkton’s prophecy about removing PMs Abbott and Harper. Listen or watch live, go to links at No specific details were given, not sure if they will interview him or not.
The interview is over now. They might put online later at:–paul-20141201-11y3in.html
Thanks, just listened in, this information should be aired in primetime not 07:30 on a Sunday, Monckton is a superb conveyer of ideas to the general public, ideas that need to be discussed amongst the population to inform first then allow an opinion to be formed freely.
I voted Tony Abbott in to stop this climate rot setting in my country, my vote was based on a researched freely formed idea that I took seriously, this was taken away with the stroke of a gold pen, if Australians don’t start to discuss politics objectively amongst themselves then they won’t learn just how much power they have already relinquished to the faceless leaders.
I emailed 2UE asking them to put it online as many people would like to hear it.
Here is the interview.
Well done David.
Rather bleak, but interesting. The “secession” clause Monkton described sounds essential, but will it get up?
Dave B
Question: Does anyone who has experience with teens and early twenties people and uni students know if there are any warming sceptics among them, or are they all so dumbed down the believe the lies?
David, my realisation in looking at the courses available at Australian universities is that Sustainability and the Environment has become all powerful. Look at any university as a shopping student and you can do courses in sustainability to the holocaust and aboriginal studies in combination with just about everything. These are soft courses in soft science.
When I studied biology, zoology, botany, ecology was an interesting little course. It is now the centrepiece of many degrees. These are often pseudo sciences with little formal science where people are told what ‘scientists’ believe. What this means is that there are hundreds of thousands of people who are educated in sustainability, man made global warming and that CO2 is the problem.
So I thought the rejection of Lomborg was about freedom of speech. It isn’t directly. People actually believe that anyone who questions the tenets of man made disaster are the problem. They believe Lomborg does this. Then you get the people in actual professional positions with businesses, councils and freelance who have this as part of their skill set. Their science is not that of Rene Descartes, the need for evidence and mathematics and proofs. Their science is what they were told.
This means they are not sceptics. In fact, without real science training, they are acolytes with no training in thinking for themselves. The universities have become seminaries, theological colleges on many issues. Speculation has become fact has become dictum. I might say this is true of histories too, where almost no universities in Australia teach British history at all. Anyone who tries to defend the British is not welcome. Then with the rapid expansion of universities, the proportion of young people who do these courses has grown dramatically at the expense of traditional trades from farming to metal working to baking, so these soft courses are influencing our societies with the beliefs of the few. The population of Melbourne has increased 50% in the last 50 years. The population of Melbourne University has gone up 300% and there are so many new universities as well. Big Univerities with endless courses in Global Warming.
So sceptics are not welcome. Not only for man made Global Warming, but for many extreme University views of the left of politics, from Palestine to Aboriginal studies. You may have noticed.
If the words “Palestine” and “Aborigine” have put my comment in moderation, it is a proof of the problem. Like Climate Change/Global Warming, these are holy words of scripture from our very left, often third rate, zero content university religious courses. These are three extreme left university topics, Israel, British History and Global Warming. Of course the US is the great satan too. Of course Lomborg is not welcome. Nor Gert Wilders. Nor Professor Geoffrey Blainey. To even own one of his books is a crime. I have them all.
Ok, then maybe ‘holocaust’. This is a study unit/subject at Monash University. It is connected with Israel above.
Yesterday in the Australian. Jamie Oliver recommending mussels as food, because they are the most ‘sustainable’. Then an author demanding Australians stop eating ‘shark’ (gummy shark a very popular fish, not white pointers). Also Germaine Greer being ostracised by she does not support trans gender people, the latest extreme group. Marriage ‘rights’ for same sex couples, presumably so they can demand church weddings and adopt children? What hope does rational thinking have against a wall of dictum from our religious centres, mass education universities.
We used to laugh at courses like History and Philosophy of Science. Such filler courses now permeate the larger Arts degrees in universities designed to reduce the unemployed and the destruction of meritocracy. Everyone deserves a degree, in sustainability and why Al Gore was a prophet, a great scientist like Tim Flannery.
Were you questioning whether Palestinians are Aboriginal to the West Bank or Gaza strip?, that’s an interesting question.
These group names? Palestine does not make people Palestinian except in name. Nor are Germans Germanic or the French Franks or the English Angles, a German tribe. Interestingly the Scots were named after a minority tribe when the Picts were twice as numerous. The tribes persist even when the country boundaries are created, which is why there is no Kurdistan but Kurds in Turkey, Iraq and Syria.
The relevance of all this to Global Warming is that people from around the world take an enormous interest in Israel, for reasons which do not make local sense. This is part of a left education. Why is there a conference on Global Warming in Paris when Indonesia is ablaze? Why is CO2 the only game in town for environmentalists? As Lomborg says, there are more important even environmental issues and poverty but CO2 is all important. Why?
there are at uni.. yes, quite a lot.
Not so sure. Four sons finished university and I heard nothing of this issue. However for every real science course there are now ten pseudo courses, university degrees. Technical schools to Institutes and Polytechnics. Then Universities. When you consider universities are not vocational institutions, except for doctors, you have people being trained in the opinions of others.
So what are they teaching? Global Warming. Perhaps a whole generation of adults have been trained, world wide. For some it is their career path as environmental officers with companies, councils and governments. It is fact. This will take a generation to undo, even if the world freezes. No wonder the Green vote is 14% in so many countries. No wonder every political opportunist and banker is pushing the Green barrow.
My company occasionally does reference checks on behalf of clients, who are looking to take on science graduates.
If we give them a questionaire that has questions related to the environment, we get the stock answers. If we obliquely ask them the same type of questions in an interview, we get answers that are considerably more sceptical, even if still somewhat guarded.
This duality happens a lot in sociallist/communist societies, and says a lot more about the politics of academia, than it does about the actual students themselves.
Personally, I take heart from that. Smart people are able to see past the bovine waste, and reach their own conclusions. Long may that continue.
There are quite a few skeptics amongst them. Especially those who left school for the trades, self employment or other more gang related borderline enterprises. There is also a very strong denier element amongst a certain religious group (I wont mention for fear of moderation because it will start a whole diversion) who actually believe that their supreme being created the universe to be human-proof – unlike the Pope who obviously does not believe in the omnipotency of the Catholic God.
God has to be agnostic – it is in the job description.
You’re right, otherwise it would defeat the prupose of being God.
“Life without fossil fuels: a modest proposal”
Regarding the Paris Conference and the change of Prime Minister here recently, and remembering Copenhagen, we have another Kevin Rudd to deal with;
Hurricane coming too?
“Across Mexico, they are counting the cost of the strongest hurricane ever recorded. It may be days before we know the full tally, but already we can guess from shocked eyewitness accounts that the damage from Hurricane Patricia could run into the many tens, if not hundreds of dollars.
Conchita Alvarez, 47: “My burrito was ruined. A sudden gust blew sand in it and made it all gritty.”
Yes, “the strongest hurricane eeeevvvvuuuuurrrrr recorded” would be a nice compliment to “the hottest month eeeevvvvuuuuurrrrr” and “the hottest year eeeevvvvuuuuurrrrr” and just in time for Paris.
This is a good article from over two years ago. Bizarrely, you have to read it in a business magazine…
August 5, 2015 – The Point of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here
“No species may be as uniquely endangered as the one most associated with the Pacific Northwest, the salmon.”
. . .
October 23, 2015 Alaska Dispatch News – CO2-induced devastation hits Alaska salmon: Two biggest harvests ever were in 2013 and 2015
Big harvest, small payoff for Alaska’s 2015 salmon fishing season
just starting to listen to it:
2UE: George and Paul – Christopher Monckton
Thank you for that link Pat. To be honest, I trust PM Turnbull even less than the u(lterior) n(otions), and I wouldn’t trust them out of sight on a dark night!
Hello to KK
Monckton mentions the 3-year sunset clause which needs to stay in the text…tho the whole thing will, hopefully, be thrown out.
55 pages:
23 Oct: ClimateChangeNews: Ed King: UN calls for ministers as climate talks head for Paris
As fraught final round of interim talks ends, diplomats turn to their political masters to land an elusive global deal
Enter the politicians. Officials working on plans for a global climate change deal say it’s time for ministers and world leaders to get stuck into the meat of UN negotiations.
After a rotten start, five days of talks between nearly 200 countries in Bonn this week concluded on Friday with the publication of a new draft text for a deal, to be finalised at a Paris summit this December.
At ***55 pages it’s heavier than the 22 which made up an October 5 version, but contains “everything we need to get a good deal”, according to lead Greenpeace climate policy advisor Martin Kaiser…
In turn the EU and US want developing countries to recognise there’s now a broader base of potential climate finance providers on offer, including the private sector and emerging economies like China, which recently pledged $3.1 billion.
***With trillions needed to drive green investments and prepare for future climate impacts, (EU lead negotiator Elina) Bardram argued all these sources of funds must be accounted for…
24 Oct: ClimateChangeNews: Alex Pashley: Don’t bet on a Polish EU climate policy revolt – analysts
Opposition bid to renegotiate bloc’s 2030 package dismissed as ‘posturing’, as voters set to dump government
The likely winner of Poland’s upcoming legislative elections has vowed to shun EU climate targets threatening the country’s ailing coal industry.
But the conservative Law and Justice party (PiS) can do little to evade Brussels’ commitment to cut emissions and deploy clean power, analysts said.
PiS is primed to win power from the Civic Platform (CO), which has been the main governing party since 2008, in Sunday’s election riding a wave of anti-establishment feeling.
Its candidate Andrzej Duda won the presidency in June with a pro-coal message, and needs lawmakers to enact his agenda…
“If the opposition wins the elections, the attitude towards EU climate policy gets even worse,” said Severin Fischer at the Zurich-based Center for Security Studies.
“Of course it is election campaigning. We can’t take it too serious.”…
Relying on coal for about 85% of its electricity generation, Poland has resisted EU drives towards a low carbon energy transition…READ ALL
no-one has reported this except for this blog. I saw it picked up from this blog by one other website. not sure what to make of it but, if MSM isn’t reporting it, it’s worth noting!
23 Oct: Forest-Trends Blog: Gustavo A. Silva-Chavez: Update from Bonn: Things Just Got a Little More Complicated
Goodbye INDCs – Hello NDMCs
One significant outcome of this week’s session is that a concept central to the negotiations, the INDC (Intended Nationally Determined Contribution), has been renamed. With the negotiations coming closer to an end, INDCs have now become NDMCs, Nationally Determined Mitigation Contributions/Commitments/Components. Which “C-word” applies varies from country to country: for developed nations the “C” is considered to signify something binding (Commitment); for developing countries it
is meant to be less mandatory (Component). However, chances are that different country blocs will be pushing back on such differentiation in order to not fall back unto a mindset that defines responsibilities differently according to a country’s development status, based on their development status in the 1990s…
23 Oct: ClimateChangeNews: Megan Darby: Weekly wrap: G77 gets its mojo back in Bonn
Civil society observers, meanwhile, were outraged at their exclusion from spin-off groups where diplomats dug into the contentious issues…
As old tensions flared up, many dropped the ‘C’ word: Copenhagen, where the last attempt to reach a global warming pact foundered in 2009…
Another climate laggard bit the dust on Monday, as Canada’s Stephen Harper followed Australia’s Tony Abbott into political oblivion…
Other observers were more cautious, noting that Trudeau had avoided committing to a major change of tack on the campaign trail…
hilarious, take a walk with Harrabin, who notes a sleeping participant & says you can’t blame him, these talks have gone on for years and years…then it’s on to the observers who are “cross” because they’ve been excluded from the sessions…
VIDEO: 2mins26secs: 23 Oct: BBC: Inside Bonn climate change talks
The BBC’s Roger Harrabin takes you inside the talks in Bonn.
BBC’s Matt McGrath: at Paris, 2 things on the agenda: 1, to curb emissions. 2, they want to change the way we do business, farm, produce, consume…change the very nature of progress.
VIDEO: 1min: BBC: COP21: Why does Paris climate change conference matter?
BBC environment correspondent Matt McGrath asks what nations want from next month’s climate change conference in Paris – and why it matters.
23 Oct: Times of India: Vishwa Mohan: Climate negotiators end Bonn mission with expanded draft text, issue of finance remains unresolved
The questions over nature of contribution from rich nations and debate on the issue of beneficiaries are now left for ministers of different countries to settle during the three-day pre-COP (conference of parties) meeting in Paris during November 8-10…
“Climate finance will be a sticky issue and I believe this is one of the main reasons for keeping observer organizations out of the negotiations (in Bonn). While the draft text does have many options to keep the core issues under the agreement, the developed countries continue to hope that this will be dealt with ***outside the agreement”, said Arjuna Srinidhi of the Delhi-based think-tank Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)…
The rich nations have, however, not provided any clear road map as how they would capitalize the GCF from 2020 onwards.
They, in fact, want to keep the issue of ‘climate finance’ ***outside the agreement, double count ODA as climate finance and account for loans in the same category…
Rereke sums it up in his #3.1.1 comment!
And as Rereke’s quote exemplifies “An Ice Age Cometh” but what of the time scales that the are going to be applied to the appearance and duration of that nascent global Ice Age ?
For a glimpse of what once was and what might yet to be and remembering the Danish physicist, Niels Bohr’s dictum; “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it is about the future” we can look back at paleo history at the Great Ice Ages of the periods called “Snowball Earth” when most of the world’s land masses are believed to have been ice and snow covered for a number of periods, each of some tens to hundreds of millions of years duration.
As there is far too much information to give here or even a decent outline here so I suggest you read the Students section of the Snowball Earth site for an outline of what was a far back in time’s shadows, the present understandings of the paleo Earth’s Great Ice Ages as they are believed to have been today.
As to what created those Snowball Earth conditions and a situation which can be repeated in the future, the future in this case being millions or tens or hundreds of millions of years into the future or maybe starting tomorrow, another interesting couple of sites to peruse, one of which is the well known Nir Shaviv’s site, Science Bits.
Nir Shaviv often steps way out from the so called “consensus science”, consensus science these days almost invariably being the main backer of the most unlikely science scenario as the recent and past history of science has so repeatedly exemplified.
So his contribution to the explanations for past, present and the potential future history of the global climate has to be taken seriously.
Shaviv expands on the Ice Age links with the passage of the solar system through the dust laden arms of the Milky Way galaxy as we rotate around the Galaxy once every 225 to 250 million years.
The Spiral Arms of the Galaxy are Gravity Wave structures so they move at a different velocity to the rotational velocities of the rotating galaxy.
Which is why our solar system regularly passes through these daust laden arms witha consequent dimming of the Sun, therefore less solar radiation reaching the planet and a consequent outflow of radiation energy slowly cooling the planet and then another Great Ice Age encompasses the Earth until it once again emerges from the galactic dust streams and can again intercept the full radiation energy of the Sun.
Nir Shaviv; Science Bits;The Milky Way Galaxy’s Spiral Arms and Ice-Age Epochs and the Cosmic Ray Connection
An alternative to the Galactic Arms dust is the known presence of Galactic Molecular Clouds which is theorised can create similar conditions to the dust streams. The solar system could take up to half a million years to traverse through one of these giant molecular clouds with a large reduction in cosmic rays and much less clouding of the planet, clear skies and consequent large radiation losses to space globally leading to a global coolling and the onset of another ice age.
NASA Study Suggests Giant Space Clouds Iced Earth
Implicit in both of these theorised causes and Great Ice Age effects is Svensmark’s Cosmic Ray theories on the manner in which the inflow of galactic cosmic rays and the numbers impacting the Earth’s upper atmospheric atomic and molecular particles and the resulting nuclear debris from the impacts of the cosmic rays with the upper atmospheric particles.
This nuclear debris then drifts down into the lower atmosphere and acts as the seed particles around which super cooled water vapour of the stratosphere and troposphere can condense around forming droplets which then coalesce into cloud droplets which then form clouds which then in turn, act to both trap radiation energy as well as to reflect solar radiation back into space.
Currently it is increasingly believed from data that clouds, depending on their height, location and structure and type both reflect radiation back into space as well some types of clouds trap radiation beneath them to warm the surface.
This variable cloud effect is the basis of Richard Lindzens “Iris” theory of cloud feedbacks as one of the significant feedback controllers of the global climate and temperatures.
Thus low cosmic ray numbers coming into earth’s atmosphere for various reasons, a consequent low nuclear galactic cosmic ray produced debris from the reduced impacts in the high atmosphere drifting down to act as cloud droplet seeds, a consequent low cloud cover and therefore clear skies, a high loss of surface radiation energy into space [ clear nights in dry air, low water vapour conditions of the mid latitude deserts arising from the consequences of the Equator to mid latitude Hadley cell circulations and the consequent very low night time temperatures from low or no night time cloud cover even when day temperatures can become extremely high ] and we have a cooling planet.
Continue those conditions for a few centuries as the oceans lose their heat content as it radiates back into space in skies with a much reduced cloud cover and there will be another global ice age under way.
It only takes a modelled [ ? ] approximately 4% shift or change in global cloud cover to shift from a warming planet to a cooling planet or vice versa.
More and more I am seeing Svensmark’s cosmic ray induced global cloud cover being brought into the equations to explain the macro changes, both current and historical in our planet’s great climate shifts and changes.
Svensmark also has a theory on Galactic Super Nova’s effects and impacts on the great extinctions and the rising of new species through our planet’s history of life.
These theories can be read up on in the late and former New Scientists editor Nigel Calder’s site and make for an interesting bit of thinking.
Niget Clader was NS’s editor when it was the go-to science journal.
He was a great supporter of Svensmark and did much to promote Svensmark’s theories on cosmic ray based planetary cloud formation, a theory which has been partially borne out by results of an recent CERN experiment set up to look at Svensmark’s theory.
Calders Updates; Svensmark’s Cosmic Jackpot
Also Svensmark’s book; The Chilling Stars ;update; Freeze and evolve
If a great big new tax could not be inflicted by this kookoo climate religion , it would already be dead in the water !
Because it has major taxpayer funding ,it is fueling big interests , like defence spending for example , that would not survive a week without diving into the public purse !
Where would the renewable energy fiasco be without public funding ?
Answer : Non existent !
If it was viable it would flourish on its own !
Anything is viable , regardless of how absurd and obscene it is , if force funded by the taxpayer , as is this cagw/cacc idiocy !
Its no more than a gravytrain ….the Al Gore Express ….. full of freeloaders and thieves!
If it does cool , how are they going to keep this farce at full steam ahead I wonder ?
The whole premise is that industry is producing co2 that will increase global temp to a dangerous level via a greenhouse effect .
But ….No warming for nearly 19 years now despite an increase in co2 !
This fact alone should make it ‘Game Over ‘ .
But what has happened ? It has been morphed from Global Warming to Climate Change by its own High Priests themselves , that actually counters their own original argument !
This is now how idiotic it has become .
They want the GravyTrain to continue , its that simple , and if lies have to be told to maintain the GravyTrain , then they will
I see that there is a panic to lock in their lunatic policies at the Paris Climate Hajj before it becomes obvious to too many that it has been a shovel full from its inception !
That even with a massive global propaganda campaign , the lie will still eventually become obvious to enough to end their precious GravyTrain !
If Paris is successful , it will then ultimately be claimed by the propagators that it was/is /will be their actions that have arrested AGW ( but can only maintain this status with continued massive funding and sweeping compliance from the public ) .
What will they say if it cools I wonder ?
Possibly ,they will be able to say anything because by then we would have given away in treaty any voting control we did , once upon a time , have !
In any event , they will have enough time to propagate any ridiculous reason they need , as any cooling is still a few years away at best .
As long as there are so many of us ,so willing to believe propaganda and give away our freedom rights and money , there will always be wolves happy to fleece us !
The climate fiasco has [Snip – we avoid the use of that word] written all over it !
When is the vast majority going to wake up , if ever ?
Corporate and social welfare under Crony Capitalism >
Co2 regulation The essence of immorality >
The Clincher >
Excellent Jo, well found.
‘According to Professor Jin-Yi Yu of the Department of Earth System Science of the University of California at Irvine, under a central El Niño we have to expect colder weather conditions due to blocking highs in Europe during the winter.
‘The probability of westerly-wind-dominated winters tends to be minimal. There is a 78% probability of a normal or colder than normal winter. This was the case in the years 1995/1996 and 2009/2010.”
– See more at:
The next ENSO wrap up will be out in a few days, but here is what they had to say earlier this month.
‘El Niño is usually associated with below-average spring rainfall over eastern Australia, and increased spring and summer daytime temperatures in Australia south of the tropics. A positive IOD typically reinforces the drying pattern, particularly in the southeast.’
In reality the south east is enjoying good rains, with the promise of more to come.
Also, daytime temperatures on the Central Tablelands have been around average, which leads me to the conclusion that BoMs supercomputer doesn’t have a clue.
WA’s Coalition Govt making some big claims! TonyfromOz & others might like to read it all and respond:
25 Oct: Emily Moulton: Perth could soon be the first city to be completely solar powered
Now, as electricity prices continue to soar, the price of the technology drops and climate change is on everyone’s conscience, many people — as well as our governments — see solar’s monetary and environmental benefits…
One in every five homes in Western Australia has rooftop solar panels.
On average, around 1800 solar photovoltaic systems were installed on roof tops each month this year.
And there has been an average annual growth rate of installations of about 27 per cent.
This prompted the state’s Energy Minister, Mike Nahan, to predict that WA’s daytime electricity needs would be completely generated by solar PV within 10 years.
And state-owned utility Synergy will soon be offering home battery storage systems to customers, making the idea of power-bill free homes a real possibility…
***There is already one home in WA’s southern suburbs which is 97 per cent free of the grid…
Mr Nahan told the WA state-owned utility companies Western Power and Synergy were weeks away from announcing a solution to allow batteries to export to the grid…
Utility prices in the state have soared over the past decade. The government argued prices were too low under Labor, and they had been forced to raise them in order to bring them up to realistic prices.
Recognising the drop in revenue from the popularity of solar panels, and the increasing burden of maintaining its poles and wires network, the government says it wants to drop its subsidy program…
It has also indicated that it will have to close a number of its power stations because solar panels. (sic ??)…
“Utility prices in the state have soared over the past decade. The government argued prices were too low under Labor, and they had been forced to raise them in order to bring them up to realistic prices.”
Translation: Utility prices, despite having soared (upwards) during the past decade, remain too low for so called renewable energy to be justifiable when compared to very low cost coal fired power station electricity supplies. To attract more private sector investment prices must be pushed even higher to secure an acceptable Return On Investment on renewables and to price the coal fired power stations out of the market with artificial cost barriers.
Pat, last week I was in the Snowy Mountains region of Victoria and had a conversation with some country folk who live in a remote area with no grid electricity connection. They were quoted around $160K to have the grid brought to the edge of their property and another $30K to connect it to the house and out buildings. So they have chosen to install solar panels, a small wind turbine and forklift truck batteries (heavy duty lead acid batteries). They also use LPG. Most of their electricity is 12 volt or 240 volt using an inverter. Hot water is LPG instant heating. Warming is from wood heaters.
They could not provide an accurate costing of their installation and expenditure on appliances that make the most economical use of their electricity supply but it was, understandably, considerably less than paying for connection to the electricity grid.
However, we agreed that if the grid was available there could be no justification for a stand alone solar/wind/battery system.
A new paper published in Advances in Space Research, finds,
“The recent extended, deep minimum of solar variability and the extended minima in the 19th and 20th centuries (1810–1830 and 1900–1920) are consistent with minima of the Centennial Gleissberg Cycle (CGC), a 90–100 year variation of the amplitude of the 11-year sunspot cycle observed on the Sun and at the Earth. The Earth’s climate response to these prolonged low solar radiation inputs involves heat transfer to the deep ocean causing a time lag longer than a decade.”
The Hockey Schtick
here are the renewable energy ***winners.
click on “Read more” to get the listing below. note the US$3,000 it costs to purchase the 108-page report:
July 2015: Research and Markets: Clean Technology Market in Developing Countries 2015-2019
Clean technologies include utilization of renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydro, and geothermal, as well as low-carbon fuels; water management and recycling technologies; waste management techniques; and environmentally friendly buildings and transportation. The concept of clean technology is attracting the attention of governments, private investors, and businesses in both developed and developing countries worldwide…
The report also includes a discussion on the key vendors operating in this market.
***Key vendors
– Novozymes
– Siemens Water Technologies
– Suez Environment
– Suzlon Energy
– Syntec Biofuels
– Toyota Motors
– Trina Solar
– Vestas Wind Energy Systems
– Yingli Green Energy Holdings
***Other prominent vendors
– Alstom
– Dupont
– Enercon
– First Solar
– Gamesa Corp Technologica
– GE Energy
– LanzaTech NZ
– Panasonic
– Rumpke Consolidated Companies
– Solazyme
– SunPower
– Veolia Environnment
– Waste Management
Market driver
– Global warming and climatic changes
– For a full, detailed list, view our report (Single User PDF, 108 pages, USD 3,000)
We may yet see another Frost Fair,
On the Thames near Trafalgar Square,
When sea-ice reappears,
In these future cold years,
Brought on by the chill Arctic air.