Big Oil knows no bounds. Not only can it derail governments, and thwart the UN, World Bank, and IMF but now it may be sending out climate death squads to assassinate Arctic Ice Experts. These expert hit squads apparently push people down stairs, run them off the road, and strike them down with lightning. Lightning! (That is one mother of aTesla Coil.) James Bond could learn something. Q, where are you?
Prof Wadhams at Cambridge has been the go-to man for Arctic scare stories across the UK (h/t Delingpole). In 2012, Wadhams predicted Arctic Sea Ice was set to collapse in just four years. Last year, after years of a relentlessly surviving Arctic, even some alarmists threw Wadham under the bus, (so to speak) as being too “extremist”. But now he’s topped that.
You see, in January 2013 there were four leading Arctic experts in the UK, now there is one, and he is very very worried.
No, seriously, you can’t make this up. Let’s try to imagine how much more profitable Big Oil would be if every single Arctic climate expert in the World was dead. (Count the zeros…)
The utter futility of it all escapes Wadhams. After a high-risk pogrom against arctic scientists, it would be exactly five minutes before the BBC and Guardian would be reporting their 22-year-old underlings apocalyptic predictions instead. Wadhams has no idea how irrelevant he is, or how little Big-oil cares. If I were advising Big Oil — I’d tell Royal Dutch Shell to hold off with the hit-squad — and just get their PR department to stop the press releases where they beg for more Carbon Trading in the EU. Next on the list: has Shell stopped sponsoring WWF? If Shell want to stop the climate scare campaign, that has to go.
The truth is that Big-Oil want the climate scare — it’s good for business. In the end, everyone wants oil, no one goes to work in a solar car. And Big-oil get bonus government subsidies for biomass and carbon sequestration too. Money for jam. Plus Big Oil also get an excuse to fight their real enemy, Big-Coal.
With such a hot-to-trot conspiracy on the cards, where is Stephan Lewandowsky, John Cook and Mike Marriott? I bet they can’t wait to study conspiracy ideation among actual climate experts, it would be so much more exciting than analysing 10 anonymous internet responses, or getting no responses from “78,000 skeptics” (who didn’t see the survey that was never hosted at John Cook’s site). Imagine a real study subject, an actual person, instead of internet readers who say they are 32,000 years old. The thrill!
Three scientists investigating melting Arctic ice may have been assassinated, professor claims
Cambridge Professor Peter Wadhams suspects the deaths of the three scientists were more than just an ‘extraordinary’ coincidence
A Cambridge Professor has made the astonishing claim that three scientists investigating the melting of Arctic ice may have been assassinated within the space of a few months.
Professor Peter Wadhams said he feared being labelled a “looney” over his suspicion that the deaths of the scientists were more than just an ‘extraordinary’ coincidence.
But he insisted the trio could have been murdered and hinted that the oil industry or else sinister government forces might be implicated.
The three scientists he identified – Seymour Laxon and Katherine Giles, both climate change scientists at University College London, and Tim Boyd of the Scottish Association for marine Science – all died within the space of a few months in early 2013.
Professor Laxon fell down a flight of stairs at a New year’s Eve party at a house in Essex while Dr Giles died when she was in collision with a lorry when cycling to work in London. Dr Boyd is thought to have been struck by lightning while walking in Scotland.
His suspicions drew outrage on Saturday from Prof Laxon’s partner, who was also a close friend of Dr Giles. When told what Prof Wadhams had said, Fiona Strawbridge, head of e-Learning at UCL, replied: “Good god. All of this is completely outrageous and very distressing.”
Alarmist propaganda has been ranting relentlessly for twenty years about the power of Big Oil. But brainwashing bites, and this is one of those moments. Poor Prof Wadhams is reaping what that bizarre culture has sowed.
Life must be a bit tough for Wadhams right now. Imagine thinking that there are teams of assassins out to get you and picking off your colleagues. Chilling what! My prescription to cure his anxiety is for him to meet some skeptics and find out just how much of nothing Big-Oil cares and is doing for them.
I don’t think his alarmist friends can help him with that.
h/t Colin, Pat, Rod, Ian, Bernd, Breitbart, Climate Depot
Apparently one of Professor Wadhams’ fears (being labeled a “looney”) is a better predictor of the future than his intellectual thought processes (Arctic ice set to collapse in four years–i.e., by 2016).
As I understand it, this one of the climate scientists that is supposedly delivering ‘sound’ climate science. How can anyone that is wavering on this issue, not be tempted to fall off the fence onto the sceptic’s side, if this is being said in all seriousness? And it can’t be taken as anything but being said in all seriousness, for it’s not something that any sane person would joke about.
Homicide by lightning?
It’s not nice to fool with mother nature. There is a metaphor here somewhere….
It was Gaia reminding us of King Canute’s lesson, that we don’t control the elements.
Thought to have been struck by lightning…how does that work?
I would think that if it’s a lightning strike the evidence would be pretty much obvious?
Maybe a powerful taser is wot done ‘im in.
That would change everything.
Have the police questioned Wadhams about his whereabouts, his motives and does he own a taser?
Two strikes and you are out
Paraphrasing what I’ve said elsewhere: This seems like a conspiracy based on an Agatha Christie novel, so for those who know such, the culprit must be the one who’s left – Prof. Wadham himself. A further commenter said that would also provide a motive – a monopoly on all those lovely grants, too.
Beat me to it.
I like reading mystery novels*** and the first thing that occurred to me is who has the best motive? Why Professor Peter Wadhams of course!
*** Death of an Old Goat
by Robert Barnard
An Oxford Tragedy
by J.C. Masterman
A Little Class on Murder
by Carolyn Hart
Murder Scholastic
by Janet Caird
Miss Pym Disposes
by Josephine Tey
Murder at Markham
by Patricia H. Sprinkle
The Arctic Death Spiral?
Inspector Professor Peter Wadhams
Oh My,someone could have a lot of fun writing that murder mystery.
Shouldn’t that be Professor Peter Moriarty?
Every good story needs a twist.
“– a monopoly on all those lovely grants, too.” What if the lightning thing in the story was a product of this type of research grant instead?
“a Consultative Committee of Experts, which would meet on an ad hoc basis when so requested by a party, in order to clarify the nature of activities suspected to be in violation of the convention.”
And all the limelight.Its me – I’m your go to man.I’m the real expert.Whether he can control lightning is something else.It still begs the question: how come such an authority be so wrong? Extreme political agenda.Transgender issues?
Delusions of grandeur? Paranoia?
Wasn’t there also a film made about this guy? The Nutty Professor, I think it was called.
No, No, Spine Millingta, {the well known taiping error]-it was not an Agatha Christie novel, it was actually a Michael Crichton novel. It was actually those dastardly green activists who were killing off climate change sceptics with lightning bolts and blue ringed octopus venom!. Not his best novel, but the footnotes were a revelation, as was his comparison between the global warming “science” and the previous “science” of eugenics. All in all, State of Fear was a very good read indeed. So which green organisation was “responsible” for Crichton’s premature demise ????
I’m surprised climate skeptics had time to do this. Most were busy framing ex-IPCC Chief R K Pachauri.
“The committee had held Pachauri guilty of sexual misconduct and abuse of his position as director-general and recommended action against him. But Pachauri had contended, besides other things, that the complaint against him might be backed by “climate sceptics” (those who do not believe in human-induced climate change).”
I guess it is time for me to fess up.
I was a member of the Specialised Climate Skeptic (SCS) team that conspired to brainwash the Gentleman in question, into committing acts of sexual misconduct, in abuse of his position.
It was a highly dangerous and difficult mission. For one thing the subject eats a lot of curry, so a frontal attack was out of the question. Similarly, an attack on the rear of the target was also ruled out (for health and safety reasons). So a Black Psyops operation was mounted to infiltrate a large number of women in to the subject’s retinue, with the express intent of being too much of a temptation for an elderly gentleman with dreams of grandeur, and optimism regarding his “charisma”.
I am pleased to report that the operation was a complete success, with the subjects “charisma” being suitably reduced.
I do, however regret the collateral damage caused, especially to the non-voluntary women involved.
You get that on big jobs…..
So you’re actually Liam Neeson then…?
Obviously studying Global Warming is much more dangerous than Wadham ever realised. Three dead and absurd stories given. Only Wadham is left to tell the truth about arctic ice. Which is?
Has he gone into hiding? Dropped off the grid? Hidden from the assassins? Left incriminating evidence in a bank vault in the event of his untimely death by falling down stairs, lorry or lightning or even salmonella poisoning? Surely the IPCC should step in and put him in a witness protection program with a new identity and email address? Big oil drones could be circling now and hellfire missile could hit at any time. Oh, the humanity!
Or is it really a devious plot by Wadham himself to remove the only people who know what he has has done? Is he trying to deflect suspicion from himself? This does leave him as the only expert. Cui bono.
Tin foil hat on. The watermelons are well-known for the MO of projecting evil deeds onto the climate realists to justify their own more outrageous activities. Gleik is a case in point. What are they planning now?
Projection, all the way down.
I think he needs to be VERY careful of a white pointer getting him while he’s walking down Main Street.
Gai knows there’s been PLENTY of shark attacks of late – but maybe, just maybe another kind of shark might get him earlier – he’s certainly proved he’s STUPID enough to be sucked in by anything!!
Sharknado was real…
Climate death squads funded by big oil? As a vet, I could do with a supplement to my HM Forces pension. Where do I sign up?
There is only one possibility. Spectre.
Are you bothered by Jehova’s Witnesses? Wacky polar ‘scientists’? Persistent salesmen? Cats?
Discrete assignations our specialty.
Quick results. All locations – busy traffics, stairwells, lonely mountains – we strike anywhere.
APPLY: The Hounds of Baskerville at any Big Oil Corporation
Assignations or assassinations? Either works; but as unattractive as Professor Wadhams is, I bet the rate for an assignation is higher than the rate for an assassination.
Type in haste and repent in correction.
Watch out for large black dogs in dark alleys.
The SE hall, the one with the locked doors and bars on the windows. Be sure to knock twice and say that Peter Wadhams sent you. Your pension worries will be over.
I saw the other day Mike Hoare is still alive. 96 I think.
They passed a certain tipping point some time ago – they now believe their own propaganda stereotypes of us.
It may be too late, but I really do think he needs to meet some real skeptics. I know I’m hopeless, this man has unashamedly pushed his own arctic fears on the people of the UK for years. But what a life, to think that they are coming to get you and see compatriots “killed”.
Surely he’s been in the bubble too long and too deep. It’s not healthy.
As a yank, I will probably misuse “Good on ya” for thinking about him as a human in need rather than just an rival… that gets lost in this a lot I think. As Sting says in One World, “we are all in the same big boat”, and I am glad to have at least some crew mates with reasoning and compassion.
For the three cases above in order Cluedo suggests:
– Miss Nova, on the stairs, with big oil.
– Professor Carter, in the drive, with a truckload of evidence.
– Dr Evans, in a field, with his striking good looks.
Umm…erm…don’t you have 1 and 3 confused ?….(8>))
Yonniestone sees the world in a particularly unique way. You should embrace the diversity.
Besides, I bet he gets more funding from skeptic-central, than you and I put together.
Big oil pays me not to comment……….thats how good i am
Bob the order was intentional, just wanted to shake things up a bit, David is quite handsome and I feel Nova is punching well above her weight…
Maybe he’s heard that “You’re not paranoid if they are out to get you”?
Just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean that someone isn’t out to get you (depends on what the null hypothesis is)
He’s the sort of sad person we can all understand and have some sympathy with. If we didn’t, I feel we’d be unfeeling monsters, but the harm the armies of people like him do outweighs their individual hurt. Hard hearts win conflicts, and our better angels we can bring to bear afterwards. As Wellington said, the only thing more terrible than a battle lost is a battle won.
He’s rather reminiscent of Prof Paul Frampton, the physics dude who met ‘Miss Bikini World’ online and ended up in an Argentine prison for drug smuggling.
The voice of ‘climate science’, hive-minded Professor Peter Wadhams sings the perfect, linearly tuned, harmony of correlation = causation, and rings out a new era of distorted dischordant dissonance to the science world’s audience.
[Sorry this got trapped in the filter] Fly
Humm. interesting that my comment at #9, jumped straight to
Your comment is awaiting moderation. .
I understand that it’s not that good but really?
But in my defense I say it is difficult to compete with the reality of this story.
Comment #9
July 27, 2015 at 4:44 am
Your comment is still awaiting moderation.
Perhaps the excessive alliteration got stuck?
Maybe too much illiterate alliteration!
Having been absent from the site for a while, it tickles me that the very first thing I see is another believer meltdown in progress. In the South here in the states, when someone is clearly lost/off their rocker, southern women (in an attempt to be polite) will say, “Well, bless his heart.” Seems innocent enough, but when you hear them say it, you know exactly what they mean…
So, to all the True Believers out there, a hardy “Bless your heart” from sunny Virginia 8)
It’s sad to see such an intellect fail.
However, I’m a little selfish and can’t help but see an opportunity here. I really, really, want to know how that targeted lightning strike was achieved, if it was other than an Act of God. There are a number of stereos in my area where that would prove exceedingly useful. A suitably-sized Tesla coil tends to be very large, which renders its portability moot. That is, porting it is well beyond my means, and well beyond that of the average radio-controlled drone.
We do have regular thunder storms—the lightning displays are often amazing—but tapping them is also not possible for my limited means. I’ve considered vertically stacked drones with wire between them, but the winds in these storms would quickly take them well away from the target. In the meantime, those stereos …
“I really, really, want to know how that targeted lightning strike was achieved”
Big Oil can do anything.
They can even look into the future: thanks to the Guardian, we now know they knew all about AGW in 1981. Against that, lightning strikes are not much more than trivial pursuit.
Here, Nightspore, hang onto this kite while I run in to put the kettle on….
See comment #17.1 below.
The Wizard of Id seems to have the ability of conjuring up lightning bolts, at will.
Frankenstein did it.
Easy, you just stick iron horse shoes*** (or just iron) in his foot wear and in the middle of a bad lightening storm feed his dog ex-lax.
*** my friends and my grandfather all lost horses to lightening strikes so it isn’t all that far out.
Professor Peter Wadhams has for years expounded his opinion on the Arctic for years and has been quoted around the world. See –
and the UK government
Or this from the UK Daily Telegraph, 08 Nov 2011, says —
The Guardian feature July 24 2013 where he said —
Evidence of clear scientific thinking?
Wadhams’ belief that three accidental deaths of climate scientists were the result of a hitman are largely false. It is most likely a statistical cluster. If you look at the data enough, such clusters pop up all over the place. For instance the second and third US Presidents both died on July 4th 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. The fifth President died on the same day five years later. There is no evidence to suggest this is anything more than a cluster.
The motive for a contrary view – that big oil is bumping off a select group of climate scientists (i.e. UK-based Arctic specialists) is also problematic. Are they more significant than US paleoclimatologists or Australian Climate Consensus Experts? Would it be more productive for Big Oil to fund debate, better standards of data analysis and academic pluralism? Covertly bumping folks off is a high risk strategy that could backfire – or be so covert nobody would notice as in this case.
It says a lot about how Wadhams, Lewandowsky & Cook look at cause and effect in complex data. They have strong opinions about how the world is structured, so anything that deviates from this perception is the result of human design. There must be a reason for things happening so somebody must be responsible. Random clusters, or things that we might night be able to explain due to inadequate information, are possibilities that never enter their heads. But to really understand the complexities of climate, being able to grapple with the issues of statistical anomalies, personal bias and the limits of knowledge are a prerequisite.
An appropriate quote from Lewandowsky:
See, Wadhams would never have made these assassination claims if he wasn’t under so much pressure from “climate contrarians”.
Yes, when climate scientists say extreme and bizarre things, apparently it’s still our fault.
Wait. What?
Global warming to cause 50% increase in lightning strikes across the U.S.: Study
Climate Change May Spark More Lightning Strikes (natgeo)
I used to work in mental health here in California back in the ’60s. We used to use Throrazine or Haldol on patients like these.
At the very least I do hope, for his own sake, he has kept his bodyguards’ paychecks up-to-date.
For those wondering, you can in fact induce lightning strikes artificially when there are appropriate conditions for lightning. You send a small rocket trailing a wire into the clouds. See and Wikipedia entry “Lightning Rocket”. Just sayin’… I am sure the person died of a natural lightning strike.
Sounds like the more difficult way when Lightning directed by laser beams – New Scientist exists…
Well there you go … It were a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Florida, wot dun it yer’oner.
Maybe a rocket was fired at him, missed but attracted the lightning to finish the job?
Methinks we have a competing conspiracy theory!
“How To Fund Your Mammoth Fetish In 6 Easy Steps”
and comments
Correct me if I’m mis-remembering it — it’s been at least 15 years since I read it — but wasn’t it the evil environmentalists in Michael Crichton’s book State of Fear who were able to create and/or control lightning?
Maybe Prof Wadhams is mis-remembering what I’m mis-remembering, and also forgot that it’s fiction…
I always knew Big Oil was good, but arranging that lightening strike just goes to show their power. I can only imagine it had many operatives out in the heather fighting off the midges while co-ordinating its efforts through coal based satellites and other magical devices known only to the sceptics of the world. However I don’t believe Big Oil did it; it has to be the usual suspects: aliens! As for falling down steps after/during a New Year Eve’s party where no academic would ever consume alcohol or other substances and being hit by a bus while riding a bike in the notoriously traffic free zone that is London, does make one wonder about Big Oil’s reach. It means warmists will now have to travel with polly bear protection squads. You also really do have to wonder about Wadhams’ state of mind.
Most of the Big Oil heavies I know are bean counters.
A red car passing by is a very exciting thing for these folk.
They have personalities to rival climate “scientists” and lawyers.
Now that would be something: a coal-burning steam-powered satellite …
But after the IPCC, would Pachauri be interested? As a design consultant?
To be fair, he has a very good point. Deaths of cyclists in collisions with cars and trucks are around 78 per year. Deaths falling down stairs and steps, much more likely on steps but why quibble, are around 369. Lightning deaths are down to only five a year.
So 78*369*5/(64,000,000)^3 or 5.5 * 10-17. That’s 5.5/100,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Consider this is from a man who really believes that the very slight correlation between increasing CO2 and a slight increase in temperature in the late 1980s is utterly conclusive.
So either he is the culprit or someone who really wants his job as chief of the committee for monitoring buoys in the arctic region and is eliminating the competition. He could always hide under his bed.
President, IAPSO (International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean) Commission on Sea Ice
Co-ordinator, International Programme for Antarctic Buoys (IPAB), World Climate Research Programme, 1998-
Either Inspector Barnaby would start with these organizations.
Actually the Sea Ice Commission was discontinued in 2003.
Sorry, there appears to be no record of Wadhams being President of this group either. Nor is there a recent mention of Wadhams in the IABP buoy programme and he is not the current coordinator. Perhaps the most recent summary is There are endless committee membership, none as chairman or president.
Currently at the Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research, which by its very title is dependent on the idea of man made climate change.
Now it seems nuclear and biological weapons research scientists are to be less important for world security than arctic sea ice experts. Will someone please tell the professor he is dreaming?
So Professor Peter Wadhams is a Professor at Cambridge? How university standards have declined – the rest of the Cambridge academics must be really proud to claim him as a learned colleague.
Peter Wadhams ScD (born 14 May 1948), is professor of Ocean Physics, and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. He is best known for his work on sea ice.
He is the president of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans Commission on Sea Ice and Coordinator for the International Programme for Antarctic Buoys.
And just look at a piece of his bio: His chief industrial links in ice research have been with the offshore oil and marine transport industries. He received continuous support from British Petroleum Co. from 1976 until 1992 for his research group at SPRI, covering funding of a technician and support for the design and development of novel instrumentation for use in Arctic ice engineering.
Funded by Big Oil – who would have thought?
Everything suggested above has been called for by your followers, Jo, against climate scientists time and again here on your blog, so it is totally bizarre that you would pick issue with the one actual scidntist that gets conspiratorial.
This is so totally Abbottesque that one could seriously imagine that Jonovians are being directed by the LNP lunatic fringe. Is that conspiratorial enough for your comfort?
BilB, “everything“? Go on find me ONE example of each and link to it.
Haven’t we all called for climate “scientists” to be murdered by a 200MV taser to fake a lightning strike?
Thanks, Andrew, my point exactly. If I bothered to take the time to extract them the examples are plentyful.
So BilB, Andrew’s being satirical. Are you?
A sense of humour or irony is beyond the catastrophists.Go over to the “Conversation ” for confirmation. Witless mob the lot.
He is actually being factual, Jo, whether he intended to be or not.
OK. You’re being straight, and you don’t know what satire is.
I do love it, when BilB pontificates – it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, inside.
Assertions and allegations are easy to make. Proving them takes time and effort. You’ve made the allegation, your hostess has called you on it and so am I. Make the time: prove them.
If you’ve got the integrity and the balls.
It took me a few seconds to find articles about or discussing the opposite: killing or jailing of so-called climate change “deniers.” Google returned over 420,000 results. To spare your tender eyes, I’ve only linked to
one article
A search for killing or jailing so-called “climate change believers” and “climate warmists” returned exactly the same listings for killing or jailing “deniers.”
Either Google is biased or you, sir, are going to be hard pressed to find the plentiful examples you claim will support your … allegation. Jo has only challenged you to find that evidence on this site. Go for it. We want to see the proof. You’ve said there are calls made “time and again” so it shouldn’t be hard.
If you can’t be bothered, then have the grace and decency to retract and apologise. That would be the respectable, respectful and well-mannered thing to do.
You really have a warmist’s ear for irony.
Thanks BillB for demonstrating Wadhams is not the only delusional CAGW believer.
But then again, for the rest of us, be aware it’s not merely Wadhams and BillB either.
– There’s Lewandowsky who thinks it makes sense to draw conclusions from a sample size of zero.
– Trenberth who thought it appropriate to declare Katrina was caused by CAGW even though the temperature hadn’t changed in it’s path.
– The
millionsthousands of people who religiously believe in CRU’s science, despite the fact CRU cannot provide their data nor how they processed it.– The scientific illiterates who believe Climategate was just “Scientists being scientists and not scientific malpractice disclosed.”
– All those who thought the North Pole had melted from AGW in 2004.
– Those who think the identity thefts by Cook and Gleik reflect badly on the victims rather than the perpetrators.
– Those who believe the claim renewables are cheap and can replace fossil fuels.
– Those like my acquaintance who thinks the world warmed five degrees C in the last forty years. (in his defence, his brain damage was caused by a car accident; an excuse the majority of believers lack.)
– Those who will believe the upcoming El Nino drought is ANTHROPIC climate change.
– Anyone who thinks BilB will come back with the requested evidence that supports his claim.
Oops, sorry for typo in the fifth dashed point, it was summer of 2014 when that travesty happened.
Seems the major difference between a conman and a cult member is the conman does not buy their own BS.
Far too many in the Cult Of Calamitous Climate have long lost the plot and devolved into useful idiots.
This is the problem with propaganda, eventually the distortion gets so bad,reality can not be seen.
That takes me back …
What is even more surprising, is that I could actually find my old lecture notes in the attic.
From my notes:
Propagandists Use Automated Software to Spread Disinformation
Submitted by George Washington on 03/23/2015 02:30 -0400
I think you have got it all wrong, folks!
Professor Wadhams could come out of this very well indeed if he decided to come to Australia.
There would be some considerable competition to acquire Professor Wadhams services from some of Australia’s leading universities.
Take the University of NSW as an instance.
Prof Wadhams could advise Prof Chris Turney on the state of the the Antarctic Ice or the complete lack thereof.
He would be able to assure Prof Turney that his Ship of Fools entrapment in the unpredicted Antarctic sea ice was all just a figment of Turney and his crew’s imagination.
There was in fact as Prof Wadhams as the world’s leading ice expert would have the full knowledge of, no actual sea ice anywhere near where Prof Turney thought they had been trapped.
And it was all the result of Big Oil putting some unknown hallucinogenic substance into the peanut butter milk shakes Turney’s crew were partaking of.
Or the University of Queensland where the Tree House Gang of John Cook’s SkS hang out .
A fine scientific establishment where Prof Wadhams imagination as a scientist and person would be allowed full reign.
The company he would find there would of a very similar psychology to his own with the dressing up in nazi uniforms, writing papers on surveys that were never advertised and those that were had different questions at each site they were promoted on and the returns were assessed at the rate of one every 30 seconds by an assessor riding an exercise bike whilst doing so.
And of course to get the required response from another survey a bit of identity theft was required despite such identity theft being a criminal offense outside of University campuses.
However as no doubt Prof Wadhams would describe it, all done in good faith to counter the nefarious activities and gross misinformation to of Big Oil.
Prof Wadhams would fit like a glove into the Queensland University’s climate science community.
Then there is Flinders University Student Association general secretary Grace Hill who would benefit very considerably from Prof Wadhams services and experience and advice.
The Student’s Union would receive personal advice on who it should allow onto campus
Scientist such as Prof Phil Jones of the CRU and Climate Gate fame would be completely unacceptable as Jones is very likely an agent provocateur of Big Oil because he admitted some years back that there was a “pause” in global, temperature increases.
Big Oil paid scum such as Bjorn Lomborg would be totally rejected as being of the far right in even doubting the way the tax payer dollar is being spent on the global warming catastrophe that all good Marxists are fully committed to.
No doubt Prof Wadhams would be able to assure Grace Hill and the Flinders Student Union that was just another deliberate piece of provocative
mis-information from Big Oil and in fact the warming was so severe that the ice was even melting in his Martini.
And another Australian university that would no doubt welcome Prof Wadhams service is the University of Western Australia where only those of climate catastrophe faith are permitted to enter the hallowed grounds of the University.
Any suggestion of dissent from the Faith are grounds for immediate rejection and eviction from the University.
Bjorn Lombortg was such an example of a heinous unbeliever and even showed faint signs of, god forbid, a tendency towards some right wing thinking.
As such he was probably placed there by Big Oil to provoke trouble on the Uni of WA’s campus but this was forestalled by the vigilance of the socialist and marxists academics resident in the University.
Prof Wadhams based on his previous academic record would be more than acceptable and a very good academic fit at the University of Western Australia.
So Proffessor Wadhams , a warm welcome awaits you at a number of Australia’s leading Universities if and when you come to Australia.
Now that Bridge I mentioned that is for sale!
You left out Macquarie U, they of the notorious Murry Salby Ejectment, on spurious grounds.
I think that Professor Wadhams should be prevented from entering Australia or New Zealand on principle.
Any man who would put ice into a martini should be treated as a complete and utter pariah.
Follow the money. Who gets the unused portion of their grants?
Naked except for rubber-soled shoes, Professor Bottoms dances widdershins around a sparking Faraday machine in the shadowy laboratory, waving a juju stick and chanting his Lightning Spell.*
BOTTOMS: ♫♪Mumbo-jumbo, god of the quango, ♫♪Strike their bums from Pago-Pago ♫♪To East End and then Rangoon, ♫♪Boom-lay, boom-lay, boom-lay BOOM!
MONTAGE: Bottoms’ rival scientists are rudely discommoded by lightning in loos all over the world, each time with a rhythmic, resounding BOOM!
* with apologies to Vachel Lindsay.
Now there is a conspiracy element added to these deaths, you watch as the “conspiracy” becomes ever larger and more complicated, as indeed, it has to be to as it will struggle ever-harder to be self-consistent.
Further proof that there should be no more funding of tax funded education.
Al will meet with Big Mining, Big Bankster & Big Air – guess he has plenty of security travelling with him:
27 July: The Age: Tom Arup: Al Gore flies into Australia to push momentum towards Paris climate summit
PHOTO CAPTION: Former United States vice-president Al Gore with Clive Palmer on a previous trip to Australia in 2014
Former United States vice-president Al Gore has flown into Australia for a whistlestop tour that includes meetings with state government ministers and senior business figures as part of efforts to build global momentum towards the Paris climate change summit later this year.
Mr Gore arrived in Melbourne on Sunday afternoon, heading to a speaking engagement and then dinner with Victorian ministers and senior executives from major companies, including BHP, National Australia Bank and Qantas, to discuss climate change and the importance of the Paris meeting, at which it is hoped a new international agreement to curb global warming will be signed…
It is unlikely Mr Palmer will feature on this trip. Instead on Monday Mr Gore will speak at a meeting of state climate ministers, then later give a presentation at the University of Melbourne.
Ministers from Labor-led Victoria, Queensland and South Australia will attend Monday’s meeting with Mr Gore. Conservative-led NSW will send a senior public servant, as will Labor-led ACT. Tasmania, Northern Territory and Western Australia will not be represented.
The meeting is expected to produce a statement of agreed principles among the ministers attending, including a promise to develop and support measures to reduce greenhouse gases in order to help meet the internationally-agreed goal of curbing global warming to two degrees…
Victorian Environment Minister Lisa Neville told Fairfax Media she believed there was a consistency of views across Australian states about climate change.
“I think there is a willingness for all the states to be working in this space,” Ms Neville said…
On Monday, Environmental Justice Australia will release a proposal for a Victorian Climate Charter, which it says is modelled on the state’s existing Human Rights Charter…
Nicola Rivers, from Environmental Justice Australia, said: “In the absence of federal action on climate change, it is up to the states to lead.”
Please, plase, please introduce the Algoricle as
Just looking for some honesty.
Ah, that explains it.
Yesterday afternoon up here in the nearby hills we had some snow flurries as the temperature dropped down to 3C.
I notice also that Professor Peter (don’t call me scare-monger) Wadhams is one of the authors of the Arctic Methane release scare as well.
From The Independent (originally sourced from Nature) main article dated 24Jul2013: (my bolding here)
I suppose that with inflation, that has probably risen to $200 Trillion by now.
You wonder how they calculate these dollar figures…. They probably just plug dollars into their climate “models” instead of CO2 ppm.
$200trillion is peanuts in the “forward estimates scheme of things”.
Meanwhile we have yet ANOTHER “Ship Of Fools” trying to prove that Antarctic ice is melting only to have their expedition delayed by, wait for it, TOO MUCH ICE !
Idiots !
“Global warming” or whatever you wish to call it must be the most enduring, and certainly the most expensive in terms of research funding and economic consequences, shoddy science of all time. Can anyone else think of a similiar modern example?
If, as some of the more ‘passionate’ (trying to be polite) devotees of all things environmental claim, ‘big oil’ is virtually omnipotent and omniscient, then why did they ever let anyone develop and commercialise (if you discount the massive subsidies required) any form of renewable energy source in the first place?
Someone in ‘big oil’ really dropped the ball there. No doubt they have met with a similar fate, perhaps they were sucked up into a tornado created by Dick Cheney and the industrial might of Halliburton?
Actually, I blame Kate Bush for all of this, she revealed the truth about weather control way back in 1985.
There are things about this story that have not yet been fully made public — so
perhaps we should withhold judgment. For instants has it ever been determined
whether the lightening strike occurred indoors or out?
Eugene WR Gallun
26 July: Reuters: Valerie Volcovici: U.S. companies pledge financial, political support for U.N. climate deal
Thirteen big name American companies on Monday were to announce $140 billion in low-carbon investments to lend support to a global climate change deal in Paris in December, the White House said.
Companies including General Motors (GM.N), Bank of America (BAC.N), Microsoft (MSFT.O) and Coca Cola (KO.N), were to join U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry at the White House to launch the American Business Act on Climate Pledge to support the administration as it tries to secure a climate agreement…
In addition to announcing a collective $140 billion in new low-carbon investments, the companies announced they would bring at least 1,600 megawatts of new renewable energy on line, reduce water use intensity by 15 percent, purchase 100 percent renewable energy, and target zero net deforestation in their supply chains…
Apple (AAPL.O), one of the 13 countries, pledged to bring nearly 300 MW of renewable energy online in five states and the Sichuan province in China.
Berkshire Hathaway (BRKa.N) announced it will retire 75 percent of its coal-fueled generating capacity in Nevada by 2019…
26 July: Nasdaq: Amy Harder: Companies to Pledge $140 Billion in Effort to Cut Carbon Emissions
Bank of America Corp., General Motors Co., Cargill Inc. and Alcoa Inc. are among the companies set to sign onto a pledge to address climate change at a White House event Monday with Secretary of State John Kerry and White House adviser Brian Deese.
Monday’s announcement, which also includes tech giants Google Inc., Apple Inc. and Microsoft Corp., is one part of an expansive effort by the Obama administration to address climate change and make it a legacy of President Barack Obama’s time in the White House…
Most U.S. fossil-fuel companies have either resisted or are silent on efforts to cut carbon emissions. ***But in June, six European oil and natural gas companies sent a letter to the U.N. calling for a price on carbon emissions…
Alcoa, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of aluminum, is committing to cutting its U.S. carbon emissions by 50% by 2025, based on emissions levels in 2005. Bank of America is committing $75 billion through lending and other types of financing by 2025, which is on top of a previously announced $50 billion commitment. General Motors is pledging to cut the carbon intensity of its facilities by 20% by 2020, based on emission levels in 2010.
The companies making pledges Monday also include Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo Inc., United Parcel Service Inc., Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and Berkshire Hathaway Energy…
In a morbid sort of way, there’s something satisfying in all this.
All of these people will still be alive when the crunch comes and the U.S. umm, and Australia, goes into electrical power deficit because of the ridiculous regulations these people have imposed.
When it all begins to happen, I wouldn’t want to be any of them. Their reputations will be so trashed, they won’t be able to show their faces in public.
The political parties which placed so much political faith in all this will also suffer, perhaps for generations.
Wait and see just how many people will crawl out from under rocks saying ….. “Hey, I knew it was a crock all along.” or the political version ….. “we were badly advised.”
There is a simple thing they can do right now to save themselves.
Ask bl00dy questions.
Funnily enough, in F***** x press, whenever i mention the coming “Climate Nuremberg Trials” they are rarely allow my posts….I Hav eno idea why…
I don’t think it’ll ever get down to that, trials and the like. The whole thing will just be too embarrassing, for virtually everyone.
It’ll just quietly go away, virtually everywhere, because no one will be game enough to mention it in the form of gloating, like in the media, because everyone got sucked in.
I think a lot of those renewables companies will be seriously looking for somewhere to hide.
I see a wind tower now, and all I think of is ….. Ozymandias!
“…It’ll just quietly go away, virtually everywhere,….”
Tony that depends on just how far the idiots go in destroying our electrical grid. (We already had the transformer on the street blowup a month or so ago and wipe out our surge protector (it caught on fire) the computers it was protecting, the frig and the freezer.)
From what I can see in the USA we have a dangerous situation developing….
Obama, the MSM and Al Sharpton have been goading and stirring up unrest in the inner cities. SEE: Baltimore Mayor on Riots: We Gave “Those Who Wished to Destroy, SPACE TO DO THAT” (VIDEO)
The EPA regs are going to close down too many of the coal plants LINK mainly on the east coast and in the meantime activists are preventing the replacement nuclear and gas plants and the gas pipelines that feed those plants from being built. It was touch and go winter before last and the gas supplies for home heating were short and the prices high.
We have already had riots over minor stuff (perceived police misbehavior) I hate to think what will happen if the lights go out and the homes go hot or cold on a regular basis because of the recommendations of Hansen and the like.
I just hope the anger is targeted in the right direction. Unfortunately I think we will more likely see burnt out hulks like Detroit which is what the Agenda 21 Malthusians ultimately want. Then they can build the cities to their specifications. See The Demise of Christ Church NZ for how it is done.
It is not as if the USA has not had a taste of what could happen in the 1977 New York City Blackout
Also see 1967 Detroit Riot
If that is true, Australians are going to have to embrace the US love of the 2nd Ammendment – the right to bear arms. People seem to forget that humans are unruly beasts when hungry.
If you follow what happened in the LA and New Orleans unrest/riots in those cities, those with adequate protection survived, those who didnt became “road kill”.
Scared peoople dont think rationally – now imagine if you had sick and starving people who will literally kill to get your food. And if you think they will just take your food and leave you alone, think again….thugs only respect force.
I will never forgive any warmist “scientists” for their scientific incompetence – and worse. Even if they eventually renounce the AGW religion their lack of understanding or commitment to the scientific method permanently invalidates them as scientists.
The scientific community must purge these people from among our ranks. We must do it to save science.
when newspapers like the Times and UK Tele publish such nonsense from Wadhams, it’s more than dishonest, as they know better than their readers that CAGW is not run by “greenies” of this world:
i’ve linked the following to the Speakers page, which is worth noting, but u can link to other pages for the full agenda of the 2015 Conference:
Climate Leadership Conference: Save the Date: March 8 -10, 2016 Seattle, Washington
Gold Sponsors: Climate Trading Exchange, Sempra Energy
Now in its fifth year, the Climate Leadership Conference is the pre-eminent annual exchange for addressing global climate change through policy, innovation, and business solutions…
Highlights from the 2015 Climate Leadership Conference
More than 60 industry and government speakers, including Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, National Academy of Sciences President Ralph Cicerone, and former EPA Administrator Carol Browner.
Cross-cutting conversations among business executives, government officials, and academic and NGO leaders from organizations such as Bank of America, Environmental Defense Fund, DOE, Ingersoll Rand, GE, GM, Next Generation, NYU, Starbucks, Standard & Poor’s, The CarbonNeutral Company, and UPS.
Keynote Interview: Ray Mabus, Secretary of the Navy
A Scientist’s Perspective on Climate Change: Ralph Cicerone, President, National Academy of Sciences
Making the Case for Action: Where is the Public on Climate?: Dr. Edward Maibach, Director, George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication
(listed first & second)
Vikram Widge, Head of Climate and Carbon Finance IFC-World Bank Group
Alison Taylor, Vice President, Sustainability, Siemens
Who Attends Climate Leadership Conference
includes Alcoa, Apple, Bank of America, Bayer, Bloomberg, Booz Allen Hamilton, BP, Carbon Trade Exchange, Caterpillar, Chevron, Council of Foreign Relations, Dell, Deloite, Dupont, General Electric, General Motors, Hess Corporation, IBM, Lockheed Martin, New York Times, Next Generation, Nike, Northrup Grumman, PepsiCo, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Proctor & Gamble, Raytheon, Roche, S & P Dow Jones Indices, Shell, Siemens, Standard & Poor’s, Swiss Re, Boeing, Coca-Cola, Hershey, World Bank, U.S. Navy, Unilever, Volvo, Wal-Mart, Wells Fargo, WWF.
Police have issued a wanted poster in regards to death threats on climate scientists.
We’ll all look silly mocking him if he’s found dead from Spontaneous Human Combustion or Po240 poisoning next week.
Spontaneous Human Combustion?, if it did happen he’s either a chronic alcoholic or just got a gig drumming for Spinal Tap.
AUDIO: 27 July: ABC: Kelly Fuller: NSW Farmers say Al Gore has pledged his support to oppose Shenhua mine
The NSW Farmers Association says Al Gore’s pledge puts the Shenhua approval on the international stage
At a meeting of business leaders at the University of Melbourne last night, Mr Gore heard concerns about the Chinese Government owned Shenhua proposal.
The new President of the NSW Farmers Association, Derek Schoen raised the issue.
“I scored an invitation to the dinner last night and Al Gore had picked up on twitter our ***change in our policy stance (on climate change) at NSW Farmers and he invited me down to be a part of the evening.” he says…
“It’s very good to get someone of Al Gore’s standing behind the push to try and get the decision over turned.”
Mr Schoen says it’s not clear what his pledge of support will equate too.
of course, it’s all because of the hijacking of the NSW Farmers by the CAGW city crowd:
27 July: CloverHillDiariesBlog: Last night incoming NSW Farmers president Derek Schoen met with Al Gore who pledged his support for NSW Farmers fight against the Shenhau Mine
Dereks meeting with Al Gore as Derek acknowledges above (TWEET) was a result of the buzz around the watershed passing of the motion put forward by NSW Young Farmer Council with the overwhelming hand on heart support of the NSW Farmers members…
Not since Rick Farley and his support team initiated Landcare have we seen leadership of this quality…
Loving it. Bring it on Josh (Gilbert) and team #youthinag …
27 July: Heartland: James B. Taylor: Top 10 Global Warming Lies
good question:
26 July: San Francisco Chronicle: David R. Baker: Gov. Brown wants to keep oil in the ground. But whose oil?
Even the greenest, most eco-friendly politicians rarely utter the words Gov. Jerry Brown spoke at the Vatican’s climate change symposium last week.
To prevent the worst effects of global warming, one-third of the world’s known oil reserves must remain in the ground, Brown told the gathering of government officials from around the world. The same goes for 50 percent of natural gas reserves and 90 percent of coal.
“Now that is a revolution,” Brown said. “That is going to take a call to arms.”…
But it’s a concept few politicians will touch. That’s because it raises a question no one wants to answer: Whose oil has to stay put?…
Take California.
No state has done more to fight global warming…
But he (Brown) has shown no interest in cutting the state’s oil production. He has touted the economic potential of California’s vast Monterey Shale formation, whose oil reserves drillers are still trying to tap. And he has steadfastly refused calls from within his own party to ban fracking…
California remains America’s third-largest oil producing state, behind Texas and North Dakota. The industry directly employs 184,100 Californians, helps support an estimated 271,840 other jobs and yields $21.2 billion in state and local taxes each year, according to the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation…
Any governor, no matter how environmentally minded, would have a hard time turning that down…
It’s difficult for politicians to even talk about something as stark as putting limits on pumping oil, he (Dan Jacobson, state director for Environment California) said.
“Solar and wind and electric cars are really HOPEFUL things, whereas keeping oil in the ground sounds more like doomsday,” Jacobson said…
And yet, Jacobson, McKibben and now apparently Brown are convinced that most fossil fuel reserves must never be used…
President Obama, meanwhile, has made fighting climate change a key focus of his presidency…
But Obama has also boasted about America’s surging oil and natural gas production — and tried to claim credit for it. Last week, his administration gave Royal Dutch Shell the green light to hunt for oil in the Arctic Ocean. Keeping oil in the ground does not quite square with his “all of the above” energy policy, observers note. At least, not American oil…
Obama has delayed a decision on the (Keystone) pipeline for years. Given America’s own rising oil production, rejecting a project that could be a boon for the Canadian economy would be difficult, analysts say.
“The message would be, ‘We’re not going to help you develop your resources — we’ll essentially raise the cost,’” said UC Berkeley energy economist Severin Borenstein. He is convinced that Canada will develop the tar sands, regardless.
“It’s become such a huge symbol that it’s impossible for Obama to make a decision on it,” Borenstein said. “I think he’s just going to run out the clock.”
ABC finds space for this lengthy Conversation piece of nonsense:
27 July: ABC: The Conversation: The five hot topics of the ALP conference
The Conversation’s experts were watching the conference with an eye across key policy areas. Their responses follow…
Climate change and energy
Peter Christoff, Associate Professor, School of Geography at University of Melbourne
In tackling climate policy head on at its 2015 party conference, Labor made a virtue out of necessity. There is no way it could have done anything else. The alternative was being bludgeoned by the Coalition about its “hidden plans” for a carbon tax and emissions trading between now and the next election.
And so Shorten went out on the front foot…
The platform also indicates that Labor will introduce tougher vehicle emissions standards and provide ongoing support for important climate institutional innovations – the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency and the Climate Change Authority – created by previous Labor governments and attacked by Abbott…
Shorten emphasised climate is “an economic and environmental cancer that demands early intervention”. In other words, this issue is about national security and “national health”.
Labor is pushing for innovation and investment in a “clean energy future” – a claim that fits with Labor’s traditional self-representation as Australia’s only party of national modernisation.
Shorten underscored the policy’s economic and social responsibility. It will produce – rather than cost – investment and jobs, and lower household energy bills.
Shorten and his environment spokesman, Mark Butler, have aimed to blunt Coalition claims of “rash leadership” by arguing this new policy is merely trying to catch up with others, and is specifically following the lead of major economies like the US and China.
So what could be better and what’s missing?…
Electricity production is currently responsible for about 33 per cent of Australia’s national emissions. The ALP’s renewables announcement therefore implies a national emissions reduction target of at least 16 per cent below present levels by 2030.
With the ETS and the use of other emissions reduction and energy efficiency measures, tougher targets are possible. And they are essential if Australia is to do its fair share in keeping global warming well below two degrees Celsius…
Labor also failed to make any mention of tackling Australia’s very substantial public subsidy to the fossil fuel sector…
Ending this environmentally destructive subsidy would help level the economic playing field between alternative energy sources and provide significant additional revenue for the budget – including for investment in renewables…
Some warmists have reached a new low,
To think that their comrades who go,
To assess Arctic ice,
On poor warmist advice,
Could be victims of those they deem foe.
“Professor Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University has just written to the UK’s Independent Press Standards Organisation about recent articles that “ha[ve] substantially damaged my reputation for scientific integrity, and I believe that this was the deliberate intention”. Here is the text of his complaint.”
Whats your point Harry?
If he wanted to avoid looking a fool, he could have kept his mouth shut.
Gee he trusted a presstitute?
Waa waah.
Can you spell Gullible?
Or did his lust for attention override his reasoning abilities?
Gullible is a French not found in most “Standard English Dictionaries”.
john Robertson.
I am not sure I go with “blame the victim”, but I agree Wadhams should never have trusted the press.
The press being more interested in a story than the truth at times. Anyway we will see how IPSO rules on the complaint.
You are gone take the word of IPSO, a committee of presstitutes over what is obvious?
The man does not dispute what he implied.
Just whines when the press runs with it.
The Otter is referencing Snow White! (AKA cross dresser Jim Hunt*)
*Jim used to pose as the female Snow White on line until outed.
I think most of these unfortunate deaths could have been avoided with the proper use of fossil fuel.
If you went to work in a motor vehicle opposed to a bike you woudnt have ended up under the bus so to speak.
If there was proper lighting in the home where the party was held. Everyone would have seen whether anyone else was and no one would have ended up stair surfing.
Likewise if you had walked the dogs in a motorized scooter you would have probably survived and be able to tell a shocking tale for a long time to come.
Either way he might just remember that even the mafia is taking a active interest in green energy investments, if the ice is not disappearing, and hes not reporting that its disppearing, then he is of little value.
Not only are Big oil out to get him, so are mafia groups, and green groups who are also out to get him. He should be scared. really scared. I recommend a fallout shelter, and a good diesel generator.