Remember the government funded play “Kill The Deniers”? They’re back!
This time they’ve got a talkie-dance video (is it funded by the ACT government again? I don’t know). They’re launching it today in Canberra (Weds 21st). See it below — at first glance I thought David Finnigan was up to his deep game — living satire — where he pretends to mock skeptics while he’s really satirizing the Global Worriers, post modern art, and pointless government funding. It could be, but this one looks more like a therapy session. Let’s work through the pain, and pretend the artistes paid for childish drama are the victims of meanie words…
But cynically, seriously, maybe climate skeptics were the only ones who paid any attention last time, and this is just a gambit for a link from Andrew Bolt?
Note the credits:
Words by Andrew Bolt, Joanne Nova, and Bishop Hill and all the commenters
The narrative is about someone with a bag on their head who gets uncovered, does a big stretch, dances around some cardboard heads, then she stops and they put the bag back on. Plotless. (You expected a plot, you philistine?)
Andrew Bolt is the obvious target. Anyone know why Mel Gibson’s head is in this? What did he do?
I was excited to be credited with words (my first single!), but I fear they missed my best lines. Actually, I think they missed all my lines. I don’t think they could use any of what I wrote. I think they wished I had said “… if a war starts, a lot of eco-activists will be killed first” — that sounds so much more exciting than being described as a group accidentally parodying themselves. Those female voices might sound like they speak the words of the only female named at the end, but it is not so.
Remember the play? “Briefly, the scenario is this: a classic rock band take the stage in Parliament House’s main hall, 96 armed eco-terrorists storm the building and take the entire government hostage, threatening to execute everyone unless Australia ends global warming.” — Citynews, Canberra
Only government art would call this a “classic rock band”:

“Kill the Deniers” — All the wit and wisdom of government funded “arts”. Can’t persuade the voters? Shoot their representatives.
Look out HG Wells:
“THIS COULD BE Canberra’s answer to HG Wells’ “The War Of The Worlds,” but you’ll have to be at Smiths Alternative this Wednesday night to find out exactly what the “Kill Climate Deniers” project is all about when its new album is launched.”
— Citynews, Canberra, Sept 20, 2016
I think my post in 2014 is one of my favourites, but deep: satire within satire.
“ Kill the Climate Deniers: Taxes Fund New Living Satire”:
David Finnigan, seems to be doing a brave new kind of living satire –– one where he lives the genre full time as he prepares, never breaking out of character in tweets, blogs, or plays. Sheer brilliance! He is self-satirizing the paranoid useful idiot who swallows improbable scientific visions about controlling the weather, and uses hyperbolic crass motherf…… language in a form of scientific self-mockery. Taking things to absurd extremes, he calls himself peaceful while he admires terrorists, invents conspiracy theories, and dreams of bloody revolution.
Truly, this could be a remarkable production that we will laugh at for years to come. In a stroke of innovation, the production is not the play that is in draft — instead it’s the media, the blogs, and his own parody responses. The show is on!
Good satirists understand their targets. Here is Finnigan-the-writer, pretending to be an artist but secretly playing the role of a paranoid fearmonger, thinking skeptics may be trying to kill him.
We are not advocating for the murder of carbon lobbyists! Frankly at this late stage in the game it looks like you guys are trying to kill us, where us = anyone not wealthy enough to survive …
Presumably David-Finnigan-the-self-satirist will toy with Fairfax journalists and green politicians soon and say he was only talking of water-pistols, or metaphors of cleansing, I mean cleaning. Then we can all laugh at them. Of course, he doesn’t mean real hostages either. Which he explains by admiring other satirical actors called “Chechens” who did this amazing play in a theater in Russia:
In 2002, about 50 armed Chechens broke into the Dubrovka Theatre in Russia and took the 850 occupants hostage, demanding an end to the Russian occupation of Chechnya. Their efforts were unsuccessful, ending when the Russian government gassed the building with a toxic substance, killing 200 of their own citizens as well as the terrorists. Nevertheless, their attempt provides a model for what a real challenge to the status quo might look like.
I’ve already given him a dangerous big-picture theme to explore in his next deep art:
…perhaps emotional artistes are being played by big-money? Let’s explore that idea. What if Big Money was using the fools-for-tools tactic — the smart players are making cashola from carbon trading and renewables, respectively $176b and $300b industries. The Green vested interests are now a $1.5 trillion industrial complex. The clever self-serving players can push predictable fear-buttons in people who are not-good-with-numbers, who respond by feeling real angst, frustration and dismay.
Then the poor panicking pawns convert their angst into shallow fantasies of control through brute force.
When will the government fund this expose?
You can buy the album, and buy the script
The official blurb:
Kill Climate Deniers is an album of original music by Reuben Ingall in the style of classic House and Techno from 1988-92 – mixed with samples from David Finnigan’s stage-play of the same name.
The lyrics for ‘Bolted’ are by Andrew Bolt writing about Kill Climate Deniers, and from his commenters and fellow bloggers: ‘The Left is the natural home of the modern totalitarian – and of all those who feel entitled by their superior morality to act as savages.’
More info at
The Kill Climate Deniers album is available through Clan Analogue via…
Have some fun, go to the launch. I wish I could…
h/t Derek (thanks for your patience)
I am destroyed to be so comprehensively slain in dodgy music and dance. There’s no hope for me, I’m going outside to cut…. the grass.
Whats happend to ??
–The link seems to work for me. But if it is failing for some let me know. – J
Nice catch, Santa Baby.
Daly’s site is/was a treasure trove of links.
Daly’s highlighting of the Lempriere-Ross sea-level mark is all you need to disprove Global Warming sea-level rise.
October 1999, BBC: Mark of hot dispute
Think about it.
If the Lempriere-Ross Mark showed any of the sea-level rise of 97% catastrophic proportions, Obama et al would be screaming & pointing in a display that could be seen from the International Space Station.
14 years since the CSIRO made any comment.
All we have is the sound of tumble weeds tumbling.
The silence is all you need to know.
It’s still on*/
And this is a keep abour Central England? The yearly temperature is between 7.3 and 10.5 degrees C?
Pugh’s dripping condescension is repulsive, and the simplest fact checking by the BBC would have revealed that. To refer to Thomas Lempriere as an ‘environmentalist’ is revisionist eco-projection, and a disservice that underestimates the accomplishment and capability of the man, his life and his works that would might very well provide a stark contrast against Pugh, a new age post-modern progressive eco-scientivist.
Thomas Lempriere was clearly a polymath and a capable ‘natural philosopher’, as comfortable in the pursuit of Art and Music as he was in pursuit of the Law, Governance and observational science. His commercial acumen may not have been at the same level, but to each his calling.
To describe him as an ‘environmentalist’ is pure BBC eco-isation at work.
Dr (for a doctor he is) Pugh may be repulsive! He has a lieutenant here in Tasmania, another doctor, Dr John Hunter (still employed by the CSIRO)!
Dr Church has apparently lost his job as part of the CSIRO cutbacks! Dr Hunter is still clinging on.
Dr Hunter used to have his own blog, called “what’s wrong with still waiting for greenhouse” The blog has been dropped and no longer appears on an internet search. It was a response to the John Daly Blog, which was called “Still Waiting for Greenhouse”
All this seems to have happened when the CSIRO cutbacks occurred last year. I assume that that Dr John Hunter might have been counselled to remove his very provocative material from the Web.
I have found a link to Dr John Hunter’s old blog “what’s wrong with What’s up with Greenhouse” It is on the wayback archive, which confirms my contention that it has been pulled off the web.
That might not work. Try this:
He says:
(You are beating a dead horse here,Peter) CTS
Why do I get a 403 Forbidden message when click this link?
G’day Russell,
I’ve just successfully downloaded both Santa’s and handjive’s links. I’m using an iPad and Safari from home.
Hope this helps,
Dave B
We could just respond with science … that seems to work.
Jo, a published paper talking about the lack of the “tropical hot spot” means no CO2 based warming …
The green poseurs must have run low on bar tokens.
I am at a loss as to who in their right minds would pay any attention to this unmusical merde for more than 2 seconds?
Typical modern infantile people gigging about as if it means anything.
Another victim of arts meets climate ideology meets smart-phone-attention-span-capable gen Ys….end result is garden fertilizer….
I can see watching it once, never twice, and to be honest, I have seen epileptic seizures that looked more like dance than what I just saw.
I am, as always, at a loss as to who climate deniers are. Is it those that deny the religion, or those that deny the scientific data?
On the dancing I was reminded of Seinfeld where Elaine dances, but again this effort was intended comedy.
Let me confuse you a bit more about who the climate deniers are, with a quote from the latest missive from the Lewandowsky stable.
My reading is that denial is of the fact that there is a common belief among a vaguely defined group that the Earth is warming from greenhouse gas emissions. In any peer-reviewed article there could not be a claim about overwhelming evidence in support of the CAGW hypothesis (a really big problem, either now or potential), as it would be false and without support. Nor can it be about denying and blocking policies that will reduce global emissions to well below current levels. The UNFCCC admitted that all policy proposals, if fully enacted, would not stop global GHG emissions from rising. So denial how to be one meaning in the peer reviewed literature and quite a different meaning in “Kill the Deniers“.
adjective: pervasive
(especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people.
“there is a pervasive consensus that the Earth is warming from greenhouse gas emissions….”
Lewandowsky got something right for a change 🙂
No he didn’t Greg, it’s redundant, a waste of space. A consensus is pervasive by definition.
A Strunk & White fan Jo…?
Oh dreary me.I can see it going gangbusters on Facebag.
Of course. The appallingly amateurish photoshopping is par for course.
The childish undertones of impending violence never leaves a true hard leftist, this I’m now convinced of.
The target of their angst will vary depending on what untruths are broadcast through the various Pravda-esque outlet at that time but can be completely reversed if it suits a change in the agenda.
An essential lesson to teach children is that some people are not very nice to others and will continue to be like this for the rest of their lives.
There is some sort of physiological dissidence going on within.
It is well known that any name with the word science in it, isn’t.
Those who preach tolerance, can’t themselves tolerate disagreement.
And as per Kevin’s quote of Lewandowsky above, they reveal their own dissidence.
The US elections are rife with these undertones of violence as you put it. When they talk about Trump, they go apoplectic with rage.
The problem withteh Left is they constantly hijack words and twist them. Case in point, the word “gay” means happy, not something else. Or they will take a phrase by taking two fundamentally opposing things, mash them together in a phrase, repeat it often enough and – presto ! a new ( scientifically unsupportable ) “fact” is born… hitler said, repeat a lie big enough often enough and peopel will believe it, namely because people ( foolishly ) trust govt to be honest….
The defence rests.
Back in the day, we used to call them “bovverboys” who would go to a protest meeting with iron bars and steel toecapped boots.
In this new age of enlightenment concensus, they have become organised, and will now beat you up enmasse, with last weeks fashion in personal communication devices.
Has it ever struck anybody else, that seance and science sound awfully simular, when uttered through a mouth full of sushi?
I understand what bovver boots are, and yes, the unspoken comparison to Brown Shirts is also very clear for anyone who understands history.
I spend time speaking to people and explain the science. You eventually see the penny drop.
On the other side of the coin, I recall nearly having a punch up with a rusted on hard-left leftist in my office one day over climate chnage…i refused to back off…..he left not long afterward…..and it wasnt me who became near hysterical….power to them is a drug, once you threaten that….the gloves come off very quickly. Worst thing you can do is back off with bullies, they rely on people being polite, and cant cope when you stand up to them.
This is the type of anti-science we have to put up with.
The top chart bears very little relationship to the bottom. The top is a TOTAL FABRICATION.
Yes it certainly looks that way. Just like the left biased mainstream media, NOAA are not to be trusted anymore.
RSS and UAH pretty much match, without the rabid NOAA red crayon.
GIS are onboard with the NOAA. Confirmation, eh 😉
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
– Joseph Goebels
Nuff said….
‘Anyone know why Mel Gibson’s head is in this? What did he do?’
He was born in New York and came to Sydney at age 12. More recently he was racially indiscreet and also made a fool of himself over some floozie.
Mel is not a living saint.
That falls totally in the “Waste of time, why bother, POINTLESS” basket.
Agree. Another 2 minutes (couldn’t watch any more) of my life never to be found again.
Pointman‘s question:
“If Global Warming means both warmer and colder weather simultaneously, how do you know when it’s fixed?”
Indeed. To paraphrase:
“If Global Warming means droughts, floods, wildfires and snow simultaneously, how do you know when it’s fixed?”
20 Sept, SETH BORENSTEIN, AP SCIENCE WRITER: 2016’s Hellish Summer Weather: A Told-You-So Climate Moment?
“This summer’s weather was relentless and hellish, crowded with the type of record-smashing extremes that scientists have long warned about.
The season ends Wednesday, and not a moment too soon.
“Summer featured floods that killed hundreds of people and caused more than $50 billion in losses around the globe, from Louisiana and West Virginia to China, India, Europe and the Sudan. Meanwhile, droughts parched croplands and wildfires burned from California to Canada to China and India.
Toss in unrelenting record heat.”
~ ~ ~
Wait. What?
Why not “toss” in some snow too? Global warming means more snowstorms: scientists
June, 2016: California’s Sierra Nevada Dusted With Summer Snow (PHOTOS)
youtube: Hillary Clinton Points To Snow In January As Proof Of [Global Warming] (0.40 sec)
. . .
What a bunch of “tossers”.
As race tightens, Clinton might turn to climate
“She needs to motivate millennials, not just scare them to death,” Bledsoe said. “They’re just not that excited about her vision.”
. . .
Without the apocalyptic visions, she has nothin’!
Their faces show the truth
If Clinton goes to climate change as a last resort, then she’ll have a job on her hands convincing the electorate that the Malawi drought is caused by CO2.
Wet and dry.
She apparently has Parkinsons. I doubt she’d even last the first term *if* she won.
Last winter Chicago was so cold the locals called it ‘Chi-beria’ as in Siberia, yet is was the warmest winter since the formation of the Earth. Beware folks, NASA has some very ambitious plans that require massive funding from the Government so their ”warmest year ever” will continue as long as funding continues
O/T Catlicks get preferential treatment.
‘Australia’s humanitarian refugee intake will be set permanently at almost 19,000 per year and will now include a component of Central Americans under a series of pledges offered by Malcolm Turnbull in New York overnight.’
Mark Kenny
The PM is like former PM’s on the world stage, they come bearing gifts like Santa just to promote themselves and for no other reason
Still OT, so brief: you may want to check out the murder rates in some of those places in Central America (I’d look up San Pedro Sula, for starters).
Its fairly high with an average of three homicides a day.
If K.C.D. should win the applause,
Of the box-office crowd that it draws,
Let the authors explain,
That an eco campaign,
Is a farce after decades of Pause.
Chorus from a serf’s contrary climate-science
hymn book:
When they said,’Repent!’
I wuhndered wha-at they meant.
Now ah know fer ah can see
The money they have spent.
It made Al Gore a mint,
More tax fer guv-uh-mint
‘N hefty grants fer cli-mate scien-tists.
Oh when they said ‘Repent!’
Ah wuhndered wha-at they meant.
Now the blizzard uv the world
Has crossed the thresh-hold,
And it has ovuh-turned …
Ovuh-turned the order uv
the soul,’Repent!’
(Music by Leonard Cohen.)
Science! Update:
97% Climate scientists disprove the myth of photosynthesis.
New study undercuts favorite climate myth ‘more CO2 is good for plants’
I’m sure there was no hint of bias in those Stanford studies and Dana Nutticelli can, of course, explain how much higher prehistoric CO2 levels didn’t fry the planet.
Dana’s ignorance knows no bounds. That experiment he’s getting all hot and bothered over is just another piece of pure propaganda which flies totally in the face of natural history. It’s risible and junk `science’ of the highest degree.
He can now explain, clearly and accurately, how the Titansuars, the Diplodosids, and the brachiosaurs, to name just a few families of huge herbivores, could have possibly existed. They all share three things in common; they are the largest of dinosaurs massing up to 90 tons (argentinosaurus), they are all herbivores (vegans) and they’re all extinct.
The huge skeletons holding up those high roofs of the world’s natural history museums graphically attest to their existence. They can’t be `denied’ away.
Our climate is now so CO2 starved and so cold, the largest herbivores it can support are those tiny midgets we call elephants.
C’mon Dana. You’ve never had much credibility in the past, but this effort of yours is too much. Until you can make an explanation which is not only plausible but supported by fact, then that effort is risible and contemptible. Junk.
Take those supposed scientists to the Smithsonian (you should all be aware of its existence and even know where to find it) and look over its collection of giants. Make them explain.
They couldn’t be that big with modern day levels of CO2 (tiny) and modern temperatures (frigid).
Thank you Sophocles, what an excellent demonstration of logic to throw in the face of yet another idiotic piece of “research”!
We expect a full report from Gee Aye.
Any Jonovian daring to attend the event, please live-blog it here in comments.
I’m not going outside. It is raining
I’m not sure if anything above provided this link
Thanks Gee.
The guy is a self admitted clueless writer with no skill or training. He just does stuff and sees if it works.
How on earth he managers to feed himself has got me stumped.
The hard-working (nett) tax-payers of Australia are probably offering him generous support in the form of some sort of ‘benefit’ or grants.
Weird …
” … I’ve always made weird things instead …” At least he admits it. Expands on the subject in considerable detail in fact.
The “Kill Climate Deniers solo show, pic by Sarah Walker” seems to show him tying a shoelace with his foot in a box on a desk. That fits the meme I guess.
Web page is titled “Writings belong of David Finnigan” which seems to be a poor attempt at expressing himself in Melanesian Pidgin or Tok Pisin. “Pepa blong David Finnigan” would be better.
I think pepa pekpek might be more appropriate.
The meaning of pekpek might be obvious. If not, then is your friend …
When I was a young trainee all those years ago; we had a surveyor in the office who used to work in PNG. He would tell us stories of him doing original survey work through the Northern Territory for new roads and highways. He’d write “pek pek creek” in his field notes just for laughs. It wasn’t until years later that he found road signs going up at creek crossings showing Pek Pek Creek, that he stopped writing it into field books. *laugh*.
Pekpek took me back a few years.
My early years were spent in New Guinea. I learnt a little bit of Pigin English. Pekpek=defecate.
We spent a few days up the creek on the Laloki river near the Rouna Falls on a scout camp. Our Scout master was Ran (great Eagle- from the jungle book)
“The Sogeri Plateau at the foothills of the Owen Stanley Ranges is about half-way between Port Moresby and the start of the Kokoda Trail at Owers Corner.
The plateau was formed by a volcanic eruption thousands of years ago. The river Laloki runs through the cannon at Rouna and provides the Port Moresby with water and electricity.”
Being good scouts we bashed and buried all our rubbish but we did not boil our water. After a few days we all got gastroenteritis.
Poor Ran was in a lot of trouble from the parents.
I spent three weeks in Nuku up in the hills between Weewak and Aitape but learnt what Pidgin I know from my father who spent the war years in TI, New Britain and Wewak.
The place, port moresby, wasn’t all that safe when I was there in 1969 but it sounds very dangerous now.
Progress, you can’t get in the way of politicians doing their job.
I sincerely hope his canoe wasn’t manufactured from barbed wire, and that he did indeed have a paddle with him!
I love pidgin Martin & Greg!
“Pepa pekpek” is the equivalent of toilet paper! But I’d prefer “pekpek blut” which is more appropriate for Finnigan!
I have a photo of a sign on the road from Port Moresby to Sorgeri –
The Engineers gave instructions obeyed to the letter!
One of my favourite PNG Pidgin phrases is ‘pekpek bilong pukpuk’, being what you’ll find a pukpuk has eventually left behind when the digestive processes have had done with any unwary local or tourist.
You like painim sala warra?
A rainy day has helped me find this report on the “New Dawn of Truth” conference (Monkton, London):
An extract:
“Geophysicist Dr Peter Ward believes explosive volcanoes cause climate cooling by sending particles through the atmosphere that reflect and scatter sunlight. He believes that the environment is heated by non-explosive effusive volcanoes erupting over thousands of years.
He said: “Carbon dioxide cannot physically cause global warming. It simply does not absorb enough heat.”
Dr Ward demonstrated his confidence and said: “I’m offering $10,000 (£7,510) of my children’s inheritance to the first scientist that can actually demonstrate that [carbon dioxide causes global warming], because I know now and my understanding of the physics, it’s physically impossible for that to happen.” ”
Dave B
And this one says Hinkley Point has been given the go ahead:
Dave B
Australians are insane, sending uranium offshore so foreigners can make the huge profit from processing it, we are insane !
This is a wonderful entertainment.
Human caused global warming is real.
All government expenditure on the arts is justified.
Dogs often chase cats
Only 1 of the previous 4 claims is not sarcastic and capable of proof.
Graeme No.3,
“…Dogs often chase cats”
And often dogs will chase their own tails.
Cats also chase their own tails…
I hadn’t realised that Sarkozy had been to the New Dawn of Truth conference.
“And finishes with a quote from the presentation he gave (in English) at the recent London “New Dawn of Truth” conference.
So, in a sense, the climate fear is the newest avatar of the irrational exponential fear. It is not the first one. And it is probably not the last. Hence, we should be concerned by the fact that, sooner or later, it will be replaced by another one. (…)”
Dave B
Airheads. They exist. Touchy feely often would be artistic people who have real trouble with the pressures of modern society, relationships and especially with any science. Mathematics is a complete mystery. Physics is worshipped and chemistry is unknown. These people are not carbon lifeforms. These people are fodder for the ABC and the profiteers of doom. This is why scientology is so popular with Hollywood actors.
I note the real Scientology nonsense has vanished from the Wikipedia entries but you have to love
“Xenu (/ˈziːnuː/), also called Xemu, was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm.”
Then the Rapture and the hundreds of victims of the Rev Jim Jones and all the mystics of the ashrams. Our government funded loonies are relatively benign. The real worry is that they think everyone else is benign too.
Why didn’t they get Prof Brian Cox to play keyboard for this?
If this post is deleted due to section 18C, I will have no complaints as it is Jo’s right to protect herself from the utter stupidity of the utterly nefarious and stupid do-gooder legislation that has been hijacked by the leftist and morally bankrupt watermelon brigade and so corrupted as to deliberately and criminally discriminate solely against those of a white skinned complexion and a european christian background descent.
Strange isn’t it that despite the way 18C is promoted by the leftists and greens and assorted other left wing kooks as the means to stop and prevent insulting references to others colour or religion, providing that religion is not a white skinned “Christian” religion of course, it is quite OK to suggest let alone publish and heavily promote something that appears to want to “Kill” those who do not conform with a climate catastrophe believing, full on cultist ideology.
To point up the true absolute hypocrisy and complete moral bankruptcy of the western and green and activist elites guilt ridden intellectual and moral depravity!
If you want to experience some trauma and fun just form a group called “Kill the White Climate Deniers”
No doubt loud shouts of acclamation would accompany such an announcement from all the various and sundry guilt laden white skinned green / watermelon completely hypocritical guilt laden, intellectual dwarfs and activists and anti civilisation whackos.
Then form another group called the “Kill the Black Climate Deniers” and be prepared to cop the biggest load of criminal quality invective and death threats along with industrial scale legal and illegal onslaughts on your reputation and person from the aforesaid morally and intellectually depraved green left morally bankrupt elitist centres of moral depravity that anyone on this planet is ever likely to experience.
“If you want to experience some trauma and fun just form a group called “Kill the White Climate Deniers”. No doubt loud shouts of acclamation would accompany such an announcement from all the various and sundry guilt laden white skinned green / watermelon completely hypocritical guilt laden, intellectual dwarfs and activists and anti civilisation whackos.”
Aunt Jemima invites you for pancakes!
“Then form another group called the “Kill the Black Climate Deniers” and be prepared to cop the biggest load of criminal quality invective and death threats along with industrial scale legal and illegal onslaughts on your reputation and person from the aforesaid morally and intellectually depraved green left morally bankrupt elitist centres of moral depravity that anyone on this planet is ever likely to experience.”
Sheriff Joe Aparo invites you for pancakes!
For my wonderful Zebra mom, and in memory my late father as illustrated, I TAKE OFFENSE! Prepare to die!!
Wednesday must be thumb-downer’s day off
oops just late getting up
Retired. Or in Perth.
Most don’t get out of bed until 2pm so your comment is true.
You’re telling me that you have to get out of bed to submit a red thumb?
Now that is a real exercise regime!
given this thread has plenty of laughs…
19 Sept: CBS: AP: Cow Fart Regulation Passed Into California Law
Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation that regulates emissions from dairy cows and landfills for the first time as California broadens its efforts to fight climate change beyond carbon-based greenhouse gases.
Brown’s move Monday targets a category of gases known as short-lived climate pollutants, which have an outsize effect on global warming despite their relatively short life in the atmosphere…
and the costs? no-one knows, and all the MSM hype is for regulations that don’t even take effect until 2024 (if ever):
20 Sept: ABC10: What are the costs and regulations of the new cow and landfill emissions law?
by Alexa Renee, KXTV
The new bill states, the board is responsible for monitoring and regulating these emissions with the help of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. The board has to have a strategy in place by 2018, even though the regulations won’t take into effect until 2024.
Methane emissions would have to be reduced by 40 percent below 2013 levels by 2030, according to the bill.
You can’t install a catalytic converter on a cow like you can a vehicle, so just how will the new bill be regulated?…
There is already a strategy underway, the board is just looking for public comment before making final decisions, according to Clegern.
“What this legislation does is set a timeline for reduction of emissions,” Clegern said.
The proposed strategy explains, there are two ways to reduce methane emissions, by capturing it, or by avoiding it’s production…
And of course, there’s the issue of cash.
“[Dairy digesters] are not cheap,” Clegern said. “One of the things we have to work on is how to make them affordable.”…
CalRecycle and the CDFA both estimate that the state support at least $100 million per year for five years in forms of grants, loans and incentive payments, for both landfill and cow emission strategies respectively.
Local governments would be responsible for covering costs of waste management by collecting fees…
Overall, hard numbers and costs won’t be known until 2024, when regulations are enforced, according to Clegern. For now, we have to wait and see if the price of our brie cheese or sirloin steak will go up.
“Part of that will depend on the costs of technologies,” Clegern said. “The cost impact remains to be seen.”
***despite the “frenzy”!
20 Sept: BBC: Roger Harrabin: China embarked on wind power frenzy, says IEA
China has been building two wind turbines every hour, the International Energy Agency (IEA) has told BBC News.
This is the world’s biggest programme of turbine installation, double that of its nearest rival, the US.
The nation’s entire annual increase in energy demand has been fulfilled from the wind.
But the IEA warns China has built so much coal-fired generating capacity that it is turning off wind turbines for 15% of the time.
The problem is that coal-fired power stations are given priority access to the grid.
An IEA spokesman told BBC News: “The rather rosy statement on wind energy hides the issue that 2015 and the first half of 2016 also saw ***record new installations of coal.
“China has now a clear over-supply. In the province of Gansu, 39% of wind energy had to be curtailed (turned off because there is not enough capacity on the grid)…
Construction has slackened in 2016, but only to a level of more than one turbine per hour…
20 Sept: Yibada: IEA: China Committed to Invest on Wind Energy But Unsustainable
A spokesperson from the International Energy Agency said that China is rapidly building wind turbines, but the turbines are shut down by smoke coming from coal burning plants…
He said, “The rather rosy statement on wind energy hides the issue that 2015 and the first half of 2016 also saw ***record new installations of coal. China has now a clear over-supply.”
According to the expert, 39 percent of wind energy had to be curtailed. The turbines had to be turned off because there is not enough capacity on the grid…
“China’s position is clearly unsustainable. It will need strong policy decisions, including the construction of many more grid lines and a phase-out policy for older, more inefficient coal power plants,” he added…
pat mentions this: (my bolding here)
Wow! How thrilling.
Pity it’s not quite how it is.
While last year (end of 2015) the total actual generation for wind power was 3.6%, for some context to place this year’s, umm, frenzy into perspective, now at the end of August 2016 it has risen to around 3.9% of total power generation.
For some context, the total Nameplate for NEW coal fired power is 29,000MW, just for the last 8 Months, so around 1000MW per week of new coal fired generation, all of it, the latest tech HELE USC plants. (That’s the equivalent of 11 new Bayswaters (2640MW old tech) just in the last 8 Months)
Coal fired power is still supplying 74% of China’s total generation, down fractionally from end of year 2015, when it was 74.2%.
As to actual power consumption in the Residential sector, you know, homes where people live actually having electrical power, the total for this 8 Months is 13.6% of total consumption, up from 13.3% at end 2015. Compare that with the rest of the already Developed World where the Residential sector is up around 30 to 40% of total consumption.
China has a long ….. long, long way to go to catch up to the Developed World, and only REAL electrical power with a 24/7/365 availability can provide that.
Source – Actual China Power Data from China
Coal is King:
21 Sept: Bloomberg: Ben Sharples: China Coal Control Jolts Global Markets From Steel to Freight
Imports up more than 12% during the first eight months of 2016
Met coal prices more than double as best-performing commodity
China is the biggest producer and consumer. Its output of 3.75 billion tons in 2014 — more than the combined production of the U.S., India, Australia and Indonesia — helps feed the world’s largest steel industry and fuel about 70 percent of the power needs of the world’s largest energy consumer.
China’s main impact on the global market comes from its imports, which accounted for about 19 percent of global seaborne trade last year, according to Bloomberg calculations and Morgan Stanley data. Production cuts have spurred overseas purchases to the highest since 2014 and are up more than 12 percent over the first eight months of this year, partially reversing a two-year slump after peaking in 2013…
After falling for five years and dropping to the lowest since at least 2008 in April, Newcastle thermal coal prices, an Asian benchmark, are are up more than 40 percent this year to about $72 a ton. Spot prices for metallurgical coal, used to make steel, more than doubled since July to over $200 a metric ton, this year’s best-performing commodity. Thermal coal in Indonesia, the world’s biggest exporter of the fuel for electricity generation, has posted the longest run of gains since 2013…
Indonesia’s PT Adaro Energy has seen its share price more than double, and the rise in thermal prices will help miners such as Glencore Plc, the world’s largest shipper of the power fuel. BHP Billiton Ltd., the biggest exporter of seaborne metallurgical coal, would see almost $5 billion added to its underlying earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization in the year ending June 30 because of the surge in the steel-making raw material, Liberum Capital Ltd. said earlier this month…
That, er, that is a most disappointing video/song/chant disembodied words haunting some young lady obviously used to staying in padded rooms with locked doors and barred windows.
Better luck next time Finnegan & Ingall! Try hiring some song writers and music composers.
Next time? Surely once was more than enough??
Okay, here goes:
“I officially go on record and deny there is a climate.”
There you are, sane people. Now, whenever anybody refers to ‘climate deniers’, you can respond. “There’s only one climate denier on Earth, Leo Morgan. And even he only does it to mock alarmist idiots.”
“I officially go on record and deny there is a climate.”
Now you really pissed off the Realtors Guild!! How else to sell this ‘piece of shit’ property?
[Given the level of the discussion already in progress I’m approving this. But Jo would really like to have a higher level of civility. Check her guidelines for comments, It’s easily found.] AZ
“THIS COULD BE Canberra’s answer to HG Wells’ “The War Of The Worlds,” but you’ll have to be at Smiths Alternative this Wednesday night to find out exactly what the “Kill Climate Deniers” project is all about when its new album is launched.”
And people tell me my writing has too many run on sentences.
I also wasn’t aware that War of the Worlds was a question.
“I also wasn’t aware that War of the Worlds was a question.”
There are no answers, only opinions! As of June 2016, total number of opinions reached 9.6 times the number of assholes.
New Zealander Dobson says “Paris” is “legally binding” to “set” a target & “take steps” to achieve it! lol:
20 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: Michael Dobson: How Donald Trump is delaying the Paris climate deal dividend
(Michael Dobson is a PhD student in Global Politics at the New School for Social Research, and a former climate advisor to the Marshall Islands)
Not only was an agreement reached in Paris, but it was a detailed and ambitious one, containing a legally binding requirement for every country to set an emissions reduction target and take steps to achieve it…
While there is good reason to doubt his word on a great many other things, when it comes to climate change, it seems safe to trust that as President of the United States, Donald Trump would be an existential threat to the world’s climate…
Climate denial is and always has been a political, rather than scientific, phenomenon…
Dobson, above, goes on to claim CAGW is only political on the RIGHT.
however, Ed King, below, proves “Political CAGW” is depressingly of the LEFT:
20 Sept: ClimateChangeNews: Ed King: Trump threat looms over New York climate week
Amid bullish clean energy predictions and packed climate policy events, fears are growing over the impacts of a potential Donald Trump presidency
Bar the most colourful expletives, there are two words you’re unlikely to hear at Climate Week in New York: Donald Trump.
Inside the sophisticated cool of the New York Times building off 8th Avenue, business leaders and politicians addressing the CWNYC launch party oozed determination and optimism.
Perhaps that’s no surprise, given the event was boldly titled “America Means Business: US Leadership in a post-Paris World”…
Public transport is cheap and cheerful while bike lanes seem well-populated by a Citibank-sponsored cycle-sharing scheme…
Trump’s gaudy towers dominate parts of this city…
US special envoy on climate change Jonathan Pershing: “China has commitments that are quite startling,” he said. “India has a tax on coal… I had a meeting there a few weeks ago where they said they will continue and scale up.
“I’m struck by green bonds investing in resilience… easier to get private sector to invest in mitigation… ports, forest fires, drought tolerance.”…
Apple’s environment chief Lisa Jackson, a former US EPA head, announced the computer and phone giant was joining a global initiative to source 100% of its energy from renewables…
Wall Street is also falling into line, driven by a desire by bank workers to clean up their image, said Andrew Plepler, a governance executive at Bank of America.
“Employees were not happy working at a financial institution in the last five to six years… if you want to attract the best people you better be serious [about the environment],” he said…
Odd weather has a part to play, he (US energy secretary Ernest Moniz) said. “Its sinking in that the pattern of extreme weather is something that has been predicted for decades. There is a strong move,” he said…
Morocco’s environment minister Hakima El-Haite: “The Paris Agreement is a development agenda for peace and human rights.”…
Activism is a grand opportunity for dreary mediocrity. This video is only a few minutes long, yet I was bored and turned it off after a minute. Not outraged. Bored.
Does a generation trained to chortle at giggly man-boy comedians on the ABC have any sense of satire left? There must be few zombies, cucks and shrews who could watch this dull trash for the full four minutes because it’s given away free…but who would fund it?
I find the thing grossly insulting. These people should be charged with explicit inciting of violence and prosecuted.
I know for sure that Andrew Bolt has been targeted with death threats serious enough to force hims change of address, and idiotic stuff like this is not going to make him, or anyone else, any safer.
I would surely be looking at my options if I were in his shoes. Idiots should not get free pass under the umbrella of ‘art’ or ‘entertainment’.
miracle of miracles – HuffPo finally questions Unilever/Paul Polman’s sincerity!
*** BLOOMBERG VIDEO at bottom of article with Polman talking SDGs & how poverty will be IRREVERSIBLY ERADICATED within 15 years, CAGW will be tackled, etc:
20 Sept: HuffPo: Alexander C. Kaufman: One Giant Conglomerate Is Buying Up All The Hip, Green Companies
Unilever’s latest acquisition is green cleaning products giant Seventh Generation
Unilever announced Monday that it plans to buy Seventh Generation, adding the eco-conscious home goods company to its stable of chic, green brands.
The transaction marks the latest move by Unilever, an Anglo-Dutch behemoth with a stock market value of about $136.2 billion, to position itself as a top provider of sustainable personal care and consumer goods.
Privately held Seventh Generation sold $200 million of all-natural products ― from household cleaners and detergents to organic tampons and baby wipes ― in the United States last year. For the past nine years, the Vermont-based firm has been registered as a benefit corporation, a voluntary certification that requires companies to adhere to strict environmental and social-good standards.
The deal, the terms of which were not disclosed, now awaits regulatory approval…
In July, Unilever spent $1 billion to acquire Dollar Shave Club ― the men’s grooming startup praised by environmentalists (LINK). In August, it acquired air purification startup Blueair, with the goal of helping “millions more people fight rising urban air pollution.”
Unilever is also in talks to buy the Honest Company, actor Jessica Alba’s natural consumer goods brand, according to a report last Thursday in The Wall Street Journal (LINK)…
The multinational bought Ben & Jerry’s for $326 million back in 2000, marking a shift in the company’s portfolio toward more ethical, sustainable brands. The Vermont-based ice cream giant continues to wage campaigns (LINK) in line with the left-leaning political stances of its hippyish founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield.
That’s a good sign for Seventh Generation, whose CEO, John Replogle, has led rallies demanding legislation to force manufacturers of cleaning products to disclose all chemical ingredients…
***VIDEO: PAUL POLMAN interviewed by Bloomberg’s Francine Lacqua – 6MINS26SECS.
A better reference for the play would be H.G. Wells’ “The Time Machine” where the utterly self indulgent Eloi live in paradise with a fear of the evil coal burning Morlocks. The Eloi put on plays about how bad the Morlocks are without realising that without coal, they are doomed to a terrible existence. This parody of the indulged vacuous upper classes so distant from the workhouses and factories is a good match for areas like Canberra and especially South Australia where manufacturing has been closed and most are public servants who have voted to turn off the coal power station and rely entirely on windmills built with borrowed money with backup electricity from evil coal burning Victoria and now are surprised they sometimes have no electricity for their laptops or hospitals or to recharge their electric cars. The refrigerators will warm up and the drinks will be warm, a real disaster. Predictably their Green senators will demand billions for more windmills and cable links to evil coal burning states.
This is another one I wasn’t going to say anything about, one way or another. After all, what’s new except the escalation of the implied threat? And even that doesn’t seem very extreme when you look at it, more like comical.
Then I realized that some day someone playing the game of life without a full deck is probably going to take these people and their ilk as an open invitation to really kill some “climate deniers” and actually do it.
I wonder what they’ll all have to say then. I’ll bet it’s not pretty, whatever it is.
I’m glad I don’t have the unilateral power to clean up some of the mess this world is in because I would wield a very big broom and sweep violently through a lot of our institutions, homes, workplaces and just about anywhere there’s no sense of balance concerning how to deal with problems, real or imagined and a lot of people would end up in the trash hurting.
If we’re at the point of talking about killing anyone, we’ve jumped into the deep end of the pool without looking to see if there’s water in it or not. Shame on us.
Actually Roy, the ugliness and constantly stoked anger of the perpetually aggrieved and virtue signalling mob becomes more concerning by the day, and I suspect it won’t be long before your hypothetical player with a couple of cards missing does indeed take this kind of message, if not this specific one, seriously.
There are some seriously deluded and easily led people who seem to truly believe that you, me and anyone who doesn’t agree with them on this or other subjects are evil, nasty, greedy people out to get them and prevent them from achieving their lifes dreams. The politics of envy has been carefully cultivated to bring a critical mass of the demanding undeserving to the boil, and I really don’t think the likes of this non-music video or the play are as innocent as they may seem. The perpetrator (I refuse to dignify him with the descriptor “artist”) of this muck quite possibly actually believes, in a not so deep but definitely dark corner of his soul, that “climate deniers” should indeed be killed.
I am a skeptic, call me a denier (if you choose to be ignorant). My door is open – please come in and try and kill me, I will be waiting. Or as I suspect, just more empty threats from a bunch of hypocrites who enjoy all the benefits of coal and oil on a full time basis. Pathetic. Even more pathetic are the fools who hand over our taxes to these people at a time when we are flushing over 1 billion a month in interest payments down the toilet.
The left thing doing the ‘dancing’…..
It always amuses me how these and other leftoid nuts refer to the conservatives as the ‘hard right’, in an attempt to make themselves appear less ratbag.
There is no such thing as hard or right wing extremism.
There is no left and right.
There is only Right and Wrong, of which anything left of Right is Wrong.
The Alp is therefore the Wrong Party which should be in leg irons for how they left this country, and the Greens are the Very Wrong Party, of which deserve to be rounded up and put in permanent offshore detention, along with the ABC and SBS executive Marxist/Totalitarian clergy and minion presstitutes(so called journalists).
The so called Climate Change Authorities(BSers & Shysters) can accompany them also.
Australia’s problem propaganda would then be mostly solved.
If I was in charge, such a mass ‘Bums Rush Out’ policy would be administered to all these well deserving clowns and freak shows!
We need Hanson for PM instead of that waffling wanker of Wentworth TurdFull, with Global Warmers and UN appeasers Hunt and Bishop ousted also!
The Trumpster for Pres
and The Hitlery for Jail
Forgive my comparison of these always leftist ‘arts’ groups which get government funding, with that other leftist political football in the ‘marriage equality’ … ‘debate’ … in which TAX PAYER funds will assuredly only be given to THEIR side of the ‘debate’, whilst any arguments from the conservative side of the ‘debate’, will not only fail to receive funding, but will outright be denied airtime on both ABC/SBS and 90% of the Corporate media airwaves and publications.
I’m sure if the Plebiscite actually goes ahead on the latter, that Tony Jones will have a panel ‘discussion’ with four pundits who are pro-‘equality’, one poor male conservative, and Tony Jones himself as the .5 on the heavy side (ie, the 4.5 vs 1 … ABC bias modus operandi).
This blatant public and metaphorical urination on anyone with a conservative point of view, as pertains to the men and women courageous enough to step into the unequal arena, past, present, and future, reminds me of a 1914 quote by Nicholas Klein; an American Union leader, part of which is misattributed to Mahatma Gandhi:
… we’d better get that statue of Lord Monckton chiselled and ready to install in Trafalgar Square next to Nelson.
1) Ignoring the indomitable elements of the critical thinking public of developed nations failed miserably thanks to the internet (otherwise we would all be living in a sound proof echo chamber thanks to media bias)
2) Ridiculing the indomitable critical thinkers failed, and large segments of society (the ‘alt-right’ … now morphing into a sour grapes catch-all phrase known as ‘populists’) who have been labelled ‘deniers’, have washed off the cheap attempt at shaming, and are now wearing a cloak of pride … to leftist chagrin. Perhaps we need a DENIER PRIDE PARADE to be held every Earth Day, April 22nd, so that the tolerant left can spit on us, kick us, and beat us in public (I heard that a martyrs cause in death is worth 100,000 social justice warrior leftists who want to beat them to death in life!)
3) Killing and burning must be next … and as we all know … NOBODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!! The Pope is ready to issue the Papal Bull condemning heretics and infidels who dare stand against the carbon gods, and their appointed demigods, with power to control the Earth’s thermostat if given 50% of world GDP.
The only thing is, that I would prefer the Spanish Inquisition from a bunch of nutbag leftists dancing around in black, with waaaay too much mascara on, conflating Bill Cosby, David Cameron (a full-on warmer!), Andrew Bolt, and Mel Gibson … and calling it ‘art’, whilst being rewarded with my tax dollars. Not even Stalin could have come up with something that insulting to a citizens intelligence and dignity.
This world has gone totally crazy … Stark raving mad … Utterly bonkers … Completamente loco esé …!!!