A quarter of US science funding is now “diversity, gender, race” based, class warfare research

Turtle, fantasy, dystopia, city, surreal.

Image by SAIF 4 from Pixabay

By Jo Nova

Government funded science is not so much a search for truth as new chapter in the Communist Manifesto

It’s a form of cultural warfare. These funds are not just diluting science, but actively sabotaging it. They enable experts who “decolonize geoscience” and offer a million dollars to the kind of people who say “white supremacy permeates … STEM education”. It is the antithesis of the dispassionate observer, instead the observer is all that matters. If you can’t see your oppression, it’s because they didn’t give you enough money…

Two billion dollars buys a lot of loud shouty voices, amplifying their messages through impressionable teenagers. These pseudo experts don’t just waste offices, they get invited to sit on committees, they raise PhD students, and their words can be used in legal cases and “fact checking” situations. Not to mention, their output trains AI engines too. It legitimizes a whole twisted way of thinking.

Under the Biden-Harris government The US National Science Foundation is gradually being converted to a Neo-Marxist PR machine. A US Senate Committee Report shows that in the first quarter of 2024 more than a quarter of all new NSF grants were written in far left class-war regalia.

“Committee analysis found 3,483 grants, more than ten percent of all NSF grants and totaling over $2.05 billion in federal dollars, went to questionable projects that promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) tenets or pushed onto science neo-Marxist perspectives about enduring class struggle.

Redirecting funding to these subjective, ideologically based projects was deliberate. Beginning in 2021, the White House and NSF created scientific integrity policies to require that agencies “[i]ncorporate [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility] considerations into all aspects of science planning, execution, and communication.”4″

The NSF was already captured by Big Government years ago, this reformation takes it to a new level of cultural warfare:

Ten percent of NSF grants totaling over $2.05 billion in federal dollars went to questionable projects that promoted diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) tenets or pushed onto science neo-Marxist perspectives about enduring class struggle

Americans are losing confidence in science, but perhaps that’s the point?

American confidence in the scientific community has declined significantly since the COVID-19 pandemic. Over a quarter of the American public now reports that they have “no confidence” or “not too much confidence” in scientists; just 12% held those views when the pandemic began. Far fewer Americans believe that science produces a “positive effect on our society,” too. In 2019, almost three out of four Americans felt science had a positive effect. As of fall 2023, that number stands at 57%.

Geoscience got “decolonized” which probably didn’t help find the lithium

The Biden-Harris NSF has responded by sending over $2 billion to projects geared towards advancing divisive social ideologies rather than investigating hard science. In 2022, NSF gave Columbia University $4.4 million for its Implementing Novel Solutions for Promoting Cultural Change in Geoscience Research & Education (INSPIRE) program to “decolonize geoscience.” The following year, NSF awarded $5 million to Arizona State University and two other schools to build “an intersectional learning ecosystem toward gendered racial equity in artificial intelligence education.”

It’s straight out of the Communist Manifesto:

American university campuses have become saturated with DEI initiatives and courses that use neo-Marxist theories to code individuals as members of an “oppressed” or “oppressor” class based on the color of their skin, heritage, or political perspectives. In Marxist theory, the “oppressor” is typically the class or group that holds economic, political, and social power over others, while the “oppressed” are defined as those who must support the oppressors—through their labor or service—to survive. In his Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx called for the dismantling of the current capitalist order through a revolutionary process. He later wrote “revolutionary terror” was needed to bring about a “new society” that would allow the oppressed class to rule.

The Committee found instances where principle investigators who were DEI funded ended up leading protests on campus in support of terrorist groups like Hamas.

One, Shirin Vossough, was known to say ““the ideology of white supremacy permeates all of the nation’s institutions, including our existing system of STEM education”. After that, she got a million dollars:

Shirin Vossoughi is an associate professor of learning sciences at Northwestern University and the co-principal investigator for a $1,034,751 NSF grant awarded in 2023 for a project titled, “Reimagining Educator Learning Pathways Through Storywork for Racial Equity in STEM.” Vossoughi credits Marxist traditions for her decision to teach children “the meaning of ‘genocide’ and ‘apartheid’” after Hamas’s attack against Israel.

If you wanted to stir up trouble on campuses, just fund the right professors eh?

It’s not that girls (whatever they are) need help with science, it’s that science is designed to exclude women:

Thus and verily “science” must be changed to be more girly creative, and less mathematical and unemotional…

Many of the 1,058 grants that fell into the Gender category funded research that investigated the supposed harms of “mislabeling” individuals or using the wrong pronoun to refer to a person. Projects also went beyond programming that might provide more opportunities for girls and women in science; they presumed that scientific disciplines are purposely constructed to exclude them.

And if the science that made our civilization possible is too white, then we must devolve that thinking, we wouldn’t want to be racist, would we?

As described above, grants in the Status category—3,160 awards—received funds for research related to race, ethnicity, or social groups in ways that presumed the sciences were inherently biased against certain communities.
• Social Justice grants—2,585 awards—tended to approach the admirable goal of providing more and better Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education opportunities to students of selected backgrounds by presuming that oppressor (always, white) communities were acting as a deterrent and purposely suppressing participation of other groups.

If an enemy wanted to destroy the things that made the West great, the plan to dismantle science would probably look a lot like this.

Thanks to Judith Curry on X for sharing.


10 out of 10 based on 66 ratings

46 comments to A quarter of US science funding is now “diversity, gender, race” based, class warfare research

  • #

    I suppose we should be getting some wonderful results! 🙂


  • #
    Another Delcon

    Spot on article .
    I question whether or not our universities or the ABC ( Always bolshevik Channel ) can be saved or are even worth saving .
    Perhaps it is time to raze these captured entities to the ground and salt the earth so they never return and start over with new education and research facilities that are actually fit for purpose ? Start off by telling the kids to get a trade instead of having their brains damaged in a brainwashing factory !


    • #

      “Perhaps it is time to raze these captured entities to the ground and salt the earth so they never return and start over with new education and research facilities that are actually fit for purpose ? ”

      You mean we will be lucky when China takes over Australia and all the DIE stuff gets obliterated… The countries that the Yanks hate seem to be the only ones with their feet still on the ground.


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    Gee Aye

    RUOK Jo?

    Be nice to see their lists as I suspect, until shown otherwise, this is a subjective exercise constructed to create the trend they want.


    • #

      What would be the motivation/benefit behind dishonestly constructing a trend like that?
      And why do you fear this being a fact to want to discredit it without seeing the evidence for or against?

      Did you suggest the same when research papers were used to claim a 97% consensus on anthropogenic climate change? There was a clear motivation/benefit to falsely create such a narrative.


      • #
        Gee Aye

        The paper was produced by a literal partisan political committee headed by Ted Cruz. You did look before you wrote didn’t you?


        • #

          That doesn’t answer the question. It just again points to a bias or desire for a particular trend.

          If the data isn’t accurate. There’s no point in trying to push for change in the NSF funding.

          A politically biased paper (if that’s the accusation) needs to have a political benefit to make the dishonesty worthwhile. Something like this is never going to have the teeth to affect people’s opinions of the government to make a charade worth it. There’s enough meatier ammunition without inventing this.


          • #

            Is that the best you can do GA? Standard concern-troll put down? That’s your entire argument about why it doesn’t matter if science is not about observations much anymore, but about the race of the observer?

            I linked to the whole paper, all you have to do is click.

            And if aspersions of political gain are enough to dismiss this paper, then to be consistent you’d have to dismiss most climate scientists who benefit from “creating a trend”. But it’s not about logic and reason, is it Gee Aye, it’s about “the team”?


  • #

    ‘He later wrote “revolutionary terror” was needed to bring about a “new society” that would allow the oppressed class to rule.’

    Essentially a slave class has to bring about violent revolution, this is 19th century thinking. Totally flawed, the new society would be dysfunctional.

    At the same time as Marx was formulating his theory against laissez capitalism there were also utopian socialists with a different view, however it took a world war to produce the dictatorship of the proletariat in Russia.


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    Honk R Smith

    “white supremacy permeates … STEM education”

    Is this observation or admission, or both?


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    Having attended my twin nieces’ graduation (just over 10 years ago), one in Digital Media (the creative artist) the other in Civil Engineering (the maths genius), I can happily say they are both heterosexual (even if they are tomboyish – their Uncle Greg got them into surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding at an early age as their father went AWOL) and have worked their way up the chain of responsibility (and pay) through sheer hard work.

    One has travelled the world doing graphic design and skydiving (ex-NZ champ) and is now running a surf camp in Lombok, Indonesia; her sister has designed bridges & tunnels both here and in Scotland, and has travelled extensively (with her man who’s in the NZ Army, a good bloke to have around, just in case).

    The school they attended was predominantly Maori & Polynesian – they were nicknamed the ‘waka blondes’ by their friends who are still friends to this day – yet it was their mother (my sister) who drove them to strive and succeed and improve their lot in life, compared to our upbringing.

    Chicks rock! As for wymyn (and those who are unsure) sneaking through the backdoor whilst claiming extra points ‘because colonisation’ are what used to be called ‘cheats’. Then again, look at our politicians, our scientists [sic], our banksters. Rant over 😃


  • #

    Only a quarter? More like 75%


  • #

    Marxism in Guv’ment – What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine. And there will be no Coal Mines, etc.


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    Kalm Keith

    To think that in 1969 human intuition, very basic science bravery and primitive computing power enabled the first successful Moon landing and return to well deserved acclaim.

    The society that did that has now crash landed and on the verge of imploding.

    How can this be?


    • #

      NASA used Newton’s Laws of Gravity etc, for the Moon Landing. And those laws still apply along with the Laws of Thermodynamics. Please send Blackout Bowen and Ed Milliband back to school/science classes. They will be wearing the dunces hats and sitting in the corner sucking a thumb or two.


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    Old Goat

    Education is now a rort . The bar has been lowered so far that anyone can get over it , even cretins and morons if they tick the right boxes. Its now a business that produces virtually worthless product at exorbitant prices . Student debt is a millstone around the necks of the graduates . Now that they are pushing “social justice” and DEI into even hard sciences its going to end badly . Just get chat GPT to write your thesis and your in….


  • #

    Jo, you should apply for a Feral or State Guv’ment (WA) Grant and see how you go. Maybe wait for Dutton to get elected to the Feral Guv’ment as PM in 2025 before you apply?

    You may have already tried to apply previously. Anyway, Good Luck should you do apply (again?).


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    Pure graft by parasites looting the treasury.


  • #

    I’m very afraid for the USA if the Harris, Walz loonies win on Nov 5th, because it will just mean more precious time lost and many more billions of $ wasted on this Marxist lunacy for another 4 years.
    I guess we’ll know soon but I still can’t believe the voters could be stupid enough to want these pair of Marxist air heads as their leaders.


  • #

    ” Maybe wait for Dutton to get elected to the Feral Guv’ment as PM in 2025 before you apply?”

    A Dutton government certainly will be Feral as its leader definitely meets its definition.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Americans are losing confidence in science, but perhaps that’s the point?

    No Jo, it’s about sowing confusion via contradictory information to make it just too hard for people to discern the truth, and thereby fall into line more willingly with any and all govt narratives.

    “…constant lying is not aimed at making the people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore.
    A people that can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong…With such a people, you can do whatever you want.”
    ~Hannah Arendt,
    (Oct, 1906-Dec, 1975)
    German historian and philosopher


    • #
      Jon Rattin

      A pertinent quote for these post-pandemic times. It’ll only get worse in Australia if that ACMA Bill gets through without too many amendments.


    • #

      Agreed JC2

      A pertinent quote from Hannah Arendt which I think explains Chris Bowen’s unverifiable Klimate Change messages precisely because they are “sowing confusion via contradictory information to make it just too hard for people to discern the truth, and thereby fall into line more willingly with any and all govt narratives”.


    • #

      Losing confidence in science is a way of sowing confusion.

      It’s also about dismantling the old institutions, and taking power away from any authority which might oppose the blob.

      That old white guy with a physics issue? He’s a white supremacist…

      That mother or father who thinks they know what’s best for their kids is a transphobe.

      The old hierarchy of family, religion, merit-based professor, family doctor, they’re all a threat to the sinecures of the parasites.


  • #

    I recall a claim a few years ago by an American black female academic who said mathematics was racist toward people of colour because it required correct answers.


    • #

      I wonder if she thinks NASA didn’t need Katherine Johnson to have correct answers. Or if she knows of Srinivasa Ramanujan.

      Or the myriad of other non-white mathematicians who excelled.


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    Dry Liberal

    The Senate Committee report is based on a keyword survey, so isn’t this just another “junk keyword survey” like the one below?




    • #

      Keyword surveys are not going to produce a perfect result. Likely a reasonable indicator. But they did individually review the a third of the captured grants which included the bulk of the funding allocation to verify.
      Actually, based on the Senate Committee methodology it seems more likely there are additional DEI type grants not captured rather than non-DEI grants being included.


      • #

        Dry Liberal — one keyword survey claims to be able to predict the climate in 100 years based on words in abstracts.

        This keyword survey claims to predict chaos and unscientific behaviour at universities, which has already happened.

        They’re very different.


  • #

    its because real science is hard and these people would be incapable of doing it – so they look for feel good topics that are easy- rather than do something that either contributes to our countries advancement or security, or identifies some ground breaking realities. Apparently Physics is being dropped from our schools – I wonder why? I enjoyed physics – it was my best A level subject and helped enormously with my eventual career as a geologist. I have no problem with women working in science and work with several really good PhD grads as part of my team – but I don’t worry about gender, sexual orientation or anything else as long as they are clear thinkers and can do the job. Victoria EPA has just appointed 10 new environmental auditors – 5 men and 5 women (at least I have no reason to think they don’t identify as women as I know three of them and one works for me) and they said at the beginning of the process that they wanted more women as auditors – it is the way our government bodies are going – very soon an aged white male – like me – will be elbowed out as not inclusive enough or of the wrong gender and age range!


    • #

      Yep, and there’s been numerous queries about how many middle aged white males were overlooked for captains in the NZ navy, because of a certain you know who.


  • #
    Graeme No.3

    Bishop Ussher calculated the age of the Earth as created by God in 4004BC.
    This was confirmed by Isaac Newton who followed the same methods. This was ‘The Science’ for nearly 200 years.
    Charles Darwin decided that the Earth had to be at least 300-400 million years old, to allow for evolution to work,
    but Lord Kelvin insisted that it could only be 10 million years old. This was ‘The Science’ until Rutherford proved it had to be more than 1,300 million years old.
    Since then the estimated age has become over 3 times as much.
    The Piltdown Man was considered valid for 40 years until it was proven a fake.
    But there are people who think that what a scientist says must be true.


    • #

      It was a Scottish Geologist who looked at the rocks at Dunbar in SE Scotland on the North Sea coast not far from Edinburgh who worked out that the Earth was actually hundreds and hundreds of million years old and not the 6,000 years old as promoted by Christian religion. As of today, science has worked out that planet Earth is over 4 Billion years old and has another 4 to 5 Billion years to go (As far as I’m aware).

      Science beats self promotion every day. Blackout Bowen, please take note. Your fantasy Renewables (Solar, Wind, Snowy 2.0 and Hydrogen) Electricity Grid System is just not going to work.


    • #
      Frederick Pegler

      One of the ironies of science is. If you look back through history, at any given point in time. Most ‘science’ is in fact wrong.
      Yet every time the insistence is ALWAYS ‘Ok they were wrong in the passed – but WE are definitely right this time.
      Infact wrong science seem to be more readly accepted, than correct science.


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    Dry Liberal

    Dry Liberal — one keyword survey claims to be able to predict the climate in 100 years based on words in abstracts.

    Isn’t the Lynas paper about scientific consensus? From what I can see, the Lynas survey doesn’t “predict” anything. Surely an analysis based on a keyword-search, regardless of result, is dubious at best?



    • #

      The Lynas paper pretends to confirm that man-made climate change is real “because keywords”.

      All it really shows is what percentage of grants are directed at finding a climate crisis.

      Keywords don’t tell us anything about the upper tropospheric hot spot, but they do tell us what is on the mind of people approving grants.


  • #

    A very deep sigh here, …. DOn’t folk here get really depressed ( like me) [But HEH! – definitely NOT suicidal, I hasten to add ] that Jo Public is already so apathetic or already so so soh stupid to be accepting all this.
    When there are surveys / Polls, they are always framed to ask a question where the answer is expected to be a resounding “YES” – the feel good factor. Funny then how our parents / guardians / TEACHERS were more likely to say NO to our earlier requests.
    At least for the IK, bring back the Single Earner Tax Break so that the other Parent should stay at home to “rear the Bairns” in the image of the Parents, NOT of the State, or, as I see so often, BIG FAT Lassies who know little but follow the Social Media.
    There! I’m feeling much better now ! Hope you’re not offended, Jo, et al.


    • #

      ” Parent should stay at home to “rear the Bairns” in the image of the Parents, NOT of the State, ”

      But..but… It takes a village to rear a child… Everyone else is your responsibility, we have to be a TEAM!

      “BIG FAT Lassies who know little but follow the Social Media.” They are the velvet jackboots of The State, seemingly harmless and incompetent, but destroying the next generation completely!


  • #

    “There’s a lot of ruin in a nation” is a saying that is being proven in the USA.
    Ruin is what the left seeks, and it has been going on since at least Obama’s first term.
    There is so much evil now afoot in the USA that it is hard to believe that Trump or anyone else can fix it. The Democrats are very worried that he will win, so much so that Raskin and others are now saying they will not vote to certify the election if Trump wins.
    But, you know, he’s the threat to democracy!


  • #
    David Bain

    A great civilisation is not conquered from without unti it has destroyed itself from within. Will Durant


  • #
    Frederick Pegler

    Should be a rule.
    To get your – anti white, anti christian, anti capitalist, anti democary funding.
    You have to spend a least year in a, non white, non christian, non capitalist, non democratic country.


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