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14 comments to Sunday

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    The title says it all. There is a link to a video but it is the comments that are most worth reading

    Especially since the US ran away from Afghanistan the world dictators have believed the US is a spent force. Nothing over the last 3 years has changed their opinion. With Americas decline comes the Wests decline. Brics and China will achieve hegemony.

    It seems likely there is only one person that could arrest the decline and he is a deeply flawed individual but who mostly wants to do the right thing as regards the West and those seeking to bring us down (which includes many in the West itself).

    If Harris wins then America will continue to decline at an ever more precipitate rate..


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      ” he is a deeply flawed individual ”

      No one can praise Trump without saying this. Why?


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        Because he is a deeply flawed individual with many faults as well as virtues.


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        They never say it about Obama, Clinton, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, or Boris Johnson, Zelensky, Macron. Why not?


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          And it was never said about Winston Churchill. Especially when Britain was facing extinction. It has become fashionable now that Britain is in the hands of the Post Modernists. There must be a law in journalist against praising Trump. What exactly did he do wrong in his last stint as President against two impeachments and even a hostile Congress led by Never Trumper Paul Ryan.

          Everyone has flaws. The relentless attack against Trump, especially in the British Press, is ridiculous and unfounded. The Labor party is already deciding to ban Trump from addressing Parliament and he hasn’t been elected yet.


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          Many people say that about Johnson and Mascron amongst many others.


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        Indeed. I have worked with a lot of CEO’s and Trump seems typical in that regard, except he is also an accomplished entertainer.


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          It is nebulous perpetual slander. He called Climate Change a Chinese Hoax. If that’s a terrible flaw, we want more resistance. He is so flawed, all Democrats publicly call him Hitler. That’s unprecedented. Appalling. And so flawed there have been two attempts on his life already and he is not President.

          The character assassination does not stop. The attacks on him personally. The law suits. The criminal suits. And who authorised a raid on his private home with permission to use lethal force? And why?

          This endless slander on a good man is unbelievable. Flawed? If only all politicians were as brave.

          And always these backhanders. Especially from overseas. More than half of America believe he is the best man for the job. But around the world people wish him dead. Even his allies.


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            And your ‘entertainer’ is the most principled politician I know. His whole life is on trial every day. Who can stand up to that? They have to make it up. As with Judge Kavanagh.

            Even Elon Musk and J.D.Vance say the man they met is very different to the lies in the press. Besides, if you want to save your whales and dolphins, he is your only hope. No one else wants to save America. Or the UK. And he is half British.


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    The Daily Sceptic regularly produces high quality analysis of climate data, which of course is continually attacked


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    It seems that if the covid vaccine doesn’t kill you then the Canadian health authorities will do so if you become ill as a result.

    Canada seems to have gone some way down a long and frightening road over the past few years


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    Zelensky the Lying War Criminal Tries to Create World War III
    Posted Oct 26, 2024 by Martin Armstrong |

    “I have warned that Zelensky is a power-hungry and deeply hateful person who will hurl the world into World War III. I have had employees both in Kyiv and Donetsk, and the sad part about this is they have lost their country, and for what? I warned them that he was dishonest and had been constantly lying and trying to manipulate the world. He intentionally dresses as if he is in the military, no matter what he attends. He thinks this is a psychological ploy to get him never-ending money constantly. The only way to world peace is to arrest this clown, and he should be in prison for the rest of his life without parole.

    Zelensky lied to get into office and pretended to be Christian, even baptizing g his two children. He promised peace to win, and my sources in Kiev swear the election was rigged. He promised peace, and has done everything but what he promised and then declared Martial Law so he does not have to stand for election every again as long as he can keep this war going. His VICTORY PLAN was nothing else but to conquer and destroy Russia.”


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