Saturday and a million comments

The millionth comment came in this afternoon (on the Friday thread). Congratulations to Simon Thompson M.B. B.S. for the millionth comment. With Yarpos at 999,999 and Old Ozzie at one million and one.

For the record, I’ve emailed all three and offered to post them a set of books, with thanks.

Of course, this really is an achievement of all the commenters who share their thoughts and expertise on a world of absurdities, and thanks to the tireless moderators who made it possible.

And thinking of those great minds who shared so much and are no longer with us…

— Jo




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14 comments to Saturday and a million comments

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    Could this be the number 1,000,000 comment?


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    Honk R Smith

    Happy Weekend.
    This is the level of elite political discourse in the US
    Mika Brzezinski on MSNBC …

    “Trump’s fascism”, and “his obsession with H!tLeR” … is “killing women … making them afraid to give birth”.

    Trump’s mere existence has caused the US liberal elite to become unhinged.
    We are about, just like Pandemic, to be again held hostage by the unwitting victims of centrally organized and produced intentional propagandistic mass hysteria.


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    David Maddison

    In Once Great Britain, Tommy Robinson has again become a political prisoner, just in time to prevent his attendance at a pro-freedom rally he had planned for this Saturday in London, UK time.

    Mahyar Tousi discusses:


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    David Maddison

    The UK is going ahead with more mRNA vaccines trials, with a highly beneficial arrangement with Big Pharma for a norovirus vaccine.

    Meanwhile, worthy vaccine projects go unfunded.

    Dr John Campbell discusses:

    Sadly, it appears that UK politicians and bureaucrats are scientifically illiterate (as in many other ways), just like Australia’s.

    Australia is doing similar.

    The Australian Government has invested a total of over $18 billion in Australia’s vaccine and COVID-19 treatment supply as part of the COVID-19 Health response. Learn more about our vaccine agreements.

    The Australian Government has entered into a 10-year partnership with Moderna and the Victorian Government that will see Moderna build an mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility at Monash University Victoria.

    It is not clear if this manufacturing facility is for covid “vaccines” or all mRNA vaccines. Either way, I’m sure it will be profitable for Big Pharma and their Elite shareholders.


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    David Maddison

    Science fun building and using a 20kW microwave oven.


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    David Maddison

    Congratulations on your highly successful blog and making it to a million comments Jo.

    It is one of the last places where science can be freely discussed, even when the ideas don’t conform to the Official Narrative. At least until if and when Australia introduces additional censorship legislation and/or gives the E Safety Kommissar more powers.

    Sadly, the scientific method itself has been corrupted with Leftist ideological concepts such that “scientific fact is decided by consensus” and for certain ideas the “science is settled” and thus cannot be debated or discussed on regular fora.

    An interesting related paper:

    The scientific method is accepted worldwide as a major group decision-making process. Countries and international organizations rely upon the scientific method in constructing laws, regulations and treaty agreements. We describe how the scientific method has been corrupted by thoughtlessly following a historical prescription that is reinforced by stakeholders with large financial interests. Finally, we conclude with some options for stemming the corruption.

    What can be Done?
    The public should be educated concerning the scientific method as it is commonly employed, and the implications this construct has for their well-being.

    In designing scientific studies and in reporting scientific results, the question ‘what is the null hypothesis?’ should be critically debated. Which type of error is worse? Before debating important study results, and well before accepting them, the public should debate whether the labeling of possible realities as null and alternative hy-potheses actually match society’s values, recognizing the significance of these labels.

    Attention should be paid to the chances of Type 2 error in designing studies and in reporting results. If journal editors, government regulators and the media demanded an estimate of the chance of a Type 2 error, assuming the alternative hypothesis is true, along with every p-value reported, it would shed considerable light on scientific evidence for and against the two hypotheses.

    We have shown how outcomes from the scientic method depend strongly on how the questions are formulated, in particular, what is and is not the null hypothesis. Because the errors associated with different decisions are not treated equally, it is relatively hard to accept the alternative and relatively easy to accept the null hypothesis. Thus, which is which matters and should be of great interest when discussing any research of public interest.


    The Type II error refers to statistical hypothesis testing.

    … a type I error, or a false positive, is the rejection of the null hypothesis when it is actually true.

    A type II error, or a false negative, is the failure to reject a null hypothesis that is actually false.

    This used to be taught in science and many other courses, back in the day.


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