
Lest I forget, the comment count stands at around 999,405. Sometime in the next few days we will hit one million.



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72 comments to Tuesday

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    Honk R Smith

    Comment 999,406 …
    plagiarism is a compliment.


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    I write on Quora about man made CO2 driven Global Warming but the arguments just come back again and again like a Buddist prayer wheel. Something which was not a problem in 1988 before Al Gore is still generating huge ripoffs from the public. Meanwhile CO2 is completely unchanged and unchangeable, a dead straight line sloping slightly upwards unaffected by $1.8Tn a year.

    But it would be a great exercise to add up all the CO2 ripoffs just in Australia. Legislated Green certificates (2001) policed by the Clean Energy department, not a tax. And now the 35% CO2 payments forced on companies (2023 Safeguard Mechanism). Plus the wages of the endless public servants and climate scientists in councils, companies, universities, state and federal governments all policing ‘Green energy’ and trying in principle to control CO2 with total failure of science and simple logic. And free from any form of oversight as effectiveness which is zero.

    What would be the cost to Australia? My guess would be about $20 Billion a year of money buried in your bills, over $2000 a year after tax cash per household. And no one reports on how effective this is because everyone admits it will make no difference at all to world temperatures. But as former Chief Scientist Alana Finkel makes clear, it is very exciting to completely upset the industrial revolution.

    I would call on Peter Dutton to repeal all these Federal Acts and halve electricity costs for Australians and Australian businesses in 24 hours. It is what Donald Trump is promising. Plus fracking and exploration and nuclear. Australia stands alone in actually making making such things illegal! It is beyond stupid.

    With the at least $200-$300 Billion wasted so far on unused desalination plants, thousands of windmills, power lines, big batteries, pointless lunchtime solar panels and Chinese electric cars, we could have had the cheapest energy in the world and brought water from the NT and made Australia a real industrial powerhouse, not a pretend mega supplier of Green fake energy and Green hydrogen. Snowy II will likely cost well of $24 Billion for something which was rejected as a pointless waste of money in the 1950s. I suppose we will see a bronze of Malcolm Turnbull but why not in solid gold? And Daniel Andrews who has bankrupted Victoria enriching his Chinese bosses while building the world’s biggest above ground tunnel under the smallest creek. And an underground train system no one wants to a city he emptied of workers. Why stop at bronze?

    We have to stop pretending invisible essential CO2 is ‘dirty’, ‘unclean’ or that we humans can ever affect let alone control CO2. It is the greatest hoax in human history. With Federal and State elections coming up we have to stop the madness.


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      And you have to ask who gave the Prime Minister the right to order Snowy II, or $444Million to his wife’s committee or Albanese to spend $900million on a quantum computer which doesn’t exist or anything on making solar panels? These are not businesses with investors. They are stealing from taxpayers to play Medici with our money. How much on Green Hydrogen? $100Million on Hot Rocks? Wave Energy? And what do we get back? More taxes and lost jobs. 800 jobs when our largest plastics manufacturer and only plastics recycler in the country closed.

      Science free Green politics is killing Australia. To save us from what exactly? After 36 years of Gore Global Warming, where in Australia is there a problem with rising average temperatures and sea level rise? And forget about the snow season, it has never been good. The rest of the world would be amazed we have one.


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        Are these ‘Captains calls’ or do they have the right to waste our taxes.


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          OUR politicians GAVE themselves that RIGHT.WE DID NOT.Have you ever asked yourself WHY most legislation that has EVER passed is NOT IN OUR BEST INTEREST???????And NO,Dutton will NOT help US at all,which is WHY S18C and the ABC STILL exist.


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          Kalm Keith

          please be assured that your “Tax Money” is not being wasted.

          It’s in good hands.


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        The lack of scrutiny over the 444 million mystifies me still. Is the amount (remaining) audited? Politicians don’t care about who they govern. Then the funny thing is that you’re compelled to vote for the swine save scrubbing your name from the electoral roll.


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          Forrest Gardener

          There is no compulsion to vote. Just get your name crossed off on the voting roll. The officials might get a bit stroppy if you try to take the blank ballot paper with you though.


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        Geoff Sherrington

        Remember that the IQ of half our population is below average IQ by definition.
        In my 83 years as a 5th generation Aussie, the main social change I have felt is a large increase in the % of the workforce paid to tell people what they can and cannot do. Name them “regulators” if you wish.
        In earlier times there were few regulators so they could be selected from a pool of brighter people. Since year 2000, so many more regulators have been employed that we are now selecting from the pool of below average IQ folk.
        We now have the stupidity of dumb people paid to regulate smart people. The employment pyramid is being turned upside down.
        This stupidity could have corrected itself over time, except for what I feel was an unintended consequence. The lower 50% IQ population group saw common ground with the ideas of the dumb regulators and clamoured for more of them. Green political groups were and still are full of them, so the lower half moved away from the long established 2 party voting routine and started voting more for green groups and really ignorant mobs like teals. We are now in the midst of that experiment.
        The basis of a national government is to perform certain functions deemed to be best handled collectively rather than individually. Customs, foreign affairs, defence are some ready examples but the present complication is that your greens and teals have no experience, little knowledge and nothing to contribute. They exist mostly to tell tales of environmental threats that can be used to extract public monies for them to pocket or spend. That has no place in a national government as envisaged to be the reason for their existence.
        We have to get serious again about national affairs. Take defence. I watched a little TV of the King in Canberra reviewing some military troops. Question: why were so many troops fat, female and looking far from fit? FFFFF? One day we might rely on them for military offence or defence. Are they capable? I doubt it, but maybe they are full of knowledge and practice about the 24 or whatever genders that the weird folk describe.
        That is an example of how defence in the green style is not the same as defence in the old, working style when soldiers sailors and airmen were mostly fit, strong men. I was one of them. I weep.
        Geoff S


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          We have to get serious again about national affairs. Take defence. I watched a little TV of the King in Canberra reviewing some military troops. Question: why were so many troops fat, female and looking far from fit? FFFFF?

          I just hope they’d brought the Catering Corps out for some fresh air and sunshine before resuming their afternoon shift. Or maybe it was the HR Corps. We should all just pray they aren’t what the modern woke ADF considers crack troops.


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    Wind and solar on a mindless rampage.

    Will wind and solar hammer hydro in Washington State?
    By David Wojick

    The beginning: “All around America there is an avalanche of proposed wind and solar projects. The idea is to replace fossil fueled electric power which is the dominant source in most places. Some States even have laws to this effect.

    Setting aside that this is an impossible goal it is interesting, even amusing, to see how this avalanche might play out in Washington State. The majority of their power comes from hydro but wind and solar are poised to wipe that out as well. This is an objective losing its way!”

    Lots more in the article. Please share it.


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      Paul Siebert

      David+Wojick, #3,
      ____Getting bare knuckle in’nit? Replacing established reliable renewable with silly glorified showbag toys.
      ____The plan is becoming plain when disjointed and dispersed is the preferred option.


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    Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

    Ah, now I understand! Joe de Bruyn Voiced conservative proLife pro heterosexual marriage opinion at a Catholic University graduation ceremony. Mass walkout of staff and graduands ensues. 80 000 potential Australians obliterated a year. Part of the population decline. I thought studying at University was meant to open one’s mind to have the maturity to listen to a point of view. “The Age” had 3 reporters and allowed no comments on its coverage of this FeFe fauxpas.


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      >…this FeFe fauxpas

      I don’t know what a FeFe is apart from what it means in prison slang, but far from being a faux pas I thought the speech was a bold act of bravery in the current pathetic state of academia with its mental robot slaves who think they’re intellectuals because they were able to regurgitate on command the slop they’ve unquestioningly swallowed over the years.

      I may or may not not agree with everything Joe de Bruyn said, but I love the fact he expressed his opinion freely.


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        Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

        I transliterated “Feelings” using FeFe , prolly should have used Fee Fee – in the condescending manner of “boo boo” for a graze in toddler speak.


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      Bert Peterson put it in a nutshell, “Democracy also requires an educational system that is grounded in the reality of conflicting points of view.”
      He also expounded at length and in detail in his excellent book, Asserting Democracy, only $5 (hint).


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      That name always makes me think of one particular song that, with slight modification – replace “world” with “SDA” – was probably the anthem he sang to himself in the shower.

      On the ukulele it all starts with a “C”.


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    BBC disinformation advert.

    We’re giving them a reason to get up in the morning, but it’s so exhausting for the poor dears having to rubbish contrary views.



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      That censorious dictatorial mindset is ignorant childish and dangerous. It’s bad enough in ordinary mortals but when it’s displayed by authorities like Pol Pot, Kim Jong Un, Keir Starmer, and the BBC, it’s actually frightening.


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    Old Goat

    Free speech in action . Even Simon gets his say – everyone has an opinion. An open and free debate will usually reveal the truth. Congratulations.


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    R in Canberra

    In late 2023 the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) contributed A$ 1.67 million to a feasibility study( East Kimberley Clean Energy Project – Stage 1, Feasibility Study – Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) involving the production of hydrogen in the Kimberley. The hydrogen was to be transported via pipeline to Wyndham and converted to ammonia.

    A second organisation, the Aboriginal Clean Energy Partnership (Aboriginal Clean Energy) had contributed an additional A$1.66 million for a total project cost of A$3.33 million. The Aboriginal Clean Energy Partnership comprises Balanggarra Ventures, MG Corporation, the Kimberley Land Council and the Pollination Group. The first three entities are Aboriginal corporations. Pollination describes itself as a specialised climate change investment, project development and advisory firm. The Aboriginal Clean Energy Partnership’s listed office is in Sydney. Pollination Group’s listed office is in the same building in Sydney. The founder and CEO of Pollination Group, a| Climate Change Investment & Advisory Firm is Martijn Wilder AM, a previous Chair of ARENA.

    The ARENA website states that the feasibility study would begin 1 December 2023 and end 5 July 2024 yet there is no sign of a report. I have submitted three contact forms over the past three months seeking advice as to when a report might be available. I have not received an answer.

    I have no expertise in the matter being studied but there are existing figures available for solar performance in the general area being considered, for example, the four large-scale solar farms near Darwin and Katherine that have stood idle for years because the NT Government doesn’t want them to disrupt the NT grid! Electrolyser cost/performance and the costs of pipelines suitable for the transmission of hydrogen over a distance of 120 kilometres are available “on line”.
    I believe that this study could have been done at a fraction of the cost allocated. I spent a few hours on it and concluded it was not viable. The money is all taxpayer dollars as the contribution by the Aboriginal corporations likely comes from grant money.

    A scam?


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      Just a small example of why so little seems to be achieved with the $40 Billion + a year of taxpayer funds.


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      For accuracy you should edit

      ‘A scam?’


      ‘A scam!’


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      I believe that this study could have been done at a fraction of the cost allocated.

      A belief not grounded in the reality of engaging elders to undertake heritage value in the region to be diusturbed by the proposed infrastructure. It takes a lot of other peoples money to get an elder out of bed these days.


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    another ian

    FWIW –

    The “logic” of why you need more covid boosters now

    “There’s less covid, so get more shots! It actually makes perfect sense applying pandemic logic.

    Adding more hilarity, the article admitted that (a) covid cases are down, (b) current variants are less severe than ever, and (c) vaccine-induced immunity doesn’t last long and won’t stop infections. But still, get the shot! Why? Because, explained the Post-Dispatch, the shot temporarily reduces “severe” covid and temporarily stops long covid. (Author’s note: years later, there remains no agreed-upon definition of ‘long covid,’ and there is not one diagnostic test for the disease. Just saying.)

    I realize this isn’t logical to medical fetishists, mask mavens, and distancing dullards. But to me, less covid means even less shots, and I was already at zero.”



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    I am adminstrator of an estate at the moment. Yesterday I experienced what a farce the quick and easy digital cashless society idea is. Trying to transfer a largish sum between two banks I got caught up in their overlapping limits and processes which dictated spending hours jumping through hoops or cordinating their activities.

    In the end I just got a bank cheque and drove it between banks.

    Overlay this sort of nonsense with bank downtime and miscues like the recent CBA stuff up, EFTPOS outages and basic network outages and the chances of a functional cashless economy are about as real as a transition to “renewable” energy. Nevertheless we will go there and sook loud and long when the inevitable happens.


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      “In the end I just got a bank cheque and drove it between banks.”

      Well done , finding a local bank is impossible. So you probably still spent all day on what should have been a simple task, then added to carbon pollution and climate change by having to burn a tank of fuel!


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        Mmmm it always adds that special something when they say “just pop into your local Branch”

        Blissfully unaware and uncaring about the reality they have created ouside capital Metro areas.


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    Peter C

    1 Million Comments

    That is a lot!
    But who wrote comment No.1?

    I think it might be this one:

    Post No.1 . The Skeptics Handbook. Still relevant now.


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    Tides of Mudgee

    Does Lidia Thorpe truly believe she’s helping her people with her behaviour yesterday? ToM


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      Contrary to popular opinion doubting Senator L. Thorpe mental health, I know she is perfectly healthy.
      It is our society which is sick, allowing people like that to rule us.


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      Her people?

      She looks about as aboriginal as I do. And I’m mostly English/Irish too.


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      Do you mean Irish and English?


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      Does Lidia Thorpe truly believe she’s helping her people with her behaviour yesterday?

      The very question is racist. Her people are Australian. She represents Australia.

      If you did not see the outburst then it can be viewed here.

      The confrontation highlights the absurdity of the Voice. It was inspired by racists for racists.

      I was born in Australia and regard myself as Australian. Being Australian comes with rights and obligations. I am appalled that some fellow Australians want to bestow special privilege on some other Australians based on their heritage and skin color. Lets at least work toward being one nation. We can be tribal about our footy team but we should be past defining people by their color or religion or country of heritage.


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      The less we use the term ” her people” the better. It’s what happens when tokenism like smoking ceremonies, flying aboriginal flags with Australian flag, welcome to country and respect to elders statements are allowed to creep into society. What’s worse is that the majority of “us” never had any input into the approval of these useless gestures.


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      I rather thought the designer slacks and stilettos were quite striking with the possum skin shawl.


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    another ian

    FWIW – the latest Kunstler

    “Surprise, Surprise!
    “The left’s ideas have failed and failed spectacularly, and all they have left is cheating.” Elizabeth Nickson”

    Concludes –

    “It took four years for slightly more than half of America to see that our country’s fate was in the hands of villains wrecking the joint. It looks like their depredations are nearly over. The USA really does not want to gurgle down the drain of history. We’re not ready to roll over and die. We’re waking up from an induced coma, starting to remember who we are. That has been the weird lesson of 2024. Surprise, surprise!”



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    Here’s actually quite a good article at the ABC News site.

    It’s a long read, but well worth it, and to me, it highlights the typical construction process ….. built by the lowest bidder.

    It’s about the Paradise Dam on the Burnett River in Queensland, situated above Bundaberg.

    It was constructed using the RCC process, Roller Compacted Concrete ….. and it’s slowly failing.

    As you read the article, the hairs on the back of your head start to prickle up.

    Again, another case of how engineering ‘showed up’ the Politics behind it all.

    An amazing (and potentially frightening) article well worth the time to read it.

    Link to article – When Dams Fail People Die The Paradise Dam Failure

    Also good to see an article like this at the very top of the news site



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      On the topic of dam failures, BHP is in a London court today making its case not to pay USD47bn in compensation to the Brazilian community its dam failure destroyed.

      If BHP was a government, they could just roll out climate change and avoid any consequence. They might try that excuse but it will not fly. Further proof that robust design is the only effective solution to severe weather events.


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      Paul Siebert

      TonyfromOz, #15,
      ____So, Paradise is gonna fail before Three Gorges?
      ____Indulging a little schadenfreude here.
      I remember a glossy magazine (the sort that cost a bit more than the $4.95 standard) article detailing all the ways Three Gorges Dam would fail, should it even reach full commissioning.


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    Steve of Cornubia

    I see that Albanese has dealt firmly with Liedia Thorpe following her latest downright outrageous behaviour.

    He has called her “disrespectful”. That’ll teach her.


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    Mike Jonas

    There’s a strange article on BBC Verify today:
    Is there a precedent for Musk’s $1m reward for registered voters?
    “Elon Musk says he will give away $1m (£766,000) a day until 5 November to a person who will be selected at random from those who sign a petition pledging support to free speech and gun rights.
    Only registered voters in key swing states can sign this petition – leading to questions about the potential legality of the initiative. It is against US law to pay people to register to vote.
    [] “It’s legal to pay people to go out to register voters, but you can’t pay people directly to register,” says Michael Kang, a professor of law at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law.”

    How does a payment to a registered voter who signs a petition become a payment to register? You would think that a professor of law would be the first to understand the difference. Well, you might have thought that in a previous generation, but today logic seems to have died a quiet death.


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      Mike Jonas

      Incidentally, I don’t think a petition with a financial incentive to sign it has any value. But that’s a different issue.


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      Forrest Gardener

      If I was trying to undermine the legality of Musk’s scheme it would be on the basis that it was an inducement for unregistered voters to become registered in the hope of entering and winning a lottery.

      I’d probably also check to see whether the scheme is properly registered as a lottery in the relevant states.

      In the meantime I’ll just wait for the popping sound which signifies the explosion of dem heads.


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      There is nothing to stop registered democrats signing the petition but it goes against their grain. Further proof that democrats literally hate the US constitution and those prepared to defend it. Makes a mockery of the USA house and reps oath of office:

      “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”.

      How can any woke democrat take this oath without being dishonest.

      Look at the last word in the oath. Harris mocked the Lord at a recent rally as is common in the woke world we now live in:

      Democrats are now the #1 enemy of the USA. They are domestic terrorists eroding the basis of the US way of life from within.


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    another ian

    FWIW – Bumped

    “Ukraine – A Brief History Of Nuke Bomb Desire”



    His questions yesterday were hair raising, those in today’s comment will raise it further (IMO)


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      Goodness, why does Chiefio support the Kremlin fascists?

      We can all talk off the top of our heads, Ukraine will capture Crimea and trade it for the Donbas.


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        John Michelmore

        We all look at what we read from different viewpoints. Mostly I read E M Smith as another source of information in a world where there is so much biased and inaccurate information “out there”. I read Chiefio regularly as one alternative to what MSM serves up as news. We all know Australia is aligned with the west; I’m no longer convinced such alliances should continue for ever, excluding the other 50% of the world.


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    Hoping for the 1 million prize…


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    A very good article (Natural Gas or Coal, do we have a choice?) on the role of coal and gas in providing today’s electricity, particularly in India and China, by Dr. Lars Schernikau, has appeared on WUWT:
    One graph clearly highlights the difference between China’s development of renewables, although greater than coal power development, has resulted in less power being used by renewables than coal.


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    Your fame is spreading Jo! This mention should rocket you to a million views!!!


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    Greg in NZ

    Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we –

    OK, I’ll try again tomorrow.

    1,000,000 – that’s almost nyet zero!

    Congratulations in advance Jo.


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    As the BRICS summit draws near there are a couple of late scratchings. President Lula (Brazil) had a nasty fall at home and has a slight brain haemorrhage, so he won’t be attending and the Serbian president has had a change of heart.

    ‘Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic says he won’t attend an annual BRICS summit this week as the Balkan country tries to balance its ties with Russia with efforts to join the European Union and to improve relations with US.’ (Bloomberg)


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    Over the last year I have been reading/listening to various posts and podcasts regarding the role of gut bacteria in relation to COVID. Very interesting subject. Those people “awake” knew early about the role of Vitamin D and Zinc for optimum immune system health and protection against infections like COVID. In fact, the Vitamin D relationship was probably always known but hidden by the medical industry. That relationship between Vitamin D and COVID response became stark in the early months of COVID ( or SARS 2 COVARIANT, as it was known back then) when it hit New York in particular. Lots of independent doctors created their own protocols with Vitamin D as one of their essential ingredients. Basically, from observational experience, it was evident that your reaction to COVID could be highly influenced by your Vitamin D levels. But there’s also another simple body health component that can aid in your response to COVID. That like Vitamin D, this relationship was known way back in early 2020, but essentially hidden by the pro-vaxxer cabal. Bifidobacteria levels would appear to be very important in not only general health but also your immune response to infections. Paper here – https://fromwithinmedical.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/gut-covid-article-PDF.pdf. If you’re interested also this podcast – https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/doc-malik/id1687952188?i=1000671824301.


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