The Green Industrial Complex: The CEO of WWF is paid up to a million dollars to save “nature”

By Jo Nova

It takes a lot of money to get a Green saviour out of bed…WWF, World Wildlife Fund.

If these green groups were really tin-rattling charities supported by Mum and Dad donors, there would be outrage that so many funds were diverted from forests and fluffy animals to lining the pockets of the staff. But apparently the largest donors to these groups don’t care either, because the money keeps on flowing.

According to E&E News the CEO of the World Wildlife Fund, Carter Roberts, takes home a nifty $1.2 million each year in compensation. Similarly the president of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) gets close to one million each year, and the head of the Nature Conservancy gets three-quarters of a million. It takes half a million dollars to get the chief of the “Rainforest Alliance” to turn up for work, and $415k to feed the account of the president of the Wilderness Society. The two co-directors of Greenpeace USA get about $330,000 a year each. “Nice work if you can get it”…

Thanks to Climate Depot:

Meet the top-paid green group bosses

E&E News by Politico

The heads of influential groups including the World Wildlife Fund, Environmental Defense Fund and Nature Conservancy are among the top-paid leaders in the environmental movement, according to an E&E News analysis of 29 groups’ most recent tax filings.

1. Carter Roberts, president and CEO, World Wildlife Fund

Roberts, who has led the massive international conservation group since 2005, remains one of the environmental world’s top-paid leaders. His base pay in 2022 was $904,841, according to the World Wildlife Fund’s tax records. Roberts’ total reported compensation that year was $1,204,775.

The WWF gets about $470 million USD in revenue each year, of which “government grants” amounted to a nice $74 million last year (did you vote for that?). The WWF is hardly going to bite the hand that feeds it, so no wonder the WWF is missing in action when Big Government policies wipe out whales or kills koalas.
Last year WWF spent $145 million on things classed as “public education”, whatever that means. In the hands of a political activist, it might look a lot like a disguised election fund. Or in the hands of an industry player it might look like advertising, speaking of which, did you know WWF worries about climate change but actively opposes nuclear power?
Their home page (shown below) looks like an advert for the renewables industry.

Can anyone see any wildlife worth protecting here?

World Wildlife Fund. WWF.

WWF appear to be trying to save the solar industry…

Purely hypothetically, if President Xi is not funneling money through to the WWF, he’s missing an opportunity to sabotage the West. And if he was funding the WWF through large philanthropic trusts, who would know?

WWF is deep within The Machine

To understand just how embedded the WWF is with the powers that be, consider that billionaires and bankers have been funding it for years.  Among the original founders in 1961 was Godfrey Rockefeller.  One of the largest donors has been the Moore Foundation, set up by Intel Founder Gordon Moore. Recently Jeff Bezoz gave the WWF at least $100 million, while bankers like HSBC have pledged “multiple millions”.

One former President of the WWF was William K Reilly, who was also at one time director of DuPont,  ConocoPhillips, and of Royal Caribbean. He was Administrator of the US EPA from 1989 to 1993 and headed up the US delegation to Rio in 1992 while he was also President of the WWF. Get the picture?  It just goes to show how the WWF is just another arm of Big Government and Big Business.

In terms of where the $450 million in revenue end up each year, about $44 million was used just for fundraising. And according to InfluenceWatch salary expenses were $70 million in 2020 plus another $4 million in “executive compensation” and $17 million for “other employee benefits”. So that’s a third of the budget. It is a machine that feeds itself.

Environmental non-profits are corporate conglomerates and political lobby groups masquerading as a charity.

9.5 out of 10 based on 35 ratings

23 comments to The Green Industrial Complex: The CEO of WWF is paid up to a million dollars to save “nature”

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          Microsoft Plans to Revive Infamous Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant to Feed Insatiable AI Power Requirements

          Microsoft has partnered with Constellation Energy to revive the dormant Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania, aiming to feed its power-hungry AI data centers with energy from the site of America’s most infamous nuclear accident.

          Bloomberg reports that in a move that demonstrates the constantly growing energy demands of AI, Microsoft has struck a deal with Constellation Energy, the largest US operator of nuclear reactors, to resurrect the shuttered Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania. The tech giant has agreed to purchase all the output from the plant, which is set to go back into service in 2028, as it seeks to secure a reliable source of carbon-free electricity for its data centers.

          The $1.6 billion investment by Constellation Energy aims to revive one of the two reactors at the Three Mile Island site, which has been dormant since 2019 due to its inability to compete economically. The other reactor at the plant was permanently closed nearly half a century ago following the worst nuclear accident in US history.

          Microsoft’s decision to partner with Constellation Energy highlights the growing demand for clean energy sources as the tech industry grapples with the power-intensive nature of artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. Data centers, which form the backbone of these technologies, require vast amounts of electricity to operate, and companies are increasingly looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint while meeting these energy needs.

          The agreement between Microsoft and Constellation Energy is a significant step towards achieving this goal, as nuclear power provides a stable, carbon-free energy source that can operate around the clock.

          By securing the entire output of the revived Three Mile Island reactor, Microsoft aims to ensure a consistent supply of clean energy for its data centers, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to its overall sustainability efforts.


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    Environmental non-profits are corporate conglomerates and political lobby groups masquerading as a charity.

    Well said! And the same can be said of so many large charities and foundations.


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    It will take a strong politician to stop the rot. I think Dutton will hold the course against a barrage of misinformation generated by the government under the guise of information. Can we get ACMA to investigate Bowen’s latest attempt to stifle nuclear with his wildly inaccurate costings. Or maybe they should look at Dee Maddigan’s deranged anti nuke rant on ABC’s Q and A. We should use their own laws to make them look stupid.


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    I’m proud to say I’ve never given WWF or any left wing Greens or any of these vile parasites a cent.
    And I never will.


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    Grant Boydell

    if President Xi is not funneling money through to the WWF, he’s missing an opportunity to sabotage the West.

    The “West” is doing a fine job already sabotaging itself.


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      Xi is definitely helping it along. All of these red & green watermelon environmental groups are swimming in Chinese and Russian money. The Chinese want the west to keep buying their solar panels and crippling their electrical grids, and the Russians want to keep western fossil fuels in the ground, driving up demand and prices for their own fossil fuel exports. Both have many useful western idiots helping them achieve those goals.


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    Where was the WWF, Greenpeace, the Greens and Tanya Plebersuck when the QLD high ranges and hinterland were being demolished/flattened. All those trees and animal habitat removed to make way for stupid windmills? Is that land renewable? Who got all the wood from the chopped down trees? What about the environmental impact study?

    Also, the transmission lines for Snowy 2 point 0 that have carved an easement through a National Park. Who got all the wood from those chopped down trees? And what about the animals. What about the Environment? What about the environmental impact study?

    This Feral Guv’ment has to be the worst ever for Australia. Even worse than Gough’s Mob.


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    I don’t give money to any of the high profile charities. Particularly any associated with big media events. That also includes the McGrath Foundation (Pink Day at Sydney Cricket Test) and MND (AFL water ice slide event). All the environmental charities have been crooked for decades. They all follow the same model and are either tax dodges or employment groups for friends and families.


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    David Maddison

    “Green” is one of the highest paying legal scams there is, apart from senior levels of the public “service” in Australian Government departments, federal or state.

    E.g. a department head in Sicktoria gets $813,524.

    The head of Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet gets $977,200.

    Heads of Government statutory bodies get MUCH more. The more incompetent they are, the more they get paid.


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    Coochin Kid

    I can’t wait to meet the next lot of WWF empty heads , soliciting donations in my shopping centre .I will ask them how much they are paid, then I will illuminate them on the bosses salary of $1.1 million. should be interesting.


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    Shades of Hillsong Church The Leaders have departed after selling millions of $$$ in Real Estate


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    Well sheeple, why not buy a Carbon Offset for your next electricity bill and airline ticket? The mechanism is similar to that virtuous old religious act buying an indulgence to secure a place in heaven except in this post-modern age heaven is Green, populated by Pandas and the saviour is his holiness WWF’s Carter Roberts.


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    John Hultquist

    I only give locally — Fire Fighters, Search and Rescue, and others I can identify.
    My rule is: If my small contribution will be noticed then I will consider a donation. If I think the CEO will spend more on a bottle of wine than I can give – I won’t send any money.


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    Everyone should watch this recent video from Mark Mills and you’ll soon understand why we should worry about the loony Harris and Walz idiots winning on Nov 5th this year.
    There’ll be an enormous demand for more energy from the cloud, AI and energy demands from an increasing population around the world by 2030, 2050 and until 2100.
    W & S are a toxic, super expensive, unreliable joke and only have very low capacity factors most of the time.
    Click on more and you can watch your choice of chapters anytime.


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    Haha, the WWF emblem is a panda bear. Do we even know if they’re threatened? Is it possible they were just a species likely to become non existent anyway. So, pandas unburdened by what has been. ( to quote that great oracle Kamala H)


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