
8.6 out of 10 based on 19 ratings

165 comments to Sunday

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    Well, Reform UK certainly missed out with a total of 5 seats despite many more votes than for the Lib Dems who got 70. However all has passed peacefully, in contrast I suspect to the French elections.

    If Le Pen does well except riots.

    However with the centre and left conspiring against her I think it doubtful she will get enough seats to form a govt and will be left to a technocrat of the left.


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      Reform’s support is widespread compared to LD. This is important going forward. I expect growth.


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      What’s most astonishing is that Labour have achieved almost total supremacy on the basis of just 1 in 5 of UK parliamentary registered voters.

      Remember that next time they say they have been given a mandate to do something or other. Like net zero.


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        Apparently never in our history has there been such an unbalanced election regarding the number of votes to number of seats variation between parties. Labour gained massively from this as did Lib Dems whilst Reform were very unfairly treated.

        Still its fptp and generally I prefer that to proportional representation which is normally something the lib dems demand. I suspect they will keep quiet about it now that fptp has done so well for them


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          Geoff Sherrington

          Change had to come to UK.
          More big change is needed.
          Just about every politician in Labour has to be smart enough to work out why Conservatives failed and Reform advanced. They know a big part is voters deserting Climate Change/electricity costs etc. They know they have to address it.
          Labour have 2 broad choices. They can be obstinate, stick to leftist principles and make more laws and regs to strengthen CC. Of, they can adopt the future direction that voters showed and start to give up on CC.
          It will be interesting. One hopes that Kier is a sensible pragmatist.
          Geoff S.
          Trivia time. The concrete cricket pitch at Townsville Grammar school used to have this engraved into it:
          “Kier I is a queer one. Kier II is queer too.” Pre-1954.


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            Steve of Cornubia

            I don’t think Reform’s support, and the implied pushback against Net zero and wokeism is suggests, will bother Labour one iota, nor will it change their plans and policies. For that to happen, they would have to actually care what voters want – but of course they don’t.

            The left in the UK, as in Australia, America, Canada, etc are pretty much in total control now. The Long March won them control over all the real levers, buttons, dials and switches so, with a leftist government now in charge of the steering wheel too, it’s pretty much over for the West.


        • #

          Whilst the number of seats is the deciding metric for a political win, it is a huge distortion disguising the actual number of indivdual votes for each party.
          Labors TOTAL vote was less than 10 million for its 412 seats, whilst the Reform party had 5+ million votes but only won 5 seats ??
          Not exactly “fair” representation !
          PS :- that 10 m votes is LESS than lobor got when they LOST the 2019 election .


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            David Maddison

            Once Great Britain needs electoral reform.


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              It probably needs to return to MP’s representing and delivering on their electorate’s wishes. What this election has shown is that the Conservative Party is more interested in fealty to the Party than representation of their voters with the result that the voters did not turn up to support them.

              Sam Ashworth-Hayes in the Telegraph says, “each seat retained is an unearned act of kindness.” He’s right.


          • #

            Labour won a democratic election voted into power by only 20% of eligible voters.

            This from elsewhere:

            Voter turnout was 60%, Labour got 34% of the vote, so they were supported by 0.6 x 0.34 = 0.204 or 20.4% of the eligible voters, and it’s a massive landslide. It must be the most fragile landslide in UK history. I’m guessing it will be a one term government.
            Hopefully Farage will be the next PM.


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              How would you compare it to Tony Abbott’s “landslide” of 2013? The landslide that never delivered?

              I can see an impending hurdle that this landslide will have to jump. The hurdle that Suni baulked at.

              When will the lights go out?


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          True. But the opposite can happen. Labour only needs a small drop in support and they lose their huge majority. It’s like leveraged trading.


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        CO2 Lover

        An interesting summary of different voting sysyems and where they are used

        Alternative Vote Plus
        Recommended by the Jenkins Commission in 1998, the Alternative Vote Plus (AV+) system has not been used anywhere in the world.

        Jenkins Commission (UK) or Independent Commission on the Voting System, a commission formed to reform the voting system of the United Kingdom.

        The Jenkins report recommended that 80% to 85% of seats in Parliament would be elected using the Alternative Vote electoral system. The remaining seats would be filled using ‘open’ party lists for each county or metropolitan area. The Commission recommends that the top-up members should be allocated correctively, that is on the basis of the second vote and taking into account the number of constituency seats gained by each party in each respective area.


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        Old Goat

        No taxation without representation…… The UK has had many conflicts over stupid policies during the various monarchies and there might be another one on the horizon . Civil disobedience is already occurring (ULEZ) and all that is required is a big enough trigger . Desperation breeds revolution .


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    Biden calls himself first black woman to serve in White House as gaffes continue after debate debacle.

    The knives are out but it looks as if Kemala Harris might be the winner of these gaffes if Biden stands down


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    This story seems to have been doing the rounds for some time

    Is this nightmare really likely to happen or just more posturing?


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      There is no way that I will be using this Digital ID system. There is no need anyway. To have all one’s ID information to be held in one spot by a Government Agency is asking for trouble. It will be a big target for Computer Hackers and open to identity theft.


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        Yes, whatever the considerable moral objections, as you say, this will be a magnet for cyber hackers


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          Geoff Sherrington

          I had to talk to a Canberra health bureaucrat last week about a medical records matter. In passing, to ease what was said and re privacy, I mentioned that I held an Enduring Power of Attorney over someone. Bureaucrat sparked, said that information was not known to them. For fun I said that it was because I had not told them about it, sent back years. The voice tone changed. “Are there other matters you are concealing from us? No? I am sorry, but I am unable to continue this conversation with a less than honest person who conceals information from us.”
          Geoff S


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            “The voice tone changed. “Are there other matters you are concealing from us? ”

            “What makes you think you have the right to know?”


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        About that huge new “Government data centre” that has flickered across the screens lately??

        “Defence / security” against whom?

        The ‘trapdoors wil already have been built in


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          Australia has lately knocked back a few requests for contributions to world defence.

          Could this be because the troops are in revolt against the Australian media and government who have promoted treason over them?

          Who would go to war under “leaders” who set the enemy’s words above him/her?

          This was the worst of the “wokeism” that we have yet seen. And it will bring us all down.


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        ‘ … it’s unclear if “eating disorders” as defined by Grant, include only undereating, or overeating as well.’

        Opening up a can of worms.


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        I think I remember reading that security data was going to be held in the Amazon cloud, what sort of risk does that create.


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          Yes. I have never been happy about Apple’s efforts to direct me into their iCloud.

          I only want an iFog or iMist.


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        Johnny – I doubt that all this information is not already accessible by our governments…….with a little help from Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Tik-Tok, Instagram and probably ‘X’.


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      David Maddison

      The job of Chief Censor, euphemistically called e Safety Commissioner (Commissar) was created by the Liberal Party.

      She is a WEF acolyte and I think she wants all your Internet traffic, statements, blog and social media activities, website visits and any other online activities recorded against your person number.

      Ultimately the data will be used to “correct your thinking” via re-education and/or imprisonment and will be used in your social credit score.

      It’s hard to imagine how they found such a censorius individual. She is US born, you’d think she’d have some understanding and appreciation of free speech where such is guaranteed by the First Amendment.

      In the unlikely event that the Liberals are elected I doubt they’ll abolish the position.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >e Safety Commissioner [Julie Inman Grant]

        I’m apt to confuse her with the UN’s Melissa Fleming – Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications.

        Don’t know why, maybe it was this:

        “We own the science, and we think that the world should know it” – Melissa Fleming

        Did a DDG search – “Melissa Fleming”+”Julie Inman Grant”

        Found this:

        Open Letter to the CEOs of Facebook, Google, TikTok and Twitter

        Noble sentiments but among the signers:

        Julie Inman Grant
        Australian eSafety Commissioner

        Melissa Fleming
        United Nations Under-Secretary-
        General for Global Communications

        Also on this list of UNESCO Confirmed Speakers:

        UNESCO Global Conference – Internet for Trust

        Confirmed speakers, among many others:

        Melissa Fleming
        Julie Inman Grant

        Not sure that I “trust” any of those top-down globalists meddling in the internet – Go away!


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      Hope in the youth?:

      This book from some time ago predicts the coming misinformation push….

      Can we somehow campaign that everyone writes nothing but false information into the internet for a period – make up stories of what is happening in real life – and break the AI?


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    Leo Morgan

    Bob Menzies would not go hard to attack a poor leader of the Labor Party.
    His reasoning was similar to Napoleon’s “Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake.”
    Now is the time to attack the Democrat policies, the Woke and the Swamp. To attack Kamala’s performance as border Czar, and Newsom’s hellhole cities.
    If enough reasonable people do that, Biden remaining as candidate will be a Republican asset.


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      Best not to ridicule Kamala and Newsom, leave that to the MSM, Trump is in front and should win by a country mile.


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        All the Democrats (& Deep State) want is a credible candidate they can award 81 million votes to.


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          Destroyer D69

          There has been a credible suggestion of when and why Biden will retire,or be removed from the nomination. First.. If he leaves PRIOR to the convention, then the members of the Party vote for the replacement that they want…Second.. If he leaves or is removed After the convention starts then,the party officials have total discretion,and can appoint their “Golden Child”,irrespective of any popular alternative of the general membership.


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      Biden is putting himself out there but has set his bed time at 8pm so he is up for the daily challenges ahead. The more rope he is given the more damage he does.

      Campaign funding is now the issue for Biden:

      “I’m Joe’s biggest fan, he’s an admirable public servant but he’s doomed . . . we need to start putting all our focus on what comes next.”

      Vice-president Kamala Harris is also among candidates donors think could replace Biden, said several donors and bundlers, who have held talks among themselves as they prepare to raise hundreds of millions of dollars to fund a new candidate.


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    David Maddison

    As Biden’s dementia increases it’s removing his forced inhibitions. In the following case he reveals his inner racist self.

    Biden bypasses young black girl waiting to greet him at his latest rally. She gives him a big snile and “hi” and he totally ignores her.

    He’s racist. Always has been. In his present degenerative state, he’s slipping so that his true self shows.

    Watch this clip. Watch her face after he passes her by.

    Hopefully the girl will now do some research and realise the party of Biden was the party that supported slavery and had the KKK as it’s military wing. Today, they want to keep her in poverty as a voter slave rather than a field slave.

    It’s sad to watch such a naive girl being mistreated like that and for the racist Biden to expect her vote.


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    David Maddison

    I’m surprised that so many DemonRATs are all of a sudden shocked at Biden’s mental incapacity.

    Sure, it was hidden by the Lamestream media machine.

    But these revelations of mental incapacity were no shock to members of the thinking community. The thinking community was always aware of the White House Resident’s mental incapacity.

    Despite a biased, censorious press, the truth still manages to leak out and make itself known to thinkers.

    This tells you all you need to know about the analytic abilities and general situational awareness of the thinking conservatives and fellow rational thinkers vs the Left who basically believe anything their “leaders” tell them.


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      I have always been amazed that a man who stumbles over his words was thought to be in fine mental shape and a forceful speaker. Yelling is not oratory.

      The story was that he used to stutter, so mumbling gibberish is to be admired?

      And his illustrious career was an entire lifetime as a do nothing Senator on $140,000 a year. He never had any career. So he was snatched from total obscurity to world wide incompetence by Barack Obama as the bumbling,incompetent token white man. Going downhill was not a long nor surprising journey.


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        And they have managed to entirely ignore his extraordinary criminality. Or as Trump calls them, the Biden Crime family. 50 of the most senior intelligence officers in the US lied to the public about the laptop. They said it did not exist. And they know they helped steal an election. There is an utter lack of principles in Washington, as in Canberra where lying to parliament is standard, as with Finance Minister Gallagher and her ‘how dare you!’.


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        he was snatched from total obscurity to world wide incompetence

        As Obama was, but at least he could deliver oratory.


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      I seem to remember those clips of sleepy Joe bending over to sniff little girls hair, and Trump referring to him as ‘Sleepy Joe’ , as he just didn’t seem to have it together.


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      Feigning surprise is also a bit of theatre to try and show that you weren’t in on the whole deception program.


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      Leo G

      I’m surprised that so many DemonRATs are all of a sudden shocked at Biden’s mental incapacity.

      Don’t be surprised. The sudden shock is only that the jig is up.


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    David Maddison

    Do you think Opposition “leader” Dutton is electable?

    Typical of the Liberals his policies are not very firm and they have no ideological underpinning.

    His party is also responsible for much of the “green” energy mess we now have. And Dutton sees the role of nuclear as merely to “firm” unreliables, he doesn’t see them as a primary energy source. And he’s dreaming if he thinks a nuclear reactor can be brought online in ten years from his election. It is possible of course, but just not in Australia. It took 50 years just to decide on a second Sydney Airport. How much more so for one or a six nuclear power reactors? And Dutton still believes in the anthropogenic global warming fraud.

    His party was also responsible for creating the official government censor, the e Safety Kommissar.

    The pretend conservative Liberal Party also banned hydroxychloroquine and destroyed the 37 million doses Clive Palmer bought and donated to the Australian people. They also banned Ivermectin for treatment of covid. That was all due to former(?) WEF employee Hunt. Hunt also stopped Tony Abbott’s inquiry into data fraud at the BoM.

    Yes, the Labor Party is EVIL and BAD but only slightly more so than the Libs.

    Also, it’s also been said that Dutton’s shaved head is not a good look, and his lack of personality doesn’t help either.


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      Yes. He is more than aware that the Liberals are as wet as ever, 1cm to the right of Alabanese. Turnbull was determined to keep him out and push Morrison. We know why. But Dutton’s far more conservative than either rich dilletants Turnbull and Sunak. And the nuclear direction is a great wedge. Even most of the Greens and Teals agree nuclear has no emissions, which is as laughable as it is serious.

      Darth Vader? Yes. But Darth was a strong character too, whether you liked him or not. And in the end he defenestrated Palpatine and saved the rebellion.


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        Duttton isn’t doing too badly. My worry is that the election will be called ASAP, which will be Albo’s best chance of survival.

        BTW Who vandalised Peter Dutton’s office the night before they sacked Turnbull?

        That act of vandalism probably influenced more than one of the votes that installed Scott Morrison.

        He only won by one. Else we would have had Peter Dutton from that date.


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      Geoff Sherrington

      FWIW, Dutton is playing a long game. He has to counter several Party wets and that is taking time, but in that time the world is showing rejection of CC that could sway the sets. He has to show that internal divisions are unimportant, that he is a leader of a tight pack. I see him as quite competent and worth support. Geoff S


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      I think its just semantics that he pitches it as firming and we see it as baseload. The point is getting it done.

      If we are sowing seeds of doubt about Dutton with the election now appearing on the horizon, who better then?

      Personally he gets my vote for being the only politician in a long time, position to potentially do anything, to talk positively about nuclear.


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      David Maddison

      And even if Dutton was elected, and a national emergency was declared to enable six nuclear reactors to be built, and restrictions on burning coal and gas were removed, Australia can’t survive for ten more years with some of the world’s most expensive electricity (when it used to be among the cheapest).


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        One step at a time. A single HELE coal plant would fix it. And we have major blackouts to come. And the total loss of gas in Victoria. The politicians will find a way to spin it. And the cosseted Greens and Teals will look the other way. Self interest rules


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          Poor Victoria. Like the lady on the street corner, Victoria is sitting on a fortune. In debt to the point of bankrupcy, all we need to do is use the reserves we have.
          For whatever reason Victoria refuses to allow its natural resources to be utilised.
          If we went back to coal, oil, gas, and gold not only could the state solve its energy crisis it could pay off its huge debt and even contribute to the coffers of any federal government in power. But and its a big but for what ever reason if its a wealth creating enterprise the state government will simply not allow it to be done.
          The spin doctors talk about native title, climate change, and a miriad other reasons we are stuck in reverse. Serving the the unelected UN and personal wealth ambitions, I am afraid it will not end well for the general populace.


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          Australians Ripped Off by Foreign Owned Gas Giants


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        CO2 Lover

        How about converting Australia’s Coal-Fired Power Stations to burn wood, like the Drax Power Station in the UK?

        Completed in 1986, it was the newest coal-fired power station in England. In 2012, the company announced plans to convert three generating units to solely biomass, burning 7.5 million tonnes imported wood chips from the United States and Canada.

        The Greenies consider this to be “renewable” energy since it producers a better form of CO2 and no local forrests are destroyed!


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          Where would we get our wood chips from. Remember how government after government has destroyed the wood chip industry and then destroyed the structural timber industries with bans on native timber harvesting. We would need a friendly country to import wood pellets from. Like the home brand pineapple in the supermarkets, maybe China can help!


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          Richard C in NZ

          >How about converting Australia’s Coal-Fired Power Stations to burn wood

          Fonterra, NZ’s milk exporter is converting to wood pellets from coal. All milk export is dried whereas fruit exports are not e.g. kiwifruit 90% water. So there’s an energy-cost-of-drying milk. Raising steam is a biggy.

          Now it gets silly. Instead of one coal train delivering tonnes of coal to a drying plant in one go there’s a fleet of diesel powered truck and trailer units shuttling back and forth on the highways delivering wood pellets which, given the high water content and lower calorific value of wood pellets, means a lot more wood truck trips to be equivalent to coal.

          For example, a truck/trailer will pick up in Taupo and deliver north to a plant in the Waikato and return empty.

          So a whole lot of heavy haulage transferred from rail to road. Anyone who has driven on NZ highways among loggers, wood-chip bins, line haulers, etc will know what I’m getting at. Not to mention road wear.

          1 kg bags of dried milk don’t sit long on supermarket shelves but in the Land of Long White Milk I was surprised to see – “Product Unavailable” on a dried milk shelf.

          Made me wonder if the milk drying plants are struggling to keep up with domestic demand after supplying international now that they’ve converted to wood pellets.

          I’m watching that space.

          Some articles next.


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      CO2 Lover

      Do you think Opposition “leader” Dutton (Voldemort) is electable?

      The Coalition has the same problem as the Tories – some in the party want to move more right (eg Senator Canavan) some want to move to the Left (eg Senator Bermingham) but to most its all about self interest.

      Senator Rennick lost his third place on the Queensland Senate ticket to then party treasurer Stuart Fraser by just three votes at an LNP state council meeting in July last year.

      The next election is likely to deliver an Australian Greens/Australian Muslim Party/Labor Coalition Goverment – and God help us all!


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        “The next election is likely to deliver an Australian Greens/Australian Muslim Party/Labor Coalition Goverment – and God help us all!”

        You wont notice the difference.

        “Yes, the Labor Party is EVIL and BAD but only slightly more so than the Libs.”

        You wont notice the difference.

        “Also, it’s also been said that Dutton’s shaved head is not a good look, and his lack of personality doesn’t help either.”

        He’s so hopeless that if he is put in charge tomorrow..

        You wont notice the difference.

        This is how the system of democracy is set up- A pretend fight between two identical sets of people who just want power over everyone else. Its really about how much they can rip out of us! Them against us, not them against themselves! How about everyone votes for someone who has never been in parliament before, the only way to reset this broken system, or vote only for independents and no parties?

        I’m surprised people on here still argue about tweedledum or tweedledee as if it would make the slightest difference at all! We need a revolution, not a change of overcoat!


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          ‘We need a revolution, not a change of overcoat!’

          Democracy only encourages career politicians, its a job, but your assertion that we need an anarchist revolution is absurd.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      For me, policy matters shouldn’t be Dutton’s priority at this stage. If the Libs were going to be electable in time for the next election, his priority should be redesigned the party by forcing out the wets and covert lefties, replacing them with solid conservatives (id any can be found). Perhaps this might take TWO election cycles, because it will be a big job, but all the more reason to get started the very moment Albanese parked his rsend in the PM’s chair.

      Waffling on about nuclear, immigration or whatnot is just window dressing. Don’t tell me, SHOW me, and the way to do that right now is to put together a solid shadow cabinet and team that truly is conservative. The clock is ticking mate!


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      And Dutton sees the role of nuclear as merely to “firm” unreliables, he doesn’t see them as a primary energy source.

      Exactly. That is one of the reasons the Libs won’t get me back just yet.
      Maybe it’s just a way to get the nuclear ball rolling in OZ?
      Maybe they will then expand the roll of nuclear?
      Will the “greenies” in the Liberal party allow that to happen?
      We’ll just have to wait and see.


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      I do hear people on talkback radio and in comments saying they have been lifelong Labor voters but they will change this next election because of energy.


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    another ian


    “Tucker Carlson DESTROYS The Australian Government! (Crowd Went CRAZY)”


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      David Maddison

      I was there, at the Melbournistan talk. It was great.

      There were about 5000 people there.

      I was very pleased to discover that there are still some Australians that think, and also believe in free speech and democracy, although sadly a minority of the population.

      I posted a report here the day after the event.


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    another ian

    Caught in slips! Another Channel 7’s finest hour –

    “Australia’s Channel 7 organized a ‘covid town hall’ with some scientists and covid experts to tape a special program on how great the pandemic went called “After Covid.” Everything was fine until somebody asked a tough question, a scientist got snippy, and it all went off the rails. The audience started hissing catcalls and shouting expletives at the panel’s ‘top covid scientists.’ It was an outburst the editors, in a very cowardly fashion, edited out of the final broadcast, creating an even bigger story about the story.

    But someone leaked the full audio.”

    “It was electric. The leaked audio showed the audience instantly burst into objections, with one man shouting: “Bulls***!” Another yelled, “That’s f***ing lies, mate!” Another chirped, “You should hand your license back!” Other audience members yelled, “that’s the biggest lie,” and “snake oil salesman!” ”

    More at


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    David Maddison

    Most of the people I know who are net wealth creators, i.e. those who are employed in the private sector, or self-employed or retired with investments, are seriously depressed about present day Australia and the world in general. (I only associate with conservatives or fellow rational thinkers, too many bad experiences with Leftists.)

    And under the Labor Government, or even a possible slightly less bad Liberal Government, they don’t feel their freedom; or their assets, the product of their life’s work are safe.


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      David Maddison

      An outstanding video. Thanks for posting Kim.

      Definitely worth the 14 mins to watch it.

      Incidentally, as regards to Australia’s disastrous gas markets (discussed towards end of video), you can blame Little Johnny Howard of the pretend conservative Liberal Party for that.

      Australia has a gas shortage but we are exporting so much to the Chicomms they have a surplus and are re-exporting it. It will probably be sent to Australia when Twiggy Forrest completes the gas import terminal at Port Kembla.

      The management of Australia is indescribably messed up, verging on criminal incompetence.


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        CO2 Lover

        Australia’s Destiny is to be Hong Kong MkII and it will happen faster than we think.

        The Chinese are likley to soon be the second highest land owner in Australia after our “Third Nation Peoples”.

        According to 2021 government reports on foreign ownership of agricultural land and water, Chinese companies were also big stakeholders in those areas. Currently, 14.1 per cent of Australia’s agricultural land is foreign owned, and China is the largest foreign owner (2.3 per cent).21 June 2022

        China’s Luye Medical bought hospital operator Healthe Care and now owns 34 hospitals across Australia, making it the third largest operator in the country.

        China’s largest global wind energy operator builds largest wind farm in NSW


    • #

      Instead of breaking up the supermarket chains we should be breaking up government, they are the biggest gougers in the country.

      eg A five year license cost me $200. It doesn’t cost the state a cent for me to carry a one. The penalty for late payment of rego is 12.5%.


      • #

        Actually H, we should put the supermarkets, or Bunnings, in charge of the country if we want the place run smoothly and efficiently, on a fraction of the current Govt workforce and cost!

        The logistics of supplying food three times a day to 25million people, with options for all of it, is just amazing.


  • #
    another ian


    “Team of Dolts: Meet Keir Starmer’s Trump-Hating, Anti-Brexit Cabinet”


    “The true story of this election? Populism is here to stay”

    “There has been an earthquake in British politics, reporters say. Everyone from the Guardian to the Sun to CNN is reaching for the metaphor of shifting tectonic plates to describe Labour’s victory over the Tories in the General Election. And in a sense they’re right. The political ground has shaken. Rumblings have been felt. But it wasn’t drab, grey Labour that did it – it was the millions of voters who rejected both Labour and the Tories and in the process delivered one of the most devastating sucker punches to the political duopoly in decades.”

    More at


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      CO2 Lover

      80% of Pommies did not vote for socialist Labor and these are the people who will vote for a party who they beleive will represent them and who has a charismatic leader.


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        CO2 Lover

        Correction: Around 7% of Pommies are now Muslims so they will vote for the “Muslim” party which will include the “Greens”.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Hunter S. Thompson’s Daily Routine

      3:00 p.m. rise
      3:05 Chivas Regal with the morning papers, Dunhills
      3:45 cocaine
      3:50 another glass of Chivas, Dunhill
      4:05 first cup of coffee, Dunhill
      4:15 cocaine
      4:16 orange juice, Dunhill
      4:30 cocaine
      4:54 cocaine
      5:05 cocaine
      5:11 coffee, Dunhills
      5:30 more ice in the Chivas
      5:45 cocaine, etc., etc.
      6:00 grass to take the edge off the day
      7:05 Woody Creek Tavern for lunch-Heineken, two margaritas, coleslaw, a taco salad, a double order of fried onion rings, carrot cake, ice cream, a bean fritter, Dunhills, another Heineken, cocaine, and for the ride home, a snow cone (a glass of shredded ice over which is poured three or four jig­gers of Chivas)
      9:00 starts snorting cocaine seriously
      10:00 drops acid
      11:00 Chartreuse, cocaine, grass
      11:30 cocaine, etc, etc.
      12:00 midnight, Hunter S. Thompson is ready to write
      12:05-6:00 a.m. Chartreuse, cocaine, grass, Chivas, coffee, Heineken, clove cigarettes, grapefruit, Dunhills, orange juice, gin, continuous pornographic movies.
      6:00 the hot tub-champagne, Dove Bars, fettuccine Alfredo
      8:00 Halcyon
      8:20 sleep


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    another ian

    The “CO2 Round-up” just got bigger –

    “There are currently 29 volcanoes spewing out 120,000 tonnes of CO₂ a day into the atmosphere, but – cow farts are changing climate?”


    And in a subsequent comment –

    “Right. But what the map shows is that almost all of those volcanos are at colliding plate tectonic locations. I don’t know what moves those plates, but somehow neither CO2 nor cosmic rays seem to be the obvious answer.”


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      CO2 Lover

      I don’t know what moves those plates

      Tremendous heat and pressure within the earth cause the hot magma to flow in convection currents. These currents cause the movement of the tectonic plates that make up the earth’s crust.


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        “These currents cause the movement of the tectonic plates that make up the earth’s crust.”

        Are there any other unprovable theories on this? I’m very suspicious of the “generally accepted by 97% of scientists” science these days.

        “Tremendous heat and pressure within the earth cause the hot magma to flow in convection currents”

        Why can’t it just sit there under tremendous equal pressure from all directions and have a constant heat gradient from conduction?

        Do planetary alignments pull the Earth out of shape and squeeze it to a drop-shape? Is the moon dragging a bulge around underneath it and pulling it out of shape. I did read the moon pulls the water up, sure, but it also pulls an atmospheric bulge and lifts the land as well. Difficult to measure these things, like a fish measuring water.


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          Leo G

          Why can’t it just sit there under tremendous equal pressure from all directions and have a constant heat gradient from conduction?

          It doesn’t “just sit there.

          The Earth and the Moon rotate about a common centre of mass and the Earth rotates about its own axis. So, the internal materials of the Earth, varying in extrinsic and extrinsic properties, have a frame of reference that rotates with respect to an inertial frame.


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      And there are seamounts which might be a contributing factor.

      There is one off the west coast of Chile which I believe is an ENSO trigger.


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        Richard C in NZ

        Superheat. But try telling that to a Warmy.

        They sincerely believe increasing greenhouse gases, somehow, explain ocean heat rise. Never mind that ocean heat doesn’t track the CO2 curve.

        I’ve have a bunch of Warmer guys scoffing when I even mentioned hydrovents; what they described as “mysterious underwater volcanoes”. I chuckled when Hunga Tonga blew up – now THAT was a hydrovent.

        Jan-Mar Ocean Heat anomaly hiked up after an El Nino. Apr-Jun due out (takes a while):

        0-700m Ocean Heat Content [Anomaly]

        Be interesting to watch next 5 years or so.

        Hardly discernible on top of total ocean heat but hey, let’s do climate science.


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      Did you see this one in there, it must have the Left tying itself in knots-

      “Quandamooka elder Darren Burns, who cleared land on south east Queensland’s North Stradbroke Island to build his daughter a house, claims it was a traditional cultural activity as allowed under native title, exempting him from planning laws. Redland City Council, who prosecuted Mr Burns for prohibited development, said in a statement it acknowledged and respected the site was under native title but the clearing had still been prohibited. ‘Council takes the unlawful clearing of vegetation seriously and will continue to hold all persons accountable for the illegal clearing of vegetation…”

      But clearing land for windmills or solar farms is just fine? Native title means you are still under the thumb of the white invaders? ..and if you “own” the land, you still can’t do what you want with it? That doesn’t sound like ownership to me.. The peasants have just got too used to not really having control of anything they own so they think this is normal.

      We will see if it gets overturned as it gets appealed up the Court system to those with a wider view of the world.


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      How are you going to talk to them, unless they will be fully AI-controlled ?
      By sonic waves – like whales?
      Otherwise, they will be just torpedoes of the extended range…


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      CO2 Lover

      Ukraine’s Sea Drones in real war conditions


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        True, it is a working solution for a specific job.
        Still, they might be subsurface vessels rather submarines…


    • #

      Again I ask you how you maintain command and control of an unmanned sub?

      It can’t be done.


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        CO2 Lover

        Covered in the second video.

        Manned subs face the same issues – they are now completely obsolete. Likewise manned aircraft carriers unless kept well away from warzones.

        “Generals are always preparing for the last war” same with Admirals


        • #
          CO2 Lover

          Drones sink one third of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet


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          Simon is not an electronics genius.

          Ultra low frequency radio can penetrate a little water but at such low freq data rates drops to bits/min.

          I’ve done the research before but it is clearly a waste of time so won’t redo it today.


          • #

            Why do you think the U.S. established a very high power Very Low Frequency (VLF) station at Exmouth? Long-distance underwater communications has been in operation for many years. And the videos also show that a very small antenna protruding above the water is all that’s needed for a drone to communicate with Starlink.


            • #

              I know about Exmouth.

              Tell me what they can do and how they do it. If you think I’m wrong show me physics.


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              It would take up to 15 minutes to deliver a three letter code”



              • #

                The video is about ELF. I mentioned Exmouth which was VLF and originally operated at 85kHz. I particularly remember this frequency as some receivers used Intermediate Frequency (IF) amps operating at 83 kHz, and these receivers had to be discarded in WA. Most other receivers with an IF at 455 kHz weren’t affected.


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              How it works
              Submarines use very low frequency radio waves for communication when submerged. Radio waves are absorbed quickly by seawater, and the deeper a submarine travels, the more water those radio waves need to get through. Very low frequency radio waves can only travel a few tens of metres. Submarines can deploy buoys equipped with antenna closer to the surface to enable them for communication when they are deeply submerged.

              These very low frequencies only support narrow bandwidths, so only allow for low levels of data to be carried. This means normal voice communication isn’t possible, and only very slow data can be supported – submarines may use Morse Code, for example.

              Submarines are sometimes equipped with on-board devices that can connect to the internet with higher data rates, including via satellite, but these can only be used when submarines rise to the surface.


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        In World War II, the British intelligence community found evidence to suggest that Hitler was going to bomb England via rockets.
        The scientific community scoffed at this conclusion saying that a rocket was impossible.
        The intelligence community struck back by saying “that you don’t know how to build a rocket to go from Germany to England does not mean that the Germans don’t know how to build such a rocket.”
        A few months later V2’s started falling on England and Wales.

        It is wise to be sceptical, but it is wiser to attend to the facts. The fact is the US has such drones, China has such drones and Russia has such drones. Unless these facts are a lies (intended to divert resources into a blind alley) we have to conclude that underwater drones are possible and do exist. How they communicate will probably remain a secret.


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          another ian


          It went on longer than that.

          Read R.V. Jones’s “Most Secret War”


          • #

            Yes indeed.
            I have the book and there is an excellent TV series from 1977 called “The Secret War” which features Dr. R.V. Jones and details both the “battle of the beams” and the V1 and V2 weapons. I think it might be from the BBC.


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              After WW2, the concept of using radio beams to navigate was extended, and a series of beam stations were installed at airports around the coast of Australia, with “bent” beams to provide a “highway in the sky” between major airports. About the time all stations were in place, aircraft with longer range started to be used, and these then flew the great circle routes. The airports that were being bypassed only used the beams to provide waypoint cross-checks in the sky.


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                What on earth does radio direction finding have to do with communicating with subs? You haven’t given me anything to search on yet. I am genuinely interested, it’s my trade, I learn’t Ohm’s law and RDF 64 years ago.


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        Note to the red thumber: You are entitled to your own opinions but not your own physics.


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    Common experience?…haven’t been to the Townsville500 V8 race event for a few years, & it’s on this weekend. Need a healthy dose of ICE race car audio & emissions prior their demise via pending Nut Zero mandates. I ‘assumed’ normal pay at the gate type of entry from the gate where I last entered a few years ago. WRONG! “This is a remote ticket purchase entry gate sir. Onsite ticket purchases only occur from gates blah de blah”. Oh & where are those gates? We’ll almost across town if yah walking. Best to drive. Hmmm…so I go online into ‘Ticketek’…. select appropriate ticket for the day & go to checkout. Can’t do that without logging into established account. Ok…establish account with new details….oh you already have an account…. forgotten password? Yup! Go thru new password protocol & re-enter Ticketek.
    Eventually return to checkout, total single adult entry + $8.53 fee?…hmmm ok getting frustrated now….how to pay? Only options: Credit card/Google Pay/After Pay (purposely travelling lite today with only cash & EFTPOS card). Never used Google or After Pay & refuse to. So no getting in this gate without pre-pay ticket.
    Ok check out location of onsite purchase gates. Go to Townsville500 info & type in ticket booths….. no such beast…go to online Ticketek purchases!…ok find another way & go to Townsville500 track map & look for ticket purchase gates. Hmmm 2 only in obscure locations… need a cab to get there! Bugger this! I’m outta here. Cab home, maybe get to the event in a few years prior to advert of EV slot car racing.
    Typical online transaction issues… & ‘they’ want to remove the option of cash transactions. You’ll get no support from baby boomer me!


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      David Maddison

      For the last Ticketmaster (not Ticketek) ticket I purchased, it was also impossible to speak to a human, and not even a bot. They have removed humans from their entire business operations, at least for members of the public – their customers.

      Plus, it was impossible to have a printed ticket. You had to show them an animated ticket on your phone.

      I found the purchase to be a very unsatisfactory experience.


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        Defeats the idea we need mass immigration from the third world to do the jobs. The jobs are disappearing. There is just a lag period, that we are in.

        There is an argument that new technology creates new economy. It has been true in the past. But there comes a point where that linear model will fail.


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      My daughter is volunteering. Three full days at the track for a shirt and some pizza.

      She went from the track to the football y’day so she was stuffed when she got home.


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    On the latest Biden distrous interview

    Stephanopoulos then asked, “And did you ever watch the debate afterwards?”

    Biden responded, “I don’t think I did, no.”

    The world would want to know what he thought of his own performance. The idea that he does not know whether
    he watched is classic Biden. Why wouldn’t he know? He is saying he is senile or lying or both.

    How soft is the interview to let this pass?


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      another ian

      But didn’t Dr Jill tell him he aced it?


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        Wasn’t that demeaning! The President of the US needing his wife to run up and praise him? Why? Whose idea was that? That’s what you do with little children.

        Perhaps next time Jill can stand next to him and handle more of the questions so he’s not too stressed. Which should be easy as apparently in every debate or interview, Joe has been given all the questions. And even gets to choose them.


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      Curious George

      Why would he waste time on learning from his mistakes? He knows EVERYTHING.


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    David Maddison

    I just inspected a house for sale in inner East Melbournistan, asking $1.3 million (cheap for the area). The place was only ten years old. First thing I noticed was several holes cut in the ground floor ceiling and water damage. Then I went upstairs and saw that there was a bathroom taped off and “do not enter” signs. I saw that a large floor tile had been removed and the floor was rotten. I guess the bathroom had never been sealed properly and water from the shower leaked through. Since the builders didn’t properly seal that bathroom, it’s likely the same story in both other bathrooms, laundry and kitchen.

    Why would you sell a place in that condition without doing the repair? I suspect that the seller had the job costed to completely remove all bathrooms (not counting laundry or kitchen) and rebuild them properly and it was unaffordable hence them selling. To rebuild three bathrooms at current overpriced Australian building costs would probably be at least $100,000. And who knows what other problems would be discovered. The only person who could safely buy such a property would be a builder and only if they got it cheap enough.

    Aussie workmanship. I’m sure the tradesmen who did it are proud of themselves. Probably CFMEU members.


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      another ian

      I sent this to our son in the building game.

      The job he was on yesterday came to a halt because the plumbers made a hash of pipework.


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        The same shoddy work is done with electrical installation. Instead of chasing cables in vertical or horizontal channels in brick walls, they tend to create angled channels in order to save brick cutting and cable expense. You have no idea once the plaster goes on.


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        Our townhouses have experienced a spate of water pipe problems with the plastic pipes. In some cases these have bent and twisted, or were installed so that they rubbed against the sharp corners of internal brick walls. By the time some leaks were detected, major wood floor issues were created, resulting in some floors having to be completely ripped up and replaced. In my case I detected a water leak problem by probing a bulge in the bedroom wall paint. When poked, water began to run out of a saturated internal brick wall.


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      Apparently there are some licensed builders who employ under-qualified immigrants because of the shortage of qualified trades people and the pressure builders are under to complete projects and prepare for more.

      Removing and replacing shoddy work is a lot more expensive than a new build.


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        In one case in WA, an entire estate had many of its houses built on original sandhills, without adequate compaction. Eventually the house walls started to crack and separate, and the houses were unliveable and had to be demolished.


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      Richard C in NZ

      David >Aussie workmanship

      And New Zealand, Canada. Not necessarily builders but designers at fault :

      Leaky Homes Crisis [schools, apartments, lots of apartments]

      There’s apartments here in Mt Maunganui, some high rise (for here), that were covered in white shrink wrap for long periods while builders gutted cladding and internals before rebuilding.

      We even had a 3-part TV series covering it. Problem is getting everyone in corporate ownership to agree – fork out thousands, or sell as-is. Disaster for some elderly, retirees, single first-house owners.

      Some basically gave up, cut their losses, and bailed out. Leaving it all behind and forgetting it all. Even leaving the country. Others couldn’t do that, they were locked in and had to suffer consequences to health, finance, well-being.


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        Richard C in NZ

        From the Wiki article previous:

        Financial liabilities

        As of mid-2009, plans for an up to NZ$6 billion bailout package shared between government and local authorities are in doubt because the amount could affect New Zealand’s international credit rating.[23] In November 2009, the National government decided not to offer a more substantial sharing of costs, and it is now estimated that in most cases, around 64% would have to be borne by the owners, 26% by Councils, and only 10% by government funds, while also forcing homeowners to sign away their rights to sue for more

        Effect on liable firms

        The placing into liquidation of Mainzeal Construction and Property, New Zealand’s third largest construction company, in February 2013 was blamed on both a slowdown in commercial construction work and liability for several leaky apartment buildings in Auckland and Wellington where other parties had gone out of existence.

        “Other parties had gone out of existence” was their liability escape hatch. Plenty of liable builders simply ceased business and set up as a different entity. Some left for Australia and set up there.


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        But..but, it can’t be, we have Government building regulations, Govt building codes, Govt overseeing all parts of the supply chain of building materials, Govt Planning and Approvals systems, Govt Building Inspectors… All there costing us millions of dollars to make the sure the buildings we build are safe and correct!

        Don’t tell me we’ve been wasting our money on Govt lies yet again!


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    another ian

    How to “road test” a politician –

    “People accuse me of being a single-issue writer, a single- issue thinker, and a single- issue voter, but it isn’t true. What I’ve chosen, in a world where there’s never enough time and energy, is to focus on the one political issue which most clearly and unmistakably demonstrates what any politician — or political philosophy — is made of, right down to the creamy liquid center.

    Make no mistake: all politicians — even those ostensibly on the side of guns and gun ownership — hate the issue and anyone, like me, who insists on bringing it up. They hate it because it’s an X-ray machine. It’s a Vulcan mind-meld. It’s the ultimate test to which any politician — or political philosophy — can be put.”

    More at


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      This takes you to the author’s page:

      Apparently Lester Neil Smith is no longer with us. So the web page could well disappear but his words on guns have been reposted in quite a few places.

      I once looked at the difference in gun related deaths between the various USA States and found that those States with the least control correlated with least gun related deaths. On the other hand, USA has a lot more gun related deaths than say Australia. So it is a mixed message in my view.


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        It’s a matter of culture. The US history is soaked in blood and some of their greatest heroes are gun slingers. Hollywood continues glorifying guns.

        We gained our independence from England without bloodshed, we didn’t have “Aboriginal” wars and Ned Kelly is not revered as a revolutionary, rather a slightly comical outlaw.


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          Honk R Smith

          Yep, here’s the heroes I grew up with … John Basilone,
          he did some gun slinging in your neck of the woods.

          And Audie Murphy, just doing his American bloody swagger in southern France.

          I’ll compare my American shirt to anybody’s.
          1st and 2nd Amendments, sorry you don’t have one.
          Likely don’t get one without the other.
          Far as I can tell, OZ will soon be as free as Canada.
          Just let China and the WEF/EU colonize you completely.
          Then maybe you can get some Founding Fathers like we did.

          Oh, wait your Ministry for Changing Men, will make that unlikely.
          Oh, well.


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      John Connor II

      How to “road test” a politician

      I thought it involved driving forwards and then reversing. 😆


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      This article linked in there explains Russia and Ukraine in excellent detail from 1975 onwards, and why we are where we are.

      Anyone who believes America is the good guy, Russia the bad guy and we are on the right side should read it!

      L Neil was great, told it as it was, and his idea that a Govt confiscates your guns because it is about to do things to you that you would shoot them for, is quite correct!


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    How Bruce Pascoe Fattens his Black Duck

    Tony Thomas

    Black Duck’s accounts

    Since Bruce wants donations (I’ve chipped in $5), inspection of Black Duck accounts at the Charities Commission is rewarding. In four years with its tax-friendly status, it raised $2.2 million from donations ($1.001m) and taxpayer-funded grants ($1.206m) by June 2023. To date it has spent most or all of it on Bruce’s “old buggered-up farm” (his description). That includes $1.215 milliom wages for the 3-5 farm workers, a rather startling $149,000 rent paid to Bruce ($140,000 in 2022 alone), $82,000 buying Bruce’s farm machinery and stuff, $61,000 in fees to ritzy accountants and lawyers. Plus the usual expense bibs and bobs that other cockies pay resentfully out of their harvest and stockyard proceeds.

    Bruce’s obliging charity, from its $2.2 million outlay, has achieved farm sales of $38,000.

    There’s also been some trifling tourist farm-stays, and Bruce telling tourists yarns about pelicans coaching him in Yuin vocabulary, fee $300 an hour.[5] There was $153,000 for outbound consulting sales, offset by a prodigious $310,000 for inbound paid consulting ($223,000 in 2022 alone).

    Still, I suppose all small cockies pay like that for technical consultants.

    At June 30 last year, Black Duck Foods had a liquid $148,000 in the kitty (down from the previous $419,000), with net losses running at $236,000 that year (previous loss: $181,000). Those figures are after donations and grants of $317,000 (previous $660,000). I predicted by simple arithmetic last February that without further fund-raising[6] and draconian belt-tightening/redundancies, Black Duck would be shot down in a flurry of feathers by June 30, 2024. If not a dead duck already, it’s certainly duck-shooting season.[7] (The auditor’s 2023 report says, “The members of the association believe that the going concern assumption is appropriate”).

    What would happen next?

    Is Black Duck Foods too small to fail? Perhaps green rich-listers, Aboriginal Industry entities with their bottomless cash, and profligate Labor governments will bail it out. Maybe ABC Friends could crowd-fund a million dollars, seeing the credibility of the ABC is riding on ABC Education’s giant 15-part love-letter to “native farmer” Bruce. Suck it up, schoolkids!


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      another ian

      I wonder if he is amazed that others can keep farming without a Black Duck?


    • #

      wow that is incredible


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      Richard C in NZ

      Reading that I thought I’d entered another world.

      And there it is again:

      ♦”There are far too many people in the world. There must be a better solution but we never talk about that.”
      – Bruce Pascoe

      Tony Thomas cracks me up but there’s an interesting side. Seen some of his global warming comment. I looked him up at Quadrant:

      In Praise of Tony Thomas, Journalist

      Growing up in a communist family, and for some years as a very young man a party member, he has become a deadly enemy of the left, particularly of fashionable “Green” idiocies and the global warming hoax, though not blind to the less-intelligent aspects of the Righy..

      He has unique insight with that background.


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    John Connor II

    Documentary: Unsustainable ‘The U.N. Agenda For World Domination

    The UN’s Agenda For World Domination (2020) is a thought-provoking documentary that challenges the notion of “sustainable development” and exposes the hidden plot orchestrated by the power elite and the United Nations. Directed by James Jaeger, the film argues that Agenda 21 is a war against individual freedoms and sovereignty, with globalists aiming to control all resources and people under a totalitarian World Government. Despite being dismissed as a conspiracy theory, the film shows how “sustainable development” is deeply embedded in numerous federal, state, and local government laws, policies, and documents. The UN claims that “sustainable development” is part of the Environmental Movement’s plan to make the planet a safer, greener world, but others argue that it’s part of a larger agenda to control all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects, and human beings on the planet. This thought-provoking documentary will leave viewers questioning the true nature of Agenda 21 and the UN’s role in shaping our future.

    720p download:


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    John Connor II

    Sunday book freebie: “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy

    The Third World War started in 2020. It is not about territory, but about control over the human mind. It is waged by a transnational ruling class against the rest of the population. This is what academic David Hughes argues in an impressive new book, Covid-19, Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy. Hughes, building on the work of Professor Kees van der Pijl, argues that we are dealing with a globalised class struggle. “World inequality has become so great, the oligarchic capitalist system is so skewed, that the ruling class must adopt a new model of governance, a global technocracy, a kind of bio-digital form of totalitarianism.”


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    Racial sensitivity.

    ‘Australia has more place names that contain the racial slur “Chinaman” than any other country with significant Asian migration, new research reveals, with Australians from all walks of life saying it makes them uncomfortable and normalises discrimination.

    ‘There are 253 place names containing the words “Chinaman” or “Chinamen” in Australia, think tank Per Capita found, far outnumbering other nations with a “similar history of anti-Chinese legislation and exclusion”. (SCMP)


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    Richard C in NZ

    From: Fake News You Can Trust
    Associated Press: ‘Biden Is Often Alive And Conscious, But Sometimes Mostly Dead’
    Biden To Extend His Sleep Schedule To 24 Hours Per Day
    KJP Claims Biden Still Had Jet Lag From Driving That Big Rig Around In The ’60s
    Nancy Pelosi Says We Must Re-Elect Biden To See If He’s Senile
    Biden Campaign Unveils New Slogan ‘Only Senile Some Of The Time’
    Biden Exceeds All Expectations By Staying Awake For Entire Debate
    Biden: ‘I Am The Only Candidate Who Can Beat Ronald Reagan’
    Democrats Suddenly Change Slogan To ‘Orange Man Good’
    Awkward: Biden, Trump Bump Into Each Other At Same Tanning Salon


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    David Maddison

    In only 6 years time, 1980 will be 50 years ago….



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    If you need a laugh check out Robert Bryce’s latest on the biggest science denier…

    Google’s Net Zero Plans Are Going Up In Smoke

    Cross posted at

    Klaus will do a Biden.

    I wonder what the carbon footprint is of their eKommi, Iman-Grant?


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    Unbelievably Joe Biden just keeps going with those pure black dilated eyes, making no sense at all.


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    JoNova, you run a great site.
    A constructive quibble is that your Blog is almost unreadable on a smartphone. A technical issue regarding the format. Try to read your Blog on an IPhone or a Samsung … You’ll see what i mean.
    Best regards!


    • #

      Appreciate the feedback. I do have an android, and though I don’t use it much, I can read the posts. So help me figure out what it is that doesn’t show well, or perhaps list a few sites that do display well on your phone so I can understand this better.


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    The question is “How dangerous is covid for the aged?” It seems not as bad as we are told.

    I got this email from a hospice today:

    As of today we have 4 positive cases of Covid19 in Maguire wing 2, all residents, as of Monday we will have 2.
    We are retesting all Maguire & Ryan wing every 48 hours and any resident with any respiratory symptons in other wings as they present.

    We are hoping to be out by next Friday if we do not receive any more cases, most residents who have tested have had mild symptoms or were asymptomatic.
