Saturday Open Thread

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127 comments to Saturday Open Thread

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    Everyone having a long lie-in? ..or outside working in the garden?


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      John Connor II

      Outa bed now. Ooohhh… Sat o/t is early!😁


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      I just didn’t want to wake anyone up ! 🙂


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      Mowing. Plenty of it to do here.


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        Geoff from Tanjil

        My wife has full-on hay fever and sinus inflammation so I have been ordered NOT to mow or do any gardening, therefore my Saturday in Gippsland, Victoria is cruising along.
        Tasks accomplished: many, I started to list them, then thought boring, but satisfying for me involving Jo’s blog, pets, pool, grandkids, Guns & Roses concert, chemist etc.


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    John Connor II

    The Netherlands – what’s coming

    A group of institutional investors are planning the construction of Tristate City, a megalopolis with a population of around 45 million extending across the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium. For this to happen, they obviously need to buy up a lot of farmland…

    Just like Saudi Arabia.
    Megacities for the unwashed, where everyone has a UBI, is surveilled 24/7, controlled and fed crickets.
    aka “smart cities” like Dopey Dan wants…


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      John Connor II

      Netherlands Police are using heavy machinery to tip over tractors with farmers INSIDE of them.


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        Have these police been bought by the WEF?

        On a brighter note, has Musk freed up access to occasional Twitter viewers?
        I just opened your link and can see lots more today than I’ve experienced previously. I’m not a signed up user.

        Dave B


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        It’s NOT the gun that’s the problem, it IS the person pulling the trigger. What kind of Policemun would be doing that? ( driving the Loading shovel) His Chief is not much better. Insurrection in the ranks.
        so who pays for the damage to the £100 to £200k tractor being damaged?
        And the UK MSM including their Farming Press arm is not reporting this. Meanwhile, THousands of invisible birds are also falling from the skies with Birdflu. Been watching the usual daily flights of Geese – not seen one yet fall from the sky. and there is no other Agenda? Pull the other one.


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      Dave in the States

      What will they eat? And how will it get there?


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        Come on Dave, everybody knows that food comes from the supermarkets, what do you need farms for? Also note that of the “food” on offer so much is from China. The country of high standards, and impeccable supply chain traceability. Dont worry about the odd bit of melamine in infant formula or good old e coli from human waste in vegetable farms, all good and relatively cheap too. Me, I read the country of origin on every food item I buy. If it comes from a dodgey source I dont buy it , whether I want it or not.


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    John Connor II

    Polycationic PAMAM ameliorates obesity-associated chronic inflammation and focal adiposity/Selective targeting of visceral adiposity by polycation nanomedicine

    (Major obesity advance takes out targeted fat depots anywhere in the body.😁)

    The fat cells of an elite athlete can appear quite different to those in an obese subject, and technologies that make one function more like the other could unlock powerful new therapies for the condition. Scientists are reporting an exciting advance in this field, demonstrating how positively-charged nanomaterials can be injected into unhealthy fat to return it to a healthy state, laying the foundation for treatments that selectively target fat depots anywhere in the body.

    Led by scientists at Columbia University, the research was published across two papers and centers on the different functions fat cells can take on in the human body, and the difference between healthy fat metabolism and unhealthy fat formation. Fat cells store energy in the form of lipids, but when they’re tasked with taking on too much, they start to grow large and undergo changes to specific genes, ultimately leading to obesity.

    The research team set out to remodel these fat cells rather than simply destroy them, and have found success using a positively charged nanomaterial called PAMAM generation 3 (P-G3). The scientists were inspired to deploy P-G3 against fat cells after finding that some fat tissue contains a negatively charged extracellular matrix (ECM), the support structure for the cells. This raised the possibility that the ECM could act as a transport system for positively charged molecules.

    So, the team injected P-G3 into obese mice and indeed found that it spread rapidly throughout the fat tissue. They were surprised to find, however, that the nanomaterial had the effect of shutting down the lipid storage function of the fat cells, effectively returning them to a younger, healthier state. The mice lost weight as a result.
    Promisingly, the scientists also demonstrated the technique on human fat biopsies, boding well for the path to clinical use.

    This is actually very interesting and has a huge future potential.


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    Elon Musk Releases Twitter’s Internal Convos on Hunter Biden Laptop Censorship

    2 Dec 2022

    The Twitter Files’ First Batch Was Just Released — And The Revelations Are Simply Breathtaking


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      John Connor II

      Epstein Elon didn’t kill himself – a future headline no doubt.

      It won’t change anything. We all know and have proof the election was rigged (again).
      It’s all too rotten and corrupt to save.
      Let it burn.


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    John Connor II

    China Claims One Unmasked Jogger Caused Mass COVID Outbreak

    The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) latest COVID-19 science has left many experts baffled.

    The Chinese CDC released its November report on a COVID-19 outbreak linked to a public park, claiming that 35 individuals were infected by a single unmasked jogger. After initially going fairly unnoticed, the study has since garnered attention for flying in the face of all prior knowledge regarding COVID-19 transmission.

    “For 35 minutes, the Patient Zero jogged along a lake at a local park without wearing a mask. Among the 2,836 people potentially exposed at the time, 39 tested positive,” the study says. “Overall, 38 out of 39 cases did not wear a mask on the morning of August 16.”

    Patient Zero was a 41-year-old man who went for a run on Aug. 16, 2022, in Chongqing, without knowledge that he was infected with COVID-19. He reportedly did not wear a mask.

    Despite the CCP claim that Patient Zero was responsible for the infections, scientists are skeptical. Outdoor transmission has proven to be extremely rare during the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting looser restrictions in outdoor settings from most authorities. Masking outside has been rare in most western countries and was hardly ever mandated even at the height of the pandemic.

    More CCP rubbish propaganda.
    Serpentza just did a video where the CCP blamed him personally for the protests.🙄
    If only the people did takedown the CCP they might have a future…


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    Climate change protester Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco sentenced to prison over Sydney Harbour Bridge demonstration.

    And it’s about time too that these people start to pay a price for their actions.


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    John Connor II

    Three terminal cancer patients see their disease ‘VANISH’ thanks to experimental vaccine that melts away tumors in months and trains body to seek and destroy the disease

    People diagnosed with metastatic cancer often have very poor survival chances. With some cancers, the five-year survival rate is just six percent, according to the Mayo Clinic. The vaccine is injected directly into tumors, meaning only patients with external cancerous masses can currently benefit.

    It contains a higher dose of a naturally occurring protein that rapidly multiplies levels of dendritic cells in the body – also known as ‘professor’ cells. They kill the tumor and teach T cells in the body to be on the lookout for rogue cancer cells that have spread elsewhere.

    The vaccine therapy has four components. Firstly, four small doses of radiation over two days kill some of the tumor cells. This creates dead matter — an essential element for most vaccines. The patient is then injected with Flt3 ligand (Flt3L) to increase the number of ‘professor’ cells produced by the body and a fake virus to switch on the ‘professor’ cells. They will destroy the tumor cells and teach the T cells what to be on the lookout for. The T cells will then look for other tumor cells in the body.

    We have the “Carbon reduction programme” on the one hand and then they want to save us from cancer on the other…


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    John Connor II

    Google Introduces ‘Behavioral Interventions’ To Punish ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Who Seek ‘Wrong’ Information

    Google has announced a dystopian new project called “Info Interventions” that will target and punish so-called “conspiracy theorists” and “intervene” when they are interacting with information Google deems harmful or inaccurate.

    While ordinary users of the internet will be left in peace, those deemed to be “conspiracy theorists” will be targeted and harassed by subliminal, nudge-based interventions designed by Google to “pre-bunk” conspiracy theories so that users can be “immunized.”

    According to Google, the new “Info Interventions” program is a “gift to the world” that promises to severely reduce the number of “conspiracy theorists” on the internet in the future.

    Sorry. I woke up decades ago and won’t be brainwashed.
    (In 1967, the CIA created the label “Conspiracy Theorists” to attack anyone who challenges the “Official” narrative)
    The problem with “conspiracy theories” is that they’ve all been proven true and we’re running out of new ones.🤣


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      another ian

      Remember –

      “Conspiracy theorists don’t have myocarditis”


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I assume these “interventions” won’t be overt. Google has too much experience with the dark arts for that. It most likely will involve invisible manipulation of what those people see, receive and can say on the internet, and censorship of what they post may not be visible to them – it just might not be visible to anybody else.

      Like the brainwashing of old spy novels, it will use the most up-to-date psychological techniques, in a classic Bond villain style.

      Doing this in plain sight is less of a problem. We all can choose to avoid internet sites and tech providers we don’t trust, but when it’s done in the shadows, without warning or notifying the ‘target’, well THAT’S a whole different ballgame and slips over the line into illegality and immorality.

      But of course it’s only illegal if the authorities choose to prosecute …


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    Nope. Dropped to save face because it was doomed to failure

    Posted on 2 December, 2022 by C.L.

    Officially innocent – still: Bruce Lehrmann retrial to be dropped over Brittany Higgins health fears.


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          Has everyone forgotten Cardinal Pell who spend more than a year in solitary confinement for an alleged crime which was beyond ridiculous, absoutely impossible, lacked any evidence or witnesses and the second unnecessary trial the sole accuser was on video because he was too fragile to appear, as was just attempted with the Higgens case. But Cardinal Pell had to sit in the dock, accused offender. What is a jury to make of an edited replay on video with the press clamouring for a conviction and a book released on Pell’s guilt at the same time. He was even convicted of assault on a dead victim who had denied it happened. This remains beyond belief and he was rescued only by an appeal to the High Court because there was no credible evidence at all.

          If they could have changed the ACT law in time to allow video, the ACT DPP would again have gone and gone until they had a jury conviction, supported by the ABC and without evidence. And journalists again received awards and prizes for their courageous work while the presumption of innocence was was trashed, all for political gain. In the case of Pell, to strike a blow against the Catholic church by their mortal enemy, the all powerful ABC. In this age where everyone is supposed to say ‘sorry’, where are the apologies? Why is no one talking of compensation for wrongful, contrived conviction and public character assassination? What about the lives ruined, the years lost. All to please the ABC who use openly admit using public money to allow slanderers to trash the reputations of anyone they choose. The upskirting proven libel, defended with public money. The appalling allegations against Attorney General Christian Porter again on behalf of someone who was dead. All publicly funded.

          Albrechtsen was a director of the ABC. She knows it is rotten to the core with people who care nothing for the truth.


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            And people wonder how fact free and illogical non science like man made Climate Change became a real thing. With total control of the press and the education system, you can make people terrified of a Martian Invasion.


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        Consider the politically motivated people who gathered around unashamedly targeted Coalition Government Ministers including the Prime Minister during a period before trial when there should have been silence.

        Even media personalities who should know better, and the Labor Opposition.


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      I wonder about this dropping of the case because of ….. Brittany’s alleged fragile state of mind, when all along, she’s been praised because of her strength in pursuing the matter. If the case was supposedly soooooo strong, they would surely have proceeded.

      I’m sort of suspecting a short time will elapse and her fragile state of mind will miraculously recover, and she’ll again want a day in court ….. only this time in a civil court seeking a shirtload of money, knowing that a civil matter requires less ….. burden of proof than in a criminal case.

      Naah! Maybe I’m just too cynical here, eh!



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        Well the primary political target/s has moved to opposition now.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        I’m guessing that the judge’s ‘concern’ relates, not to Higgins’s mental health as in fragility, but more that he believes she is neurotic/paranoid or suffering some similar mental issue.


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        Failing in a criminal court and going from evidence to balance of probabilities, Lehrmann could get very substantial damages but with their ABC funding everything without limit, perhaps not. On the balance of probabilities, nothing happened or certainly no crime. Plus the accuser is the one looking at all times to get fame and fortune, a third of a million dollars from the accusation. This was before she went to the police. Lehrmann could send a letter demanding half the royalties from a popular work of fiction. That would be both comic relief and a form of justice.


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        pre-planned I would say.Hmm?


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        From what transpired BEFORE the “trial”, it was all about MONEY.

        Stuck out like a country dunny.


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      Also today the review of a potential contempt charge was to he held. This was to review her show pony episode outside the court while the case was still running. Of course she will be much too fragile for this to be considered now.

      I wonder if anyone is looking after the mental health of the accused who has been dragged into court proceedings at his own expense.


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        I wonder if anyone is looking after the mental health of the accused who has been dragged into court proceedings at his own expense.

        From Janet Albrechtsen’s second commentary piece is a tour de force:

        Too many reasons why DPP should never have prosecuted Bruce Lehrmann.

        Indeed, the DPP should now be much more concerned about the way in which this untested allegation was initially and subsequently publicised, the media circus around it and its impact on whether Lehrmann could receive a fair trial.

        If Drumgold is not now looking seriously at contempt charges for those involved, we should ask more probing questions of the DPP’s judgment.

        If the DPP and courts do not draw a line in the sand to protect against the real possibility for the contamination of the justice system, and of juries, #MeToo media trials will continue to threaten a fair trial.

        One would have thought that an impartial prosecutor, mindful of the presumption of innocence, would at least have sought the same solicitude for Lehrmann, who also has suffered enormously throughout this ordeal. Where was Drumgold’s plea for attacks on Lehrmann to be brought to an end?

        If a DPP, as an officer of the court, does not defend the presumption of innocence, especially when they choose not to re-prosecute a defendant, how can we expect others, who are not legally trained, to understand that our criminal justice system is the last bulwark against injustices in our society?


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          ACT court system.


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          Graeme No.3

          Old Ozzie:

          It was political i.e. there were screams of indignation, upset, hysteria from the usual minority suspects who wanted either
          The defendant burnt at the stake without a trial or,
          The defendant strung up without a trial or,
          The defendant given a life sentence without a trial.

          The police obviously were doubtful about the matter but were over ruled.
          With the change in the ACT legal system intended to allow another trial, they let some of their conclusions known to the media.


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          Old Ozzie,

          Should the DPP be charged with contempt of court?
          For his statement at the end.


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      A strange case of absolutely NO evidence. Simply a she said, he said. Nothing else. I don’t know how it ever made it to court, the “political” aspect just resonates like an empty can.


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        robert rosicka

        Now wants a $$million dollar compensation payment from the government, considering she doesn’t want to go to court I’d say she has buckleys .


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    Too many reasons why DPP should never have prosecuted Bruce Lehrmann.

    An AFP executive briefing authored by Detective Superintendent Scott Moller and Detective Inspector Marcus Boorman, and dated June 9, 2021, raised a series of inconsistencies and difficulties with Higgins’s evidence and concluded that their investigation “identified a number of potential evidentiary and psychological issues that may affect any future prosecution”.

    The Weekend Australian also has obtained copies of diary entries by Moller that reported a conversation between the most senior police officer involved in the Higgins investigation, DCPO Michael Chew, and the DPP. After learning the DPP planned to prosecute Lehrmann, in his diary entry Moller recorded Chew as saying “if it was my choice I wouldn’t proceed. But it [is] not my choice. There is too much political interference”. Moller’s response is recorded in the same diary note: “That’s disappointing given I think there is insufficient evidence.”

    The DPP chose to ignore the views and advice of the AFP after its investigation into the allegations by Higgins. As reported by The Weekend Australian on Saturday, police concerns about a prosecution were laid out in detail in Moller’s briefing. This AFP document became a legal tug of war, its contents hidden from the public and deemed irrelevant for the jury.

    It was not disclosed to the defence; instead it had to be subpoenaed.

    These revelations raise serious questions about the administration of justice. Given the AFP advice and the real potential for the zealotry of the #MeToo media to influence members of a jury, why did the DPP choose to prosecute Lehrmann? Was Drumgold influenced by the same forces?

    The aborted trial confirmed the serious inconsistencies in Higgins’s evidence.


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      And now he is presumed guilty and the commentary regarding why the matter will not proceed to another trial in court sealed his fate.


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        Of course there are other victims of unsubstantiated allegations in recent times who were subjected to a political pile on by political and media partisan political sources.

        They are also left hanging with no support.


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    robert rosicka

    This is from 2017 but just used as an argument that “Baseload” electricity generation is of no importance and they seem to have changed the definition of the term as well .


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      People can ignore and rename baseload all they like. I just hope they do it in some other State first.


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      Leo G

      “[Base load] refers to the minimum level of output that these big power generators could go to, before they turned off.”

      Once upon a time, baseload referred to the repetitive minimum demand, and that level minus a safety margin determined the minimum number of lowest operating cost, normal-cycle generators required to match the demand pattern.


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      I know it’s from 2017, but what it does highlight is that ….. (the collective) we (the author of the article and his fellow believers) must change the language to suit their argument.

      The article also highlights the fact that whoever wrote it has zero idea of ….. actual power consumption, not just overnight, but at any time at all.

      They have positively zero concept of what the Base Load actually is, when part the way down the article, they introduced this statement: (my bolding here)

      “In the 70s, to stop them from having to turn off overnight, the regulators and the operators offered very, very-low-cost electricity for consumers to run their hot-water systems, which in turn sustained the ‘base load’ on the power station,” he says.

      The heating of water in hot water systems is an increase of perhaps 10% (at most) of overnight power consumption at the point in time it comes into play, and lasts for approximately two hours at the absolute most, and power consumption then settles back to where it was. I can show you in fact, but the only place it is visible is for the State with really small power consumption, and that’s South Australia. and here’s the link to that image The first time I saw this, it intrigued me, so I went searching and found that SouthAus has its home hot water systems turning on at around Midnight. You can actually see that at around Midnight, that small hump in the green area on each day, and you can hover your mouse over that hump to see the time, same time every night.and here, I’ve shown the seven days so you CAN see that it happens every night. On the three Major States, all you CAN see is not an actual increase, but a levelling off of the decrease in power for an hour maybe. Hot water power consumption is virtually negligible.

      These writers of articles like this have (yet again, still) zero concept also of what the absolute minimum power consumption falls to overnight, every single night. It only gets down to a LOW of 18,200MW, and that figure is gradually rising inexorably every year.

      Mention HVAC to the authors of an article like this, and they’ll look at you with blank looks, and mention that perhaps I might have meant LGBTQIA+, and that’s got nothing to do with electrical power generation/consumption. There is no understanding whatsoever of the real power consumption at that low point of every day at 4AM. That ABSOLUTE minimum for every day is almost three quarters of average daily power consumption, and the thing about that 18,200MW is that it ABSOLUTELY has to be there in place, no ifs, no buts, no maybes. It is an absolute.

      Show them the image of this graph here, and they’ll all look up ….. at the vapour trail, mentioning that’s it absolutely meaningless, and is a false construct.

      Let ’em change what they think the word means. Clue – It’s not an adjective.



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      Graeme No.3


      I’m battling a cohort of Greens in the local press. The lastest is a medical Doctor claiming that the recent blackout in Adelaide (and surrounds) proves that everyone should have solar panels and a battery so they can ride through a blackout. Also that this proves we need more interconnectors.
      My queries: as Solar panels shut down when there isn’t a feed in (hence no way of checking voltage & frequency) what happens with the batteries? How can they supply regulation electricity to the house?
      There were reports of houses with batteries not getting any electricity during the blackout. And a friend bought/had a small generator which carried him through. I assume these have a built in control on frequency and voltage, right? (without the timing signals etc)

      There is also the safety aspect that the Grid would want any generation to be isolated from the main lines. And the other aspect as to how big a battery would be needed to cover 5 days of blackout, but I can deal with that.


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        “My queries: as Solar panels shut down when there isn’t a feed in (hence no way of checking voltage & frequency) what happens with the batteries? How can they supply regulation electricity to the house?”

        G3 this intrigues me as well, it makes rooftop solar very limited in its usefulness. I did hear the newer solar panels can continue to power the house, but obviously they need to be isolated from the grid until the power company turns them back on. This is technically quite possible, but I don’t know if it is done yet.

        Remember the discussion about the 254V pulses being sent down the line in SA to turn the rooftop solar off? I figured they would turn a relay off that would isolate the house until the next pulse turned it back on again. The batteries should be isolated by that as well so they only circuit the house.

        Hopefully a real expert on here can tell us what happens.


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          Graeme No.3

          The solar panels generate DC which has to be fed through an inverter to be converted to AC. The pulse would switch off the inverter for a time but it would check the line voltage at intervals until it the line voltage lower and would restart. My old unit used to be off-line about an hour at a time some days (very sunny but not hot, and neighbouring units delivering a lot).
          The latest panels apparently have inverters built in, I don’t know how they work but assume probably similar.
          See below for further from Lance.


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        The “good doctor” misunderstands the system. I’ll try to clarify:

        Let’s say he has a 5 kW PV system and a tesla power wall battery (13.5 kWh capacity, 5.8 kw continuous capacity with 7 kw peak capacity for 10 seconds), and his average load is 2.5 kw.

        If the mains are available, the grid tie inverter supplies his 2.5 kw load locally and excess 2.5 kw is transferred through the local distribution panel back into the mains, at proper frequency and slightly higher voltage. All is well.

        If the mains drop out, the grid tie inverter has no synchronization or voltage signal so it disconnects from the mains. He is without power.

        IF he had a transfer switch, he could isolate his home from the mains and power his home independently using the battery and inverter for about 4 to 6 hours depending on his demand. However, to do that, his distribution panel would have to be rewired so that the “chosen” circuits are in a separate circuit panel fed by the transfer switch. Only the circuits in the second panel are powered when the transfer switch isolates the home from the grid. That said, he cannot supply a demand greater than 5.8 kW because that is the limit of the battery, so no AirCon or hot water heater or electric cookstove.

        The transfer switch protects the linemen from being electrocuted whilst working on the mains because of the power from the PV system. It is illegal and unsafe for a PV system to energize the mains if the mains synch and voltage signal is lost.

        When the PV system is operating normally, and connected to the mains, if surplus PV power is available, it goes to the mains. If the aircon kicks in and demands a 20 kW surge at startup, the necessary impulse is drawn from the mains. The PV system is a “supplement” to the mains, not a “replacement” for the mains.

        To cover 5 days of blackout, assuming the PV operates 8 hrs/day, with a local demand of 2.5 kW, you’d need 16 hrs of storage or about 3 tesla power wall batteries to ride out the night hours. You’d still have to manage the demand.

        The interconnectors allow transfer of power between grids and provide voltage and frequency support. They cost about USD 4 Million per mile to build. If you only have a blackout once every 5 years, then a second interconnector is an expensive insurance policy that is rarely used. Someone has to pay for it. And, it is meaningless if the other grid goes offline as well.


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          Graeme No.3

          Thank you for clarification. So the transfer switch isolates the house system from the mains, so the solar panels are unable to deliver anything even to the house. The house demand would be supplied by the battery (DC like the panels) throught the inverter (which outputs AC).
          If he had a generator (output AC) that would have to be supplying the house on the other side of the inverter but still house side of the transfer switch that isolated any generation from the grid. But being a fervent Greenie the good doctor would hesitate about releasing CARBON from the motor (about 1 millisecond would be the standard hesitation).

          The new interconnector is to go to NSW but with Mad Matt wanting to switch them to renewables before State Labor can do so, the thought that it would be useless just when it was needed had already occurred to me.


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            Modern invertErs, incorperate the technology to isolate the house supply when the grid is unavailable,, use the RT solar aand battery to keep supply to the house.
            Some authorities do not allow this function to be used ?… but also require inverters retain the ability to shut down the RT solar panels BUT at the same time continue grid supply to house appliances !
            Latest Tesla Powerwalls have integrated inverters with this capability also


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              Graeme No.3

              So there must be 2 circuits through the inverter? How could the inverter allow feed-in by the solar panels (when the grid is working) but stop feed-in when it isn’t?


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          Graeme No.3

          FWIW this is what I submitted to the local paper. No idea if it will be published.
          Dr. Jasper Lee (Herald Dec.2) claims that more batteries, transmission lines and EVs would reduce blackouts. Unfortunately the effect of these would be higher electricity bills and no protection from blackouts caused by bad weather (which also cut our major link to Victoria).
          I assume he has found that solar panels don’t work when there is no connection to the grid. This is because the inverter shuts down when it cannot ‘see’ the reference voltage/frequency on line. This prevents power going back into the lines as a safety measure for workers doing maintenance e.g. fixing breakages. It is illegal and unsafe for a PV system to energise the mains if the mains synch and voltage signal is lost.

          If the good doctor wants to reduce the inconvenience of future interruptions what he needs is to have a transfer switch installed. This allows the house battery to feed the inverter and power the house. It does not allow power to come from any community batteries, nor usually from any solar panels.

          However one battery may not be enough. Say he has a Tesla power wall battery (13.5 kWh capacity, 5.8 kw continuous capacity with 7 kw peak capacity for 10 seconds), and his average load is 2.5 kw.
          His distribution panel would have to be rewired so that the “chosen” circuits are in a separate circuit panel fed by the transfer switch. Only the circuits in the second panel are powered when the transfer switch isolates the home from the grid. That said, he cannot supply a demand greater than 5.8 kW because that is the limit of the battery, so no AirCon or hot water heater or electric cookstove.
          To cover 5 days of blackout, with a local demand of 2.5 kW, he’d need 16 hrs of storage or about 3 Tesla power wall batteries to ride out the night hours. He’d still have to manage demand. If he wanted to have hot water and food he would need more batteries again. He would need to check their installation (isolated from the house) with the Fire Brigade as they might not approve such a fire risk. All this would cost quite a lot.
          An alternative would be to add a generator instead but I doubt that the good doctor would want to generate more CARBON. That would rule out wood or gas heating/cooking too.


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            Graeme No.3
            December 4, 2022 at 3:51 pm
            Thanks. You can have your solar panels charging your batteries but NOT feeding into the Grid, so power during a blackout. I note that to get the full effect/output capable of running airconditioner etc. would cost $25,000 whereas a generator would be ? about $4,500 for a Honda 3kVA unit.

            Graeme, i think you may be mistaken regarding the power demand of a modern A/C unit.
            The “kW” figure quoted for an A/C is the output power equivalent, not the input power requirement.
            Such that a” 7 kW” system will actually only draw less than 2 kW of input power.
            Further, the 13.5kWh battery is much more capable of supporting an a/c demand than a 3.0 kVA generator !,


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              Graeme No.3

              The problem is the surge in demand when the A/C unit starts up.
              And the 7kW rating suggests a little “creative accounting” as I assume this means you get the benefit of the efficiency coefficient but the claim that Heat Pumps transfer 4/5/7 times the heat in the desired direction.
              But when it is cold outside and you want to heat your abode (or the reverse when you want to cool your place during a heat wave) that coefficient drops.

              (sorry haven’t had coffee yet) Yes, a 3kVA generator might have trouble, but they (the better ones) do have an ability to briefly over generate.


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    John Connor II

    Netherlands urges citizens to prepare survival kits in case hackers target critical infrastructure

    Dutch citizens have been urged to prepare emergency disaster kits in case a cyber attack or natural disaster hits the country.

    The campaign to prepare the kits is being pushed by the country’s national coordinator for security and counterterrorism (NCTV) Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg. He told local media that citizens should be able to survive for two days without water, electricity, or gas in the event that critical infrastructure is compromised.

    Really? Gee, if only there was someone who could warn us of these things well in advance. 😎


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      Seems like sound advice really, although I would add a few days to that minimum. Most people dont give it a thought.


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      I guess the hackers will cause the wind to drop at night, as winter sets in.


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    Peter Fitzroy

    Kane West booted from twitter, again, so much for free speech. Interestingly he was booted by Elon himself, the moderators were fine with his comments


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      Ye tweeted a picture of a swastika merged with the Star of David, creative but insensitive.

      Elon has his hands full.


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        Peter Fitzroy

        So Elon does not really support free speech, and he claims to be a free speech absolutist.


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          Again, you show you are totally ignorant of the concept of free speech.


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            What’s the problem here? Some star of david supporters got butt-hurt? Some swastika supporters did? Free speech means exactly that, and if you have to consider if your opinions will cause other people anguish, that is a personal view, not a ‘law of free speech’.

            If some speech is illegal, there is no free speech. Elon is obviously not a free speech supporter, he is an Elon Musk supporter. That’s fine with me, its his company. I have half a dozen twitter feeds where the authors were suspended for Pro-Russian views and I note none of them have been re-instated, so obviously free speech doesn’t exist there either. I suppose they published photos of the captured Ukrainian soldiers who were covered in tattoos of swastikas & similar icons.


      • #

        Ye tweeted a picture of a swastika merged with the Star of David, creative but insensitive.

        Also almost certainly illegal under assorted state and federal race hate laws.
        Just as it would be here in Oz. Ask Jo.

        Methinks some Twitter moderators might be looking for new jobs.


      • #

        “Ye tweeted a picture of a swastika merged with the Star of David, creative but insensitive”

        no it was the Raelian movement or religion symbol
        they are an atheist movement who dont believe in God and think that aliens created everything

        l recently saw this symbol behind Schwab at the COP, maybe the WEF are using it as they also do not believe in God


    • #

      Gee PF… so glad you think a picture of a swastika merged with the Star of David is acceptable human behaviour.

      Did you get a warm fuzzy feeling when you saw it. ?


    • #

      Kayne’s account was reinstated before Elon took over, why would that be ?

      His anti-Semitic comments truly are the epitome of “hate” speech, and of inciting violence.

      You seem, yet again, to not comprehend the concept of free speech and consequences.


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      Not a problem, Santos is a wealthy private sector investor and spent millions of dollars to complete the mountain of red, green and black tape regulation compliance before gaining approval to proceed.

      Other potential investors take note, look before you leap, best advice look elsewhere to invest shareholder’s monies.


      • #

        They had their head in the clouds.

        ‘Santos bungles oil approvals.

        ‘It is hard to have sympathy for the gas and oil giant after its second successive court loss over its failure to consult Indigenous people living on the Tiwi Islands.’ (AFR)


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        Santos is an Australian company and gets generous exploration incentives, along with its multinational gas peers, and pays little or no tax.

        The Tiwi islanders are well within their rights to stop Santos.


        • #

          I disagree. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but this isn’t about land rights, it’s about the rights over use of oceans, extending out over 100 kms from shore and perhaps right up to the ocean borders with Indonesia. That’s a crazy concept, and if pursued right around Australia, has the potential to impact all of the offshore gas wells.


          • #

            What I would like to know is who is funding these court cases ? They don’t come cheap.
            Ditto for some coal mining approvals where you read the ‘name of never before heard of’ community group is taking them to court at the last minute.


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    John Connor II

    Engineers Propose an Ambitious Plan to Bury Excess Carbon at The Bottom of The Ocean

    Our failure to decisively mitigate climate change is prompting researchers to examine more drastic approaches, like fertilizing the oceans to combat the massive excess of carbon dioxide in our air.

    “At this point, time is of the essence,” says Michael Hochella, an Earth scientist at the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

    “To combat rising temperatures, we must decrease CO2 levels on a global scale. Examining all our options, including using the oceans as a CO2 sink, gives us the best chance of cooling the planet.”

    Phytoplankton, the photosynthesizing variety of microorganisms that float on the ocean’s surface, are one of the main components of the carbon cycle’s biological pump that takes CO2 out of the air to store in the ocean’s depths.

    The tiny organisms need minerals like iron to grow and multiply, but there’s only a fixed amount floating at the surface of the waters with them, which limits how much phytoplankton can bloom.

    So just as fertilizer can help photosynthesizing organisms flourish on land, the same help could – theoretically – be offered to the sunlight eaters that float on our seas.

    Whales once performed a huge chunk of natural ocean fertilization, feeding plankton the otherwise out-of-reach nutrients via giant plumes of poop. Before industrial whaling drastically diminished whale numbers, whales helped remove close to 2 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year through this process; now it’s closer to 200,000 tonnes.

    So by artificially adding this missing fertilizer, we could stimulate these microbes to grow and reproduce, suck up more CO2 from the air, and carry it with them to their deaths. The CO2 is stored in the ocean floor at this point, back to where most of the excess has been released thanks to human activities.

    I’ve got a better idea. How about we bury all the anti-Carbon/anti-CO2 tards at the bottom of the ocean instead.


  • #

    A very interesting article in The Daily Telegraph today written by Vikki Campion: One Voice is merely an echo chamber for one opinion.

    She begins writing about the attacks on Indigenous Australian and now Senator Jacinta Price for daring to oppose the planned referendum, and no details being provided for voters to consider.

    “The new Office of the Voice wont be in Leeton or Cape York. It will be in Canberra, like the National Water Grid, specialising in Northern Australia, or Sydney, like the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner’s office. Power will be centralised away from rural and remote communities.”

    “The Voice proposal Mtr Albanese took to Question Time this week is a “gender-balanced” 24 people representing 35 regions where “each region decides how best to draw its voice members” and how many there will be. Only five must be remote. members must select two full-time co-chairs of a different gender.”

    “If they don’t like what they say. a vote of two-thirds – 15.8 people – can kick them out of the Voice for good. It fails to lay out an action plan or ask Voice members to show ancestry.”

    “money will come from the taxpayer to table advice to Parliament on legislation and pay for participation in international events like the United Nations.”

    Well worth following up and reading.


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    David Maddison

    I have posted the following link before but am posting it again because it’s so important and so simple to understand that even a politician or Green should be able to do so.

    It is about the infeasibility of storage to back up fundamentally defective wind and solar subsidy harvesting farms.

    The infeasibility of storage for the United States is discussed at the following link. Similar would apply in Europe but probably even fewer suitable dam sites than the USA.

    Australia is one of the flattest countries and has even fewer available remaining hydro sites than Europe or the USA.

    The calculations are very simple and the results are conclusive but no one, present company excepted, seems to understand or care.


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    David Maddison

    Some arguments against eating plants in favour of animal products.

    Most plants contain toxins to stop animals and humans eating them except for specific symbiotic relationships between certain plants paired with certain animals.

    Most plants we eat today have been specifically bred by humans and did not exist in nature in usable or non-toxic form. And even if you can eat them, it doesn’t mean they don’t contain harmful toxins. They can hardly be considered “natural”.

    Meat and animal products ONLY is the most ideal and healthy diet!

    Some videos:

    “Proof that plants and veganism is not a natural human diet”

    “Plants are trying to kill you”

    “The cholesterol hypothesis: 10 key ideas that the diet dictators have hidden…”


    • #
      David Maddison

      On a carnivore diet you can get Vit K2 from certain cheeses and grass fed meat.

      Contrary to popular belief meat does contain Vitamin C, that’s how Eskimos survive without many or any vegetables or fruits. And on a carnivore diet you need less Vitamin C anyway.

      But as always, do your own research and make up your own minds.

      Note that this is not mainstream and most medical doctors are not familiar with these dietary concepts. Suffice to say, people have never been sicker and more obese than they are today with a much greater emphasis on carbohydrates rather than protein-based diets.

      Yes, people do live longer but they are also sicker and kept alive on Big Pharma pharmaceuticals.


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        I think I read somewhere that the Eskimo/Inuit peoples got many of their vits and minerals from eating offal, including stomach contents of animals that had eaten seaweed etc.



        • #
          Environment Skeptic

          A short rant:

          Don’t know how the transmission into the ultra dark ages of diet and food occured. It is stunnning!!

          What is missed in the dilapidated and hopelessly lost distinction ‘vegetatarian’ and ‘carnivour’ is that in both instances, it is not the food that is absorbed in the main, it is the bacteria which does most if not all the hard work of digestion and production of even things like serotonin and K2 vitamin.

          Are there any bacterial snacks at the school tuck shops??….in some countries there are, like dried predigested natto beans, and cheese which is a bacterial product yes also…..however the idea that the cows eat grass is bollocks in view of the idea that the cow is feeding grass to bacteria which in turn create the vitamins and so forth…I mean digesting milk from a cow in general is not at all easy which is why bacteria are enlisted to turn most of what goes in one end into something nutritionally useful…..The bleeding nutritional dark ages…good grief!!

          Nature has been outsourcing the digestive process for some time now…lets get it right!!

          Life on earth is bacterian in the main.


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    David Maddison

    People of the World are Dramatically Losing Years of Life

    BY SVEN ROMÁN   DECEMBER 1, 2022  

    Covid-19 vaccines and lockdowns are associated with years of life lost on a scale that is unprecedented. EuroMomo includes European mortality monitoring activity data from 22 European countries as well as Israel, representing a total population of around 450 million people. 

    Since the pandemic began, life years lost reported by EuroMomo have increased by 60%. Compared to the 1.5 years before the pandemic, the number of life years lost after Covid vaccinations were introduced has increased by 384%.

    SEE LINK FOR REST PLUS GRAPHS plus links to graphs at links therein.


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    How many people attended the Jen and Jo Show on Thursday? Were there any prominent people there?


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    I am researching the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA). It is a NGO. Initial research indicated a woke leftist organisation. I noticed that they support sorcery amongst the Aboriginal community.
    Can anyone add to this?


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      David Maddison

      It wouldn’t surprised in the least if this woke Leftist orgnisation supported and promoted trafitional sorcery and animism among the Aboriginal community. It’s only Western Judeo-Christian religion they are at war against.


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      Thanks for that Henry, nothing to do with Greenland ice melt?

      ‘In the last three decades, deep convection has come to a halt in the Greenland Sea. Hydrographic data reveal that during this period, temperature and salinity in the deep Greenland Sea have increased at mean rates without precedent in the last 100 years, and these trends are among the highest in the global deep ocean.’ (Somavilla et al 2013)

      Is the planet moving towards a geomagnetic excursion?


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        Henry Pool

        Thanks for the link. Can add this to my story.


      • #

        No sign of Pacific Ocean blob right now, just heat as expected from the large La Niña extending right down. What seems to be different in WA this year is the cooler water off the lower SW coast. So far Perth hasn’t experienced many hot days as occurred last year.


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      Very Interesting. Will peruse at leisure.

      I don’t know if you ever came across Dr. Peter Carson (whose web site has now vanished due to his recent death) but he had come to the same conclusion: that much of the supposed AGW was due to geothermal effects.


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    another ian

    Tucker on latest Twitter


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    David Maddison

    The woke Leftist organ of the Left, the WaPo is promoting insect consumption.

    Note how we are being conditioned and how the tempo is now increasing?

    Salted ants. Ground crickets. Why you should try edible insects.


    And remember, insects are already being fed to Aussie school kids.

    1,000 Australian schools are fed insects
    Are you keen to chow down on micro livestock?



    • #

      “WaPo is promoting insect consumption.”

      As they head off for a grilled steak or some fried chicken….

      You can pretty much BET that not one of them has the diet they suggest for mere people. !


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    David Maddison

    If Elon Musk’s Twitter connection to the Internet is cut off by the Dark Forces trying to shut him down, don’t forget he has the Starlink satellite network which should be able to deliver Twitter to anyone who sets up an earth station.


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    the real reason kanye (ye) was banned by twitters banned by twitter


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    Senator Rennick Goes NUCLEAR on WEF Globalist ‘S-Hanson Young’ for Taunting Vaccine Injured People


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    These insect delicacies remind me of the Monty Python movie “Life of Brian “. IE: Tuscany fried Bats, Wolf’s nipple chips, otter’s noses, ocelot’s spleens etc etc. The Pythons knew that our world was going down the drain.


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    My local car club is part of an umbrella organization the Association of Motoring Clubs. The sent me an email yesterday “proudly” announcing that have done a deal with Greenfleet and I can now “offset my carbon emissions” from my club vehicles. To say that I am disappointed would be a wild understatement


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      …so my gardening club will have to go out and buy V8s to keep our pumpkins growing!

      A vege garden is the first place to notice global warming, and this year there isn’t any!


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        another ian

        As Chiefio said of GISSTemp – “Dumber than a tomato”

        “I’m adopting this “tag line” about tomatoes due to the simple fact that my tomato garden is a more accurate reporter of the temperature than is GIStemp.”

        Much more on that dissection here


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      another ian

      RACQ is having a heavy push on EV’s.

      My reply to the last one was the cartoon caption that reads

      “I just saved $26,000 on a new battery for my car because it runs on gas”

      “No answer” was the stern reply.


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    Willis on the status of El Nino, he reckons we are entering a period of La Nina like conditions.


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    another ian

    “How’s the War on Truth Going?”

    Twitter vs – – –*-nation/hows-the-war-on-truth-going/


  • #
    another ian

    Another turn of the screw?

    “Elon Musk Delivering Red Pills to Masses – Notes U.S. Use of Social Media, Including Twitter, to Manipulate Brazil Election

    December 3, 2022 | Sundance | 37 Comments”


  • #

    The pathetic politicians are playing us again.. Lets have a holiday in Taiwan to show how important our egos are-

    “Albanese said at a press conference in South Australia. “It isn’t a government visit; there remains a bipartisan position when it comes to China and when it comes to support for the status quo on Taiwan.”

    Asked why the Australian MPs were going, Albanese said: “I have no idea. I’m not going. You should ask them.””

    Of course the Joe Bloggs in the comments honed in on the obvious point, one that was carefully avoided by the clown writing the article…

    “Who is paying for the trip? If it’s taxpayer funded then it’s a government visit. I seriously doubt these MP’s will be paying out of their own pockets.”

    “Looks like a government visit, sounds like a government visit, smells like a taxpayer funded junket.”


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    another ian

    It was just brought to my attention what an exceptional rainfall year we’ve had.

    I just took a look at

    to see that they have rain for next week. Then thought that I haven’t looked at that site for a while so don’t know how their punting is going these days. Whereas I had been a regular watcher since about the mid 1990’s.

    And realised that this year I haven’t had to wonder about the next rain seriously beyond the regular Weatherzone type window!

    Definitely not depending on that being the case for next year.


    • #

      Yes, our couple of years of paradise are fading.

      Kevin Long reckons it will be as dry as average, after the very much above-average rain in spring. He apologised for getting it wrong, well, not wet enough, in the spring forecast he released last autumn.

      Positive rain trends- The last of the Tongan eruption moisture, near-record low sea ice in Antarctica.

      Negative rain trends- Weakening La Nina, falling SOI, a drier lunar air tide phase and low sea surface temps around the South of Aussie.

      Overall, negative rain trends are building again. It all depends on solar cycle 25…


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    another ian

    FWIW re Antarctic sea ice.

    A friend has just read Peter Fitzsimons “The Incredible Life of Hubert Wilkins. Australia’s greatest Explorer” and drew my attention to this observation from when they arrived at Deception Island about 1928 and begin unloading aeroplanes –

    “Inspecting their proposed runway, the ice in the harbour, Wilkins notes something more than passing strange. The ice is so much thinner than the last time he was here. Back in 1920, when he had first landed with that imposter, Cope, he had measured the harbour ice as being six feet thick, but now it was not even half that.”

    In the chapter “Over the Ocean and under the Sea”.


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    another ian

    “The Manhattan Contrarian Energy Storage Paper Has Arrived!”


    “If the green movement is going to continue to push the idea that we can survive without fossil fuels, they have some significant math problems to overcome first. Unless, of course, they eventually dispense with the need for backup power sources entirely.”

    More there – like

    “…the amount of energy storage that Germany is planning for 2031 is between 0.016% and 0.036% of what it actually would need.” !!!
