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    From The Spectator Australia –

    Ian Plimer
    22nd of March, 2025

    “Each year the UK’s Global Warming Policy Foundation publishes a scientific report on the state of the climate. For those with a short attention span wanting to move on to the next article, before you leave you need to sit down, take a deep breath, have a drink at hand and read the final conclusion for the 88-page 2024 report by Professor Ole Humlum: ‘Observations confirm the normal overall variability of average meteorological and oceanographic conditions, and do not support the notion of an ongoing climate crisis.’ Throw that drink down, pour another and celebrate that there is no climate crisis, climate catastrophe or, in fact, anything to worry about at all. We have been conned for decades but I’m not telling you something you didn’t already know.”

    And, to conclude at the end of the Article –

    “What can we conclude? The planet is dynamic and there are constant changes mainly due to changes in the oceans. Very slight warming and cooling are not global and the measurement record is poor. The ocean-atmosphere heat and water exchanges are driven by the Sun and climate on all scales is cyclical. An unequivocal anthropogenic influence on climate has not been detected.

    We need to get out of Paris and get on with life.”


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      David Maddison

      That is a remarkable confession by the Global Warming Policy Foundation.

      So when are the woke Governments of the world like UK, Australia and Europe going to take notice?

      Or are going to let the Left to keep on destroying our Civilisation?


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        Remarkable in that it is sensible, nothing more. All water comes from the oceans. All the heat comes from the oceans and sun. The air is only a conduit for this transfer nothing more, what we call the weather.

        Even the proposition that the model of a single perfect globe with single temperature is busted as untenable, so constructing and plotting and predicting a ‘world temperature’ has failed. It is a chaotic regional system with almost constant Carbon Dioxide across the planet regardless of our religious beliefs. The very concepts of Al Gore are busted after 37 years of absolute belief in Climate Scientology.

        Now we need governments to stop pretending there is a man made CO2 driven Climate Crisis. And repeal all the Climate Taxes, carbon credits, endless government agencies funneling trillions in stolen cash to achieve absolutely nothing. And stop the vast windmill and solar farms.

        Are they going to do it? No.

        Trump’s very practical solution is to fire the lot of them. Today. Only that stops the ripoff engines.

        Carbon dioxide is not pollution. Nor is water, the other product of combustion. Together they are the basis of all life of earth starting with photosynthesis and ending in combustion. They are not pollution. They are proof of life.


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        Robert Swan

        David Maddison,

        That is a remarkable confession…

        You don’t recognise the Global Warming Policy Foundation? They’re sceptical of climate alarm. It was hardly a confession.


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        It is not only woke Governments that need to take notice

        Our Bank Qudos (formerly Qantas Staff Credit Union) is currenly putting a proposal to members for a merger with Bank Australia, who I had never heard of, but has 200,000 Members vs Qudos 100,00 members, with Bank Australia coming from Electrical Trades Union Latrobe Valley, CSIRO & even some Ansett

        There was an online presentation on Monday evening at 5.30pm led by Current Brendan Wright CEO, Qudos Bank, along with the man who will replace him, Damien Walsh, the current CEO and Managing Director of Bank Australia

        With Damien Walsh, I felt I was watching a Labor Party promotional night, he stated that Bank Australia spend 4% of Revenues on Net Zero 2035, Climate Change & Disinvestment of Fossil Fuels, quoting having helped shut down one of the Latrobe Valley Coal Fired Plants and aiming to hasten shut down of the remaining Coal Fired Plant – He then said Federal Labor Treasurer Jim Chalmers was in favour of the Merger, besides yet again reinforcing his Renewables Fanaticism

        Brendan Wright, who is working hard to put himself out of a job, came across as Extremely Professional, whilst the Proposed New CEO, came across as a Wet Limp Lettuce Leaf (Shades of Labor Albo) – as I said to my wife, who was also listening “I wouldn’t put him in charge of peeling potatoes in the Army Cookhouse” (Yes I did have/do that job)

        The Spiel reads A true merger of equals:

        The Merger with Bank Australia is a proactive decision and a true partnership born out of shared purpose and enduring commitment to customer-owned banking. Jennifer Dalitz, our current Chair at Qudos Bank, will become the new Chair of the Merged Bank, with Qudos Bank having equal representation on the Board of Directors on completion of the Merger. Damien Walsh, the current CEO and managing director
        of Bank Australia, will lead the new organisation and head office operations will be split across current locations in Sydney and Melbourne.

        The Merger Resolution will be:

        “That the members of Qudos Mutual Limited approve the total transfer of the business of Qudos Mutual Limited to Bank Australia Limited,
        to take effect on 1 July 2025 or on such otherdate as may be specified by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).”

        My Wife & I both voted NO


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          OO, l would happily put my self out of work if the severance was acceptably large enough. I will bet Mr. Wright will walk away with no concerns about where the next mortgage payment will come from and power bills are just chicken feed.


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          Gary S

          OO, I came across Bank Australia recently, possibly as a result of a reference on these pages, and decided to check them out.
          A couple of minutes perusing their website and looking at the board and their ‘goals’ was enough to prompt me to send them an email pointing them in the direction of some actual facts regarding ‘climate change’ and ‘net zero’. There was a box to tick if you required a reply – and they did so two weeks later. Predictably, the reply consisted of the usual ‘97%’ nonsense as well as the claim that 85% of their customer base wanted this bank to take climate action. I then replied to that email along the lines of calling them and their customers out as being hopelessly woke and misinformed, etc., etc. I don’t expect further correspondence.


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        “. Our analysis reveals that human CO₂ emissions, constituting a mere 4% of the annual carbon cycle, are dwarfed by natural fluxes,”

        “with isotopic signatures and residence time data indicating negligible long-term atmospheric retention.”

        So there is almost zero man made CO2 in the air, 2.03% as determined in 1958 by New Zealander G.J.Fergusson.

        And no reason to eliminate or tax CO2 ’emissions’ because they go straight into the ocean where they are quite negligible at 0.02% of ocean CO2.



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      “We need to get out of Paris and get on with life.””

      There is increasingly widespread recognition in NZ that the Paris Accord is a non-tariff barrier , nothing more , nothing less, and that we have no choice but to continue to pretend to go along with it, while doing nothing that will reduce food production , which for NZ is the only game in town – tourism is over.

      Agriculture is the mainstay of the NZ economy , and that will not change, unless our clean , green image is destroyed.


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        David Maddison

        the Paris Accord is a non-tariff barrier

        In the Stupid Country, across the lake from you, our “opposition” “leader” of the fake conservative Liberal Party reiterated his commitment to Paris right after TRUMP abandoned it.


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      When I have been approached by climate zealots in the street I simply say “The sun is the driver of climate”, and walk on. Every time they have nothing to say in reply. I suspect they have never actually thought out the conundrum.


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      Robert Swan

      Johnny Rotten,
      Prof. Humlum says:

      … the notion of an ongoing climate crisis.

      How can anyone take the idea of a climate crisis seriously? Climate is weather averaged over 30 years. You can’t have a crisis in that without first having some upheaval in the weather (that I’m certainly not seeing).

      Since the blob seems to like alliteration, I suggest weather woes.


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        Greg in NZ

        Exactly: “ongoing” ?

        Something has to start before it can continue, and now in my 3rd climate cycle, three-score plus a few more, apart from minor fluctuations due to the ebb and flow of weather, ie. oceans and sun,

        Crisis? WHAT crisis!


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        “Climate is weather averaged over 30 years. ”

        Arguably, that period is too short, being only ~ a half cycle of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation which switched sign around 1999 , and has yet to switch back.

        So sixty years would be the minimum no. of years over which to derive an “average’, itself meaningless in the land of droughts and floods ie ENSO.


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      Last night I got a letter from A. Taylor addressed personally to me.
      Lo & Behold ! His return email address was not blocked, so I replied :

      Dear Angus,

      Thanks for taking your time to explain again the debt chasm the Labor pushes my grandchildren into.

      There is only one way to pause the destruction of this country – to immediately leave Paris agreement.

      Allowing honest debate, debunking the idiocy and actual harm the global warming cult already caused our country will take time which we do not have.

      May I humbly suggest to everyone, who agrees with me, to use this opportunity.

      BTW – any text improvements are welcome.


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      John Connor II

      But wait, you also get…more alarm from (un-named) “scientists”:

      Global warming is spiralling out of control: Earth could warm by a whopping 7°C by 2200, scientists predict – leading to flooding, famine, and catastrophic heatwaves

      Conditions would be too hot for common crops to grow properly, which would cause global food insecurity and even starvation.

      Meanwhile, rising sea levels due to melting ice would force people to flee coastal cities as a result of flooding.

      Also under such a scenario, intense extreme weather events such as drought, heatwaves, wildfires, tropical storms and flooding would be common.

      Especially in the summer, temperatures could reach dangerously high levels, posing a lethal threat to the people of all ages.

      As I recall, for every degree of cooling, crops will need to be moved 100 miles closer to the equator to offset it, so for warming presumably the opposite.
      Plus by 2200 the vaxxed will all be gone, so that’s most everyone, so no AGW for a long time beforehand.


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        Graham Richards

        Amazing really! So many “scientists” forecasting fire & brimstone, death & destruction, drought & famine! Tim Flannery, the big “ mammary “ said it would never rain again. Like all the climate experts none of his or their predictions ever materialise.

        None of these so called scientists can even give a reliable 3 month forecast never mind forecasts spanning 50 years.

        Surely the Uniparty can also see “ light “. Why are they being so pig headedly stupid .
        We all accuse the ALP of being as thick as pig shite when the Uniparty is no different when it comes to climate change. Grow a pair Mr Dutton. Election is just around the corner & you’ll be losing thousands of votes if there’s no change in your Net Zero stance. You’re going to be considered just as thick as Albozo and be on the same level of trust.


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    David Maddison

    The remade woke Snow White is an even bigger failure in China than in the West.

    Chinese people are rejecting the stupid self-destructive wokeness of the West and don’t want it imposed on them.

    Here is a very good review: (7.5 mins)

    Get woke. Go broke.


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      You’d think the CCP would love this film as it has a very socialist themed plot, though perhaps they don’t like the revolution at the end that overthrows the queen as they don’t what to give their citizens any unapproved (and potentially dangerous) ideas.


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      The essential fantasy of rare beauty even in Europe was ‘skin as white as snow’. It is obviously implicit in the name ‘Snow White’ and for many a ideal of singular beauty underpinning the story. And everyone in the world knew it when the story was written and knows it today.

      So to create a DEI Snow White who isn’t Snow White is a definition of racial abuse, self hate racism posing as equality and inclusion. Even in China and Africa and Asia generally, it is just nuts to change the essential component of the story.

      Just go to Thailand and see the women with their umbrellas staying out of the sun. Or the surf beaches where women are looking for the ultimate tan. It is not racism, but an eternal human quest for beauty ideals denied by DEI.

      And the happy community of dwarves under the mountain is a another childhood and perhaps racial memory buried deep. As in the Hobbits and dwarves and elves of Tolkien. That relationship also has been trashed under by DEI racism.

      Across the world everyone is different and we have our ideals and they should be celebrated and not racist. But not in a Marxist Disney world where individualism has to be stamped out along with our many childhood fantasies. Walt Disney would have been appalled.


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    [T]he increase in absorbed solar radiation is primarily due to natural variations in cloudiness and surface albedo, which have served as the main forcing factors of the flux above the atmosphere over the last 2 decades.” – Diodato et al., 2025

    And now, in two new studies (Diodato et al., 2024 and Diodato et al., 2025), scientists have begun formulating reconstructions of cloud cover over the Mediterranean region that can be dated all the way back to the Medieval Warm Period, or 970 CE.

    The authors suggest their reconstructions of cloud cover may be representative of more than just this region, as it is a product of large scale processes that may “transcend geographical boundaries.” In other words, what happens in the Mediterranean region may well have global implications.


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    David Maddison

    Dr John Campbell looks at a video by Dr William Makis MD. Radiologist, Oncologist, Cancer Researcher about the use of ivermectin for cancer treatment.

    Even though it appears to be a useful agent to treat cancer in laboratory animals there are no formal human trials except some case reports.

    The absurdities of woke “science” and consensus “science” prevents proper investigation of this agent, especially in the extremely woke countries like Australia which is still persecuting and prosecuting pro-science doctors for daring to use it during the plandemic to treat covid as Jo reported yesterday.

    How can science or medicine progress if researchers are too terrified to explore new ideas that don’t conform to the Official Narrative?


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      David Maddison

      And consider this.

      Ivermectin could have been used to treat covid but it was banned for that purpose in Australia.

      Thus, people had compulsory “vaccinations” with experimental mRNA products which in many cases are believed to have led to “turbo” and other cancers including relapses.

      It is possible that Ivermectin might be able to clean up the mess of these mRNA substances as well but it needs proper clinical trials.


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      Peter C

      Dr Malik exposes a problem with the way that clinical research is done.
      New therapeutic drugs trials are funded by the Pharmaceutical industry. The trials are supposedly overseen by government regulators.
      Cancer patients are out there right now, testing novel therapies on themselves on their own with no support from their oncologist. The oncologist may not even know about it.

      These patients are the basis of the individual case reports.

      An oncologist like Dr Malik is ideally placed to begin to collate these unreported cases and start to create an uncontrolled trial but there are a number of impediments, such as ethics council approval, lake of time, lack of money and the likelihood of suspension of his medical licence.


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      Thanks for the link DM.


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    David Maddison

    I was appalled to read that actor Mike Meyers is a Justin Trudeau fan (I didn’t think there were such people) and is now doing a political ad with new Canadian PM Mark Carney which is also anti TRUMP.


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      David Maddison

      For those that don’t know, Carney is even more of a lunatic than Trudeau and has even more severe TDS.

      Poor Canada!


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        Steve of Cornubia

        Carney, on the surface, shares many of Trudeau’s fake beliefs. However, he is even more of a globalist crook than his predecessor and will perpetuate policies that enrich himself, and his elite pals.


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          Many think that that is exactly what Mr. CARNEY did whilst in the UK, as Governor of the Bank of England.
          Not his doings alone, but look at the rise in National Debt in that time …



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      Greg in NZ

      Talking of ex-PM Justine, perhaps he’ll be sharing his flights of fancy with his old classmate, NZ’s chicken-run ex-PM:

      As usual, RNZ have misspelled ‘Damned’ in that link. Comrade Chick has been invited into the “Blavatnik School of Government [and the] world leaders circle [which] aims to improve governance around the world”.

      Some of the present academic staff include a Clooney, a Stone, a Wolff, and a Pepper Culpepper (to add flavour?). The BS Govt survives on funds via Leo Blavatnik, a Russian oligarch who ‘gained’ his billions through (cough!) oil and aluminum: the 52nd-most richest man in the world according to wiki-wonker.

      Begun in 2012 after a Davos WEF soirée, it was inaugurated by none other than Prince Willy the Bald. Blavatnik caused a stir 8 years ago when he donated funds to… TRUMP.


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    David Maddison

    Is there an update for the Inquisition of Dr My Le Trinh for her “crime” of competently practicing evidence-based medicine? I couldn’t find anything with a brief search.


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    David Maddison

    Today I am going on a VIP demonstration flight of this experimental test bed B757 aircraft. A three engine 757 (it has a mount for a third engine for testing) plus fully instrumented on the inside with numerous equipment racks.

    That’s assuming I can get to the Avalon Air Show on time as Communist/Green/Labor/anti-Israel (all one and the same really) protesters are expected to block traffic and as usual, VicPol will probably do nothing.


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    Honk R Smith

    You’re in a War (and You Don’t Even Know It) | Eric Weinstein [ARC 2025]

    The Blobsters are waging war in (and on) our minds and have been intentionally stagnating science.


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    David Maddison

    Does anyone know of there is definitive evidence that artificial sweeteners are bad for you and also do they trick your body into releasing insulin?


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    Ian George

    A couple of weeks ago I questioned an ABC story re the hottest March night on record for Sydney. Good to see the ABC have now apologised for its ‘misinformation’. ABC doesn’t seem to know how the weather data is organised.


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      Greg in NZ

      That’s a keeper: their ABC retract/adjust and/or clarify their dis/mis/mal PR*.

      On that link, Ian, if you scroll down, the first photo is of your Dear Briber PM performing a double hand-gesture which resembles a Benny Hill ‘Bristol’ manoeuvre – Shirley that’s illegal in these daze of equality and one-size-fits-all?

      PR* = Propaganda.


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      Maybe a full time job keeping the ABC correct and impartial.


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    David Maddison

    The success of TRUMP highlights further just how defective and deficient Australia’s “leaders” are.


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    Is Elon Musk the ultimate hermit?

    Why does this man constantly hide from the limelight? Why doesn’t he show his face and share his opinions once in a while? I know that he’s just a terribly humble guy but I am so interested on his thoughts on different matters. How can one man be so humble?


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    another ian


    “HUGE: President Trump Signs Executive Order Containing Six Important Provisions on Election Integrity to Prevent Democrat Electoral Fraud (VIDEO)”


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    Key Takeaways From The US Talks With Ukraine And Russia In Riyadh


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    another ian


    “9th Circuit Leftists Triggered When Judge Uses Gun to Show How Clueless They Are”

    Something about “knowing something about that of which you speak”?


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      You can see he is a Trump appointee. So knowledgable and so sensible. And someone you would not want to mess with. I suspect he is intimidating to the other judges on the panel.


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    The new US Secretary of Commerce recently was on a panel, when the question of people not getting their pension checks came up. He came out with the rejoinder that his 94 year old grandmother would be unfazed, knowing that the pension would be just added to the next payment; and no one thought to ask him, how many other grandmothers in the US didn’t have billionaire grandsons? Or the even more pertinent question, what is the 94 year old grandmother of an anti bureaucracy, family values, billionaire doing with social security checks anyway? Unfortunately the wave of common sense that was supposed to have come in with the new government, obviously hasn’t washed up on all the shore lines.


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      re: new US Government

      My favourite philosopher came us with a new phrase – Better Be Mad Than Red
      Which he explains like so: there is 50/50 chance of DJT doing some good for us all.
      Those opposite – clever, educated, well spoken spent last 30 years perfecting their West-destructing skills and nearly won.


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    David Maddison

    Advance Australia had a full page newspaper ad with a picture of Albanese with big letters simply saying:






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    Graeme No.3

    This was brought home with some startling figures published on Paul Murray Live a couple of nights ago.
    Paul compared the some Australian budget and demographic figures from 2004/05 with those of 2024/25.

    These figures are adjusted for inflation, so we are comparing like for like.

    Australia’s population has risen by 33.53%
    Income tax has risen by 96.24%
    Total tax is up by 99.25%
    Total spending is up by 128.5%
    These figures confirm we are going backwards and crystalise the sense that taxes and spending are too high.

    Unfortunately, the bad news doesn’t end there.
    The Federal public service has grown by 45.75%
    The cost of those federal public servants has risen by a whopping 427%
    Government organisations have increased by 86.2%


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      Sadly, and depressingly, we can’t blame Labor governments for all of these woes.

      The most recent and depressing example of “dropping the ball” by the conservative LNP was the Morrison government’s handling of the Covid crisis – specifically the lockdown and monetary compensation of workers. This was amplified by the decision to borrow an eye-watering amount of money by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, and the massive increase in overseas migration by the Libs. This permitted the subsequent Labor government to say “Yippee” and especially continue those appalling immigration figures. Both governments believed that immigration would, in today’s parlance. “grow the economy”. It didn’t. It destroyed it.

      And the continuation of adherence to Net Zero will, if continued by a Dutton government, put the nail in coffin of Oz.


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      I do not think this information warrant green ticks. It is incredibly depressing and shows how far marxism has spread into Australia.


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    re: tobacco excise increase in last budget

    Is it only me or others also noticed late increase in tobacco consumption ?
    A bit hard to blame it on Morrison…


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    Is it just maybe, perhaps, could it be possible that most of the lefts slurs against their opponents are just projections?? ‘Racist!’ is constantly yelled by people, whose soul criteria for judging competence and character, is skin colour. ‘Naz.. by people who hate Jus, and love big bureaucracies controlling everything. I had lunch with an old friend, who was gravely warning another friend, to purge her phone of any leftist messaging, before entering the US, as they will be checking peoples’ phones. Apart from the history of lefties searching peoples’ social media, for ancient faux pas, the thought of projection never occurred to me at the time. Then the ridiculousness of it slowly dawned – the need for warrants, the time to laboriously work through millions of phones, the personnel! Immigration lines would require camping equipment! Projection. Projection. Projection.


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    John Connor II

    Trump should identify as female.
    That way the loony left will either have to recognise him as the first female US president or admit the absurdity of their gender ideology.


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    another ian

    FWIW – ore “covid trail”

    “Victorian Government Loses Fight to Keep Covid Health Advice Hidden”


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    John Connor II

    Cleveland Clinic: Millions of Covid-Vaxxed Will Die Within ‘5 Years’

    According to the Ohio-based academic medical center, large numbers of the Covid-vaccinated “may need a heart transplant” to avoid a sudden cardiac arrest.

    However, the pro-vaccination nonprofit has yet to issue a red alert to the public about the looming catastrophic death wave.

    Instead, Cleveland Clinic quietly dropped the bombshell in a recent update on its website.

    Of course the doctors, nurses and all other staff have been vaxxed, so waiting lists will be decades, decades you don’t have. Physician heal thyself. Best of luck.

    Meanwhile in Orstralya – no surgery unless you’re vaxxed.
    You’re vaxxed now? Ok, here’s a donor heart from a vaxxed person. No, we don’t have any unvaxxed ones. Sorry. Smirk.


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    John Connor II

    “When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.”

    – Ilya Prigogine


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    Yesterday’s question ‘Who would want to be a prince married to a wife called Meghan?
    Today’s question ‘Who would want to be a Meghan married to a prince?’
    At least I got a new word to add to my vocabulary and a new phrase to conjure with:
    misogynoir [discrimination against black women].
    spirit of ubuntu


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    Geoffrey Williams

    I seriously doubt many people in Australia give a rat’s where their solar panels come from.
    Nor do they care too much where their e cars come from. Don’t know and don’t care . .


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      Unless there is a separate assembly line making BYD cars for export no one should touch them here.

      I just heard that Tesla Y models are sold out in 33 states. Would that be the law of unintended consequences?


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    another ian


    “REPORT: One-Third of D.C. District Judges Were Not Born in the United States and Had No Prior Judicial Experience When Appointed”

    I guess that is what you get when you feel that they have had legal experience?


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    What happens if someone breaches one?
    In short, often nothing,

    So what is all this really about? Anyone get the idea that this is just about making the revolving door between government and business swing easier?


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      I don’t think a business has any rights to your life outside work, be it what you do in public or what you do after their employment. Still, people sign up for all sorts of things… It all depends if you believe this-

      “”There are employers out there who value their employees and customers — they provide quality training to their workforce. Other employers couldn’t be bothered to do that as it is too time-consuming, expensive and complicated,” he wrote in an email to the ABC News Business Reporting Team.

      “So, the lazy employer waits until a good employer finishes training and then they offer that highly trained employee more money and as a result, have an instant skilled worker with no effort. That may be fine and good — competition in action. There are two winners — the lazy ‘clever’ employer and the lucky worker. There is one loser, being the good, worthy, responsible employer.”

      So, you’ve been trained, you’ve worked for the company for three years say, you understand their systems and where you are in their hierarchy, and you know your prospects of advancement. Are you really going to give this up for some unknown company who says you will earn more for the same job?

      I doubt it! Not only that, but the company that poached you and is paying you enough extra money to move, will still have to train you on their systems. So you have a lot of extra stress in the move, and they have to fork out a lot more than just your increased salary.

      The one thing my son has found since moving here nearly twenty years ago, is that the promised pay increases, reviews and promotions just never happened once you were employed. He’s a project manager and changes jobs as they stagnate. Because he’s so good in his position they don’t want to promote him.


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        Steve of Cornubia

        “So, you’ve been trained, you’ve worked for the company for three years say, you understand their systems and where you are in their hierarchy, and you know your prospects of advancement. Are you really going to give this up for some unknown company who says you will earn more for the same job?”

        My son built his career this way, usually against my advice. It’s worked very well for him as he ‘sold’ each increment of skill and experience to his next employer, each time taking a step up. He even, at one stage, went BACK to a firm he had worked at a few years earlier, resulting in him leap-frogging his old peers.

        It’s not the way I did things. I enjoy strove to be on top of my responsibilities and to be confident that I could deliver against them. That usually meant sticking around in each role. My son, OTOH, relishes a challenge, and he is way more ambitious than I ever was. I just worry that the stress will affect him, if not now then later in life – like it did me.


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    another ian


    “Not An Egg-spert, But-by Foxfier”

    Read it all and you get to –

    “This information is really easy to find.

    If the folks you’re listening to didn’t find it, then please recognize they haven’t gone investigating, they are just theorizing without data.”

    And I learned that a Guinea Fowl chick is a keet


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      envIRonmEnT sCepTic

      If the folks you’re listening to didn’t find it, then please recognize they haven’t gone investigating, they are just theorizing without data.”


      Did you mean…. ‘If the yolks you’re listening to didn’t find it, then please recognize they haven’t gone investigating, they are just theorizing without data.’ 🙂


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      envIRonmEnT sCepTic

      My oldest silky bantam has not laid an egg in years and is now so old i need to put her up on her perch consisting of a modified olive tree with ladders and olive tree appartment egg laying quarters that are not used at this time unless it is windy, rainy of cold…The tree and the silky bantams are quite at home, although the eldest in my flock of three now struggles to get there.

      …will not be eating her due to her elderly condition nor will i let her be ‘put down’ by an eggspert… with some or other intravenous concoction.

      Leave the chooks alone!!


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