Some slavery is OK: UK Labour party block amendment banning slave-made-solar-panels

By Jo Nova

While careers and statues have died at the merest hint of not refuting slavery hard enough, the UK Labour Party will make sure slave-made-solar panels will still be imported to the UK, and the people exploiting the slaves will still be paid.

We have to ask, O’ Great Moral Guardians, was it because there aren’t enough solar panels that are not slave-made, and if we stop supporting the slavers, the only panels left will cost a fortune? Is the big fear that it will blow the climate budget, or make green electricity even more absurdly expensive?

Or are we saying that the lives of slaves in 2025 are not as important as cooling the world by 0.0001 degrees 100 years from now?

h/t Tom Nelson

Labour to block bid to ban solar panels made by SLAVES – so Ed Miliband can put them on schools and hospitals

By Harriet Line, The Daily Mail, UK.

Peers had sought to stop taxpayers’ cash from being used to buy products from a company where there was ‘credible evidence’ of modern slavery in its supply chain.

But the Government will whip its MPs to vote against the Lords amendment to the Great British Energy Bill in the Commons today, meaning solar panels made with forced labour could end up on the roofs of hundreds of schools and NHS sites.

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband admitted last week that some solar panels bought for a £180 million project for schools and hospitals will come from China. The country is responsible for 80 per cent of the global supply of solar panels, and the Xinjiang region produces up to 40 per cent of polysilicon – a key component.

Coming soon, far-right extremists will demand that solar panels should be slave-free, and made with renewable energy, instead of burning more coal in China.

Ladies and Gentlemen, whenever you need to cut down the smug and sanctimonious, ask: What, exactly, have you done to stop the slavers profiting from climate change?

Globalists hate workers at home and abroad. Make them suffer.

And lets not forget the people in internment camps in Xingjian:


Evidence grows of forced labour and slavery in production of solar panels, wind turbines




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34 comments to Some slavery is OK: UK Labour party block amendment banning slave-made-solar-panels

  • #

    The clueless Labour party in the UK are the scum of the earth and just the sort of scum we’d expect to be pushing the Chinese slave agenda.
    President Xi will be pleased and will have an enjoyable belly laugh with his friends Putin , Nth Korea and the mad mullahs of Iran.


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      The really awful part is that the Tories are every bit as bad as Labour when it comes to green utopianism. Reform is the only party in the UK with a sane energy policy, and I even have my doubts about them. Too many of them were happy to go along with BoJo’s green initiatives when they were Tories, and have only recently changed their tune. Have they really changed their minds and are willing to burn political capital to make changes, or are they just saying what is politically expedient and will quietly forget the energy plank of the party platform if they get into office?


    • #

      Does China have a slave policy? is it some form of social contract that involves a type of indentured labour system. China legally banned slavery years ago. Verification is the problem and evidence of Gulag/ Stalag type facilities can’t really tell us much. There is much that is cryptic about all of this and some openness would be helpful.


    • #

      They are NOT “clueless”.

      They know EXACTLTY what they are doing and WHY.

      NEVER ascribe to “incompetence”, that which is clearly MALICE. In rare cases, the reverse MAY apply.

      This also applies to a benighted Penal Colony very close to you.

      These panels may not be made by “slaves” in a legal sense, but are they made using “convict” labour and are the workplace “conditions” up to “proper” standards

      I feel certain that if someone were to ask nicely, they could have a “fact-finding” tour of a Potemkin Panel factory, with full media coverage.

      2025: So far, ALL is “corruption”. 2026 is shaping up for some really “interesting” convergences and culminations

      Who is setting the timetable?


  • #

    Made by slaves for slaves.


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    David Maddison

    “Green” “energy” makes slaves of all of us, all along the supply chain from mining, to manufacture to end consumer.


  • #

    Thus we all became slaves paying in taxes.

    Energy producers get charged for producing CO2.
    Price of energy goes up, as they pass the cost burden to consumers.
    Consumers pay additional embedded tax on consumption.

    Perfect scam where the government operates a legal corruption by double dipping for every kWh produced, sold and consumed.


  • #
    Tony Tea

    Made with only irresponsibly sourced materials.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The ultimate objective of the Left is to regress Western Civilisation to the time before the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions and The Enlightenment with a system of Feudal Overlords (the Elites of the Left) and serfs (us) living as semi-slaves (there being not much difference between a serf and a slave).


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    David Maddison

    I can imagine some Leftist/Green organisation coming up with a certification logo to attach to slave-made products:

    Certified 100% slave made.


  • #

    Someone has to make the ‘cheap’ panels with slave labour, coal power, and no burdensome worries about health and safety or toxic pollution. You know it makes sense?!


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    Simon Derricutt

    This might have been the Babylon Bee but no, Daily Mail. Things are bad when it’s not instantly clear what’s satire and what isn’t.


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    Dear Miss Nova

    Presumably the local education ‘authorities’ and the NHS will have to amend their modern slavery declarations to include an admission that some of their inputs ‘may contain slave labour’. Unless of course government organisations are exempt from such declarations, since all government operations are funded by the slightly politer form of part-time slavery known as taxation.

    Your readers may judge for themselves with this handy guide published by His Majesty’s Government:

    All governments are evil, but some governments are more evil than others.



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      They’ll just redefine slavery. Or really, not just not change anything at all. They already pretend that the only variety of slavery that has any historical significance is the transatlantic slave trade between west Africa and the Americas. The ancient varieties of slavery practiced during the stone and bronze ages don’t count. Neither do the later varieties practiced by the Islamic caliphates, or the slavery found in India before the British Raj, or the serfdom practiced in much of Europe, or the indigenous slavery in the Americas before the arrival of Columbus. Or even the slavery between African tribes that fed fresh ‘product’ to the transatlantic slave trade. And certainly no one counts the British subjects who were transported to Australia or who sold themselves into indentured servitude to reach the Americas as slaves. Same goes for the Slavs from whom slavery gets it’s name, or the Europeans who got scooped up by the Islamic slave trade. Not nearly enough melanin to qualify.

      Sadly, Asian-on-Asian enslavement is taken about as seriously as black-on-black violence. It’s just accepted as background noise in a modern society that is best swept under the rug rather than dwelled upon.


  • #

    All WEF Governments want to do is decimate their respective economies via non economic policies! I cite the current Labor/Libs attempts to convince us that less is more! Neither of them want to speak truth to power by telling us the truth. The fact is Australia is on the verge of financial Armageddon and totally dependent on the USA for protection or China for subjugation. The UK/Europe are devoid of reality. The only other option is China with or without solar panels. None of our current home grown political operatives can offer salvation.


  • #

    So the solar panels are made by slaves. The lithium mined for the batteries have questionable sources possibly using child labour. The wind turbines kill birds and bats while native forest is destroyed to install them and their powerlines. It’s possible the off shore wind turbines distract whales during construction. Damaged solar panels could leak harmful chemicals into the environment and we’re not yet sure how to recycle them, so they probably go into landfill. The old blades from turbines gets buried because they cant be recycled either. Not a peep of protest from the left green side of politics about all of this. It’s all a scam isn’t it?


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      Graeme No.3

      Yes, but very profitable to some.
      And who has to pay for all the mess left when they are abandoned? The oldest off shore wind ‘farm’ has been abandoned after 15 years. Even those on shore loss profitably around 8 years.


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    John Connor II

    Like most fakery from China, non-slave made goods could come with an equally fake certificate of compliance…


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    Lynette LaBlack

    We finally managed to achieve some much needed progress to stem the tide of the ecocidal, industrialised Solar curse – by curtailing the Toxic Contaminating, PFOS coated, CCP reliant, Slave Labour Solar Panels in NSW – with the Oxley Bridge Rd Solar Electricity Generating Works Uranquinty Determination – 24/11/2022 – including an Amended Stormwater Management Plan – ‘Amended Condition C8’ – including a CONTAMINATION RESPONSE PROCEDURE, etc. & a NEW MODERN SLAVERY CONDITION – ‘New Condition Inserted C4A – Dealing With Modern Slavery’ – both required PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION – all thanks due to Professor Ian Plimer’s very helpful Solar Contamination presentation & Carolyn Kitto’s very apt ‘Be Slavery Free’ outline regarding unethical Solar – to the Southern Regional Planning Panel Meeting.

    Now, the new Solar developer Clean Peak Energy has recently begun fencing this Solar site – claiming to have a Construction Certificate issued by Wagga Wagga Council & the INDEPENDENT, NSW Anti-Slavery Commissioner appears to be Missing in Action to ensure the New Modern Slavery Condition is adhered to – as he said he would do.🤔
    Additionally, our Wagga Wagga MP is the NSW Parliament’s Anti-Slavery Committee Chair – yet, ‘Greenwashing’ appears to be the only outcome!

    PPSSTH-149 – DA22/0122 – 1268 Oxley Bridge Road Uranquinty 2652 


  • #

    Black-Out Bowen et al must go! The sooner the better! I Think I recall when The libs in a similar financial position at this point, three years ago, didn’t really want Treasury because they knew that the larder was empty acted in precisely the same craven way. Once again it was a toss-up between Lab/Lib with Greens and Teals vying for ultimate pervasive/passive control. They don’t need policies but revel in the destructive veto. Can we trust the independents? Certainly not the TEALS because they are funded by one Cannon-Brookes who is knee deep in NIMBY solar/wind alternatives and Tax “minimisation”. At least The Australian Patriots are led from the front by Tax Paying Clive Palmer who is at least speaking Truth2Power


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      Mike Jonas

      Peter Dutton has to get off the fence. Staying low while Albo makes mistakes isn’t going to work while the media are still happy to hide the mistakes.


  • #

    William Wilberforce will be rolling in his grave –

    William Wilberforce (born August 24, 1759, Hull, Yorkshire, England—died July 29, 1833, London) was a British politician and philanthropist who from 1787 was prominent in the struggle to abolish the slave trade and then to abolish slavery itself in British overseas possessions.


  • #

    Just stumbled across this article and wondered: Labour bad, Greens good? Is there some skerrick of good in the Greens after all?

    Labor Allowing Australia To Continue To Be A Dumping Ground For Goods Produced By Forced Labour.


    • #

      >Is there some skerrick of good in the Greens after all?

      Apparently not, because in their moral posturing against slavery and forced labour they conveniently neglected to mention their beloved toxic feeble-energy generators are made by slave labour, which makes the Greens hypocritically complicit in the very crime they’re crusading against.


  • #

    We keep gathering evidence of just how far the moral compass has fallen in Australian
    and English politicians. Democracies getting dirtier names by the hour. Politicians have lost the idea that they are the servants of the public. Now they buy the public vote at any cost to retain the power of that office to themselves. Wonder when we will reach the nadir of using slaves at home ourselves. After all, are we not now actually using slave labor abroad to support our (once) cheap living by using it to mine those rare earth metals for our solar panel and computer chips.
    The jump to doing so on our own soil is not very far, especially when we have handsome boy besotted by President Xi who happily sends naval craft around our coast to demonstrate what an easy knock over we would be if he decided to go that route.


  • #

    Years ago I sent letters to the Premier and the PM asaking whether the slave made solar panels came within the ambit of the Modern Slavery act. And would you believe the answer is NO. The Act is pretend legislation to make it look like we are anti slavery. The reality is we want cheap slave made solar panels.


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    Iain Reid

    Slavery apart, from a grid perspective, these solar arrays will be no benefit whatsoever.
    If they do save on the electricity bills of the schools, and being a government contract, they will not be cheap installation, it is only due to the fact that renewables have made electricity unit costs so high.
    Based on value for money, very low I would guess?


  • #

    I Personally have no problem with slavery. The Bible suggests that if a person cannot pay their bills, they should sell themselves into slavery. Slavery at least means you get fed and clothed. For many, it is better than the alternative. My wife’s grandmother owned slaves, but they ended up inheriting her business from her after many years of service. My own grandmother, after her husband died, kept house for people for no more than food and board … basically a slave. Not all slaves are treated badly, so we should not judge others by the standards of our society.


    • #

      You know Me, I was under the impression that this whole world is built on slavery. Peter Joseph, in his 2009 documentary “Zeitgeist Addendum”, said it best when he stated that people in the modern world are economic slaves, meaning they have to feed and house themselves, whereas the old form of slavery was physical slavery, meaning you were housed and fed. The controllers of this world just convinced everyone they were “free”, and the majority have accepted it. A wise man once said: “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”.


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    Sir Les Patterson

    All red envelopes . . . Commons bar quote . . ‘Business is good’ . . .


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    Gillian Nolan

    What will they do about all new build homes that are required to include solar panels on their roofs? Huge estates are being built all over the UK with panels made in the xinjang region, with no thought or care about the modern slavery. Is the government going to do a U-turn on that or are these energy efficient homes more important than ethical supply chains? It’s shameful that this government and the previous one turned a blind eye in the name of climate change targets!


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