By Jo Nova
Dr My Le Trinh lost her mother, and escaped Pol Pot in a fishing boat as a child and came to Australia looking for freedom. But after prescribing safe, cheap ivermectin as a GP and hurting no one, she was suddenly suspended indefinitely. It’s been three years with no end. No complaints had been made against her in 27 years of being a GP, then two appeared in one day. ( One by Dr Gunja’s intern and one by “John Smith“). The punishment is not just undeserved, but abjectly surreal.
This is not just about one woman and her career, it’s about every one of us, and our right to choose the doctor we want to help us.
It looks, smells, and quacks like they are making an example of her in order to frighten thousands of other doctors into obedience and silence. The last thing the Big-Pharma-Bureaucrat Blob want is for doctors to be able to say what they really think, or even ask good questions in public. Few other professionals could magnetize the public as fast as outspoken doctors could.
All she is asking for in this petition is a public livestream of the tribunal from Tuesday to Thursday this week. She explains why this is so important on X.
If they have the evidence to justify her suspension they wouldn’t need to hide this tribunal behind closed doors.
Please sign the petition so that Dr My Le Trinh’s NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). Follow her at her X account or facebook. She says: “I’ll be on 2SM Monday morning at 9:30 AM with @chrissmithonair to encourage Sydneysiders to attend my hearing.“

BTW — Where is DEI when you need it? Hyperspace. It was never about diversity, or asylum seekers, or compassion, it was just another tool to fight a culture war while pretending not to.
Dr William Bay suggests speaking up!

H/t to Willie Soon, Craig Kelly, and a brave doctor I know.
The good ole Aussie mate ship stands proud again. “We’ll show her for disregarding our instructions!” Australian doctors: The biggest, quietest, most effective and influential non-union Union in Australia. You don’t mess with the union and it’s authority without repercussions.
The AMA is the non-union union. It didn’t rate a mention.
Doctors cover the range from zealous collaborators to active resisters. Look at Dr Trinh’s hearing (that we aren’t allowed to hear). It’s to be held by the NCAT. Who are the members of that Tribunal? Not a single doctor amongst the principal members. I counted about 33 doctors in the remaining 300 or so riff-raff members.
Ah, but the original complaint came through the HCCC. Surely it has some proper expertise? Google wasn’t overly helpful turning up names and qualifications for the HCCC; I managed to get an org-chart. It’s almost like they’re so ashamed of their decisions that they prefer to be anonymous.
I see the footprints of the unaccountable bureaucratic blob here, not some conspiracy of doctors.
At the time ivermectin was approved for use with animals and for skin conditions on people. It was not approved for internal ailments because there was no evidence of its efficacy.
Why not, you may wonder. Drug companies fund the tests of their drugs. Ivermectin became a generic drug many years ago, meaning that anyone can manufacture it. No drug manufacturer was going to fund the formal testing of ivermectin against covid because any other manufacturer of ivermectin could have profited from the results.
FWIW, one study did appear out of Argentina during covid times. The study claimed that it received no funding and yet it said that many path tests were done (which must have cost money). IIRC the paper had three authors but one complained that he’d never been given the data that the others claimed proved it to be effective.
Medicos are ground zero of “consensus science”. As a cohort they can’t make a decision by themselves. We should blame medical practice insurance companies for this dumbing down of their industry. It’s classical social-scoring with a mighty powerful driver.
The government obviously know it is in the wrong so is trying to prevent the public from hearing the truth about Ivermectin. This poor woman is being offered up to cover for government incompetence and ignorance.
I would encourage you all to sign the petition and also to send this piece to all your addressees. The more that people know about this injustice the better.
I hope she has a fair hearing, but how will we ever know? BTW has useful, cheap, Ivermectin ever harmed anyone?
G’day Neville,
I’ll attempt an answer for you, but must preface my attempt by saying I am not an expert, merely an interested observer.
So, my view:
As all medications seem to have some adverse reactions, however rare, I suspect a non-zero number of people have probably been affected.
The press reports have been few, but the scare-mongering huge. Even the horse-sized doses don’t
seem to have caused more than temporary discomfort, relieved following the simple cure of taking no more for a time.
On the other hand, as Jo points out, whole African countries have been relieved from some nasty diseases for years, which suggests to me that the numbers of people adversely affected would be about the same percentage as CO2 in the atmosphere.
Dave B
Not quite sure I understand ‘horse-sized doses’. I used horse ivermectin to kill off my Covid and it came in a dispensing tube marked up with dose size relevant to your horse. Of course you ignore that and refer to the FLCC protocol for the dosage of mild 400microg/kg or serious 600microg/kg. You then work the dose by weight based on the actual ivermectin content of the paste. The result was 1.7g for me – about a half teaspoon – and a quarter of the tube. Using all the tube gave 4 doses over 4 days although my symptoms were gone in less that a day.
Not according to Dr Pierre Kory…
Thanks Jon,
Great source.
This 2021 media release from the TGA banning GPs from prescribing IVM off label is a little harder to find nowadays. A couple of quotes from it:
Basically, the TGA irresponsibly emphasised the potential side effects of taking high doses of a safe drug. What is more concerning is that they’ve implied that GPs, with a minimum of 4 years training, may be influenced by “unreliable social media posts” to overprescribe this drug and jeopardise the health of their patients.
It was a disgraceful episode in Australian medical history.
Did the TGA ever have the authority to tell GP’s what to prescribe?
Where did that authority come from?
Good question.
How much transparency is there in the system?
Finally, a doctor that practices evidence-based medicine in a scientific manner and they are punished for it.
They should instead be prosecuting health “authorities” and politicians who banned IVM and HCQ which, when taken according to appropriate published protocols, are proven to have been able to save lives. Instead, vast numbers of people needlessly died. The punishment for these officials should be severe.
The effort put into punishing, persecuting and prosecuting this doctor should instead be put into prosecuting the real guilty parties.
Interesting video showing that there is no medical reason for the banning ivermectin.
“DOJ Lawyer Admits FDA War Against Ivermectin was Abuse of Authority, “Millions of Deaths” Resulted”
Signed Jo
Incidentally, in Australia, it’s still illegal for doctors to prescribe HCQ for covid, but not IVM.
And, absolutely unbelievably, totally beyond belief, you still can’t get an organ transplant in Australia unless you are covid vaxxed. The Government would rather have you die than receive an organ transplant as punishment for refusing the covid vaccine.
David, I reckon you would be hard pressed to find a GP who would prescribe Ivernectin even now – other than for parasite infection.
I know a doctor that will prescribe it in the appropriate dose (24mg) for covid treatment and a compounding pharmacist who makes up the correct dose. He is a bit different to most because he also is anti-woke and also has a science degree. He doesn’t follow the Official Narrative but the scientific one.
It was useful when I went on my recent Himalayan trek to rapidly eliminate a respiratory infection picked up. It also had the incidental benefit for prophylaxis against parasites which are common on Nepal. Of course, IVM is over the counter in Nepal, and indeed most countries.
So…it works on politicians then?
I have been prescribed Ivermectin not for a parasite infection. I asked if it was safe and was assured that it was completely safe. I wish My Le Trinh every success in her efforts to clear her name, and I hope she is reinstated and given a lot of compensation – not that anything can really cover the damage. I would also like to see the guilty parties removed from circulation as a caution to others (faint hope!), otherwise it will all happen again. And again.
I have signed the petition, of course.
I wonder if Dr My Le Trinh has Dr Robert Clancy helping her on her case?
He has written extensively in Quadrant over the last few years on this subject.
BTW Of course I’ve signed the petition, too!
Yes, Emeritus Prof. Bob Clancy and Dr Phillip Altman have been regular contributors to Quadrant of articles which provided the expertise lacking in the medical bureaucrats who dominated policy during the Covid years. Clancy is still treating patients suffering from Long Covid and post vaccination symptoms and continuing to explore the mechanisms which produce the problems.
The problem is that the bureaucracy continues to ignore the work of such experts. They have only been able to continue their work because they are not dependant on their work for careers. Had they not been essentially “emeritus”, they would have been effectively silenced.
They are heroes.
Robert Clancy’s Quadrant articles played a big part in what l call “my red pill period”. When you have a man who has pioneered immunology in this country dissecting the actions of the medical bureaucracy and explaining the mechanisms of drugs such as IVM, it’s not long before one realises how bad things were during the pandemic.
The irony is that we have so many hapless patients who are still suffering consequences of vaccination by insufficiently tested mRNA vaccines. There is no evidence that Ivermectin has harmed anyone. Quite the contrary. It is used daily in tropical zones in Africa to prevent River Blindness and other diseases. It is no accident that Africa had the lowest figures of Covid complications.
It would be interesting to see a comparison of the prosecution of Australian practitioners with those from other countries. It seems to me that this country produces zealots in enforcement. Evidence suggests that the Covid debacle has drastically reduced confidence in the medical profession in this country.
The Streisand Effect, Part 2025.
Confidence in medical quackery sinks to new low level; similar to govt quackery, bureaucratic quackery, social(ist) media quackery, climate quackery, etc.
Just Stop Expert Quackheads Now!
There is no evidence that Ivermectin has harmed anyone.
It has been used for head-lice and for parasites in horses. I no longer have horses but still have two tubes of the stuff. Sort of a nostalgia thing. Horses, or some of them, will try to dislodge it when squirted into their mouth (it is about like peanut butter and said to taste like an apple), thus getting some on anyone standing nearby.
Some folks, in Texas I recall, gave themselves a dose meant for a horse. They did need medical attention, but didn’t die.
I don’t understand why that comment got so many red thumbs.
Somebody having steering problems, as happens to me. Otherwise it must be PC nincompoops.
I’d say the people issuing the red thumbs are still swayed by that antiquated propaganda disseminated years ago by the FDA that depicted IVM as a horse dewormer. Anytime the words IVM and horse are mentioned in a sentence, a Pavlovian response gets initiated in them.
I went searching for some details on any person who overdosed in Ivermectin. I found this write-up …
This covers a 70 year old female, who did have COVID and took 10x the normal human dose of Ivermectin. The only symptoms described are tiredness, confusion and lack of responsiveness. However … she was OK to go home in 48 hours.
Strangely, even though she was C19 positive, the doctor does not report her blood oxygen suggesting that he didn’t even measure this … seems to me that all her symptoms could have been simply the normal tiredness that comes with any viral infection plus low blood oxygen common in elderly COVID patients.
I used the apple version but it didn’t taste anything like apple. I spread it on a jam sandwich and it was then palatable. I can’t comment on the carrot version.
Australia is a nation so dumbed-down by Leftist infiltration into the “education” system that Australian Government decision making and that of so-called expert authorities is essentially devoid of science-based reasoning and evidence-based decision making.
It shows in every aspect of life such as energy and economic policies and medicine, among just about everything else.
The persecution and prosecution of Dr My Le Trinh is just another sad example. She escaped the Leftist regime of Pol Pot only to become persecuted by another one in Australia.
The mentalités are pretty similar. The object of each is control. For ordinary folk are of no account to government. Perhaps for a few weeks during an election campaign they might say otherwise but their behaviours for the rest of the time are contemptible. My good friend Dror Eydar On Israel Hayom recently quoted Ronald Symes’ great work on the Roman Revolution:
I’m not quite convinced of that in all circumstances at all times, indeed the 1910s suggest otherwise. In the 2020s it is hopelessly true, and with all the expertise of Goebbels et al. to help prohibit questioning. Literature and experience together count for nothing with these people and their offices. All is control.
The Soviet experience and literature is telling. Vasily Grossman in Stalingrad told of the desperate struggle for freedom. The same author’s Life and Fate tells of the surrender of freedom. Together they make the greatest work of literature from the twentieth century, with one possible exception: Winston Churchil’s biography of his ancestor, John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough: tremendous history in one million words. But the sixth-raters have total charge now.
Any details of date and time of the hearing? Can’t see it in details above.
Starts tomorrow, runs to Thursday. Anyone in Sydney is welcome to attend.
Thanks Jo.
Don’t forget it was the fake conservative Liberal Party that was responsible for banning HCQ and IVM for covid treatment during the pandemic.
The former WEF employee, Greg Hunt was “Health” Minister at the time.
There is little difference between them and their Uniparty comrades in the Labor Party.
Polpot is alive and kicking, in Australia.
[…] JoNova […]
April 2020: Monash University NSW:
Lab experiments show anti-parasitic drug, Ivermectin, eliminates SARS-CoV-2 in cells in 48 hours
Pfizer did not go through the full regime of testing their MRNA untested new technology
>April 2020: Monash University NSW:
Monash University, while a prominent Australian university, doesn’t have any campuses or main operations in New South Wales (NSW); its main campuses are located in Victoria, with one in Malaysia and another in Indonesia.
Where do the Opposition stand on this? Will they hide away, hoping that no one notices, or will they take a position on this?
It was the “Opposition” that banned it in the first place. Greg Hunt was “Health” Minister at the time.
The fake conservative Liberals don’t believe in anything in particular. They are fence sitters. They won’t defend this doctor or the use of IVM for covid treatment.
David, I believe there are 3 or 4 Hunt brothers all doctors and all part of the WEF……say no more…..
That’s terrifying.
Labor gets into office and;
Scott Morrison holds 5 ministerial positions- official inquiry.
Robodebt scandal- royal commission.
Covid19 vaccine contracts- ……crickets…….
The “us” versus “them” dynamic applies to the first 2 issues but it is classic Uniparty behaviour when it comes to the third.
Who knows what the government of the time signed us up for? The mandates have passed but there could be ongoing financial commitments despite no demand for the product.
The silence is concerning.
Ivermectin is an unusually safe drug with many uses, many yet to be discovered. And inexpensive as well.
This sort of demonisation of IVM will just discourage research into new uses.
Even a journal, part of the now fully woke, once reputable Nature magazine once praised it.
Anyone know how Ivermectin would go treating TB?
Good luck trying to get treated for multi drug resistant TB with IVM in Australia.
What doctor would dare do that?
FWIW – meanwhile
“Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands FDA Pull Approval of Dodgy COVID Vaccines ‘Causing Permanent Harm and Death’”
FWIW – meanwhile
“Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands FDA Pull Approval of Dodgy COVID Vaccines ‘Causing Permanent Harm and Death’”
I think the original opposition to effective non-Big Pharma covid treatment originated as an anti-TRUMP and pro-Big Pharma policy when he advocated for the late Dr Zelenko’s proven treatment protocol which used HCQ.
Thank you Jo for supporting this wonderful Australian who is an example to all of us.
We must push back against the rising tide of government sponsored graft and misleading information/science/medicine that is currently swamping our nation.
This lady should be lauded!
AHPRA and the state tribunals are not heard by peers.
The 3 year process needs to be addressed- the process is the punishment!
Klown world!
…the process is the pathogen, the ‘virus’, the mutant..
Petition now signed.
Guv’ment Bar-Stewards.
Here’s Novak Jokavich playing tennis with RFK Junior. Novak lost a chance for fame and a lot of cash when he refused vaccination in Australia because he already had the real virus. He was deported from Australia. What sort of immunologist requires vaccination with a fake virus when you have already had the real virus? Novak was on the right side of real science, not Australia.
And how many fit young people at the time died from an innoculation they didn’t need for a virus which attacked the elderly? As for innoculating babies even today, who is making this stuff up? Not real doctors surely? The spectre of massive profits overhangs the entire pharmaceutical industry including and particularly distribution.
If there was a free readily available total remedy for the Wuhan engineered French/US/Chinese military virus, it would be prohibited even today. Profits drive the government controlled medical industry, not ethics. As we saw in the booming sex change industry, especially for children and minors below the age of consent. This is not saving young lives but destroying them in every way. And was a driving force in Elon Musk’s life when he lost his son Xavier to the legalized child sex industry.
Recently appointed Green MP, their/they/thick she/he/it Benji Doyle (who only got his seat once the Greens sacked the previous ‘they’ for dodgy immigration shenanigans) was out shrieking on Parliament steps that children have the right to demand puberty blockers for life-saving gender-affirming health care [I’ll let that sink in for a moment] … to a motley crew of a few hundred rainbow-attired students with freakishly baaad haircuts and pained expressions.
In other news: is there something in the water or did social(ist) media go live+ (or meth & mRNA combined completely frying folk’s brains?) as this weekend in NZ was a horror-movie of gang-related shotgun murders, deadly vehicle accidents, highways closed, bomb threats & a school closed (today) as well as the usual domestic nonsense that goes on.
Of course it’s Trump and Musk’s fault – or the Deputy PM, Winston Peters’ fault who, back from Washington DC and meeting Marco Rubio announced: ‘Make New Zealand First Again!’ to which the Greens completely lost it and yet it’s only March. Interesting times…
” gang-related shotgun murders,”
Surely you lie! The National Party has ‘got tough on gangs’ since the 1970s, so they can’t be around unless the Labour Party pays them to reform when THEY have power.. oh, wait..
(where IS Ross Meurant these days anyway, he was going to ‘wipe them out’..)
Ross ‘the Don’ of Meurant’s Mob had a road to Damascus change of heart didn’t he (?) becoming #1 critic of Rob’s Mob and the Police State they oversaw. Luckily I spent the 1980s travelling overseas so evaded those dark (1984) daze [sic].
Anyhow, Stabcinda’s buy-back scheme was going to end all of that illegal bang-bang nonsense with ™️kindness & empathy™️ right?
Or as Steve Miller sang:
Go on, take the money and run…
I am an APN-C and prescribed it for my son and daughter in law who had bad Covid and they were 100% better in 3 days.
Shades of what happened to Ignaz Semmelweiss when he promoted medical/surgical cleanliness back in the early 19th century to prevent childbirth deaths when ‘the experts’ of his day blamed ‘miasma’!
And guess who turned out to be correct?
If ‘do no harm’ is the basis of medical care then Ivermectin stacks up infinitely better than the covid mRNA jabs and boosters. Millions of people, in tropical environments where filarial worms cause River Blindness, successfully use Ivermectin on a weekly basis for prophylaxis. It’s well tolerated and part of their way of life. Based on this, and the fact that no doctor would prescribe Ivermectin, our family calculated our therapeutic dose of Ivermectin horse wormer and had it on stand-by for confident personal use rather than submitting to the tyranny of the covid jab.
But now the reality: There’s mounting, damning evidence that the covid mRNA jabs not only did not prevent transmission of covid but caused significant damage to the immune system as well. This resulted in a multiplicity of problems from death to various types of disability and chronic suffering.
I suspect that the HCCC doesn’t want this damning truth about the covid mRNA jabs health disaster to get a public airing.
All power to Dr My Le Trinh. Her bravery stands in stark contrast to the perfidy of government assisted big pharma, their HCCC Gestapo and the cowardly medicos who caved in to medical tyranny.
Shut down the AMA, the MBA, the TGA, and blacklist any doctor who was complicit in C19 crimes and violations of the Hypocritical oath.
Maybe the next political saviour party will can the 3-letters.
/fat chance. The circus is the same but the clowns are different.
Dr. My has carefully recorded details of the interaction with the system and the actions of Dr Guja are particularly concerning. One of his subordinates makes it clear that they were just following his instructions and that the content projected was his and his alone.
Eventually this is all going to come crashing down.
Next step might be to get Dr Guja to tell who was instructing him.
You still can’t even say put the word Ivermectin in the comments in the Australian. You couldn’t during covid and I tried a few days ago. All if the comments rejected. Talk about censorship,
I suppose you could call it “I’ve a medicine”
My future son in law is a doctor, a few years ago I asked him if he would prescribe me Ivermectin and he replied “of course, the problem is you wont find a chemist to fill the script”. Which suggested to me that someone who’s sole job is to count how many pills they put into a jar has accumulated far more power than was ever intended.
Here is a perfect example, being over a certain age I no longer require a prescription to purchase Melatonin, I recently requested a packet of Malotin MR from a chemist who in turn launched into a non sensical diatribe of gibberish regarding prescriptions and something about doctors approval. I kindly reminded her that people over 55 are not required to produce a prescription and after several minutes of huffing and puffing I got my pills.
Once the pills were paid for and in my possession I advised the chemist that it is illegal to practice medicine in Australia without a medical degree, advice not well received I must say.
Crackar, on September 11th 2021, the TGA banned pharmacies from supplying ivermectin for covid, even with a prescription. We know, we had a legal script on Sept 10 that could not be filled the next day. The doctors don’t decide your treatment. The Chemists don’t decide. The TGA, and really, Greg Hunt and Scott Morrison did.
Having had a legal script for IVM prior to the “ban”, I would suggest the price charged for a minimal amount of the drug would likely have been serious disincentive for most people.
OTOH I just returned from India.
I agree however there are two things that I know for sure,
1, The amount of people I know with heart issues is mounting up and is now way beyond the coincidence level and
2, “I was just following orders” is not recognised as a valid defence argument in some international courts
Crakar if I’m reading you right, over 55 years of age no prescription needed for Melatonin in Australia is that correct? Does that apply to all dosages? I’ve previously been prescribed 5mg and 2mg.
I am not sure if the ones i get are 2 or 4 MG, there may be a restriction based on dosage that i am not aware of but if you want 4mg you can get the 2mg over the counter and take two
Another trick is to cut IR exposure after the sun goes down so your body produces melatonin naturally earlier in the night
Before the release, wilfully or accidentally is moot, of the lab-made Wuhan corona virus Pfizer were find 2.3 BILLION US dollars for having bribed US doctors to repurpose Pfizer medicines for their patients.
The crime was not the repurposing but the bribing. Nobody went to jail.
Reporposng of medicines by a doctor in agreement with his patient is not only legal but a right. A doctor is a scientist and a professional. The patient has the right for the medicines recommended by his doctor of trust.
It is not the tyrannical president or prime minister of a country who decides what medicine one has to take or not to take. It is the patient who decides.
If the prime minister can forcefully tell us what medicines we cannot take, with a little bit of pulling on the rubber band, by the same token really, the prime minister can forcefully push down our throats and inject into our bloodstream the medicines he would want us to have.
It happened in Communist Rumania under Caucescu the tyrant.
The 5-cent a pill miracle-cure medicine (a title given to Ivermectin by the WHO in 2003) is a protease inhibitor. It works on the protein of the invading virus and other beasts.
Pfizer did their best to bribe, I mean convince authorities to ban ivermectin. Then they worked on a protease inhibitor which was sold at a 1000 dollar per course.
It’s also a zinc ionophore, so zinc should betaken with IVM if you’re targeting a virus.
I bought mine online when it became clear that it would be banned in Australia. Never used it but sitting in a cupboard if i contract the disease some time in the future. Made in India a country that did not ban and its citizens benefitted.
I would suggest officialdom wants this tribunal a very tight hearing. It will try to confine argument to one of disobeying official sanctions with absolutely no leak across to matters of efficacy nor the chance of getting into incomplete disclosure before recommending those vaccines for COVID-19.
Any leakage will force open the legal can of worms on so many fronts including defending all actions taken when there was contrarian and early evidence of effectiveness of simple, cheap, and easily available medicines. That would be a minefield for the forced isolation of everyone by demand of government.
The medicolegal and insurance burden if that happened could be mind blowing and the careers of many people presenting as specialists would be over. Apart from having to defend their sources of information, the act of administration of medicines (vaccines) without due diligence and full disclosure could be very damning.
Not to mention that these guys already have a pretty full caseload:
Imagine the cases for the dangerous/ineffective vaccines that were donated worldwide….
The Covid virus was the best example of mind control I have witnessed . I still see people in cars alone wearing masks . Virtually all of the measures allowed were ineffective or made things worse and it was self enforcing – if you were not vaccinated , wearing a mask or social distancing there was a massive pile on . I wonder how many other drugs that are out of patent have multiple benefits/uses ? The upside for me is that I now take Vit D daily and enjoy its benefits…
You may think you can run away from Communism … but Communism will chase you wherever you go.
Previous to the WHO’s reaction to the Wuhan virus, the forced injection of chemicals in our body, there was the communist Rumanian president’s wife who was playing around with forced blood transfusions killing many children on her way to hell
They couldn’t even figure out the end of the byline on this story
The precautions highlight the lengths we went to in order to …
19 March 2020 – the UK Government announced that Covid-19 was no longer considered to a high consequence infection disease.
IVM – perhaps a “trojan horse”? – touted as a cheap, synthetic compound that was originally an anti-parasitic treatment and now a miracle cure for a range of ailments, including CV-19 (if there is such a thing). Discovered jointly by Satoshi Omura (Kitasato Uni) and William Campbell (MERCK – now there’s a red flag) in 1975 and for which they received the Nobel Prize in 2015 (another red flag) among other accreditations. A wonder drug – Really? For the benefit of humanity? – Hmmm? Tested and found to be effective for preventing/treating river blindness in Africa – Sssh! – Don’t mention the word, eugenics. And now as an effective treatment of CV-19. Have a listen to Dr Mike Yeadon’s view of this wonder drug in a James Delingpole podcast of August 2024 – listen from 1:06 to 1:20 for relevant part.
Keep an open mind, this may change your view about the virtue of IVM – as Yeadon says – Nothing on the world stage is accidental. Nothing.
Ivm is derived from a natural molecule — avermectin — made by soil bacteria. We should always be skeptical of medical claims, but the data is what it is. Obviously it is antiviral against some viruses. Obviously it is antiparasite. WE know the mechanisms and we have the observations. We are also gathering remarkable correlations against cancer. Perhaps it is that too.
It is indeed a wonder drug. Perhaps it doesn’t do everything people claim, but it already qualifies as a wonder drug. I’d like to see some explanation as to how it evolved to be so useful. I have yet to see anyone join those dots.
The thing is, anyone can find strange correlations and speculate on motives. It is an infinite game. I could equally suggest that Yeadon himself could be the trojan horse come to make people doubt ivermectin? He did used to work for Big Pharma. See how easy it is? He could be the “controlled opposition”. It’s possible, yes?
In the end, the data is the only thing that really matters. Does he have it?
I have not been impressed with his past reasoning.
I shall try to find the podcast and listen.
James Delingpole’s determination to go down the rabbit hole on any possible issue is undermining his previous credibility. He was on firm ground when he wrote ‘Watermelons’ but now I don’t know when he is being serious (if ever).
Ivermectin and the other “mectins in the same class are used so extensively in livestock, particularly sheep, that if there were ANY negative side effects on reproduction in most mammals we would really know all about it. I am a sheep farmer and I buy the stuff in 20 L drums and I have RSI from dispensing so much of it over 20 years. In major overdose in small weak sick animals I have not seen it cause harm. I doubt that humans are different enough from other mammals that our fertility would be affected, but not that of farm animals. Delingpole and Yeadon I listen to and are great, but the current situation does get people questioning everything.
Our Doctors were hung by their own petard and cuxed by an organisation, AMA, that was established to support them. Okay, so they found themselves between a rock and Government edict but if enough of them had had the gonads to reject that instead of their Hippocratic oath “to do no harm” things would have been quickly resolved in our favour
Is Ivermectin useful for cases of “ long Covid”?
How can anyone know? Its use is banned, and any doctor caught trying it would face at least the same fate as Dr My Le Trinh, at least in this enlightened democracy.
And we rely on that fount of advanced medicine, the WHO.
What chance have we?
It’s easy to be wise after the event but at the time there were no credible studies that showed the efficacy of ivermectin against covid. It was therefore not a treatment approved by the TGA. Doctors can only prescribe approved drugs, so she was breaking medical regulations..
And those ‘vaccines’?
I suggest to you there was a lot of anecdotal stuff circulating around about the benefits of ivermectin but there was a block in our scientific community that seemed unusually disinterested in trying to prove it up or dismiss it. That was at a time before the ‘vaccines’ made their appearance. Instead the drug was ridiculed publicly as being ‘horse serum’ or some such despite its use in human parasitology from 1987. That’s well before COVID-19 struck so there must have been a certain amount of research into its use in humans well before COVID-19 became a problem. You need to explain why this cheap drug already in use in humans was not even officially tested against COVID-19 despite favourable messaging from places unable to afford anything else. The Morrison government simply banned its use and if I recall correctly the then Minister for Health was very vocal against it.It was treated like a poison and excluded from use with no evidence behind that move.
In early 2021, Health Minister Greg Hunt stated ivermectin could be prescribed by doctors off label.
Fast forward to September 2021, the TGA bans doctors from prescribing IVM off label.
A drug doesn’t change its molecular structure in 6 months but the perception of it can.
The fact that the drug has such a high safety profile meant that doctors could have confidently used it to treat patients for covid without fear of negative side effects. If the majority of treatments resulted in successful outcomes- that would be a truly credible study. But the TGA prevented such a scenario. They intervened in the doctor/patient relationship.
So you can criticise Dr Trinh for breaking medical regulations, just be aware that goal posts were moved in 2021.
Doctor Mike Yeadon did a podcast with James Delingpole (see it on Rumble) where he talks about the toxicity of ivermectin.
It’s kind of frustrating when people post comments and don’t supply links. I managed to track it down. Go to the 38 minute mark in this video.
Some of Yeadon’s points at the start of the video make sense re: mRNA vaccines (I didn’t watch all of it). After that there’s just a lot of banter and opinions, no references.
I get the impression Yeadon doesn’t think any vaccine or drug works, but like l said, I didn’t watch the whole video.
The real world statistics don’t support Yeadon’s claims of IVM causing infertility. Africa has had one of the highest fertility rates worldwide despite decades of using IVM to treat River Blindness.
[…] why do we continue to persecute anyone who would not comply with our now admitted mistakes? Both Australia and Canada continue to harass doctors who tried damage the narrative by preventing their patients […]