By Jo Nova
Earth faces a mass extinction, 99.9% of ScientistsTM agree, yet 90% of all nations plumb forgot to update their targets. (90%!)
According to the UN, these “are the most important policy documents of this century”.
Almost all nations miss UN deadline for new climate targets
Only one country on Earth has a reasonable target to keep planetary temperatures to 1.5C
Nearly all nations missed a UN deadline Monday to submit new targets for slashing carbon emissions, including major economies under pressure to show leadership following the US retreat on climate change.
Just 10 of nearly 200 countries required under the Paris Agreement to deliver fresh climate plans by February 10 did so on time, according to a UN database tracking the submissions.
Only one nation has a plan to keep temperatures to 1.5 degrees above whatever they were 150 years ago, when the weather was supposedly perfect. (That’s the UK — commiserations to the Brits).
Almost all the biggies missed — China, India and even the EU missed the deadline. The US was one of the only big nations that got in early, ….but then Trump axed the Paris deal.
Australia didn’t update its target because an election is coming, obviously, and they don’t want to scare the voters. The same is true for the EU, and they even admitted as much. Elections are such a nuisance:
The EU, historically a leader on climate policy, has been delayed by elections and internal processes and is bracing for fresh polls in Germany and Poland.
Remember, voters want climate action all over the world — they just don’t want to be told about it before they vote.
I’m surprised that the fanatically woke, anthropogenic global warming true-believing country Australia missed its deadline.
It must be because of the imminent election, as you say, Jo.
I can only imagine that whichever faction of the Uniparty win, they have something very sad and bad in mind for us.
All Uniparty factions, Lib/Lab/Green/Teal, are prepared to destroy the economy and country in pursuit of “Net Zero” madness, even though, as some have pointed our, we are already there. (See link below.)
And for those that say Dutton has other plans, unless he is prepared to be a leader and have the moral clarity to state them and believe in something, then they don’t exist as far as I’m concerned. It will be just more of the same of the fake conservative Liberal Party believing in nothing worthwhile. Admittedly the country will be destroyed slightly slower under the Libs than under Green Labor. But it will still be destroyed.
100%. I’ve usually had an LNP sign outside my house for the local Rep. This year I said “If the LNP wants Nett Zero, that’s how many signs Henry Pike will get.”
They rang me 3 times, and I told them 3 times. Each time they asked if I had seen the Nuke policy, and I asked them why they would bother with Nukes when we have perfectly good, reliable and cheap coal? Each of them quite freely admitted that many in the LNP agree with me, but it’s those pesky Moderates (I called them leftist plants) may they burn in hell.
Bring back the Country Party. Different times eh.
It’s a giant step backwards losing Keith Pitt.
The LNP should get Matt Canavan into the House of Reps.
That would keep the Liberals honest.
Yes Tim, the conservatives havn’t got the guts to face up to the Moderates-wets over climate change and energy policy. Until they do, we won’t change away from Net Zero madness. I have asked my local poly Andrew Wallace to consider the facts on climate science- which clearly don’t support any climate emergency. Therefore, we don’t need or want an energy transition to costly, unreliable and inefficient energy as proposed by lunatic Bowen and Labor and the crazy Greens/deluded Teals.
The answer is simply get back to coal and gas with new highly efficient HELE plants and properly funded maintenance- unlike the previous Qld governments and we can have all the energy we need. End of problem. The UN dodgy institutions can all go to hell as far as the democratic world is concerned.
Spot on Jo and don’t forget that the NON OECD countries couldn’t care less about the delusional CC nonsense.
In fact they are going to build many more hundreds of coal and gas plants ASAP and laugh at our expense as they further build up their military strength.
What a pity we’ve chosen this period pf our history to ignore very simple logic and reason. Just unbelievable but true.
The world is warming according to the temperatures but investigations show that it might not be that bad. 103 stations in the UK – nearly a third of the total – no longer exist.
The Scole weather station was originally installed in 1971 It had a short and uneventful life of just over nine and a half years before passing away in the summer of 1980 but it is still reporting 30 year temperatures trends starting in 1960 and still continuing.. The figures from it are apparently from ‘homogenising” data from near by sites, unfortunately they are also no longer in existence.
Heads up for Ray Sanders (on Tallbloke) who has tackled the MET Office.
So the figures for the first 11 years were ‘faked’ as well as those in the last 40 odd years, but we are expected to believe and be afraid, very afraid. I wonder if our Australian BOM does something similar? .
The world has warned multiple times in historical periods and when it has, Civilisation has thrived.
E g.:
Egyptian Warm Periods.
Second Intermediate Period: A warm period around 1800 BCE
New Kingdom: A warm period around 1600 BCE
Third Intermediate Period: A warm period around 1000 BCE
Minoan Warm Period.
Around 1275BCE
Roman Warm Period
Arguably Rome reached peak Civilisation, at least peak expansion, under Trajan (98 to 117CE), around 117CE.
Medieval Warm Period.
G3, years ago the BoM were certainly providing homogeneous temps from a weather station at Sale in Victoria with another station at Rutherglen in Victoria. No big deal, except, Sale is very near the coast on the southern side, Rutherglen just happens to be over a mountain range and on the northern side. Any look at the evening weather will reveal that these weather stations are generally controlled by very different controlling patterns. Rutherglen getting most weather from those westerly systems that also bring heat down from the inland while Sale gets southeasterly controlled weather. Bit like comparing left and right or north and south, but hey, somehow it managed to raise the temperatures in Sale and thereby “prove” global warming was real.
It would be so much better, and far more accurate, to just report the data as they find it. Those closed stations would have no data to report obviously so that would save the many hours currently spent making up data which is, even more obviously, fraudulent. Oh for some truth from government agencies. Better to shut them down if what they are reporting is bogus.
We have already tried that process, but Turnbull saved the BoM from this embarrassment, and they remain unrepentant about their dodgy homogenization system, fake temperature adjustments and useless climate predictions based on AGW parameters. Oh! for a Trumpian move on these corrupt ideological climate alarmists who are helping wreck our economy for no benefit to anyone but the renewable freeloaders, Turnbull, the Teals and Green toads.
Graaeme @#2.1
Indeed they do. And they give it a quaint acronym….ACORN-SAT. Which subjectively exaggerates the “warming”.
No target has been missed.
We were the targets.
Time machine theft.
Our future productivity in the form of debt has been stolen from us and given to the elites in the present.
At least in Feudal times they just came and took your craft and farm produce.
Our children and grandchildren will see snow.
Just not the pay off on the loan.
And that’s exactly where the Left/Elites are trying to return us.
They fundamentally oppose The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. All those movements that resulted in freedom of thought and action, science and reason, education for all and a decent standard of living for all people, especially the “working classes”, then known as the serfs.
Serfs were then in permanent debt bondage and indentured servitude, not unlike many working and middle class people are now due to high interest rates and real estate and rent prices brought about by Leftist policies.
And the correlation to the fall of the Soviet Union and communist Europe and the sudden crisis and need to redistribute wealth via climate action has always been a burr under my saddle.
Can someone remind how Australia is going to “save the planet” by destroying the economy and itself and shutting down 0.1% of the world’s coal power stations?
Meanwhile China is building two coal power stations per week, with no end in sight, each one with an absolute minimum lifespan of 50 to 60 years and China already producing more than twice as much as the next biggest CO2 producer, the United States, not that there’s anything wrong with CO2 (what the Left call “carbon” (sic)).
It’s clearly not about CO2 or the environment. The useless/useful idiots of the Left are trying to destroy Western Civilisation. At least TRUMP will stop these human-haters destroying the US.
The earth is roughly 4,500 million years old and still keeps going despite the recent avalanche of doom predictions about the climate. Since the earth has endured ice ages and much warmer times than at present you have to wonder about the sanity of those making predictions of coming doom.
WE are, it is true, in a slightly warmer time than, say, 350 years ago but past civilisations prospered when the world was warmer, anything up to 2℃, but there are some dismayed by an increase of 0.05℃ claimed recently. Supposedly the ice will melt and cause all sorts of catastrophes, despite their predictions never happening (despite frequent repeats). Melting in Glacier Bay in SW Alaska has been surveyed since 1794.
These hysterics blame the slight warming trend of the last 250 years on a rise in CO2 despite no proof of that among the majority of scientists. That includes all those scientists among the countries emitting the 70% of human CO2 emissions. That might be China which is planning to open 1171 new coal plants shortly, or India with 446 new one planned. Or possibly Japan (45), Sth.Korea (26) or The Philippines (60) or Turkey (93) but surely not The EU (who have been suffering by the failure of wind for months) with another 27 joining the already 468.
In Australia we don’t want coal nor nuclear but want blackouts?
This needs to be rammed into the publics conscience repeatedly NOW, before the election date is released.
But Dutton and the Libs are clueless and asleep at the wheel.
I have a nasty suspicion that when the Coalition are in office all public talk of nuclear will mysteriously dwindle & die. In fact most CC talk will almost completely disappear.
BUT, the coalition will continue to plod on with Blackout Bowen’s wet & green dreams.
They’re hoping that silence on the subject will silence the opposition to renewables!!
Just keep the peasants in the dark!
Nuclear will be forgotten by 2030.
So vote accordingly. One Nation, Australia First, Lib Dems etc and put Liberal at the end. As long as Labour/greens/teals are not listed they cannot get preferences and if the smaller parties do not win then Liberal Coalition will.
Not too sure about that. Australia still needs a reliable Base Load Electricity Energy System/Grid whether that be with Gas, Coal or Nuclear.
“I have a nasty suspicion that when the Coalition are in office all public talk of nuclear will mysteriously dwindle & die.”
I’m in agreement with you there.
Dutton is asleep at the wheel. The Hamster wheel. Even when running, it’s round and round we go.
Gee Jo, you are starting to sound cynical about this climate disaster. The wheels are falling off and the big talkers are realising their followers aren’t following any more. They might even be awakening to the fact that the chattering classes are not the majority, just the noisiest. I’ll be doing my bit for the climate today by going paddling with some mates (average age 80).
followers aren’t following
Sales of Electric vehicles is a good example:,appetite%20%E2%80%93%20despite%20recent%20price%20cuts.
On Their ABC Radio National, 621kHz in Melbournistan (Australian taxpayer funded extreme Left radio and multimedia organisation) yesterday someone was talking about how we have to learn to consume less and lower our standard of living as the standard of living over the last 70 or so years was “unsustainable” (a typical non-sensical Leftist term in relation to our standard of living).
Typical Leftist nonsense. Of course, they are only referring to non-Elites who should lower their standard of living. The Elites will continue to fly on their private jets into the billionaires’ ski club at Davos every year to decide how they’re going to further lower our standard of living.
Already Australia’s standard of living is dropping substantially, mostly due to high “green” energy prices. The Left have achieved their objective, however as they continue to destroy the energy supply, our standard of living will continue to fall to second world and even third world status. Look to Venezuela or pre-Milei Argentina for examples.
It would have been a great time to call in and ask if this reduction of living standards should equate to a reduction in ABC funding and salaries each year. After all, they should lead by example.
I see the Donald has scored a win for common sense and poked green extremism in the eye by bringing back the plastic straw.
A small step but significant.
One of the strategies of the Left is too remove convenience products like straws and plastic bags, even though plastic pollution in oceans comes from Third World countries, not Western countries.
Yes. It’s been quite obvious for some years now that the leftie foot soldiers are constantly scouring our normal living routines to pinpoint attacks on all those normal things we do. Their special emphasis is in deliberately getting right into our faces.
Deliberately malicious and spiteful.
And this is where TRUMP and his team are so wonderful. It’s not only the big stuff they go after, it’s the “small” but annoying things like the drinking straw ban.
And paper “straws” are straws just like “renewables” are cheap and reliable electricity.
Paper straws have also been found to contain “forever chemicals” and so are probably worse for the environment than plastic. Typical green solution making everything worse.
We had paper straws way back with our government milk issue. What is old is new etc.
I’m just waiting to see where the microplastics thing leads.
Since the Kyoto targets were enforced back in 1997, China and the developing world have more than achieved their own targets by more than doubling their emissions. In fact their rate of emissions growth has caused global emissions to double since 1980, whilst emissions of the OECD countries are now the same as 1980. As a result, the non-OECD countries now make up 70% of global emissions and this is rising every year.
Perhaps the most amazing part about this massive emissions increase are the sounds of crickets from the UN, the MSM and the political left. It’s as if this isn’t happening. There no protesters outside any Chinese embassies and there is almost zero political pressure for these countries to do anything other than emit more CO2. And, there are no plans to change the rules set out way back in the 1992 UNFCCC agreement, that allows developing countries to emit as much CO2 as they want without any penalties. Meanwhile, as global CO2 levels keep rapidly rising, pushed up by the developing nations, the hysteria from the climate zealots is rapidly rising, but is directed at western countries like the UK and Australia that have absolutely nothing to do with this massive CO2 increase and whose emissions are so small they are akin to a flea on an elephants back. If you kill the flea, the elephant’s weight will remain the same and it will actually weigh more next year after dining out on green pastures. Despite this obvious reality, the message we’re being fed is to focus on removing our 1% as this apparently is the evil CO2 that causes floods, fires, cyclones, droughts, reef bleaching and any other extreme weather event or negative environmental impact. Any mention of China is seen as an act of heresy to the cause and is met with strong resistance and you’ll be reminded that China has more RE installed capacity than anyone else and makes all of the solar panels that will save the world.
Of course something has to give because not everyone is a lobotomised leftie that watches the ABC news each night and obeys the instructions from the socialist elite masters. And of course, enter Trump, the seemingly sole saviour of the western world who dodges bullets, brushes off endless legal attacks and bats the MSM away like a pro baseball player hitting a home run. There is no doubt that the largest battle in the climate war has just begun and the next four years will possibly determine our future fate as either a free and independent nation or as a captured southern state of China.
I can’t quite understand why Australians would allow themselves to be dominated by anything except Australia.
You have your own continent.
Let them come for you across the big water.
They will be bitten, stung or baked.
80% of the top worlders don’t even know that their winter is your summer.
China only dominates when they are allowed to dominate.
Plus, they appear to be preoccupied with dominating their own.
The UN/EU types are busy ruining themselves and are very nearly finished.
Trump will give you a MAGA hat and a mutually beneficial deal, you can also get a free bobble head Trump doll in a Mad Max outfit.
I think I’m beginning to understand the prisoner/jailer psychology.
Dan Andrews definitely gave off a strong warden vibe.
Someone needs to market a green and gold MAGA hat.
Make Australia Great Again….
Or is that “again” pushing things a bit
Elections have always been a pest for the left.
That is why they put the global warming fraud in place.
We must suspend democracy ” just for a while” so we can save the planet.
If we can get Israel ethnically destroyed it will be a good start being the only Democracy in the Middle East.
If they succeed you will never hear the term “climate change” again.
The United Nations: An UN-United mess failing to control climate. The UN is not worth employing. Give them the sack.
More like the Dis-United Nations.
Someone has to call b……t on this whole CO2 emissions charade. I suppose the present US administration is now doing that, thank goodness. What’s the statistic? I think more CO2 emissions have occurred in the last 30 years which sort of approximates to the Kyoto protocol, than in the previous 100 years before 1997. Which shows how utterly useless they have been. But then again, it fits with the whole United Nations vibe. Put in place to stop wars post WW2 and it’s been totally ineffective. Couldn’t even prevent the Ukraine conflict in Europe.
Asked DeepSeek to supply actual operating 1GWh batteries anywhere on the globe that have been used to power towns during a grid failure.
It came up with 3 => 1GWh installations in California, all of which have become “operational” just in 2025, but on the issue of any actual real world use, it said:
“Grid Stability vs. Outage Response:
These systems are primarily designed for grid stability, peak shaving, and renewable energy integration, not necessarily as emergency backup during grid failures. Their role is to smooth out supply-demand imbalances and store excess renewable energy.”.
Well, well … such a surprise.
Yeah! Right! Of course they are!
The role of batteries connected to the grid is to make money ….. their ONLY purpose
They charge them up during the hours just after midnight and before dawn when electricity costs almost nothing.
Then they sell that power at the (EVERY SINGLE DAY) evening peak when power costs are at their absolute maximum.
It doesn’t matter how long they supply power for, as it makes them a humungous amount of money.
The same applies with EVERY single battery connected to the grid.
A dead set solid gold money manufacturing machine ….. ONLY.
So rather than an engine under the bonnet, we have a bunch of shock absorbers.
And today : “Macquarie becomes first Australian bank to exit Net Zero Banking Alliance”. =8-)
I thought Macquarie was fully woke.
Ha! Politicians in charge of the weather, country by country. Ridiculous.
And who is in charge of the 72% which is open ocean with 98% of all the CO2? Who is in charge of El Nino? Who controls the great currents of the world which actually control all the weather?
It’s so ridiculous. And they call it Climate Science. More like Climate Scientology. And run with CO2 meters.
Like all religions, the great requirement is to obey and pay, pay, pay. Who gets the money? Politicians and their best friends.
Can they fix the problem with enough money?
What a silly question! There is no proven problem. Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble.
In an increasingly atheistic world, people need to believe in something. So the religion of Climate Change appeared. Taught in every school in the West and only the West. And until this week,funded by USAID. Along with DEI, ESG, BLM, LGTBIQAA+.
CO2 is Plant Food. And it makes the bubbles in a glass of Champagne as a bonus.
And beer and soda and cheese and bread. Creatures made from CO2, we love our hydrated CO2. Carbohydrates. It’s our food too.
If it is truly world ending pollution, then we are all pollution and breathing is evil. All life on earth generates CO2 and burns carbohydrates. So we are all pollution. Fungi, bacteria, yeast cells in beer, blue whales, birds, ants.
But I have never seen any connection between our CO2 and the amount in the air, even if there are now 8 billion people on the planet? I mean even with all our cars and trucks and ships and fires CO2 has only gone up 40% in a century. Emissions have gone up 3500% and people 800%. So it’s a bit puzzling that CO2 is a dangerous pollutant.
In fact NASA proved that more CO2 means more trees, destroying the entire basis of nett zero and carbon credits. I find the very idea that tiny humans with their tiny cars control CO2 is so fantastic as to be ridiculous. People have no idea how small and utterly insignificant they are. Except to each other. Maybe it’s about the money?
“Maybe it’s about the money?”
Surely not!
Would our pollies be interested in a grubby thing like money, rather than the general good of their nation?
Even to ask the question gives the answer.
And the idea of pollies being audited when starting, and then, perhaps, every ten years, seems sound, if eminently corruptible!
PS I note that Trump and DOGE/Musk seem to have made a solid start … long way to go, though. Fingers crossed.
Are we doomed again?
In every fantasy movie, some all powerful alien force is coming to destroy the Earth. Why escapes me. But it seems we are doing the job already by driving to work and flying on holidays. Couldn’t they just wait?
I think that the Aliens have already had a good look and decided that they will give us a wide berth. They have moved on to look for other Intelligent Life in the Universe.
‘Other’? We are crucifying ourselves for something which is not true. ‘Intelligent?’ And hate ourselves for being made of carbon dioxide and water. Gullible is the right word. Smart enough to be a danger to ourselves.
And why do all super bad guys have faces like ours and just bigger the badder they are? Except for the reptilian ones. I hate to be specist, but is there an international standard?
Of all the silly Japanese monsters including Godzilla, my favorite was Mothra. A big moth. No pullover would be safe. I suppose in Japan a moth could eat your walls which offer no protection.
And we humans have conjured up the most terrible and terribly slow fate for ourselves. A very slight increase in temperature to which we cannot possible adapt, a global catastrophe. +2C will be the end of our world. Even if it’s not as hot as in Roman times.
This must be the worst story every told. Hardly riveting and scary.
After 37 years, we may have to redefine the word rapid. Two generations of school children and adults have been told the world is ending in just a few years. Prince Charles was just 40 when he learned of the imminent fiery end of the world. Princess Diana was just 27. Oh, the memories.
Are we there yet?
Other than themselves.
I predict that within ten years, most countries will be run by parties that don’t think climate is an important issue.
That might depend on whether or not government censorship efforts – sorry I ment methods to combat misinformation and disinformation, are successful.
I wonder if man made Climate Change has become so much part of the Leftist platform of oppression that it will live forever? Regardless of temperature or even Climate Change.
Never has so much money been extracted for something so patently in error. Invented in 1988 by an American Presidential Candidate as a manufactured scare which might get him elected. And not a shred of it has ever been proven true.
And promoters who call themselves Climate Scientists have quietly dropped the requirement for actual Global warming. But it remains a bigger threat to humanity than nuclear war according even to military leaders. Although it is being overtaken by AI, which at least is a real thing.
There is a connection!
When madman Bidem was in office I felt it prudent to research how to survive nuclear war. The result: it is relatively easy to survive a nuclear war, but that is not what you would believe if you read most of the “information” on the web. To put it simply, the threat of nuclear war was massively played up, as was the threat of a nuclear winter … in order to scare the public etc. and to achieve a political objective of the left (sound familiar).
Misinformation is a great way for government to misinform the public, if all they are combating is information. But the problem with Nut Zero, is that they are combating reality, and that reality hurts.
Not one voter need understand the connection between rising prices and Nut Zero … but they will see the rising prices, and they will blame the government in power for the way their life is getting worse, even if they don’t actually understand how the Nut Zero parties are making their lives worse.
And government can deluge the internet with misinformation, censor all social media so that no one ever hears anything bad about Nut Zero, but they cannot manufacture prosperity out of the Nut Zero chaos, and so, no matter how much lies and propaganda they use, they cannot manufacture votes for parties causing that Nut Zero Chaos.
Climate change isn’t your grandad’s mass delusion. If it were, it would have petered out years ago after one too many predictions of doom failed to materialize. But it crossed some kind of threshold and took on a life of its own. Now it’s basically a religion that’s also a racket. Careers and reputations by the millions and boatloads of money are at stake. And of course power. It feeds on attention, so if you try to kill it, that just makes it stronger. You have to let it starve.
Trump broke the spell, though. It’s no longer a crime, punishable by banishment, to publicly doubt climate doom. This has been noticed.
Not the end of climate panic. Not even the beginning of the end. But certainly the end of the beginning.
Jo, emission targets are much like politicians’ promises during election campaigns: everybody knows they are lies, but people still think that they matter.
What is far more important is achievement. Unfortunately, when it comes to reporting the results of emission reductions actually achieved, the UN is much more reticent.
Look at the track record. 198 countries signed the Kyoto Protocol in 2008, but only 38 had agreed to Stage 1 targets (by 2012). Few achieved them:
At the Doha CoP in 2012, less than 10 countries set Kyoto Stage 2 targets (by 2020):
By 2020, only a handful of countries declared that they had achieved their Kyoto Stage 2 emission reduction targets: Australia, USA, Japan and several countries in the EU. However, I have seen no UN reporting of global achievement of aggregated CO2 emission reductions under Kyoto Stage 2 targets for 2020.
What most countries learnt over the last 16 years was that reducing CO2 emissions was hard work, very expensive, and damaging to their economies. To make matters worse, after 16 years of effort, there is absolutely nothing to show for all this pain and effort. Atmospheric CO2 levels continued to increase annually.
So what is the current state of achievement for Australian emission reductions? Despite the election promise of 43% CO2 emission reduction targets by 2030, Australia’s emission reductions have totally flatlined since June 2022 as Figure P1 on page 4 shows:
No wonder the current Labor government is reticent to release its 2035 targets. If it did, it would have to first explain why all of its schemes have resulted in absolutely no movement in CO2 emission reductions since they were elected!