It’s a global catastrophe but nearly every nation in Earth missed the UN deadline for new climate targets

By Jo Nova

Earth faces a mass extinction, 99.9% of ScientistsTM agree, yet 90% of all nations plumb forgot to update their targets. (90%!)

According to the UN, these “are the most important policy documents of this century”.

Almost all nations miss UN deadline for new climate targets


Only one country on Earth has a reasonable target to keep  planetary temperatures to 1.5C

Nearly all nations missed a UN deadline Monday to submit new targets for slashing carbon emissions, including major economies under pressure to show leadership following the US retreat on climate change.

Just 10 of nearly 200 countries required under the Paris Agreement to deliver fresh climate plans by February 10 did so on time, according to a UN database tracking the submissions.

Only one nation has a plan to keep temperatures to 1.5 degrees above whatever they were 150 years ago, when the weather was supposedly perfect. (That’s the UK — commiserations to the Brits).

Almost all the biggies missed — China, India and even the EU missed the deadline. The US was one of the only big nations that got in early, ….but then Trump axed the Paris deal.

Australia didn’t update its target because an election is coming, obviously, and they don’t want to scare the voters. The same is true for the EU, and they even admitted as much. Elections are such a nuisance:

The EU, historically a leader on climate policy, has been delayed by elections and internal processes and is bracing for fresh polls in Germany and Poland.

Remember, voters want climate action all over the world — they just don’t want to be told about it before they vote.

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12 comments to It’s a global catastrophe but nearly every nation in Earth missed the UN deadline for new climate targets

  • #
    David Maddison

    I’m surprised that the fanatically woke, anthropogenic global warming true-believing country Australia missed its deadline.

    It must be because of the imminent election, as you say, Jo.

    I can only imagine that whichever faction of the Uniparty win, they have something very sad and bad in mind for us.

    All Uniparty factions, Lib/Lab/Green/Teal, are prepared to destroy the economy and country in pursuit of “Net Zero” madness, even though, as some have pointed our, we are already there. (See link below.)

    And for those that say Dutton has other plans, unless he is prepared to be a leader and have the moral clarity to state them and believe in something, then they don’t exist as far as I’m concerned. It will be just more of the same of the fake conservative Liberal Party believing in nothing worthwhile. Admittedly the country will be destroyed slightly slower under the Libs than under Green Labor. But it will still be destroyed.


  • #

    Spot on Jo and don’t forget that the NON OECD countries couldn’t care less about the delusional CC nonsense.
    In fact they are going to build many more hundreds of coal and gas plants ASAP and laugh at our expense as they further build up their military strength.
    What a pity we’ve chosen this period pf our history to ignore very simple logic and reason. Just unbelievable but true.


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      Graeme No.3

      The world is warming according to the temperatures but investigations show that it might not be that bad. 103 stations in the UK – nearly a third of the total – no longer exist.
      The Scole weather station was originally installed in 1971 It had a short and uneventful life of just over nine and a half years before passing away in the summer of 1980 but it is still reporting 30 year temperatures trends starting in 1960 and still continuing.. The figures from it are apparently from ‘homogenising” data from near by sites, unfortunately they are also no longer in existence.
      Heads up for Ray Sanders (on Tallbloke) who has tackled the MET Office.

      So the figures for the first 11 years were ‘faked’ as well as those in the last 40 odd years, but we are expected to believe and be afraid, very afraid. I wonder if our Australian BOM does something similar? .


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    No target has been missed.
    We were the targets.
    Time machine theft.
    Our future productivity in the form of debt has been stolen from us and given to the elites in the present.
    At least in Feudal times they just came and took your craft and farm produce.
    Our children and grandchildren will see snow.
    Just not the pay off on the loan.


    • #
      David Maddison

      At least in Feudal times they just came

      And that’s exactly where the Left/Elites are trying to return us.

      They fundamentally oppose The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. All those movements that resulted in freedom of thought and action, science and reason, education for all and a decent standard of living for all people, especially the “working classes”, then known as the serfs.

      Serfs were then in permanent debt bondage and indentured servitude, not unlike many working and middle class people are now due to high interest rates and real estate and rent prices brought about by Leftist policies.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Can someone remind how Australia is going to “save the planet” by destroying the economy and itself and shutting down 0.1% of the world’s coal power stations?

    Meanwhile China is building two coal power stations per week, with no end in sight, each one with an absolute minimum lifespan of 50 to 60 years and China already producing more than twice as much as the next biggest CO2 producer, the United States, not that there’s anything wrong with CO2 (what the Left call “carbon” (sic)).

    It’s clearly not about CO2 or the environment. The useless/useful idiots of the Left are trying to destroy Western Civilisation. At least TRUMP will stop these human-haters destroying the US.


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      The earth is roughly 4,500 million years old and still keeps going despite the recent avalanche of doom predictions about the climate. Since the earth has endured ice ages and much warmer times than at present you have to wonder about the sanity of those making predictions of coming doom.
      WE are, it is true, in a slightly warmer time than, say, 350 years ago but past civilisations prospered when the world was warmer, anything up to 2℃, but there are some dismayed by an increase of 0.05℃ claimed recently. Supposedly the ice will melt and cause all sorts of catastrophes, despite their predictions never happening (despite frequent repeats). Melting in Glacier Bay in SW Alaska has been surveyed since 1794.

      These hysterics blame the slight warming trend of the last 250 years on a rise in CO2 despite no proof of that among the majority of scientists. That includes all those scientists among the countries emitting the 70% of human CO2 emissions. That might be China which is planning to open 1171 new coal plants shortly, or India with 446 new one planned. Or possibly Japan (45), Sth.Korea (26) or The Philippines (60) or Turkey (93) but surely not The EU (who have been suffering by the failure of wind for months) with another 27 joining the already 468.
      In Australia we don’t want coal nor nuclear but want blackouts?


    • #

      This needs to be rammed into the publics conscience repeatedly NOW, before the election date is released.


  • #

    Gee Jo, you are starting to sound cynical about this climate disaster. The wheels are falling off and the big talkers are realising their followers aren’t following any more. They might even be awakening to the fact that the chattering classes are not the majority, just the noisiest. I’ll be doing my bit for the climate today by going paddling with some mates (average age 80).


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    David Maddison

    On Their ABC Radio National, 621kHz in Melbournistan (Australian taxpayer funded extreme Left radio and multimedia organisation) yesterday someone was talking about how we have to learn to consume less and lower our standard of living as the standard of living over the last 70 or so years was “unsustainable” (a typical non-sensical Leftist term in relation to our standard of living).

    Typical Leftist nonsense. Of course, they are only referring to non-Elites who should lower their standard of living. The Elites will continue to fly on their private jets into the billionaires’ ski club at Davos every year to decide how they’re going to further lower our standard of living.

    Already Australia’s standard of living is dropping substantially, mostly due to high “green” energy prices. The Left have achieved their objective, however as they continue to destroy the energy supply, our standard of living will continue to fall to second world and even third world status. Look to Venezuela or pre-Milei Argentina for examples.

    Real growth of gross domestic product per capita has been below trend (measured from 1990-2023) for the last eight consecutive years. This means per capita GDP was $14,700 lower than it would have been had per capita GDP growth rates remained on the long-term trend over the period.



  • #

    I see the Donald has scored a win for common sense and poked green extremism in the eye by bringing back the plastic straw.


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