Not only is the new RSV vaccine not safe and effective, early results suggest it makes the disease worse
Bear in mind, they are experimenting on the youngest of the young: babies from 5 months to 2 years of age, and we are dealing with a disease that 90% of babies will catch in their first two years. Some of these babies will get a severe life threatening disease, but as I reported last month, the ones who are deficient in vitamin D are 5 to 10 times more likely to end up in intensive care. We can already do a lot to protect these babies, more cheaply and with far less risk than testing immature and complex therapies.
Maryanne Demasi reports that things are looking bad for the new RSV vaccine:
Moderna’s mRNA vaccine against RSV takes a tumble
The latest trial data demonstrates the dangerous speed of innovation.
This week, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) disclosed that vaccinated children in the trial experienced higher rates of severe RSV compared to those in the placebo group.
The data was striking: 12.5% of vaccinated children developed severe or very severe RSV disease, compared to just 5% in the placebo group.
Moreover, among those who developed symptomatic RSV, 26.3% of vaccinated participants progressed to severe illness, sharply contrasting with the 8.3% in the placebo group.
The trials were stopped in July after five babies aged 5 to 8 months developed severe cases of RSV. The FDA has since put the experiment on hold.
With uncanny timing, Moderna’s massive new vaccine factory opened in Victoria two weeks ago. It will “have the capacity to produce up to 100 million vaccine doses each year for respiratory diseases including influenza, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and COVID-19.” As Demasi points out the Australian Federal government signed a $2 billion agreement, committing to the purchase of Moderna’s locally produced vaccines for at least a decade. (Damn.)
History rhymes — in the long, unfortunate quest for vaccine development for RSV
Back in 1966, researchers tried killing the virus and then injecting it into twenty-five children. The results were disastrous — about 80% of the children caught RSV regardless of the vaccination, and worse, 80% who caught the illness went on to have a severe form of the disease. Sadly, two children died. People were still publishing papers on why that happened forty years later.
Years later researchers figured out that the formalin used to kill the virus chemically changed the shape of the key markers, meaning that the children developed immunity to the dead form of the virus which was different from the live form. We trained their bodies to make antibodies that were not at all effective. This was not just a major drain on resources (all those expensive proteins get used to make the wrong weapons), but worse, these antibodies helped the virus gain entry to cells. It was the first instance of vaccine induced antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).
The message here is that there are far better cheaper ways of dealing with infections than with rapid vaccine development. Vaccines can be very useful, but their are a hundred ways they can go wrong, and changes to our immune system are potentially permanent or at least long term. If we weren’t embedded in a deep dark cav, dripping with patent and profit incentives we would spend a few dollars fixing natural deficiencies, get a little bit of sunlight, and then seek antivirals that we’ve safety tested on millions of people for thirty years.
The FDA will meet urgently to discuss the situation.
PS: In great news today Dr William Bay won his case today in the Supreme Court against the Australian medical police who suspended him two years ago for speaking out against vaccination — at one point he yelled at a conference “”stop forcing these vaccines on the people of Australia who are getting killed by them”.”
The regulators argued they had to stop him damaging confidence in vaccines etc, but Justice Bradley said “None of these measures extended the board’s regulatory role to include protection of government and regulatory agencies from political criticism.”
We hope this is truly a free speech win, rather than a technical victory over some fine print. Doctor Mark Hobart (who has also been suspended) seems to think it is — “The house of cards is now falling down. Doctors can now tell the truth. This will be unstoppable. This will spread throughout the world and create a revolution. A revolution of truth.”
Me, I want a free market. I want to be able to visit any doctor I want. I want their honest opinion, not their “permitted one”.
h/t Broadie, Another Ian, Peter C, Ross.
Antibody image: Mjeltsch
“Safe and Effective”. NOT.
And to cap this off nicely – Moderna’s mRNA “vaccines” may be exempt from advisory committee scrutiny under Morrison’s $2bn deal with Moderna to manufacture in Australia.
My local member was never asked, apparently the Senate can stop it. Please all follow up by contacting your senators here in Australia.
Did the Babies and Children sign a Consent Form? Were the Parents paid money?
Somewhere in Florey’s biography was the comment ” if one patient in the trials had an adverse reaction to penicillin the development of antibiotics would have been delayed for decades”
Different times and approach, one being for the good of mankind, the other appears to be for the good of the bottom line on the balance sheet.
I think that “trail” is quite appropriate here, even if it’s not what Jo meant.
We still get asked if we are allergic to penicillin, which has been truly a wonder drug.
But as far as resistance to untruths is concerned, we won’t have it unless the media decides en masse to be truth tellers and not political players.
Jo, it’s a trial , not a “ trail”.
[Fixed. Thanks. – Jo]
But follow the money trail.
Also their/there and cav/cave –
Pedantic Proofreaders’ Lives Matter too!
I see the graphic designers have been ‘working hard’ producing ever-new psychedelic scary looking voyeureses to scare Pete & Penni Population.
Mode RNA – like the rest, avoid at all costs, even if you’re paying $$$ billions for it (ouch!).
It is a 5 minute drive from my workplace to the recently opened Moderna plant. I drove past it last week, it seemingly sprung up in no time. Ironically, given the many post-jab reports of pericarditis and myocarditis, the plant is positioned across the road from the Victorian Heart Hospital
“The plant is positioned across the road from the Victorian Heart Hospital.”
Handy placement, they’ll likely need it.
A bit like the time at work when I made the suggestion they could move the sick bay closer to the canteen in the interests of efficiency.
Irony or synergy?
Perfectly located to find willing guinea pigs. Test Dummies for clinical trials
Bad luck that the old Hippocratic Oath seems not to over rule the bureaucrats that know everything about “experimental safe and effective vaccines.” (Sarc)
They have sneakily changed ‘Hippocratic’ to ‘Hypocritic’. Works perfectly then…..
Medicos started all this “concensus” rubbish in the science we see today.
And probably because their professional insurance companies pressured them … always follow the money.
Cowards who only speak up when the tide finally turns.
“Honesty”? My local doctor stopped dispensing covid vax after the second round. I got the message.
Don’t blame the docs. Blame Big-Pharma, Big Money. Those who craft the “consensus” by controlling regulators, buying publishing houses and journals, and sending grant money to scientists are the ones making the profits.
And bribing Dr Fauci.
You are way too kind to the doctors Jo.
As a group and individually they betrayed their patients and their ethics.
They failed to examine the evidence which was not hard to see.
They were frightened and cowardly when courage was required.
They thought they should be concerned about the herd, when they were supposed to think about the well being of their own patient individually.
They willingly became tools of the State.
They bullied and punished the few brave ones in their ranks.
Every medical college and association aligned with the narrative ( with the exception of AMPS which did not exist at the start of the scare and still lacks support).
This letter, which is published by the UAP, is just an indication of their behaviour.
Oh, and I should have mentioned, some of them can be greedy!
‘Government confirms IBAC investigation into allegations of fraud at Melbourne hospitals‘
The likes of Moderna and Pfizer exploit us as a free and expendable supply of human lab rats. It amounts to quality control on the fly.
What type of parent puts their kids forward for these trials?
Woke ones.
Just what I thought IWick. Fancy allowing a drug company to vaccinate a 5 month old baby with an unknown material. Quite abominable.
Possibly dirt-poor parents in Africa or similar. I couldn’t bring myself to forgive them otherwise.
With RFK Jr as US Health Secretary nominee, he will stop this unethical experimentation on humans (as opposed to legitimate human trials).
This means Big Pharma will be looking for new targets in Stupid Countries like Australia.
You can bet that the present Australian Government or a possible future fake conservative Liberal Government will make the experimental products from that factory compulsory for human experimentation and general administration, just like they did with the covid “vaccines”.
Of course, to maintain public confidence in the health system this will require further silencing of critics and thus draconian censorship legislation. They already tried this but it failed – but only just. They will try and reintroduce it. And don’t forget, the fake conservative Liberal appointed e Safety Kommisar can still issue “take down” orders for unapproved opinions.
Hmnnnn… Memories? Memories?
CSL was once a quango. When opportunity presented it was privatised and grew to be one of Australia’s most successful companies on the world scene.
Am I wrong?
What will this new factory do for CSL?
Was there really a market for this new factory’s products?
Or have the pollies once again stuffed it up for everybody?
Merry Christmas Ted. As usual the Gummint have chosen a winner just as Bowen chose wind. Morrison was an ad man and Bowen is another unqualified jerk who wields enormous power based on a whim. The horrendously overpaid bureaucracy which is supposed to provide frank and knowledgeable advice once again prove their ineptitude and irrelevance.
Rip Van Winkle only slept for 20 years but Rip Van Wankle Big Chem look like doubling that before they tumble to reality
What sort of irresponsible behaviour leads to a ten year $2 billion contract with a fundamentally defective experimental product?
And why was a contract needed at all?
If they have a product to sell, they will easily be able to sell it to stupid Australian politicians in any case.
They can sell it David , and politicians can buy it but they can’t force us to take it. Free speech is the greatest danger to both politicians and big pharma.
The thing is that we all have to say a very loud and resounding NO again, and every time they try to make us take these things.
They’ll try to manufacture another crisis and health scare/pandemic.
They’re already telling us that’s what going to happen – pandemic desk-top exercises, “disease X”, etc.
The WHO pandemic treaty measures that our government has signed up to on our behalf.
The UN “pacts” that Albanese has signed us up to to implement digital ID, MaD legislation, under 16 social media bans etc.
It’s up to US to turn this around, WE have to say NO and tell our MPs, Senators and local government representatives that we are not going to take part in any more of this dangerous drug pushing.
I read about Dr. Bay’s win this morning. Marvellous. Although I think that the medical profession was so cowered during Covid, that freedom of opinion may not have totally changed their responses.
Dr. Melanie Phillips and vaccine injured are also currently suing the TGA and other authorities. At the moment the authorities are claiming that they dont have “Duty of Care”. Amazing!
The verb to cow means to bully into submission and those so bullied are said to be cowed, not cowered.
Lord knows of late it’s become misused nearly frequently enough to acquire legitimacy but the conscientious pedant always objects; nothing personal Vicki.
The dictionary explains what it is to “cower”. To bend over and move away usually in fear. It seems the medical profession did exactly that because they were in fear of losing their ability to practise medicine. In that case I believe Vicki is correct to say the medical profession was cowered.
Thanks Joanne, great article and important information
The ultra “ out there” conspiracy theory is that the new Moderna plant was funded by the US DOD. That it’s masquerading as a common respiratory vaccine plant, but it’s really a strategically located vaccine plant for possible future biological warfare reactions. The fact that everything about is clouded in secrecy is a big tell. Might be best not to talk about it again- why do I have that black van parked across the street with government plates anyway?
But as is so often the case, effects may not manifest for years or decades, and are cumulative.
Asbestos shovelling competition in WA:
If only they knew then.
Children are pin cushions these days:
Injecting Babies: 1986 v Today
Important reminder regarding the explosive growth in the vaccine schedule since 1986
Aaron Siri
Aug 07, 2024
If you have not seen this before, please take a moment to really let this image we created sink in—and keep in mind that this only reflects the vaccines given during pregnancy and the first year of life (there are far more thereafter on the current schedule)
Also keep in mind that virtually every single one of today’s vaccines was developed by a pharma company knowing it would not face liability for injuries caused by these products. This is because, as most of you know, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 gave them immunity from having to pay for harms.
And chronic childhood diseases, many of which are autoimmune or immune-mediated, have exploded from 12.4% in the early 1980s to over 50 percent of children today. CDC and public “health” authorities cannot figure out the cause despite desperately searching (though they haven’t studied vaccines, even though smaller independent studies have indicated vaccines are a major contributor).
With that in mind, let this chart also sink in, comparing the clinical trials relied upon to license Pfizer’s top five selling products (excluding the COVID-19 vaccine) with vaccines given in the first six months of life:
-Pfizer’s Top 5 selling drugs of all time:
drug: Enbrel safety review record: 6,6 years control used: Placebo
drug: Eliquis safety review record: 7,4 years control used: Placebo
-Vaccines in First 6 months of Life (3x Each)
vaccine: Hep-B(Merck) safety review period: 5 days control used: none
vaccine: IPV(Sanofi) safety review period: 3 days control used: none
“Vaccines are safe and effective” , so the the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 could be revoked…
as it was in 2002:
Childhood Vaccines and Autism
Witnesses testified about potential links between vaccines and childhood autism. Among the topics they addressed were current research into the problem, the potential scope of the disease, and evaluations into the severity of the problem.
on the mRNA Covid vaccines:
This one kind of stuck with me:
‘People are getting bad advice and we can’t say anything.’
That particular FDA doctor was referring to two recent developments inside the agency. First, how, with no solid clinical data, the agency authorized Covid vaccines for infants and toddlers, including those who already had Covid. And second, the fact that just months before, the FDA bypassed their external experts to authorize booster shots for young children.
An official at the FDA put it this way: “I can’t tell you how many people at the FDA have told me, ‘I don’t like any of this, but I just need to make it to my retirement.’”
In the post Jo links to about vitamin D3, there is this:
“RSV (Respiratory syncytial virus) is something nearly everyone catches by the time they are two years old. It’s like a bad cold. We’ll go on to catch it every few years for the rest of our lives, … ”
My life style is not typical (no kids around, retired, rural). My last severe cold was so long ago I don’t recall it. However, when Covid started and this site discussed D3, I started on a 4,000 unit supplement per day. I have not had a cold or sniffle since.
A year ago the RSV immunization became available, so I got that. Supposed to be a 1-&-Done. Maybe not.
Of interest is that I have never had even a slight reaction to any shot – so I get any my provider recommends. She is a pleasant young woman with her head on straight. Some readers here will be appalled at my cavalier attitude. But, I have been getting immunizations since the mid-1950s (Salk polio) without incident. We are all different.
The point of my comment is to urge D3 supplementation.
I eat well, drink red wine and walk a lot. And laugh. I get the Vitamin D from sunlight. Not had the Flu since I was 21 years old. Never had the Flu jab. I do get a cold every now and then though. Not a Big Deal really. Didn’t get the MRNA stuff as I didn’t trust it for many reasons. Now 72 and my Mum is 92 and still going strong. Must have good genes I guess. Or just lucky
As the joke goes, choose your Parents wisely. Mine had no money so I got that bit wrong. LOL.
Well spotted John — we do indeed catch RSV many times in our lives. The most serious risk is the first round and “the last”.
We don’t develop a strong natural immunity to it, which we do against things like Influenza and Measles.
The virus can shift its coat a bit to avoid detection like influenza does, but there is more to it than that. Apparently it sabotages a few of our normal immune responses, interferon, Natural killer cells, cytokines. RSV can somehow interfere with our “antigen-presenting cells” — which would bring pieces of the virus back to the HQ (so to speak) in order to develop long lasting immunity.
Everything becomes the Medieval Church.
Corrupt in the pursuit of imagined perfect righteousness.
Listening to the global health types, they seem obsessed with vaccines, believing they can ‘save’ children from ever being sick.
(Of course, this pursuit of perfection conveniently serves their insatiable lust for power and self aggrandizement … “I represent Science”.)
Is ‘Science’ now so perfect that we can decide which ‘viruses’ live and which must be eradicated … not to mention this crusade is likely only going to produce bigger, faster, stronger super bugs.
Can one grow into healthy adulthood after never being sick?
Can one grow into healthy adulthood after never experiencing mean words?
Is ‘equity’ … besides not being achievable except in fantasy, a good thing?
One need only look at Pandemic to see the acute cultural and emotional state of the managerial intelligentsia.
Outlandish behavioural absurdities forced upon us.
I still see to this day, poor brainwashed fearful souls wearing two masks.
The elite Universities are churning out Utopian Orc Commandos as we speak, they are being unleashed upon the land to lay waste until men give birth (1), the glaciers stand still, and it never rains or snows too much, and there is a constant steady moderate global wind to power windmills. (2)
All who stand in the way are “science d-ny-ing r@cizt phobes”.
1) Michael deGrasse Tyson has publicly stated that women will develop the physical ability to compete in sports on par with men if simply included.
2)A conclusion I come to after living in DC for 15 years and right next to an elite University for 30.
This article focuses on Professor Angus Dalgleish’s criticism of Australia’s Covid response but within it he talks about vitamin D. Apparently he’s been taking it regularly in recent years and has not been struck down by Covid (antibody test indicates he was infected at some point but he was asymptomatic)
At least they did a trial … and reported the results. Things are looking up!
A really important point, Tel. It still took them months to announce it though.
I haven’t checked whether this has been posted here yet.
Apologies if it has already.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra of First Do No Pharm fame talks with Megyn Kelly re dangers of mRNA COVID Vaccines.
Duration 8 minutes
“RFK Jr: A researcher named Dan Olmsted “was very curious about unvaccinated populations, and the Amish are one of those populations.”
“So he went and he did a study of the Amish… Following the national trends, there should have been about 2,000 autism cases. And they were able to find three.”
“And all of them were children who had been adopted by the Amish after receiving their vaccines. Of the Amish in general, they could not find any.”
The Amish diet would be better also- no processed foods and a lot of homegrown produce.
I’m bemused when people have declared Covid vaccines were a success in Australia, citing all the supposed health and economic benefits that they granted us, when the reality is the Omicron variant tore through our highly vaccinated community.
When mandates resulted in around 95% of the adult population being vaccinated, there wasn’t a sufficient control group left for comparison. At least with the RSV trial data cited in this thread and the Amish link above, we have placebo and unvaccinated groups for juxtaposition.
In regard to what the pharmaceutical companies are doing vis a vis the babies mentioned here: think Thalidomide. It is unconscionable and they will not get away with this.
The luck of the draw. I was in one of the pacific Islands during covid, we didnt get the early varieties, although many will dispute that, the last cruise boat to leave here for Sydney, many on that boat where infected and some died.
some on the boat went diving and all the dive crew got very sick, no tests done. Here all housing is highly ventilated, just shutters no glass, vaccine storage was poor, not always kept cool, Ivomectin was available, fixed me in about 10 hours, people testing positive where sent home to family for a week. Records are not a strong point here, but 1 recorded death, that was from a washed up body from a illegal fishing boat, its assumed they through the body overboard!
Let’s not forget that in Queensland the chief health officer can now dictate what doctors are allowed to say. Augusto Zimmerman had an article about this some time ago. Does the recent William Bay trial outcome change this?
The people responsible for creating the vaccine need to be held accountable for all deaths and disabilities. The ultimate price must be paid to prevent it from ever happening again.
These mothers are going to prison, one way or another.
They wanted to send sceptics of the untested novel mRNA jabs to concentration camps just for being sceptics. I am looking forward to seeing what those same people start demanding for those who gave them the untesed novel damaging jabs and then tried to cover up their crimes.
How about ensuring that EVERYONE (including infants) gets proper sanitation, nutrition and moral support. Terrain theory belies the need for “vaccines” because these microbes live in and with us continuously. In harmony until we get out of sync with nature.
Moderna shafted Aussie taxpayers…..for 2 billion, well done Moderna….OZ Politicians hang your melons in shaaaame. Total bunch of muppets, wonder who wipes their ****….they don’t…that’s why Parliament stinks.
its not even a disease
A few kids coughing is not a disease
Pharma is evil
There are truly evil people in this world.
It’s hard for a “normal” person to understand the mindset of, not only people who are prepared to propose a trial on new-born babies, but regulators who would approve it!
These people put the Nazis to shame (and I don’t say this lightly).
[…] is being expanded to other unnecessary vaccines and, guess what they have found? It is just as dangerous for RSV as it is for […]