Record numbers are not buying the narrative: Nearly 70% of Americans don’t trust The Media

By Jo Nova

The Blob are losing control of the message

Even Gallup admits the US is suffering from a crisis in confidence in their institutions, and the least trusted of all is “the media”.

For some reason, telling readers that they are selfish, small minded people who are screwing up the world isn’t resonating with the Rednecks. In 2020 40% of US Citizens thought the media was trustworthy, but now only 31% do, an all time record low. This is the same media that told us elections were secure, vaccines were safe and effective and Joe Biden was sharp as a tack right up until the day everyone discovered he had dementia.

The Pullitzer-prize-guys fell for every bureaucratic lie they could —  Hunter Bidens laptop was Russian disinfo, ivermectin was horse-dewormer, and an unarmed mob with a horned hat and flags staged an insurrection against the  largest military power in the world.

There’s a price to pay for lying and the media have barely began to pay it.

Obviously they need to censor blogs and social media

The big question is why do 31% still trust the media?

Possibly their paypacket depends on believing the program. And welfare is so much easier to take with a dose of Media entitlement-sauce.

It’s a long term decline

The full graph shows just how different things used to be. Once upon a time, 70% of the people believed the media.

Imagine a tool so effective, with such a brand, that 70% of voters believed it. Such a tool would be a magnet for the rich and powerful to control for other purposes, and so it has come to pass…

Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Trend Low

The media are impartial professionals, of course, but for some reason the audience are biased:

Over half of Democrats like what they hear, but only 1 in 8 Republicans do.

Americans' Trust in Media Remains at Trend Low

Trump’s Fake News meme in 2016 hit a nerve with Republicans and it stuck. The hate campaign against him only proves his point to Republican voters.

Since the media are supposed to be the watchdogs, the graph is almost a proxy for the decline of The West.



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17 comments to Record numbers are not buying the narrative: Nearly 70% of Americans don’t trust The Media

  • #

    People should just trust Blogs like this one.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      Blogs, like the big media corporations, have their own bias. Very few – if any – tread a path of absolute neutrality. But that’s fine while there are plenty of options on both sides of every issue and the blogs themselves don’t lie about or deny their bias in the way that Big Media does.


    • #

      And read widely and make up your own mind. Be sceptical as well.

      As Ronnie Rayguns once said – Trust, but verify –,_but_verify


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        The only way to be informed in today’s partisan media environment is to read sources from both sides an issue, and decide for yourself which one is closer to the truth and which one is engaging in spin. It is an absolute must to read sources you disagree with as well as ones you agree with.


    • #

      in my view people should not trust anything.
      they should use their own critical judgment and come to a conclusion based on evidence (nullius in verba).
      of course in that one may come to the view that some resources are more reliable (credible) than others.


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    the sting

    Why the brief uptick after 2015 ?


    • #

      Trump Derangement Syndrome.

      Democrats love watching/reading MSNBC, CNN, NBC, CBS, The New York Times, the Washington Post, etc. call Trump a racist, a Putin puppet, and a fascist (among other things). Seriously, look at the graph by political identification. Republicans and Independents continue the downward trend that existed before 2015, but Democrat trust in the media shot up to levels not even seen in the 1970s. That sugar high lasted through Trump’s entire presidency, and about halfway through Biden’s before Democrats could no longer deny that the media is lying to us about Biden’s competency, the effectiveness of Covid public health interventions, the efficacy of the clot shot, the lawfare against Trump, and so on and so forth ad inifinitum.


      • #

        It is up to you guys to believe me or not but I can not watch (still pretty frequent) videos on Biden.
        I am only couple of years younger but I’d run to help him to cross the street if I was near by.
        He is the Commander-in-Chief, etc,.. etc,.. and Kamala gets her daily tasks from him while boasting her excellent medical reports.
        Oh, God ! What a world we live in…


    • #

      It was all to do with Donald.

      ‘Donald Trump received more than a quarter of all time devoted to campaign coverage on the Big Three TV networks’ evening newscasts between January and November 2015, according to analyst Andrew Tyndall (Trump didn’t even declare his candidacy for the GOP nomination until June, but Tyndall says there was little coverage of the presidential race on networks’ evening newscasts before that month). And because Trump is a viewer magnet, media outlets’ responses to him have exposed just how much ratings, audience and revenue can drive news coverage.’ (


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  • #

    Unrelated – but this doozy is worth sharing.
    “Renewables” solar farm gets renewed by Hurricane Milton:


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    I recall the very moment I noticed something wrong.
    I was reading ‘The Hill’ on line just as Trump was getting a bit of traction as a POTUS candidate late 2015.
    Every headline had his name in it and I thought it strange that he was getting so much attention.

    I now understand that Trump broke the brains of the DC Administrative State and their media sycophants.
    They went mad as hatters.
    Went further down the rabbit hole with George Floyd and Pandemic.

    A madness the Deep State psyche warriors have taken full advantage of, and their wantonness has relived them of their judgment.
    Their is a Crazy Central somewhere in the Western political construct.
    I don’t think this ends well.


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    Angus Black

    The media are much like Wikipedia – reliable only when absolutely no one has a barrow to push.


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    Old Goat

    Trust is usually the default position . There are people who you can trust , but working out who is lying only comes with experience . It’s called a bovine excrement detector and mine is now the default setting . As JR stated above “trust but verify” . It’s my belief that the “smart” people are the easiest to fool because they think it can’t happen to them….


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    John Hultquist

    The big question is why do 31% still trust the media“?
    This may be about the same percentage that acquired the DJT virus and now have TDS.


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    John Hultquist

    Just being careful —
    ivermectin was horse-dewormer
    Indeed it was and is. I’ve used it many times.
    A major use is de-licing kid’s hair. I still have some for the horses I no longer have. It is said to taste like apples, but I haven’t tried it. It is a challenge get a proper doze into a horse without a small application to one’s self.🤣
    Media and anti-Trump types became silly about this.


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    John Connor II

    And as I’ve said over and over, by the MSM’s complicity in government lies and narratives they are sealing their own fate too, but won’t wake up to that fact until it’s too late, and that time is here.

    MSM – the modern equivalent of Blockbuster video, soon to be shuttered en-masse, cobwebbed, not forgotten or really missed.

    On a sidenote, I’m seeing a move away from the likes of Youtube to censorship free platforms like .tv
    Where goes MSM goes Youtube.


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