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53 comments to Monday

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    World Bank loses track of $41 billion handed out for ‘climate’ ideologies

    Audit confirms officials can’t identify either the recipients or the use of the enormous sum

    Up to $41 billion of the funds distributed to climate causes by the World Bank between 2017 and 2023 are unaccounted for…

    The enormous sum represents almost 40% of the climate funds the Bank disbursed during the seven year time period, with World Bank data failing to show the recipients and uses of the money


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      That’s only 2% of the estimated annual expenditure for stopping or reducing CO2 growth. Which has been a dead straight line for the last 50 years, so a total waste of money, except no one in government cares.

      Here is the graph of CO2

      The real question is what has the world done with $30Tn to control CO2? Emissions are not CO2. All the laws about Clean Energy have one clear objective and world wide are a total failure.

      Why does no one notice that either?


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        In Australia, the theft of tens of billions a year in carbon dioxide taxes is not in the annual budget because they are illegal ‘green’ fraud and theft. So the governments, Federal and State do not have to justify them or show how they are working.

        So what has been achieved? Reducing ’emissions’ is absurd. Even if ‘The Science’ was true, the alleged problem is total CO2, not local emissions.
        How does Net Zero reduce CO2 or even stop the growth of world CO2? After 25 years of massive taxes and shutting down manufacturing, agriculture,shipping, coal, gas, oil, what is the actual effect on CO2? What effect will the $20Billion on Snowy II have? Where is Malcolm Turnbull’s gift of $444million cash without application or explanation to his wife’s friends to ‘save’ the Great Barrier Reef?

        There is a total lack of visibility into governments. We are being asked to fight a war in which the objective,net zero, has no logic except to control CO2 and there is no evidence of any effect on CO2. Fake science. Real massive theft. What is the world bank doing? Or Western governments? No one is accountable or responsible for all this money. And is it all going to China and the UN and EU?

        Why is there no accountabilty?


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          Kalm Keith

          That’s the ultimate summary.

          As Ted says, hopefully Trump will address this type of “Rotting Government” if he gains office.

          The concept of atmospheric heating by CO2 is scientifically unsupportable.


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          Similar reason as why United Nations agreements and treaties are signed and then Federal and State parliaments create legislation and regulations with compliance costs and ignore the Constitutional laws.

          Because they can get away with it.

          When the UN was established soon after WW2 and for very good reasons and purposes it was infiltrated by the global far left determined to use the UN for their New World Order purposes, Australian Labor Attorney General (far left faction) Evatt was involved and he submitted the plan to sign as many agreements and treaties as possible with member nations to be used as needed to get around constitutional laws.


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            Forrest Gardener

            Agreed except for a small nitpick. Once a treaty is signed it is the constitution which compels the commonwealth parliament to enact domestic laws to implement the treaty.

            It is very similar to the way that the corporations power has gradually consolidated the commonwealth’s position of dominance over the states.

            The mechanism compelling support for treaties is how the commnwealth has gradually ceded power to the UN and other foreign nations.

            Hey. It seemed like a good idea in 1901.


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        Trump will track it!


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      Greg in NZ

      There’s money disappearing all over the show: NZ’s Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), a non-voluntary tax set up to assist those, who through an ‘accident’, aren’t able to work and earn, went from a NZ$1 billion kitty at the beginning of 2024 to a now NZ$7 billion hole/loss. Where it goes, nobody knows. Pffft! and it’s gone. Majick™️.


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      I figure someone on here is colour-blind, or maybe they were a recipient and want more…


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      It’s a common story. Retired couples are commuting to tropical paradise and living far cheaper than they can in Australia. Often with warmer weather.


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      Russian emigres have been there for a couple of years and reportedly trashed the place.

      ‘Russians have poured into Bali in droves since the invasion of Ukraine. In Indonesia’s most popular destination, the arrivals are finding refuge from the economic fallout of the war and the threat of conscription.’ (Al Jazeera)

      Timor is a far better choice.


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      No news there. Australia’s Safeguard Mechanism is a 35% Carbon Dioxide tax on all large Australian companies, even public sewage. All transport. All manufacturing. All flying and transport. And no one can explain how it is going to reduce or control CO2 except the unproven idea that CO2 is dependent on ’emissions’ and is not controlled by the vast oceans.

      All completely wrong and untrue, but who cares? As hidden taxes, governments and ministers never have to prove anything works to reduce or control CO2. And officially, there are no carbon dioxide taxes accountable to parliament. It is all invisible and in the hands of ‘Clean Energy’ public servants.

      Man made CO2 driven Climate Change/Global Warming has been an excuse for the UN/EU/Governments to steal trillions from the public with zero accountability. And hand the cash to their friends, also without accountability.


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        Kalm Keith

        Again, an extraordinary summary of this catastrophic war on citizenry.
        To think that this is all based on the concept that human origin CO2 can cause catastrophic atmospheric heating.

        Firstly there is no operating mechanism that would support this claim, and secondly, even if true, the possibility of human origin CO2 being a factor would be ridiculous because it is quantitatively irrelevant.

        Ninety seven percent of CO2 in the atmosphere is of natural origin and human origin CO2 and that’s a fact.

        There’s absolutely no basis for this continued government control.


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    If you don’t know who is entering your country you should not be surprised at the consequences


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      Same story. The destruction of Western Democracies by invasion with incompatible, criminal, uncontrolled migration. An essential demand of the EU/UN/Democrats. All border controls destroyed. The turning around of the Mongols, Ottomans, Arabs which saved Christian democratic Europe has been reversed. And the consequences are predictable. No such thing is allowed in Asia. And the response of Western governments is to hand out cash and benefits and even voting rights to non citizens while denying the cash to help their own people, as in hurricane Milton.


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        And in Australia, the UK and US, the Labor/Green parties who are responsible for the collapse of borders are finding that the new instant citizens are refusing to play ball and vote for them. So Biden/Harris are trying to stop Israel from winning while supplying them with arms. The same in Australia where people who object to violent Arab demonstrators in favor of the massacre of Jews are protected while counter demonstrators are harshly controlled. In the UK now jailed for ‘hate speech’ by internet. Knife crime in London though is protected as stopping it is hateful or racial profiling. All this is obvious and expected.


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    Honk R Smith

    I was just wondering how, since America, being the Capitol of The Patiarchy, and the most racist and sexist country ever … a woman of color is very close to being elected Matriarch of the Patriarchy?


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      And completely unqualified for the job by any measure. Kamala Chameleon is whatever she wants to be, not just racially but politically. As Australian Greens leader Adam Bandt said even before he discovered the Green route to power, “we tell them what they want to hear and when we get power, we do what we like”. It is the mantra of Labor/Communist parties across the globe. Scratch a Green and you get a communist.

      As for would be VP Tim Walz, he does not even try to hide it. He openly prefers the Chinese Communist government to America. He openly says the Tianamen Square massacre was no worse than Wounded Knee. He was in China at the time, he said. Until someone checked. Tianamen Tim is Beijing’s man on the Presidential ticket.


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        Honk R Smith

        Now TdeF, for most of human history leadership has ascended based on genetics.
        You’ve just been spoiled by that glitchy period of history were it was more based on silly things like qualifications and experience.

        You should try to be more joyful.
        It’s gonna get extra joyful here in the US come November.


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          What baffles me is that up to 90% of blacks voted for the party of segregation and the Ku Klux Klan and plantation owners, the Democrats. Not Lincoln’s republicans. Likewise 60% of Jewish people when the Democrats hate Israel. Or Hispanics when the gangs they tried to escape are being let into the US without restriction and targeting Hispanic people? JD Vance put it best when he said he believed the lies of the US Press. As did Musk.

          The idea in Australia and the UK of a Government funded press was to ensure factual independent reporting. Even the governmnet is prohibited from interfering.
          However nothing could be further from the truth than the reporting of the ABC/BBC/CBC. And on the ‘Climate’ con and free speech, the public servants in Canberra/London/Brussells/Washington DC are crafting their own world funded by everyone else’s cash and hard work. There is no Climate Crisis and emissions have nothing to do with CO2 which we cannot control.

          But in the UK the jailing of a woman for 2 1/2 years for her comments on the internet is a new low in free speech and democracy. As with a pregnant woman in Ballarat Victoria arrested and handcuffed in her home and in front of her family for simply posting on Facebook about protests against the totalitarian dictator of Victoria, Daniel Andrews.

          The slide of democracies into totalitarianism is rapid. As was written on the Berlin wall, Socialist is what Totalitarians call themselves.

          And free speech is rapidly vanishing, as approved totally by John Kerry who says the First Amendment is the biggest problem in America and allows people to question his Climate dogma. He believes no one should be allowed to question him. For their own good, of course.


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      Honk R Smith

      I keep forgetting the greatest of all Patriarchies founded by Elizabeth I in 1588.
      I hope Matriarch Harris’s loyal friends and relatives are able to keep their heads.
      Ex-boyfriends should maybe be a little more nervous.


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        Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

        One of my 12th great grandfather was Sir Geoffrey Boleyn Baron of Blickling- Anne Boleyn’s great grandfather. Which makes Elizabeth I a cousin! Not bragging or anything!

        Matriarch Harris has quite a few skeletons that are prouncing about to the Danse Macabre as we speak!

        Her Brother in Laws multi million dollar fraud. Her Father (he lives in Washington). Her Husbands overt domestic violence. Her scofflaw disregard for campaign financing rules. Her appropriation of Negro accents and culture when she was an upper class girl largely raised in Canada who first registered to vote at age 29.

        I guess she will have to pop yet more Xanax with a sauvignon blanc chaser in a few weeks time.


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    A woman of color? What color?

    For those to whom colo(u)r matters, it probably matters.


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    another ian

    FWIW – another one!

    “The Energy Crisis Commission is Just Another Green Blob Front”


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    A major peer-reviewed study has revealed that people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines” have significantly reduced their life expectancy.


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    John Connor II

    Another acronym for the zeitgeist

    AWFULs – Affluent White Female Urban Liberals


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    another ian


    “Well…Huh: A Recent Surge in Global Warming Is Not Detectable Yet”

    “Our results show limited evidence for a warming surge; in most surface temperature time series, no change in the warming rate beyond the 1970s is detected despite the breaking record temperatures observed in 2023. As such, we estimate the minimum changes in the warming trend required for a surge to be detectable. Across all datasets, an increase of at least 55% is needed for a warming surge to be detectable at the present time.”


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    John Connor II

    Dad, why does government ruin everything it touches?

    Well son, people can’t seem to figure out that government is a monopoly that has no incentive to be efficient, effective, accountable or to improve because its funded by taxes we pay involuntarily and if we don’t… Well, they put us in prison.


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    John Connor II

    Complicity Theorist
    A person who accepts the political narrative of the day unquestionably;
    consumes mainstream media like it was 1980; and is prone to submissiveness, outbursts of irrational fear, and public shaming of free-thinkers.


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    John Connor II

    Windows 7 was so much better!

    I’ve been setting up my new laptop with Win 11 Pro (24H2) in recent days now that my mouse and external screen have arrived.
    W11 is a lot different in look and feel but the amount of advertising, popups, fluff and spyware is just crazy!
    I’ve already disabled a lot of it but tweaking has a long way to go.
    There are a few minor issues with W11 so far but nothing annoying.
    The mouse is really nice – Logitech Master MX 3S connected via Bluetooth.
    The monitor is a Dell 27″ U2724DE QHD 120Hz with integrated Thunderbolt 4 hub offering USB 3.2, HDMI, DP, network, upstream and downstream Thunderbolt 4 with 90W charging! Sweet!
    Saves buying a separate hub and desk clutter.
    No taskbar toolbars? Gggrrr…
    M$ is taking too much power user functionality out of Windows and making it Mac-esque.
    Should be as good as Win 7 by xmas though. 😆


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      The thing I dislike on it is, it is no longer possible to just flick saved vids across to files on the side bar. What takes me 30 mins to save on my old win 10, then takes 90 mins on the win 11. The only helpful way I have found, is to sort into the particular file categories, so I dont have to jump around so much. It is still painful, as there are of course sub files.


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      Geoff Sherrington

      Two weeks ago I bought a new PC, a small form factor HP Prodesk, tower replaced by module of small book size. It came with Windows 11. Today, I have deleted W11, back to a tweaked W10. Main reason was W11 was naked bloatware, trying to get customers to buy miscellaneous products, even installing some without the client knowing.
      I am now enjoying clean, fast computing and looking forward to more optimising. Also, I still use a 20 year old system with Windows XP because it drives a SCSI scanner so I get reminders of what XP was like. Geoff S


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    another ian


    “RFK Jr. Destroys the Democrats on ‘Gutfeld!’”

    “He pointed out that the Democrats, once the party of tolerance, free speech, and anti-war movements, have become the very thing they used to fight against. ”

    More at


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      Yep, good point.

      “Today, the Democratic Party is the party of war, it’s the party of censorship, it’s the party of Wall Street, a big pharma, big tech, big data, big banking, and the military industrial complex.”


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    Back on Wednesday, John Connor II put up this link. It had no responses. It is a 2 hr video of interviews of some of the 1300 vac victims, nurses, and Drs they encountered over 9mths, in 30 states. It is devastating. There is a book, ‘What the Nurses Saw’, that covers some of the same ground, especially hospital protocols for remdesivir and ventilation, that made a few people a lot of money, and shortened the life of hundreds of thousands. When it is shown this clearly, the brazenness of the authorities looks absolutely breathtaking.


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      Graeme No.3

      Well, the smart ones have already switched to wood stoves to save freezing in winter if (and when) renewables blacks out the electricity grid.
      Back to the eighteenth Century? Stoves and oil lamps.


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