By Jo Nova
And where was the ABC, the BBC, the CBC…
This week UN was scaring the kiddies again in order to increase the river of funds that it feeds from. Harder to understand, science journalists were rushing to sell-out their homelands and repeat their incantations. We’re worrying about a 3mm annual rise (at most) but while Grok was inventing the wheel circa 5,000 BC, oceans were 2,000 millimeters higher. That surging water left clues like piles of giant oyster shells that are still 20 kilometers inland at Taiwan.
In the frozen depths of the last ice age, the water piled up at the poles in the ice caps and the oceans shrank 125 unthinkable meters below where they are today. We’re getting precious about losing a sand dune, but Mesolithic people lost entire continental shelves.
Only a poorly educated high schooler, or a UN Secretary-General, might be silly enough to think that the oceans had stayed the same for a million years and just jumped up 20 centimeters…
Science communication is a train-wreck. When will the “journos” discover the Pleistocene.
The prophesy reads like a new Bible:
UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned Tuesday that rising sea levels will “soon swell to an almost unimaginable scale with no lifeboat to take us back to safety,” highlighting the dire threat the crisis poses to Pacific Island nations.
The UN wants to be your God and they need your money:
A coalition of NGOs used the forum’s backdrop on Tuesday to release a report claiming at least $US1 trillion in climate finance is needed to support low-income countries.
While seas have risen in Tonga they have barely shifted in places like Kiribati, Fiji or Tuvalu. Does the money follow “the tide gauges”? Will the BBC or ABC ever ask Guterres a single hard question.
According to 1000 tide gauges,spread all over the globe, sea levels are rising slowly at around 1mm a year. The rise started long before human CO2 output increased, and there is no sign of acceleration with rapidly increasing human emissions of CO2. Careful analysis of 60 beaches in Northern Europe to find one of the most stable gauges in the world agrees. The Topex/Poseidon satellite sea-level data set also showed similar rates until they were adjusted up to fit climate models (or one sinking gauge in Hong Kong). Likewise the Envisat sea-level satellite data was also adjusted up. Vincent Gray graphed sea level around many South Pacific Islands. There is no CO2 induced disaster.

[Based on data from Jevrejura et al]

From the Pacific Sea Level and Geodetic Monitoring Project Monthly Data Reports
By Kenneth Richard on 26. August 2024
The modern rate of sea level rise is not even close veering outside the range of natural variability.
A new study reminds us that, 8200 years ago, near-global sea levels rose 6.5 meters in a span of just 140 years. This is 470 centimeters per century, 4.7 centimeters per year, during a period when CO2 levels were alleged to be a “safe” and stagnant 260 ppm.
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology
Calibrating Holocene human–environment interactions using ancient narratives: The example of Ngurunderi in South Australia
Studies like those might curb the enthusiasm for Aboriginal science. At least until the “ancient narratives” are adjusted to fit the modern narratives.
This sort of result may curb the enthusiasm for Aboriginal Science (TM).
Your ABC & ALP will no doubt project, the misinformation / disinformation / bald faced lies, of the UN rent seekers directly to the gullible Australian public.
The government & their ABC , not to mention many others, had best be very careful with their misinformation & propaganda as we the people have been handed a very powerful weapon. The disinformation register has already backfired on the cabal of liars that is the ALP / Greens coalition.
I see much much fun ahead as we turn the tables on the BS artists.
If you want to see how this propaganda manifests itself in gullible people, just read this letter below which appeared a couple of days ago in The Age:
”The article ″Pressure on Australia to cut emissions″ (28/8) demonstrates the paradigm shift that is urgently needed to lessen the impact of rising sea levels in the Pacific. Otherwise it will continue the destruction of their ecological, economic and cultural way of living; people will be uprooted. The situation for Pacific Islanders could be called eco-apartheid. The rich countries of the world, including Australia, must heed the warning from the UN and reduce our carbon emissions. The pedal must be put on renewables. We in the rich world must be prepared to make sacrifices. It is our footprint that has contributed so much to the changing climate, yet those with the lightest footprint are already suffering and will suffer more into the future.”
I don’t whether to laugh or cry when l read these type of letters. Eco-apartheid? Associate supposed environmental vandalism with racism to make it seem even more evil…
Where on Earth is “Ngurunderi”?
Geoff S
The question should be who is Ngurunderi? An ancient dreaming character of South Australian tribes, in particular on the Fleurieu Peninsula. He made a number of features in the landscape in his journey down the south coast. There are many written descriptions of his legend that you can look up.
Ngurunderi is cool
Neil Crafter,
Thank you for the tip on looking up.
I had already done a lot of looking up.
I can find no evidence that there is an authentic aboriginal account of Ngurunderi that has not been influenced by post-settlement whiteys.
There is no good future in our authentic Australian history being filled with the emptying of the minds of post-contact archaeologists and anthropologists and the the like with their favourite invented whitey stories to embellish the “true” original aboriginal record. They do exist, I am sure, but they are not catalogued or in a form that allows one to tell which are original authentic and which are invented.
I have spent many hours with a few aboriginal “elders” trying to sort what was original and what was embellished in the recording.
Firstly, leaders like Big Bill Neidjie in the Kakadu region did not know what was original. They had no evidence whatever of legends going back 65,000 years or whenever. They coud rarely remember anything older than what their grandparents were said to have said.
They had plenty of talk about whiteys making things up. Example. There are probably official whitey maps today that are like official maps I saw in 1975 or so listing Flying Fox Dreaming as a sacred Kakadu site. (Even the name “Kakadu” was changed by whiteys). Bill laughed at that saying “Nothing sacred there. There is a flying fox camp there. We go that way when we feel like a meal of flying fox.” And so it goes, on and on.
You do realise, I hope, that you are being led by your innocent nose through a pile of invention and deceit. I rapidly learned of this decades ago when I saw how much money we could lose on our investments and interests in land, once the aboriginal industry got involved, usually without invitation. We later lost tens of millions of $$$.
Second, that account of Ngurunderi that was in some news lately involves a depiction of a walk by a person thousands of years ago. Are you able to find any account of similar detail from your own history or historical research that is about other events 65,000 years ago? Why would people back then feel compelled to preserve a story of a person walking from here to there? People walk from here to there all the time, nothing memorable about that. I question if anything was validly recorded from a happening 65,000 years ago. Remember, we folk had the written word and language for some of that time, while aborigines recorded only a few rock carvings, some wax modelling, some cave art without language or written explanation. How could events from 65,000 years ago be regarded as reliable for the basis of research?
Geoff S
Geoff that was not clear from your post. Sounds like you are already an expert on this subject so I would assume that you have checked out the legends collected by Aboriginal man David Unaipon in the 1930s?
Geoff, he was the bloke who was around 65,000 years ago who passed on all the lessons on SLR and climate change to his descendents
I have a collection of shells, still encrusted with red soil, that I picked off the Nullarbor Plain 20+yrs ago, which match shells I collected before then in the Coral Sea. Murex varieties mostly. Tell me again that sea levels are rising?
The story of the corals on the nullabor: is a story of “uplifting” crust rather than sea levels sinking hundreds of meters. But a very cool souvenir you have….
The only explanation we hear from the useless political body, the United Nations is that tiny 0.0422% CO2 and CO2 alone controls everything. Water, 1%-4% in the air is by far the dominant Greenhouse gas and 3/4 of the planet surface is water which creates and controls all climates.
The very idea that the tiny atmosphere is directly heating the oceans is absurd. The atmosphere is mostly freezing and on mass and heat capacity alone, 1/1400th the size of the ocean and radiates freely at all levels. Hot also rises with great expansion and violence, the root cause of storms. Vast changes in density and Archimedes principle. Not so with water. Water moves in giant swirling currents. Oceans control all weather.
98% 0f CO2, 99.9% of all surface heat, all water which falls on land is in the oceans which cover 72% of the surface of the planet to a depth of 3.5km on average, 350x the weight of the oceans and at vast pressure and the recipient of 72% of all incident radiation.
Maybe CO2 rich warm water currents are rising to the top? As expected from the 60 year AMO/PDO cycle which just peaked. And away from the pressure of the depths at up to 350 atmospheres, expand slightly. And releases more CO2. It’s not a big effect and not man made, but would explain the slight rise in temperature and sea level and CO2.
The ocean surfaces should be cooling right now. And that will produce rapid change, rapid cooling and consequent droughts.
We do not need great studies or greedy politicians to tell us these things. It is quite absurd for the head of metastasising communist group the United Nations to be telling the world that collectively since 1988, the United Nations is the custodian of the weather. What about their day job? War. Or is that too hard?
Ukraine, Iran, North Korea, China, Syria, Gaza, Congo, Sudan,… Or doesn’t war pay the wages of the 80,000 UN people?
It is extraordinary that an organisation that started out of a want or need to control wars in Europe, has turned into a weather controlling agency, run by European socialists.
“There’s the rub … so full of artless jealousy is guilt.”
According to WUWT it is doing exactly that, cooling over 1°C since the beginning of the year.
I feel a letter writing exercise coming on.
How would you like to combine with Jo (if she agrees of course) to oeganise and coordinate as many Jo blog readers as possible, to send a letter each to the PM and the Minister for Energy (whoever he/she is at the time) and the Environment Minister (whoever he/she is at the time)to say
I am still too crook to volunteeer.
Geoff S
Secretary GAGS – General Antonio Guterres Slimeball – not only vacationed in Tonga, he and his troupe of bludgers and hangers-on scammed a holiday in Samoa as well? [see photo of the faker, above, at Lalomanu Beach].
Surely, by now, all those sunken islands’ airports are 6 ft under – or 666 ft under, who cares about the little details and/or accuracy of models.
And the 2024 award for Hypocrite Of The Year (for the umpteenth time) goes to… GAGS.
666, which is the mark of the devil aka Antonio Guterres. This Spanish Socialist and The UN/WHO have surely outlived their UBDs?
Warmists are “staticists”, as was Aristotle, who don’t understand that the world is constantly changing, even within historic timeframes. Sea levels rise and fall, there is genuine global warming and cooling (e.g. Minoan, Egyptian, Roman, Medieval warm periods), land sinks and rises.
It was a plausible hypothesis for Aristotle given the knowledge of the time, but is not in accordance with present knowledge.
Most probably driven by increasing sunlight:
The quiet sun persisted for most of the 1600s. I get an 82% correlation between accumulated total solar irradiance and sea surface temperature starting from the 1850s when there was a reasonable estimate of the SST globally.
Nice work, this might be of some interest.
“Our analysis revealed that the observed decrease of planetary albedo along with reported variations of the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) explain 100% of the global warming trend and 83% of the GSAT interannual variability as documented by six satellite- and ground-based monitoring systems over the past 24 years.” – Nikolov and Zeller, 2024 (Notrickszone)
“reasonable estimate of the SST globally” better expressed as “unreasonable estimate of the SST globally”.
Far too much uncertainty until say the 1970s, even then much was invented or interpolated extremely.
Geoff S
The chart showing sea levels have been rising for 200 years appears to be an example of Mike’s Nature Trick. The fuzzier section prior to 1800 is inconsistent with the sharper section after that. I wonder what the chart would look like if the techniques and sources prior to 1800 were applied through to the current day.
And as with temperature charts the tide graphs are much more jagged than I would expect. If the whole pacific ocean is to rise or fall by 10 or 20 cm I would expect a much smoother curve. After all there is quite a lot of water to move and I don’t think the rise and fall is anything like as sudden as the charts make it appear.
Very little is like charts make them appear.
If some random person looks at that seal level graph you immediately think “OMG!”, then you walk out of your house down to the beach which looks exactly the same as it did in your great grandparent’s monochrome photo of a picnic at the beach.
In fact, I quite like these graphs for that reason. It shows that even if that were true, it doesn’t make any difference.
If you accurately plot the actual sea level at points in time at one location, ie. with influence from waves, tides, etc, it doesn’t look frightening. But the answer is not to change the way it’s charted – it’s quite legitimate to remove waves and tides – the answer is to understand when and when not to be frightened.
There are likely large numbers of remains of ancient mesolithic civilisations yet to be discovered which are now up to 125m underwater, as Jo alludes.
Some have been discovered, e.g. Doggerland in the North Sea.
Unfortunately, the whole global warming scam has made it politically unacceptable to acknowledge that sea levels have been rising since the end of the last Ice Age, before mankind may have added 3-4% of 400ppm CO2 i.e. 12-16ppm of this magical gas into the atmosphere.
It is also politically unacceptable to question or research the origins of ancient civilisations or societies when it conflicts with the Official Narrative.
And remember, warmists are staticists as per my post #4. It is inconceivable to them that the world has ever changed or will change in future.
There are also 27.000 year old cave paintings on the coast of France, with the entrance 35 metres underwater. The Meditteranean used to be kilometers away.
Unless Jacques Cousteau‘s ancient ancestor invented SCUBA™️ aqualungs for the painters. Ripley’s Believe It Or Not!
(hey it’s Friday, I’m allowed)
Have you been puzzled like me as to how and why this move of political correctness and these zany ideas like DEI and ESG ever gained hold? Why are people afraid of them? They have to be afraid of the people behind them, including the faceless ones that they do not even know.
In the main, my career was spent in fear of two people only, my wife and my boss who controlled my income.
I lived in fear of nobody making up demands and saying I would be punished if I did not comply. The idea sounds like a manual prelude to the art of the computer scammer.
So what was the secret? How did your average Joe come to fear reprimands if he/she did not go along with these mysterious, fuzzy, political correctness demands?
Is this no more than a reflection of the powers of the mass media?
Geoff S
Religion used to play that role. It has simply been updated for the modern age.
Religion – per Mike Jonas @ 7.2.1 – and peer pressure [which certainly applies for religion, if all your neighbours, colleagues,and especially FAMILY are of the appropriate persuasion].
The peer pressure, perhaps nowadays, through ‘Social Media’ [and then small group pressure … maybe].
And also MSM, as a binding factor.
My one-and-a-half penn’orth, anyway.
The UN has worn out its usefullness.
That is a brilliant video.
Globalists by their very nature are anti-democratic. The UN comprises appointed individuals who do not answer to anyone. They have tried many ways to gain automatic funding but remain reliant on handouts.
If Trump gets in and stops the wars then you have to wonder why the UN exists. It essentially gets down to the UN needing wars to remain relevant. The CO2 alarm will disappear soon enough and glaciation is still a couple of hundred years away.
We do not need a global government unless I am the appointed dictator. Nigel Farage is a possible alternate because he would be working to make it irrelevant as he did with his appointment to the EU.
I am not aware of the UN doing anything to stop either the war in Ukraine or Gaza.
“While seas have risen in Tonga they have barely shifted in places like Kiribati, Fiji or Tuvalu.”
People have a perception of the Earth being a solid stable lump of rock and the sea level only changes if the volume of water changes. But in reality the Earth is a big wobbly ball of molten rock that has a viscosity similar to honey with a thin crush about 0.15% of the diameter. Imagine a typical party balloon with two litres of honey in it. As the gravitational forces of the solar system move around so does the bottom of the oceans and the water flows to and fro lifting some land and lowering other.
So, Antonio, one minute the oceans are boiling, the next they’re overflowing. Want to got three for three? How’s about the oceans are burning? You know because of the bogus alarmist claims that the oceans are becoming more acidic. But, I suspect he’s leaving that next statement for his next tropical holiday photo op. You know the one where he’s looking sagely out to the ocean as if he’s some sort of guru. But probably had to place his cold beer or cocktail out of shot of the photo.
Back in 2019 I decided to download manually the Tide gauge data for Victoria and Australia. You can access the data from the BOM (sorry, the Bureau) on their website in the “Tide Gauge Metadata and Observed Monthly Sea Levels and Statistics” section. Glorious fun if you have some spare days and like using spreadsheets. For Victoria the most reliable data was from 4 sites- Williamstown, Lakes Entrance, Point Lonsdale, Portland. For those 4 sites (9-55 years data) the average SLR was 1.34mm annually. For Australia I used Fremantle WA, Fort Denison Sydney, Townsville Qld, Bundaberg Qld, Port Adelaide SA and Williamstown Victoria. For those almost Australia wide sites (51-122 years) the average was 1.82 mm/year. Overall, hardly terrifying stuff. But the major conclusion I came to was that the tidal gauge data available to the public in Australia is rather poor. That is, there are very few sites that have extended readings. In fact, Freo was the longest at 122 years (Fort Denison 105 years). So, a number of things pertinent. BOM may have data which they don’t make available or simply the tide gauges have been shifted or damaged over the years preventing long term statistics for numerous sites.
The tide gauge at Fremantle has been moved about 100 metres, and is now situated at the end of Victoria Quay, next to the Martime Museum. Early photos inside the Museum clearly show the original tide gauge building. Over those 122 years, the SLR averages 1.7mm/year, and can be easily accessed online.
Sounds to me that they “lost” a fair bit of data from Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour. They should have had records from at least 1867:
” The self-recording tide gauge was established at Fort Denison in 1867, and since that year a continuous record of tides has been kept. “
Just for giggles:
How many of these “endangered” islands are built on top of undersea volcanic cones?
You can guarantee that MANY of them are; especially the ones that feature atolls. Atolls are ROUGHLY “circular, or a wonky variation thereof, because the CORAL started building on the rim of the caldera as soon as the toxic out-gassing was low enough. Thus, the coral colonize the rims when they are close enough to the surface to allow light to keep the “polyps” alive. “Cinder-cones” are not exactly robust structures, and “subside” over time. Thus, the coral has to build UP to just survive. If an Ice-Age comes along and the “tide goes out, ALL of the living coral above the new “high-water” mark will simply die. If the “tide” comes back in with a bit of “global warming, the polyps that survived will start building on the old ruins, again
So, given the dynamic nature of the planet, the oceans have risen and fallen via the coming and going of Ice Ages. The bit NOBODY wants to know about is the SEABED rising and falling as the “plates” wander about. The extensive migratory behaviour of Pacific islands is another fun subject. The Hawaiian chain is a classic case. It is part of a feature that curves away to Midway and up to the Aleutians. The Big Island of Hawaii is decidedly “active”, but it is slowly trundling off its “Hot-spot” ALL of the islands to its west are “volcanic” in origin, but pretty much “inert”. The Pacific ocean is steadily eroding the entire chain. However, there appears to be fresh undersea activity over the static hot-spot. A few more millennia and the real-state barons, the bureaucrats, the eco-nazis and the “locals” will be fighting over who gets the “prize” of a new and growing, but mostly sterile, piece of land.
So: Is it exclusively about ice and water temperatures or tectonic and volcanic activity?
Will ANY “REAL” scientist have the guts to stand up and state EXACTLY what is happening and has been happening for aeons.
Not while “science” is in thrall of money and power. As H. L. Mencken noted: “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule”.
The usual suspects always trot out satellite oceanic altitude data to support their fear campaign.. However, there seems to be a coordinated dearth of “land” altitudes or submersion variations.
A lot of the “endangered” islands have improvised WW2 airfields built on unstable landfill which nature is now reclaiming and returning the island to its natural state. Nature’s reclamation of the airfields is claimed to be due to sea level rise blah, blah, blah..
And, speaking od “falling and rising land”:
Why the significant altitude of the biggest marble mines in Italy?
The general understanding is that marble is metamorphosed limestone. It is limestone that has been subjected to great heat and pressure; not phenomena usually founf eight thousand feet above mean sea level.
Limestone, likewise, is “modified / compressed coral. So the trail is: significant coral reefs form in the usual warm-ish oceans, but at depths shallow enough for the sunlight to keep the polyps alive. As per the Great Barrier reef, many coral features extend over 60 feet below the MSL, there is “living” coral only in the top few metres of water. Thus, over time, the ocean level rose or the land “sank”, or BOTH. If such a coral structure is subsequently buried under enough “silt”, for long enough, it will slowly compress and form Limestone. If it continues to be buried / subducted, etc. it should form Marble; complete with embedded fossils of marine life.
If you are ever in Brisbane and check out the Museum, etc. at South Brisbane, glance down at the floors. Marble with weird imperfections / inclusions.
So there had to be some SERIOUS geological rockin’ and rollin’ for the Carrara marble to end up at a high altitude.
On a smaller scale; consider the famous White Cliffs of Dover or the vast Nulabor Plain for more examples of the planet shuffling stuff about.
Ur was originally a sea port, trading to north Arabia and possibly to the Indus Valley (Harrapa) but we are told that this is due to silting from the Euphrates river, so Ur is now about 25 km. inland.
Ephesus, when the Prophet Paul came, was a sea port and is now kilometres inland, but we are told that this is due to land rise. The Temple of Artemis, to which Ephesus owed much of its fame and which seems to mark the site of the classical Greek city, was probably on the seaboard when it was founded (about 600 BCE). By late Byzantine times this had become useless, and the coast by the mid-20th century was four miles farther west. (Turkey is geologically unstable)
According to legend, Ancus Marcius king of Rome, founded Ostia in 620 BC as a crucial spot to make use of the salt pans at the mouth of the Tiber. Ostia Antica served as Rome’s principle port for hundreds of years: The oldest archaeological remains however, date back much later, to the second half of the 4th century BC, and belong to an armed camp (Lat. castrum) built in tufa blocks: it was built by roman settlers to protect the river’s mouth and the Lazio coast. It served as Rome’s principle port for hundreds of years: a witness and monument to the rise of the ancient superpower, its dominance and eventual decline, but the sea is now about 3 kilometres away. (Italy is geologically unstable)
What of the south coast of England being flooded by rising seas? Pevensey castle was built by the Romans in the fourth century on a peninsula so only the land side was exposed to any attackers. William the Conquerer anchored his invasion fleet in the harbour without trouble and today there is a roadway on the land below the walls (as can be seen on Youtube). And the original Cinque ports (the sea receded over the medieval period, and rivers silted up) leaving Winchelsea and Tenterden totally isolated from the coast. Rye transformed from a coastal port into a river one.
And the Watergate (a.k.a. Traitor’s gate) in the Tower of London, built in 1285 isn’t flooded at low tide, nor overflowing into the castle during high tides. (the tide in the River Thames at that point is over 4 metres).
What is the correlation between SLR and beachfront real estate prices?
Asking for a friend.
Lex Luthor had some thoughts along those lines.
Nailed it again . When the promoters of sea level catastrophe decide to move away from beachfront property I will start looking at this again . Weapons grade hypocrites . Wall St should be swimming by now….
Close to home, that inconvenient tidal gauge benchmark measured by Sir James Clark Ross
at Port Arthur correlating with nearby gauges at Hobart and Spring Bay.More things change, more same thing!
To my eye, it appears that the troughs in sea level on the kiribati chart seem to coincide with the peaks in temperature on the UAH average lower tropospheric anomaly chart.
I looked because ’98/99 stands out in memory as a clear big spike on the UAH temp anomaly chart and the clear low spike on the sea level chart was at that time.
i.e. ’98/99 ’10/11 ’16/17 ’20 ’24
Kiribati sea level
Temp anomaly
Maybe it’s not a real correlation and may be irrelevant even if it is.
If it is a correlation. Why would the sea level be low at the temp high?
I guess any warming and cooling of the ocean waters would lag the warmer years and be out of step.
Something to ponder or just a waste of time?
A quick look at the monthly data graph for the last 100years shows variance of over 100 millimetres as routine.
This is just an indication of the normal movement of the ocean surface.
Longer term effects arising from moon and planetary alignment are still going to be evident in the graph.
You can see the 1998 El Nino drop in the tidal gauge around 1998. Why it was bigger in Tonga is not obvious, but that is the only reason for a scary rise. If it happened close to the end of the measurement period, it’s a “the oceans are draining”! scare.
The oceans are overflowing? Where to?
Off the edges of flat Earth into the void?
P.S. we know the Earth isn’t flat because if it was, cats would have knocked everything off by now.
We’re a poor primitive culture about to be wiped out by boogeyman climate change. Give us all your money.
Perhaps a recent image find sums it up best:
My favourite nonsense from President Gutteres is that the oceans are really boiling. That’s categorically untrue.
But it coincided with the Climate port that the water near Floida had reached 100 degrees.
That was Farenheit! Body temperature.
No one in the press laughed. So he kept repeating it. And still does. For a man with a degree in Physics you have to admire his ability to keep a straight face.
That’ll teach me not to type on a phone.
Report. Florida. Auto correct never works when you need it. Only when it turns everything to nonsense
” keep a straight face.”
Surely not for the great Man.
Senor Guttierres is a leader of our generation.
Ain’t he???
‘Leading scamster’ perhaps …
6″ and 150 years to build a kerb size barrier? World ending floods. And so much of the Nederlands (Neder means below like nether) are 5 metres under sea level!
No more tulips. Or Edam cheeses. What a world tragedy. Only UN carbon offsets can save us! Give generously.
‘Sea surface temperatures in the Southwest Pacific have risen three times faster than the global average since 1980, the World Meteorological Organization report, released Tuesday, found.’
It has nothing to do with CO2, being regional. Ocean currents might play a role, or blocking high pressure, but perhaps underwater volcanism could be considered a candidate. Tonga is close to the edge of the caldera and there might be subsidence, raising sea level in the area.
Appropriate to this and many other threads –×1024.jpg
Plotting the Max Sea Level only give 5cms rise per year.
Crude Reality: South America’s Offshore Oil Buries Net Zero Agenda
By Vijay JayarajSouth American nations are increasingly realigning energy strategies to capitalize on offshore oil and gas reserves, signaling a marked shift from previously stated goals of reducing dependence on fossil fuels to satisfy the net zero agenda of those obsessed with a faux climate emergency.This divergence reflects the region’s pressing need to address economic challenges, including poverty, unemployment and a requirement for sustainable revenue streams to fund social programs and infrastructure development.Nations such as Brazil, Guyana and Argentina are spearheading new deals and projects aimed at intensifying exploration activities within their maritime boundaries. These endeavors are not merely speculative; they represent concrete steps backed by substantial investments from international energy giants seeking to capitalize on the region’s vast offshore potential. The economic imperative driving this resurgence cannot be overstated.Brazil’s state-controlled company, Petrobras, is set to invest $6 billion in the next five years to uncover new deposits of around 10 billion barrels that could nearly double current reserves. The company’s focus on pre-salt basins has resulted in significant discoveries, including the Buzios field, which is considered one of the most productive offshore oil fields globally.Guyana’s transformation into an oil powerhouse has been nothing short of remarkable since ExxonMobil discovered significant oil reserves in the Stabroek Block, which is estimated to contain over 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil………Only the woke gullible Western world is going look at me ,look at me EVs, while the BRICS are going all in on fossil fuels. Enjoy sitting in the dark Australia……..Why pick on Australia and the Western world only. Go tell the rest stop using fossil fuels…goodluck…bwahaha. What a moron.
Goes with that –
“Top ten crude oil producing fields in South America”
FWIW – looking at that second graph I was reminded –
Way back in BC The Journal of Irreproducible Results ran an article on “The power of linearisation”, including methods of linearising data.
The least recommended was to plot your points on a white sheet of rubber. stretch till appropriately linearised and then photograph. Downsides included the need for helpers thus potential witnesses.
“So About Those Oceans That Were Just About to Boil Away…”
“As I wrote way back in 2014, before we start panicking, a few questions need to be answered in this order:
Is whatever is going on detrimental or beneficial to the human habitat?
Do we understand the how and the why?
Do we have the technical means and know-how to make things better instead of worse?
We’re still iffy on big parts of the first question, but we have a lot of people in Washington and other places telling us that we need to tax and regulate as though we have perfect answers to all three.”
“The only certain thing for sure, as Lyle Lovett once sang, is that whatever is going on, it’s the worst thing ever and it’s because of something you did, comrade.
You can also be sure that the freezing oceans will be what kills us next.”
But IIRC that is “so 1970’s”
“We’re getting precious about losing a sand dune, but Mesolithic people lost entire continental shelves.”. Jo, you have such a great way with words. But this got me thinking: If the glacial-interglacial cycle stays on form, Australia will get its continental shelf back. That will be cause for celebration indeed (pity about the GBR dying for the umpteenth time, though, and the loss of all estuaries).
the earth forever changes. Therefore the most important thing is being able to adapt. If they spend money on anything that is what they should be spending it on
Globally, sea level is rising at an average rate of 3.4 mm/yr and is accelerating in response to ocean warming and land ice melt. This is solid data, satellites are very good at measuring height.
And in the 1990s the satellites recorded the rise as 1mm a year which agreed with 1,000 tide guages, and after they were “calibrated” to one sinking tide guage in Hong Kong around 2003 suddenly they said it was 3mm a year.
Isn’t it a tragedy how nature is conspiring all the time to make the raw data look like anthropogenic climate change is wildly exaggerated? I mean, what terrible luck that every single instrument records the “wrong thing” until it is adjusted to fit the models?
If you are concerned, call the Dutch.
They have experience in SLR mitigation.
So we have acidic, boiling, overflowing oceans. Despite which we still have fishing industries, coral reefs and cruise ships. I’m guessing Guterres doesn’t surf.
Abolish the UN…Start again…under Trump.
Nothing about plate tectonics, submarine volcanoes, the El Nino/La Nina factor… Jeez! We’re on a giant spinning orb, sailing through a solar system, with a moon and a couple of big planets tugging on us from time to time. I hate massive complexity reduced to 2-word memes!
Watching the human race devolve into insanity…
Large drop in surface temperature in the central equatorial Pacific leading to La Niña conditions.
Meanwhile, the Maldives is working on a gigantic new airport terminal which is slated to open next year, and Tuvalu is growing.
A quick look at the tide gauges around Norway, other parts of Scandinavia, Alaska and Canada show falling sea levels at a greater rate than the are rising elsewhere. Why? Could it be that since the Northern part of the North American plate is rising due to isostatic rebound then surely the sea floor is rising as well. Could the displaced ocean be causing rising sea levels around the rest of the world? Just asking!
[…] From JoNova […]
Joanne, Thanks for your amazing and sometimes amusing work! You must really be hitting a nerve with the climate cabal. I tried posting the link for this article on my facebook ‘friends’ (only), not publically, twice today and got the same ‘Removal’ notification. It said: “It looks like you tried to get likes, follows, shares or video views in a misleading way.” and “This goes against our Community Standards on Spam’ and, after the 2nd attempt “Repeatedly breaking our rules can cause more account restrictions” 🙁 I requested a review…so hopefully they will back down on this ridiculous blockage of information to a closed friends group.
Ken, thank you, in so many ways. I really appreciate you trying, and reporting this back too. Please let me know how you get on.
I haven’t even tried posting on my own facebook page for ages, but perhaps I should, just to see?
[…] This article originally appeared at JoNova […]
Well. That chart of sea level in Batio has, coincidentally, confirmed what I got from the horses mouth last week. On a tour of the WW2 remains there, our guide, a native of Tarawa (maximum altiitude 3 metres above sea level), offered the unprovoked opinion that in his lifetime (about 40 years) sea levels haven’t noticeably risen. I forget the epithet he used about “Climate Change”, but it wasn’t polite.
My wife, with a Doctorate in Education and two Masters degrees, who began her career with a First Class Honours in Coastal Geomorphology and has four decades of experience all over the Pacific, would have hugged him if it hadn’t been culturally inappropriate.