Carbon naughty list: Russia, Australia, USA, export more “climate damage” than any other nations

By Jo Nova

It’s something to be proud of: Russia, Australia and USA have the biggest Greenhouse Gas Export footprint on Earth. It’s a bizarrely contrived title though, where we have to ignore domestic emissions and blame countries instead for the fuels they dig up which someone else uses. (You know they want to).

We could play this game in so many ways. If China uses Australian coal to make a fridge, do those emissions belong to Australia, or China or to the Norwegian who bought the fridge? Correct answer: “all three”. The game of emissions mobile-blame means the shame can be applied to whichever patsy is the most useful. Double counting is not a mistake, it’s a marketing tool.

In a normal world, no one is responsible for what someone does with goods they sold, but in green economics, comrade, it all belongs to the Party.

You are supposed to badger and harass the people you sold the goods to, to ask them not to use it:

[Dr Gillian Moon] said if Australia was serious about its climate commitments, it should be doing more to encourage countries that bought its fossil fuels – particularly the developed economies Japan, South Korea and Taiwan that take about two-thirds of its exports – to move more rapidly to renewable energy. She said it should be having similar discussions with like-minded fossil fuel exporters, such as Canada and Norway.  (From The Guardian, linked below).

What this graph really shows is who is the Great Global Patsy — not Russia, because they are not working directly against their own economic interest, but Australia — the nation which stands to lose the most money per capita due to the demonization of fossil fuels, and which aids and abets the carbon-hate all the way, and never spends a cent to audit the UN Committee. This one-sided study was, of course, done in Australia. It was put together by the UNSW “Human Rights” Institute which spent exactly no minutes thinking about the human rights of poor people who want to be warm and buy our coal. Nor did they consider the starving kids of Haiti who benefit from cheaper food grown in a world with bountiful CO2.

The US has larger fossil fuel exports than Australia, but we export more coal, which is a more “emissions intensive fuel”, they say, so we export more emissions. (They should pay us for the coal, the oil, the gas, the fertilizer, and the warmer weather).

Total Greenhouse footprint of exports.

Source:Climate Analytics


Australian fossil fuel exports ranked second only to Russia for climate damage with ‘no plan’ for reduction

Adam Morton, The Guardian

Australia’s coal and gas exports cause more climate damage than those from any other country bar Russia, according to a new study that argues the country is undermining a global agreement to transition away from fossil fuels.

The analysis, commissioned by the University of New South Wales’ Australian Human Rights Institute, found Australia was the third biggest fossil fuel exporter on an energy basis in 2021, trailing only Russia and the US.

See also The Conversion:*

Dug up in Australia, burned around the world – exporting fossil fuels undermines climate targets

Australia mainly exports fossil fuels to Japan, China, South Korea and India. These countries, which accounted for about 43% of fossil fuel CO₂ emissions in 2022, are also signatories to the Paris Agreement. So they have set 2030 emissions reduction targets and net-zero goals of their own. Continuing to import fossil fuels is incompatible with their own commitments.


*It is hardly a Conversation while they ban skeptical opinions, eh?


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68 comments to Carbon naughty list: Russia, Australia, USA, export more “climate damage” than any other nations

  • #
    David Maddison

    If Australia didn’t export its “climate damage” (sic), there’d be almost nothing left to export…

    Oh wait, the regression to a subsistence society is indeed the plan…


    • #

      Which is exactly why I encourage any young people to get useful productive qualifications which can be used in any country, so they can leave the sinking ship when it becomes necessary.

      Most of the world does not buy into this rubbish.


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    Tony Tea

    If Russia, Australia and the USA export more “climate damage” than any other nations, which countries import the most climate damage?


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      Jon Rattin

      Importer not important- all you need to know is exporter bad, importer “developing”. Developing status -even if you are completing moon landings rather than supplying infrastructure to the poor- gets you an exemption from the Left. You will not be judged for your substantial CO2 emissions as all of a sudden they magically do not have any bearing on the increasing global temperature


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    Graeme No.3

    A better way to cut emissions would be to remove funding from these alarmist nuisances.
    Let them have their own Net Zero.


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      David Maddison


      How many “carbon (sic) emissions” are generated by the propagation of warmist propaganda?

      If the Left can claim that Vitamin D tests and storage of memes(?) on computer servers causes “climate change” (both reported on this blog), how much more so for the endless 24/7 issuance of BS about climate change across all platforms and which is the sole occupation of numerous government departments, woke subsidy harvesting corporations, the Left, and other evil doers?


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      It seems that they have nothing to do with themselves in any productive way – except to whinge and white ant. They are clueless and naive , which is what you can expect from our academic institutions.


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        Mike Jonas

        Never underestimate your opponent. The useful idiots are indeed clueless and naive, but their puppet masters are evil, devious, and a truly formidable enemy of mankind.


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    It should be mandatory that so called climate scientists revert to using slide rules as I’m sure the batteries in their calculators are flat.


    • #

      They wouldn’t know how to use a slide rule, or even what a slide rule is.


      • #
        Murray Shaw

        A Slide Rule is the long lost son of the Abacus. Early measuring and calculating tools.


        • #

          I still have a circular slide rule that I used to use at Uni, way back in the very early 60’s. No idea how to use it now. May be it is time relearn, for when the power goes down.


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    Kalm Keith

    It’s essential to have a great outline like this which shows the makeup of the Climate Control meme.

    Other recent perspectives such as the non market electricity “market” complexity and the rush to “explore” renewable alternatives like Clean Hydrogen and non combustible “safe ” storage batteries add to the picture.
    The destruction and pillage of forests and farms to feed “free” renewable electricity from remote locations must surely indicate that It’s Time; time to call out this monster and get back to reality in science, engineering and economics.

    The underlying fact that needs to be addressed in the tidy up is that the Science of CO2 has been misrepresented and used in a very ugly way that is damaging humanity.

    I have not read Sun Tsu but the whole renewables thing is suggestive of a master controller, who and where is he.
    The events in VicDanistan over the last decades should be a good clue.


  • #

    Just about everything these loonies yap about is intended to hurt Australians and we should obviously ignore them and even step up a gear.

    We shouldn’t forget that their so called CC by 2100 isn’t very scary and the average Human will be 4.34 times richer instead of 4.5 times richer. Does anyone really lose sleep over this revelation? Here’s Lomborg’s quote and the article link.
    And don’t forget that Lomborg is quoting the latest scenarios from the IPCC and Nobel prize winner Dr Nordhaus.

    “The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scenarios indicate that, if not for climate change, the average person would be 4.5-times richer by the end of the century than they are today”.
    Article content

    “Climate change will merely slow progress, such that the average person will be “only” 4.34 times as rich — by no means the end of the world. Yet fear pushes many to demand an inefficient diversion of hundreds of trillions of dollars to steer the global economy abruptly towards zero carbon emissions”.


    • #

      Of course the average person will be much wealthier and healthier by 2100 and average global life expectacy will be 80 years and 90 years for the wealthiest countries.
      Look up the Macrotrends site who are quoting the UN data.


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        Gerry, England

        While those where Net Zero is inflicted upon them will be getting poorer and unhealthier and dying much sooner as we head back to the Medieval Warm Period.


  • #

    and the cost of living will just increase in proportion to the rise in wealth.
    like raising the minimum wage – costs increase and soon we are right back where we were.


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      Mike Jonas

      The predicted wealth increase is not uniform. Just as the Chinese people have been disproportionately lifted out of poverty over the last few decades, so the poor of Africa and other regions can be lifted out of poverty over the next few decades. And it won’t be achieved by putting solar panels on huts.


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    David Maddison

    Protecting others from “carbon (sic) emissions” “for their own good” has been going on for a long time in the Stupid Country.

    Do you remember when India wanted to buy large amounts of Victoriastan’s lignite and the Government stopped the deal?

    What was the point of that? Australia is not allowed to use it, someone may as well make use of this great gift. And India is exempt from carbon (sic) emissions.


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      Had Victoria sold the lignite to India the current Victorian treasurer would not have to raise taxes to pay for his governments ineptitude. It would be interesting to ask Adam Morton how he would fund much of Australia without the income from coal and gas and then to pay all those now jobless. There seems to be no recognition of the benefits of our exports and a total lack of awareness of how to keep a modern economy operating without an income. Cuba manages but living standards fall and people like Adam beg for food since they have few talents that others want to pay for.


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    Ardy Smith

    They are NATURAL FUELS, not “fossil fuels”.
    The far-Left confected the term “fossil” to imply something long dead. Natural fuels are very much alive.
    We all need to force this more accurate phrase on the media, as it reminds the population that coal, oil and gas are gifts from nature.


  • #

    BTW here’s a new UBSS report of projections for the world economy by 2100 and a quote. This seems to support Lomborg, Dr Nordhaus and the real IPCC projections for 2100.


    “The world economy has come a long way in a relatively short time. Only 15,000 years ago, when global warming was ending a 100,000-year ice age, the world’s population was about 4 million, foraging and hunting were the dominant economic strategies, per capita income was I$ 100, and gross world product (GWP) was equal to that of an Australian town with a little under 8,000 people. In 2020, the global population was 2 million times higher, digitisation had become the latest in a succession of new, dominant economic strategies, per capita income had risen 160-fold, and GWP was almost a million times greater. However, while looking backward makes the current GWP seem huge, looking forward makes it appear quite small. By 2100, GWP could reach I$2,100 trillion, with the world economy producing in just three weeks what it is currently making in a year”.


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    UNSW “Human Rights” Institute verses Australian Coal Association in a marketing war. Who will win in the eyes of public voters at next Fed election? Most folks have had a gut full of climate change claptrap. Cost of living pressures and more government freestuff paid for by mining royalties will win. ACA should double down on their advertising and force the voters to reject the coal demonisation.


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    I have the same feeling about the Guardian and the Conversation that I have about “their” ABC. I don’t consume any of their media and remain blissfully unaware of their rants. So, a big thank you to Jo and others who continually keep me updated on the enemy’s activities.


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    Robert Swan

    There might be a big opportunity here.

    All we need to do is convince the world to pay us *not* to export any coal. No need to pay us everything they’re paying now, just the profit part will be fine, and we’ll save the expense of digging it up and shipping.

    If they balk at the idea — calling it insane or whatever — we can always point out how the Australian grid operator pays aluminium smelters to *not* produce aluminium. Shows just how well such a policy can work.


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    Curious George

    Is China really missing from the graph?


    • #

      Footprint = per-capita
      These donkeys don’t care about an absolute “emission” allegedly effecting the whole planet.
      And nor do they care about the denominator (population) … for example the exploited China workers making “our” solar panels.
      Social capital at work. Pity we can’t have a proper (non-gov) stock market to trade their “valued” capital.


    • #

      Footprint = per-capita
      These donkeys don’t care about an absolute “emission” allegedly effecting the whole planet.
      And nor do they care about the denominator (population) … for example the exploited China workers making “our” solar panels.
      Social capital at work. Pity we can’t have a proper (non-gov) stock market to trade their “valued” capital.


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      John B

      China exports its products that use mainly fossil fuels, which it imports and mines internally. Making solar panels and wind turbines, and being a socialist heaven, must give them a free pass from any naughty list.


  • #

    We’re repeat offenders on the ‘Carbon Naughty’ list and we’ve got a guilt trip to reconcile. Hard Left Labour’s Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen has the answer to assuage our collective guilt: as carbon degenerates we must regenerate ourselves by becomming carbon deniers and pledging allegiance to renewables as our only energy source. Remember, green electrons are good, guilt free electrons.


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    Pete of Charnlop

    Oh goody! So, I can sheet home the blame for the CO2 emissions to the country that sold the fuel that powered the jet that flew me overseas. 🙂


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      Yep, it’s all Saudi Arabia’s fault. Do you think any of their taxpayer funded academics write articles like this?


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    I made the comment a few weeks ago that it’s all you Sandgropers and Bananabenders causing global ocean boiling. Because of your exports of black coal and gas to the Asian countries. It’s Jo Nova’s fault. At least in Victoria we keep the coal to ourselves.


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    Old Goat

    This is the last gasp of the “climate change” meme . We will soon return to reality as we cannot afford not to . It’s all driven by the global media and they are increasingly irrelevant as the general population is noticing the contradictions in the narrative . For me the big picture indicates that it will be impossible to ignore the energy crisis that is rapidly unfolding for everyone for much longer . Wasting copious amounts of money on renewables will be impossible when hyperinflation occurs . Even the rusted on fanatics will have to face it soon . Slowly , then all of a sudden .


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      Mike Jonas

      I wish I could share your ootimism that “We will soon return to reality as we cannot afford not to .”. I am only too aware of how the likes of Stalin, Mao and Mugabe destroyed their own countries and how the destruction lasted for decades. There is no guarantee that we will return to reality, that requires the majority of the population (as per the voting system) to wake up and assert itself democratically.


      • #
        Old Goat

        The likes of Stalin, Mao and Mugabe all won “elections” . I believe the current paradigm will not support this level of murder and mayhem as secrecy is more difficult . As for “Democracy” you vote your way in , but sometimes you have to shoot your way out. Civil war isn’t civil and its cousin “colour revolution” isn’t either . I would point out that almost all the funding for the climate change boondoggle is coming from government policies/schemes and budgets and at some point they will run out of (our) money.


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    I guess if we stop our coal and gas exports Australia will have to slash health, welfare, etc. due to the massive shortfall in the budget.


  • #

    The best way of proving that fossil fuels are the fastest way of increasing countrie’s wealth in a very short time is to check the GDP per capita since 1990 from OWI Data.
    The graphs are active and just hold your mouse on countries names and you can see the progress over the last 32 years. I’ve selected the world as well and today China is just a little higher than the world GDP per capita.
    Today the world’s co2 emissions are over 14 billion tons higher per year than 1990.


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    Greg in NZ

    What?! No dirty nasty New Zealand on the List Of Shame? Yet we’re continuously reprimanded as the most pollutinest per capita people on the planet – all 0.17% – unless we’re now called ‘Aotearoa’ even though not one soul ever voted for the change.

    Talking of GIGO: “Climate Closing In” says a paper from the cuckoo’s nest, University of Waikato (which sits atop part of our largest coal-bearing region). Apparently Tonga is now sinking as well, according to the budding PhD student who wrote:

    “The research also employed creative approaches to gather insights on future [climate] mobility, including future visualisation sessions and future scenario planning workshops.” via RNZ, emphasis mine.

    Novel ‘science’ huh: state your answer, then work backwards to ‘show your method’, plus a taxpayer-funded freebie to the Kingdom of Tonga, in winter, thrown in for good measure. Bollocks.


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    Dave in the States

    So, Oz get’s a Silver Medal for helping humanity, and the planet, for the most exported life enhancing co2/capita.

    Well done!!

    The USA only get’s Bronze.


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    I have just finished inadvertently listening to a parliamentary debate about the Labor Led “Made in Australia Bill” that includes a grotesque amount of lost farm land to facilitate the projected solar/wind and hydrogen electricity production. No where in The Bill does it mention food production or rather the loss of it. One Labor tart kept going on and on about the job creation emanating from the millions of kilometers of power linage required to deliver the electricity to where it would be required. Has anyone looked at their power bill lately and noticed the leakage cost factor? When you do multiply it 1000 times to see the damage that Labor will inflict upon us in their net zero target.!


  • #

    All of this is based on the idea that the CO2 increase is man made, which is demonstrably not true.

    And the idea that the CO2 increase is heating the world, which is not true.

    And the idea that we can control CO2 in the atmosphere, perhaps by growing trees, which is not true.

    And finally that the world has any choice other than nuclear or fossil fuels, which is not true. I wonder if the people pushing out this stuff would like their computers to turn off for half the day, every day. Like South Africa which is quickly reverting to non colonialist sheer poverty.

    Not their problem. Their problem is how to shut down Australia while earning a living. Like the Government of South Australia which has their own giant diesel generators in Elizabeth for when the power goes off. The people pushing out this destructive nonsense should never see their power cut.

    Hyprocrisy is never far from activism. Or communism.

    With Australia’s reliably electricity supply entirely dependent on the few remaining coal plants, what is the plan? Or isn’t there one?


    • #

      This is the New South Wales Human Rights Institute.

      Cut all coal power to the University of New South Wales. Let them run on wind and solar. See what they say.

      They probably work from home anyway and have a generator out the back.


      • #

        This is reminiscent of the famine of 1789 in France which caused the French Revolution when Marie Antoinette is reportedly to have said “let them eat cake”.

        The world is desperate for fossil fuel energy. What about their rights? Only those living in publicly funded and powered Ivory Towers would demand others be forced into slave labour and starvation while the Australian elites enjoy unlimited power. What sort of Human Rights group is this? It was machinery and fossil fuel which ended slavery and made food plentiful, a process which is rapidly improving life on earth for everyone and reducing waste and pollution.


        • #

          And population is passing a point at 9 billion where it will rapidly drop. The life expectancy at 75 is now triple what it was in 1900, so the real population has only tripled to 3 billion. The other six billion are enjoying a quality and length of life which has only become possible with fossil fuel energy. And some academics think this needs fixing?

          As quizmaster and politician Barry Jones once said, “Australia is the only place in the world where calling someone an academic is an insult.” That’s appropriate for the UNSW Human Rights Institute which cares nothing for human rights.


          • #

            Albanese Labor since May 2022 have approved over sixty percent more immigrants for entry into Australia than Rudd-Gillard Labor did with their “Big Australia” plan 2007-2013.

            And Albanese Labor’s immigration intake so far exceeds the total immigration intake during the Hawke-Keating Labor thirteen years in government.


    • #
      David of Cooyal in Oz

      G’day TdeF,
      Thanks for your comments on the roles of temperature and oceans in relation to CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Much appreciated.
      I’ve tried to develop a brief slogan to capture the essence of your message and, hopefully, get the message through to opean minded people. This is my latest effort:

      ” CO2 is in equilibrium with the oceans and you can do zero to change that “,
      but it’s a bit wordy.
      Any ideas?
      Dave B


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      Don Amoore

      Well done. are you the only apparently sane person in this bunch of [SNIP “people”] and rabbit on about esoteric rubbish while NOT addressing and accepting the basic FACT that the rare and important gas, CO2, has extremely little to do with adding to the historical warming of the planet. Years ago this is where we were, now it is ignored, and everyone is quite happy referring to “emissions” and “carbon” etc.. If the facts of CO2 effects would become globally accepted and “believed” then the whole global warming scam and the renewables rubbish would go away. Isn’t this the place to push for that! If not then where?

      [Don, TdeF is indeed a treasure. I just prefer if commenters don’t light a fire in the comments, hence the snip. Thanks. – Jo]


  • #

    Naaah! Let’s just blame everything on the Norwegians.


  • #

    I thought the “official” UN IPCC rule is that the carbon emissions are allocated to the country that actually consumed the fuel ?
    So we are just playing by the rules, whilst the UNSW are obviously wanting to move the goal posts !


  • #

    Does this mean I should blame fuel service station owners for the emissions from my diesel engine 4WD?


    • #

      Yes its best to externalize all fault and blame. Ever since I dyed my hair purple , I have been doing that and it feels great!


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    There was a time when it was expected that those who had more helped those who had nothing. Now the Human Rights people advise a ‘dog in the manger’ view of the world. The rich have everything and deny the poor.

    Whoever came up with this does not belong in a human rights department. But then you are probably dealing with an anti Christian athiest who hates people.

    The whole Green movement is the enemy of humanity. Get rid of all the people and the planet will be saved. Why? For whom?


    • #

      Or even better, get rid of all the carbon dioxide and the Earth will be a lifeless wet rock spinning in space until the end of time. As all life on earth is made from CO2 and only CO2 and water, whoever believes that should get a medal for idiocy.


  • #

    Once again I note that Youtube has a United Nations warning on EVERY video about Climate Change or Carbon Dioxide.

    “United Nations • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.”

    e.g. Patrick Moore.


    • #

      That seems to leave them (YouTube) open to prosecution for “disinformation” when the real situation is revealed !


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    […] Schreibe eine Antwort Carbon naughty list: Russia, Australia, USA, export more “climate damage” than any other… […]


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    […] Schreibe eine Antwort Carbon naughty list: Russia, Australia, USA, export more “climate damage” than any other… […]


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    Whilst clearly such a research analysis it highlights the combined insanity and hypocrisy of the Governments energy policy. If it truly believed that we should be getting rid of coal fired energy and going fully renewable we should indeed ban export and mining of coal . It is after all called global warming .if you believe that crap Australia by exporting coal is indeed making things worse. The reality is that if we don’t export coal someone else will rendering every effort that we make completely futile. This research highlights why are we bothering if whatever we do makes no difference.


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    Tony DIQUE

    Electric vehicles are absolutely essential in urban areas to reduce particulate pollution. If you have looked at the lungs of a person who lives in the city, they are black, not pink. And that’s a non-smoker. We don’t need to reduce CO2 pollution. We need to reduce particulate pollution.


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    Murray Shaw

    Yes Jo, I was blacklisted/banned/depersonned from The Conversation many years ago, for my scepticism, which I thought rather nasty coming from a taxpayer funded body. Me being a taxpayer of many years standing.


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    We can switch to selling them yellow cake!!


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