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    Secret Service Director Cheatle resigns amid backlash over security lapses at Trump rally

    House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said at a news conference, “It is overdue. She should have done this at least a week ago,” he said on Tuesday.


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      Peter C

      Director Cheatle has resigned but questions about SS and FBI involvement in shootings still unanswered.


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      David Maddison

      Great news!

      As Donald Trump once said:

      Everything Woke turns to sh-t.

      And what about all the DEI appointments Cheatle made? They also need to go as they remain a danger to people whose lives they are meant to be protecting.

      The failure of the DEI appointments who were meant to be protecting Trump nearly changed the course of world history.

      And in typical hypocrisy of the Left, it seems that the merit-based hires were protecting Biden and Harris but the DEI hires were given to Trump. As the Left love DEI so much shouldn’t it have been the other way around? Or did they think their lives were more important than DEI?


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        Gee Aye

        What proportion of the US population is white male? How much does it vary locally? Do you have evidence that the WM proportion in these appointments is below expectation?


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          Gee Aye

          (answer is 30% but is slightly lower for the 18-60 age groups)


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            Hmmm. White males are a minority group. Cool.
            Eligible for DEI hiring.


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            Gee Aye, what proportion of the US population has the strength, speed and height to be competent in the Secret Service and would we expect that to be the same for all genders and races?

            And one gender might have evolved to deal with physical conflict and threats better.

            You know, “Biology”.


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        While I don’t like DEI appointments and quotas, do we have knowledge that the decision makers were DEI appointments or not?
        e.g. Who decided not to secure the roof? A DEI appointment or a regular
        Was the police sniper scanning the area who didn’t engage the shooter before the shots a DEI or not?
        When the police were told by the public that someone was on the roof, were they DEI cops or where there DEI intermediaries taking those communications or failing to pass them on in the 2mins warning?
        Were they DEI officers in the shed the shooter was on? Cant they hear someone on the roof above them? A possum scurries on my roof and it’s enough to wake you.

        We can speculate that the three women secret service were DEI and not fully merit based. But we don’t know. Even if they were DEI, were they involved any security decisions or just following instructions by non DEI.

        Did Cheatle have any direct input into security on the day? Or was it all handled by allegedly competent non-DEI appointments?

        Cheatle has only been in charge a couole of years. Has her DEI goal had time to impact decision making?

        To have a proper debate we need to know these things and more. Any false labelling of DEI failure only becomes a weapon against critics of DEI and quotas.
        But it is important to highlight the DEI flaws when it is known to be the factor or a contributing factor.


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      CO2 Lover

      Insider Job? Or am I a Conspiracy Theorist?

      Joe Biden, Who’s Been Missing in Action, Releases Statement Praising Director Cheatle Following Her Resignation and Stonewalling on Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

      Top Security Chiefs Snub Congress: Secret Service, FBI, and Homeland Security Heads Reportedly Refuse to Testify on Day Two of Trump Assassination Inquiry


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        CO2 Lover

        There needs to be another Warren Commission – even thought the FBI lied to the original Warren Commission


        NOVEMBER 30, 1963

        Office of the White House Press Secretary



        NO. 11130


        Pursuant to the authority vested in me as President of the United States, I hereby appoint a Commission to ascertain, evaluate and report upon the facts relating to the assassination of the late President John Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of the man charged with the assassination. The Commission shall consist of —
        The Chief Justice of the United States, Chairman;
        Senator Richard B. Russell:
        Senator John Sherman Cooper;
        Congressman Hale Boggs;
        Congressman Gerald R Ford;
        The Honorable Allen W. Dulles;
        The Honorable John J. McCloy.
        The purposes of the Commission are to examine the evidence developed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any additional evidence that may hereafter come to light or be uncovered by federal or state authorities; to make such further investigation as the Commission finds desirable; to evaluate all the facts and circumstances surrounding such assassination, including the subsequent violent death of the man charged with the assassination, and to report to me its findings and conclusions.

        The Commission is empowered to prescribe its own procedures and to employ such assistants as it deems necessary.

        Necessary expenses of the Commission may he paid from the “Emergency Fund for the President”.

        All Executive departments and agencies are directed to furnish the Commission with such facilities, services and cooperation as it may request from time to time.

        November 29, 1963.


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          CO2 Lover

          Second Shooter on second floor?

          Shooter killed by a pistol shot from second floor window?

          Cheat-le refused to confirm 2nd shooter


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            Hollywood stuff.

            Until someone trustworthy in the Coronial biz comes up with actual bullets, or fragments thereof, from that day, stick with two rifles.

            Caveat: There may well have been a third, (backup) shooter in the audience armed with a “pistol’ also chambered in .223 Remington, for “consistency”. Once such a piece of hardware were drawn for “action” the spectators may just have noticed this and “done something”

            A couple of reports mentioned Pres Trump hearing the bullet that clipped his ear, as “whizzing”. There is also a “frame-grab” which was posted as showing the “track” of the offending projectile.

            There seemed to be a LOT of cameras pointed at Trump. Were ALL of these “secured” immediately after the event? Likewise the broadcast control van? Has anyone who knows what they are looking at done a serious review of all the image data?. In the ‘good-old-days of analogue multi-camera shoots, the only “recording” was of the “switched views, as controlled by the “director” . The advent of the “cam-corder” at industrial (Remember “Betacam”?)level meant that everything from every angle was mixed and recorded / transmitted live, as before, but the individual camera shots would be recorded on internal media. This enabled an “enhanced mix” to be created at a later date,for better or for worse. .

            Supersonic bullets make a very loud ‘crack as they pass. This is a baby sonic boom.

            Bullets at subsonic speeds “buzz” as they make small but audible “flutters” as they travel through the air..

            The mechanic and physics of stabilizing a bullet are complex and the stuff of much discussion; “how many variables can dance on a meplat”.

            The intertubes and the LSM are overflowing with increasingly wild theories based on “Hollywood-esque” fantasies about physics and mechanics.


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              “Supersonic bullets make a very loud ‘crack as they pass. This is a baby sonic boom. Bullets at subsonic speeds “buzz” as they make small but audible “flutters” as they travel through the air..”

              I noted that on the first day, they sounded like subsonics, but then I put it down to the microphones not being able to picked up the boom of centrefires.

              There must have been dozens of cameras on Trump, everyone seems to have a mobile phone these days, and there is no way in hell you would want to hand any footage over to the authorities until it has been safely downloaded and then uploaded somewhere else.


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      CO2 Lover

      Riddle me this

      Why would Cheat-le give up a job at Pepsi paying $1.2 million per annum for at goverment job paying only $280,000 per annum?

      Was someone else also paying Cheat-le


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      another ian


      “Trump Responds After Secret Service Director Resigns: “The Biden/Harris Admininstration Did Not Properly Protect Me” ”


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      When they get a DEI posted person failing all they do is get everyone else saying well they shouldn’t have employed that category (not person because they employed by category) so it massively backfires.


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    92 Percent Of Kamala Harris’ Staff Left In Her First Three Years As VP

    “Chaos reigns on the vice president’s staff,” wrote Open The Books founder Adam Andrzejewski.

    OTB’s investigation also revealed budget discrepancies and a lack of transparency from Harris’ office. As Andrzejewski said, “Kamala Harris, Office of Vice President, is committed to the opacity of its payrolls and all other office information.”

    OTB’s investigation also revealed an over $2 million discrepancy in Harris’ allocation of taxpayer dollars.

    “We calculated that for VP Harris’s 28 staff listed in the Senate report, the 2021 salaries added up to $2,334,223,” Andrzejewski wrote. But the vice president’s office “got $5 million for 23 full time staff in 2021 and requested over $6 million for 27 full time staff in 2022.”

    Harris blamed staff for her lack of preparation.

    “With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why.”


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      “It took about a day for Kamala Harris to lock up enough delegate support to nail the nomination…Her history as a prosecutor, despite the great many abhorrent things she did, is being touted as a strength this time around in order to set up “the prosecutor v. the criminal” campaign against Trump.

      Whether Harris is the candidate Democrats want seems besides the point. What they want even less is a chaotic floor fight that will leave everyone bloody. What they want is to pretend Harris is suddenly a desirable candidate where she was a failure of massive proportions before. What they want is to see the first woman of color elected president. What they want is to bring back the pro-Hamas fringe who hated Genocide Joe for what was happening in Gaza, but didn’t connect Harris to the policy, as she declines to be present for Israeli President Bibi Netanyahu’s speech to the House and has spoken of the pro-Hamas protesters as “showing exactly what the human emotion should be…Have the Democrats coalesced around a winner or latched onto the nightmare candidate because she had the VP title and the old man’s endorsement?…””

      Simple Justice, with comments.. Lawyers have a different view of Harris from her days as prosecutor.

      “The party loudly screaming about the need to protect democracy seems rather set against letting voters have their say.”


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    Like the Kennedy assassination the Trump incident also clearly involved a Secret Service stand-down to allow shooters to sight in their marked man.

    Trump has now upgraded to Navy Seal protection with the help of Eric Prince, former CEO of Blackwater Security. The US Secret Service has effectively disqualified itself.

    The real blame for this operation sits at the feet of Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s Secretary of Homeland Security and Cheatle’s overseer. The Cuban-born son of a Romanian Jewish woman whose family fled Europe in the 1940s, Mayorkas is a long-time Democrat operative who was impeached by the House of Representatives this year over his neglect of the US-Mexico border, but cleared by the Democrat-controlled Senate.

    Cairns News


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    David Maddison

    Apparently when the White House Resident resigned, or at least he wasn’t running for a second term, he did not tell his staff, the found out via a Tweet from his account.

    Since he isn’t likely to have the mental capacity to use Twitter, it’s likely that it was done for him, with or without his knowledge.

    Styxhexenhammer discusses in the following video. (Language warning.)


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      John in NZ

      I wonder when they told him he had resigned.


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      Graeme No.3

      Did he sign some ‘unimportant’ papers without reading them? And found out ‘his’ resignation later?
      Did his belated support for VP Harris come from his admiration for her performance, or from a thought that she would lose to Trump so he could say “I’m the only one who beat Trump”?


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    David Maddison

    The Left lie.

    For years the Left and the Lamestream media propagandists denied a problem with the “sharp as a tack” White House Resident even though it was obvious to the thinking community for years.

    And that’s just his mental capacity, not including his behavioural problems like sniffing little girls and various racist comments.

    What else are they lying about? That’s one of the reasons they can never and should never be trusted for anything, including for friendships or business.


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      John in NZ

      They are lying to us about everything.

      They lied about Biden being sharp as a tack.

      They lied about the lockdowns being only two weeks to flatten the curve.

      They lied about the pandemic being a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

      They lied about there being more than two genders.

      But they expect us to believe them when they tell us climate change is an existential threat.


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      John Connor II

      He is as sharp as a tack – the blunt end.

      He’s going to get $413k as a pension, more than the $400k as fake president.
      That’s polly-tics people – clueless lying parasitic leeches with an indexed salary and perks for life after having destroyed lives and your country.


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        “He’s going to get $413k as a pensionF, more than the $400k as fake president.

        I think the “Fake President’ has been worn to a frazzle by now as even Trump admits the election wasn’t rigged


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    CO2 Lover

    Look at the photo of the head of the Shooter in this link – it is intact and not blown apart.

    It was not hit by a sniper shot to the head.

    The autopsy has not been released that would confirm where the shooter was shot and by how many bullets and the likely caliber of these bullets or bullet

    Could have been a hand gun shot to the body from the second story next door where state police were stationed.


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      John in NZ

      Interesting video on Dark Horse about video evidence for more than 1 shooter.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      If the theory that the shooter was known to the secret service and his killing planned in order to hide his motives etc, I do not believe they would have shot him with a handgun at that distance – too risky. They would have ensured 100% success by using a fancy rifle.

      The autopsy would have included ballistics analysis that clearly shows where the fatal bullet originated. Too bad we may never get to know, or at least never get the truth.


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        CO2 Lover

        The hand gun shot would have been from the window of the 2nd story only a few metres away


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          Steve of Cornubia

          If the window in question is where I think it is, that would be what, 20 metres away? Seems to far to guarantee a accurate head shot to me, even in the hands of an expert. Mind you, we’re dealing with an obviously incompetent team here, given they didn’t even have the foresight to construct a believable excuse for not securing that roof.


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      another ian

      If you listen to the video of that demonstration at about 14 minutes in there is mention of using a ballistic tip bullet which will be more spectacular than a fmj


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      I guess the long range pistol headshot lines up with the other random options seem to want to throw into the mix. As someone has said its all a bit movieesque. The more convoluted the story the more unlikely it gets


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      Peter C

      There was a picture of Crooks face taken after death which showed blood but no apparent wound.
      I can longer find it so it may have been taken down.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >you can see it at this link

          No, that’s a mockup/reenactment, not Crooks.


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          Peter C

          Thanks Philc,

          Not the one I was looking for.
          However if you take a look at the second photo you might see what looks like a 5ft ladder set up on a cabinet to the right of the entrance of the adjacent building (to the one where Crooks body lies).
          That might be they way that he got up on the roof.


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            Richard C in NZ


            >if you take a look at the second photo you might see what looks like a 5ft ladder set up on a cabinet to the right of the entrance of the adjacent building
            >That might be they way that he got up on the roof.

            Yes I see that ladder but the photo was taken well after the shooting. Earlier photos of the entrance and cabinet next to the ladder didn’t have that ladder in it.

            Put there for later access. Not Crooks ladder, that was never recovered on-site.

            Official wisdom was that he got up via the air conditioning units on the other side on the far link canopy (at least I think that was the unit).


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        Richard C in NZ


        >There was a picture of Crooks face taken after death which showed blood but no apparent wound.
        I can longer find it so it may have been taken down.

        Yep, saw that too.

        Went looking for it last night – couldn’t find it.

        It was a crop-and-closeup of a photo taken further out and published before the MSM (like Fox) picked it up and pixelated it.

        I found the original photo a few days ago (not the cropped version) and tried to post it here at JoNova but it disappeared into the ether.

        Maybe the Mods disallowed it but I’m more inclined to think it was WordPress security software filtering it out somehow.

        In any event, these contentious/controversial photos, like CS Team 2 (see below) that made the kill shot, are being memory holed on the internet/web.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >It was a crop-and-closeup of a photo taken further out and published before the MSM (like Fox) picked it up and pixelated it.

          Must have been taken by the Pittsburg (?) sniper from the 2nd story window because it was taken from ABOVE the roof surface.


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      Richard C in NZ

      Collected some trivia to share at the risk of boring everyone to tears.

      After Ronin’s speculation yesterday about CS Teams using ‘bull’ barrels I went on a deep dive. From what I can gather (see refs following) the rifles are based on the Remington 700 bolt-action rifle but with custom chassis for each shooter (yes, individually customized) and fires the .300 Winchester Magnum (Win Mag) cartridge.

      CS Team 2 photo – This is the team that made the kill shot, contrary to almost every media report that focuses on photos and videos of the photogenic Team 1. Went looking for the photo of Team 2 that I’ve retrieved and linked previously (see days ago) but couldn’t find anywhere on the internet. Eventually found one again, that’s this:

      CS Team 2 photo

      I challenge anyone to find that photo or one like it by web search (e.g. All or Images).

      More on references, photos, and gear next.


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        Richard C in NZ

        Here’s the ubiquitous, iconic, photogenic Team 1 (one of 2 variations, this one sharpest):

        CS Team 1 photo

        Great photo but they didn’t make the kill shot as portrayed by the media.


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        Richard C in NZ


        I discovered, when looking through CS gear (see following) and noticing an absence of standard issue footwear, that they all must choose their own because every photo of every CS on the web is wearing different footwear.

        I was curious about this because I’ve worked in roles where I’ve had to clamber around machines and structures and gone flatout pulling pallets with a hand pallet jack in safety boots. Nothing worse than the wrong boots after a 9 hour shift ending up with blood and blisters then having to bandage up, suck up some pain, and work the next shift.

        So these CS guys must get the footwear that suits them best. A bit like footballers boots but without the sponsorship.


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        Richard C in NZ


        Analysis: Shooter Assault Rifle and US Secret Service Sniper Rifles in Trump Assassination Attempt.

        The Mk13 sniper rifle is a precision long-range weapon used primarily by U.S. military forces, including the Navy SEALs and other special operations units. It is based on the Remington 700 bolt-action rifle, a design renowned for its reliability and accuracy, and has been specifically modified to meet the rigorous demands of military operations.

        The Mk13 typically fires the .300 Winchester Magnum (Win Mag) cartridge, which offers superior range and stopping power compared to the standard 7.62mm NATO round. This makes the Mk13 particularly suitable for engagements at extended ranges. The rifle features a heavy, free-floating barrel, which enhances accuracy by minimizing barrel flex during firing. This design choice, along with precision machining, ensures consistent shot placement.

        One of the main features of the Mk13 is its advanced optics, which can include night vision and thermal sights, allowing for accurate targeting in various lighting conditions. The rifle is also equipped with a bipod for stability and a suppressor to reduce noise and muzzle flash, making it more effective in covert operations.

        The effective range of the Mk13 sniper rifle is typically around 1,100 m (approximately 1,200 yards ), though skilled marksmen can achieve accurate shots at even greater distances. The rifle’s design and features make it a formidable tool in the hands of trained military snipers, capable of delivering precise and powerful shots over long distances.

        # # #

        “The rifle features a heavy, free-floating barrel”

        Ronin may have been correct about ‘bull’ barrels at least to a degree – not sure.


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          Richard C in NZ

          What to Know About the Secret Service’s Counter Sniper Team

          The counter snipers, code named “Hercules,” can respond to a threat from a distance with their .300 Winchester Magnum rifles, according to Ronald Kessler’s 2009 book, “In the President’s Secret Service.” And they have to prove they can do so on a monthly basis.

          “Counter-Snipers are required to qualify shooting out to a thousand yards each month,” Kessler wrote. “If they don’t qualify, they don’t travel or work.”

          The snipers shoot with a rifle called a JAR, said Paul Eckloff, a retired Secret Service agent who served on details protecting three different presidents during his 23-year career.

          “You’ve never heard of it because the Secret Service makes them,” Eckloff said.

          It stands for “just another rifle” and they’re built specifically for each counter sniper by the Secret Service’s armorer to take into account things like the length of the shooter’s arms, wrists and trigger finger.


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          Richard C in NZ

          About That Huge Rifle The Secret Service Sniper Was Carrying During Trump’s Photo Op Walk [St Johns Church, Wash. DC]

          The rifle is based on Accuracy International’s bolt-action AX chassis system (AXAICS). This advanced platform is designed for extreme accuracy shooting and allows customers, such as law enforcement agencies and military units, to customize the caliber, action, and barrel combination for their specific needs. The fully adjustable stock and forend with Picatinny rail and KeyMod accessory attachment points also offer full customization to the user’s needs.

          The AXAICS can accommodate actions chambered for everything from .308 Winchester on the lower-power end, all the way up to .338 Lapua Magnum on the higher end. The company also makes a .50 caliber rifle that is based on a variant of the AX chassis. The weapon being carried by the U.S. Secret Service sniper in the photos is most likely chambered in .300 Winchester Magnum or .338 Lapua Magnum.

          So, the total package for an off-the-shelf weapon system like this is roughly [USD]$13,300—of course, government contracts change everything.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >“The [USSS CS] rifle features a heavy, free-floating barrel
          Ronin may have been correct about ‘bull’ barrels at least to a degree – not sure.

          Reason being the definition of bull barrel is vague:

          What is a Bull Barrel?

          The first task is to define a bull barrel, and that’s difficult because it is a term that gets used to describe a lot of different barrels.

          In rifles, it’s generally a barrel that doesn’t taper towards the muzzle. In pistols, bull barrel refers to barrels that are a thicker diameter than the factory barrel, or even that flare towards the muzzle. We also refer to flared barrels as conical barrels.

          If we had to create a single, universal definition to answer what is a bull barrel, my answer would be “a barrel that is heavier and thicker in diameter than the original design called for.”

          Bull and conical barrels are popular on rifles and semi-automatic pistols. In the heyday of bullseye revolver competitions, custom shops often fitted revolvers with heavy bull barrels.

          So referring to rifles specifically: a bull barrel is one “that doesn’t taper towards the muzzle”, so Ronin is not correct in that respect.

          But in general terms: a bull barrel would be “a barrel that is heavier and thicker in diameter than the original design called for.”

          Ronin is correct in general terms.


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        Richard C in NZ

        Tripods, bipods.

        The teams use a tall (1) and a short (1) tripod or bipods (2).

        From the initial photos I assumed the tall tripod was for Spotter binoculars that each team has 1 each of (see Open threads about a week ago).

        Not so. In the CS Team 2 photo previous and below, you can see a sniper rifle mounted on the tall tripod.

        CS Team 2 photo

        The gear these guys tote around is phenomenal.


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        Peter C

        CS Team 2 photo

        Aren’t they facing the wrong way?


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          Richard C in NZ

          Peter >Aren’t they facing the wrong way?

          Yes occurred to me too but it’s the only one I could find last night. Probably been reversed for some reason.

          I’ll have to go back through Open Threads to dig out the first one I found – give me time, it’s a mission.

          I think the first one may have been reversed too – maybe it’s the same photo – have to see.

          Whatever it is any photo of CS Team 2 is now as rare a rocking horse droppings, hens teeth, etc.


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            Richard C in NZ

            Peter >Aren’t they facing the wrong way?
            Me >Yes occurred to me too but it’s the only one I could find last night. Probably been reversed for some reason.
            Me >I’ll have to go back through Open Threads to dig out the first one I found – give me time, it’s a mission.

            Gottit – Different photo.

            From: Richard C in NZ July 14, 2024 at 2:06 pm


            Alayna Treene @alaynatreene

            Photos of the counter snipers inside the rally venue today, taken by my incredible security detail with @CNN who made sure we were safe and protected


            CS Team 1 (Caps)

            CS Team 2 (Floppy Hats) [Photo #1]

            CS Team 2 (Floppy Hats) [Photo #2]

            Both Team 2 photos (#1 & #2) were taken from the front of the barn but from different angles.

            Photo #2 is NOT reversed in respect to Photo #1.

            The barn does NOT reverse (check sun angle).

            CS Team 2 DOES reverse i.e. from looking into the sun to looking away from sun.

            Photo #2 was taken BEFORE Crooks was identified as a threat and Photo #1 was taken AFTER.

            Ultimately it was the CS Team 2 that took down Crooks.


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              Peter C

              Ultimately it was the CS Team 2 that took down Crooks.

              They were given the credit.

              However the nature of Crooks injury makes it unlikely that he was killed by a head shot from Team 2 (in my opinion).

              Awaiting the post mortem findings now, which are being held back for some reason.


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                Richard C in NZ

                >They [Team 2] were given the credit.
                However the nature of Crooks injury makes it unlikely that he was killed by a head shot from Team 2 (in my opinion)

                Agreed. More on this downthread at #32.

                My latest concluding comment in that thread:

                There was immediate attribution to USSS CS Team 2. Then USSS CS Team 1 (in error by MSM). Then audio analysis revealing 3 shooters.

                1) Crooks
                2) USSS CS Team 2
                3) Mystery shot

                Distinct possibility, as you allude CO2 Guy, that the kill shot wasn’t Team 2.

                Actually looking less and less likely given the USSS fire power.

                But I’m still open at this (VERY) early stage.

                >Awaiting the post mortem findings now, which are being held back for some reason.

                On that from downthread:

                Ashley Babbit was taken out by a neck shot from almost point blank – she bled out.

                Crooks bled out too.

                We don’t know, EXACTLY, where the bullet entry/retention/exit was.

                Given JFK the disclosure of that information will be fraught.


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      Simon Thompson M.B. B.S.

      The helix of the “Shooters” ear has two prominent nodules, neither of which appear in Crook’s photos. The photo does match an antifa convicted- jailed criminal -but that is a dirty narrative.
      Independent autopsy results, ballistics are not necessary- deep state has told us what happened
      before the important evidence was gathered and no trial is necessary ad the “Lonegunman” is dead.

      We are not told who shot the shooter.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >Police Bodycam Footage of Secret Service Responding to Trump Shooter on Roof Released, Snipers Took Photos of Crooks Before Shooting, Drone Sent to Water Tower (VIDEO)

        I slowed that video down to 0.25x. Lots of pointing to the window and the rifle position, no pointing at CS Team 1/2.

        Irrespective of what the guys said, my take:

        1) Rifle is probably in Crooks shooting position.

        2) There was no time delay between Crooks shots and Crooks being taken out by whatever shot therefore he must have been shot but not fatally i.e. neck maybe, by USSS Team 2 then he moved and bled out.

        3) If so, Crooks body is where he moved to subsequent to being shot (but no reports of him moving though).

        4) Either that or, given the pointing to the window, Crooks was shot from the window then moved to where he bled out, or, Crooks was shot from the window after moving (but there was no time for that given audio).

        5) The above explains the shaking heads. palms up, incomprehension of what might have happened.

        After that video there’s also another must-see video on Rumble

        See A Birds-Eye-View Of The Location Of Donald Trump’s Attempted Assassination

        Comment on that next.


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          Richard C in NZ

          Video – See A Birds-Eye-View Of The Location Of Donald Trump’s Attempted Assassination

          This shows the buildings in close-up drone view.

          Shows the airconditioner unit on the North West corner (alley) where Crooks was supposed to have climbed up (I think that’s the unit).

          Except the unit is AWAY from the wall i.e. just about impossible to get from the top of it to the roof.

          Units on the South side of building 4 (not sure what type) are against the wall but no-one saw anyone climbing up there.

          Still unclear, even from that video, how Crooks got up.


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            Peter C

            Thanks Richard,

            You are obviously taking a close interest in the shootings.

            The Rumble video says that NO LADDER WAS FOUND, yet the drone picture here:
            seems to show a ladder at the front of the buidling and Crooks body is still on the roof.
            I wonder who took the ladder away?


            • #
              Richard C in NZ


              That video was taken long after the day of the shooting – different ladder entirely.

              2 early ladders, blue and aluminium, neither belonged to Crooks. His ladder was never recovered on-site.

              These subsequent ladders – blue, alum., above, were used to get access AFTER the shooting.


        • #

          3) If so, Crooks body is where he moved to subsequent to being shot (but no reports of him moving though).

          That simply cannot be correct … if he moved while bleeding out, then it would leave a heck of a big puddle across that roof and photos taken at the time show only a little bit of blood.

          Do you remember the shooting of Curtis Cheng in Sydney 2015? The police guy shot the Muslim kid with a single standard issue 38 hollow point and a whole lot of blood came out. It was everywhere, long streaks running across the road and down the gutter. Take home lesson: there’s a lot of blood in a kid when you see it spread out like that.

          Getting back to Crooks on the rooftop … it was a pale coloured roof, you would have easily seen blood around the place if Crooks had been moving around bleeding. Practically impossible to clean that up in a short space of time. The other thing is that eyewitnesses said he died instantly from a head shot. Based on the photo it looked to me like he got hit in the back of the head and it came out his mouth. That means he was shot by the people on the second story of the AGR building.


          • #
            Peter C

            That means he was shot by the people on the second story of the AGR building.

            That would explain quite a lot.
            But many questions still to be answered, such as; did they take a few shots at Trump first?


          • #
            Peter C

            I reviewed photos of Crooks taking aim and then after death. He does not seem to have moved.
            Also photos show the he is bleeding from a spot behind his right ear, which is consistent with being shot from the second floor window.


          • #
            Richard C in NZ

            Tel, yes I agree with what you suggest re blood trail etc. Occurred to me too.

            I was just trying to lay out the competing scenarios in some coherent order to be addressed.

            It worked. You did exactly that. CO2 Guy is ahead of me though but I’m trying to reconcile, or not, the official narrative with what is coming out in the public domain.

            Most likely is now looking like shot from window or behind as you suggest, contrary to the official narrative.


    • #

      That vid got 6 mil views. Can’t imagine YT monetised it though.


  • #
    David Maddison

    If/when Trump is elected and exits the Paris Accords for a second time, will the most fanatical followers of the global warming fraud such as Australia, continue with their obsessive dismantling of the power grid or will common sense prevail?


    • #
      Graeme No.3

      David, what did you mean bringing common sense into their plans?


    • #

      continue with their obsessive dismantling of the power grid or will common sense prevail?

      Dutton is now wedded to nuclear. I consider it still unlikely that Australia will build another coal fired power station until China takes control.

      Warnings just today that power prices set to rise following release od AEMO Q2 2024 report:

      Wholesale spot prices averaged $133 per megawatt hour (MWh) across all National Electricity Market (NEM) regions this quarter, 23% higher than Q2 2023’s $108/MWh. Regional reference prices ranged from $173/MWh in New South Wales to $101/MWh in Queensland.

      The first page of the executive summary is a sad tale for the grid.

      Figure 2 highlights where Australia has come to with WDGs. It gives the reduction in windspeed across the regions. I believe I am the only person on Earth who has made an effort to calculate the total wind energy and the power output of the engine that drives it. I heard Twiggy say the wind was an unlimited resource. It is not. Wind stillers are bound to create unintended consequences for regional climate.


    • #

      YES, of course.


    • #

      will the most fanatical followers of the global warming fraud such as Australia, continue with their obsessive dismantling of the power grid or will common sense prevail?

      My instinct tells me that it would be improbable for Labor to let common sense take over and change direction.

      However, today showed they can reverse ill advised decisions. Labor having removed the heads of ASIO and ASIS from its National Security Committee of Cabinet last year, today announced that the head of ASIO will again have a seat at the National Security Committee of Cabinet.
      I don’t think we’ll see an admission it was a mistake and common sense has prevailed. But, perhaps foolishly, it gives me hope for other areas.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    or will common sense prevail?

    Not with a Labor + Greens minority goverment – the race to dismantle the power grid will speed up.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Apparently clueless Gen Z’s consider “thumbs up” offensive.

    Question: Which emoji best signifies approval, and represents ideas such as “yes,” “like,” or “that’s great”?

    The answer, it turns out depends on how old you are. If you were born before the mid-1990s, the answer is likely to be the good old thumbs-up emoji.

    But for Generation Z, or “zoomers,” born between the mid-1990s and 2010, the thumbs-up emoji is increasingly viewed as signaling sarcasm or being downright hostile, according to self-reports on social media. One representative user on a Reddit discussion forum, on this subject, posts:

    “For younger people (I’m 24 for reference) the thumbs up emoji is used to be really passive aggressive. It’s super rude if someone just sends you a thumbs up.”




    • #

      My kids are 18 and 19 and they use the thumbs up emoji regularly, not just their old Mum. My nieces and nephews all early 20’s or 30’s, are also frequent users.

      So guessing that ‘normal ‘ young adults don’t take offence at all.


    • #

      When I was a little tacker, early 70’s, my parents considered an upward thumb as rude. It seems there may have been a time when a thumb was an earlier version of “the bird”, and there was also a positive thumbs up. Seems it depended on the context or mood as to which thumb was being issued.

      But in that era there was also the two finger (reverse peace) which was phased out by “the bird”.


    • #

      I don’t find it offensive, just a stupid way of communicating. All this thumbs up / emojis communicating leads to dullards: (this channel has a lot of these ‘street quiz’ clips – scary)


    • #

      Thumbs up or down have a different meaning for SCUBA divers.


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    David Maddison

    There is lots of $$$$$$$ if you want to incorporate traditional Aboriginal agricultural practices into your agricultural training programs.

    But Aborigines were primarily hunter gatherers who destroyed the entire continent by constant burning and extincted the megafauna (even Flannery agrees with the reason for megafauna extinction). Their mission was survival using Stone Age technology, not caring for the land.

    Applying First Nations’ Approaches To Agriculture Training

    Wednesday 12 June 2024

    Future agricultural workers will benefit from a $2 million investment by the Allan Labor Government to support projects that embed Aboriginal traditional knowledge and practices into accredited agriculture Tafe training.

    The Government’s $2 million garinga djimbayang Grant Program aims to increase cultural knowledge among agriculture students and encourage more First Nations people to consider a career in the agriculture sector.

    As the primary guardians, keepers and knowledge holders of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage, through this Grant Program, Victoria’s Registered Aboriginal Parties will partner with TAFEs to upskill agriculture students enrolled in accredited training with Traditional Owner knowledge and practices.

    Grants valued between $300,000 and $1,000,000 are now available.

    Quote attributable to Minister for Skills and Tafe Gayle Tierney

    “This program integrates First Peoples’ traditional knowledge and practices into our agricultural training and TAFE courses, fostering a rich cultural exchange that equips students with invaluable traditional knowledge for a sustainable future.”

    Quotes attributable to the subcommittee working group of the Yuma Yirramboi Council Chair Karen Milward:

    ‘Our ambition for the garinga djimbayang Grant Program is to see a First Nations approach applied to conventional agriculture training, where students are understanding how to be more attuned to the land through Traditional Owner knowledge and practices.’



    • #

      The basis of the new history appears to be that the successive waves of ‘invaders’ populating the Australian continent over the years were dumb and their descendants need to be protected by welfare and privilege. In reality the successive different cultures and races lived off the continent through feast and famine, developing techniques and a culture to cope with good times and bad.

      The cultural system upgrades that came with the successive ‘invasions’ would have been fire and later the hunting dog, the Dingo.

      When the whalers, sealers, convicts, farmers, miners etc turned up with the systems upgrade 4.0, the local population in general logically seized the new tools, foods and culture with glee.

      The Sydney locals wanted fish hooks, the Brisbane tribes wanted ships biscuits.

      Banfield records the use of fencing wire to make fishing spears. The North Queensland graziers took to hanging spare pieces on posts to stop the local tribe from taking a bit out of the fence. Who would have thought a stupid hunter gatherer would rather throw a spear tipped with multi pronged steel rather than carved sticks that may snap when they hit a rock.

      Petrie records how one of his Aboriginal companion came to him stating he was going to die shortly and wanted Petrie to come and take his body and bury it so his relatives did not eat him.

      From Trove: The Gundagai tribe came to the homes seeking shelter as the Lachlan River Tribe had turned up and were busy dragging people’s legs away for a feast.

      A Grafton native came to the community to ask for assistance to stop the stupid pay back killing in the local tribes as a series of deaths were occurring due to a pair of pants having been given to him.

      The shared history has been ignored by the tearful whitey ‘intellectuals’ who marched through the education system with their new remembered history that often saw Elders beaten into submission or robbed of their cash to remember the telling of a black-armed band version.

      The funniest one was after Mabo when the story of genocide in Tasmania had to be rewritten and the Government Printer was throwing out the old history books so people like the Mansells (“Everyone knows Mansell is an Aboriginal name”) could claim the booty. Remember, ‘The red line marched across Tassie and shot every aboriginal’.

      The people who have come to Australia over the years have worked and adapted. The only way the lifestyle we have enjoyed can be destroyed is by dumb socialist nanny state ideology. Welfare destroys societies and the proof is this dumb experiment in Australia beginning in the seventies, the result of which is now running around our inner cities and regional centres reverting to tribal warfare, beating the crap out of each other and anybody else.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      More fake history at work – just as the people living in Australia two centuries ago were Australia’s THIRD Nation’s people who had genocided earlier inhabitants


  • #
    David Maddison

    A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by a majority.

    Booker T. Washington


  • #
    David Maddison

    A blind Barbie doll has been released.

    The blind Barbie doll will be heading to toy shop shelves today.

    It’s the latest of their line which includes the first Barbie with Down’s syndrome and aims to increase representation across its range of toys.

    The company that makes Barbie dolls, Mattel, partnered with the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) in the US, and the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), to design the new doll.

    Barbie’s design contains lots of features that will not only make her more accurately reflect a blind person, but also will be interesting for children who are blind or who have low vision to play with.


    • #
      John Connor II

      How do blind kids know it’s a blind Barbie?😆

      Next up, woke DEI Barbie.
      Can’t wait!


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  • #
    Honk R Smith

    As cynical as I am, it’s astonishing to see how fast the US Democratic Party machine lined up in lock step behind VPOTUS Harris.
    The media falling in so quickly as to embarrass themselves.
    (‘She’s wonderful … please don’t release the Epstein client list.’)

    I am really curious about how this structure works.
    Has to be Deep Administrative State/Intel stuff.
    Global Engagement Center … which I first learned about from Jo on this blog.
    (Another little gift to America from Barack Obama.)

    Curious, there are Centers for Global Engagement at many Universities.

    Danged Judean Peoples Front.

    I was once globally engaged, but then decided it was better engage globally.


    • #

      And Chuck Schumer said that it was a ‘Grass Roots’ change not from ‘the top down’ An incredible public lie.
      They forced Biden to resign. Everyone knows that.
      The Elites had decided. Who needs democracy in the Democrat party?

      But twice Schumer expected everyone to clap. No one clapped. No. One.

      The disconnect between Obama, Clinton, Schumer, Jeffries and Pelosi and democracy is total. Biden is just no use to them anymore.


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Chinese propaganda mill in full production (with more than a grain of truth):

    “Everywhere Is Garbage”: Chinese Making Documentaries About America’s Collapse

    Since the video was narrated in Chinese, X user TranslateMom translated some of the captions

    What caught my eye was this:

    Auckland is a popular city in the United States



  • #
    another ian

    FWIW –

    “TOUGH CROWD: Chuck Schumer Endorses Kamala Harris for President After Successful Coup of Biden and No One Claps Even After He Asks Them to (VIDEO)”


  • #

    Nigel Farage’s first speech in parliament:

    (9m 48s video)


    • #

      Appreciated the link.

      Nigel Farrage is an eloquent speaker and easy to listen to. I am hopeful his influence in the UK grows despite there being no chauffeured merc to drive him to the House each sitting day as he was accustomed to in the EU parliament.


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    another ian

    FWIW – Trump behind the scenes

    “Wait Until You See What the New Owners Did to Trump’s D.C. Hotel”


  • #

    I’ve seen where CNN refuses to take Trump press conferences or speeches live because they say they can’t knowingly broadcast false things. (Oh the irony)
    Someone is saying that CNN hadn’t been live streaming Trump’s rallies but strangely did do the rally when the shooting happened.
    Is that correct and is it just a coincidence?


    • #

      I would say that CNN’s very aggressive hosting of the Trump Biden debate was the single greatest reason Biden has resigned. It was meant to be CNN’s redemption. They were supposed to take down Trump, not Biden.


    • #

      Just coincidence. Like all the others.


  • #

    The Whitehouse Gets Caught Using Popular AI Voice Cloning Tool
    To Fake Call To Vice PResident Kamala’s HQ Event


  • #
    David Maddison

    Thoughts on this please.

    I have a friend who thinks Trump made a huge mistake on selecting a white male as running mate. He should have selected a brown female like Nikki Haley.

    I said Trump and non-RINO Republicans are not DEI employers and Trump chose who he thought was the best person for the job regardless of gender or race.

    I said it was only the Dems who introduced the idea that President or VP had to be a DEI placement.

    My friend said that there’ll be a lot of middle ground voters who will be looking for a DEI President or VP.

    Did Trump in fact make a mistake as my friend suggests?


    • #

      No. Trump chose someone to take over. That’s almost unique in Presidential races. There is always a Harris. A nothing. Incompetent. No threat. And who says Black voters would prefer a black president? Obama was their choice. And the world has the wars to prove it.

      Most people want a very simple result. Affordable gas. Affordable food. Affordable housing. And jobs. Is it so difficult? And importing 30 million people has wrecked the economy. As has DEI. If you want the best surgeon, mechanic,accountant, plumber, footballer, everyone would choose a meritocracy. Which is colour and race and sex blind. DEI has put sexism, racism, elitism on steroids.


      • #
        Old Goat

        Correct . The other aspect is that Vance is unlikely to stab him in the back . He will support Trump when he points to election fraud this time (and you can bet your house it will happen ).


      • #

        I agree with most of what you say, particular on Vance being a great contender to replace Trump. Trump may have anointed a future president.

        However I am no so certain about this point:

        Most people want a very simple result. Affordable gas. Affordable food. Affordable housing. And jobs. Is it so difficult?

        Most people put employment at the top of the list. Trump is a threat to a lot of employment. All the people employed on subsidy driven projects have jobs at risk. All the people in federal agencies have their jobs at risk. All of the academics working on Climate Change™ have their jobs at risk. Many of those employed on the military machine have their jobs at risk. Although most of these vote Democrat, there will be a number among them who will vote for Harris but would not vote for Biden.

        A lot of the posts here today are considering the prospect of Harris overtaking Trump. I expect swing voters will be weighing it up as well.

        It appears Vance is a good choice for the right reasons. I think it was telling that Trump declared his decision soon after the shooting. He may have decided before that but it would be a scary thought not to have someone to take up the baton if Trump was unable to take office.

        Ultimately, I think Trump would be viewed as hypocritical by many of his supporters if he chose a coloured female who was not of outstanding ability. Trump has employed a number of women in executive roles so, like Abbott, I do not see any mysogonistic tendencies.

        Overall I believe it positive that Trump chose Vance.


        • #

          Most people put employment at the top of the list.

          Would there be a difference in preferences between (inner city) urban and rural/regional areas?
          And in the USA would the large population increase as a result of the movement across the international borders affect employment opportunities?
          My opinion is yes to both.


      • #
        Gee Aye

        Trump chose someone to take over. That’s almost unique in Presidential races.

        Actually the opposite. They VP’s don’t always win but they are chosen on the basis of being potential Presidents and many actually get to be. Since 1960 LBJ, GHWB, JB VP who won elections to be P.


        • #
          Peter C

          Bit of a stretch there Professor.

          I would say that most VP’s are chosen to drag in wexta voters for the propective President. That likely also includes Vance, although he would likle3y be a good President in his own right (cf Cackles).


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      >He should have selected a brown female like Nikki Haley.

      With Nikki Haley’s baggage?

      Everything We Know About Nikki Haley’s Alleged Affairs

      Whatever the truth in all that it’s grist for attack Left and Right.

      Other stuff but that will do for starters.


      • #

        You think her alleged affairs would be an issue? It might be for a squeaky clean candidate to choose someone with allegations to be their running mate (didnt read the whole aticle, just the initial part). But if Trump isn’t impacted by his own deeds, then a questionable VP is not likely to be that significant.


        • #
          Richard C in NZ

          >But if Trump isn’t impacted by his own deeds

          But he is. His past is and has been an attack angle from both Left and Right. Just look at the Dem memes on X.

          That loses him a ton of votes.

          Then there’s the “Christian”/Evangelicals – post/thread on this in yesterday’s Open Thread and day before. Trump is reviled by many right in the Church and lied about (see yesterday OT).

          Day before that in OT a video of a “Christian” woman calling for Trump’s assassination and also of his supporters recording her.

          And why do you think Haley failed in her bid to be RNCs nominated candidate?

          She bombed – why?


          • #

            I agree that Trump is impacted by his own deeds. I don’t think a VP with a question mark is going to make things worse.

            But if he isn’t already impacted by his own deeds, then a questionable VP isn’t going to suddenly be a problem. I doubt it would be the straw that broke camels back.

            Why did Haley bomb? I’m not sure that she did. She ran a distance behind Trump which I think is more a symptom of Trump’s popularity amongst those voting for a candidate. But she seemed to be thereabouts with De Santis.


    • #

      If there are middle ground voters looking for a DEI VP then they’re probably not really middle ground and/or already not keen on Trump. If a DEI VP is at all important to them, then they’ll jump at the chance to vote for Harris or Pete Buttyjuice or similar if they’re the Dem candidate.

      When Trump announced his VP pick he made a clear statement. That whoever you pick for VP needs to be someone you think is a suitable President. Because they could become the President at any moment. That was a clear shot at the Dems.
      As opposed to Biden last time. I’m going to pick a woman (regardless of competency). And, I’ll double down by picking a black woman for the supreme court. Not the most competent woman or man, I’m narrowing the field of competency down to just an eligible black woman who votes Democrat.

      I don’t think it is a factor. But I’m on the other side of the world.


  • #

    Seems education might be getting back towards the 3Rs, the progressive phase has been recognised as a total failure. Shame about the generation of uneducated kids though..

    “‘Biggest change in decades’: New science, history syllabuses in NSW schools

    “The last time the state’s primary curriculum was written, there were different understandings of how students learn and how classrooms are arranged. The education landscape has shifted since then – for the better.”
    Martin said some earlier NSW syllabuses were written “At a high point of what I would call progressivist education ideology … Syllabuses had less rigour, included more inquiry and student-led learning. They were more open to interpretation.
    Primary schools are already teaching updated English and maths syllabuses. The English syllabuses included a focus on phonics and more explicit teaching of grammar, punctuation and sentence structure in primary and high school.”

    Probably just cementing in the global warming narrative. It will take more than this to catch up with the Asians, Aussie has fallen a long way down the world education rankings.


    • #

      Shame about the generation of uneducated kids though.

      I do not believe schools do a lot of educating. I think they mostly socialise children. Curiosity, kindness and empathy should be priorities for schools. Education comes mostly from experience. Learning should never stop.

      It is an illusion that anyone coming out of a primary school, secondary school or university is educated. Businesses like Coles, Woolworths, Macdonalds etc that employ are lot of young casual staff are important educators in Australia. These businesses transition many young Australians into productive adults.

      Not many employers welcome workers having their offspring attend their place of work. Hence the old ways of learning through experience with parent at work have diminished over the decades.

      At what ever age someone leave formal education, most are only starting their learning journey. That is why many Academics are so hopeless. They have not moved beyond formal education. Their output is getting numbers into and through the courses they run.


      • #

        “At what ever age someone leave formal education, most are only starting their learning journey. That is why many Academics are so hopeless. They have not moved beyond formal education. Their output is getting numbers into and through the courses they run.”

        Definitely! Kids should leave school at 16 and work for 4 or 5years, then worry about Uni. The idea that your employer makes allowance for part-time TAFE is a great one, practical experience and expanding theory at once. The idea that everyone should have a degree from university will be recognised as the crap it is, but it takes time to turn a ship that entrenched.

        Expanding that to politics, I think only people who have run a private business should be allowed to run for Parliament. Preferably rich enough to retire and not try to make money out of their time in power.


    • #
      Steve of Cornubia

      I can’t remember who said it: “Never let school get in the way of your education.”


  • #

    Our chief censor is still trying to gain control over the multinationals- It sounds more and more like communist China every time she speaks!

    “Tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Google and Meta face fines of almost $800,000 a day if they don’t come clean on their progress in combating child exploitation and sex abuse material on their platforms. The companies have been given six months to report back to Australia’s eSafety commissioner, Julie Inman Grant, on efforts to lift their standards as part of a tough new approach requiring half-yearly disclosures for the next two years.”

    We’re like Florida with a poorer population, so when will they say “we’re too busy to play your game, we don’t need Australia in Facebook or Apple…” ..and who will be worse off?

    A DEI hire trying to find a purpose for her job…


  • #

    Kamala Harris says of Trump ‘I know his type’, what about your ‘type’, lady.


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  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Tesla runs our of soy latte drinking fanboys

    Promise of new cheaper Tesla to boost sales after EV maker sees profits plunge huge 45%


  • #

    John Mayall OBE 1933 – 2024. R I P.


    • #

      Having to search for him:
      an English blues and rock musician, songwriter and producer.
      in bands with Eric Clapton….


      • #
        CO2 Lover

        Eric Clapton and George Harrison shared a wife Pattie Boyd


      • #

        His Bluesbreakers included many notable musicians: Clapton, Green, Taylor, McVie, Fleetwood (briefly), Bruce, ?Baker etc. Dozens of LP releases.


  • #
    John Connor II

    British farmers are being paid to leave crops rotting in the ground or to “plant” food for the birds

    A British farmer has said that the government has offered a scheme to pay farmers not to supply food for three years. This scheme is part of a larger trend where farmers are being financially incentivised by the state to reduce food production. Why would they do that?

    “We’ve been offered £2,500 to join a scheme for the next three years where we don’t supply you any food,” he said.

    “I’m going to plough a field. I’m going to put spring barley in. I’m going to get £440 off the Government, per acre. Then when it comes to crop size, leave it [to] rot in the ground.

    “So, I don’t get no straw for the cattle, you don’t get nothing for your bread, for everything we make.

    “I can also plant bee mix which is for birds and bees. I can plant wild bird seed which is for wild birds.

    “I can also be paid to buy a tonne of bird seed, like anybody puts in their garden for the birds, and threw it out on the ground once a week. I can get paid for that.

    Diddly squat farming…


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    CJ Hopkins: The People’s Court Of New Normal Germany

    Authored by CJ Hopkins via The Consent Factory

    The Berlin Superior Court has set a date for my next thoughtcrime trial.

    As regular readers will probably recall, my first thoughtcrime trial in January ended with my acquittal. So, the German authorities are putting me on trial again. Yes, they can do that in Germany. But, wait, that’s not the best part.

    The best part is, at my new thoughtcrime trial – this time in Berlin Superior Court – full-scale Anti-Terrorism Security protocols will be effect in the courtroom. [Snip – see conditions]


    The pretext the Court is citing for ordering these Anti-Terrorism Security protocols at my trial is ridiculous, and infuriating. The Court claims that the courtroom in which my trial is to take place is occasionally used for a certain “high-security” trial. Therefore, according to the Court, my trial must also be subjected to Anti-Terrorism Security protocols. Seriously, the Court sent my attorney a fax setting forth this “explanation,” which is, of course, a load of horseshit. The Berlin Superior Court is a huge building containing multiple courtrooms, one or two which are probably not subject to such Anti-Terrorism Security protocols when “high-security” trials are not taking place within them.

    No, the imposition of these Anti-Terrorism Security protocols is clearly a cynical ploy intended (a) to suppress coverage of the trial, (b) to discourage the press and public from attending, and (c) to intimidate and harass me and my legal counsel, and any members of the press and public who nevertheless attend the trial in spite of the “security procedures” they will be subjected to.

    This cynical tactic — which is not an official press blackout, because journalists can still attend and attempt to scribble notes on their knees with the pencils and sheets of paper provided by the Security Staff — comes as no real surprise. As I mentioned above, my case and my first trial got a fair amount of attention from the international press, enough to put the Court on notice that my prosecution was being watched. So, it’s no mystery why the German authorities would want to discourage any reporting on my “do-over” trial in Superior Court.

    # # #

    Why CJ Hopkins remains in Germany is beyond me. I would have hightailed it out of there long ago but he chooses to remain and fight.

    Produces amazing stories but is it really worth it?


    • #

      “As regular readers will probably recall, my first thoughtcrime trial in January ended with my acquittal. So, the German authorities are putting me on trial again.”

      No, surely not, not the Germany that jailed the 90yr-old woman for her views on the holocaust?? As she said, she was there and no-one else in the courtroom really knew anything about it, all they had done was read post-war propaganda.


  • #
    John Connor II

    The European Union wants to build a comprehensive database of the assets owned by all citizens.

    Which assets are remembered in the register?
    The register could contain a wide range of assets, including real estate, bank accounts, securities, vehicles and possibly works of art or precious metals. The exact list of assets to be remembered will depend on the results of the feasibility study and the subsequent legislative decisions. The aim is to create a comprehensive overview of citizens’ assets.

    Are there ways to circumvent the asset register?
    The register will be designed in such a way that it will be difficult to circumvent it legally, especially within the EU. Even moving to Switzerland will not offer any security, as Switzerland is also planning a transparency register and is stepping up the fight against money laundering. The automatic exchange of information between countries will also make it more difficult to hide assets. Anyone who still wants to avoid the register would have to leave Europe, but this does not guarantee complete protection.

    Seize private money and assets to help pay down debt.
    Oh, that unmanageable government debt about to wipe out the EU.


    • #

      Money laundering and child pornography, the excuse for anything to bring in complete dictatorships, and if they can’t be applied just toss in terrorism.

      We need SO much protection these days…


  • #
    Richard C in NZ

    Sunday was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth, scientists say

    Global temperatures hit the highest levels in recorded history on Sunday, according to preliminary data from Europe’s top climate monitor — another worrying sign of how human-caused climate change is pushing the planet into dangerous new territory.

    The results from the Copernicus Climate Change Service [ERA5] show the planet’s average temperature on July 21 was 17.09 degrees Celsius (62.76 degrees Fahrenheit) — breaking a record set only last year. The historic day comes on the heels of 13 straight months of unprecedented temperatures and the hottest year scientists have ever seen.

    “We are in truly uncharted territory,” Copernicus director Carlo Buontempo said in a statement. “And as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see records being broken in future months and years.”

    # # #

    Relax everyone, it’s a spike probably coming from Antarctica which has turned from negative anomaly and rapidly rising – Antarctica does this a lot at this time of year but this is looking like a huge swing.

    And July 2024 as a whole has been BELOW 2023 so no continuation of the “13 straight months of unprecedented temperatures” i.e. wont make it 14.

    >July 21 “17.09 degrees Celsius”

    This is very odd because last year July 6 ERA5 was 17.08. Was 17.09 for a while. Originally 17.23. Rounded up to 17.1 at Climate Reanalyzer (still is).

    Can’t escape data tampering in reanalysis either apparently.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Hottest day in Australia? These global averages are nonsense.

      Pre-election propaganda by the Washington Post – a rabid Left wing publication.

      In August 2013, Jeff Bezos purchased The Washington Post and other local publications, websites, and real estate for US$250 million.

      The Washington Post the trusted source for our audience.” Target audience: Local Washington D.C. readers.


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      Sounds like nice Dinosaur weather. Warmer and warmer please. It’s the cold that kills.


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    another ian

    FWIW –

    “Senator Chuck Grassley Releases Body Cam Video Footage from LEO and Secret Service on Roof Where Trump Assassin Was Killed
    July 23, 2024 | Sundance | 159 Comments”

    “A short background detail. Almost no one knows this, but Chuck Grassley has the best research and legislative staff in all of Washington, DC.”

    Says 8 cartridge cases recovered from roof. More at


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      CO2 Lover

      Why was the shooter’s rifle so far away to one side?

      Why did the police not do an immediate cartridge count to confirm how may bullet’s had been shot by this shooter to determine whether there may have been a second shooter still at large?

      If the shooter had been hit with a sniper bullet incoming from the front his head, his head would have been blown to pieces and his gun may have been force back behind him.

      Also his body was down lower than the roof ridgeline

      Was he shot as he attempted to get up and run with a low calibre gun from the nearby second story window?


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        CO2 Lover

        If there were eight shell casings near the shooter – then why were these not shown in the body cam footage?

        Their location would be key evidence.


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          Leo G

          Eight shell casings adjacent to Crooks would be evidence that either all the shots fired at the stage were fired by Crooks or that Crooks fired none of those first 8 rounds.

          There are enough continuous audio recordings with video for referencing location with respect to the stage microphone recording to determine the flight time of each round and thereby the range for each shot.

          Time will tell.


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        CO2 Lover

        Check out the view from the open window on the second floor onto the roof where the shooter was killed

        An easy hand gun shot.


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          Richard C in NZ

          >Open window.

          Pittsburg (?) Sniper busy taking photos from that vantage.

          Would have though being a counter sniper was his function.

          So why leave to USSS CS Team 2 at the rally site?


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          Peter C

          Getting info from public officials is like dragging teeth.

          Why can’t they just give a coherent account of what they know?


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        Richard C in NZ

        >Senator Chuck Grassley Releases Body Cam Video Footage from LEO and Secret Service

        Confirms a few thngs:

        1) Crooks was wearing knee length pants (not “shorts”or “long”)

        2) The Water Tower was no place for a sniper, or CS Spotter either.

        3) The mystery guy in the suit:

        Unidentified Man in Grey Suit Requests Photos of Thomas Crooks’ Body – Secret Service and ATF Agent Involved


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          “he requested the Secret Service Sniper Team and local law enforcement to send photos of Crooks to a phone number associated with an ATF agent.”

          ATF! Are we working on another WACO setup seeing this one didn’t work? Just how many Govt three-letter agencies need to be involved. I mean, Aussie is over-governed, but America is over-securitysed!


        • #

          1) Crooks was wearing knee length pants (not “shorts”or “long”)

          Nice try Richard but the appeal to Authority failed. The dead body left on the roof is in shorts At 20 seconds and a Getty’s image.

          And this one

          and this one

          The guy a flippin and a floppin on the other end of the roof down near the gutter with everyone ‘Super Maga’ a hollerin’ and a yellin’ to draw attention to him had long pants.

          The bloke wandering around the building for a photo op has long pants.

          You may have accidently outed Grassley or his minders. The dead person image was before security got to the body. He is well short of the ridge line, a long way from the gun and on the car park side of the roof. The suspicion according to ‘crowdsource the truth’ is this bloke may be a Matthew Yearick and not the elusive Crookes kid.

          Cullen has footage showing the snipers who were being shot at altered their stand towards the tree line at the rear. The guy in the stand to Trumps left took two bullets. Most likely one from the trees behind that went passed the Sniper team and one from the AGR building that went past Trump.

          So let us play the long game and look to explain the facts one at a time as we see them.


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            Peter C

            Clearly Crooks was wearing shorts when he was killed.

            Who says he was previously seen in long trousers?


            • #

              Richard did!

              He is running these narratives and I am asking a question. He has now proposed three quarter length pants having previously suggested the pants were;

              (a) camo
              (b) cut off as a matter of procedure due to suspected explosives.

              Personally I do not have any skin in the game, I am simply making an observation. Richard is controlling the narrative and is bringing a lot of interesting information to this blog.


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        Richard C in NZ

        >If the shooter had been hit with a sniper bullet incoming from the front his head, his head would have been blown to pieces

        Ashley Babbit was taken out by a neck shot from almost point blank – she bled out.

        Crooks bled out too.

        We don’t know, EXACTLY, where the bullet entry/retention/exit was.

        Given JFK the disclosure of that information will be fraught.


      • #
        Richard C in NZ

        >Was he shot as he attempted to get up and run with a low calibre gun from the nearby second story window?

        There was immediate attribution to USSS CS Team 2. Then USSS CS Team 1 (in error by MSM). Then audio analysis revealing 3 shooters.

        1) Crooks
        2) USSS CS Team 2
        3) Mystery shot

        Distinct possibility, as you allude CO2 Guy, that the kill shot wasn’t Team 2.

        Actually looking less and less likely given the USSS fire power.

        But I’m still open at this (VERY) early stage.


    • #
      Richard C in NZ

      Crisis Action Team @CrisisActionTm

      DC Triangle Map – Crooks associated device-USSS HQ-FBI HQ×900



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      CO2 Lover

      Seems hybrids are no safer than full EVs – that is a big worry since Toyota is now mainly selling hybrids instead of ICEs


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        I think that Toyota uses a different battery type than the lithium ones used for e.g. all those e-cycles that burn apartments down.
        Still, be safe and don’t park your Toyota in any apartments higher than 2 stories!


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    I don’t know where my son gets his news but he says an Italian Eurofighter just crashed in Darwin. Pilot banged out and has been contacted.


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    John Connor II

    In Historic Shift, British Newspapers Begin Warning Of “Perils” Of Cashless-Society After Global IT Outage

    The mainstream media has, until now, played a key role in advancing the Global War on Cash – a war that began with no official declaration but in which propaganda, as with all wars, is a vital weapon.

    Last week’s global IT outage appears to have shaken some British media outlets’ confidence in the idea of a fully cashless society. When a content update by the cyber-security giant CrowdStrike caused millions of Microsoft systems around the world to crash on Friday morning, bringing the operating systems of banks, payment card firms, airlines, hospitals, NHS clinics, retailers and hospitality businesses to a standstill, businesses were faced with a stark choice: go cash-only, or close until the systems came back online. From WIRED magazine:

    This quickly caused chaos in Australia, whose government has explicitly encouraged businesses to go cashless. Pictures posted on social media showed card-only self-checkout registers at the grocery chain Coles displaying Blue Screens of Death (BSODs). Queues for human-run registers at Australian groceries stretched to the back of the store, according to local media. Some Australian marts simply locked their doors…



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