
9 out of 10 based on 17 ratings

122 comments to Thursday

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    Denmark has introduced the world’s first fart tax.

    Humans cannot digest cellulose. The appendix has atrophied. And the bulk of plants is cellulose so the early solution for the last 200,000 years was to eat the animals. Or their milk.

    So the discovery of 11,000 years ago in the Fertile Cresecent in the Middle East was that we could eat seeds and we could grow seeds from seeds. Thus porridge, the staple of the world. And bread, the staff of life. It made cities possible and artistry and modern civilization.

    But digesting cellulose, a slow process, produces methane, far tinier than CO2 but allegedly bad like CO2. So now concerned Green Climate Scientists have discovered a way to save the planet. Kill all the plant eating animals. Clever. Or even smarter, tax them so heavily that farmers quietly decide it’s cheaper not to have animals at all. It’s veganism by taxation. So another oppressed minority will be happy.

    Australia has the same problem with every industry, our ‘top 250 polluters’. So we now carbon dioxide tax every one of the polluters at 35%. Starting at 5% and an extra 5% every year. The Safeguard Mechanism Act 2022. Which has already cost 800 jobs and forced our biggest and only plastic resin processor offshore. We now cannot recycle plastics in Australia. To survive companies have to pay for trees to be grown for Carbon Certificates handled by merchant bankers and the Australian government. On the theory, now Australian Law that growing trees reduces atmospheric CO2. Which is fake science.

    My own Green suggestion is that the Danish Farmers should have only white cows and their increased albedo should cool the planet and they should have a reduced fart tax. Black, Jersey and brown cows will have to go. How now brown cow?

    In Australia, we need albino kangaroos. They may be blind but funny. A CSIRO program perhaps? They need something to replace sheep shearing and rain making.
    And a tourist attraction for those who can make it here in canoes without sailing or flying. So we have massively increased port taxes, tripling and quadrupling them so most cruise ships have taken Australia off their itineraries. All to a cunning Green plan.

    I would suggest a ban on total migration too, to keep Australia nett zero 2005. And save CO2 on incoming aircraft. But we are told by the UN to have uncontrolled mass migration, which again no one notices. It’s great when governments do all this stuff. Saving the planet, one Western Democratic country at a time. Directed by their UN.

    There is no end to the creativity of government. And the public don’t know. And it’s never mentioned in an election. Why tell anyone? Or ask?

    Who would think that sewage processing by the MMBW in Victoria is now being heavily taxed for CO2/CH4 under the Safeguard Mechanism. And hopefully soon there will again be a dying tax on both cremation and burial. Methane and CO2. It’s probably already there.

    This all just makes Australia so much safer and Green. Denmark is leading the way on taxing cow farts. We will do the same, without telling anyone. But what about white chickens? All white crops? And those million ruminating camels in the outback need to go.

    But the discussion is all about nuclear. Why even worry voters with all the hidden CO2 and CH4 taxes? No one needs to know.


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      John Hultquist

      What about white chickens?

      All chickens will have to go, sorry. They eat insects that are your future food supply.
      Note: The square academic cap, graduate cap, cap, mortarboard or Oxford cap is an item of academic dress consisting of a horizontal square board fixed upon a skull-cap, with a tassel attached to the centre.
      Henceforth, all citizens will be required to wear a white reflective mortaboard when outside.
      The tassel color is your choice.


      • #

        Good idea. People too in flowing Arab white robes. White cars only. And as has previously been proposed, white roofs on new houses by law. I would not be surprised if this already exists.

        The taxation trick is not to actually outlaw dark colours, just compulsory Colour Certificates, CCs. And the cash incentive hidden in the cost goes to someone in Venezuela who promises to grow trees. But it may already be in place. It’s what is done with electricity and now with the products of the ‘top 250 polluters’, if they don’t leave the country. Stealth world saving hidden carbon and now methane taxes. Who needs to ask permission?

        “There will be no carbon tax in a government I lead”. It will all be done with legislated but fundamentally illegal compulsory certificates buried in product prices.


        • #

          No idea of the colour of the people?? You wouldn’t want the billions of peasants soaking up too much heat, they should be reflective.

          I expect the chickens will suffer the usual fate..

          “We have this new safe and effective mRNA vaccine for the chickens, so every chicken must be vaccinated or culled. The cost of each vaccine is $100, but you only need it once as it integrates with their DNA so that chicken will lay eggs already containing the vaccine for the next generation..”

          Instantly killing off any backyard chickens and making sure people all get their next vaccine. Kill two birds with one stone!


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        What about black and white advertising?

        I’ve been wondering for some time now why we persist with colour advertising/merchandising. The age of when looks mattered/made a difference have long been replaced by the need for a functional eco friendly/supporting product. The only thing that needs to be on packaging of household goods is their energy and co2 rating. Even a box picture of what they look like should be optional.

        Why is it that tobacco is plain packaged, there are black and white warning messages at the end of every gambling tv ad, our news/tv programs have quota diversity rules and even fashion has less than olympic-svelte models yet squillions of $$$ gets wasted on producing colour inks for packaging. And then that plastic shiny coating is added to the box which no doubt buggers up recycling. For these industries the message is loud and clear – looks don’t matter.

        Support the planet and make marketing black and white.


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      Ridiculous people taxing productive people so that they can do more and more ridiculous things surely must reach some point of natural equilibrium?

      Where everyone is employed in the ridiculous things and no one is producing the basics – food, shelter, heat / light, transport – such that all the ridiculous people just kinda curl up and die off…?


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        Indeed they will die off.
        Or there’s a revolution.

        In the UK, we expect the Milliband to be i/c the Nut Zero [Energy Security might still be in he title – but …].

        Not sure how interested the rest of the Beige Knight’s Government will be in reining in Milliband.
        Not a lot, at first, I fear. Too taken up with actual MP’ing – a first for most.
        And rumour has it they’re not a hugely impressive bunch! Even afteer the lobby-fodder Tories!

        Then look out for the revolution.
        Pitchfork sales are said to be rising.



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      william x

      Re Methane,

      Many here know, that methane is a tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, tiny, insignificant trace gas.

      Any academic, scientist or politician that states that methane is a major factor in driving climate change, is imho, preaching absolute garbage.

      Those that do are a disgrace to science, a disgrace to research and a disgrace in Governance in serving those that pay them, ie The taxpayer.

      For the layperson.. Your scary methane gas level is currently 1.95 parts per million.

      So…If the Australian population of 25,000,000, represented the atmospheric gas levels… you would only find 48 that would be methane.

      Methane is a tiny insignificant trace gas. Has any politician or gov “scientist” told you that?


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        Yes, there is no debate. None of what you say is public knowledge. An insignificant gas is declared Public Enemy #2 without any evidence. But that the process with CO2 itself. The people running the place want to shut down the US, UK, EU and Australia. The press are fully on board. And the politicians care about the press, not the public. There is no politicians who does not scan the papers as the very first thing every day.

        Anyone who disagrees with the media is denounced as an ignorant populist. The ignorant populists are in fact the ones who get their views from the media.


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      CO2 Lover

      New Zealand had passed a similar law due to take effect in 2025 which sought to tackle all livestock emissions in what critics saw as a punishing new tax on farmers.

      However, the legislation was removed after hefty criticism from farmers and a change of government at the 2023 election from a hard left-wing bloc led by former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to a center-right one

      A bet Chris the Genius Bowen will have his team of corrupt Public Serpents drafting similar legislation so that Australia can “save the planet”!


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      TdeF mentions this

      Kill all the plant eating animals. Clever. Or even smarter, tax them so heavily that farmers quietly decide it’s cheaper not to have animals at all. It’s veganism by taxation.

      Way back in 2008 when I was just starting out on ‘all of this’, my original idea was to find a way to replace CO2 emissions from coal (and natural gas) fired power plants, hence reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

      In conjunction with that, I then found a UN chart listing all those different greenhouse gases. One of them was Methane, and while the original concentration (remember, this is back at the ‘dawning time’ of all of this) was on CO2, those secondary gases were just beginning to be mentioned as well.

      (Blah blah blah) I wrote a Post about the subject of those cows doing what cows do. Now, while it was all still in the formative state for me, this Post was something that made me think to myself that perhaps I should stick to what (I think) I know best, electrical power generation.

      It was general interest stuff for me, and you can see (as even I look back now) that even then, I, umm, also had the starting of using figures to make the point, numbers, percentages, totals, etc.

      Now, why I even mention it at all, is (that’s IF any of you go and read the article) that I was, umm, corrected, by someone who responded in a comment that perhaps I used incorrect information. She (a Biologist in fact) then explained to me about the cow stomach thing, so if you do go and read the article, read especially the Edit in blue at the bottom of my original Post.

      Now keep in mind, all of this was back in September of 2008 for me.

      Link to Post – That Thing Cows Do

      I sort of know better now ….. Tony, stay on point, electrical power generation.



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      Gary S

      Of course, the logical outcome of this fantasy is that WE, all 9 billion humans, will become the methane producing plant-eaters. Then we are up for elimination. Very neat.


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    Get ready for it – and the next reason people are getting ill – it’s “sun poisoning”:

    Struggling to drum up the humour in the face of this stuff – oops, ok, a cheeky little pun popped out without even trying.


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    David Maddison


    8.5 mins

    FBI altered or fabricated documents to incriminate Trump at illegal Mar-a-Lago raid.

    Prosecutorial misconduct.


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    Davos junior even more secretive than Davos / WEF – Russian born Swiss agro-commodity billionaires holding conferences in Zambia – note that none of the company CEOs were bothered to ensure local press had their names or their company names – odd behaviour for up-and-coming corporate types…. – become a better person with better friends, involve your family in your journey – all feels quite cultish


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    David Maddison


    Leftists on MSNBC tell blatant and ridiculous lies about Trump. They are actually accusing Trump of having exactly what is attributable to Biden.

    Under 8.5 mins.


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    David Maddison

    Have you heard of the Boeing Pelican aircraft?

    It was a design concept for an aircraft that could carry 3,000 troops or 1,270 tons of cargo and had a maximum take off weight of 2,700 tonnes.


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    David Maddison

    Here’s a thought…

    I think Australia (present company excepted) is probably too far gone and too indoctrinated and too much of a “can’t do” country to ever again do anything worthwhile but let’s do a thought experiment.

    Suppose a miracle happened and Australia was to build badly needed nuclear power plants or even coal or gas ones.

    They would take an absolute minimum of ten years to build (but likely never). (I am talking about Australia, the Chicomms can build a USC coal plant in two years.)

    If a decision to build today were made, that is also around the time that just about every wind and solar plantation in Australia would be coming up for renewal after its short and useless unproductive life. Unproductive except for its primary purpose of harvesting subsidies, that is. So the timing would be good. Instead of throwing money away on more wind and solar plantations, build coal, gas and nuclear power stations.


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      CO2 Lover

      How about we buy a few floating nuclear reactors from Russia ready to run?

      We are already committed to embrace nuclear subs and there have been many floating nuclear vessels in Australia in the past.


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        David Maddison

        The floating Russian reactors only produce 70MWe.

        Australia has a deficit of GW of power, not a few MW.

        It would be better to export Australian coal, gas and uranium to Indonesia, let them turn it into electricity for us (since we can’t do it ourselves) and then re-import It as electricity via undersea cable(s).


        • #

          But don’t tell anyone that you have undersea cable(s)!!

          They might not be well-disposed towards you, especially if Australia wants to have free enterprise.
          Or free speech.
          Yeah, probably a fairy story, I know; but … what if ….

          And the evil souls from Ruritania, or Grand Fenwick, or wherever, might invest in subsea cable-cutting capabilities of their own!
          Look at what Elbonia did – purely by accident, I assume – to the Nord Stream pipeline.



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      Gas will have to be built to replace any retiring coal plants. Gas plants can be built on existing power station sites in a couple of years. Australia continues to add to its gas reserves faster than they are being depleted. The only problem with Victorian gas projects is political and that will be more amenable after the first state-wide power outage. The door is already ajar.

      Private investment in WDGs had dried up before Dutton’s nuclear plan was released. The Labor revenue guarantees for dispatchable capacity have got the ball rolling on new gas plants and batterieres. Any Labor guarantees for WDGs comes with increased sovereign risk after the Dutton announcement. Why would an LNP government guarantee revenue for non-dispatchable generation that erodes the economics of its nuclear plants?


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        Gas “replacing” coal?

        One flammable substance replacing another flammable substance?

        Has anyone done the numbers comparing tonnes of CO2 per Terra-Watt from the two fuels?

        Or is it a secret “racist” thing? “Gas” is “clear” and coal is …….

        Then there are the issues of transport and storage . You can leave piles of coal out in the weather for a LONG time without measurable degradation of thermal performance. Gas, on the other hand, required VERY expensive pipes and tanks ans is quite susceptible to leakage

        There is MORE than enough madness going around, these days.


        • #

          What Australia is doing with gas is no different to everywhere else that is closing coal plants. It is the reason gas consumption is going up globally.

          There is a fantasy out there that WDGs can replace coal plants. They don’t. Gas is replacing coal plants as it is the most economic means of getting dispatchable power once coal is demonised.

          USS conversion to gas for power plants is the reason it has reduced its CO2 emissions. CH4 makes less CO2 when burnt than straight C.

          On present trends, the world will run out of natural gas before coal. China will eventually come and take everyones coal if it is not sold to them on economic terms.


        • #

          ‘There is MORE than enough madness going around, these days.’

          Its important to keep the lights on, gas plants are relatively cheap and built within a couple of years.

          The political cycles will determine the outcome of the battle between renewables and nuclear power, with gas the short term fix.


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            All despite LNG being an incredibly useful “feed-stock” for a large range of creative chemistry projects?


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      It’s starting to look like Australia will just keep building more small open-cycle gas plants as they cheap and quick to build. Not a good idea as they are inefficient and, coupled with the high eastern gas price, must surely increase the electricity cost. Also small unit builds don’t provide any cost scale.
      Labor won’t have a choice – they will have to provide some backup for their unreliable renewables and batteries will be too expensive. Of course that would mean giving up the mantra of “82% renewables by 2030”, but that target is never going to be achieved.
      And if Liberals do get in next election, they also will need to build more power plants while waiting to go nuclear. So again it looks like more gas plants.


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        Yes. More gas plants is the only option to avoid rationing when coal fired stations are allowed to be shut down.

        There is the possibility that desperate State governments will keep funding coal fired power. Already the case for Eraring. So it sets the precedence. Energy Australia is already making noises about the cost of maintaining Yallourn. So it would not be surprising to see Victorian State funding coming their way to keep it going until Snowy 2 is finished. If Victoria was smart, they would ask South Australia to provides funds for Yallourn because they would be turned off in preference to rationing in Victoria.

        Long-term outages at the remaining coal power stations is now a serious threat to grid reliability.

        At some point the various governments will realise they have supported heavy investment in useless assets. I imagine Blackout Bowen becoming very interested in weather reports. His job literally depends on the weather. Those beautiful balmy winter days are the biggest threat to his job security.


        • #

          Well said Rick Will, you nailed it.

          Govt’s have to admit they have nowhere else to go in the short term except for gas, to compensate for shutting down existing coal plants and providing for the forecast 100% increase in power demand in just over 10 years.

          “Add in the risk of any long-term outages at the remaining coal power stations is now a serious threat to grid reliability.

          It is to be hoped that our various governments will realize they have supported heavy investment in useless assets. I imagine Blackout Bowen becoming very interested in weather reports. His job literally depends on the weather. Those beautiful balmy winter days are the biggest threat to his job security”.

          Agreed 100%


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    If you like cars as well as science fiction then you should enjoy

    88MPH: The Story of the DeLorean Time Machine

    There is a thriving community of those building their own DeLorean Time Machines.

    Life was much better in Australia a few decades ago and perhaps we should all be building our own time machines – the future in Australia does not look that good.


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    CO2 Lover

    Numbers don’t lie – like Bowen and Albanese
    Have a look at charts 1 to 9 taken from the latest edition of Statistical Review of World Energy.,-reveals-ei-statistical-review

    A wealth of information for future blogs.


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    David Maddison

    Another NDIS ripoff. Someone I know, a non-dangerous paranoid schizophrenic, gets NDIS funding.

    He told me his remaining NDIS funding for the year was eliminated because the cleaner who NDIS pays for him (despite the fact he is perfectly capable of doing it himself) charged $18,000 for six months cleaning (of an apartment).

    For a once per week visit for 2 hrs that’s $692. Most cleaners would get paid $60 or so for such a visit.

    I said to the person aren’t they meant to check and sign invoices and they said yes. I asked didn’t they notice how much they were charging? He did, but didn’t care (because it’s someone else’s money, we the taxpayer) but he signed them anyway. Sometimes no cost was written down and he still signed them.


    NDIS, a Gillard idea, has essentially no checks and balances and is a huge racket for numerous providers. You constantly hear stories like this and similar ones such as lawn mowing for $600 etc..


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      CO2 Lover

      I have just bought a new lawn mower, how can I sign up with the NDIS for $600 for mowing my own lawn? I have a dodgy back and should not be mowing the lawn anyway – well that is what I tell the missus! She could split the $600 with me.


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        No, charging for mowing your own lawn would be dishonest. You need to use the after school child care subsidy rort which was parent A and parent B swap their kids then after an hour or so ie qualifying period each lot gets sent back to their actual home.

        So, talk to your neighbour agree a timetable and mow each others lawn.


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      Perfectly normal- If you accept that you need a Govt, expect to be ripped off big time! This is just a smaller picture of renewable energy, maybe one that teh public can relate to more easily.

      I was asked to trim the bottom off three doors last weekend, to give them clearance for new carpet. It took an hour each to measure the gap at the bottom, take a door off, cut it with a circular saw and tidy it up with a sander then replace it. I said $75, but the guy who asked me to do it said “No, this is NDIS”, and paid me 6hrs then charged NDIS 8hours at triple my rate. No-one cares, they just sign the cheques and pass them up the ladder.

      The cost of a welfare state is way past the understanding of the average voter.


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    David Maddison

    I got a spam email from the Victoriastan Government telling me how to save money on electricity bills.

    With winter just around the corner – now is the perfect time to start saving while you stay warm. You can save money and energy at home by taking simple steps like only heating the rooms you’re in and setting your heater to 18-20 degrees.

    Head to the Victorian Government website today for more tips to help you get ahead of your winter energy bills.

    I don’t consider 18C (64F) or even 20C (68F) especially warm. I like to keep my house temperature to 22C (71.6F) to 23C (73.4F).

    I would be quite miserable with a home temperature of 18C.

    Australia has vast resources of coal, gas and uranium. We shouldn’t be living as though energy was in short supply.

    We once did have access to inexpensive energy, without restrictions, some of the cheapest electricity in the world. We need to return to that. Currently it’s among the most expensive due to Government policy and the more solar, wind and Big Battery plantations we get, the more expensive it will continue to get. Guaranteed.


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      CO2 Lover

      Surprising the brains trust at the Victoriastan Government did not recommend you install solar panels to collect plenty of warming energy during the long winter nights.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I wonder where the thermostats are set in all Victoria’s government buildings?

      No prizes for guessing they’re set higher than 18C.

      As with all such advice these days, the appropriate response is, “OK, you go first.”


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      When living in Germany, always turned the hotel and apartment temperatures down in winter. And would always come back after work to find them turned up again by the cleaning staff. They seem to like 27C in mid-winter. In my apartment block, even the passages were heated.


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      CO2 Lover

      See my comments at #1.4

      The wisdom of Ronald Reagan:

      Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.


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    David Maddison

    Yesterday on Wednesday open thread I stated thst the Aussie taxpayer paid $500,000 for private jet hire to bring Assange home. In fact, the correct amount was US$520,000 so A$782,000.

    Someone said that wasn’t correct, that it was paid for by public donations.


    His wife has in fact launched an appeal to repay the debt to the taxpayer. No donations were however used to pay for the flight.

    It remains to be seen whether the debt will ever be repaid or will be conveniently forgotten about.

    By all means contribute to the fund so the debt to the taxpayer can be repaid. Links on his wife’s Twitter message.

    URGENT: Emergency appeal for donations to cover massive USD 520,000 debt for jet.

    Julian’s travel to freedom comes at a massive cost: Julian will owe USD 520,000 which he is obligated to pay back to the Australian government for charter Flight VJ199. He was not permitted to fly commercial airlines or routes to Saipan and onward to Australia. Any contribution big or small is much appreciated.


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      Allow me to challenge the convicted felon’s wife plea.
      Until that flight I had uncertain opinion of Julian.
      OK, he made money on cesspit Russia Today shows but many people did.., on the other hand I know that Clintons’ mob hated him so he could not be totally bad…
      What does she mean: He was not permitted to fly commercial airlines or routes Saipan and onwards to Australia ?


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        What was he convicted of? The women dropped the sex charges and he never stood trial for the Manning papers. The whole thing was a scam to scare other people from releasing Govt papers.


        • #

          His sex adventures are his wife’s concern but the issue of Munning is a serious one.
          Assange should’ve been charged with abuse of (mental) minors. He made money on the misery of others.
          Btw – God has created governments for a reason.


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      Assange is required to pay $520,000 to the Australian government for the “forced” chartering of flight VJ199 to travel to Saipan and Australia. Stella started a crowdfunding page to help the jailed founder with his debts after his return home to Australia…within 10 hours, an anonymous Bitcoiner paid over 8 Bitcoin to the fund, almost clearing the goal of $520,000. He has also received over 300,000 British pounds ($380,000) in fiat donations so far…..As a result, Assange will arrive in Australia debt free.”


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    a happy little debunker

    Makes me sick…
    Australian Pollies (of all sides) taking a lap of victory over Assange’s release.
    Today … no less than 3 articles on their ABC lauding the efforts by Australians (like Albanese, Whish Wilson and Barnaby) despite the US State Department conceding that this was not a political outcome – but purely a Justice Department decision.
    Not even the ‘great’ Joe Biden (or his spokesperson) has touched this release – with only Mike Pence (ex VP) condemning it.


  • #
    a happy little debunker

    To the moderator …
    When attempting to post to this site a user name and password pre-populates= – that is not mine.

    Pxxl Sxxxert
    [email protected]

    Something has gone wrong and It might not be me…


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    Richard C (NZ)

    While naysayers are saying the Ned Nikolov IPCC AR6 Chapter 7 revelation is a non-issue – that was that there’s been an increase in absorbed solar radiation (ASR) that Chap. 7 obscures – we have reporting saying exactly that:

    We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop

    Some researchers have suggested that the changes to ocean shipping regulations may have been a big contributor to last year’s record heat – and that aerosols may have been masking much more heat than previously thought. Satellite images have shown that cloud changes declined after sulfur emissions went down.

    “The data from NASA satellites shows that in regions where this should be expected, there’s a very strong increase in absorbed solar radiation,” said Leon Simons, an independent researcher and a member of the Club of Rome of the Netherlands, pointing to shipping areas affected by the new rules. “And also in this period you see sea surface temperatures increasing in the same region.”

    Aerosols mask solar heating but the spin is that aerosols have been masking GHG heating.

    The spin is elsewhere in the article and there’s also an odd sentence next paragraph from above that might be an editorial error – see next.


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      Richard C (NZ)

      The spin in the article previous:

      Currently, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change estimates that aerosols are masking about 0.5C of global warming.

      But, in next paragraph:

      If aerosols have been masking cooling much more than expected, for example, the world could be poised to blow past its climate targets without realizing it.

      I think the author miss-states “masking cooling”. Should be “masking warming” in that second paragraph.

      In any event the article is claiming the increased energy of absorbed solar radiation (ASR) this century to be attributable to greenhouse gas warming.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        >the article is claiming the increased energy of absorbed solar radiation (ASR) this century to be attributable to greenhouse gas warming

        On reflection and rereading the article there’s no such claim – even implicitly.

        What they (Hausfather, Osaka) are doing – the spin – is dragging solar warming into “climate targets”.

        Except solar warming should be removed from temperature datasets before talking about GHG-based “climate targets”.

        As should volcanics (Hunga Tonga) and El Ninos (esp. super).


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      Richard C (NZ)

      Just realized this thread should have been in Jo’s Thursday post:

      Global Excuses: Ship pollution was saving us from global warming, but now we’ve fixed the ships, we’re all going to die

      Apologies to all.


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      Dave in the States

      Well, she’s about 30 years behind. That has been going on for a long time. It’s child abuse.


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    another ian


    “Sorry Green Energy Fans, Net Zero Is A Very Unlikely Outcome”


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    Wow, just heard the federal member for McEwan justify the massive pay increase for the incoming Governor General. Apparently because Sir Peter Cosgrove was also recieving a military pension of about $200k pa his total package was about the same at the new incumbents NEW $700k p.a.
    Now without being critical of a federal labour politician (all hail the honest politician ) I cannot see what Sir Peter Cosgroves military pension has to do with anything.
    No mention by the polly that Ms Moystyn is a very successful and wealthy businesswoman. why didn’t he take her current accumulated wealth into account and then recommend that Ms. Moystyn do the job gratis?
    So we are back to the old adage “if politicians didn’t have double standards they would have NO standards at all”
    So, Sir Peter Cosgrove, military man, served his country,rose to the top and was rewarded with a pension, but clearly Liberal. Rich Bastard.
    Ms Sam Moystyn, successful businesswoman, independently wealth, married to a barrister clearly Labour, deserves all the additional money she can get!


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    Honk R Smith

    This is an interesting ‘conservation’ between Scott Adams the Dilbert cartoonist and a person named Michael Ian Black.

    I offer as this as a glimpse into the minds of the ‘others’ with which share a co-existing but non-intersecting reality.

    It is not for the faint of heart.


    • #
      Honk R Smith

      That should read ‘conversation’…
      definitely not worthy of conservation.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      Call me old fashioned, but …

      I lasted about two minutes. I couldn’t get past that Michael fellow turning up to a podcast – destined to be broadcast widely – in a grubby tee shirt. Did we interrupt him cleaning out his gutters? There’s so little respect these days.


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        Honk R Smith

        There’s a part about 3/4 in where they listen to Biden statements on Trump Charlottesville comments.
        It like two people sitting on a branch in a tree and one says “what tree?”.
        Seriously, it became acute during Pandemic.
        Half the population of the planet appears to be infected with a reality altering mind virus.
        I keep looking for path out pf the maze and seeing none.
        I interact daily with folk like MR/MS Black.
        It’s like they’re zombies.


  • #

    If you enjoy hearing the Australian media get exposed and smashed, take a listen to Tucker Carlson’s clip just posted on X! The media involved will still be sobbing into their hankies with tears of rage and humiliation. Apols to those not on x – I’m sure it will be elsewhere soon.


    • #
      John Connor II

      Beat me to it!

      Top viewing.
      Take THAT, msm! Thwack!😆

      I saved it.


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      Heh, Heh – What a brilliant 23 mins 30 Secs – He destroyed Sydney Moaning Herald Columnist Paul Sakkal who tried a lot of Gotcha Questions, especially on Putin

      But the The Pièce de Résistance was Tucker Carslon saying he watched the ABC News in his Hotel Room, when he woke and after 20 minutes was looking for a Vomit Bag

      Tucker followed that by Destroying Kat Wong, Canberra bureau chief with AAP at Parliament House, who tried to say that Tucker had said “Whites were being Replaced” in the Immigration Replacement Theory”

      Tucker said that he had never made that statement, she said over 4,000 times on your show, he said “I Have said Native Born Americans are being replaced and that includes African-Americans whose Families have been in America over 400 years as have White Families.

      We have just met, but when a relationship starts with a lie – One of the reasons people don’t like people like you in the Media is because you never say what you actually mean, your slurs are about implication.”

      When Kat Wong said she had more questions, Tucker replied “How about no more Lying in your Questions, and I will answer it”

      Kat Wong then tried a Gotcha Question, he was inspiring mass shootings – Tucker responded

      “How do they get People this Stupid in the Media, I guess it does not pay well – I am sorry, I have lived amongst People like you for too long, I don’t mean to call you Stupid, maybe you are just pretending to be, I am totally against violence, I am totally against the war in Ukraine”

      Tucker then elucidated how he has always abhored violence saying “My views are not bigoted against any group, they are honest & factual… how dare you try to tie me to some Lunatic who murdered People”.

      Then Kat Wong came back with “do you support Gun Cintrol”

      Tucker “What I thought it could not get any Dumber, but it did” …. “I have guns at home and often on my person, I am proud to say, because I want to defend myself and those I love against violence”

      Kat Wong “So you don’t think you harbour any responsibily for these hate crimes”

      – Tucker “I’m sorry, I’m trying to be charitible, I was like maybe you are just pretending to be Dumb, now I don’t think it’s an act”

      Rounding up by Tucker – “I got here and the Country is so unbelievably beautiful, People were beautiful, and so funny, cool & smart, I thought your Media has got to be better than ours, it can’t be just a Bunch of Castrated Robots reading questions from the Bot, it turns out it is exactly the same, maybe even a tiny bit Dumber”


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        Even Makes it to America and starts with Kat Wong, Canberra bureau chief with AAP at Parliament House, who tried to say that Tucker had said “Whites were being Replaced” in the Immigration Replacement Theory”

        Tucker Carlson Delivers Remarks on Assange Release from Australia

        June 26, 2024 – Sundance

        Tucker Carlson visits Australia this week and speaks to an audience in Canberra. Mr Carlson discusses Julian Assange’s release from prison in London. Tucker also took questions from an adversarial Australian press corps that is just as rabidly leftist as the U.S. media. WATCH:


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        MUST WATCH: Tucker Carlson Savagely Dismantles ‘Dumb’ and ‘Stupid’ Far-Left Reporter at Australian Freedom Conference

        By Jim Hᴏft Jun. 26, 2024

        In an explosive segment, former Fox News reporter Tucker Carlson eviscerated a far-left Australian media reporter during a Q&A session at the Australian Freedom Conferences on Tuesday for her nonsensical and misleading questions.

        The exchange began with a reporter questioning Carlson about immigration and the Great Replacement Theory, accusing him of promoting the idea that white Australians, Americans, and Europeans are being replaced by nonwhite immigrants.

        However, Carlson quickly shut down her insinuations, stating that he had never claimed that whites are being replaced. Instead, he emphasized his concern for native-born Americans of all races who are being overlooked by their leaders.

        Carlson promptly corrected her: “I said native-born Americans are being replaced, including blacks, native-born Americans… Their concerns are every bit as real and valid and alive to me as the concerns of white people whose families have been there for 400 years.”

        Tucker went on to express his concern that the leaders of countries have shifted their priorities from their own citizens to people around the world. He criticized this as immoral and argued that it’s leading to the replacement of people born in their own countries.

        TUCKER CARLSON: I didn’t say it and I don’t believe it, and I’m telling you that to your face. So why don’t you just accept me at face value? My concern is that the people who are born in the country are the main responsibility of its leaders. And as noted earlier, when those leaders shift their concern from the people whose responsibility it is to take care of to people around the world, to put their priorities above those of their own citizens, that’s immoral.”

        “They are being replaced. In my country, people who were born in the United States, and the birth rate tells the whole story. They are not at replacement rate. And so the U.S. population is growing because we’re importing people from other countries.”

        Carlson further lambasted the reporter for implying his views were racist. Although she denied calling Tucker a racist, he wasn’t convinced, as it was clear she was insinuating it.

        TUCKER CARLSON: But of course, you are suggesting it. My view is that happy people have children, and a functioning economy allows them to do that, and we don’t have that. So you need to fix the economy and fix the culture and make it so that people who want to have kids can. You don’t just go for the quick sugar fix of importing new people. That’s my position. If you think that’s racist, that’s your problem.”



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      What can we say? That is taking it to them!


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      Very entertaining. I am really surprised that their ABC let their “journalists” ask questions.

      I feel Tucker’s visit to Australia would go better without having him linked to Cliva Palmer. Palmer should have stayed in the background because he does not add any value to what Tuckeer brings. Palmer lost any credibility by the way he changed his views on CO2 induced climate change after meeting Al Gore and ensuing support for carbon trading.

      The MSM news is that ticket prices have been cut dramatically due to poor attendance. I am interested to hear from anyone who attends.


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    another ian

    FWIW – challenging the legal immunity behind the covid jabs –

    “The PREP Act is the 2015 federal law granting legal immunity to Pfizer and Moderna for horrible injuries and deaths, as well as to any hospitals or doctors who administered the vaccines or other covid treatments bearing the CDC’s official stamp of approval during the pandemic.”

    “The PREP Act is where all the damage starts. And it’s where we can end it, with providence and a soupçon of rationality.

    After six laborious months of research and hard work, yesterday my firm filed our new lawsuit seeking to strike down the PREP Act. We’re calling the complaint Moms for America vs. Becerra. It weighs in at around 100 pages. Here’s the link.”

    More at


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    CO2 Lover

    If only we could read headlines like this about “our” ABC!

    Channel Seven Queensland weather presenter Paul Burt sacked as network lays off 150 staff
    Seven weatherman Paul Burt let go
    One of 150 staff sacked by network


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    Pope orders construction of solar farm for Vatican City State


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    Randall Cobb, family escape after Tesla charger causes house fire: ‘Lucky to be alive’


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      ‘Significant mismatch’ between supply and demand as EVs pile up in used car market

      Australia’s used car market is filling up with a glut of unsold electric vehicles, as wary consumers steer clear amid concerns about battery life and resale values plummet.

      Frank Chung – Senior reporter

      New figures from the Australian Automotive Dealer Association (AADA) and automotive insights company AutoGrab showed there were 4013 used EVs up for sale in May compared with 1647 sales, the lowest ratio of listings to sales of any category.

      By comparison, there were 179,477 petrol cars listed and 120,912 sold, while the diesel category saw 101,398 listings and 61,518 sales.

      Hybrids also fared much better than EVs with 10,928 listings and 7168 sales, while plug-in hybrids saw 315 listings and 176 sales.

      “If you look at all fuel types, EVs are by far the most oversupplied of them all — how many are for sale versus how many are selling,” said AADA chief executive James Voortman.

      “I guess that’s just the product of people not being certain about battery life, there might be a range of older EVs on the market like those first-generation (Nissan) Leafs.”

      It comes after the data published by the AADA earlier this year suggested used EVs see a dramatic drop in their retained value after two years.

      EVs less than two years old retained 82.8 per cent of their original value when resold in December 2023, but this plummeted to 57.6 per cent for EVs between two and four years old, while EVs five years or older were worth less than one quarter of their original purchase price.

      Perhaps they should have added fear of burning your House down!


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        CO2 Lover

        Or trapped in a Tesla when it catches fire!


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        Woman assured Chinese EV ‘should be safe to drive’ after power failure metres from busy intersection

        A woman has revealed a “frightening” experience with her brand new hybrid that saw her steering fail metres from a busy intersection.

        Frank Chung – Senior reporter

        A woman has recounted a “frightening” experience with her brand new Chinese-made hybrid SUV that saw her electronic brakes and steering fail metres from a busy intersection shortly after driving the car off the lot.

        But the dealer and the manufacturer have refused to refund the car, even after a second battery failure nine days later, insisting tests could find “no fault” with the MG HS+ Essence and that it “should be safe to drive”.

        More people need to be aware that these issues do occur,” said Sarah, who asked not to use her real name. “It’s incredibly unsafe, especially if considering purchasing a car and living in a regional location.”

        Sarah, who lives with her wife in regional northern NSW, purchased the $49,300 MG HS+ EV plug-in hybrid mid-size SUV through a novated lease from Tynan Motors in Sutherland last month.

        But immediately after driving it out of the dealership she “experienced a catastrophic power failure whereby I couldn’t even engage the electronic brake let alone acceleration or steering”.

        “Thankfully, I stopped metres short of a major intersection in Sydney,” she said.

        “I did, however, have to keep my foot on the brake for 90 minutes until a tow truck arrived. Police and TMC [Transport Management Centre] also had to attend due to the traffic hazard.”

        Sarah said it was only by “sheer luck that I was not involved in a major collision”.

        A Tynan Motors representative apologised for the “unfortunate events that happened on day of delivery with your new car” in a May 23 email and said MG had agreed to cover the cost of towing, servicing and delivering the car to Sarah’s home.

        Sarah was told that the problem was “unheard of and incredibly unlucky”, she recalled.

        “They replaced the 12V battery and against my better judgment, I accepted their explanation and took the vehicle back,” she said.

        But nine days later, she was parked in Ballina when she experienced a second battery failure.

        “The car simply failed to start,” she said.

        “It turned on but I couldn’t put it in gear or accelerate. I also couldn’t turn it off. Warning lights flashed including ‘high power battery shutdown’.”

        “This is absolutely ridiculous,” she said in an email to Tynan Motors on June 10. “We simply cannot rely on this car. It’s clearly not a ‘battery’ issue.”


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      Reporter Tests EV Chargers in America’s Heartland, Comes Away ‘Less Than Impressed’

      It’s never been easier to own an electric car, we’ve been told.

      There are plenty of models to choose from. The government will subsidize your purchase, as well. And, above all else, it’s easy to find working chargers anywhere you go, right?

      Yes, well, about that: One reporter in America’s heartland decided to see how easy it was to juice up a series of EVs. As it turns out, things weren’t quite as rosy as they are with regular gas stations.

      According to the Cowboy State Daily, Wyoming-based automotive journalist Aaron Turpen test-drove a series of EVs to the Electrify America chargers at Target parking lots in the state capital of Cheyenne. Things didn’t go smoothly.

      “My goal was to try the charging stations, talk to the people who also use them, and find out what the current (see what I did there?) state of EV charging is in this part of the world,” Turpen wrote in an article published earlier this month.

      “My conclusion is that it’s still pretty hit and miss.”

      Turpen used three electric vehicles, none of them downmarket slouches: the Mercedes-Benz EQE, a BMW i4, and Genesis GV60. All of them use the same charging protocol and plug, the SAE CCS1.


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    John Connor II

    Oh no, not another Coronavirus post!

    Ah, but this is interesting. From 1956.


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    John Connor II

    The “eat bugs” campaign. From 2013.

    Award-winning journalist, Alex Newman, sheds light on a 2013 UN report asserting that meat, chicken and traditional agriculture are “not sustainable”, and that a “major propaganda campaign” is needed to persuade people to eat insects instead.

    “So how are they gonna get people to eat bugs? Well, a combination of propaganda, indoctrinating children and making you very, very hungry… The goal, folks, is not to save the planet. It’s not about global warming. It’s not about sustainable development. It’s about enslaving humanity.”

    “They want to wipe out small and medium sized producers, centralise food control in the hands of mega corporations in bed with the mega governments. They want to move the population into the mega cities, and ultimately bring about this Great Reset and what they call the New World Order.”

    This is Agenda 21 to which 179 nations signed up to in 1992.


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    PM’s cost of giving: rise in inflation

    Anthony Albanese’s claims that billions of dollars in cost-of-living measures are helping fight inflation are in tatters, after new figures revealed a shock jump in consumer price growth that could force another rate hike as early as August.

    Inflation Assited by Labor Premiers Throwing Taxpayers Money to the Wind for re-elction NSW. QLD, VIC

    A tale of two nations as stimulus and sluggishness play out

    The true story behind the jump in inflation is not pleasant and into that dangerous environment the Albanese government is set to fire a three-headed stimulus rocket.

    Business Columnist


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    John Connor II

    Chemtrails. The juicy details!

    Ross posted yesterday querying the claims on chemtrails so I had to go through my archives to find the link I wanted.
    The lies and nonsense exposed (again! Groan. JC2)

    Contrails – conning the gullible for decades.


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    John Connor II

    Words of wisdom

    “The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have.
    All these fools, however, find other fools who applaud them.”
    – Erasmus, 1509


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    CO2 Lover

    Australia’s eSafety Commissioner joins forces with the European Union!

    What an evil woman.


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    Trap for Young/Old Players

    My Android Mobile Phone is on Kogan 365 Day Mobile Small Flex Plan up for renewal today – only used 6.75Gb out 120Gb Data for the year

    If you hit recharge on your account it takes you to a renewal of $179.99 for Small Flex 365 Days

    However on Kogan Mobile Plan Page – $120 for 365 days with 120Gb data – so renewed at $120 and used voucher code for a Kogan Mobile Prepaid: SMALL (365 Days FLEX | 120GB) plan, when selecting I have an email with voucher for renewal


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    You watching the Balkans JC? A couple of Turkish provinces fighting their age-old feuds and trying to drag the EU into it..

    “The president in Bulgaria, Rumen Radev, today accused the new government in Skopje of anti-Bulgarian propaganda at home and of violating the rights of the Bulgarian minority living in the country, while he argued that this attitude of Skopje is directed against the European authorities…he expects the “appropriate actions” from both the Bulgarian government and the European institutions “to preserve European principles and rules in the process of EU enlargement.”…the last population census carried out in 2021 in Skopje, Bulgarians make up only 0.2% of the country’s population (a total of 3,500 people)”


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    Alphabet Google Chrome blocking video of RSBN on the following link –

    – works on Brave, Apple Safari does not even show the Link, Works on Firefox

    Apple & Google blocking Truth


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    James Clapper, Mr. October Surprise: How Obama’s Intel Czar Rigged 2016 and 2020 Debates Against Trump

    By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations – June 26, 2024

    Just before Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in their second presidential debate, then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper met in the White House with a small group of advisers to President Obama to hatch a plan to put out a first-of-its-kind intelligence report warning the voting public that “the Russian government” was interfering in the election by allegedly breaching the Clinton campaign’s email system.

    On Oct. 7, 2016 – just two days before the presidential debate between Trump and Clinton – Clapper issued the unprecedented intelligence advisory with Obama’s personal blessing. It seemed to lend credence to what the Clinton camp was telling the media — that Trump was working with Russian President Vladimir Putin through a secret back channel to steal the election. Sure enough, the Democratic nominee pounced on it to smear Trump at the debate.

    And that wouldn’t be the only historically consequential maneuver for Clapper, whose role in skewing presidential campaigns might deserve a special place in the annals of nefarious election meddling – by, in this case, a domestic, not foreign, intelligence service.

    In 2020, he was the lead signatory on the “intelligence” statement that discredited the New York Post’s October bombshell exposing emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop, which documented how Hunter’s corrupt Burisma paymasters had met with Joe Biden when he was vice president. It was released Oct. 19, just three days before Trump and Biden debated each other in Nashville. Fifty other U.S. “Intelligence Community” officials and experts signed the seven-page document, which claimed “the arrival on the U.S. political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

    In hindsight, Clapper’s well-timed pseudo-intelligence in 2016 and 2020 helped Clinton and Biden make the case against Trump as a potentially Kremlin-compromised figure, charges that crippled his presidency and later arguably denied him reelection.

    The phony laptop letter actually helped Biden seal his narrow victory since many of his voters in the close election told pollsters they would have had second thoughts about backing him had they known of the damning materials contradicting his denials he knew anything about his son’s shady foreign dealings.

    A post-election survey by The Polling Company, for one, found that thanks to the discrediting and suppression of the laptop story, 45% of Biden voters in swing states said they were “unaware of the financial scandal enveloping Biden and his son” and that full awareness of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal would have led more than 9% of these Biden voters to abandon their vote for him – thereby flipping all six of the swing states he won over to Trump and giving Trump the victory.

    In effect, Joe Biden was elected president because millions of voters were steered away by Clapper and his intelligence colleagues from learning about the damning contents on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

    – In the Beginning, Disinformation

    – The ‘Laptop Op’

    – Clapper and Tapper


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      Interesting Comment

      – Looking at the big picture, most of the anti-Trump activity seems to be centered around Ukraine and Russia. Biden is very personally close to Ukraine, and his family got huge business with them.

      The hit jobs on Trump in 2016 and 2020 claim Trump is close to Russia and the laptop is Russian disinfo.

      Vindman being the center of Impeachment I.

      What is really going on? I think the Intelligence Community has been diligently working since 1991 to bring down Russia, and break it up the way the USSR fell, and they long known that Ukraine is Russia’s Achilles Heel – as Russia will never let Ukraine go. It is a 30+ year project of grand geopolitical strategy, their lifetime work, and Trump in 2016 threatened it since he wants good relations with Russia.

      And now with the Ukraine War bogged down, they are desperate to have 4 more years to finish the job.

      Add Victoria Nuland, her husband Robert Kagan & Samantha Power to the Mix, besides President Biden’s Boast – Hmmm!

      Biden boast of firing ukraine prosecutor

      Joe Biden has been accused of boasting about his role in firing Ukraine’s top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, in 2016. Biden leveraged $1 billion in aid to persuade Ukraine to oust Shokin, allegedly to protect his son Hunter Biden’s interests.

      What did Biden say?

      In a January 2018 speech at the Council on Foreign Relations, Biden boasted about withholding a loan guarantee until Ukraine fired Shokin. He said:

      “ And I was supposed to announce that there was another billion-dollar loan guarantee. And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor. And they didn’t.

      So they said they had—they were walking out to a press conference. I said, nah, I’m not going to—or, we’re not going to give you the billion dollars. They said, you have no authority. You’re not the president. The president said—I said, call him.


      I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b*tch. (Laughter.) He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time.”


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        Ah, politics, ya gotta love it! Someone told me God invented Govts, but I reckon the Devil did! There has to be a better way to run human affairs, democracy, dictatorships, monarchy… they’re all the same in the end, they are there to screw the populace and enrich those grasping at stolen money inside the system.


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          I’m going to point out the one common link amongst all the nefarious activities:

          grasping at stolen money

          What can be done about it? Who knows?


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    another ian

    Relative to the recent spate of Qld ephemeral energy projects –


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