
9.1 out of 10 based on 36 ratings

153 comments to Monday

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    Huge Percentage Of EV Owners Want To Go Back To Normal Cars, Study Finds


    Nearly half of American electric vehicle (EV) owners want to buy an internal combustion engine model the next time they buy a car, according to a new study from McKinsey and Company, a leading consulting firm.

    Approximately 46% of Americans who own an EV want to go back to a standard vehicle for their next purchase, citing issues like inadequate charging infrastructure and affordability, according to McKinsey’s study, which was obtained and reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The study’s findings further suggest that the Biden administration’s EV push is struggling to land with American consumers, after 46% of respondents indicated that they are unlikely or very unlikely to purchase an EV in a June poll conducted by The Associated Press and the University of Chicago’s Energy Policy Institute.


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      David Maddison

      All the poseurs and virtue signalers are now satisfied.

      Time to move on to the next thing.

      “Green” Hydrogen vehicles. Perhaps with “green” hydrogen made with Aussie coal and sequested CO2. Or vast environmentally damaging wind and solar plantations.


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        David, I haven’t heard ‘poser’ since i was a teenager that dates both of us!

        Poser is a perfectly apt word for the virtue signalling EV buyer!

        I see someone has estimated that Duttons’ 7 Nuclear Power Stations will cost 600 Billion – what I have never seen is how much Albos’ unreliables will cost us!!


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          R in Canberra

          $600 Billion for 7 Nuclear Power Stations is a figure conjured up by alarmists. An internet search reveals a Rolls-Royce 470Mw SMR costs 1.9 billion UK pounds or $AUD3.42 billion. One would replace the 300Mw coal-fired power station at Collie WA.


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            Based on recent nuclear builds, surely Australia could build a large 1GW nuclear power station for around $10bn, so that’s only $70bn.
            Labor seem very confused. On one hand they are saying $600bn, implying large nuclear power stations. But then they say that these seven nuclear stations could only supply 3.7% of the total power – that implies they are talking about low-power SMRs. Nothing matches. I tend to think that their comments are designed to confuse.


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          With development of social media posing has become a complete lifestyle option or even a profession of sorts. Tik Tok, Instagram and of course Only Fans provide a world of options for the fabulous.


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          The Australian Government spent $200B on COVID and we got basically nothing for that except a whole heap of debt.


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          DM said “poseurs” which is a different meaning to your “poser”. A poseur is someone pretending to be something they are not, or more accomplished or important. Someone who poses for something or someone is a poser. DM’s use of poseurs is correctly used with the term “virtue signalers”.


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    John Hultquist

    Fox News reports on a Snopes posting about Trump’s 2017 comments at a rally. Supposedly (accordingly to Democrats), The Donald claimed neo-Nazis to be “very fine people”. Back then, I heard folks mention this, so I looked it up. I found it to be false – as Snopes now reports. Also, this confirmed my hardening skeptical view of just about everything,
    That is also when I started believing that Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) existed, despite disagreement about its existence. (Think of the non-existence of Santa Claus versus the massive influence of Santa in parts of society.)
    Wikipedia has info of origin and definition of the phrase – – TDS


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    I wonder who the fool is that votes 1 out of 10 at the beginning of an open thread?


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    David Maddison

    The Paris Olympics will be fully woke and “green” and will not have air conditioning in the athletes’ accommodation.

    But “trust the science”.

    ‘Trust science’, Paris mayor tells air conditioning fans ahead of Olympics

    PARIS: With competing nations split over whether to enter into the spirit of the “Green Games” or throw money at success whatever the environmental cost, Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo told those nations planning on installing air conditioning at the athletes’ village to “trust the science” instead.

    Temperatures are expected to soar again in the European summer, after setting records in 2023, but there will be no air conditioning in the athletes’ rooms at Paris 2024, which has pledged to host the “greenest ever” Games.

    Instead, buildings in the athletes’ village have been designed with a cooling system drawing water from underground and facades orientated so they get little direct sun.

    “This village was designed to avoid the need for air conditioning, even in very, very high temperatures, in order to maintain comfortable temperatures,” Hidalgo told Reuters on Wednesday (Mar 13).

    With climate scientists warning that global warming has produced more extreme weather patterns in much of the world, organisers of Paris 2024 have said they want the event’s carbon footprint to be half that of the Rio 2016 and London 2012 Summer Games.


    Also see video:


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      Idiots. I cannot understand why, when government have unlimited resources, they do not engage some real scientists to determine the facts. Why they persist with the scam of global warming.


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        The answer to your question is to do with power: getting it and holding onto it. The politicians that have the power give money to the climate ‘scientists’ to write reports confirming the politicians’ claims. They use that to scare the pants off the sheep, who then vote for the same politicians that now promise to solve all the fake problems that they made up. This reinforces their power and continues the cycle.


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      Teams Bring Their Own AC Units to Paris: Exposing the Absurdity of “Sustainability” at the Olympics

      The 2024 Paris Olympics are shaping up to be an event filled with athletic prowess and, unsurprisingly, a hefty dose of virtue signaling. The recent announcement that air conditioning will not be provided at the Olympic venues is a prime example. In a bid to flaunt their environmental consciousness, the organizers have decided to rely on “sustainable” cooling methods, leaving teams to fend for themselves in the sweltering Parisian summer. And fend they did! Teams are now bringing their own portable air conditioners, making a mockery of the original intent and highlighting the absurdity of the decision.


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        David Maddison

        Portable air conditioners are extremely noisy and inefficient and they will somehow have to exhaust the hot air out a window and seal off the gap.

        They won’t sleep well.

        Plus, France is a mostly nuclear powered country.

        It just goes to show that not even nuclear power satisfies green types – because they really are trying to return us to the stone age.


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      Mike Jonas

      The teams are reportedly bringing their own portable air-conditioners.


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      “‘Trust science’, Paris mayor tells air conditioning fans ahead of Olympics”

      Any reports about his office being air conditioned? Working from the Olympic Village for the duration perhaps?


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      Just use the emission free French Nuclear Power Station generated electricity to power the Games. That should keep the Climate Alarmists happy. Non? And why not?


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      Rupert Ashford

      Wonder if Anne will switch off the aircon in they/them/their offices and accommodation for the duration of the games in solidarity with the athletes…


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      Nothing is too good for the athletes and nothing is what they’ll get.


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    Anybody else seen this? Dr Ned Nikolov “While working on a paper using CERES satellite data, I discovered that the latest IPCC Report grossly misrepresented CERES observations of reflected solar and outgoing LW radiation.”
    “In Chapter 7 of WG1 Contribution, Fig. 7.3 shows INVERTED trends of reflected solar & LW fluxes!” It seems that the actual reflected solar and outgoing LW radiation figures would significantly undermine the CO2 driven man made climate change narrative and support the argument that the sun has a much greater influence. The man made climate change narrative cannot be challenged by actual data. We can’t have that now, can we. So a fudge factor was applied. The data sets were multiplied by -1, effectively inverting the actual trends. Phew! That was a close thing. Man made climate change, jobs, trillions of dollars in fraudulent taxes, saved by a very small number. Move on. Nothing to see here.
    Is this an error or deliberate cover up? I’ll leave you to decide. Now, there are those who will no doubt resort to ad hominem attacks to try and discredit Dr Nikolov. But then, these sort of attacks are always used when you can’t argue with the facts.


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      another ian


      “This IS Hard Mathematical Evidence Of Fraud”


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      If you want to see the real effect of CO2 you have to use the square root of that fudge factor.


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      Richard C (NZ)

      Ned Nikolov, Ph.D. @NikolovScience

      Yes, and the IPCC apparently wanted to hide the fact that the CERES data show a 2.7 W m-2 INCREASE in the absorbed solar radiation by Earth since 2000.
      They do not want to answer questions about the solar contribution to recent warming, because that can destroy the AGW narrative.

      2.7 W m-2 INCREASE in ASR since 2000 (observed)

      Lets see now, taking the IPCC’s GHG forcing expression at face value:

      dF = 5.35 ln(C/Co)

      Co: 369.71 2000 Mauna Loa
      C: 421.08 2023 Mauna Loa

      dF = 0.696

      0.7 W m-2 increase in CO2 forcing (theoretical)

      Yup, this destroys the AGW narrative.


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        Richard C (NZ)

        Also destroys the use of the solar “constant” (which isn’t) as the solar forcing in climate models. Yesterday I posted some model paramertization where solar_const = 1361.27. Fine so far:

        Solar Constant – Definition & Detailed Explanation – Astrophysics Glossary

        The value of the solar constant is approximately 1361 watts per square meter, which is equivalent to about 1.361 kilowatts per square meter. This value represents the total amount of solar radiation that reaches the Earth’s upper atmosphere [TOA] on a clear day when the Sun is directly overhead.


        The solar constant is an essential parameter in astrophysics as it provides valuable information about the Sun’s energy output and its impact on the Earth and the solar system. By measuring the solar constant, scientists can better understand the Sun’s role in driving the Earth’s climate, weather patterns, and overall energy balance.

        Except this says absolutely nothing about what is actually absorbed (ASR) in terms of forcing surface temperature.

        1361 W m-2 “constant” at TOA but a 2.7 W m-2 ASR change?

        Something is badly wrong with solar forcing treatment by the IPCC.


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          Richard C (NZ)

          Ocean heat gain is the only metric worth considering given the ocean is the earth’s largest heat sink and the ability of water to hold heat vs air.

          NOAA says of in respect to total earth’s surface but applied to the ocean:

          Averaged over Earth’s surface, the 1993–2022 heat-gain rates were 0.38 (±0.05) to 0.44 (±0.10) Watts per square meter for depths from 0–700 meters (down to 0.4 miles), depending on which research group’s analysis you consult. Meanwhile, heat gain rates were 0.17 (±0.03) to 0.32 (±0.04) Watts per square meter for depths of 700–2,000 meters (0.4–1.2 miles).

          Doesn’t comport with 2.7 W.m2 ASR change this century.


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            Richard C (NZ)

            Ceres website has this:

            Increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, etc.) trap more of the emitted thermal radiation from the surface, thereby reducing ETR and leading to a net gain of energy. This is referred to as “Earth’s Energy Imbalance (EEI)”. Its magnitude is approximately 0.7 Wm-2 (or 0.3% of ASR). Most of this excess energy (93%) is stored as heat in the ocean. The remainder warms the atmosphere and land, and melts snow and ice.


            Plenty on that page including ASR vs ETR but part way down there’s this graph 2000 – 2018:

            Cumulative planetary heat uptake from CERES

            Something in the order of 16 x 10^22 J or 160 ZJ.

            There’s an implicit attribution by CERES of that heat gain to GHGs – “CO2, CH4, etc”. But if ASR is actually the dominant factor then that’s a miss-attribution.


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          Richard C (NZ)

          The IPCC uses ERF not RF so that complicates things a bit:

          Comparison of Effective Radiative Forcing Calculations Using Multiple Methods, Drivers, and Models
          Tang et al (2019)

          Effective radiative forcing (ERF) is defined as the net downward radiative flux at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) after allowing for atmospheric temperature, water vapor, and clouds to adjust but with surface temperature or a portion of surface conditions unchanged (Myhre, Shindell, et al., 2013).

          IPCC say this in AR6:

          In contrast to AR5, the solar ERF in this assessment uses full solar cycles rather than solar minima. The pre-industrial TSI is defined as the mean from all complete solar cycles from the start of the14C SATIRE-M proxy record in 6755 BCE to 1744 CE. The mean TSI from solar cycle 24 (2009–2019) is adopted as the assessment period for 2019. The best estimate solar ERF is assessed to be 0.01 W m–2, using the14C reconstruction from SATIRE-M, with a likely range of –0.06 to +0.08 W m–2(medium confidence).

          0.01 W m–2 IPCC solar ERF vs 2.7 W m-2 ASR change this century.

          I think the reference to SATIRE-M above is appropriate.


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          Richard C (NZ)

          >1361 W m-2 “constant” at TOA but a 2.7 W m-2 ASR change?
          Something is badly wrong with solar forcing treatment by the IPCC.

          From IPCC AR6 Chapter 2:

          Figure 2.10 | Temporal evolution of effective radiative forcing (ERF) related to the drivers assessed in Section 2.2. ERFs are based upon the calculations described in Chapter 7, …

          That yellow line fluctuating around 0 i.e. no effective change whatsoever to drive climate, is all the solar cycles since 1750.

          IPCC claims a 0.01 W m–2 IPCC solar ERF which is, they claim, the long-term radiative effect of those cycles in terms of climate drivers.

          This is little different to the Maunder Minimum 1645 to 1715 when from 1672 – 1699 (28 yrs) there were fewer than 50 sunspots.

          Except the climate then was vastly different to the climate now and the IPCCs CO2 ERF was 0 at 1750, implying 0 for the Maunder Minimum too.

          So if, as the IPCC implies by their ERFs, neither solar nor CO2 forced the climate in the Maunder Minimum, what did?


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            Richard C (NZ)

            >if, as the IPCC implies by their ERFs, neither solar nor CO2 forced the climate in the Maunder Minimum, what did?

            I think it’s clear that the IPCC’s solar forcing is complete bunk.

            Solar is REAL energy (UV-A/B, Vis, IR-A/B) and is the heating agent for surface materials.

            CO2 is merely APPARENT energy (IR-C) and does no work – it cannot heat surface materials.

            The GHG gasses are INEFFECTIVE radiative forcings. They are superfluous in the IPCC’s Figure 2.10 previous. Take those out and you’re left with aerosols, other anthro, volcanic, and solar.

            Of the first 3 only aerosols are dominant but with a cooling effect. That leaves solar as the long-term climate driver in the absence of any other EFFECTIVE forcing, contrary to IPCC claims.


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            Richard C (NZ)

            >if, as the IPCC implies by their ERFs, neither solar nor CO2 forced the climate in the Maunder Minimum, what did?

            Two papers.

            First demonstrates CO2 was not a forcing in the Maunder Minimum:

            Atmospheric CO2 over the last 1000 years: A high-resolution record from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice core
            Jinho Ahn, Edward J. Brook, Logan Mitchell, Julia Rosen, Joseph R. McConnell, Kendrick Taylor, David Etheridge, Mauro Rubino (2012)

            Figure 2
            Atmospheric CO2 for the last 1000 years
            . WAIS Divide data (red, this study) are compared with those from the Law Dome (blue) [Etheridge et al., 1996; MacFarling Meure et al., 2006] and EPICA Dronning Maud Land (black) [Siegenthaler et al., 2005]. To facilitate comparison of CO2 records, a Gaussian filter (1σ = 10 years) was applied to interpolated annual data sets (darker lines). OSU stands for Oregon State University and CMAR, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research.

            All around 277ppm Maunder Minimum 1645 to 1715.

            Second demonstrates an accurate reconstruction of 7 temperature proxies with three sine functions of the periods 1003, 463, and 188 years and with four sine functions including the period ~60 years:

            Harmonic Analysis of Worldwide Temperature Proxies for 2000 Years
            Horst-Joachim Lüdecke and Carl-Otto Weiss (2020)

            Fig. (3) (Color online) Upper panel: Global record G7 (grey), running 31-year average of G7 (blue), sine representation of G7 with three sine functions of the periods 1003, 463, and 188 years (green), with four sine functions including the period ~60 years (red), continued to AD 2200. The parameters of the sine functions are given in Table 3. The Pearson correlation between the 31 year running average of G7 and the three-sine representation (green) is 0.84, for the four-sine representation (red) 0.85. Lower panel: G7 (grey) together with the sine functions of 1003, 463, and 188 – year periods continued until AD 2200 (equal sine amplitudes for clarity).

            A very compelling 0.85 correlation with cycles that correspond to solar cycles for 2000 years – see next.


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              Richard C (NZ)

              Lüdecke and Weiss:

              We have elucidated the solar origin of the most pronounced climate cycles of ~1000, ~460, and ~190 year periods in our data. In particular, by wavelet analysis, we have confirmed the solar origin of the most prominent ~190 year cycle over 10,000 years with new accuracy.


              The Pearson correlation of G7 and the three-sine representation is 0.65, while that with the 31-year running mean of G7 is remarkable 0.84. A four-sine representation which includes the ~60-year cycle improves this correlation only to 0.85. The ~60-year cycle is, however, important for shorter time studies. e.g. Gervais [17] shows that the ~60-year cycle explains the temperature plateau observed since the end of the 20th century.

              Okay, correlation does not imply causation but that is no reason to discard the second paper when the 0.84/0.85 correlation extends 2000 years. There has to be a common agent in there somewhere and L&W identify a solar origin.

              But it is impossible to reconstruct temperature with CO2 in this way (see Ahn et al previous).

              The IPCC will NEVER address this dichotomy.


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    David Maddison

    Latest video from Dr Peter Ridd. Very good. 8 mins.

    Science is good but the system is broken.

    Are Scientists The Most Unreliable Profession?

    Dr Peter Ridd has been researching the Great Barrier Reef since 1984, has invented a range of advanced scientific instrumentation, and written over 100 scientific publications.

    Since being fired by James Cook University for raising concerns about science quality assurance issues, Peter Ridd receives no payment for any of the work he does.


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    David Maddison

    Over-reaction or legitimate?

    87,000 birds to be culled as second farm in NSW’s Hawkesbury region confirms presence of avian flu

    A second farm in NSW’s Hawkesbury region has confirmed the presence of avian flu with about 87,000 birds to be killed at the property over the coming week.

    June 23, 2024

    The CSIRO’s Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness said the type of flu at this farm was the H7N8 strain, which had likely originated from a wild bird.

    I wonder how necessary such extreme measures are or is it just an excuse to compromise the food supply?

    Professor of microbiology at Swinburne University and food health and safety expert Enzo Palombo said that while there’s “never been any evidence” of the virus transmitting to food supply, there are still measures that can be taken to minimise risk.

    The virus can occasionally, but rarely, spread to humans through contact with infected birds.

    Is it an extreme over-reaction as with covid or are the actions legitimate?


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        They used Mallards for their gain of function work-

        “In addition, this study plans to use live viruses to challenge mallard ducks with low-pathogenic bird flu viruses first, followed by a high-pathogenic virus….The mallard duck is the most abundant migratory and wide-ranging duck on Earth and can crossbreed with 63 other species. It is an asymptomatic carrier harboring many bird flu viruses, potentially allowing more mutated viruses to recombine.”

        Time for no-limit shooting seasons on ducks!


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          Time for no-limit shooting seasons on ducks!

          Or gain of function researchers.


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          Certainly not! We have just built a duckhouse on our dam for the migratory ducks which will protect the chicks from the foxes!


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      “The virus can occasionally, but rarely, spread to humans through contact with infected birds.”

      The question of course is what affect does it have “on humans”. Is it just another case of the sniffles? Do people die en mass?. Is there something in the middle?
      Like the common cold or annual influenza virus, do the vast majority of people just get over it, those with other compromising conditions sadly may be severely affected and possibly die.


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        Apparently, conjunctivitis is a symptom and there was a farm worker who supposedly caught bird flu and his ONLY symptom was conjunctivitis.

        Having been through the 3 years of the covid reports of how injuries, bad reactions and ongoing health complications from the inoculations were so rare as to not having any reason to be alarmed I cannot understand the bird flu hysteria since the history of this current man-enhanced danger is:

        Early 1900s strain is isolated then nothing, nada, zilch, zero until 1961 and H5N1 strain isolated in birds in South Africa then (nnzz) December 1983 and some 5m chickens in Pennsylvania and Virginia which apparently were “exposed” to avian flu are killed to stop the disease from spreading.
        Then (nnzz) 1997 when 18 people are infected in Hong Kong and 6 die. These apparently are the first documented cases of human infection and 1.5m poultry make the ultimate sacrifice.

        Since 2013 there have been 1,568 confirmed human cases and 616 have died from the H7N9 strain or avian flu.

        Since early 1900s when H5N1 was isolated, it seems the laboratories of the world have progressed to version H7N7 with Russia claiming first spot by announcing in Feb 2021 it had found H5N8 in people. Not to be outdone China announced in June 2021 that it had found H10N3 in people. And the world said BINGO.

        Meantime in Feb 2022 US scientists could only muster a confirmation that wild birds and domestic poultry had tested positive for H5N1, but they have privately promised to do better in the future.


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      “The CSIRO’s Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness said the type of flu at this farm was the H7N8 strain, which had likely originated from a wild bird.”

      The push by animal rights numpties has brought this on, the reason why chooks were caged apart from other efficiencies, was to get them off the ground and away from likely contamination from wild birds.


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      “I wonder how necessary such extreme measures are or is it just an excuse to compromise the food supply?”

      This video (18 minutes) goes some way toward answering that.

      It mentions this 2005 paper.

      As usual, no viral particles are directly imaged from tissue from these birds.

      I’m guessing an announcement that the Virus (more accurately, a protein attributed to a virus) has been found in milk, is not too far away.


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        “I’m guessing an announcement that the Virus (more accurately, a protein attributed to a virus) has been found in milk, is not too far away.”

        Using the same 36cycle PCR test as Covid I am sure… the Gold Standard!


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      John Connor II

      Over-reaction or legitimate?

      The outbreak, it turns out, is proving to be especially costly for American taxpayers.

      Last year, the Department of Agriculture paid poultry producers more than half a billion dollars for the turkeys, chickens and egg-laying hens they were forced to kill after the flu strain, H5N1, was detected on their farms.

      Officials say the compensation program is aimed at encouraging farms to report outbreaks quickly. That’s because the government pays for birds killed through culling, not those that die from the disease. Early reporting, the agency says, helps to limit the virus’s spread to nearby farms.

      The cullings are often done by turning up the heat in barns that house thousands of birds, a method that causes heat stroke and that many veterinarians and animal welfare organizations say results in unnecessary suffering.

      Among the biggest recipients of the agency’s bird flu indemnification funds from 2022 to this year were Jennie-O Turkey Store, which received more than $88 million, and Tyson Foods, which was paid nearly $30 million. Despite their losses, the two companies reported billions of dollars in profits last year.

      By compensating commercial farmers for their losses with no strings attached, the federal government is encouraging poultry growers to continue the very practices that heighten the risk of contagion, increasing the need for future cullings and compensation.

      Of course the farmers could/should have moved their flocks indoors at the first sign of trouble and monitored them, thereby minimising exposure and losses.
      The USA is now starting to get hit hard by bird flu again…


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      I blame the rare, and seldom seen, Hawkesbury River Pangolin.


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      John in NZ

      What would you bet they used a 40 cycle PCR test to detect the virus?


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    another ian

    FWIW –

    “Interesting video. Japanese researchers claim that the injection-which-dare-not-speak-its-name is behind a surge in dementia.

    Also, at 8:30 reports that insurance companies in France are already not paying out for vaxx related deaths, classing it with suicide. Looks like US companies heading the same way.
    must-be-punished.html ”



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      Bronco Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?


      Due to the health emergency created by SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes the COVID-19 disease, the rapid implementation of a new vaccine technology was necessary. mRNA vaccines, being one of the cutting-edge new technologies, attracted significant interest and offered a lot of hope. The potential of these vaccines in preventing admission to hospitals and serious illness in people with comorbidities has recently been called into question due to the vaccines’ rapidly waning immunity. Mounting evidence indicates that these vaccines, like many others, do not generate sterilizing immunity, leaving people vulnerable to recurrent infections. Additionally, it has been discovered that the mRNA vaccines inhibit essential immunological pathways, thus impairing early interferon signaling. Within the framework of COVID-19 vaccination, this inhibition ensures an appropriate spike protein synthesis and a reduced immune activation. Evidence is provided that adding 100 % of N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) to the mRNA vaccine in a melanoma model stimulated cancer growth and metastasis, while non-modified mRNA vaccines induced opposite results, thus suggesting that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines could aid cancer development. Based on this compelling evidence, we suggest that future clinical trials for cancers or infectious diseases should not use mRNA vaccines with a 100 % m1Ψ modification, but rather ones with the lower percentage of m1Ψ modification to avoid immune suppression.

      Now they tell us!!! However, i would strongly disagree with the statement that “rapid implementation of a new vaccine technology was necessary”. There were plenty of tried, tested and proven options out there. Just not ones that would make a lot of people very rich, very quickly.


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        It really wasn’t hard to find information on mRNA technology and its development. Particularly if you followed the right people on social media. Robert Malone probably being the stand out example. You could trace the mRNA platform inception from the 1990’s and all its associated problems. Lack of a dependable delivery system and generally either poor efficacy or increased adverse effects. Then there was the Antibody Dependent Effect (ADE) where early trials showed mice exposed to live virus following initial injection subsequently died. But miraculously all those inherent problems were fixed in under 12 months. Magic science wand.


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          Ross, you are so right. I was very keen for a vaccine to be developed when the virus arrived in 2020. However, one of the first casualties of the AZ virus was known to our family & that changed everything. Knowing nothing about virology or vaccinology, I had to get “up to speed” (in a man-in-the -street way) ASAP. I was fortunate also to meet an Australian research scientist who had spent 40 years in pharmacology – specifically in the area of RCTs. So I was very, very lucky in being able to assess the potential dangers of this novel technology.

          And you are right – the famous dialogue between Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch & Bret Weinstein was very easy to access once you questioned the vaccines via the internet. That led to so many others – the wonderful authors and supporters of the Great Barrington Declaration, including very highly regarded current and retired virologists. If only people had made attempts to query the efficacy of the technology – so many of the facts would have become available to them. I tried to offer advice to many people, but by that stage Covid had been successfully made an object of terror, and virtual mandates were in operation by business and schools.


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          envIroNment scEptiC

          Gosh, darn comment Ross, thanks

          I suppose mix into that in my opinion, some antibody iGG clas switching (same as in bee keeping observations), and no less important, the area concerning the subject of ‘immune exhaustion’….for example when something is constantly producing and an antigen until the immune system has to say, ‘nothing-to-see-here’.wonder, wonder, wonder…


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      another ian


      “Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot”


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      Peter C

      Japanese researchers claim that the injection-which-dare-not-speak-its-name is behind a surge in dementia.

      That explains why Dr Michael Mosely took a wrong turn and got off the path in Symi!


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        “Come on man”

        Next you will be claiming that the liquid had something to do with the rapid decline of the 4+shot Resident of the USA. You know the one who parroted the CDC claim it was “a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.

        Notice at the start of the vid when the Resident listens to the reporters facebook question how he inclines his head slightly to better hear the message/answer coming through his earpiece above the background noise of the waiting helicopter.


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        If you feel like going down a big Dr Mosley rabbit hole:

        I remember early on, someone pondering how people were going to react when they find out that this whole pandemic lark is just a huge scam – someone replied ‘the same way they all reacted when they found out the Security Services are involved in human trafficking – ‘oh well then, as long as I am all right, if that is what the government has to do to keep us safe, I guess it is all right’


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      Leo G

      Japanese researchers claim that the injection-which-dare-not-speak-its-name is behind a surge in dementia.

      I find that quite plausible. Some of my family, including myself, are affected by an inherited defect of thiamine transport protein, which can lead to dementia if not treated with thiamine supplements and diet restrictions.

      My father had Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome for most of his adult life (he died at 97).

      Each of us who had any of the Covid vaccines, rapidly developed symptoms of acute thiamine deficiency which responded to increasing thiamine supplementation- and the effect persisted.

      I assumed that there is persistent increased demand for thiamine as an effect of the response to the mRNA or related “vaccines”.


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        I have read that it may be the spike protein itself that is responsible for the neural damage leading to cognitive decline of various degrees. This is worrying, because although it would apply to a much greater degree in the vaccinated (particularly those with early dementia) it would also apply to those who have been infected with Covid – including the vaccinated.

        It has also been reported that the virus affects the dopamine receptors. This may partly account for the notoriously high level of anxiety in the community.


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      Peter C

      Also, at 8:30 reports that insurance companies in France are already not paying out for vaxx related deaths, classing it with suicide.

      I tried to track down the origin of this story. It goes back to 2022.

      I am a bit doubtful about the authenticity.


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    The justification is the potential very high bird mortality rate and the consequential far greater economic loss should it spread to other poultry farms.
    Reply to 8.


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    To bring some sanity to the nuclear debate, Dutton should ask Albo and Blackout Bowen to visit France to see some of the 19 nuclear reactor sites in such a small country with more than double Australia’s population. And with plans to triple electricity production from nuclear reactors by 2050.

    Meanwhile across the AEMO grid on Saturday night at 6.30pm, solar delivered zero % of demand, batteries 0.4% and wind just 4%. Ahh, but we are told renewables are so cheap.
    To keep the lights on, coal delivered 17,000 MW, gas 6,700 MW, and hydro 4,400 MW. And we are running out of gas, thanks to various government bans, especially in Victoria.


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    How’s this for virtue signaling!
    A bright red, duel motor Tesla with the number plate “100 ZRO”. This stupid car didn’t even have blinkers that work!


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    Should happen here in Australia to Federal Education Department – Equal Value School Vouchers for each child to be used at the School of Parents Choice, be it Public or Private, would be a Winner for the Liberal/National Party

    Trump Vows to Shut Down Department of Education if Reelected — A Bold Move to Combat DEI, CRT, and Woke Sexual Content

    This isn’t the first time Trump has criticized the Department of Education. He has long advocated for school choice and local control over education, arguing that parents and local communities are best positioned to understand and meet the needs of their students.

    “The United States spends more money on education than any other country in the world, and yet we get the worst outcomes. We’re at the bottom of every list,” said Trump in a video campaign released last year.

    Here are the 10 key ideas proposed for improving schools and leading to great jobs, as outlined in Trump’s speech:


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    The Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and partner Jodie Haydon were at an official gathering and were seated with the Governor-General.
    Jodie said to the Governor-General “I bought Anthony a pet parrot for his birthday. That bird is so smart, Anthony has already taught it to say over two hundred words.”
    “Very impressive” said the Governor-General “but, you do realize he just speaks the words. He doesn’t really understand what they mean.”
    “Oh, I know”, replied Jodie, “but neither does the parrot.”


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      David Maddison

      but, you do realize he just speaks the words. He doesn’t really understand what they mean.

      That’s precisely true of Albanese.


      • #

        It was old but not very funny joke.

        As a man living under Albo’s regime and did under other two – the XX century Australia’s and your socialist dream one, I want to very friendly advise you: stop digging. You lost nuclear power debate before it started.

        I no more want you to disappear than I want Russia to end, despite the horrors it has brought to its neighbours. Usually people differ a Nation from a (current) Government.

        Green Labour and tacit Liberals brought Australia to its knees in military, diplomatic, industrial, scientific and social sense. What do I leave my grandchildren?


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          Apologies to D. Maddison – I meant to say: advise him (Albanese) rather than “advise you”


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      And as a reward Albo raced off to the pet shop and bought his new pet a nice mirror with a bell. The next day Albo noticed the bird seemed a bit jaded and wasn’t very active so off he went to the pet shop again and bought the bird a nice dish to have a bath in.

      Couple of days later and the bird was even more jaded and just sat hunched up on his perch without moving. Albo went back to the pet store and bought a ladder and some bounce back figures that all birds love knocking over.

      He carefully placed them around the cage and no sooner had he positioned the last one and the parrot fell off its perch landing on its back on the cage floor. With its last ounce of strength the parrot drew in its final breath, looked up at Albo and said “Doesn’t that bludi pet shop of yours sell birdseed?


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    Dutton @ co. must focus their nuclear debate more on Australia’s long term energy security, and self-reliance.


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      I believe that it’s going to eventually force Labor to reveal the true cost of the renewables, and then focus attention on the fact that it’s an absolute impossibility, both financially and physically, to go 82% renewables by 2030.
      We are in for some fun times…


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    CO2 Lover

    Another Battery Energy Storage Fire

    A fire at the 250MW Gateway Energy Storage lithium-ion battery energy storage project in San Diego, California, reignited Friday morning after being initially extinguished, and continued to smoulder over the weekend. The local fire service said there were no casualties, but the roof had partially sagged in by Sunday but not collapsed. They were continuing to cool the interior of the building and monitor for thermal runaway.

    LS Power, which owns the site, said that when it opened in August 2020, its facility was the world’s biggest BESS. It has several other BESS projects under construction, the biggest in Queens, New York (316MW).

    The EPRI failure event database said the battery module was used for energy shifting and came from LG Chem. The system is 3.7 years old, it stated.

    The was also a fire at the VICTORIA BIG BATTERY (Size: 300MW/450MWh) which used Tesla Megapacks in Australia and other at BOULDERCOMBE (Size: 50MW/100MWh) in Queensland also using Tesla Megapacks.

    There is an average of one BESS fire a month on a global basis


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    YYY Guy

    After an extended drought in Tassie, dam levels averaging 30% for hydro, ABC Tasmania sounding the alarm that they’ve had to turn on the gas power South of Hobart (ignoring the 24/7 gas power in the North) – “expensive, temporary” and so on, as you’d expect. Gonna need a lot of rain to get those dam levels up. Most expensive energy in the nation at the moment. They blame gas for that, not the failure of ruinables.


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      Time to get the big diesel generators back again. The ones that powered the state during the millennial drought. But, ssshhhh, don’t tell anyone.


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      Where does Tassie’s gas come from. ?


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      Somebody here commented that Tasmania is a net energy importer – they cannot generate sufficient hydro for all their power. Despite this fact, the media still claims that Tasmania is “100% renewable”.


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    Can anyone dispute the 2 Trillion $ cost ( at least) of net zero for the Aussie power grid and using toxic W & S?
    I ask because their ABC told us recently that it would cost trillions of $ and Bloomberg’s team has also told us it would cost about 2 trillion $ for Aussies to reach net zero.
    Do any of our blog donkeys dispute these two estimates, from impeccable left wing sources?
    And if they can then tell us why and what the true cost would be? And can you please provide a link?


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      See my cost calculations in the other blog today. I can find at least A$1.1T costs without much effort.
      The quoted amount was in USD.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    Readers here will know I have a fascination with climate scientists turned activists. Posted some stuff yesterday re Scientist Rebellion (SR) and Peter Kalmus.

    I’ve noticed an evolving trait. Used to be caped crusader get-up like this:

    Scott ‘Super’ Mandia
    – Professor, Suffolk County Community College, New York

    But now it’s pristine white coats:

    Peter Kalmus and sidekick – NASA JPL Los Angeles SR protest

    Scientist Rebellion – Berlin protest

    Now, the appearance in a white coat by Peter raises questions because he spends most of his work days in front of a computer screen. Maybe the coat is for coffee spills but it looks like it’s just his brand new SR uniform for outings to town, given the absence of any stains. Nice but doesn’t attract the gals for some reason.

    I suppose that without the coat he’s just some dude that likes to chain himself to doors and yell crazy stuf through a bull horn.

    The Berlin faction haven’t got SR logoed white coat uniforms so they had to make do with off-the-shelf – not quite the aura there but the guys do get to mix with some nice gals, so there’s that.


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    SMH attacking Dutton, the Left must see him as a threat.

    One article-
    “Dutton’s nuclear non-policy sets a new low for political debate- Arguably the most significant fact about recent weeks is the way that Dutton is lowering the bar for debate, one way at a time. First, with his determined political exploitation of migration. Second, by deploying policies that are not quite policies.”

    Next article-
    “Dutton’s nuclear plan is surrounded by false claims and policy gaps – but people are listening. Peter Dutton has invited Australians into a nuclear maze that has dozens of dead ends and no clear pathway because his plan is so free of facts…The basic plan is surrounded by mountains of false claims and cavernous policy gaps. The gaps include the unknown cost of the seven nuclear plants, the design of the reactors, the disposal of the waste, the impact on household bills and the proportion of the electricity grid to be supplied by nuclear – a key factor in any decisions about renewables.”

    Both are labelled “Opinion” but both are by Herald staff members.


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      A threat? It seems so.

      A lot of people suddenly got very excited.

      That journalist’s thesaurus is getting a workover!


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      ‘Biden asked’ …
      Yeah. Right.
      Not his handlers.
      Got it. Puppet-masters not involved, in any way.

      Auto – obviously greener than I am cabbage-looking.


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    I see the unhinged Keating loony has called Dutton “wicked and cynical” and he was guilty of “manic denialism” etc, etc.
    The big problem is that Dutton has the data on his side and the solid proof that Labor and the Greens will destroy our Aussie environments for zero change to our climate.
    Even Bob Brown howled about a small wind development in a small part of tiny Tasmania. Typical act of a typical NIMBY con merchant.
    Of course if Bloomberg and their ABC are correct about the true cost of Net Zero, then Keating must want to bankrupt Australia? But why?


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    John Connor II

    It turns out Parisians DO give a sh#t about Macron!

    Need to poop in Paris? You can join Parisians in protesting French President Emmanuel Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo by defecating in the Seine River before they jump in the water today!

    Paris residents are protesting the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris and the city’s massive spending on a project to clean the Seine River to make it safe for Olympic swimmers to compete in.

    After French President Emmanuel Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo vowed to take a plunge in the water that has reportedly been unsafe to swim in for a century, Parisians online and on social media formulated a plan to make the politicians “bathe in our sh*t.”

    Politicians are normally full of it, but can now swim in it too! 😆😆


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      Greg in NZ

      You’re soaking in it!

      Could be why the surfing Olympics are being held at Teahupo’o in Tahiti – oui magnifique! – just don’t mention la bomba nor Moruroa to the south-east.

      A cold front is clipping Tahiti today, pushed up from the southern depths c/- the blocking high stalled to our east, along with a YUGE southerly swell… winter in paradise?


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      “Politicians are normally full of it, but can now swim in it too! 😆😆”

      They can swim on undeterred.


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    YYY Guy

    Someone’s gonna have to explain this to me –

    Widower demanding answers from Queensland health system after husband’s death

    The Queensland health system is under fire as a widower is demanding answers for his husband’s death, after waiting six hours for an ambulance with a fractured pelvis and dying days later from unrelated illnesses.


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      John Connor II

      WA stats for ED (emergency dept) performance, but no doubt similar everywhere.

      8.8 million ED presentations in 2022-2023, a rate of 334 per 1,000.

      For all patients, the most common triage categories assigned were Urgent (40%), Semi-urgent (36%) and Emergency (16%).

      50% of patients were seen within 20 minutes, consistent with the median waiting time for 2021–22 and longer than in the 3 years prior to that.

      90% of patients were seen within 2 hours and 4 minutes. This was higher than the previous 4 years which varied from 1 hour, 32 minutes in 2019–20 to 1 hour, 57 minutes in 2021–22.

      There has been an increase in the overall amount of time that patients tend to spend in EDs. In 2022–23: 56% of ED visits were completed within 4 hours, down from 61% in 2021–22 and 70% in 2018–19.

      90% of ED visits were completed within 10 hours and 32 minutes in 2022–23 which is an increase of 3 hours since 2018–19 when 90% of visits were completed within 7 hours and 29 minutes.

      The time in which 90% of ED visits for patients subsequently admitted to the hospital has increased by over 6.5 hours in recent years (from 11 hours, 43 minutes in 2018–19 to 18 hours, 23 minutes in 2022–23).

      Hospital overcrowding is a growing global problem and ambulance response times a symptom rather than a problem.
      The question is why are so many in need of urgent help?
      As I posted years ago, take out the alcoholics, drug addicts, obese and stupid people from the equation and things will be very different.
      Around 30% of ED presentations in Oz are alcohol and drug related.
      90% of hip and knee replacements result from obesity.
      How much of the crisis is lifestyle related?
      Not hard to see is it.


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      He should call Lifeline, they give a s**t,


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    David Maddison

    Apparently competitive riding of hobby horses is a thing.


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      All neigh sayers on carbon free hayburners.


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      Greg in NZ

      We’re continuously told Finnish are the happiest people on Earth – and now I know it’s true – though I’m unsure if this [running around holding a hobbyhorse head between your legs] is the cause of such happiness or merely an after-effect?


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        running around holding a hobbyhorse head between your legs

        Doesn’t bode well for short people in Finland like that guy who bumped into the world’s tallest woman…. wasn’t sure whether he got a crack on the nose or a box around the ears.


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      Big sport in Queensland. Page 24. You do not have to shovel manure!


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    And former 15 year NSW Liberal MP Matt Kean, chartered accountant, is Albanese’s new head of the Climate Change Authority

    I cannot believe there is a Climate Change Authority. The Federal Institute for dragon taming and evil spirits.

    It shows how under so many Liberals lurks an opportunist. He has already ruled out Nuclear.

    How many Federal and State departments for CO2 now exist? How many people work on the endless bounty of Climate Change. And endless string of fairy castles in the sky stacked with true believers and simple opportunists.

    And their serious day job is to control the amount of CO2 in atmosphere (over Australia) by spending our money wisely. Now that’s true science fantasy.

    Is there a publicly funded poltergeist prevention society? Why not?


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      The Climate Change Authority is an Australian Government statutory agency responsible for providing independent advice to government on climate change policy. It was established by and operates under the Climate Change Authority Act 2011.

      Annual budget: A$2.6 million

      Minister responsible: Minister for Climate Change and Energy

      How many Climate Change acts are there? It seems endless. And no one is actually planning to reduce CO2. Only Australian ’emissions’. And on the absolute nonsense that ’emissions’ contribute to world CO2, that world CO2 was perfect in 2005 and that CO2 will one day produce deadly warming and rapid sea level rise. Of which there is no sign in Australia.


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      Green Kean’s appointment is frankly astounding

      Matt Kean’s appointment as Climate Change Authority chair without any due diligence diminishes the role — to say nothing of his lack of qualifications.


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        New Climate Change Authority chair Matt Kean endorsed nuclear in 2021 Sky News interview before backflipping during appointment announcement

        Newly-appointed Climate Change Authority chair Matt Kean has sensationally backflipped on nuclear energy, Sky News can reveal after an interview with Political Editor Andrew Clennell resurfaced showing he endorsed small modular reactors in 2021.

        Newly-appointed chair of Australia’s Climate Change Authority Matt Kean has completely backflipped on nuclear energy after endorsing small modular reactors in 2021, Sky News can reveal.

        Sky News Australia Political Editor Andrew Clennell on Monday revealed that Mr Kean told him in an interview, while NSW energy minister three years ago, he thought nuclear would have a role to play in the future.

        Formerly a proponent of nuclear power in the country’s energy future, Mr Kean has now appeared to have dismissed it as “too expensive”.

        The change in opinion comes after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese appointed him to lead the independent authority consulting government on Australia’s pathway to net zero emissions.

        At the press conference on Monday, where Mr Kean was announced as the new chair, he expressed skepticism about nuclear power.

        “I can only talk about the role that I saw it play as the New South Wales Energy Minister… We looked at all options, including nuclear,” Mr Kean said.

        “In order to bring nuclear into the system, it would take far too long and would be far too expensive for New South Wales.”

        The statement stands in stark contrast to his previous endorsement of nuclear during an interview with Clennell while acting as energy minister in 2021.

        “There are some exciting things happening on the nuclear front. A company in the United States is developing technology around small modular nuclear reactors,” Mr Kean said at the time.

        “So that’s effectively a nuclear power plant in something the size of a shipping container. Right now, the prototype of that is being developed, but we’re not expecting that to be developed until the mid-2030s.

        “Into the future, will nuclear have a role to play? I think so and I hope so but right now I can’t bet on technology that isn’t readily available.”

        From the Comments

        Matt Kean, Labor, Teals and Greens are bigger threat to Australians than any little carbon molecule in our atmosphere will ever be. Wake up Australians made fearful by the climate and Davos elite fear mongers.


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          Just another wordsmith acrobat who would have trouble holding down a real job in-which he had to produce something tangible before being paid. I somehow doubt he has any qualifications in physics, chemistry or engineering.


          • #

            FWIW – from the Wiki thingy …
            “Kean grew up in the Berowra area and was educated at Saint Ignatius’ College, Riverview before attaining a Bachelor of Business from the University of Technology, Sydney.[9][10] He later completed a graduate diploma at the Institute of Chartered Accountants.”

            No mention of science there.
            But probably numerate, so able to multiply the number of batteries needed by the cost per battery.
            Whether he will …



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        How, pray tell, could you diminish that role?


    • #

      I cannot believe there is a Climate Change Authority

      Add that meaningless bureaucracy to the ever-growing number of useless government departments that should be abolished.


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    David Maddison

    In Australia, apparently it’s illegal for farmers to feed their pigs swill.

    Just another thing to restrict the food supply and make it more expensive.


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      Has been so for a loong time and prolly well justified.


      • #

        Yes, your pigs eating your leftovers and you eating the pigs means you are a little more careful about their diet.

        Raising pigs by the hundred to sell to unknown people becomes a race to the bottom for food that will just fatten them up for maximum profit.

        Same incentive with my chickens, they get beef, fish, or lamb catfood as a treat, but never chicken.


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    Greg in NZ

    Home Reef, a submarine volcano (and occasional island) in the north of Tonga, has been bubbling and frothing the past week, coinciding with a swarm of quakes (5.8 the biggest so far).

    It’s on the same arc ridge as Tonga’s Hunga Haapai but a little further to the north… where some buddies are island-hopping sailing at the moment: front-row seats maybe?


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    BTW Finland’s and Europes’ new nuclear power plant had a final cost of 11 billion Euros and is one of the largest in the world.
    It is 1600 MW or 1.6 GW.


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      That new Finland Nuclear plant also has a CF of 93%, compared to Wind CF of about 30% and Solar CF of about 10% in Finland.
      Obviously Nuclear energy is very cheap compared to toxic, unreliable W & S and these disasters destroy the environment and have ongoing replacement penalties that blows out their initial cost by at least 3 times.
      IOW toxic W & S are just a super expensive, unreliable sick joke.


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      So how can Labor claim that seven nuclear plants would cost $600bn? I know our labour costs are high in Australia, but surely not that much higher.


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    Richard C (NZ)

    Only 60% of Australians accept climate disruption is human-caused, global poll finds



  • #

    This is a video of British soldiers in the middle of a battle somewhere, at sometime… the Russians say they collected the video after capturing an area West of Donetsk.

    How many more NATO soldiers are in the field?


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      John Connor II

      Is that an AK at index 1:03?
      Sloppy rifle handling twice put fellow soldiers at risk, TI 1:05 and 0:25
      Only saw one rifle fitted with a suppressor – does anyone know how LOUD a centerfire rifle is? Somehow I don’t think they’d be using subsonics on a real battlefield.
      The whole thing looks more like a training exercise.

      Can’t trust war videos. 😉


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        The sounds is ‘wrong’ for a center-fire rifle, I suppose the mics on Gopro are simplified and the net cuts the bandwidth to shreds so you don’t get much sound out the other end. Lots of suppressors being used, just looking at random videos and images, not that they suppress much really, but it makes the sound source harder to pinpoint. The sound of bullets gong past was quite realistic, I’ve heard that before.

        I didn’t hear anyone yelling in Ukrainian, and I doubt many Poms can speak it, so he was yelling at English-speakers. I was horrified when he stuck the muzzle in the dirt, but they reckon AKs are bullet-proof.

        Pretty realistic training if it was.


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        The only link to Ukraine is word Group written in Ukrainian language.
        So what?
        I saw interviews with English-speaking volunteers fighting there, they did not hide their nationality.


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    A One Nation candidate has refused to back down after being attacked for questioning a controversial decision to award native title over a huge swathe of land in Queensland.

    “I was born in Australia, Australia is my country, where are my rights? I do not support racial division at all. We start down this road and what’s next White slavery?” Ms Hall wrote on her Facebook page…

    Federal Court Justice Berna Collier on Monday formally recognised the “kabi kabi” people as native title holders to an area including Gympie, Noose, Maroochydore, Caloundra, Bribie Island and Mudjimba Island…

    The comments sparked critical coverage in the corporate press, who with most outlets stressing the non-exclusive rights to the land and dismissing concerns from the Australian public, even though non-exclusive native title holders in South Australia are currently pushing to exclude non-aboriginal Australians from Lake Eyre without permission from the “traditional owners”…

    Lake Eyre, Australia’s largest lake, has been co-managed by The Arabana Aboriginal Corporation (AAC) since non-exclusive native title was granted in 2012, in a land use agreement covering almost 70,000sqkm – 1.5 times the size of Switzerland. It was also given a dual name.

    But a new management plan proposed by the South Australian government and the AAC would ban visitors from walking, driving or boating on the lake bed without permission from the so-called traditional owners.

    Visitors have also been banned from climbing Ayers Rock in 2019, Mt Warning in NSW was closed by the supposed Aboriginal owners, rock climbing routes in the Grampians in Victoria were closed to the public in 2020, and restrictions have been proposed for three sites in Queensland.

    The public can submit their views on the Lake Eyre proposal online until July 19, 2024.


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