By Jo Nova
Just in case you happen to be near clear night skies… they are being reported in NZ, East and West Australia. Check the Glendale App.
BBC NEWS “For the first time since 2005, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has issued a G4 geomagnetic storm watch for this weekend, the second highest on its scale.”
SEVERE GEOMAGNETIC STORM–NOW!! The first of six CMEs hurled toward Earth by giant sunspot AR3664 just hit our planet’s magnetic field. The impact on May 10th at 1645 UT jolted magnetometers around the world (e.g., 108 nT in Boulder CO) and sparked a severe (G4-class) geomagnetic storm. This storm is underway now. More CMEs are following close behind
h/t CO2 Lover
Was keen to see if it could be seen here close to 100 K north of Canberra but the the steady but not extreme rain Flannery is pouring down. The “permanent drought” being the wettest ever. Was wondering if the many many Aurora sightings of the past from places like Rockhampton and Carnarvon could still be repeated. I think the 1859 event is almost worshiped but there were many more like it that also set fire to Telegraph paper and melted wires etc.
Keen to know if we still get oval shaped rings of Aurora around both poles far toward the equator from both.
Bingo. I saw my first aurora! Red glow visible from Perth at 32 S. So strong it could be seen from inside suburbia and with the city to south of me too. Would have looked fantastic in a dark area.

Look, this is nothing to a Norwegian, but I’ve never seen one…
Camera on 15 second exp.
Hi Jo, when I was a very wee boy I lived in Fort William in the NW of Scotland during WWII. I remember Dad waking me up to see the Norther Lights and Mum singing “the Northern Lights of old Aberdeen” to me. Fort William is on roughly the same latitude as Aberdeen. I was fascinated as some nights they seemed to fill the sky.
Hi Jo
My daughter is on a farm down at Vass. She sent me some great pics of the sky this morning at 5 am. No idea how to post them on your site. But I have them on my phone.
I’ve sent you an email surftilidie. It would have looked amazing from Vass.
Good news, another X class flare erupted today. Maybe we will get another chance on Monday?
Have sent you the pics 🙂
From surftilidie: What a spectacular Red!
Way to much Flannery here in Sydney to see anything.
I have just seen the Aurora from St Kilda beach, Melbourne.
See #4.2
Rain is coming. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions as tec plates move. Sol rules.
No sight at 50°N despite the forecast for Auroras to be visible down to 45°N.
Can’t see anything in Melbournistan due to rain clouds which Flim Flammery promised us we would never have (or rarely so).
Just our luck! Very clear nights until the last two; that law is operating again. We’ve yet to see one.
If the World ends, marginalized ethnic communities will be the hardest hit.
If the world ends, DEI will finally die too.
The abo’s can have Oz back like they want too, just no white fella luxuries and cash.
I made an immense effort to get up and drive to St Kilda .
Time now 0320am
I am sitting on the sand with a sea wall at my back to block out as much of the city light as I can but really the lights are all around except to the south .
Even then the city extends all around Port Phillip bay..
Through bleary old eyes I can see a green tinged glow on the southern horizon with some hints of red. The strength varies and it is fading now
I think I might go home to bed.
Since it cannot be attributed to climate change it will go unreported in our illustrious press. How could it effect an unreliable grid?
Lots of photos
It could also be that us communications and power people have known what to do since around 1882 and that the systems most likely to fall down will be the politicised or under quoted ones where mentioning worst case scenarios is actively avoided. Apart from where something like Y2K or the apprentice needs the blame.
The Following both about a three day global magnetic storm from 17 November 1882.
Using balance pairs.
Bendigo Advertiser Wed 3 Jan 1883 Page 1 REMARKABLE AURORAS AND MAGNETIC STORMS.
Using shielding while avoiding ground loops.
Geelong Advertiser Sat 3 Feb 1883 Page 2 THE MAGNETIC STORM IN AMERICA.
Siliggy, I reckon that the idea of shortening any conductor is a sound one. If we do get a really big solar eruption akin to the Carrington Event we will be in strife as our magnetosphere is fading at an accelerating rate. Those aurorae might look pretty but we don’t need them down here at ground level. The MSM seem to have skipped the significance of our ever decreasing magnetic force-field and no-one has offered me a satisfactory explanation for our North Pole galloping towards Russia either.
I have a solar flare/ thunder storm protocol which includes:
1) unplugging my meter-board from the grid (remove fuses and circuit-breakers),
2) remove the wire from my earth-bond stake (illegal),
3) unplug all appliances including TV antenna, MODEM wires, phones etc
I have a couple of generators and plenty of petrol, diesel and LPG. In a big CME event I’d send out a group text message as we’d have a good 12 hrs warning of its arrival. Dr Tony Phillips at runs a solar text alert system for US$50p.a. but I reckon we’re a few years off the big one.
People laugh at me but NASA have been warning about super CMEs for decades and simple precautions will at least reduce personal property damage. During bad thunder-storms I’ve lost computers, MODEMs, phones etc as I live on a hill that is lightning prone and we often hear the sizzle of near-by lightning bolts a moment before the sonic boom. As a habit I always turn off power-points after use and unplug the MODEM when leaving the house. All sensitive IT gear runs through Belkin power-boards. Much to my surprise I found that if you keep the carton with the bar-code, Belkin will replace the power-board when it is sacrificed during a lightning strike. The man at Belkin didn’t even want me to return the dead board.
My concern is that the Au grid operators don’t understand the threat and it would take them days to have meetings to decide to fragment the grid into short lengths.
Here are some pictures of the aurora from various places in Victoriastan, Australia as posted on Farcebook. I am not sure if you have to be a member of the FB group Aurora Hunters Victoria to see them or not. I am a member.
Not accessible.
Now I am waiting for some warmist or Leftist to tell me CMEs are caused by manmade global warming.
Yes, they really are that stupid.
Remember the Carrington Event.
How many people today, products of the deliberately dumbed-down education system, could write something like that?
And that was from a gold miner in 1909 retelling his observations from the 1859 Carrington Event!
Interesting that it was seen in Queensland in 1909.
Dalby, Warwick, Clifton and Toowoomba sightings documented here along with info from Sydney.
Click here Queensland Times Ipswich, Qld. Tue 28 Sep 1909 Page 5 THE AURORA AUSTRALIS.
Quote below part of a decsription from Molong Express and Western District Advertiser Sat 2 Oct 1909 Page 11
Link for above “Molong Express and Western District Advertiser Sat 2 Oct 1909 Page 11”
Also from 1909
The Telegraph Brisbane Tue 28 Sep 1909 Page 6 Aurora Borealis
Of related interest some quotes from a longer news paper articles.
Click here Leader Melbourne, Vic. Sat 7 May 1892 Page 42.
Click here Leader Melbourne, Vic. Sat 17 Mar 1894 Page 29.
From memory old Inigo Jones wrote sometime around 1950 that the strongest link between rain and sunspots was a couple of days after the spots departed the western edge.
“spots departed the western edge.” Hang on that would be the other way around i think.
We have to stop carbon pollution to prevent more such events, and if you like such natural spectacles you will have to stop emitting carbon if you want to see mor of them. Understood?
Oh my golly gosh! There goes my Digital ID.(and bank account)
If we are not all randomly issued someone else’s.
Lits of pics from the EU:
Most of the EU is glowing pink.
A sign! A sign! 😆
NOAA says tonight’s ‘cannibal’ solar storm could be worst in 165 YEARS and cause GPS and power outages – as they reveal exact time it’ll hit
Earth could suffer the worst solar storm in 165 years as six streams of plasma that erupted from the sun this week are set to make crash into our atmosphere tonight.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) revealed today that the worst-case scenario would be what happened during the 1859 Carrington event, which set telegraph stations on fire, cutting communications worldwide.
In our modern-day society, a geomagnetic storm of that magnitude could cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts and damage to critical infrastructure.
The event could also trigger magnificent nighttime auroras, or the northern lights, which will be visible in the US starting around 11pm ET and lasting through Saturday.
Scientists will know how severe the storm will be at around around 8 pm ET when the explosions of plasma racing through space will be nearly one million miles from our planet – and NOAA plans to issue alerts immediately.
Candles. Check.
Gas bbq. Check.
Update: it’s moved up to a G5 event!
For the scientific minds this will be something worthy of study and measurement . It will be interesting to note what effects it has on the natural world as well as the electronic world . Has anyone noted changes to GPS accuracy or effects to satellite services ?
I grew up in Boulder, Western Australia -aka the twin city to Kalgoorlie – in the 1940’s. The Aurora Australis was strong in the evenings in those days, and common. It was seen as flowing reddish and green sheets of light if I recall correctly. Quite beautiful, but to a child with no understanding of what was seen it was mysterious and in some ways scary. Esperance on the south coast was the holiday spot.It had its ‘skylights’ seen over the ocean and islands to the south east in the evenings. It was so ho hum common that one didn’t notice that they disappeared in the ’50’s and never came back. I have often wondered why this was so in retrospect and under what conditions the australis would reappear in those latitudes on such a constant basis. Does Borrealis have a similar history or is it just the tourist dollars that are making it so popular?
This is curious:
How the sun could wipe us out.
A burst of plasma would set in motion a devastating cascade of failures.
The world began to end on 12th May 2024, though another 309 years would pass before our species finally went extinct.
Posted almost 3 years ago, but got the date pretty spot on, with more CME activity to come.
This one is curious too – sorry, it’s from X, so you have to log in to see the whole thread and sources.
Some text from Dr Malone’s post – “When do conspiracy theories become reality?
The following text is from the subscription AI program (Perplexity) that I use for general searches.
“On May 10th, 2024, HAARP conducted experiments to artificially create aurora-like glows or “airglow” in the ionosphere by exciting electrons with high-frequency radio waves. The “Making the Invisible Visible” experiment tested if hot electrons produced by HAARP’s radio transmissions could generate an aurora-like phenomenon called STEVE (Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement).”
No words…”
HAARP – never heard of it before, but seems to be a question: were last night’s aurora natural or man made?
The best aurora I have seen in my lifetime was a few years ago at Franklin in Tasmania. Initially the dancing curtains of green and pink and later the most spectacular shooting beams of white light. Awesome.
Tonight I went out in southern Victoria to check the sky and to my amazement there was a long string of white lights moving across the sky, thought I had hit the jackpot of all sightings. Turns out with a look up it is Elons Starlink satellites moving through the sky reaching their orbits. Fabulous sight.
Thanks Jo, for the heads up and the aurora app link.
Space Weather Spotlight 10 May 2024 – An Extreme G4 Solar Storm Train, Eight Storms Race to Earth
Had a complete blackout on the NSW tablelands last night – at least in our valley. Suspect it was associated with the massive solar flares.
There was no solar storm.
This was a desperate but beautiful gasp of pain given out by Mother Gaia, begging us to stop killing her slowly with our presence.
How dare you keep living?!
Poe’s Law
How many seconds does it take for light to get from the sun to the earth?
Clouds of electrons and protons are still moving pretty fast. I think there’s a lot more science to be explained here.
Especially why there hasn’t been any notable disruption to communications. There’s a quite a lot more satellites up there these days.