A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Why California is Broke and Texas is Not
Not a very long video clip and funny –
some have been working on it at city level though
Funding our beloved ABC
By the 1970s, combined TV and radio licences could be purchased for $26.50. With ongoing pressure about the inequity of the costs across the community and the heavy cost of policing compliance, the federal Whitlam Government decided on 18 September 1974 to abolish radio and TV licences.
However, our friends in Pommiland are forced to directly fund their beloved BBC
Perhaps if we still had to directly fund the ABC we would have more say in how it is run and have better control over its woke bias?
Doubtful CO2, The Pom’s don’t have much say in how woke and progressive the BBC has gone.
At £12 per month for four channels, bbc catch up, Bbc I player, umpteen radio stations, the world service and local news it is terrific value for money. Whilst a small percentage of programmes are woke, the vast majority aren’t
Why doesn’t that 12 pound fee come with voting rights?
Let the fee payers vote to replace Gary Lineker and his multi-million pound salary with someone cheaper and less annoyingly ‘woke’.
Let them vote out the governing board, the Chief Executive, if that’s what they want. It’s people power, init!
Funnily enough my compulsory car tax also doesn’t come with voting rights nor my compulsory water and electric bills for those of us who live on grid. Why should we vote for matters to do with the BBC?
Mind you I fully agree with you about Gary Lineker. It baffles me why he is paid so much and has so many fans.
Seems the Brits don’t mind paying as
91 per cent of UK adults use BBC television, radio or online each week.
426 million people access the BBC around the world each week (including World Service, Worldwide and Global News).
I suppose it’s similar thing (well, in cost anyway) to the Streaming Services, and Britbox is virtually all BBC anyway, with some ITV, and is good viewing really.
Freedom of Expression
The right to freedom of expression is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which sets out in broad terms the human rights that each of us has. It was later protected legally by a raft of international and regional treaties?
Now that is a good Scotish name! Oups – is that hate speech?
Scotland’s “hate crime” law takes effect on 1 April and police are being trained to target actors
Scotland’s April Fools’ Day “Hate Crime” bill risks undermining the fundamental principle of innocent until proven guilty
Most UK “leaders” are not of indigenous British ethnic origin.
Prime Minister of the UK – Indian.
Mayor of London – Pakistani.
First Minister of Scotland – Pakistani.
Prime Minister of Ireland – Indian.
First Minister of Wales – Zambian.
Even though all except the last one were UK born, they do not appear to have adopted UK cultural values. Their cultural values, including ideas of freedom and freedom of expression, are not aligned with traditional British values.
Ah democracy… the best form of Govt I am told. Once matched to the IQ-dropping fluoride in the water it only took a generation to destroy the culture that civilised the world.
Still, these days you get what other people vote for in life..
This explains why Chicken Tikka Mesala has replaced Fish & Chips as Britian’s national dish.
Not quite! Fish and chips are still everywhere, though of varying quality. Some of the best were in a North Yorkshire village. They cooked properly cut up chips in proper beef dripping…yum.
Harry Ramsdens in the original Guiseley, (West Yorkshire ) fish and chip shop .
…berore it was sold in the ‘90s for its reputation to be used in a fast food chain.🥺
I don’t think Leeds qualifies as N. Yorks
Rip off Rick’s?
17 pound Rick Stein Fish & Chips Takeaway, Padstow
And what is the thing for “Mushy Peas” with Fish and Chips? No way in Australia – the go with pies.
Actually the meals they had were quite reasonable, though a bit pricey. They are correct about the takeaway location – it’s away from the Padstow centre, and worse still, it’s where the tourist buses stop, so it can be very busy. I had fish and chips at a smaller place in town a few months ago. Also the Fistral Beach location mentioned is not in Padstow – it’s another town, because Stein eateries are in many locations in Cornwall.
Trecking 100 MILES for Award Winning FISH & CHIPS!
A pie with your Fish and Chips? And Curry?
While in Cornwall, sampled a few Cornish pasties. Only one was any good – most were too dry.
Pies and peas – Not with fish
Muhammad is most popular name in the UK for fifth year running, survey finds
‘This is getting sinister now. People are being told their houses will be forcefully purchased to give to asylum seekers, which essentially tears up property rights in Britain.’
Maybe just force old people to be vaxxed and solve the problem? 😉
Poms are the new lower class in their own country.
I said ages ago they need to get out.
The wrong side won the war.
And from the emerald isle
Wondering again …
if one enters Scotland as a tourist, having said something naughty before leaving home, is one in danger of getting arrested?
(Billy Connolly)
Oh, so there is a thriving tourist industry.
Two American tourists in Scotland
Love it! So very British!
Seems harsh unless he meant all those red sandstone buildings would still be standing
Or maybe its a dated quote before , the now dated
One of our culture’s most treasured ideals, freedom of expression, is under threat from various directions, one recently surfacing in two previous bastions of freedom.
We saw in yesterday’s news, this:
“One of the world’s strictest hate speech laws came into force in Scotland
The law, championed by First Minister Hamza Yousaf, will carry prison sentences up 7 years for statements deemed to stir up hate on the grounds of religion, sexual orientation & gender identity”
Scotland’s First Minister Hamza Yousaf
Now, here in Australia(!) today’s news:
“If you attack Allah, if you attack our prophet, our religion and our fellow brothers and sisters, and if you attack our lands, you are going to be met with men who love death more than you love life,” he said, calling on followers to be “worshippers by night and warriors by day.”
Discussion, criticism, questioning, have all been confusingly interpreted by the Left and some of these other enemies of freedom, as hate speech, or attacks.
These over-sensitive over-reactions are in themselves attacks or hate-speech targeting a fundamental principle of open inquiry.
Lest we forget Charlie Hebdo
WSO solar magnetic field observations for March 20, 2024.
The South Pole has gone offshore.
It’s raining in Melbournistan.
Must be “climate change” or at least “weather change”. It hasn’t rained for many weeks.
We’ll have to demolish more power stations so we can make the weather change.
The Good Old Days in the Capital of Victoriastan
The highest temperature recorded in Melbourne city was 46.4 °C (115.5 °F), on 7 February 2009.
Three extremely common nutritional deficiencies in Western countries:
Vitamin D (insufficient sun)
Vitamin K2 (insufficient fermented foods)
Magnesium (insufficient green vegetables)
Correcting those woukd result in a huge improvement in public health but would be bad for Big Pharma and the sickness industry.
Incidentally, I was surprised about magnesium. I don’t know the figures for Australia but I saw a figure thst 45% of Americans are deficient in it.
Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage with a distinctive sour flavor. Like with natto, this fermentation process offers many health benefits, like promoting good gut health and boosting immunity. With 2.75 micrograms per half-cup, sauerkraut is also a great source of vitamin K2.
Sauerkraut with German sausages is a favourite of mine
Natto is a Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans – have not tried that
Wrong. I disagree CO2 Lover. Beans fermented and produced K2 and other amazing nutritional and logistic benefits way earlier than the Japanesse Natto timeline which is only recent. I can provide references if you wish.
Natto is a Japanese food fermented by a cultured Bacillus Subtilis ‘var’ that by selective breeding was initiated to repackage and re-market market this legume fermentation. A market research team found that the soy beans that had previously been consumed widely might make a come back in Japan if the fermentation was not as pungent, and more ‘umami’.
Before this marketing campaign and rebranding, the consumption of this food was diminishing across Japan. I postulate that prior to the invention of the domestic fridge and refrigeration, there was no choice but to allow many foods to ferment further not only to improve taste, but also to increase the shelf life of the cooked legumes in this instance.
Before the fridge there was no option other than to let the bacteria Bacillus Subtilis ferment the beans and in turn, just like cheese or yogurtt etc, the fermented beans would last much longer and even longer if the fermented beans were desiccated for later use whilst still retaining the truly amazing probiotic action in the gut.
I claim that prior to the fridge, even cowboys ate fermented baked beans that would inevitably ferment while last nights leftover beans accompanied the cowboy while on the trail.
The other day, Kim helped me realise a further iindubitable proof that my postulation was on very firm ground. With this under my belt, i am practically one of those ‘scientists’ that find out about all kinds of things.
The ultimate proof to me by Kim (Thanks Kim 🙂 )of what happened to beans historically when not refrigerated with some historical footage. B Subtilis fermenteation of legumes happened in all cultures and in all places on the planet prior to the invention of the fridge. 🙂
Talking about natto all the time only prolongs the obfuscation of this fermented food fermented by B Subtilis, also known as Hay Bacteria as a common name..
In Nepal the fermentation was called Kinema, in Korea cheongukjang, in southafrica Obiri…..and many other names guises and vectors.
subtilis. Lower case “s”.
Provide references – I still prefer cabbage to beans
Love that this concurs with “The warmth of the horse helped the fermentation”
Magnesium and Potassium (M & P) are primary heart action regulators so very important, and most people are deficient.
When you hear of people,new to exercising, having heart attacks after exercise it’s typically due to M & P being lost from sweating, until one gets gets fit enough and the body learns to actively retain M & P …
I take magnesium at night to help me sleep …zzzzzzzzzzzzz
It’s Good News Week
Australia has made world news again but as usual, for all the wrong reasons.
There is a women’s soccer (football) team of which five of the eleven players are men.
They are beating all the competition.
As a Leftist would say: “So stunning, so brave!” (sarc).
YouTuber IreneBritUSA discusses:
Is Senator Penny Wong, who I thought was Australia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs now also Minister for Transgenderism?
On Sunday she Tweeted:
TDOV means “Transgender Day of Visibility”, the same thing Biden posted about on Easter Sunday (presumably to deliberately offend Christians).
Not just Christians. The unrelenting media transgender obsession is OTT.
Surely, there is a need for a regular “Transgender Day of Invisibility”.
Joe is reportedly in denial
A flaw in the cunning plan to do protest cash withdrawals today. Our local town ran out of cash on the weekend. Empty ATMs (2 off) and the supermarket stopped doing cash outs.
I saw a notice in my supermarket (Coles) that their cash out policy had changed and they would now only give up to $200 cash out and only with a purchase.
Also, the closest ATM to me (Commbank) is nearly always empty.
It is so reliably empty I don’t even bother going to it anymore but one much further away.
I wonder how the ATO would go if you said you went to withdraw the money to pay your tax but the machine was empty..
I would guess the commercial banks don’t like handing out cash because that eats into their reserves.
They prefer you to deal in the credit money that they create themselves. “Loans create Deposits” as some economists like to describe it.
As an aside, I know that granting a mortgage loan to a customer creates new money in our banking system but I’d like someone to explain to me how banks pay their own bills — i.e. salaries, bonuses to staff, furniture, computers, rent etc. Anyone know?
I suspect it’s another case of ‘creating money out of thin air’ which–if I’m right–means NEW money is credited into existence every time they pay one of their own bills.
“I suspect it’s another case of ‘creating money out of thin air’ which–if I’m right–means NEW money is credited into existence every time they pay one of their own bills.”
They keep the money we pay as interest while writing off the principal we pay back. That interest pays all their expenses and gives them a profit. So all the money created in the loan gets written off, but your wages to pay the interest have to come from somewhere… Someone else’s loan…
In theory, as all money is created as a debt it can never be paid back with interest. Its a ponzi scheme and it will be interesting to see how it fails.
As soon as I heard about the plan for a Tuesday cash rush, I went out on Monday to make sure I got mine early 😏
Might have another go later today, just in case.
It’s still April 1st over here. One of the movie channels is showing The Day After Tomorrow. How fitting.
Here is a challenge for “ElBowen” –
“Can ‘clean energy’ schemes get any crazier? ”
Are you a Renewables Heretic?
Our estimeed CSIRO has spoken from the pulpit that “firmed renewables” are the cheapest form of electricity.
The Climate Gods will not allow these floating Eco-crucifixes to be blown over by heavy seas or be allowed to rust away.
The sea birds and whales will be fitting sacrifices to further appease the Climate Gods.
… iff there’s no honest accounting for costs.
“The Green Energy Mess That Nobody Will Admit to”
EV Market trends –
“We paid $69,012 for a brand-new Fisker Ocean in January 2024.
Fisker has since drastically lowered the price of the Ocean, and the company is experiencing mega financial woes.
Following these updates, we decided to have our Ocean appraised. The results are … not good.”
“Only worth $21K now”
Who in their right mind would buy a car called a “Fisker Ocean”?
At least “Tesla” has some cashet – at least for some.
Alastair Crooke: Crocus Concert Attack Is a Turning Point
“Tennessee local WKRN News ran an encouraging story over the weekend headlined, “Tennessee’s ‘vaccine lettuce’ bill heads to Gov. Bill Lee’s desk.” Bill sponsor Representative Scott Cepicky (R) explained the bill would “classify these types of food sources as pharmaceuticals, so if you want to consume them you would go to your doctor and get a prescription.””
And more on what is being tried
And various other things of potential interest
“Bees are back.
“After almost two decades of relentless colony collapse coverage and years of grieving suspiciously clean windshields, we were stunned to run the numbers on the new Census of Agriculture (otherwise known as that wonderful time every five years where the government counts all the llamas): America’s honeybee population has rocketed to an all-time high….”
And yet the native bee folks are complaining.
Bird Flu in Cows?
This research had been going on for some time.
Hence the relatives of the Ferret took a hit.
H/T to John Cullen
Biden Trans Day
In the spirit of the day, the Washington Free Beacon’s Thaleigha Rampersad has compiled the video below for the Biden 2024 presidential campaign. – 1 min 10 secs
It is posted here at the Free Beacon. Four more years! (or fewer, as the case may be).
The IDF has struck the IRGC’s Syria/Lebanon leadership inside the building next to Iran’s embassy in Damascus. The strike reportedly killed seven members of the IRGC including the top Iranian commander in Syria. If so, that would be seven for the price of one. The Times of Israel reports the story here. The Israelis have awesome intelligence.
The accuracy of the hit is amazing if this post is correct
The building that was hit is literally in the middle between the embassy of Iran and the Canadian embassy. For Israel to go for such a strike there’s possibly a senior target.
From this link –
Fun Facts
Who has the most assassination attempts?
Top 10 People Who Have Survived Assassination Attempts
#10: Yasser Arafat
#9: Josip Broz Tito
#8: Benito Mussolini 1883 – 1945. …
#7: Malala Yousafzai 1997 – …
#6: Vladimir Lenin 1870 – 1924. …
#5: Ronald Reagan 1911 – 2004. …
#4: Fidel Castro 1926 – …
#3: Charles de Gaulle 1890 – 1970.
#2: Pope John Paul II 1920 – 2005. …
#1: Adolf Hitler 1889 – 1945.
“The Israelis have awesome intelligence.”
WTF! The same intelligence that never saw the Hamas attacks coming even when they took months of planning, didn’t know about the tunnel network..
No, its obvious Israeli intelligence is highly over-rated.
Vaccinated lettuce anyone?
A bill that would classify as a drug certain foods with vaccine materials added to them was passed by the Tennessee Senate and now awaits Governor Bill Lee’s signature into law amid concerns about research on putting immunity boosters into lettuce.
The proposed law, HB 1894, was passed in a 23-6 Senate vote last Thursday after getting the House’s green light in a 73-22 vote in early March.
It would classify any food that “contains a vaccine or vaccine material” as a drug under Tennessee law, meaning the food would have to be labeled accordingly. The bill defines vaccine material as a substance intended to “stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against disease.”
The legislation would not ban vaccine-imbued foods from being sold in the state but would require them to carry the same sort of medical labeling as injectable vaccines or medications.
A diversity incident was captured on film today by a 9 News crew. It occurred in Victoria Street, Richmond, an inner-city suburb of Melbourne.
An African with a hammer threatened two Asians as he tried to steal their jeep, while other miscellaneous foreigners tried to get away without being noticed.
With a bit of luck the Chinese Triads will get their s*** together and go sort out the Africans down there, actually do the work the Vic Police refuse to do.
I hear a lot of stories from my son living in Melbourne that just don’t get mentioned in the media.
Former Qantas captain, on the lethal “vaccine” mandate for ALL airline personnel, Sen. Roberts
“The spirit of this country has been systematically destroyed,” this righteous flyer told Australia’s parliament, calling for a HALT to “vaccination,” and a rigorous probe of that killing policy.
Investigate away, the damage is done.
Medics with the competencies of 10% Joe…
“a rigorous probe of that killing policy” (unfortunately likely not hyperbole)
I hesitate to post this.
Brett Weinstein talking to a pathologist about what he sees post you know what.
I couldn’t make it very far in.
I suppose most here have a certain amount of intellectual courage.
I admit the little I have is starting to fail.
The AGW scam.
Now its’ ultimate evil offspring ‘Pandemic’?
I desperately hope and pray that I am merely a poorly educated conspiracy theorist victim of misinformation.
Food rationing on the horizon
These NEOCONs are putting the entire civilization at risk for their personal hatred. They never consider what if they are wrong. The price of that mistake will be catastrophic. As the government realizes it is losing, it will become far more aggressive in the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. Expect restrictions on everything as well as food rationing. This is what these people are doing, for we live in an autocracy, precisely what they accuse Putin of doing. We have no right to vote on anything of substance – these are all their decisions – not ours!
via Martin Armstrong.
Got long term preps?😉
This is far worse than Albo wasting taxpayers money on his woke agenda
Who is really running Australia?
Is that rhetorical? 😆
The electorate beat wokedom in one fell swoop, it seems we still have a voice.
JC2 tip Tuesday: Shonky solar panels and how to avoid them
There are a lot of “bargains” out there on eBay, Amazon and other sites offering solar panels at great prices.
The simple reality is that they’re lying through their teeth.
Take for example a 300W 12v flex panel on eBay for $190.
A bargain, right?
No, it isn’t. Ignoring poor quality manufacturing, short lifespan and the fact that sun exposure (!!!) causes them to fail in under a year, their specs are totally fraudulent.
25% efficient? In your dreams. Could be between 17-23% depending on cell quality, and low cost panels can mean B-grade cells, just like “bargain” LiFePO4 batteries.
Compact size? A sure sign the specs are fake.
ISO9001? LOL…
Using the same 300W flex panel, the dimensions are 1170x770mm.
Amazingly compact! So, how to get a good one?
Calculate the panel area.
In this case it’s 1.17x.77m = 0.99 sq m.
Multiply by 170 to get wattage, so 150W.
Wow, HALF the claimed power, snd that’s on a good sunny day.
So, buy a reputable brand like Renogy, Sunpower, Baintech, Solbain, SunX etc. (I went with Renogy).
Yes they’re expensive, your wallet will hurt, but the specs are accurate.
Other factors to consider when talking power;
Manufacturers tolerance, say 3%, so a possible loss of 9W in 300.
Dirt and muck on panels – reduce output by 5%
Temperature derating 12-20%
DC cable losses, inverter efficiency losses and AC losses can add up to 10% or so.
At the end of the line, your 300W panel may be effectively a 220W one, and that’s with optimum solar radiation input!
So be aware and watch out!
Tuesday sarcasm: 10th booster shot available soon!
C’mon y’all. Be the first real Seth Brundle. 😁
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.
“Large Review Finds CBD Products Don’t Relieve Chronic Pain After All”
And panadol isn’t very good for joint pain either according to a recent CHESM webinar
“If War Comes” Swedish City Will Serve-up Mashed Larvae Instead of Beef
The Swedish city of Södertälje, just outside Stockholm, has decided to be at the forefront of “climate smart” and “sustainable” eating habits—apparently in particular when it comes to tacos.
The cafeteria in city hall, in an effort by the city to “support businesses that develop sustainable foods,” recently tested the waters by serving its patrons tacos with mashed larvae instead of the customary beef.
According to Sara Seing, the city’s dietary manager, the mashed larvae—no joke—taste like chicken.
Everything tastes like chicken!
Looks like an export market for Whichetty Grubs.
Scientists used tree rings for this study.
“Not conducive to marital bliss”
“On March 26, in Lozovaya, Kharkov region, the head of the local
military registration and enlistment office presented awards to
women who surrendered their husbands to the military
According to the local military recruitment: “The wives could no
longer continue to cover for the draft dodgers and began to
demand that they go defend their country.”
When their husbands refused, the wives called the military
commissars. They decided to reward the women for their
services to the military.
Presumably just before female draftees were sent to the front.
“Boeing’s problems are only the tip of the iceberg”
“Those extremists”
Sulfur Better than Hydrogen for Energy Storage, Engineers Find
Sabine Hossenfelder
It’s a thermochemical process which requires heat input to work. Apparently it needs to be built into a CSP plant. I don’t know why you couldn’t use grid power to run a heater to do the same thing. More efficient than Hydrogen storage, but still only 26% efficiency.
Spoiler: She reckons no storage method is efficient and versatile enough to firm up intermittent energy generators.
Sounds like another dud in a raft of duds for solving the problem that shouldn’t even exist in the first place if they’d just stick to reliable energy generators.
Sounds like “ElBowen”!
A comment from SDA
“C’mon now, Justin just does announcements, he doesn’t do explanations.”
“PM Juthtin needs a new honorific.
The Great Equalizer.
He’s made more Canadians equally worried about food, housing, transportation and heat than all the previous government leader-thieves combined.”
The youngster I build racing cars with mentioned that CAMS is putting a ‘commercial pilot’s’ level medical test in place for motorsport. I immediately wondered if they are chasing the likely instant heart attacks amongst younger people, and looked it up.
The current one is at the link below, and I wouldn’t play their game at all if they wanted that level of personal information from me. Driving a car has nothing to do with whether or not I smoke, my BMI, or what my lipid levels are, or what my urine contains, or my glucose levels, or..
“Are there any unfavourable traits in applicant’s personality, revealed by history, appearance or behaviour”
The stupidity of wanting that for motorsport when I can drive my own car to and from the venue just doesn’t occur to them. I can see why the numbers of people taking up motorsport are falling..