A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Our universities and academics are busy promoting or writing papers on climate change.
Apparently, we serfs, need to give up our Ice vehicles, our gas stoves and gas hot water…. We serfs have to change to save the planet….
So what happens to maintain electricity supply to a university when it is subject to an extended power outage?
Do they run via a wind turbine or solar panel array?
No… Our “elites” use diesel generators.
A few examples:
The University of Washington: “Five giant diesel engine backup generators, each larger than a pickup truck”
and… The University of Newcastle (Australia):
The University of Colorado:
The University of Queensland:
Ohhh and even the politicians use backup diesel generators: “NSW Parliament House – Standby Diesel Generators and Mechanical Switchboard”:
Ok, If our “elite” can’t run a campus or parliament building independently on so called renewables, how do they expect to run a national grid effectively? How can they ever be Net zero?
Total hypocrisy.
This AM, I was caffeinating, minding my own business, not even thinking about AGW.
I clicked on this nature video for entertainment.
“Wildlife biologists capture rare video of orca attack on great white”
Only to have my escapism bubble burst when the attack is blamed on “Climate Change”
Gawd spare me.
FFS give it a rest.
A ‘Jump the Shark’ moment for the AGW narrative?
We can only hope.
It’s the default response for when the AI Bot runs out of anything to say.
Testing Google search.
1) Why pets are bad for the climate.
2) Why pets are good for the climate.
I looked outside this morning at the boiling planet impacted by unprecedented climate change. Oddly it looked like a cool autumn morning, with just a hint of leaves starting to turn. Later it developed into a mid 20C blue sky day.
The end is near, for sure.
Whilst this an an old video Aussie experts express concern at the increasing influence of Chinese police who seem to be extraditing chinese citizens from various South Pacific nations
Chinese who have escaped to Aus will probably be feeling a little trepidation!? What would Paul Keating say? ‘Enjoy your trip. I wish it was me’.
Average buyers under stress in buying a property in any OZ city
WE have the same problem in the UK with a combination of high interest rates and competition for homes, primarily due to high number of migrants, which has especially impacted London
In our local area apparently the situation has changed to there being a lot of homes for sale and not many buyers.
At some point the buyers have to hit the wall, or move their ateention to cheaer areas.
“Terror expert Peter Neumann from King’s College in London believes the letter of responsibility from the terrorist militia Islamic State for the attack near Moscow is genuine. “The message of confession was broadcast through all official IS channels. I and my colleagues can confirm this 100%,” Neumann wrote on Twitter.
The German-born scientist also warned against false news circulating on Russian Telegram channels claiming that the IS message was fake. There is “already a lot of fake news — probably to spin the narrative that Ukraine was responsible for the attack,” wrote Neumann.
In a message distributed on the Telegram channel of the IS mouthpiece Amak, it was previously said that IS fighters had carried out the attack with dozens of deaths and many injured in the city of Krasnogorsk in the Moscow region and then fled to safety.
Neumann believes it is very unlikely that IS will claim responsibility for the attack without actually being behind it. The letter of responsibility alone is not a 100% reliable indication, but in conjunction with the other evidence, he thinks it is “pretty certain that it has something to do with IS,” said the professor of security studies at the dpa. Among other things, he pointed out that the US embassy in Moscow had already warned of the danger of an attack in Russia at the beginning of March.”
Interesting that Putin’s thugs that despicably tortured the suspects are being lauded on neo-nazi channels, and the ear chopper was wearing a black sun badge. Awks.
Putin seems to have his fans
Ignore the corrupt western media. Putin has many, many fans in Russia. Just spend a little time there, as I have done, and you will realise that they don’t think like we do.
Yeah I’ve come to the same conclusion – they don’t think like we do.
It was Obama and the CIA that started the Ukraine War – but you will not hear of this in the Main Stream Media.
Why was Hunter Biden in a well paid job in the Ukraine for which he had zero qualifications apart from being the son of Joe Biden – VP to Obama?
On that
Yep. All those images of CIA and democrat tanks rolling into Ukraine was suppressed. Putin is a CIA plant.
Why indeed?
They should have used the ‘120V testicles’ or the ‘waterboarding’ techniques to leave no traces, but they refuse to follow America.
‘Putin’s thugs… are being lauded on neo-nazi channels’
Seems the Neo-nazis don’t like Islam in that case, that makes it hard to sort out who is a friend and who an enemy. All the ‘Friends of Azov Battalion’ standing with Russia…
Really offends the western sensibilities doesn’t it. Much better to cart the away to clandestine bases like the CIA and MI6 does. Much tidier.
Likely organized by the recently ousted Victoria Nuland I read somewhere earlier today.
Gosh you mean western media is 100% behind the western media reports of an ISIS attack during Ramadan. That settles it I guess.
The many free market groups signing this letter are interesting:
I never heard of some. Nice there are a lot.
Trump just announced he will pay the bond in cash. They didn’t expect that. He will beat them them in the end now. All this will only increase his popularity. Who doesn’t love the guy who takes on the corrupt system and beats it?
Even better if he paid it in ten cent pieces. It would probably take them 200 years to count it.
“Trump Announces He Will Pay Entire Bond Using Bags Of Nickels”
It’s proven time & again that in order to beat Trump you need to get up very, very early in the morning, every morning that is. Even getting up early every morning won’t help you catch up with him.
This man, at his age is probably 12 months ahead of everyone. He proves it everyday. He will come thru this nonsense & will probably sue New York City, the state of New York.
He’ll probably bankrupt them.
You mean NYC is not already bankrupt?
Aside: if the money eventually has to be returned, will interest on it be also due?
“Starting To Notice That The Energy Transition Is Not Happening”
Sine the first COP in Berlin in 1995 global CO2 emissions have gone up by 50%!
In october, For the last three years I have been writing about the size of the zone hole.
For the first two years I wrote to NASA as to it’s apparently increasing size to which they gave a genial and rapid response as to why it’s failure to shrink was due to all sorts of temporary factors.
Last October they failed to respond, presumably because it seems to be getting larger, not smaller
It seems very likely to me that the hole has always been there but we never had the instruments to measure it.
Presumably if it does start to reduce again the media will shout about it. At present they are very quiet
Like everything in nature it is ever changing.
So much for the world wide effort over the last few decades to reduce it. Me thinks that perhaps they got the science wrong. Me wonders what else they got wrong. 😁️ 😎️
Tonyb, the science is really simple. To make ozone (O3) you need sunlight to come into contact with oxygen O2. During the SH winter, Antartica is dark for months on end. No sunlight= no ozone. So, the ozone gets depleted in that part of the world. Which most people call the hole in the Ozone layer., which its not really. It’s just an area of the upper atmosphere that has a less dense content of O3 or ozone. Always been there, always will be there. The depletion had nothing to do with flurocarbons from fridges and spray cans etc. It was one of the world’s first scientific scams which then morphed into the Climate Change scam.
Just came across this comedian while watching one of Rita Panahi’s short videos:
Overnight –
“WATCH: Russia Retaliation Strike Sends Hypersonic Missiles Into Kiev – Building Used by Security Service of Ukraine SBU Is Leveled”
Why Putin is so popular in Russia.
He is an alpha male who takes no Sh*t.
Meanwhile Australia has a “very handsome boy” beta male as our leader and an idiot as his side kick Energy Minister.
The Norwegian Illusion: EVs Are Not More Energy Efficient
“PANIC IN BRUSSELS: Climate Alarmists Lose Again, as EU Shelves ‘Nature Law’ for Lack of Support In Another Victory for Protesting Farmers”
Seems people phone the tax office to get money back or not pay it more than they phone to give money. The Tax Office refuses to talk to them.
“More than 1 million calls have been rejected already this financial year. And the ATO acknowledged it did so to make the average wait on other calls appear more reasonable – despite already lowering its performance target for 2023-24.
Before being rejected, callers received a recorded message stating “our service is currently experiencing peak demand and we are unable to answer your call at this time”. In a statement, the ATO said 26 per cent of general inbound calls had been “blocked” this year as a demand management tool. Those calls were not factored into the average wait.’
Just Stop Oil eco-warrior admits group’s aim is to ‘break out of white middle-class student bubble’
I guess that you can break out of a “bubble” into a “smaller bubble”?
Worth an extra cup or two on spec?
“Coffee Compound Trigonelline Could Keep Muscles ‘Young’ In Old Age”
Not the first time:
May I ask to stop using Left-Right stamp, which has lost all its original meaning since Mussolini times…
There are socialists and anti-socialists.
Good point.
In modern society we have basically two political groups trying to appear to be different in what they bring to the three levels of government in Australia.
We might also look at the other labels; conservative or UNconservative: equally pointless.
Recently they have shown a dismissive approach to the proper functioning of society and focused on selling off our natural resources, our ports and harbours, our forests both for the timber and space needed to spread the renewables curse.
I’m sure that no considerations from the principal supplier of renewables etc occurred and that everything was above board: really, truly.
Let’s just label them MGot an MGto.
Of course MG stands for Money Grubbers.
That’s now my new saying- “ socialists and anti – socialists”. Can I add that I think at the moment the anti- socialists are losing.
They are on the same team.
Ha ha.
My God, how the money rolls in.
Dont really see why your labels are better than existing labels that are reasonably well understood. Depends what country you are in I guess.
“The Discovery From Denmark’s Crime Stats That the Left Doesn’t Want You to See”
“A peek at the Danish crime statistics from 2010-2021 delivered a gut punch to the globalists looking to tear down Western cultures by gavaging “asylum seekers” into Europe and North America. It turns out that Muslims commit violent crimes way more than people of Danish descent.”
Huge Study Confirms Viagra Cuts Alzheimer’s Risk by Over 50%
By analyzing medical insurance data alongside a laboratory investigation on the genetic and neurological effects of sildenafil – a drug sold commonly under the brand name Viagra – researchers in the US have validated the medication’s potential in keeping critical proteins in nerve cells from tangling into a deadly mess.
Researchers in the US used cell cultures of neurons created from stem cells donated by Alzheimer’s patients to map the metabolic and genetic activity behind sildenafil’s therapeutic effects.
Following five days of treatment, the laboratory-grown neurons produced significantly lower levels of tau proteins with excess concentrations of phosphorus added, confirming sildenafil’s knack for protecting brain cells.
You can remember you left the door open but can’t get close enough to close it. 😆
Did the study cover an increase in heart attacks while being “on the job”?
They wanted a voice.
The Rolfe incident in that vicinity is a good reason for understaffed police to ignore the phone call for assistance.
Albo said he would plow money into the place, to keep a lid on things, but that hasn’t happened.
I think I have now solved another piece of the puzzle. On this blog there have been numerous discussions about how a succession of governments are effectively just wrecking a once, really efficient, cheap energy grid in Australia. Very often during those discussions a contributor will pose the question – ” Why aren’t all the electricity system engineers kicking up a fuss?” or similar. Well, presently the Albanese government are trying to introduce further vehicle fuel efficiency standards for the country. Or, as most people call it ” the ute tax”, because it would appear to target the utility vehicles ( or pick ups for other countries) of tradesman and farmers mostly. In order for industry consultation to take place the government invited representative bodies to provide input into this horrendous legislation. BUT, in order for these industry groups to participate, they are then obliged to not comment further. So, a gag order. First rule of Fight club type stuff. A few of those bodies are now whinging that their opinions are being ignored and it would seem the PM has had to step in. This explains the silence of the energy system engineers etc on the electricity grid vandalisation. They basically cant comment or they will be prosecuted or sacked or just cancelled. So much for transparency in government. Probably those similar gag orders are in place for all Net Zero policies and consultation.
Interesting given Labor PM Albanese & Labor Foreign Minister Penny Wong have restarted Australian Taxpayer Funding to UNRWA
Arab Nations Balk at Funding U.N. Aid Agency Vital to Palestinians – U.N. Relief and Works Agency
About a week after the U.S. and other Western countries froze funding to a U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees called Unrwa in late January, its top official flew to the Arab Gulf, hoping wealthy Arab monarchies would save the organization at a time when it is the main provider of humanitarian aid in Gaza.
The effort came up lacking. Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, raised $85 million from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates for 2024, far short of the funding lost when the U.S. and others cut off aid following allegations that at least a dozen agency employees took part in the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel. Last year, the U.S. alone gave the agency over $422 million.
No Arab country other than Jordan has been willing to give a significant number of the Palestinian refugees citizenship, leaving it to the U.N. to look after them.
The U.S. has provided the bulk of Unrwa funding over the decades, but growing numbers of politicians in both major parties have concerns about the agency and its open-ended mission.
Arab monarchies have long preferred donating bilaterally to humanitarian causes rather than through the U.N.
They don’t want Unrwa to collapse but also see benefits in reforming it, such as by improving the way it screens staff to prevent Hamas from infiltrating it.
They also don’t see it as their job to step in fully to replace Western funding, according to people familiar with Gulf governments’ thinking.
Even other Muslim countries hate the Palestinians as trouble makers.
After Operation Desert Storm, which saw Iraqi forces defeated and pushed out of Kuwait by a United States-led coalition, more than 287,000 Palestinians were forced to leave Kuwait in March 1991 by the government.
The Main Stream Media at its finest.
The ABC has good company in Channel 7.
Reports of the Donald being broke are just “Misinformation”
Curiously, ironically, or both, Trump Derangement Syndrome is a cash cow for both ends.
The political industry in DC has learned to monetize the political narratives coming and going.
Trump has made the Democrat issue porn producers rich beyond their wildest dreams.
Perhaps what they didn’t count on was a master marketer like Trump turning their own game back on them.
If Trump somehow is re-elected, we will see tearful progressives having hysterical breakdowns, while the Democrat money pros will be behind the curtain popping champagne bottles.
FWIW – might be some clues on the management of our electrical system?
“Why our institutions keep going woke and going broke”
Meanwhile in Australia, the Albanese Government is developing solar powered Bushmaster troop transports.
To be manned by a LGBT++ crew no doubt.
Hail storm in Texas destroys thousands of acres of solar panels
Don’t want to price that one up.
I just love a Good News story
Are the Climate Gods trying to tell us something?
The discussion about toxic leakage was interesting. I didn’t realise that most home solar panels don’t use the toxic cadmium telluride in their panels; however, large scale solar farms often use cheaper panels that contain that toxic material.
FWIW – more covid
“Those Who Are ‘Vaxxed And Boosted’ May Have ‘Immune Imprinting’ That Ignores New Jabs”
“People who have taken at least three doses of the original version of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine have been strongly immune imprinted, a study by the University of Washington (UW) found.”
Those still alive!
“We’re all far right now”
So now you know!
Tulsi Gabbard on Being Trump’s VP, Who’s Puppeteering Biden, and Corruption in Congress
“We Don’t Need No Shattered Giant Mirrors”
“Hail storm in Damon, TX destroys 1,000’s of acres of solar farms.”
“Your weekly dose of climate insanity”
“The wisdom of Trudeau” at the end
Dominic Frisby: 17 Million F*ck-Offs live and with a new verse
Oh, Bollocks
“Breaking: Massive Bridge Collapse in Baltimore; Large Sections of Key Bridge Fell into Patapsco River After Cargo Ship Collision Took Out Support Column”
“Baltimore City Implodes: Police Force Collapses, Only Three Officers Patrolled Major District “
1.6 Mile Baltimore Bridge Collapses After Being Struck by Cargo Ship
FWIW – US E Logs
“Truck-to-truck worm could infect – and disrupt – entire US commercial fleet”
Coded by the crew that do their voting machines?
“California’s Electricity Disaster In Seven Charts”
“Residential electricity prices jumped nearly 12% in 2023 and they are going higher. But the carbon intensity of power generation isn’t falling and low-income ratepayers are subsidizing the rich.”
Millions of New Cars Pile Up, Unsold for 5 Years, China’s Zombie Car Factories Keep Emerging
Australian EV backtrack: Fuel Efficiency Standards watered down
Hmmmm! – FWIW
“Maybe the Mail’s handy infographic map could give us a clue. It shows western countries plus Russia and China with the highest rates of under-50 cancer:”
World map in text here
“Poor Australia! That benighted continent is now the young-cancer epicenter.
What could have happened there, out in the desert, so far away from everyone? What common “environmental” factor could possibly tie Australia to Europe and the U.S., which are both drafting right behind the Down Under? Hmm?”
(My bold)