Climate fortune tellers say global warming causes cold spells too

By Jo Nova

The climate hypnotists tell you every kind of weather is climate change

100 years from now university students will write exam essays on the mass psychosis that overcame climate scientists in the early part of the century.

Here, for example are experts telling us with a straight face that winter cold snaps are also a sign of man-made climate change.

True seers can see climate change everywhere:

Global warming may be behind an increase in the frequency and intensity of cold spells

Beatriz Monge-Sanz , The Conversion*

One less obvious consequence of global warming is also getting growing attention from scientists: a potential increase in the intensity and frequency of winter cold snaps in the northern hemisphere.

Naturally, this “potential” increase was expected, even though they didn’t think to mention it.  Even if they told us our children won’t know what snow is.

Some of the mechanisms that lead to their occurrence are strengthened by global warming. Key climate mechanisms, like exchanges of energy and air masses between different altitude ranges in the atmosphere, are evolving in ways expected to cause an increase in both the intensity and duration of cold snaps.

They expected it right after it started happening.

Students of psychics will note the princelings of climate science cover their bases in the same ambiguous terms — the weather can be very social and outgoing, but at times shy, you know. And key mechanisms, which we won’t name, at altitudes that are different, may be evolving. See what I mean?

These exchanges of energy and air masses “link to the behaviour of a region in the high atmosphere called the stratosphere.” says Ms Beatriz Monge-Sanz, mysteriously, explaining nothing at all and everything all at once.

I defy anyone to unpack the “mechanisms”. Somehow extra CO2 causes Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) at the poles, and they can’t quite explain how. But they know, post hoc, that SSW’s have increased in the last 40 years, so it must have been “climate change” because that increased too.  And if only their supercomputers were a bit more super, they might be able to actually predict these SSW events in advance and all. But they can’t, and they even admit that.

Monge-Sanz is a senior researcher in Physics at Oxford.

I’d like to ask her: What weather would show us that climate models are wrong?

The tally of failure continues:  the hot spot is still missing, the climate models can’t predict the climate on a local, regional, or continental scale, they don’t know  why global warming slowed for years, They can’t explain the pause, the cause or the long term historic climate movements either. Measurements of satellites, clouds, 3,000 ocean buoys6,000 boreholes, a thousand tide gauges, and 28 million weather balloons  can’t find the warming that the models predict. In the oceans, the warming isn’t statistically significantsea-levels started rising too early, aren’t rising fast enough, aren’t accelerating, nor are warming anywhere near as much as they predicted. Antarctica was supposed to be warming faster than almost anywhere but they were totally wrong. The vast Southern Ocean is cooling not warming. And the only part of Antarctica that’s warming sits on top of a volcano chain they prefer not to tell you about.

No wonder expert climate modelers don’t want their own pensions bet on climate models.

Students of 20th Century Climate Dogma 101 will marvel at how long a stupid, skillless, hypothesis kept rolling years after it was proven wrong.

Image by Wilfried Pohnke from Pixabay


*The Conversation banned skeptics so it’s hardly a Conversation is it?


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124 comments to Climate fortune tellers say global warming causes cold spells too

  • #

    One would wonder if these clowns are trying to destroy there own belief system but are too scared to come straight out


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      David Maddison

      I don’t think so.

      It has gone way beyond a belief system.

      There is staggering amounts of MONEY involved.

      The beneficiaries will not willingly forgo that.

      Just look how far they are prepared to go to protect these profitable “beliefs”. And it’s all supported by a vast slave army of useful idiots of the Left.


      • #

        “Cash spillage” is the side benefit.

        The REAL psycho-sexual “jolly’ is in the power to bend BILLIONS to their evil will. And to DESTROY those who will not “submit”.

        Such is their CORE DOCTRINE.

        Check out the PUBLISHED words of these megalomaniacs; they are somewhat “open” about their intentions. Number one “intention” is to “right-size” the GLOBAL population.

        Pol Pot on a colossal, global scale.

        Get your affairs in order, now! The “timetable” appears to be linked to the “age” of many of the proponents; they want to see the planet “cleansed’ BEFORE the Grim Reaper turns up for them

        What was it that Robbie Burns (Scotland’s answer to Henry Lawson) said about plans, mice and men?


        • #

          The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men, Gang aft agley


          • #

            Right up there with that hoary old Latin chestnut:

            “Memento Mori” (Remember, thou art Mortal / Remember Mortality)


          • #

            It took too long.

            And don’t forget that the Palmer United Party in cahoots with Al Gore thwarted Tony Abbott’s supposed landslide election victory, by directing votes which had been cast to the right of our political scene to the far left.

            This was one of the most momentous events in the history of our federation, and only Jo and I noticed.


      • #

        Go into any bookshop and you’ll find the shelfs stacked with this nonsense. There’s a fortune being made by these charlatans.


        • #
          another ian

          Years ago I was told that the original model followed by most “How to” books was

          “How to do it and not get it”, authored by

          “One who did it, got it and can’t get rid of it”.

          Seems that model has spread to new fields


        • #

          The Rural Press today is full of these lies


  • #
    David Maddison

    The fundamental issue here is that warmists are what I would call for lack of a better word, “staticists”.

    Like many primitive or uneducated peoples, they fundamentally don’t believe in natural variation of the climate, the ecosystem or the planet itself. In the past, within recorded history, there have been periods of both wonderful warmth and miserable cold.

    Civilisations have thrived during the naturally warm periods of the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval eras.

    Plus, we are coming to the very end of a rare interglacial. As the world cools, it will be impossible for civilisation to survive without coal, gas and nuclear power stations (and real hydro where possible, not SH2).

    The idea that the earth and universe is static is a very primitive one and articulated by Aristotle in “In the Heavens” 350BCE.

    For in the whole range of time past, so far as our inherited records reach, no change appears to have taken place either in the whole scheme of the outermost heaven or in any of its proper parts.

    It is only in the last 100 years or so that the ideas of Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), a real climatologist, geologist, geophysicist, meteorologist and polar researcher came to be accepted that the earth is not static. Among other ideas he conceived of continental drift which led to plate tectonics.

    However, as early as 1840 Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) hypothesised that much of North America was once buried under glacial ice up to 3km deep and that climate must change.

    Milutin Milanković (1879-1958) also discovered natural cycles in the climate.

    Warmists have to do a lot of catching up with modern thinking.


    • #

      It says a lot about the effective lefty education system that after years of pointing out the facts to relevant subjects,people still believe in climate change religion.Climate certainly changes,has forever,but to convince people it is their fault is an achievement in education.Facts don’t matter,STUPIDITY is king,number two is complacency,never having to fight or work for anything.


      • #

        Bones. How many believe climate change is human-caused, and dangerous? I estimate 5% or less….

        I see the airports packed with people going on fossil-fueled flights. I see the roads choked with fossil-fueled vehicles. The fossil-fueled cruise-ships crammed with patrons. 3 or 4 cars outside every house. AirBnB is blamed for the full-time rentals crisis as people want to DRIVE someplace every weekend.

        OK, so there is no indication anyone believes they are causing harm. Why let leftist bamboozle you into thinking the common folk give a hoot about leftist obsession? Hardly anyone gives a stuff!


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          Pacific Pat

          Oh, they believe. They just aren’t prepared to make the sacrifices in lifestyle to change the world unless they can drag everyone else into their self-imposed misery as well.


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    Kalm Keith

    Climate Catastrophism must be exposed and this great post is another step in achieving that.

    Public perception of Climate Change has been bent in so many directions that it’s impossible to find any aspect of the topic that isn’t controlled and bent by forces that are more political than scientific.


    • #

      It is a great post, congrats Jo.

      Meanwhile in Wyoming, lawmakers defending the indefensible.

      ‘William Happer, a physicist and co-founder of the CO2 Coalition, told lawmakers and attendees that those who believe climate science have been brainwashed.

      “I don’t know how you deprogram people from a cult,” Happer said, “it’s really sort of a cult.”


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        Dave in the States

        The Legacy Rags are all trotting out the Dnyer word. That’s all they got. They don’t seem to realize that just proves Dr. Happer’s point.

        In one, after including the D word in the headline, they go on saying “But Governor Mark Gordon is no CC dnier.” He is no Republican, either. He is a long-standing associate of John Kerry. He was on Kerry’s 2004 campaign staff. That’s what happens in places like Wyoming, they send in pretend Republicans to get the Uni-party nomination, because anybody with an D behind their name can’t get elected. Then they run somebody radically left to run against the Uni-Party nominee, leaving voters a choice to vote for a deception or for somebody worse.

        Actually, they started doing that in DC too. Hence; McCain, Romney, Jeb, Niki,….


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    Kalm Keith

    Once again I apologise for being immoderate.


  • #

    It’s quite silly. Prof Carl Otto Weiss and his team predicted all this some years ago, while giving a full and incredibly simple explanation of the measured temperatures of the last 250 years in Europe with real readings from six European cities with real thermometers. Incidentally where the industrial revolution started. No tree rings or ice cores or or satellites needed.

    And we have yet to see anyone else fit directly measured data with an incredibly simple two cycle model of two established cycles and accurately predict magnitude and 12 turning points including the pause and the fall with a simple explanation. Throw out the super computers and their atmospheric only models. By every measure including Occam’s Razor, Weiss has it. Game over.

    What is different is that the Weiss team found that the ocean and the sun causes our weather. Not CO2.

    He is a denier. Man made CO2 driven rapid tipping point rapid sea level rise Armageddon is fake.

    And James Hansen was Henny Penny/Chicken Little and billionaire ex Vice President Al Gore won the Nobel Prize as Foxy Loxy.

    Keep shutting down those power stations running on free coal and free gas and buying Chinese windmills. The UN says so. And that the Wuhan Flu is not infectious, human to human. And beware of those boiling seas.


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      David Maddison

      What is different is that the Weiss team found that the ocean and the sun causes our weather. Not CO2.

      Yes. And our Sun is classified as a variable star and is the most fundamental input to climate.

      And yet it is utterly ignored by the climate “modelers” (sic).

      Do they even know this fact?

      If the Sun were not (unpredictably) variable, changes in climate would be highly predictable due to other known predictable effects such as axial and apsidal precession, orbital eccentricity and obliquity etc..


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        Plus clouds. I note some models ignore not just water vapour but clouds. How can anyone do that and think their model is representative of reality?


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          And the big one is the huge power of the oceans, from which all climates come. Climate = sunshine + water. And all water comes from the ocean. That in turn is dependent on ocean surface temperature. So the Gulf Stream, the Humboldt, the Indian Dipole, the many gyres. El Nino and La Nina are ocean surface temperature oscillations and will ultimately connect to ocean currents carrying vast amount of hotter water.

          Plus the fact that most of the world’s oceans are 4km deep. At 10 metres = 1 atmosphere, the oceans weigh more than 400 atmospheres. Then air is an insulator and water is not. So you can add the specific heat of water at 4 x that of air and you have 1600x the heat of the air.

          And lastly as oceans cover 72% of the earth and do not radiate much back because they are never boiling, most solar heat is absorbed, not reflected. The very idea that slow additional CO2 affects, let alone critically controls our climate is beyond logical or factual.


          • #

            The Gulf Stream is amazing. At 9km/hr the fastest ocean current in the world!

            But it is so narrow! A mere 100km across and 1km deep, it runs thousands of km like an express train on the great circle up the Eastern seaboard of the US, under Greenland and onto Ireland, the UK and Norway. It is a very hot river. Where does it get all that heat? Solar. And the best the catastrophists can say is that it may stop because of CO2. No actual explanation.

            It is only one of many such currents in a deep, deep ocean which covers 3/4 of the planet. All ignored.


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            I might also add that the oceans never freeze. It might look like the oceans are frozen but the fish never know. Thus ice fishing. Even at the North pole where the ice is on average 4 metres deep, the ocean is 4km deep, so the ice is 0.1%, a thin film. Naturally as all humans know, if you want moderated climates, get close to water.

            Now we are told by the President of the UN no less that the oceans are ‘boiling’. It’s ridiculous, ludicrously funny.

            Really, why did he say that? Are they so confident they control the Climate Science narrative? And no one dares laugh out loud? Why don’t the press ridicule this profound announcement as if he cares about anything more than the cash, the rivers of cash? We have gone from the ‘Age of Global Warming’ to the ‘Age of boiling seas’? And no one criticises? How is this possible? Quite apart from not being the business of the United Nations at all.


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      Gary S

      Come on, the science is settled – those boiling seas will cause lethal humidity. Ask Twiggy.


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        Lethal humidity? It is limited by the fact that water as a gas turns to water as a liquid at the dew point. And there is an incredible amount of water as a gas in the air. Normally around 1% even in Australia’s deserts. But 4% in tropical areas. And unlike clouds, humidity is generally invisible. Water as vapour is the third biggest gas after Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21% and ahead of Argon 1%. CO2 is a tiny 0.042% including the very slow 50% increase.

        I was in Shanghai in summer and it was 37C with a fog so thick you could not see a metre in front of you. I had thought Singapore was the worst. Far from it. It was really difficult to even cross a street safely and most uncomfortable.

        The temperature then dropped suddenly to 34C and below the Dew Point. The gas turned into water drops which did not fall but you could see millions of tiny drops hovering, not falling as rain. It was like a fish tank and we were the fish. Lethal? No.

        The BOM quotes both the humidity and the dew point, the temperature at which this happens. Because the closer they are, the more uncomfortable you are because sweating does not work.

        I saw this in old black and white films, actors in newspaper offices with their shirts backs drenched in sweat. And no one seemed to notice. So much for lethal humidity.

        Not only is it not lethal, H2O vapour is 100x the CO2 concentration and much greater bandwidth of IR absorption. The total effect of CO2 as a greenhouse gas represents less than 1% and is not variable because CO2 is a constant. As for a 50% increase over 250 years producing a dramatic change, when? Why? It’s all such nonsense.


        • #
          Peter C

          All good TdeF.
          Here is another thing.
          A cloudy night is often used as an analogy to explain the so called Green House Gas Effect! Yes the cloudy night is generally warmer than a clear sky night BUT the total atmospheric water is often about the same on both nights.
          So Clouds have a radiative warming effect which is far greater than water vapour, even though they are both the same stuff (ie H2O).


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            Kalm Keith

            Sounds complex.


            • #
              Peter C

              Sounds complex

              Not if you conclude that there is no atmospheric green house gas effect!


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                What I’m not sure about is this:

                “So Clouds have a radiative warming effect”

                I’ve never gone into the energy state of clouds but can imagine that ground level water is is in a less energetic state than atmospheric water and that again is in a less energetic state than clouds.

                When the Sun goes down the surface level energy is normally drawn to cool night sky but when highly energized clouds are present this may be slowed and there’s an impression of extra warmth.

                Then again, the entire atmosphere at ground level is at greatest pressure and so is more energetic than higher altitude.

                That’s complex 🙂


              • #
                Kalm Keith

                TdeF mentions a dew point. I imagine that’s a sudden temperature drop when at 100 % relative humidity.
                Gaseous H2O becomes liquid.


    • #

      It’s all so simple. If the Sun went out, would the Climate change? Not much use for Climate Models then would it and they would all be wrong as they are now.


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      I would add the number of observed cycles is quite large. This was a blind Fourier analysis though. What came out were predictably the two largest cycles but the fact that those two sine waves were sufficient to give the best fit ever seen is confirmation in itself.

      This does not mean we understand why one cycle is more significant than another. It is not a complete explanation in itself or even why the cycles occur. It just says these two regular cyclic events completely replicate the observations in amazing detail. The addition of a few smaller cycles would give a perfect fit.

      But we are most familiar with the importance of cycles like the La Nina and El Nino. We just don’t understand them well enough to predict them. And this year the BOM made a huge mistake in placing total truest in El Nino as the sole predictor of our summer climate which shows that they too trust major cyclic ocean phenomena over computer models.


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    Frederick Pegler

    Weather cooking. It really amazing just how little the collective psyche changes.
    Human history is full of this type of thing.


  • #

    There are three questions about climate change / global warming that needs to happen before governments need to take before action. Is it happening? Is it bad ? Can we do anything about it?
    If the answer to any of these is no, governments should ignore it and continue with energy systems and lifestyle choices that have sustained life in the past. The fact that the answer is no to all three questions makes it staggering that populations can be so duped that they could allow the climate cabal to take over their lives. The irony is it is in the modern democracies where the climate fanatics have thrived and it is in the more autocratic regimes that ignore the warmist propaganda is ignored. The ability to indoctrinate a whole generation into this climate belief system is clinical and it amazes me that even the sceptical side of politics now works on the assumption that the answer to the first two of my questions is Yes. Even the most sceptical politician ( except Matt Canavan will mention coal.
    The use of nuclear is a compromise forced on sceptics because its now too difficult to reprogram a population so indoctrinated that no amount of conflicting facts will convince them that everything they’ve been taught on the subject of climate change is a lie.
    So we are left with nuclear as a solution for those western countries that are too far gone whilst third world countries can benefit from the free pass they get to use as much fossil fuels as they want.
    Global dependencies have shifted dramatically as European and American manufacturing shifts to Asia. This trend had already started before the climate wars as manufactures chased cheap Labor ( mostly in Asia but has accelerated as energy prices in western countries soar) . The woes of Australia’s nickel industry caused by Indonesia’s cheaper processes is a good example. So whether the general population will ever wake up from this climate spell put over them but bit by bit we have to remove the foundations on which it is built . A change of politics in the US may be a start which will hopefully remove the nett zero brick that props up the whole belief system.


    • #

      The fact is that science has been perverted by politicians world wide and at every level, not least in Climate Change but also in the Chinese made Wuhan Flu. Both are creations and opportunities for politicians seeking total power over citizens. Even Canberra in Australia has used Climate Change to seize control of all electricity. And you are not allowed use anything but government approved electricity or if you buy polluting electricity you will have to buy Green certificates.

      And no new gas stoves, illegal in Victoria. No picking up sticks in the forest, illegal in Victoria. No making briquettes, illegal in Victoria. No gas fridges, engines, generators. Or coal or steam or anything.

      You must buy Government controlled Clean Green electricity and only Clean Green electricity from approved suppliers generated in an approved Clean Green way or pay heavy fines. Or go to jail.

      This is not about any science. It’s about rivers of money and cannon loads of power. We will even have to fight our wars with electrical weapons so we do not damage a fragile planet. The UN would make WWII illegal, in hindsight. And people using coal to heat their homes would be in concentration camps, where they will study what is known as THE Science, promulgated by the 1,000 year UN/EU. And fully supported by Green parties across the world, except in actual communist countries.


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    Dave in the States

    “Heads I win. Tails you lose.”


  • #

    Three Extinction Rebellion Activists disrupted Melbourne with a blockage of three lanes on the Westgate Bridge on Tuesday using a rental truck, causing an hour’s delay, with more protests planned for the coming week (two of the three protesters were jailed for 21 days). Their rant on radio included global boiling, food shortages, it’s an emergency.
    Meanwhile, average global temperature 14.4C.


    • #

      Which means the earth is actually cooling- because about 10 years ago I can remember that global temperature being 14.5˚C. Which, of course it is, and has been cooling for thousands of years.


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        Kalm Keith

        The oceans topped out about 7,000 years ago at about 6 metres above the present level.

        The water removed from the oceans has been temporarily stored at the poles and there’s no sign of it melting and causing sea level rise. We need to be ready for the next astronomically driven phase.


        • #
          CO2 Lover

          The ice at the North Pole is floating ice and if it melted it would have little impact on ocean levels.

          Together, the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets contain more than 99 percent of the fresh water ice on Earth. The amount of fresh water stored in both the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets total over 68 percent of the fresh water on Earth.


          • #
            Kalm Keith

            Good point ; and sorry for being lazy and not mentioning that some of the water was iced up on the upper land areas and glaciers.
            The next glaciation is coming, just a few years ago there was a huge freeze up which took out a huge number of Russia’s favourite meat source. At the height of the last glacial maximum New York central park, for example, was covered by a field of ice that was 1,500 metres deep.

            But that was 25,000 years ago.


            • #
              Kalm Keith

              It’s coming.

              The deer find the abnormal freezes are very dangerous .

              17 Nov 2016 · ‘Freak freezes’ could kill off Rudolph the Reindeer! 81,000 of the animals are killed off in under a decade in Siberia because of bizarre cold …


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Models and cagw.

          My great grandmother used to love to expound on “models”. Here’s one of her posts;

          September 11, 2011 at 8:09 am
          On the other thread the comment was made that :

          “”The models are more accurate when accounting for the known radiative force of GHGs.””

          I totally agree with that comment by Blimey.

          This is because any model is going to give better results when more real time factors are included.

          There are many factors in Global Warming Science and each factor has its own range of error which leads to a need for the use of a Modeling Technique known as the black box.

          This involves isolating many smaller or less relevant effects to a black box, which is effectively a collection of effects whose sum will be an unknown but constant value during experimental measurements but which is always acknowledged as a controlled series of variables.

          The effects under investigation are then varied or data collected from nature is examined and useable results can be obtained for very complex systems with this method.

          There are limits to this technique however and Climate Scientists have developed a new technique to replace the black box. The primary problem with this is that the model and reality can give correlations which are extremely high and this is not useful in Climate Science so additional techniques are required in that field.

          Climate Scientists have made use of a small lidded cardboard box whose dimensions are approx 450mm by 350mm by 400 mm which has the colour of a standard manilla folder, a dull yellow/brown.

          During all Climate Science work all small or even inconvenient effects, such as water vapour being the primary “GHG”, which would normally go to the black box, are placed in this receptacle.

          For security reasons mainly to do with funding,it is cleared daily; the contents reduced by vacuum packing and posted to the IPCC head office at the UN Building in New York.

          Here they are carefully locked in a safe where neither real scientist or the public can get at them.

          The resulting Climate Modeling done for the CAGW proponents can then be used for the true purpose for which it was intended; to deceive the public and give politicians something else to whip us with.

          I hope this clears up some of the Scientific issues surrounding Climate Science, which is not really a science but a politically useful amalgam of law, politics and philosophy.


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      Their rant on radio

      I wasn’t surprised that the ABC interviewed one of the culprits and rewarded their stunt with the opportunity to speak. I wasn’t surprised because their message is one that the ABC supports. Giving the culprit nn opportunity to speak on radio would, in their mind, justify their disruption.

      I was both surprised and disappointed that 3AW also interviewed them and rewarded their disruption.


      • #

        As a previous long time listener to talk back radio on both ABC and 3AW, I was always aware of the “stooge” callers. My wife was listening to their ABC radio yesterday and was amazed how many people called up to support the Extinction rebellion climate protestors. My reply – probably all ER members instructed to call up the radio station. Shane Patton ( CC VicPol on 3AW: Jacqui Felgate) was also offering a lame excuse as to why the protestors weren’t removed quicker. There was some OHS height restrictions needing a hydraulic platform ( cherry picker ) and delivery of the equipment was delayed. No doubt all those ER people have had training in protesting and also probably know about the height restriction stuff. That’s why they hired a truck and stood on top of it.


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    Greg in NZ

    So The Conversation has morphed into The Conversion – a more fitting title for their one world religion – soon to be reborn as The Converted?

    Have flown down to the deep south to help a buddy renovate her bach (crib, weekend house, small holiday home) overlooking the Great Southern Ocean, and ‘the climate’ is exactly the same as it was when living here 25 years ago: warm sunny nor’westers followed by near-freezing gale southerlies with SNOW ON THE TOPS (5 March) back to calm sunshine with ANOTHER cold front on the way (snow and surf & a drop in the temperature) rinse and repeat.

    Folk down this way were looking forward to an extra 5 or 6 degrees or whatever the Warmistas were prophesying back in 1999, yet being practical people, they’ve realised the Roaring Forties and Furious Fifties still rule the roost and it can snow any time of the year, even high summer.

    Maybe The Confounded would be a better title…


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      David Maddison

      Folk down this way were looking forward to an extra 5 or 6 degrees or whatever the Warmistas were prophesying back in 1999,

      Sue the Warmistas.

      People bought properties based on their false predictions.

      They should be sued for loss of expected increase in property value due to a warmer climate.


    • #
      old cocky

      ‘the climate’ is exactly the same as it was when living here 25 years ago: warm sunny nor’westers followed by near-freezing gale southerlies with SNOW ON THE TOPS (5 March) back to calm sunshine with ANOTHER cold front on the way (snow and surf & a drop in the temperature) rinse and repeat.

      But what is it going to do in the afternoon?


      • #
        Greg in NZ

        The afternoon hath arrived: darkening skies, random fat raindrops, the Beaufort Scale is picking up… and it was such a calm, clear, fine (rare) morning. Luckily I’m painting inside – maybe spark up the fire shortly…


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    Thanks again Jo for trying to explain the data for our blog donkeys. But even Wiki is correct sometimes and our previous Eemian inter-glacial was much warmer than today and SLs were about 6 to 9 metres higher then as well. That’s 20 to 30 feet higher than we observe in 2024. THINK.

    Here’s a quote from Wiki and the link.

    ” The warmest peak of the Last Interglacial was around 125,000 years ago, when forests reached as far north as North Cape, Norway (which is now tundra) well above the Arctic Circle at 71°10′21″N 25°47′40″E. Hardwood trees such as hazel and oak grew as far north as Oulu, Finland. At the peak of the Last Interglacial, the Northern Hemisphere winters were generally warmer and wetter than now, though some areas were actually slightly cooler than today. The hippopotamus was distributed as far north as the rivers Rhine and Thames”.


    • #

      Here’s the Eemian SL quote from the Wiki article.

      “Sea level”

      “Last Interglacial erosion surface in a fossil coral reef on Great Inagua, The Bahamas. Foreground shows corals truncated by erosion; behind the geologist is a post-erosion coral pillar which grew on the surface after sea level rose again.[22]
      Sea level at peak was probably 6 to 9 metres (20 to 30 feet) higher than today,[23][24] with Greenland contributing 0.6 to 3.5 m (2.0 to 11.5 ft),[25] thermal expansion and mountain glaciers contributing up to 1 m (3.3 ft),[26] and an uncertain contribution from Antarctica.[27] A 2007 study found evidence that the Greenland ice core site Dye 3 was glaciated during the Last Interglacial,[28] which implies that Greenland could have contributed at most 2 m (6.6 ft) to sea level rise.[29][30] Recent research on marine sediment cores offshore of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet suggest that the sheet melted during the Last Interglacial, and that ocean waters rose as fast as 2.5 meters per century.[31] Global mean sea surface temperatures are thought to have been higher than in the Holocene, but not by enough to explain the rise in sea level through thermal expansion alone, and so melting of polar ice caps must also have occurred”.


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    Mike Jonas

    Jo puts her finger on it, and puts it well. They tune their models to observation, and as observations change they change their models. The models cannot predict anything, IOW they are completely useless. A Swanson paper some time ago pointed out that every time they tuned the models better in one area, they got worse in other areas, which showed that anything they did get right was for the wrong reason. But the gatekeepers’ reputation and income depend on keeping the models going.

    Thomas Kuhn science has taken over. We need to get back to Karl Popper science.


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      Curious George

      Her own selected publication is “A stratospheric prognostic ozone for seamless Earth System Models: performance, impacts and future”. I wonder if she predicted the 2024 record Antarctic ozone hole.


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      Kalm Keith

      The models have always been ridiculous.

      There are many factors in sea level rise but the only true model is one in which atmospheric CO2 is recorded alongside the local temperature or its appropriate indicator.

      Historical records show that atmospheric CO2 levels are “driven” by the world temperature with a lag of 800 years.

      The UNIPCCC claims wrongly that the reverse is true.


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      Tweaking the model gives it yet another chance of appearing
      to match reality. That’s art, not science involving a falsification criteria


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    Honk R Smith

    The origin conspiracy of my youth … JFK … 60 years and the files are released … wait, not all of them.
    When I was in college, the Ice Age cometh.
    Then we stopped the Commies in Viet Nam.
    The Ice Age turned to Warming.
    We stopped the Russian Commies too, but the SOBs insisted on remaining Russian.
    We made friends with the Mao Commies, which are the good kind.
    Fortunately there was GWOT.
    Which gave us got 20 years in Afghanistan … beat those damn Ruskies by a decade.
    Then I was outed as Deplorable.
    Which made me MAGA.
    Only a foolish MAGA deplorable would refuse to Follow THE Science.

    Men are women.
    Or is it vice versa?

    So now … of course … warming causes cold.

    And the aliens are here.

    At least I still have the Moon Landing.
    A true memory I can hold on to.


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    Cognitive dissonance! Plain and simply a neurotic disorder. In the end, though, it’s all about money! Money the Government pays to weather bureaus to provide the information they want to read to enable the extraction of money from us with the least possible blow-back from Joe Public!


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      Kalm Keith

      As general Douglas MacArthur would say:

      It’s all about;

      The Money.

      The Money and

      The Money.


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    Meanwhile, more climate madness in action.
    It appears that EV engineers cannot design suitable braking systems for their pimped golf buggies. All that money and you cannot even stop the bloody things.


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    David Maddison

    Even if the climate were warming, what would it matter?

    Almost all life forms love and seek warmth.

    Humans generally holiday in warm places.

    Civilisation has thrived during the naturally warm Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval warm periods.


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      That’s an “Inconvenient Truth”.


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      Yes, it’s just weather, but please no more warming here in Adelaide. Not a drop of rain since Jan 25th, very hot and getting worse – every day low to mid 30’s, now morphing to high 30’s and 40 on Saturday. It is bloody awful and made worse by the TV idiots telling me what lovely weather it is. May they return as plants in the next life.


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        Graeme No.3

        I watch the TV weather reports (actually record them) and don’t believe the forecasts more than a day in advance, let alone 7 days.
        Do you watch Channel 10 with Miss Toothy? (Can’t remember her name). Last night started with a bartender showing tricks followed by reading the BOM report (also with frothy tricks)?


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    Here the genuine Co2 Coalition Scientists tell us that the Eemian was 8 C warmer than our Holocene. See their quote from the PR study.

    “Recent research by the Niels Bohr Institute (Dahl-Jensen 2013) was the first to target ice accumulated in Greenland during the previous interglacial period, known as the Eemian. The results revealed that the Eemian interglacial warm period, between 130,000 and 115,000 years ago, was much warmer than previously thought. In fact, it was, 8°C (14.4°F) warmer than today. The implications are enormous. Even though the temperatures during the Eemian were 2.5°C (4.5°F) higher than even the most aggressive IPCC predictions, the Greenland ice sheet lost only a quarter of its mass. While 25% is significant, it is far less than the predictions of total ice elimination in response to far less warming. Also, polar bears evolved about 150,000 years ago and survived the Eemian warm period even though there was seldom any polar ice”.

    “The polar bears survived. Greenland didn’t melt”.
    Source(s): Dahl-Jensen, Niels Bohr Inst,


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      was much warmer than previously thought.

      This is a very useful observation and is consistent with the precession cycle being the prime climate driver. The sunlight at 45N during the summer solstice peaked at 548W/m^2 127kyr ago. At the peak of the latest melt of the Holscene 11,000 years ago, the solar input peaked at 526W/m^2. The coming peak in 9,500 years will be 505W/m^2. At present, the summer solstice sunlight at 45N is a miserable 483W/m^2.

      There is a lot of warming to come before the snowfall overtakes the snow melt again. So far only observable on Greenland as gaining altitude and permanent ice extent.

      It is interesting that the same phase of the precession cycle that starts glaciation also ends glaciation – both are due to rising summer sunlight in the NH. But there is a vast difference in the state of the land during the peak of an interglacial and the peak of glaciation.

      For starters, most of the land north of 40N is an ice block hundreds to thousands of metres thick at peak glaciation. Ice does not get much warmer than 0C. All that land ice is some 600m higher then present wrt ocean surface so the lapse rate causes it to be substantially cooler than the oceans. But the big difference is that there are numerous glaciers calving into the ocean that slows down the water cycle so the ocean surface is cooled. The only place where this is currently observed is around parts of Greenland. Once the water starts rising, the ice shelves gain uplift and that causes them to break away from land to form truly massive icebergs with a draft of several hundred metres. These slowly disperse southward to further slow down the water cycle. So despite the oceans and land getting more sunlight, the melt continues to overwhelm the snowfall. Most of the ice that took the rising phase of the 23kyr precession cycle three or four cycles to accumulate on land ends up back in the ocean within a single rising phase of 10,000 years.

      Sunlight over global land bottomed around 1500. It has been increasing ever since and the consequence of that is becoming clearer every year. Termination of the current interglacial has arrived. It will be apparent to most by 2200 when the permafrost reverses its northward retreat.

      The biggest folly of the climate mob was to declare the imminent end of snow. That has since been revised in the face of overwhelming reality.


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    “I’d like to ask her: What weather would show us that climate models are wrong?”

    This one!! Should be asked of every politician and “scientist” in each and every interview in the media.

    Lets get this question answered before we do anything else!


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      “I’d like to ask her: What weather would show us that climate models are wrong?

      Any Weather forecast from BOM Australia that was actually right?


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        Especially now that the BOM is into advising the Government with devastating long term weather forecasts and put all their trust in something they cannot predict, El Nino, and cost the farmers and the country billions. They were as wrong as it was possible to be and still have a summer. I would not trust them again.

        So why would we believe their even longer term disastrous Climate Change/ Global Warming stories? All they have is 20/20 hindsight. And a new computer which is so expensive it is a state secret.


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    I sometimes post comments to various subscribed newspapers. I noticed just lately when I use the term “climate hoax or scam etc”, the comment is most likely rejected. So, a bit like when I commented that the COVID vaccines were ” leaky”. That also got a big rejection. So, now I describe the likely effects of AGW or man made global warming (or cooling or whatever other extreme weather event) as being “over exaggerated”. That comment appears fine so far and seems to appease the fact chokers.


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    Martin Durkin produced “The Great Global Warming Swindle” and it has easily stood the test of time.
    His new movie premiere will be in Fairfax Virginia and here’s the link from Heartland and the Co2 Coalition group of Scientists.
    And a REAL Nobel prize winner will be available on the night to answer any questions.


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    robert rosicka

    On a Facebook page the other day a commenter said the sun was the driving influence on our climate and this drew a hostile reply from someone saying there was no scientific proof that the sun had any impact on earths climate and that it was pure BS to say so .
    I challenged him to explain the difference between the climate being colder in winter and hotter in summer without using the sun in his explanation- crickets !


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      Another question to ponder.

      Why is it warmer outdoors during the day than at night? Let the magic of CO2 explain that.

      Current climate models are the modern version of the Ptolemy model of orbits around the geostationary Earth. They keep making them more and more complex to get then to fit observation. They have hundreds of tuning parameters and the clowns who tune them really think they are doing God’s work.

      Copernicus’s model was buried until he was near death for fear of being put to death by the church. The same religious fervour now exists around Global Warming™ Climate Change™ Climate Weirding™.

      How simple is it to think it is the sun – then the way the Earth presents its various surfaces to the sun as the orbit changes.

      The heat input to land has increased annually by 0.5ZJ since it bottomed around 1500 – an accumulated anomaly of 144ZJ since 1500. Oceans are not “uptaking” trapped heat; rather giving up less heat to the land as it gets more sunshine. The oceans are retaining more heat.


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    CO2 Lover

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Joseph Goebbels


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    Scientists have been using the term climate change rather than global warming for decades because the effects will not be uniform. Climate is the mean of weather but probabilities of individual weather events are changing in nonlinear ways. AMOC is slowing down. Jet streams are becoming wavier. There is a large pool of cold freshwater due to Greenland ice melt. The climate is warming just as the models forecast. Future students will write essays about how lobbyists and indecisive politicians managed to delay the transition from fossil fuels with devasting environmental and societal implications. It’s happening already, no need to wait 100 years.


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      ‘Jet streams are becoming wavier.’

      Is that because of a quiet sun?

      The AMOC is not slowing down, that is hyperbole.

      Most of the Greenland meltwater is an internal dynamic, not atmospheric.

      ‘The climate is warming just as the models forecast.’

      Naturally, its only coincidence that CO2 is rising at the same time as temperatures, do you give any credence to climate cycles?


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      AMOC is slowing down.

      No its not. You are being fed lies:

      The climate is warming just as the models forecast.

      No its not. The high northern latitudes are warming much faster than all the models predicted particularly in winter. The high southern latitudes are cooling, which no model predicted.

      The land masses in the NH will continue ti warm until the snowfall overtakes snow melt. Something that the models will eventually predict.

      History will view demonising CO2 in the same light as burning witches a few hundred years ago. Science education has been replaced with propaganda full of beliefs and wishful thinking. The climate story is a bizarre fable for gullible adults.


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      Geologists have used the term “Climate Change” (with the meaning “natural Climate Change”) for hundreds of years to describe the Earth dipping into and out-of Ice Ages at regular intervals with the SUN being the main driver and CO2 not applicable in any way.

      The Climate-scamologists HIJACKED the term “Climate Change” (twisting the meaning to be “Man Made Climate Change”) in 2005 when “Global Warming” wasn’t happening.


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      And yet life goes on, record crop production, year on year.
      The dams have never been empty, since they would never be full.
      Paddocks have grass everywhere, ever since grass would be nowhere.
      The oceans aren’t boiling.
      All your fear exists only on TV.

      Science Vs reality, reality wins every time. Your science is Alchemy, you can’t turn lead into gold and you can’t turn reality into tragedy.

      You lie Simon, you always lie, you are a liar.


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      “The climate is warming just as the models forecast”…..Funniest thing I have heard for a while.
      You are in a cult.


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      And only 3.0% of CO2 is from fossil fuel. So what are you talking about?


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      Your lies are boring it is clear you will NEVER wise up to realize how many prediction failures have already been reported such as the 2001 IPPC report projected LESS snow and more Rain/freezing rain into the future while Snowfall has increased in the Fall and Winter markedly as per Rutgers Snow Labs.

      Here is this exposing just how bad climate change scam really is:

      Failed Prediction Timeline



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      Simon, you make clear you have been fooled by political propaganda something many have realized which is why climate cultists like you are increasingly alone in this delusion.

      Here is a post showing that there is NO climate emergency at all as the many databases makes clear:

      Where is the climate emergency?



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    started rising too early, aren’t rising fast enough, aren’t accelerating, nor are warming anywhere near as much as they predicted.

    One of the profound, yet subtle, errors in climate beliefs is that ocean heat content is the result of top down warming. The fable goes something like the heat trapping gasses have caused the ocean surface temperature to increase and that heat is manifested at higher temperature from the surface to the abyss down to at least 2000m. The claim is that 90% of the heat “trapped” by the atmosphere has ended up in the oceans.

    In the real world, it is impossible to get open ocean surface to sustain more than 30C. That is the maximum sustainable temperature due to the way the atmospheric convective heat pumps operate. They reach a surface energy equilibrium when the surface sustains 30C and no more heat enters or leaves the surface over a convective cycle until the warm pool moves on. These zones are always mid level convergence zones due to the low pressure created by convective instability. These are the convective towers that will form cyclones away from the Equator. Being low/mid level convergence zones, they have net precipitation so cause ocean isotherms to deepen and the ocean below to retain its heat due to downwelling currents. Divergence zones have upwelling current and cool water is constantly being transported from the abyss to higher layers so the deep water is cooler than in convergence zones. Upwelling and downwelling flows are of the order of metres per year – not much. Surface ventilation of abyssal water is of the order of one or two millennia. Water between 500m and 1000m involved in the meridional overturning ocean currents ventilate in the order of centuries. Long time scales compered with the decades that there has been any global data on abyssal temperature.

    So what is being accepted as ocean heat “uptake” is in fact heat RETENTION. As the water cycle slows down in the NH, particularly in August and September, the oceans are retaining more heat. The ocean regions with the highest heat retention are those regions that abut the northern land masses and predominantly around the North Atlantic shoreline.


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    Robert Swan

    Key climate mechanisms, like exchanges of energy and air masses between different altitude ranges in the atmosphere…

    This is getting perilously close to admitting that the surface atmosphere is *not* a closed system in which case mean surface temperature would be a worthless arbitrary number.


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    Sean McHugh

    This is alarming! How cold can the warming make us?


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    1. Gross Ignorance = 144 alleged Climate Scientists

    2. Net Zero = The IQ of ALL alleged Climate Scientists

    3. Beam me up Scotty


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    I’m pretty sure that global warming causes communism.


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    Climate fortune tellers…

    …are telling their own fortunes all the way to tne bank.


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    The emissions that mankind release,
    May cause a potential increase,
    In stratospheric cold snaps,
    By mechanisms perhaps,
    That can also cause a decrease.


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    Fast Bowler

    Got to laugh and/or cry about this article “Poll: Nearly Half Of Young People Won’t Spend $10 Monthly On Climate Action” at which informs us that young people are unwilling to make even the slightest financial sacrifice, not even the cost of one avocado and toast sandwich per month, for ‘green’ causes, and perhaps this underscores that the youth are merely serial virtue signallers.

    Worth a 2 minute read. Use it the next time a ‘youngster’ asks you what you are doing to save the climate. Luv it.


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    Ah, but notice how the word “may” is used, instead of “will.”
    All the predictions use, “may, might, possible, possibly, perhaps” etc.
    Then, notice how the cold spells have NO influence on the “average” temperature.
    We all know, that if you have five days of 50 degrees, and five days of 20 degrees, the average is 35.
    But the Alarmists say the average is 40.


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    *Apologies to palm readers, who are probably more useful than climate scientists, and undoubtedly more accurate.

    And a busted clock is right twice a day, a lot more than ‘climate botherers’.


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    experts telling us with a straight face that winter cold snaps are also a sign of man-made climate change.

    I remember writing a similar comment on this or another blog a couple of years ago. It was just a throwaway line meant as a bit of sarcasm but…
    Basically I said that it is only a matter of time before these religious nut jobs start blaming everything on the altar of gerbil warming…examples follow.

    hot weather = gerbil warming
    cold weather = gerbil warming
    bushfires = gerbil warming
    snow = gerbil warming

    Another conspiracy just became another fact.


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    More fortune telling island sinking doom from Tuvalu again in the news: This headline from the ABC:

    Pacific Island nations seek climate change ruling for polluters at international Oceans Court

    After a lot of wading through pages of Guardian and ABC style propaganda on Goolag, here is the refutation from Climate Change Dispatch:

    Tuvalu Is NOT Sinking Beneath Rising Seas—Data Shows It’s Growing


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    Exclusive: Indian firms look to bet big on coal-fired power after long absence

    SINGAPORE/NEW DELHI, March 5 (Reuters) – Private Indian firms have expressed interest in building at least 10 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power capacity over a decade, four sources familiar with the matter said, ending a six-year drought in significant private involvement in the sector.

    Adani Power, JSW Group and Essar Power are among the companies that have told India’s power ministry they would be keen to expand old plants or develop stalled projects facing financial stress, according to the sources and a government presentation seen by Reuters.

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, which has cited energy security concerns and low per-capita emissions to defend India’s coal dependence, has been trying to attract private investment to boost its coal-fired capacity by 80 GW by 2032

    Coal-fired power plants currently account for half, or about 215 GW of India’s total installed capacity of 430 GW, with renewables accounting for 135 GW and hydro making up 47 GW.

    A spokesperson for the power ministry said the private sector had agreed to invest in the coal-fired power sector “in line with the energy requirements of the nation,” adding that India was ahead of international commitments to cut emissions.


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      Haha, gotta love ” low per-capita emissions”- pretty easy when you’ve got 1.3 billion people with a huge chunk at or near poverty line.


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    Today Hippos live in very hot parts of Africa or just above or below the equator.
    Obviously they require very hot conditions to thrive, BUT we know in the Eemian inter-glacial they lived in the UK and Germany.
    Today the average temperature in those 2 cold countries are about 10.4 C and so no Hippos there today during our much colder Holocene.
    We would need at least another 10 C average temp increase to allow Hippos to swim in the Thames or Rhine today.
    Again look up the data.


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    Jo uses the term ”climate scientists” with tongue in cheek, I am sure. Studying climate zones requires an in-depth knowledge of meteorology, physics and chemistry and anyone with such knowledge would reject the global warming / climate change agenda.
    ”Climate scientists” are Cultural Marxists / politicians or misanthropes and they are all pig-ignorant. [snip]

    [Other claims related to MM need a link. – Jo]


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    ‘Global warming makes extreme weather more extreme …’

    In fact, global cooling creates more extreme weather.


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    James Hansen in his infamous Senate speech in 1988 stated that cooling would happen in the upper atmosphere. No mention of cooling anywhere else!
    They’re changing the story to fit their narrative….but we all know that!


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    Years ago my local university set up a trial of water diviners.The trial designers consulted with the diviners so the trial met the appropriate specifications, but consisted of a series of pipes buried in the ground with valves that could be opened or closed randomly by computer so that water was present in the pipes in a random but recorded pattern. The diviners were asked to identify which pipes had water flowing in them and their predictions compared with the known patterns. It turned out that if you looked for water in the pipes that the diviners said were EMPTY, you had a greater chance of finding a pipe with water actually in it. And the result was quite clear. But this experiment did not deter the water diviners one bit: they continued to ply their trade undeterred and quite profitably, even after the results of the trial had been published. Go figure…..


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    Stephen McDonald

    If it’s cold it’s global warming.
    If it’s hot it’s global boiling.


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    High degree of certainty of…bad stuff
    Low degree of certainty of….good stuff
    Possible impacts
    Predicted possible events
    More than likely
    Experts say….
    A report released today by…..
    Researches think they might have found…
    The latest models indicate an alarming…
    Threatened extinction of….
    At greater risk of…..
    May have a devastating impact on…
    Reached a tipping point
    Hurtling towards chaos
    We are running out of time
    Record high temperatures!
    Record average temperatures!
    Record low temperatures!
    Melting ice caps threaten to…..
    Unprecedented storms are expected
    Catastrophic heat is forecast to…..
    Latest research indicates….
    Its worse than we thoght…

    I could go on all night, but I’m tired now….


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    Honk R Smith

    Speaking of the wisdom of the Fortune Tellers …
    John Kerry …
    ‘if Russia can invade another country illegally, they ‘outta be able to find the effort to be responsible on the Climate emissions issue’

    Gaia help us.


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    I found the perfect complement to your article: see video

    Corbett Report: Climate Change is Unfalsifiable Woo-Woo Pseudoscience


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    […] Climate fortune tellers say global warming causes cold spells too […]


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    […] Monge-Sanz , The Conversion JoNova reporta: Uma consequência menos óbvia do aquecimento global está também a merecer a atenção crescente […]
