Climate Change causes attack of flesh eating bacteria!

Vibrio Vulnificus

By Jo Nova

Just another spot of climate porn for the industry

Like a bad B-grade movie, nearly every science news story also doubles as an advert for a cult and a carbon tax. Last August three people (three!) died from infections of Vibrio vunificus in New York.

The horror-show microbes are advancing up the East Coast of the US “thanks to climate change”. And they’re racing at the breakneck speed of 30 miles a year. Quick, put up some solar panels!

Some 3,464,228 people died of other causes last year in the USA, but nevermind about that. Let’s remodel the economy anyway.

Warming waters entice ‘flesh-eating bacteria’ further north

Olivia Geiger, ScienceLine

 Who needs satellites to measure temperatures, we can measure climate change with flesh eating bugs:

A “microbial barometer of climate change”

From 1988 to 2018, infections on the East Coast have increased from 10 to 80 cases a year, according to Archer’s research. The bacteria’s range has moved nearly 30 miles north per year and will continue to do so, even if the climate warms relatively slowly. By 2040, Vibrio vulnificus is likely to be at home in the Long Island Sound.

While very few people contract vulnificus infections, one in five who do are likely to die.

The real crime in this reporting is not the clickbait hyperbole, but the wallpaper intrusion of another disguised advert for a religion and a tax. Implicit in the headline is the “news” that coal causes flesh eating infections, that all climate change is bad, and that nothing remotely, even a tiny bit useful, could come from warming or fossil fuels. Our lives become filled with trivia and irrelevant misinformation, like litter. The big picture goes unspoken.

A far bigger killer is poverty and cold but they rarely get marked on the death certificate. Lower indoor temperatures kill six to twenty times  times as many people as heat does. And when the heat comes, air conditioners save around 20,000 lives a year in the US, — if only people can afford to turn them on.

Obviously every medical association is advocating for cheap coal, oil and gas in order to save hundreds of thousands of lives. Yes, no, well… not even close.

Science journalists are the foot soldiers of voodoo.


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38 comments to Climate Change causes attack of flesh eating bacteria!

  • #
    CO2 Lover

    History confirms that previous “warm periods” such as the Roman Warm Period and the Medieval Warm Period were periods of prosperity and that periods such as the “Little Ice Age” had many negative outcomes.

    Increases in atmospheric CO2 have led to a “Greening of the Planet” and assisted in improving crop yields so that famines are now relatively rare events

    However, the Climate Cultists would welcome a return to mass starvation and where eating bugs is to be preferred to bountiful harvests of wheat and rice.


  • #
    Honk R Smith

    Funny, I knew a guy 25 years ago that contracted necrotizing fasciitis from crawling around in Canadian muck whilst he was in the Canadian army.
    Lost an entire leg.
    Too bad the bacteria didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to be there yet.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    The Recent Warm Period – 3 day heat wave.

    No major power outages so far

    The Climate Cultists proclaim “look at all that solar power” – which still disappears at night!

    Also, wind power has also fallen to very low levels during the night.

    It’s coal and natural gas to the rescue once the Sun sets and Wind has gone AWOL

    Also note the “massive” contribution of “Battery (Discharging)”

    Seems that we might need a lot more of the these!


  • #

    In the Baltic Sea you may find Vibrio vulnificus and be infected.


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Mark Steyn has begun the process of appealing the Mann v Steyn verdict.

    Forbes magazine:
    Mann said he hoped the verdict would send a message “that falsely attacking climate scientists is not protected speech.”
    Michael E Mann himself and his lawyer, writing in The New York Times:
    We hope this sends a broader message that defamatory attacks on scientists go beyond the bounds of protected speech and have consequences.

    Attacking the “science” of the Catholic Church was not “protected speech” as Galileo found out

    Galileo was charged with teaching and defending the Copernican doctrine that holds the sun is at the center of the universe and the Earth moves – radical stuff.


    • #

      “We hope this sends a broader message that defamatory attacks on scientists go beyond the bounds of protected speech and have consequences.”

      So, Steyn defamed Mann for perfectly good reasons, Mann gets a dollar compensation, which shows his reputation’s worth, and Steyn get fined millions for attacking the narrative… There are no consequences for attacking scientists, it IS protected speech, but you mustn’t go against the Govt’s propaganda.


  • #
    John Hultquist

    There is a positive correlation between atmospheric CO2 and number of people injured from falling on stairs.
    Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. For New York State in 2021, there were 1,651 reported deaths from falls. Nationally, about 72,000. Women, young children, and elderly are harmed the most.
    Stairs require significant Carbon and/or CO2 in their manufacture and installation.
    It is important that we ban stairs, and maybe December, because that is the month of most numerous falls in the USA.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      Must not overlook elevators – global warming will cause an expansion of elevator cables

      How many fatalities are reported due to elevator accidents each year? Approximately 30 elevator-related fatalities occur annually, with a majority involving elevator maintenance workers or passengers performing unsafe activities.

      “performing unsafe activities”?


      • #

        Well that was uplifting


      • #

        60 years ago there was a man working on our farm who had worked for an engineering firm in Parramatta. He told a story:

        He was given the job of moving some boxes of ball bearings from a truck to an elevated level in the warehouse. He picked up an armload of ball bearings and put them in the elevator. He kept doing this until he came back with another load of ball bearings to find no elevator. It was in the bottom of the lift well with four tonnes of ball bearings in it.

        Nobody had given him instructions..


        • #

          Sounds a bit sus … 4000 kg or bearings, carrying 20 kg per trip would be 200 trips back and forth … and he didn’t at any stage decide it might be a good time to send the elevator up and unload? 4 tonnes is a lot to unload by hand.

          Most places have a goods lift with a clearly displayed weight rating.


          • #

            Tel bags used to be bigger and weigh more. In the imperial system of 2240 lbs to the ton there were 20 cement bags to the ton and each bag weighed 112lbs. When decimal conversion came the weight was reduced to 50 kg, the same as in Europe.
            Now with laws on maximum weights for lifting cement bags have 20 or 25 kg. I do not know what a box of bearings used to weigh but it could have been 50 or 60 kg.


  • #

    Congratulations to the Cairns Post who avoided any reference to the bogeymen, ‘Global Warming’ and ‘Climate Change’ in their reporting this morning of the king tide inundation of low lying streets:
    Fishos take full advantage of biggest tide in living memory (paywalled)


  • #
    Graham Richards

    Climate change is also responsible for an amoeba that infects the brains of normally perfect people and reduces them to pranksters , propagandists & BS artists.

    Strange that during the history of our planet & its ever-changing climate this phenomenon has increased to pandemic proportions brought on by all accounts by overdoses of Marxist & general leftist hysteria!

    There is only one known cure!


  • #

    Contrary to the nonsense or their BS and fraud, we live in the safest period in Human history.
    Willis has covered all the extreme weather deaths from 1900 to the present day and deaths are now the lowest EVER.
    And he updates this on a regular basis. But apparently our MSM, clueless pollies, most so called scientists etc don’t understand the REAL world?
    They prefer their fantasy world and insist we wreck our environments and WASTE TRILLIONS of $ on lunacy like TOXIC, UNRELIABLE S & W.


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    Greg in NZ

    Here in the Deep South, appropriately named Southland, there are flesh eating monsters out in the ocean colloquially known as Great Whites (as in shark). ‘Lucy’, a tagged specimen (or speciwomen?) has been tracked from Fiji to QLD to South Australia and back here to the Foveaux Strait, where max summer water temp is 17C and winter is a bone-numbing 7C.

    Imagine the Kraken-sized beasts if only the water would could might possibly maybe warm up by another 1.5 degrees – remember, every fraction counts. BTW there’s more snow forecast to 900m by Thur/Fri … WHERE’S MY HEAT!!!


  • #

    Apart from the seriously deluded does anybody read this rubbish? Most people I know, some are even socialists, ignore the hyperbole and the alarmists. They know that families are more concerned with paying the bills and complaining about the cost of mortgages and electricity. They also know that every time electricity goes up the renewables and Chris Bowen get the blame.


  • #
    Robert Swan

    While very few people contract vulnificus infections, one in five who do are likely to die.

    Worse than that, ten out of ten people reading Olivia Geiger’s article are certain to die. Better steer clear!


  • #
    CO2 Lover

    Why is it that the solution to every problem to give the “government” more power and control?

    A new US State Department-funded study calls for a temporary ban on the creation of advanced AI passed a certain threshold of computational power.

    The tech, its authors claim, poses an ‘extinction-level threat to the human species.’

    The study, commissioned as part of a $250,000 federal contract, also calls for ‘defining emergency powers’ for the American government’s executive branch ‘to respond to dangerous and fast-moving AI-related incidents’ — like ‘swarm robotics.’

    The wit and wisdom of Ronald Reagan:

    – You know, it has been said that politics is the second oldest profession and I’ve come to realize over the last few years, it bears a great similarity to the first. (Speech at Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan on November 10, 1977)

    – Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. (First Inaugural Address on January 20, 1981)

    – Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other. (Reagan during his gubernatorial campaign in 1965)


  • #

    Dr Pielke jr links to another accurate article by Dr Nordhaus and also talks about his own troubles in 2015 when the rotten DEMs tried to cancel him because he told the truth about extreme weather events etc.
    But he was then able to educate the Obama idiot and his stupid so called science adviser Holdren.
    But even today they still cling to the alternative facts (?????) from their fantasy world.
    But who cares if it costs the poor taxpayer TRILLIONS of $ and for a guaranteed ZERO return on their lousy investments? SARC.


  • #

    Climate change causes (INSERT ABSURD SCARE HERE).


  • #

    I like looking up the journalists who produce this stuff. It’s always some twenty-something with an unquestioning mind. I know it’s a bit ageist, and yes guilty as accused. But many people need time to work things out, me included.

    There are exceptions of course. Caleb Bond is one that comes to mind. Caleb seems to have worked things out early, but he was lucky to develop a bias to the sensible side which helps you out. And I still catch him out for his inexperience. I guess Paul Keating could be considered in the club as well, just to defend accusation of my bias.

    But these young wise sage types, with the assumed authority of, ‘I am journalist akin to the oracle of truth”, with access to the vault of Scientists says and Study finds”, it’s just laughable.

    But even worse when it’s coming from someone old.


    • #

      Therefore Keating must be an example of somebody living in reverse time, heading inexorably towards dribbling childhood as he ages.


    • #

      It’s not just journalists. It’s across the academies.

      I remember 60 years ago a newly lettered agronomist who did a trial and got a different result to his predecessor. He didn’t suggest further research. He declared his predecessor wrong.


  • #
    Old Goat

    I’m surprised they didn’t blame trump . Getting a flesh eating bacterial infection should be easy in the swamp . Quite a few zombies in there too…


  • #

    Here’s an interesting puzzle for Jo’s bloggers to figure out and I’ll give my very uneducated guess.
    Wealthy countries seem to have had a larger increase in 70+ deaths since 1990.
    The numbers are tiny and more people would’ve reached 70 since 1990 and even China is starting to show this trend as their life expectancy and wealth increases.
    Australia is showing this trend since 1990 as well, but the increase is still tiny.
    So does anyone agree with me or disagree? Aussie pop was about 17.1 million in 1990 and about 25 million at the end of graph.
    And global population was 5.3 billion in 1990 and about 8 billion at the graphs end.


  • #
    John Connor II

    You’re not safe anywhere then:

    A -0.005°C temperature change over a span of 60 years in northern Pakistan (Himalaya region) is ostensibly having “adverse impacts in multiple sectors.”

    The first sentence of a new paper’s (Khan et al., 2024) abstract claims:

    “Hindu Kush Himalaya region is experiencing rapid climate change with adverse impacts in multiple sectors.”

    But in the body of the paper itself the “rapid climate change” is specified as a -0.0047°C mean annual temperature cooling trend from 1960 to 2018.


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    Sean McHugh

    Bad bacteria moving further north? That’s a massive relief to us in the south.


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    John Lowry

    Could be from more people sleeping in the streets, or from millions of people coming from Mexico and bringing the bacteria with them.
