A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Making Coal Great Again
One of the most bizzare aspects of the Climate Cult is that burning coal in your own country will “destroy the plant” but exporting your coal for other to burn does not have the same effect.
Australia and Indonesia are the world’s largest exporters of coal with India a major importer.
Distribution of coal imported into India in 2021, by country of origin
Import share
South Africa
United States
Remember the Adani Carmichael coal mine used to attract front-page coverage when a motley crew of naive green activists were trying to stop it. Now that it has been successfully mining coal for two years, it barely gets a mention.
When prime minister, Mr Albanese, visited Adani’s home town of Ahmedabad last year, Adani and coal remained like a large Indian elephant in the room. The PM did not mention the word “coal” in any of his 12 news conferences, speeches or statements in India. Something is very wrong when our prime minister cannot even mention the product that makes up 70 per cent of exports to India, while in that country.
Coal burned in Australia for the benefit of Australia = BAD
Australian coal burned overseas = GOOD
Australian coal burned in places with no CO2 emissions limits EVEN BETTER.
I would go further. Coal burned here is bad, but burning Australian coal overseas so that Australian manufacturers can’t compete is OK.
United Nations Lima Agreement signed by Whitlam Labor Government 1975, also research United Nations Agenda 21 signed by Keating Labor Government late 1980s
But the per person amounts of CO2 emissions in India are less than in Australia?
Sounds like a “red herring” to me
Australian Labor Party who hunt the coal that provides the golden eggs of revenue.
When tree rings go bad
McIntyre was on the stand today in the Mann v Steyn case. He decimates pal review as it was something quite different to what he expected because he was not an academic.
He also talked about his blog war with Mann and how Mann debased the science profession.
The other detail I was unaware of is that McIntyre became an expert in temperature proxies.
Re-enactments of Day 12 here with evidence from Curry and McIntyre:–8–Manns-Failing-Grade-e2f4q4i
The other revelation today was how the Penn State investigation into Mann’s role in Climategate was railroaded by the University President. The same President who spent 60 days in the state pen for protecting a pedophile.
The case is continuing so no dismissal yet. But every witness now is damning for Mann’s reputation. And it is all on record.
Very interesting, and they wonder why folk have little confidence we are being told the truth by socalled scientists aka grant harvesters.
The Reckless Renewables Rally {Media Release}
More at
For those that missed out on getting a booking to see Douglas Murray when he visits Melbournistan (as I did), there is now s second session on 27th March.
The cheapest tickets are about $100 but when I booked last night it appeared you had to book two to get that price. The cheapest ticket I could get for one person was about $130 plus about an $8 booking fee.
Tickets via Ticketmaster. Incidentally, it’s impossible to speak to any humans there, plus it’s impossible to get a printed ticket or print one. You have to show them an animated ticket on your phone.
I hope the Australian Government doesn’t play games with his visa like Donald Trump Jr which led to his tour being cancelled. And I hope the Left don’t engage in violent protests against him because he doesn’t follow the Official Narrative.
Just wondering how Trump will react to Krudd when he wins the Presidency again.
Much explaining ( normal lying ) will be the order of the day for Krudd. Trump will chew him up & spit him out!
Alas I do not believe DJT can win against the Swamp, media, celebrity and Michelle Obama.
$5 says that neither Trump nor Biden will be a valid vote in the November 2024 USA election.
Farcebook censorship is put of control, or more specifically their AI censorship bots.
A conservative friend and movie buff just had a post censored in which he discussed his favourite Hedy Lamarr movie.
She was a Hollyweird actress plus, almost unheard of for a Hollyweirdo, was also an inventor. She invented frequency hopping during WW2, among other things. See
It’s difficult to comprehend why Farcebook would censor him, the post was his own words, no breach of copyright etc..
Apparently there is a controversy: Hollywood, me too, sexual abuse/exploitation; claims of being duped into a nude scene/orgasm.
Probably ticked too many boxes for dumb AI.
Friends of Science Newsletter #403
The Productivity Commission in Australia is part of the ruling elite. It is a total failure vis-a-vis its prime directive, but it sticks its unwanted nose into other stuff – this time arguing for greater “power sharing” between the Commonwealth and “aboriginal groups” to “close the gap.” This nonsense dominates today’s “The Australian” front page, yet in the same edition in a commentary section Janet Albrechtsen demonstrates why this kind of division based on racial differences is corrosive to national cohesion. NZ and Canada are mentioned specifically, the former now in convoluted knots over Maori rights and the ongoing implications of the 1840 Waitangi Treaty.
Nobody really wants to “close the gap” it would shut down a massive grievance industry that keep thousands “employed ” and collecting assorted benefits, grants and preferred status. It is however a great phrase/meme that can be used as a lever to justify ever increasing waste and nonsense policies. Nothing much will change regarding “the gap” as we have seen for decades and the gravy train will continue to rumble along.
I am reminded of the commentary
How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one, but the light bulb needs to want to change.
“power sharing” between the Commonwealth and “aboriginal groups” to “close the gap.”
I think it might be worthwhile to find an agreement on what is “the gap”.
EG Cultural life expectancy values may be dependent on accepting some (most?) 21st century life style and health values.
The Left do not believe in democracy and that is why the results of a $450 million referendum are just ignored.
Hundreds of people are queuing up in Beijing to sell their blood so that they can afford to eat.
Say’s the CCP controlled media, to the gullible masses.
The controlled media only has good news, are you aware that a great depression has begun in China?
This is what is happening in China’s western deserts – massive solar and wind, which is going to supply the usual hundreds of thousands of homes. There are a few probable kinks in the chain. If they get 25% of the name plate, as actual power, they will be doing very well. They need super high conductivity power lines, because of the distance, but they are using their brains by siting data, cloud and AI centres way out there. Data is easier to shift than electricity. They will need massive storage, and how well that handles the extreme temperatures will be interesting. They will need lots of leaf blowers, because how else to clean square miles of panels in a desert? They get 80 non sunny days pa, so yeah, lots of backup. It is planned to be so big, it will probably create it’s own climate?
It will give folk ideas for the Sahara. They just have to get rid of some of the quarrelsome locals. 13mins
“Massive” ?…..
….597 MW is a toy compared to the plans for 9+ GW of solar in Australias NT. !
” siting data, cloud and AI centres way out there.”
“Rook! There he is, we caught him on security camela before he entered the building..oh blast! The screens gone dead, the sun set and we lot all our data center”
China is doing a lot of show projects for Renew-balls, but at the same time doing real power generation with coal, nuclear and gas. Don’t look too hard at the distraction because they are also building plenty of pipelines into Russia and eventually into the Middle East.
They want to keep getting invited back to the WEF meetings, and pick up foreign investment … but they ain’t going to end up like Germany with no electricity.
Every year that China can convince the West that they are onboard for the whole Net Zero scam, is another year that China moves ahead with their manufacturing base and everyone else deindustrializes. Of course, eventually no one will believe them anymore … but how quickly are our leaders catching on?
Here we go!! Gone. Apple vision pro
This looks like it is going to be the year from hell. Just looking at the amount of crazy stuff coming through the net, everything is intensifying. Not all bad, but pressure has risen. Migration and real estate madness, AI distraction and unemployment, unsolvable conflicts. We are walking a tight rope.
I said on New Year’s Day that it would be a year to remember. As you say not all bad: It will be peak EV and woke for starters. Sadly it won’t be peak AGW although these farmer protests may be the beginning of the end.
“Don’t Go Breakin’ My Heart”
Dr John Campbell
“Wiley- Autopsy findings in cases of fatal COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis
We performed a systematic review of all published autopsy reports involving COVID-19 vaccination-induced myocarditis through 3 July 2023. All autopsy studies that include COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis as a possible cause of death were included. Causality in each case was assessed by three independent physicians with cardiac pathology experience and expertise.”
Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest was in Davos at the WEF to convince “polluters” to go green.
Rebel News had a quick chat to him.
Crisis? What crisis!
-36C Greenland summit today.
-36C Antarctic summit today.
Looks like a perfectly balanced Quarternary Ice Age to me: just because the Arctic is having a fleeting ‘warm’ spell/spike of -12C doesn’t mean the world’s about to end – though some ‘doctors of scientism’ will plead otherwise.
Change? What change!
Maori activist, Mike Smith, who attempted to chainsaw down a Monterrey pine atop one of Auckland’s volcanoes back in 1995, has now been allowed via the Supreme Court to sue Fonterra (milk) and both Z & Genesis Energy (electricity) for killing the planet with carbon dioxide ’emissions’.
Yessiree indeedy, 2024 is going to be one of those years.
Will Kiwi farmers also be joined for the much more dangerous methane emissions from cow and sheep flatulence?
“Maori activist, Mike Smith,”
Yup, real maori with a name like that… Some of them make me sad cannibalism was stopped when the whites civilised them.
He’s got a facial moko/tattoo so he must be legit, eh bro. I’ve got some Smiths in my ancestry from waaay back in Irish times, so maybe we’re cuzzies or related somehow.
Heard Mr Smith on the radio yesterday – now referred to as an ‘iwi leader’ or tribal elder – claim the sea level has risen, storms are worse, and his grandkids had to put up with “thirty degrees at school without any air-conditioning”.
A case of ‘taking the Michael’ methinks.
Story about a pod of killer whales trapped at an airhole near Hokkaido. The writer waxes lyrical about vast ice sheets and heavy annual snow cover. The responses arent probably what they expected.
Climate hoaxers claim all weather conditions are unnatural.
I claim climate hoaxers are unnatural in all weather conditions.
Mentioned last night on Sky television by a guest panelist, she has an EV and is not happy.
A couple of examples being long waits for access to a recharging station and then another long wait while her EV recharges. That’s if the mobile phone can connect and enable her to use the appropriate app to operate the charging station.
DignifAI: How an AI From 4Chan is Making Sweeps to the Feminist Movement
DignifAI has been making rounds on the internet in the past weeks as users have started putting clothes and removing tattoos on women to “restore their dignity.” And many people are having none of it.
What started as another trolling tool from 4chan has become the latest case study on the dangers of AI to women and minorities.
The #DignifAI trend first started on the forum board 4chan on Jan. 31, after one anonymous user on /pol/ suggested using AI to edit pictures of women wearing suggestive clothing to a more conservative outfit.
It did not take long for others to pitch in to “purify” and “liberate” them of tattoos and piercings, anything to make them fit the men’s ideal of traditional women.
At first, the edits were contained in the forum board but soon gained traction as other social media platforms took notice.
The trend soon moved to X (formerly Twitter) where several accounts have started replying to accounts, mostly users posting revealing pictures, with AI-edited images of them wearing modest clothes.
Turning trash into treasure. If only it worked in the real world.
Hopefully this tramp-stamped, botoxed, 1/2″ black sharpie eyebrows, thicc movement will collapse like the trans fad is.
Bring back real women!
SHOCKING: Dr. Cartland Describes Horrific Vaccine Injuries. Urges Doctors to Speak Up
” It has to stop. I beg you to please speak out, have the bravery.”
Come on doctors! Show some respect and integrity like you swore to.
Speak up now because soon it will be too late, and those YOU pushed these vaxxes on to won’t forget you, and the list of non-compliant doctors is a very short one in comparison.
Don’t find out the hard way.
Don’t be on the wrong side of history, as you are now.
“Discovery of Ancient Mongolian Saddle Rewrites the History of Horse Riding”
Chiefio remembers –
“When You Find Out You Are Historic Proximate – First Email From Space / AOL / Apple Link”
Wednesday hilarity: Chilean all female (DEI) SWAT team at the UAE competition
No, it’s not The Babylon Bee, but should be.
How laughably embarrassing…
Cattle farmer DESTROYS lefty eco-warrior reporter
Cattle are SAVING the planet! Shock!
Awesome! 😎
“Oh, So That’s Why Tucker Carlson Is Interviewing Vladimir Putin”
Trumpists must distance themselves from Carlson, he is an isolationist, toxic to the movement and America as a whole.
“isolationist” = Does not want American boys to die in foreign wars for no purpose other than making a few well-connected people rich.
I can see the attraction.
Worked well in 1941. In spite of two years warning they were hopelessly unprepared for the attack on Pearl with no fighter that could match a Spitfire, an ME 109 or a Zero. Cost a lot of American boys’ lives and they damn near lost in the Pacific, it could have been all over at Midway, they got lucky.
Pacifists have never prevented a war or won one.
Or started one.
Breaking News!
Fire in wind turbine causes large grass fire in SA! The first of many. Just wait until the fields of solar panels spontaneously ignite
From ABC News:
The fire sparked by turbine debris burnt about 30 hectares of grassland.
Oh that’s really great. Bits of BPA-impregnated fibres from the blades scattered across farming land. And oil from the turbine…
“Moderna Scientists Warn mRNA Vaccines Carry Toxicity Risks”
One might say about four years late?
A funny thing happened this evening: In the middle of the table was this piece of folded brown cardboard. Inside were 4 stamps with Hitler’s head, 40 pfennigs. I have never collected stamps although Dad had a small collection but that was picked over loong ago.
A search says they may be worth $10 depending, as always, on grade. I’m rich!
ps There is no mystery who put them there, Mrs H is is a bower bird on ‘roids but that doesn’t explain where she found them. That we will never know.
Not unusal with that, stamp collectors may have these stamps, as I was young aI started a small collection and I owned tese stamps and others from that time too. No mistery at all 😀
mRNA in your FOOD : “It’s no surprise that something on the internet is false, especially when it comes to food and medicine. But how that came to be is sometimes the most interesting part.” so what to make of this about our food? Is there really mRNA in your pork chop?
“Safe” and “Effective” explained –
“Of course you remember the phrase “safe and effective.” How could you forget? That phrase fueled every single vaccine mandate. Well … it was always a lie, even before they found out the shots didn’t work, right from the start, and the Grand Jury Report explained exactly how they did it.
This is critically-important: the federal agencies like the CDC and the FDA played a rhetorical shell game on America. And the corporate media helped them hide the definitional pea. First of all, when government officials called the vaccines “safe,” they were using a legal term of art.
In other words, when they said safe, they deceptively relied on a highly-subjective legal definition that doesn’t actually mean “safe” — but never said so.
Here’s how the Grand Jury Report explained it:
In other words, the vaccines were never considered “safe” in general. When Fauci said the jabs were safe, he meant they were “safe” compared to the relative risk posed by the virus (“relative freedom from harmful effect” and “the condition of the recipient”). All the CDC and FDA had to do was decide the virus was more deadly than the bubonic plague — which they did — and then virtually anything could be considered safe, no matter how risky it really was.”
“Even worse than helping the agencies mislead people with a legalistic definition of an everyday dictionary word, the media never even asked the agencies to explain the risk/reward matrix. So they got away with using a totally-subjective standard that wasn’t tied to anything — certainly not to anything scientific.”
The term “effective” is nearly as bad. When the government said the vaccines were “effective,” they used a weasel definition for that word too. Legally speaking, the term “effectiveness” can be based on a regulatory determination arising from clinical trials, as you would expect, or from “other data.”
‘Other data’ is undefined.
“There weren’t any clinical trials proving effictiveness — Pfizer never even tested for that. The regulators relied on “other data” to conclude the shots were effective. The media never asked the agencies to explain what their “other data” was that caused them to determine the vaccines were so “effective.” From the report, citing federal statute:”
“It was all wordplay, right from day one. They tricked us by secretly using a different definition for common dictionary words, a stealthy different definition than what we thought they meant. They will blame us for not knowing the legal meanings of those words and stupidly assuming they were using lay definitions. But they are experts, you see, so how can you expect them to speak plainly?”
More at
Similar to “Kills 99.9% Of Germs” – all it takes is 0.1 germ & you’re ‘germy’.
Re the jabberwocky, best medicine was no ‘medicine’.