A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Bud Light and the Super Bowl
Super Bowl Commercials Are Going to Be Different This Year Because of ‘the Bud Light Situation’: Marketers
Bud Light will have a spot during the game — so surprise there — but this one will feature the “Bud Light Genie”!
Are There Any Australians Playing In The Super Bowl?
The 2024 Super Bowl will feature the San Francisco 49ers & the Kansas City Chiefs, meaning Mitch Wishnowsky will feature in the match for the 49ers, he also played in Super Bowl LIV.
Several Australians have made it to the Super Bowl over the years. Here’s a list of notable players:
• Mat McBriar – A punter who played in Super Bowl XLV for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
• Ben Graham – The first Australian to play in a Super Bowl, as a punter for the Arizona Cardinals in Super Bowl XLIII.
• Mitch Wishnowsky – A punter who played for the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LIV.
These players have often been punters, a role for which Australian players are particularly well-regarded due to their background in Australian rules football.
Prokick Australia, a training centre in Melbourne that converts Australian rules players into gridiron football punters. He left his job and moved across the country in 2013 to enroll in Prokick, spending a year there. Following a shoulder injury that forced Mitch to give up full contact Aussie Rules.
Will be tellecast on 7Plus on Monday 12 Feb 10.30 am
Trump and Bud Light
But that was before Trump weighed in on the side of AB, saying,
Why has Trump backed Bud Light?
You can see the Bud Light Superbowl ad here
People were pro-Trump because Trump spoke a good game of backing their values in the culture wars, rather than taking positions in the culture wars because Trump said so.
Trump has done more harm to his campaign with that call than with any other misstep so far.
Bud Light didn’t back away from their pro-LGBT campaign in the Superbowl ads, they just revisited it more sotto voce. Trump didn’t damage the boycott, he damaged his campaign.
I tend to agree with Ann Coulter that any other candidate could defeat senile Joe Biden, but not Trump.
A big part of that is the last several years of relentless anti-Trump propaganda.
Here’s but one bunch of many.
Seriously, please check it out.
The problem with the site is the ability to vote on posts and comments and hide that which gets a large number of downvotes. That sounds like a perfectly reasonable system until you realise that all the loony leftists are eagerly downvoting every conservative comment. So the young only ever get to hear the left’s slanders, lies, misrepresentations and half-truths. And of course, once an opinion is formed, it’s immensely hard to get someone to reconsider it. I fear this and similar sites are the source of eager recruits for the ignoramus politicians who are so destructive of our civilization.
American Gridiron football is the perfect explanation of the differences between Australians and Americans. We are a British society, they are more removed from it. We moved peacefully and respectfully to nationhood. They went to war.
We don’t understand that game, nor have desire to so. It’s a different way of thinking. I gave it a look and chance when Jared Hayne went to play. And it just didn’t work. I couldn’t come to terms with it. Bit like Australian Rules (that’s the punch line).
Only a majority of Australian football fans disagree with you, that’s all.
The Bud light genie?
Don’t all genies appear with a POOF! ? 😎
Actually, I thought they disappeared with a POOF!
Bud Light. Like their sales, it makes you go POOF.
And who would have thought that the biggest selling beer in the United States was a light beer.
Except that it is also false advertising. Bud Light is 4.2% alcohol, which is a relatively high alcohol lager. As strong as any beer in the 1980s.
Foster’s Light Ice for example is 2.3%. Peroni Light is 3.5% and low carbohydrate.
Even according to the eternally wise Google, “Generally, light beers have between 4 and 5% ABV, while regular beers have between 5 and 6% ABV.” What?
Fosters Lager in the 1970s was 4.0% alcohol!
The same thing in wine where in the 1970s few wines were over 10.0% and Champagne was 12%. Now most whites are 14.5 and red wines can be 16%!
Russian beers like Baltica come in Baltica 0 through Baltica 7. This is the actual alcohol content!
The growth in alcohol content has been quite dramatic, almost doubling. So now a Light beer is 4.0%?
Way back in BC Mad Magazine had a series on “cmpleting the ad”.
A prime example from that time was
“Coors Beer – brewed with Rocky Mountain spring water”
The completion added
“Lots of it”
At that time in Co;orado light beer was 3.2%
“Will be tellecast on 7Plus on Monday 12 Feb 10.30 am.”
No thanks.
The Basics.
The science behind the claim that CO2 causes the earth’s atmosphere to “heat”.
CO2 cannot, does not and will not cause so called ” Global Warming “.
If we assess this claim from the viewpoint of basic atomic physics, atmospheric physics, system thermal analysis or quantitative analysis; it is shown to fail miserably.
So, the big question is, how did the UNIPCCC and the Klausians get away with it.
My own suspicion is that Global Warming is caused by large amounts of circulating MONEY .L
You doubt that MONEY can make the glaciers stand still?
Or return to their 1850 boundaries, as intended by nature, provided spending in sufficient.
(You can be informed about how great 1850 was by watching any number of BBC dramas.)
Government spending equals commitment.
Without causes there would be no commitment, which is expressed by spending.
I suspect you of lacking both cause and commitment.
Causes are created by media which has been purchased by wealthy persons with commitment.
Which you don’t have.
So government is forced to express commitment in your name, with your money, since you refuse to commit to the causes that government has instructed you to commit to by informing you with Science, which apparently you resist following.
Always glad to help.
You’re welcome.
Crucify him!
How dare he?
You “nailed ” it.
If we sacrifice the witch (warlock?) will the freezing snow stop?
A bit nipplish down your way this morning? Across the Strait, Mt Hutt is BURIED under snow & ice, resembling a mid-winter’s July morning. Further south, Queenstown’s ski areas are plastered with a decent overnight’s dusting, even little Coronet Peak’s summit has temporarily turned white.
Oh for a normal February, brrrrr!
What do you call them if they are non-binary and what are their pronouns…..LoL?
Technically it’s “wizard”.
Don’t upset the sorcerer squad – they’ll turn you into a frog, or worse – a politician, or worse – a trans BOM meteorologist. But at least they know how many inches you’ll get. 😆
The Basics of Models.
A century ago a group of great Scientists built up the understanding of an invisible world that enabled an extraordinary MODEL to be created.
The scientist who put it all together was Niels Bohr.
If you understand his model it’s possible to see the difference between an electron and a photon.
Modern Klimate Scientists don’t bother .
A little snippet I ran across from 1971.
It is found that even an increase by a factor of 8 in the amount of CO2, which is highly unlikely in the next several thousand years, will produce an increase in the surface temperature of less than 2 deg. K.“
Schneider S. & Rasool S., “Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols – Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate”, Science, vol.173, 9 July 1971, p.138-141
Assuming the increase would be linear 2400 2℃ 1200 1℃ 600 0.5℃
That alone would get them cancelled these days.
But that assumes that CO2 can trap excess heat.
The name Schneider rings a bell.
Stephen H Schneider.
An unscientific warming pusher from long ago.
He didn’t have a clue.
Even more basic,
The fundamental statement is man made CO2 driven global warming.
This hinges totally on one alleged ‘fact’, that the 50% increase in CO2 since 1750 is from fossil fuels.
That is categorically not true.
This is provable by direct measurement which is beyond debate and never contradicted. It is my specific expertise. This conjecture was proven wrong in 1958 by New Zealander G.J.Fergusson
and 36 more times in papers up to last year. It’s hogwash.
So whether increasing CO2 produces warming/climate change is quite irrelevant to the man made bit.
We didn’t do it. We can’t do it. We cannot change CO2.
CO2 is a gas in continuous equilibrium with the vast oceans where 98% of all CO2 lives. Our total historic contribution is 1% of ALL CO2 and 98% of that is in the ocean. Of the current atmospheric CO2, the amount which is from fossil fuel is 3.0% and increase from 2.03% in 1958 but still negligible.
Keith, I don’t believe you.
I’m a sceptic because their models run too hot, their scientists are partisan advocates, their assessment of the impacts are too extreme, their media are biased, their advocates are irrational and dishonest, their politicians haven’t studied science since middle school, and scientific institutions respond to accurate criticisms to defend the institutions, not the science.
I’m going to review the articles you’ve already provided, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. More to the point, even your own evidence claims CO2 causes warming.
Tucker Carlson interviews Putin.
Putin debunks Tucker Carlson’s warmongering anti-China propaganda, mocks his CIA ties:
The full interview:
Haven’t watched it yet. Might be one of those things I don’t get around to. You see bits and pieces doled out. Kills the motivation to sit for 2 hours.
But, in my fantasy world, I don’t see why Russia shouldn’t be an ally of the west and a general potential force against China. The worst thing about the Ukraine event is the pushing of Russia to China, and firming their support of Iran.
The Russians are obviously a culture of corruption, as is Ukraine, it seems to be in their bones. But the eternal enemy of the neo-con McCain (?) attitude is equally destructive.
And besides, Russian women are really good looking (when young). Even Colonel Hogan was vulnerable to that one. I’d much prefer to be their friend, like the one you don’t invite over for dinner.
You really need to watch the full interview, then compare Putin to the fake US president.
Russia has its problems and crazies, but name one country that doesn’t. Russia is nothing like Ukraine when it comes to corruption; Ukraine has taken top spot for a long long time.
I think ‘The Poot’ has amassed a tidy fortune? All the Eastern block were renowned for their corruption, and their master was clean? I guess you don’t get freestyle corruption, when the place is so tightly run by a cabal.
Hmmm, a significant number of our local politicians also appear to have amassed a greater sum than all of their yearly salaries piled in one heap.
It certainly seems to be the job to “get into” if you want to accumulate a tidy amount.
You seem to believe Putin. He speaks well, and very rarely any truth. As for corruption, I worked in the Soviet Union for two years, it was the most corrupt place I ever saw. It is probably even worse in Russia now. Did you notice that they never declared war on Ukraine? It is only a Special Military Operation, call it “war”, and they’ll jail you.
If you want corrupt, go to Ukraine.
Yes. And if you want really corrupt, go to Russia.
It’s actually quite good. Hear it from the horse’s mouth, you don’t need to agree, but you do need to listen to the other side. (Unfiltered by the MSM)
Nothing revelatory. But good for us to hear Putin in all his grievance archaeology, history rewriting and naked ambition to be the big-man who rebuilds the Russian empire in Europe without any filtering, even as his country is crumbling (demographics, infrastructure and military strength in terminal decline). Tucker did a reasonable job considering he is interviewing a sociopathic mass-murderer with a penchant for killing people who annoy him.
The 6 doses are doing there job, good, my money well spent.
“interviewing a sociopathic mass-murderer”
Saw a report on X ( Twitter) the other day, of a survey in the US showing Mr Putin as more popular than Mr Biden. Not sure it was true as I’ve not seen any substantiation. But, it wouldn’t surprise me.
Another interesting viewpoint from Kit Knightly …
There is a pro-freedom App called GrayJay that lets you follow content creators, rather than specific platforms.
So, say there was someone who didn’t follow the Official Narrative like Tony Heller or Dr John Campbell and they had some or all of their content shadow banned or outright banned/censored on woke Leftist platforms like YouTube, you would still see their content on alternative free-speech platforms those creators post to such as NewTube or Rumble.
It makes it easier for the freedom-loving truth-seekung follower to find the latest releases from their favourite creators and the App is for creators as well.
This App has angered YouTube and they have removed videos that mention it, in particular videos by Louis Rossman. The takedown of the videos of Rossman is discussed in the following video:
Link to GrayJay page:
Or get from Goolag or rotten Apple store.
Grayjay is not available on Apple. There is an Apple App called GrayJay but it’s not related.
Also it’s Grayjay not GrayJay.
Not a bad idea. The problem with alt platforms is people don’t use them, and/as they don’t function as well as the excellent youtube.
But a creative idea to possibly drive traffic, the major problem.
Another problem is alt platforms quickly become dens for groups like those who worship mid-thirties Germany. Gab was mobbed by them.
Youtube has little to gain having controversial political opinions on it. The biggest accounts are things like how to and special interest channels. Gordon Ramsey has 40 million subscribers, for videos on how to roast tomatoes with balsamic video and goat’s cheese.
Hey the mid-thirties Germany gave us the VW Beetle – my first car. And there were rockets and jet engines and German Scientists came close to making the first atomic weapons but for some vandals in Norway who blew up the heavy water factory at at Vemork.
They were a long way from ever producing an atomic bomb. The heavy water was only one form of research, and the plant was up and running in six months. There was a good documentary pointing out how their atomic scientists rarely worked together and didn’t receive much funds.
My reading of this dangerous time and as explained in the 1960s book Brighter than a Thousand Suns by Robert Jungk was that many of the top scientists were Jewish and while German scientists were a decade ahead of the Americans, did their best internally to downplay the power of fission. And they succeeded.
Heavy water was for a hydrogen bomb, but you need to master the fission bomb before you can make a hydrogen fusion bomb work. The two bombs dropped on Japan were quite different, one a shaped charge and the other firing one piece of uranium into another to create a critical mass. I never understood how heavy water itself was a direct threat.
With the 1960s breeding of Plutonium in reactors , you get a suitcase bomb. This was the sort in missiles and the James Bond film, the World is not Enough. It can reach critical mass in a few kg.
But back to WWII, the problem when you lock up or deport or murder your best scientists, you do not get a great result. And the Manhattan project was staffed by some of the greatest physicists from Europe who had fled the NAZI regime. And others who knew how important it was to defeat Germany. Hitler never dreamed the world’s greatest superweapon was so close, so it was rail guns and jets and missiles. I credit the people who kept him ignorant.
Well said TdeF. A related reason was that the National Socialists didn’t accept what they termed “Jewish physics” which essentially meant modern physics like relativity and quantum mechanics and the mathematics to go with it.
Among the Jewish scientists (or who had a Jewish wife – Niels Bohr) who fled Germany were:
Joseph Rotblat
Emilio Segrè
Edward Teller
John von Neumann
Rudolf Peierls
Enrico Fermi
James Franck
Leo Szilard
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Hans Bethe
But we voted for these lying power-hungry clowns and they gave us the “Covid years” and showed us their true colours.
Look where we are now and what’s looming.
Elections won’t stop what’s coming no matter who you vote in.
Martha was an incredible writer, and lived an incredible life. Who else gets a private diner with the head of the League of Nations; had 5 good years married to Hemmingway; met Choe En Lia in a bandit hideout; was bombed by the Russians in Finland; was the first reporter to land on the beach after D-Day, having stowed away on a hospital ship; after being black listed by the authorities, moseyed around on the front lines with Canadians and Poles in Italy, and the 101 Airborne, during the Battle of the Bulge; flew in a night fighter over blacked out Germany; watched the Russian army crossing the Elbe; was at the opening of Dachau. She covered every other war through the eighties, and built a cottage, on a mountain, high above the Serengeti. She was adored by H G Wells, and Leonard Bernstein, and had a fling with one of the Rockefeller boys, in her 80’s. These are things she wasn’t famous for. Well Hemmingway got some publicity. These people don’t come along very often.
I’m guessing this would be an earlier quote of Marthas, and if so would be an astute observation of politics up to about twenty to thirty years ago. I think politics now is more influenced by offshore entities that has undermined the ability of the voting public to have any reasonable ” control over our world and lives” as Martha suggests.
A new disease
Dr John Campbell
And nobody (present company excepted) is asking any questions or taking any interest because the Official Narrative says that the covid “vaccines” are “fully safe and effective”.
It certainly shows the morality of the professions in Western culture! For all the fancy statements that companies and professions have as their mastheads, the reality is “We follow Govt policy”
Its like going to Court and expecting Justice, then to find you only get Law.
Govt money?
There has recently been an exposure on what the oficial definitions of “safe”and “effective” are in this case.
Far away from what yours might be.
Think beyond Bill Clinton’s “definition of is”.
Posted in a previous thread
Election 2024 variant??
Here’s an interesting one for readers.
“The climate scaremongers: We pay China billions to shaft our own car industry”
Never has a civilisation engaged in its own deliberate self-destruction as the West is currently doing.
The Krell in Forbidden Planet
Morbius also believed that the Krell, after millions of years of social advancement, were not only technologically but morally superior to humanity—a benevolent and noble race of scholars and pacifists, who had evolved beyond war and violence
Great movie. Outstanding special effects for the time and still stand up by today’s standards even though there was no CGI back in the day.
And Robby the Robot had so many appearances in subsequent movies and serials, including Lost in Space.
What happened to Robby the Robot?
Robby is now owned by the top Forbidden Planet collector in the world, film director Bill Malone. Robby stands at a height of 7′ 6″ tall, weighs about 300 lbs., and was originally operated by an MGM special effects technician Glen Robinson, who subsequently worked on MGM’s Logan’s Run.
And do not forget Anne Francis as Altaira in Forbidden Planet-I had a crush on her as a young boy!
All rooted in the unique ability of the West to self-loathe. Which is not purely leftist either. Large part of it comes from the liberal mindset.
Aztecs Vikings and Romans et al didn’t do a bad job.
China is a red herring, portrayed as the bad guy, but they are not doing anything the west could or has not done. The real story is that western governments are introducing carbon credits on cars. Everything we do involves carbon dioxide, so they now have us by the balls …
Unbelievably (or not), the once-reputable Harvard University, STILL requires students to have compulsory covid “vaccines” to attend.
I suppose that’s one way to guarantee you exclude independent thinkers from your student body and only get non-thinkers fully compliant with the Official Narrative.
Not the only one I saw yesterday
Take notes! This should be a useful sample.
Are you an independent thinker, if you sign up for a vaxxine trial, to avoid a trial vaxxine.
Is changing the brand of bullet you fire into your mouth a sign of wisdom or still self-destruction.
Does changing the flavour of a poison make it a safer, or just easier to swallow.
Is being forced to take a product different from volunteering to take the same product.
Can you be independent and still be dependent.
Wisdom that baffles me.
You know the Leftist Lunatics are running the asylum with stories like this….
Transgender nuts in a jar. I don’t suppose we could get them all in?
More than a few squirrels loose there.
I saw that story but thought it too rude for the gentle folk here.
A man has made a perfect transition to being a woman, but it was rough.
When asked how she was feeling, she replied “FINE!”.😆
Obviously surgery and a lifetime of opposite-sex drugs pays more than mental health therapy; doctors on a roll.
Actually, a just released study of 60 papers has shown NO mental or physical benefits from trans surgery.
Duh! It’s a mental illness, so a knife won’t fix it.
The judge should have said that they were both ‘nuts’.
Spending hundreds of billions for nothing.
BLM takes comments on world’s biggest solar boondoggle
By David Wojick
The beginning: “Meet the new federal Western Solar Plan. Much of the land in the Western US is federal and managed by the appropriately named Bureau of Land Management or BLM. In some Western States, over 50% of the land is federal. Using that land control, BLM has just proposed a monstrous (in size and scope) plan for solar power development called the Western Solar Plan. The Plan covers the eleven westernmost states, from border to border. From Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico to Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington state, and Wyoming.
They also have a draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the Plan, which they are taking comments on through April 28, 2024. The PEIS and other Plan information is available here:
Comments should be sent to [email protected]
The really important number is simple and round. It is also breathtaking. They want 100,000 MW of solar capacity developed, more than doubling US capacity. A better choice would be zero, which is also round, but I digress. This incredible number is not based on a needs analysis, as there is no need. It is just a number somebody pulled out of somewhere.
There are lots of environmental concerns with this huge number. Given that a solar facility can take 15 acres per MW, we are talking about something like 1.5 million acres of industrial plant. Plus thousands of miles of access roads, no doubt. These are mostly remote areas, and you do not deliver a thousand acres of solar panels on pickup trucks, so a lot of heavy-duty roads will be built. These concerns are, of course, shrugged off by the PEIS in the usual industrial green way. There are lots of vague promises that care will be taken when the actual facilities come to be planned, approved, and built, which they will be no matter the environmental destruction.
But the biggest concern by far is not addressed, namely, what this monstrosity is going to cost the poor people who have to pay for it. These are the people and outfits that use electricity, many of which are already struggling to pay ever-increasing prices. What will the bill be?”
Lots more in the article.
” we are talking about something like 1.5 million acres of industrial plant.”
Gosh , that’s a really big FEMA camp.
Who or what lives in the shade of these panels?
Plants or animals?
Cleverly planned to run north south so no matter how big this proposed project is, it will all go “off line” at about the same time.
That’s nameplate. I wonder what the real capacity is?
And furthermore, how is it going to be stored?
Hydro storage for wind and solar plantations has been discussed at the following link and is determined to be infeasible. Electrochemical storage would be even more infeasible.
Now, while I mainly concentrate on wind generation, I sometimes look in on solar generation.
Luckily for the purpose of showing how wonderful these industrial renewable power plants really are (umm, be careful, that might actually be s@rc@sm there) some green leaning sites show the exact totals. Now, doing that is pretty much useless really, because the average punter has no idea whatsoever as to what they are looking at, (that’s if they even look at it at all!!) hence they can ‘get away with’ using Nameplate, you know, beacuse no one even has the slightest concept as to the actual Maths behind it all.
So, using their own data.
There is currently 10,233MW Nameplate for Industrial solar plants here in Australia. Umm, that’s for (wait for this) ….. ninety nine solar power plants, yep, 99 of them now.
Man, imagine the cost for all of them.
Last year, ALL of those 99 plants delivered 14585GWH of generated energy to the AEMO grid. (and again, that means nothing to the average person in the street)
Okay, that’s at a Capacity Factor (CF) of, umm, 16.26%. That’s just a tick higher than HALF the CF for wind generation, so again, another huge achievement (careful) in technological breakthroughs.
So, that huge Nameplate now distils down to an average 1664MW.
Again, as an example, across that same 365 day 12 Month year, that ancient decrepit relic, the Bayswater coal fired power plant, now forty years old, delivered 13834GWH to that same grid.
So 99 solar plants with a Nameplate 3.88 TIMES LARGER than Bayswater delivered just 5.4% more energy than ONE four Unit dinosaur power plant.
I’ll bet you won’t read that anywhere, eh!
Oh, and you know that supposed answer to replacing coal fired power that wonderful new technology (careful) Concentrating Solar Power, also known as solar thermal, Ivanpah, the largest plant on the Planet, that marvel (careful) in the Desert, is operating at a CF of, um, 21%, so it’s actually worse even than Wind Generation.
PostScript – The people in charge are soooooo concerned (careful) about the emissions of CO2, they have almost finished that Upgrade of Units at Bayswater, so that now, each turbine/generator can deliver 685MW, something those Units regularly deliver, you know, when it’s actually needed, for that evening Peak, around 6PM EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Now, why would they do that, the upgrade I mean, if coal fired power was such a relic which needs to be replaced?
Hi Tony, I aslo imagine that the Bayswater plant would be told to throttle back when it wasn’t needed?
If that is the case then Batswater if given the chance to operate at preferred optimal capacity would outstrip the solar plants easily.
And of course we all know that Bayswater can deliver power 24/7 if allowed to do so. The solar fanatics have yet to work out how to keep the sun shining 24/7.
When Victorian Hazelwood was closed down, it was running at 98% of design capacity. And no one seems to notice the official life of windmills is 18 years. So why are we erecting them? They are unserviceable, unpredictable, unreliable and ecologically disastrous. Given a CO2 debt of 8 years, it is debatable whether there is any benefit at all in reducing CO2 output.
And that it without the admission that it is bleeding obvious CO2 is unaffected by human activity, bushfires, volcanoes or anything else. It is near constant from pole to pole, which is prima facie impossible if we affect it. Only 2% of people live on the bottom 1/3rd of the planet. Why isn’t CO2 higher in the top 1/3rd where 60% of people live.
You could use the same logic on that other scam. Carbon TetraFlouride. The ozone hole is over the South pole? Why? No one lives there! Why isn’t there a massive ozone hole over the north pole if it is all due to human ’emissions’?
“Now, why would they do that, the upgrade I mean, if coal fired power was such a relic which needs to be replaced?”
Also why did the QLD govt decide to ‘repair’ Callide C4 turbine.
Tony, have you been following this saga, what’s your take on what caused the ‘Explosion’.
I think the official version is bs.
(Huh! I started to reply to this two hours back now. Wrote the whole comment, sort of rewritten below, and then, during the proof reading of the comment, that comment disappeared when I opened the link instead of ….. ‘open in a new window’, and then promptly forgot which link I made the mistake on, and lost the whole comment. Looked for ages, but the more I looked, the further away it all got. Stop it Tony, and come back later and do it all again, so sorry this is later than it should have been.)
Okay, so within minutes of the power coming back on after this ‘event’, I was at work trying to trace the failure, easily enough done after years of knowing where to look. Enough to start writing a whole Post about it that same night, and into the following morning, and posting it the following afternoon.
That Post of mine is at this link – The Queensland Blackout – Tuesday 24 May 2021
Joanne also constructed a Post at this link – Queensland’s Near Miss: hydrogen may have exploded at a coal plant (and renewables don’t save the day)
Now, on the day after the event, I received a pretty cryptic email which included an image taken of the inside of the Unit, showing the horrendously twisted and snapped shaft, an image that could only have been taken by an insider, someone I did not know, still don’t, but it was absolutely spectacular. The email said ….. Tony, you know what this is, and that I could not use the image anywhere. I kept the confidence. A few days later, another image ‘leaked’.
That was the image at this link.
It was a stark image for one thing, just for something not many people would notice, (that thing in the foreground with the tape around it) and it confirmed what I couldn’t speculate on. (well wouldn’t really, for fear of looking a little foolish if it was wrong)
That image was followed a little later by the image shown at this link.
This is a close up of the earlier image showing that item in the foreground, part of the drive shaft for the turbine/generator unit.
Note closely the twisting at the top of this shaft, and the ‘snap’ point. This ‘item’ twisted, snapped, and, umm, ‘took off’. The roof stopped it from finding a resting place ‘somewhere else’, and it then fell back down and embedded into the floor.
What you see here weighs close on 400 Kg.
Now imagine the forces involved here, as one side of that shaft instantly stopped rotating, whilst the huge weight of the now ‘freewheeling’ generator was still driving the shaft on the other side of where it snapped.
Both Joanne and I mentioned that these newer generators are Hydrogen cooled, so this was a hydrogen explosion. For information on this see the generator at this link, and while the Callide Unit was a Toshiba, the technology is basically the same.
Oh, and remember that phrase ….. stranded assets. GE still make these generators, still have buyers, still make profit from them, and still invest money finding improvements to the technology. Oh, and only coal fired power can drive generators like these.
It’s now been almost three years since it happened, but as the Minister said in his press conference that same night as the accident, don’t worry, it’ll be back on line real soon.
Yeah, right!
Hydrogen cooled.
Unbelievable, why didn’t they just use petrol and be done with it.
Thanks for the CF figure Tony. This is the first time I’ve seen anybody quote an actual solar CF figure for Australia – a lot lower than I expected.
‘CF of, ummm 16.26%’….& ‘just 5.4% more energy than ONE four unit dinosaur power plant’ …. ummm in the words of our legend (sarc) of an energy minister Chris Bowen, ‘we need to double down on renewables investment urgently’. In light of the many FACTS documented by Tony, such statements by Mr Bowen are nothing but fraudulent & malicious. Such idiocy is accelerating the demise of Australia’s electricity supply grid & the std of living resulting from it. Mean while the Federal labor party & ministerial clowns like Bowen will be out on their ear @ the next election with access to fully bloated super & answerable to no one for the calamity HE/THEY created during their time in office at the reins. Duh!
Imagine the stress on the power network as this lot switches in and out every day and with every passing cloud. What could possibly go wrong !
That is no longer an issue, you just need, capacitors, batteries, flywheels, windmills, wave generators, pumped hydro and a couple of interconnectors and someone else’s money, a lot of someone else’s money.
In Australia there is “serious” discussion that an area five times that of Tasmania will be required for solar panels to replace Australia’s current export of fossil fuels!
The visual representation of Australia’s exports and where they go in this report explains why so many Chinese are already “invading” Australia with Labor’s record immigration and buying up prime real estate.
Australia’s destiny is to be Hong Kong Mk 2.
Convince me that I am wrong.
“That is not a solar project – this is a solar project”
1,900,000 MW of solar panels all made in China.
If only battery storage is available, then the economic capacity factor for solar comes down to around 5%. So all that land area is equivalent to one good sized Chinese power station.
But remember you still need to buy 250GWh of battery capacity to get to the 5% for an on-demand system without leaning on another network generation
Australia is now saturated with wind and solar generation. Yesterday in Melbourne was the first Saturday this summer that my solar system was not backing off due to over voltage. The only way to increase it is to build more storage. And that is proving to be REALLY expensive.
South Australia was able to lean on Victoria to get its high “renewable” penetration but the whole grid is now up around the 30% penetration where saturation becomes obvious. Texas is an isolated grid and now close to saturation. It is becoming clear that new solar just lowers wind capacity factor. The fact is, there tends to be more wind during the day than at night. This link shows wind at Fawkner beacon near my preferred spot for offshore wind:
Note how the wind dropped down in the early morning. That is quite common. In Australia, rooftops are lowering the capacity factor of wind farms as well as solar farms.
All the stuff needed to make on-demand power from wind and solar would need to last at least 200 years to recover the energy from the fossil fuels that went into making it. Bloomberg estimated USD200tr to go NutZero globally. At current coal prices that is 1600Gt of coal. Enough to last 200 years at current coal consumption or 70 years for all energy. China is burning more than half the world’s coal to make all the useless stuff that will never produce more energy than the energy used to make it. It is not value-adding manufacturing. It is a huge waste of global resources.
I could be proven wrong, but I expect January 2025 will see the brakes go on with “renewable” projects in the USA. Reality will be front and centre. Value will replace fairy dust as the basis of economic decisions.
Try A$10 TRILLION to provide enough battery back up power to replace coal and natural gas as back up for wind and solar (with some hydro)
Australia’s GDP is only around $1.6 Trillion)
Starts to make nuclear power a viable alternative if you are not a CO2 Lover.
The largest coal fired power station is only half the vcapacity of China’s largest
The Eraring power station comprises four 720 MW coal fired generator units and one 42 MW diesel generator. This gives it an overall generating capacity of 2,922 MW and makes it Australia’s largest power station. It accounts for approximately 25% of New South Wales’ power requirements.
The first turbo-alternator was brought online in 1982, with the second and third in 1983, and the fourth in 1984
Therefore one new Chinese size power station could provide 50% of NSW electricty requirements.
Or a four-unit nuclear plant like Barakah, producing 5.6GW.
That’s a good visual to give in conversation
Is that a ‘Nameplate Mw or a real Mw.
Asking for a friend.
A solar farm requires 17 times more acreage to produce the same nameplate as a coal power station. So when you take its CF into account, its acreage required is over 50 times.
Due to orbital precession of the moon it has an 18.6 year period wobble with respect to the ecliptic.
This affects earth’s tides.
There is nothing new or unusual in this, of course.
But never let natural and real phenomena escape connection with “climate change”.
So climate catastrophists now connect the real orbital precession of the moon with fake catastrophic sea level rise leading to fatal flooding in the 2030’s.
So, that’s just enough time to secure about another ten years of tax payer funding for “researchers” involved in this.
Also see;
San Francisco is already planning a new expensive seawall.
What happened to all the real scientists that used to work at NASA (Nazi Assisted Space Agency !). they’ve lost a lot of respect recently.
What happened to all the real scientists who used to work at the CSIRO?
What happened to the real scientists who used to work at BOM?
Meteoromarxism has no place for a real scientist.
So I guess TPTB will be selling off their prime waterside real estate in the near future…yes?
Australian Total Government debt, i.e what the taxpayer has to have stolen from them by Government to repay total federal, state and local government debt.
The figure given for the Federal component does not agree with the $918bn shown at the government AOFM site:
However this never has to be repaid; rather it just gets rolled over. Also a decent portion of it is in Australian hands so those Australians get the interest paid on it. Foreign holdings have increased in recent times. Chine holds an estimated 20% of Federal debt.
The government debt gets paid down if interest rates go negative as has happened in Japan and Denmark as propensity to save overtakes propensity to spend. Denmark shifted back to positive interest rates in 2022 as inflation returned. But their interest rate was negative for years before then. If you had money in the banking system in Denmark, you paid for the banks to keep it safe. China may face the prospect of negative interest rates as its population stabilises at a lower value.
The important question is whether that debt was used to create value for the people of Australia. A lot of it has feathered the nests of academics and administrators tied up in the Government Class. In recent times we had the vote for the Voice – a project of the Government Class. It helps pay for their ABC, CSIRO and the hopeless BoM. Knock out those three and the budget would be close to balancing.
David, don’t be so harsh on our elected leaders and officials.
That total only amounts to about $150,000 per working Australian taxpayer.
With a good dose of quantitative easing over say ten years that burden could become insignificant.
Ha ha, welcome to phantasy land and 2024.
The world needs more inflation.
Hang on, they’d have to borrow more money for quantitative easing!
I think the way money is created and spent is even worse that the population control by vaccination, but in the end its Darwin at work as those most suitable to control humanity rise to the top.
With a few alterations this story could equally apply to Australia.
I don’t think we have yet developed full understanding of madness that has befallen us.
Someday, if we survive the totalitarianism that rode in on the twin horses of Climate and Pandemic, there will be a collection of hysterical images …
like the one on display here from Canada, the face of the new model of the new totalitarianism.
Go to time stamp 1:40 and watch for about a minute and half.
This actually happened.
The automaton with very clean hands is truly scary. Not hard to imagine her sending us all off to camps – for our own health and safety of course.
I’ll offer a testable prediction:
With Victoristan banning natural gas in new housing developments, there will be an increase in house fires because people will do their own DIY installations of propane cylinder cooking stoves etc..
Do not forget the house fires from battery pack installations for home solar panels and from recharging EV’s in our wonderful all electric Nirvana
It’s almost like Nero and the incendium magnum Romae but “climate change” (sic) and the things that had to be done to avoid it, rather than Christians will be blamed.
Asians have been doing this for years anyway. I would go to houses for work and saw a few gas bottle in the kitchen scenarios. I think they liked the big burner to get the wok hot, or when the stove top broke they didn’t bother fixing it and got a gas bottle. Grease all over the walls like an uncleaned restaurant kitchen. Astonishing hoarders too.
Brasil 1980’s too
A very common sight was the body truck with a high stack frame load of household use small cylinders
And electric heat shower heads
perhaps the Government should get automobiles to use natural gas? sarc! (I know the Federal Govt. made it uneconomical some time ago).
It has less CO2 emissions than petrol & diesel cars, is lighter than EVs so less road wear and is available in Australia not imported. And it would avoid the need for increased demand of electricity which our shaky grid would struggle to meet, even with the huge cost of transmission lines, batteries and lots of gas burning Peaker.
Time for a JUST CUT VEHICLE CARBON EMISSIONS campaign? Would make the Greenies furious.
I just love anything that infuriates the greenies.
Except you have admitted CO2 is an issue, the greenies will erect a statue of you, the prodigal son of climate change.
Looks like on-demand power showers will be a thing of the past. My understanding is that standard new homes in Australia have an electrical supply with a maximum current limit of around 60 to 65 amps. An electrical on-demand power shower will use about 18kW – which is 80 amps on 240v – so turn off the lights, turn off the heating and turn on the shower to enjoy your future semi-power shower. Shame really because power-showers are a breeze on gas, but so is everything; gas is the way to go if you need large amounts of power delivered instantly. Of course, billionaires probably have multiple industrial electrical supplies to their mansions, so they will still be okay, as usual.
Older apartment / unit buildings would be wired 3 phase.
And have instant on 3 phase electric hot water heaters
Doesn’t change the maximum draw by much though, just lowers the amperage
The models failed to predict the waters of the Coral Sea would remain warm.
Excellent article, but extremely boring outlook for us here in SA. As ever. Weather I mean before anybody makes a comment.
Just when you thought the SunCable madness was over….
Plus, Singaporeans aren’t stupid. Why would they have solar at the end of thousands of km of cable when they could just build a nuclear power plant or import coal, gas or nuclear electricity from a nearby country (if they weren’t concerned about energy independence).
More madness
As if Darwin wants more power from solar. I believe that there is still two large-scale solar farms that haven’t as yet been connected to the NT grid, and this delay has been going on for a few years.
Quote from “1984”. Unfortunately the Left interpret 1984 as an operations manual and follow it to the letter.
“Do you realize that the past, starting from yesterday, has been actually abolished? If it survives anywhere, it’s in a few solid objects with no words attached to them, like that lump of glass there. Already we know almost literally nothing about the Revolution and the years before the Revolution. Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself. After the thing is done, no evidence ever remains. The only evidence is inside my own mind, and I don’t know with any certainty that any other human being shares my memories. Just in that one instance, in my whole life, I did possess actual concrete evidence after the event – years after it.” (2.5.14, Winston to Julia)
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence.
If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful, you’re harmless.
– anon
/enormous power, speed and strength, just below the surface, controlled by mental discipline, out of necessity.
Sunday sarcasm
UK Cops Ridiculed For Saying (Still At Large) London Acid Attacker Could Be “North, South, East, West, Or Abroad”
12 people were injured, including two children, when Abdul Ezedi threw a “corrosive substance” at them in Clapham, south London last week.
Police initially failed to put out a proper description of the suspect for nearly 24 hours, and he has been on the loose ever since.
Now authorities are facing ridicule for basically admitting they have no idea where Ezedi has gone.
“He could have gone north, he could have gone east, south, west, or he could have gone abroad,” said Metropolitan Police Cmdr Savile, adding that his body could also be in the River Thames.
Just wait until he posts a mean tweet on FB.
There’ll be a whole squad at his house in record time.
WW3: German Gov’t Orders Citizens To Turn Their Homes Into Bomb Shelters
German newspaper Bild reports that the country’s national draft emergency defence plan has already assigned the construction of bomb shelters to civilians.
With only 579 functional bomb shelters in Germany, the government is counting on its citizens to convert their own homes into “fallout” shelters, setting up their own reinforced shelters in places such as basements and garages, in case a major war breaks out in Europe. Also, Bild quoted the head of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance Ralph Tiesler in saying that building new shelters by the government is “no longer feasible” due to time constraints.
You’re on your own and there’s no time left.
What a message.
Landcruisers and Nissan Patrols will be off the market by 2028 leaving farmers and tradies to rely on electric vehicles.
Do not forget that every time a EV bottoms out going over a large pot hole or rough country the battery pack at the floor of the EV is likely to suffer some damage {even if minor} – requiring a total battery pack replacement!
“Texas-built Model Y, whose new structural battery pack has been described by experts as having “zero repairability.”
So the Tesla Y has become a throwaway car, whose life is determined by its battery health.
Farmers are very resourceful operators. When new technologies/ machinery become available overseas they simply just import them direct from the manufacturer. Also, over the last decades have formed buying groups to bulk purchase and get better deals on things like cropping inputs. If Landcruisers/ Hilux/ Patrols etc become unavailable after 2028 in Australia, I would have no doubt farmers would just bulk purchase ICE vehicles from other RHD countries who have not gone down this crazy path. So, Thailand or maybe even Japan itself and bypass local dealers. It’s what ISIS and the Taliban seemed to do, would be easy for Aussie farmers.
I think when they say baning imports they don’t mean BYO.
New disease
Dr. John Campbell
An unashamed plug for CO₂
This article:
Stop letting governments hide behind “climate change action” or whatever other euphemisms they use.
It’s deindustrialisation, pure and simple.
Around 95 per cent of Singapore’s electricity is produced using piped or liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Australia has just overtaken Qatar are the world’s largest exporter of natural gas.
Hard for any alterantive to beat the price and reliablity of electricty produced from natural gas.
When the sun sets in Western Australia or its the monsoon season it will still be natural gas to the rescue.
In northern Australia, the prevailing wind is from the east or southeast for most of the year, but during active monsoon periods (occurring any time during November to April) the winds shift to become northwesterly at the surface As the Australian summer approaches, the continent heats up.
“Australia has just overtaken Qatar are the world’s largest exporter of natural gas.”
I hope you hide this from Joey.
Otherwise, he will attempt to destroy
Australia just like his destruction of the USA.
The WA SWIS grid has been working overtime recently, having to deliver over 4GW during a lot of hot windless nights after daytime temps of 39-42C. Mostly gas and coal doing the heavy lifting.
In the UK, a Labour by-election candidate has outrageously alleged that Israel deliberately allowed 1,400 of its citizens to be massacred on October 7 in order to give it the ‘green light’ to invade Gaza. His name is Azhar Ali and he seeks election in Rochdale, which has a large immigrant population.
It is also where a number of child grooming gangs targeting young white girls operated. The ring leaders were Abdul Qayyum, Hamid Safi, Kabeer Hassan, Abdul Rauf; Abdul Aziz, Mohammed Amin, Adil Khan and Mohammed Sajid.
Rochdale is a northern industrial town that seems to have changed dramatically in recent decades, for some unknown reason.
“outrageously alleged that Israel deliberately allowed 1,400 of its citizens to be massacred on October 7 in order to give it the ‘green light’ to invade Gaza. ”
Uh-huh.. either that or the greatest spy agency in the world knew nothing about their neighbours building Km of tunnels and stacking arms up in warehouses… Not to mention the Israeli soldiers saying the helicopters fired on everyone at the music festival because they couldn’t tell friend from enemy..
Its a muddy world in politics.
“Extreme weather” events are usually described as a “One in a hundred year flood” or “One in a 500 year flood” etc.
If Australia is to rely on weather-dependent wind and solar then any battery or pumped hydro back-up system will need to be designed for extended periods of cloudy weather {monsoon season in Northern Australia} and for extended periods of low wind. These periods vary from year to year.
So what “safety limit” would deemed to be acceptable – a one in 10 year excessive overcast or one in ten year low wind period? Or 1 in 100 years or 1` in a 1000 years?
Get it wrong and the whole east or west coast power grid could go down in a “bad year”
In the UK the goverment funded boffins only looked at one year of weather data before advising the government on “Net Zero” costings.
The climate clowns have told us endlessly that the weather is going to get more unpredictable so they go and saddle us all with an electricity grid that is WEATHER DEPENDANT.
Having enough battery back-up for say a 1 in 100 years adverse cloudy or windless period would mean that for an average year only say around 50% of the back-up battery capacity would be used.
So 50% of a mullti $Trillion investment would be under-utilised in a typical year – how do you sell this to consumers who are already struggling to pay their electricity bills?
Grid failure is the more likely outcome as insufficient battery back-up would be added in “good years”, since it would be hard to justify to long suffering electrity bill payers in a typical 3 year election cycle.
95% vaxxination rate, they will buy anything.
From the Grauniad.
Going to get lots worse if EVs are taken up.
“BEVs are becoming lighter very fast” – what planet are the academic clowns living on?
Wow. I knew some people are hard on their tyres, but for the average mileage (ICE vehicles) to be so low surprises me, and makes me wonder if some fudging went on, to bring ICE and EV mileage closer together. I got 90,000kms (56,250miles) out of the last set on my X-Trail SUV.
You are an outlier Steve, possibly even a nuisance to other road users, but that I wouldn’t know.
As the oceans boil, and the rivers dry up and the forests die, it’s snowing and flooding in one of the hottest places on earth, Death Valley, Californiastan.
Pineapple Express delivers ‘boiling snow’ and ‘hot floods’ to Death Valley because carbon [sic] has totally cooked El Niño – or something.
Dems are aware that Biden has to go, but how to do this is uncertain.
“Calling Michael Obama! Calling Michael Obama. Your presidency is ready!”
It’s all going nicely to plan. Get ready for the fourth Obama presidency.
Trump or “Michelle” Obummer.
May the best man win. 😆
I expect that, when Michael starts her campaign, she will talk a lot about how Biden’s age let him down – and how Trump is more or less the same age. The script almost writes itself. She will not of course give Trump any credit for functioning at such a high level – way, WAY above what Biden was capable of. She will simply use age as a weapon, “Let’s not make the same mistake twice.” kind of thing.
Big Mike [to keep JCII happy] is even less popular than Hillary outside the self-hating white, educated women. Can the faithful be relied on to switch horses once they realise they have been taken for a ride with the “Biden is fine” lie?
Further to the Quadrant article, he says that Nixon was persuaded to resign by a “party elder” who visited him one evening, to tell him “the time has come”. I’m not at all sure that Biden would heed such a request, not just because he’s belligerent and stubborn, but because he’s just too far gone to really understand anything.
Expect his resignation speech to be approx 30secs long and delivered by a semi-comatose (heavily sedated) president – if in fact it isn’t done by somebody else.
Geriatric sock puppet Biden has spent over 50% of his Presidency at his holiday house on the beach. This is a new take on Weekend at Biden’s. Even his Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin disappeared for a major operation without telling anyone. Now who has those nuclear codes again?
I watched Jason Statham’s latest flick, The Beekeeper, last night and it was a good action flick.
More interesting though were the blatant parallels to the current US gubermint presidential family.
How did they ever get this film released!😆
See it and you’ll understand.
Is it silly though? I enjoy action flicks, but lately the effects and action sequences are just plain ridiculous. Case in point the absurd John Wick sequels.
I have so far enjoyed the Equalizer movies (haven’t seen the latest one yet) though I wish that, just once, the story didn’t involve righteous black guy kicks the sh1t out of evil white guy.
Dutch fishermen now standing with the farmers
Fish is meat too…
The media is unsurprisingly obsessed with Barnaby Joyce’s embarrassing behaviour in Canberra, where he drunkenly (it is alleged) fell off his seat while talking to his wife. There is the usual tsunami of calls to resign from his haters.
As stupid as he was, his behaviour (IMO) pales in comparison to former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s, who was also caught on a drunken night out, but in America where, instead of calling his wife, he chose instead to visit a strip club.
Rudd’s intimate knowledge of America’s ‘adult’ nightlife is clearly seen as a good thing by the left, because he was subsequently appointed Australia’s Ambassador to the United States, thank you very much.
I believe Kevin07 is still with his wife?
You know, morals, highground and all that.
Small towns in the USA getting screwed by multi-nationals stitching them up with smart water meters… coming to a town near you soon!
‘Exposé Highlights Costly “Smart” Water Meter Deployment Disasters in Multiple Cities and States ‘
“From 2012 to 2015, Missouri American Water installed thousands of Mueller meters. Regulators reported that the meters had “several different kinds of defects,” leading to inaccurate readings or none at all. In August 2015, the utility began a costly campaign to replace 24,000 of the nearly 100,000 that had been installed.”
From the BBC … so it must be true.
“E-bikes London’s fastest growing fire risk, says fire service”
“LFB said there was a 78% increase in e-bike fires in 2023 compared to 2022, with 155 e-bike fires and 28 e-scooter fires recorded last year.
“Three people died in the fires and about 60 people were hurt.”
So, if the BBC is admitting, publicly, that e-thingies are not without risk – “Three people died in the fires and about 60 people were hurt” in London alone, last year – perhaps there ought to be some reconsideration of their merits – for bikes, scooters, cars – at the top of Government.
But it’s the UK.
Will Whitehall [the lair of the Civil Serpents] or Westminster [where Pollies get several trotters into the trough] listen?
Will they take effective action?
Oh, I can imagine a Beer Scooter Directorate, with mandatory weekly inspections [at an out-of-town centre!]; electronic certificates [administered by Fujitsu!]; and multiple fat bonuses [to go with the index-linked pensions] for the Civil Serpents if they achieve even a 10% inspection rate.
But education? – or stopping cheap [not necessarily Chinese] kit? – ahh – not so much.
Beer Goggles on a beer Scooter!
Nothing more dangerous to the sole occupant of said vehicle or someone believing they are safe on a footpath.
“The garden utopia is not blooming as we were promised;
Plant-based meat spiked in popularity in 2016 when the Impossible Burger and the Beyond Burger — both made to look and taste like beef — launched and gained mainstream media attention. Some ingredients that make up plant-based meat include soy, potato, pea protein, artificial flavors, coconut oil, beans, etc.
Now, start-up companies who produce plant-based meat products are experimenting with blending animal fat into plant-based ingredients as they are now prioritizing taste over sustainability, according to the Post. Companies also don’t mind straying away from its vegan and vegetarian customers as they are more interested in reaching a larger base of consumers.”
According to a recent Gallup survey, in the United States, only 4% of Americans claim they are vegetarian and 1% vegan, revealing a slight decline to figures that were seen in previous years. In 2018, 5% of Americans in the survey claimed they were vegetarian, and 3% said they were vegan.”
I did attend Will Happer’s lecture in Melbourne. A charming gentleman, he presents his arguments with disarming good humour. His principal point in his precise area of lifetime expertise of upper atmosphere physics is that duplicating the aborption spectrum of CO2 precisely is possible and then doubling CO2 concentration does NOT increase absoprtion. Or simply, he can prove CO2 greenhouse contribution is ‘saturated’, without effect.
Prof Happer likens this in his Mid West way as painting the barn red twice. The extra paint makes no difference. Our own Prof Ian Plimer said the same thing for years, that drawing a second blind makes little difference.
However I found that both he and Prof Peter Ridd were hung up on the 50% increase in CO2 being man made. They were quick to concede that point and wanted to move on. Peter would not accept that there was any other explanation but human activity.
I remain aghast. Not just because it is demonstrably not true and illogical but that it allows the idea that humans can change and have changed CO2 to persist. At that point many people are emotionally lost to the warmist logic or the idea that CO2 is 33% polluted by ‘industrial’ emissions.
What they lack is any understanding that CO2 is in constant world equilibrium between ocean and sky with 98% of it in the ocean. And the process of bidirectional exchange is massive and very fast because CO2 is 30x more soluble than even O2 which fish breathe.
Prof Happer does have a party trick where he measures the CO2 in the room and find its much higher than 0.042%. But he fails to point out that this is true on a global scale that if man made CO2 accumulated, it should be much higher in the Shanghai/Los Angeles latitudes than where he was in Melbourne, Australia in a third of the planet where only 2% of people/planes/ships/cars/animals live.
Basically it is abundantly obvious that CO2 is a near constant from pole to pole at all times regardless of human activity or population. That simple fact should tell you that it is a consequence of temperature like all dissolved gases and not a consequence of human activity.
But perhaps it’s too obvious, so use radio(active) carbon dating and absolutely prove the same thing. I have counted 36 papers from 1958 to 2023 which say the same thing. There is no man made CO2 in the air because it exchanges so quickly. There is almost zero actual historic CO2 from 1958 still in the air today. It’s a self cleaning system, as if CO2 was dirty. Or the other product of evil industrial burning or combustion, H2O.
Prof Happer does have another party trick, the 2016 NASA report on the 14% Greening of the earth. This was done by spectral analysis of the light reflected into space, again his field.
and he says correctly that CO2 is the ‘gas of life’. He is right again, but misses the bigger point
that having grown so many trees as to double the Brazilian Rainforest or cover Australia twice over with trees,
CO2 has not gone down!
And this means all the CO2 farming is nonsense. We in Australia are particularly savaged by this non science as all major companies in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, aircraft, transport now have to buy Australian farming credits or face heavy fines. At 5% increase a year for 7 years or 35% of their turnover. It’s total science nonsense brought to your by your Australian Federal Government and makes what is going on in Europe seem mild.
Hi TdeF. Thanks for laying out the skeptical AGW argument.
While I believe Happer is instrumental in combating GHE of GH gas hysteria, this further argument gets neglected.
There is a strong need for this Jesus to bet revised and restated, so that it gains traction. The humans=ecological evil paradigm should be questioned if not jettisoned entirely.
It deserves re-airing, debate, and further empirical testing.