A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Barclays Bank [UK] looks as if it will go over to whale oil! For ALL its operations.
Save the Whales!
“Barclays to end direct financing of new oil and gas fields”
And international bankers wouldn’t be hypocrites … would they?
Oh, perish the thought!
But international bankers would be keen to concentrate oil and gas supply in the hands of national governments – one or two of whom might not be thought to be very nice, at all!
[Clues – Tehran, Moscow, Beijing, Riyadh, Edinburgh, Maputo, Tripoli, Oslo, Algiers. And, for some, London and DC. Etc.]
The BBC writes –
“Last year, a campaign group including the actress Emma Thompson and the film director Richard Curtis called on the All England Lawn Tennis Club to remove Barclays as a sponsor of Wimbledon. They claimed the bank was “profiting from climate chaos”.”
Obviously Emma ‘I’ll fly round the world for a demo against fossil fuels’ Thompson and Mr Curtis can see further ahead in international politics than mere mortals like us.
They know that a trace gas – with no evidence – is going to boil the oceans next week, or next year. And end civilisation ‘as we know it’!
And that we should all drive EVs – if we can afford to. And if not – I guess ‘Tough Ti++y’ …
And Barclays takes these self-appointed demi-gods seriously?
I don’t.
I see Barclays is taking over many of Tesco bank’s operations in the UK.
I will look for alternative places to donate to the retirement funds of “wonderful international bankers”, thanks.
Now what does the UK rely on when the wind stops blowing and all those wind turbines stop turning?
Norway and the USA have no need for Barclays banking services.
We rely on our unlimited sunshine powering our solar panels. Even when it is night.
The reality of ALL of the island of Great Britain [the big one] being North of Winnipeg [the one in Canada, to avoid doubt] only makes those solar panels so much more effective.
Especially if they have the Spanish system … where they collect subsidies at night, too – as well as hand over fist by day.
[By shining bright electric lights on them, for those who missed that first time round. Yes, honestly!].
I assume Barlays will still finance offshore wind farms?
Fun Fact
Meanwhile in Victoriastan natural gas is being banned for new homes and fracking to obtain natural gas has also been banned.
Logic plays no part in the Climate Change Cult {CCC}
I don’t remember the actual totals for royalties, but it might have been something like, Australia $0.5 billion, Qatar $15 billion?
Biden Admin Gives ‘Low Income’ EV Charger Subsidies to… Martha’s Vineyard
All very Babylon Bee ish.
Fun fact: Michael E Mann is not a Nobel Prize recipient.
But he claims to be on the basis of one thousandths of one half of an award by the Nobel Peace Price Committee**.
If only they had known about the trouble and fights he would unleash they might have reconsidered.
**He wasn’t specailly mentioned.
PETA calls on amusement ride manufacturer to stop selling animal-themed carousels
Yes. Let’s pretend animals don’t exist.
BTW, I am also a member of PETA.
That’ll trigger a few Lefties…
That’ll trigger a few Lefties…
Really? I doubt many Lefties visit this site which is 99% conservative and leans to the Right
Riding on Animals
Because the Australian Aborigials never domesticated any animals to act as pack carriers or wagon pullers {did not invent the wheel} female aboriginals took on the role of pack animals when moving camp.
This was a major reason that infanticide was commonly practiced since only one child under the age of two or three could be carried by its mother when moving camp.
But aren’t a lot of these carousels using rainbow coloured unicorns?
Biden waa considered mentally incompetent by special counsel to potentially* face court over classified documents breach but apparently he’s still consideres OK to remain as US President.
“Note that a US President arguably enjoys immunity from most prosecution while in office but can be removed from office by Congress for “high crimes and misdeamenors” or for medical incapacity.
Conservative YouTube channel “Mike vs Everyone” discusses the case in the following video. There is also a section with Lamestream media praising Biden and doing apologetics for him.
Interesting to compare Putin’s interview with Tucker and Biden’s performance before the Press Pack.
If the Democrats had not stolen the last election Trump would have brought the Ulkraine War to a speedy end and wpold not have allowed Borris Johnston to scupper peace talks.
Biden got off in a way that gives Trump nothing to work with for his own legal defence.
Biden, according to Hannity on Fox News this am, has a 36year history of storing official documents. It started when he was but a Senator or whatever. Why was he never charged even in those lowly times? It continued and was illegal in his VP days. His ‘security’ was as open cartons in his very untidy garage. There is a precedent here to be explained as to why Trump was charged and Biden never – until to be seen neutral by the DOJ after that charging. I would suggest the only reason Biden was charged was because his mental deterioration, already noticeable at the last election campaign, was always going to be an out.
Closing down the Biden charge, would come with the shutting down of an entire expose in a trial about who are the forces that have been governing behind Biden as POTUS, just needing his signature, and what is their relationship to the legal systems of enforcement in the USA.
Maybe this has precipitated such a media storm in the USA, some of these questions will begin breaking down the facade hiding the current truth on the way the USA is now governed, and by whom, behind, but with all the powers of the POTUS!
Biden’s handlers probably paid Carlson to interview Putin and release it right now. The interview is a non-event a far as new information goes, I didn’t learn anything I haven’t seen in the past… well, maybe a history of Russia from the Middle Ages.
In Melbournistan some media outlet warned of high heat over the next few days.
But predicted max. temps are as follows:
Sat 26C 79F
Sun 34C 93F
Mon 35C 95F
Tue 35C 95F
Nothing remarkable for an Australian summer.
But remarkable in the sense that we get so few hot days now compared to say, the nineteen seventies.
And through this coolest of summers apparently we had hotter nights. Who would have thunk it.
When did those happen? I must have missed them!
And in NSW
17 Jan 2023: Sydney’s official weather station just north of the CBD had recorded 330 consecutive days below 30C, second only to the record 339 days from 1882 to 1883.
This “global boiling” has been a huge bummer.
I suspect that Mr ‘Global Boiling’ mixed up his Celsius and his Fahrenheit.
Boiling oceans must be true because I have seen cooked seafood in supermarkets.
And meat and produce indicating that farms are no longer necessary.
We keep getting told how cheap electricity is from solar and wind plantations but can someone cite a single example of where electricity is getting cheaper due to adding more W & S or where W & S operates without some form of subsidy?
It feels like we are living in the Orwellian scenario portrayed in Nineteen Eighty Four.
Shouldn’t someone be held to account for obvious lies such as the following:
Does “firmed renewables” mean unreliable weather-dependent wind and solar {with some hydro) backed up with batteries?
The cost of back-up batteries to replace coal and natural gas back up is around $10 TRILLION (Australia’s GDP is around %1.6 Trillion) before allowing for extra demand to recharge EVs replacing ICE cars and trucks.
Therefore this statement is easy proven to be a complete lie.
Fueling the internet AI will dwarf fueling EVs.
No mention of offshore wind? Chrissy Bowen’s favourite.
Offshore floating is four times the cost on onshore wind!
Capital expenditures (CapEx)
Onshore $/kW 1,501
Offshore fixed platform $/kW 3,871
Offshore floating platform $/kW 5,577
Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)
Onshore $/MWh 34
Offshore fixed platform $/MWh 78
Offshore floating platform $/MWh 133
Onshore turbine operators pay private landowners c.$40,000 per turbine per year for use of their land (Helen Trinca ‘The Weekend Australian’ Feb 10-11, 2024 – Business Review p.39).
Offshore turbine operators pay $0 per turbine per year for the use of Australia’s prime seascape?. And nothing to the coastal residents with now blighted sea views day & night (from the necessity to adorn each turbine’s nacelle (150+ m above sea level) with bright red warning lights for ship & aircraft). And as for migrating whales during pile driving construction and beyond? Collateral damage? Tough ti–ies.
Can the CSIRO, and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) explain why the cost of electrity in Germany which has embraced “firmed wind and solar” twice that to consumers as what it is in Ausralia with all those “unreliable” coal fired power stations?
How do such ignorant incompetents get into government?
By telling gullible masses what they want to hear and by not being able to stuff things up from opposition benches, I think Annie
Just got my Qld summer power bill and the rate per kwh has gone up from 22c to 30c from this time last year. I think this means it has got… more expensive?
Lucky you are not living in wind power obsessed Germany where it costs around 68C per KWh!
But expect electricity costs to double in Australia over the next few years.
According to Canstarblue average rates for States are 09/10/23 (cents per kWh)
Qld 31.7
NSW 35.9 to 38.9
Victoria 26.7 to 30.7
SA 45.3 highest level of renewables
Tasmania 29.5
ACT 26.6 which doesn’t generate anything but gets the cheapest supply????
There are special filters on the power lines from NSW to the ACT that ensure that only electricity produced from “renewables” is allowed in and not any dirty coal generated electricity.
Are you self-censoring? I was just penning a comment on an article in The Spectator and also a comment an article in this blog, when I decided that, the world being the way it is, it is just too risky for conservatives (true conservatives) to express opinions on anything the least bit controversial. So, once again, I’ve completed the comments but have not sent them. Instead, they will join hundreds of other comments saved in a folder and marked as ‘Not Sent’.
Don’t blame the Left for what they are doing. They have made both their agenda, and the means they are prepared to use to execute their agenda, quite clear. On the face of it they may seem to be our enemy, but the truth of it is much more disheartening. Look around the world and you will see that, in many cases, the true enemy of conservatives is ‘conservative’ governments that are not only failing to push back against the Left’s global agenda, but, in many cases, are devoting their efforts solely to policies that, clearly, will not address the issues of concern but instead are designed to deceive their constituency into believing that they are pursuing their interests.
There are no Conservative Govts in the offing, except Argentina’s, as far as I can see. The Right Wing has moved so far Left they cannot be described as Conservative anymore. Anyone who votes for either deserves the Govt they get, good and hard!
I’m happy to voice my opinion/comments, I don’t care who I upset, because if we let it progress the world will be a far worse place for our grandchildren.
Exactly, I am so over patting people on the head.
Hungary? To some extent – admittedly this is highly contestable – maybe Poland, Italy, Denmark, Taiwan, Singapore. Who knows about NL – maybe the EU-aligned forces of darkness will prevent Wilders from gaining power. All Muslim countries are “conservative” but not in a nice way.
Pfizer is not coping well with the post covid hangover, they made a nett loss in Q4 last year and their share price is off 40%.
I can understand the SP drop as the river of gold from the vax dries up but I don’t understand the actual quarterly loss. Cost of sales is $7.6b and Selling, Informational and Administration is $4.6b. Seems buying politicians and media doesn’t come cheap. As I hear it there is a LOT of drug advertisement on TV and it is not so much to sell the product to the peons as to buy favourable press from media.
Interesting cash flow chart here:
No need to panic – the next plandemic is in the works and expect it to arrive before the November elections in the USA.
Nah, why tank the economy again? Trump’s not in power.
2024 just keeps on getting more interesting.
There’s a lot of talk about the Democrats bringing in a last minute replacement candidate to run in 2024 for Joe Biden since it’s been publicly proven that he is unfit for office, much less able to run again for another 4 years. There’s a problem though that people aren’t thinking about.
Every single state has their own election laws that REQUIRE a candidate to have filed, paid the fees, and aquired the necessary signatures (sometimes as many as several thousand from EVERY voting district in that state) before they can run as a presidential candidate in that state. There’s only 11 states and DC left whose filing dates haven’t already passed. Half of those remaining 11 state’s final filing dates are today, February 9th, 2024.
-New Jersey
-New Mexico
-South Dakota
– District of Columbia
People say “oh they’ll just change the laws in the 39 states whose final filing dates have already passed”. Well, there are laws preventing that as well. Most states say any changes made to the election laws must be completed before the state begins accepting applications from potential candidates. In fact, many states say new election laws passed will not take effect until the following election cycle. So, change them in 2024, they won’t take effect until 2028.
There’s protection here provided to someone in Trump’s position. If a state tries to alter it’s election laws to allow a last minute registration or a last minute change to their laws, Trump can use the state’s own statutes against them and sue to stop them with a court injunction. State election laws are pretty well set in stone if not changed on time. Unless those “replacement candidates” filed discretely long ago, the deadline to file has already passed in 39 states.
Even the demonrats don’t want Captain kiddysniff and there are no worthwhile or liked alternatives.
There’s no way Biden will win a legitimate election and everyone knows it.
So…what WILL happen?
Pandemic-X or war no doubt, allowing Biden to stay fake president under emergency powers, and suspend the election.
What other choices do they have?
I have heard so many say that the switcharoo can happen at or post the DNC convention that it must be right and that this is the preferred time because it allows them to sideline Cackling Kamala who they know can’t possibly win an election.
The big problem is that their EDI severely limits their choices in a field of candidates of spectacular incompetence. If they dump Joe they couldn’t nominate another white male lest they alienate their only solid voting bloc: Suburban, educated women.
The Dems career and succession planning leaves a lot to be desired, at least viewed from the outside. The lack of talent , integrity and competence is quite something to behold. Coming from a country “lead” by Albanese and his front bench clown car gang, I guess I should be more circumspect.
One Nation MP slams the NSW Nationals and Liberals for supporting Greens 2035 Net Zero target
Video from the link, 7 mins
They Think We’re Stupid: RACISM Is Causing Heart Failure Spike among Black People – Mayo Clinic Doctor
A politicized “expert” from the Mayo Clinic has argued that heart failure is soaring among black people because of racism.
The claim was made by Dr. LaPrincess Brewer, a medical doctor whose research “seeks to better elucidate the social determinants of cardiovascular health and how they contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in cardiovascular disease,” according to her online biography.
The Mayo Clinic News Network reported that the organization’s so-called “experts” now believe that heart failure has skyrocketed in the past three years because of racism
“African Americans, unfortunately, have the highest rates of uncontrolled hypertension in the world, which dramatically increases their risk for developing heart disease,” Brewer noted.
Common risk factors for hypertension include obesity; lack of exercise; high-sodium or low-potassium diets; and frequent use of tobacco, alcohol, or amphetamines.
However, Brewer claimed that soaring hypertension rates were due not to decisions made by black people, but rather to systemic racism or socioeconomic issues.
But only the past 3 years…
None so blind.
Vitamin D deficiency + Covid and/or a jab or two perhaps?
Saturday sarcasm
Biden is to travel to Ukraine to ask for $14 Billion in aid for the war against Texas.
That’s funny.
He could go to Putin. Biden’s man Tucker has been on a diplomatic mission to Russia to smooth the water for Biden:
I think Biden would have to drop his NutZero fettish though if he wants to get money from Putin. Russia needs fossil fuel sales.
I am opposed to net zero emissions politics, net zero economic prosperity, however I am also fed up with the leftists propaganda including misquoting political opponents.
Put into perspective PM Morrison travelled to the UK for several reasons and one of course was COP Glasgow. He also had discussions with PM Johnson and POTOS Biden regarding the under negotiation since early 2019 AUKUS Partnership. AUKUS evolved from discussions between POTUS Trump and PM Morrison in the US at private Trump residence after the official dinner in Washington. They also agreed to revive Quad (India, Japan, Australia, United States) defence agreement at that time. And another reason involved discussing Small Nuclear Reactors (SMR) with Rolls Royce UK and the UK Government generally about nuclear power stations.
PM Morrison was pushed by POTUS Biden and PM Johnson to sign Australia to a net zero emissions agreement as requested by the UN IPCC. Our PM followed the protection of the Australian economy policy and declined from signing, but instead he pledged to adopt “an aspirational goal” to achieve net zero emissions over time based on developing new technologies, and without damaging the economy.
AUKUS Partnership was signed by PM Johnson, POTUS Biden and PM Morrison in September 2021.
Response: can we assist with U Cranium?
14 days to flatten the curve, safe and effective.
This is why that POS is no longer with us
Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds
The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a tipping point that is “bad news for the climate system and humanity”, a study has found.
The scientists behind the research said they were shocked at the forecast speed of collapse once the point is reached, although they said it was not yet possible to predict how soon that would happen.
Using computer models and past data, the researchers developed an early warning indicator for the breakdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc), a vast system of ocean currents that is a key component in global climate regulation.
They found Amoc is already on track towards an abrupt shift, which has not happened for more than 10,000 years and would have dire implications for large parts of the world.
Amoc, which encompasses part of the Gulf Stream and other powerful currents, is a marine conveyer belt that carries heat, carbon and nutrients from the tropics towards the Arctic Circle, where it cools and sinks into the deep ocean. This churning helps to distribute energy around the Earth and modulates the impact of human-caused global heating.
Sounds familiar. What was that Italian uni years ago that predicted the same thing was imminent?
Of course if it does happen it’d be catastrophic. Egypt collapsed because of just that when the Nile completely dried up.
But John,
What’s this 10,000 year business. Wouldn’t that put it a bit before the Industrial Revolution when it all started?
Dave B
The climate system of the Earth underwent glacial–interglacial cycles associated with growth and decay of continental ice sheets, driven by insolation changes as the external forcing, and by climate system feedbacks. The transition from the glacial state to the interglacial state (deglaciation) typically occurred within about 10,000 years, characterized by global warming and melting of continental ice sheets. Based on geological reconstructions from multiple lines of evidence, there were significant differences in the climate events of the last two deglaciations and the climate states of the following interglacials4. In particular, during the last deglaciation (glacial Termination 1, ~ 19 to 11 ka BP, hereafter referred to as T1), there was abrupt strengthening in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which caused the Bolling–Allerod (BA) warming event during the middle stage5,6. After the BA warming, the climate of the Antarctic region followed a cooling trend known as Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR, 14.5 to 12.8 ka BP), followed by the Younger Dryas (YD, 12.8 to 11.6 ka BP), characterized by weakening in the AMOC and Antarctic warming until the onset of the present interglacial. In contrast, during the penultimate deglaciation (glacial Termination 2, ~ 138 to 128 ka BP, hereafter T24), the AMOC was weak for about 4000 years (~ 133 to 129 ka BP) during the middle and later stage of T2, followed by the strengthening of AMOC in the last interglacial (LIG, ~ 129 to 116 ka BP)
Kardashev level ZERO civilisations don’t change the climate.
“The scientists behind the research said they were shocked at the forecast speed of collapse”
Got their faces on Youtube with their mouths hanging open?? Just ignore them and get on with your life, the chances of them being right are less than winning Powerball.
The key to all this is the Beaufort Gyre.
If this stops, so does the Gulfstream.
British Isles frozen over in two weeks.
No tipping point in sight.
I have been thinking that Port Phillip would be the ideal place for wind turbines. The Bay is relatively shallow and they could be installed all the way east to west and north to south, leaving the shipping channel free of pylons. Sydney harbour not so good because it has deep water. Moreton bay and Lake Burley Griffin would also be nice shallow water. These places are not very far offshore and would be in view of people who want more of them. They could phone in if they are not spinning or on fire.
Port Phillip has quite a good wind resource. It is quite calm around most of Melbourne today but look how the Bay is performing:
Fawkner beacon is near the middle of the Bay. Modern turbines will be close to full power in 35kph of breeze.
So any in the Bay today would have done a good job through the night and still produce most of the day. They might even crank up by the evening peak.
A few years back, I sailed on Ijsselmeer in Holland close to all the turbines there:
The Dutch do not have any problem placing these things in easy view. Why can’t Australia get on board with these things.
Rick -See # above.Yes I’m a nimby. If you are not a nimby you are welcome to advocate for these 250+ high (ASL) turbine monstrosities to infest Port Phillip first. Actually I implore you to do so as it will forestall my having to organise an ‘insurrection’ up in my quiet coastal village to prevent such an impending (full on planning stage at present) disaster in Central Queensland.
Oops ‘250 m+ high’. If they were ever permitted there would be >>250!
Bill, it’s to save the Polar Bears, where’s your humanity.
If it saves one bear, it will be worth it.
The whales will be ok, they will put “watch your head” signs on the pylons.
True MP. But I’m most concerned about their annual migration,up & down the Queensland coast. These sentient animals will never get back to Antarctica if they reach a nest of wind turbines at night. The red night time navigation lights (flashing through the rotating turbine blades if perchance there is a wind to drive them) will cause the whales to stop swimming – assuming the nice human beings are warning them of impending disaster if they proceed!
Sorry Bill, but we all must make sacrifices.
I will lose my whale netting business I run off the Gold Coast, catch and release at present, but when the lamps need oil in the near future, I am ahead of the curve.
The only tried and true method of saving something, is to kill something else. (well that and stop shooting them) Whales are too big to throw into a volcano.
Bugs On The Menu? Biden’s Climate And ESG Policies Threaten Food Supply, Think-Tank Warns
A new report from the right-leaning think-tank The Buckeye Institute sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s net-zero climate-control policies and that agenda items threaten U.S. food production.
“To better appreciate the true costs that American farms and households will likely pay for the Biden administration’s net-zero policies and objectives, The Buckeye Institute’s Economic Research Center developed a model corn farm that must play by the government’s new carbon emission rules,” wrote report authors Trevor W. Lewis and M. Ankith Reddy, who are both economic research analysts at the think-tank.
“The farm’s operational costs, as expected, all rose significantly,” they added.
Crunching the numbers, the researchers found that U.S. farmers will see their operational costs rise by an estimated 34 percent as a result of the Biden administration’s net-zero emissions policies.
Not only did the model predict that the government’s carbon pricing policies would raise farm operating costs, consumers also face a hit to their wallets.
“Carbon pricing will increase the average U.S. grocery bill by $110 per month, $1,330 annually, or 15 percent,” the researchers estimated.
How many food manufacturers will go under in the coming years, given the unjustifiable price hikes in your favourite products? People only buying when the goods are on special has got to hurt them.
Stock up while they’re on 1/2 price special, or “last year’s retail prices” as I call them.
UK Labour slashes green budget.