A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The STEM community has made a grave error underestimating the soft sciences like psychology.
The great weapon of global conquest has not been developed by engineering.
The ultimate weapon is being stealthily (actually not so stealthy sine Pandemic) deployed as we speak, subjugating minds, gaining control of the true territory of power.
That can only work if they can communicate – if 1) the people are connected to them, 2) the people understand them. In my case it’s a NO on both counts so they have no power over me and I’m unaffected. Further if they ask stupid questions – if they assume that I’m in the domain of the questions – I can give them stupid answers – try working that out. I identify as a teapot – try attaching a gender to that. etc. I suspect that a lot of the youngsters are doing exactly that.
Perhaps your mind and my mind remain unpacified territory.
Don’t know about you, but 99.8% of the folk I interact with swallowed the ‘Pandemic’ hook, line, sinker, and needle.
They were already stupid drunk on AGW.
(I am on cusp of mixing metaphors like a Pina Colada. )
I identify as a teapot
Come home to the garden with me Mary,
to the roses and the old plum tree.
We’ll put the chain on the gate
and make a lovely cup of tea.
Michael Leunig.
Welcome to the “soft science” of psychiatry.
Benevolence Betrayed: How Good People Cause Harm
Psychiatric drugs, sociopathy, and the ethical frontiers of transhumanism.
My initial encounter with the mental health system has had a lasting impact on my life. At the age of 22, my first post-undergraduate job took me to a children’s psychiatric hospital, where I worked with children between the ages of 5 and 10.
These children, many of whom were victims of abuse and neglect, were placed on a cocktail of mind & mood-altering drugs to manage their behavior. Despite clear signs of acute stress, they were assigned pseudoscientific labels such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder, ADHD, and Bipolar Disorder, and subsequently treated with the latest psychiatric medications.
It became clear to me that the main goal was to numb and sedate the children, with the intention of reducing behavioral issues and making them more manageable. Lethargy, excessive sleep, and emotional numbness were considered secondary; the absence of aggression was viewed as a success.
Unfortunately, the path to sedation often led to worsening mood, increased aggression, ticks, akathisia, and other disturbing side effects. Shockingly, many of these adverse drug reactions were misinterpreted as symptoms of their supposed “mental illness.”
Indeed, let’s confront the reality: the entire psychiatric drug movement can be characterized as a form of mass experimentation on the human brain. The profound implications and consequences of this approach warrant serious reflection and examination.
Not on the experiment itself… but the what it demonstrates about humanity.
More medical quackery and pseudo-science delusion accepted purely because universities teach it. That really needs to stop.
The recent big temperature spike is nearly identical to the 1998 super El Niño but a bit smaller.
All of the warming since UAH records began in 1978 has been in steps up due to super El Niños.
This jump is therefore likely to lead to even more warming but CO2 has nothing to do with it. It is El Niño residual energy all the way down. For the record I first pointed out this pattern six years ago.
See my
With the mass of the Oceans being 270 times the mass of the Atmosphere. It seems moronic to think that the IPCC thinks that a temperature increase of less than two degrees Kelvin in the Atmosphere could dominate the temperature of the Oceans. My understanding is that Thermal inertia seems to be the answer. The Medieval Warm period peaked 800 years ago, so that proves that most of the increase was natural CO2 from the deep Ocean which has a 275 to 1 ratio mixing with the Atmosphere over a period of 800 years. Analysing the atmosphere confirms this evidence with 5ppm for Man-made CO2 and 10ppm for volcanic CO2. This evidence therefore reveals that 122ppm of the increase since 1888 was natural, and 5ppm was Man-made. The ocean contains more than 50 times as much CO2 as the atmosphere. Most of this is stored in the very cold benthic layers of the ocean. The solubility of CO2 in water depends on temperature. The warmer the water temperature the less CO2 it can dissolve. Hence as the ocean depths are warmed CO2 is released. This is known as oceanic out-gassing. The evidence shows that the deep Oceans are now cooling due to the Little Ice Age, but that the CO2 outgassing and heat from the Medieval Warm Period lag, has and is still reaching the surface of the Ocean.
Paul, you seem to think that CO2 is the main factor in global temeratures ?
..Why ?
What evidence ?
Not usually my best subject but I have read a scientific paper on this. Ice core data and observational data confirms thermal inertia in the Oceans. As Google says “Just like a saucepan of water takes a few minutes after the heat is first applied to the water boiling, the water in the oceans takes decades to heat up after the additional heat is added to the atmosphere” So the average temperature on the floor of the Oceans today comes from the time of the medieval warm pariod. This is what has caused the increase in carbon dioxide to 417 parts per million from 290ppm. A Japanese paper differentiated volcanic from man made carbon dioxide at 5ppm for Man-made CO2 and 10ppm for volcanic CO2. This evidence therefore reveals that 122ppm of the increase since 1888 was natural, and 5ppm was Man-made. Eventually the temperature of the Little Ice Age will reach the floor of the Ocean.
..i hope you can see the false comparison in that statement ?
When you add heat to water, its temperature changes immediately !
…sure ,of course it will take a few miniutes increase the temperature to boiling point,.. but all the while the temperature is continuously increasing….you are just adding more energy to further increase the temperature
Any heat added to the ocean surface 2000 years ago will already have had its effects on the various thermal layers in the ocean releasing CO2 as it is adsorbed.
PS.. i am not aware of any accurate way of measuring total CO2 release or adsorbtion by either the oceans or land mass, vegitation etc,..let alone anny seasonal or periodic variations of same.
Any experimental sampling , with extrapolation for global totals would be subject to experimental error…likely as much as +- 20%
All we have is one atmospheric CO2 ppm measurement which tells us nothing about the inevitable change in CO2 adsorbtion or generation on a daily, weekly or annual basis.
An open question to all..
Is the observed increase in atmospheric CO2 (280-420ppm) ,..the result of MORE CO2 being release into the atmosphere,…..or as a consequence of LESS CO2 being adsorbed by the oceans and flora etc ?..
Please give supporting evidence .
Remember in theory the “carbon cycle” suggests that there are billions of tons of CO2 constantly being exchanged between carbon sources and sinks via the atmosphere, and the atmospheric increase that is being observed represents only a fraction of a % of that total.
Don’t know about that, backing up a tad.
The oceans are about 1 degree warmer then the atmosphere, according to the second law, the atmosphere cannot warm the oceans.
Ocean and atmosphere move because they are fluid. The speed and direction of air and sea currents are determined primarily by air temperature gradients. As heat rises and eventually escapes the ocean to warm the overlying atmosphere, it creates air temperature gradients and, consequently, winds.
Can’t find where I got the temp from, but NASA confirms it.
Paul Cottingham,
Yes, because it’s pure politics.
We are lectured about “climate change” but we only ever hear about temperatures. Why is there no averaging of wind, say? Probably because nearly everyone would see that “global mean wind” is utterly meaningless:
And “global mean rainfall” would be no help to anyone either. Global mean surface temperature is useless too, but some people can’t see the forest for the trees.
Climate is local weather averaged over time. Weather averaged spatially is something else; we shouldn’t allow it to be called climate.
I’d be very grateful if someone would explain how this worldwide smudged weather has any use whatsoever outside of politics.
Interesting, Paul, but this is not related to my point about all the observed warming being driven by super El Ninos. Given that observation the CO2 increase is simply irrelevant to the warming.
There is the interesting question as to why the CO2 increase has had no observable effect on atmospheric temperatures? But there is certainly nothing we can do about the natural warming.
The question as to why the CO2 increase has had no observable effect on atmospheric temperatures could be answered by the fact that there is no evidence for the existence of carbon dioxide warming from an atmospheric chamber were the air pressure is kept at one bar pressure. Glass jar experiments do not keep air pressure at one bar but a market garden greenhouse does. But there is no evidence that pumping carbon dioxide into a market garden greenhouse can increase the temperature inside the greenhouse. But I think Venus with a quarter of a million times more carbon dioxide than the Earth, and an atmosphere that comprises 96.5 percent carbon dioxide provides the best answer to the problem. The temperature on Venus at the altitude that has identical pressure to that on the Earth’s surface is 1.176 times the Earth’s average surface temperature. The radiating temperature of Venus is 1.176 times that of the Earth, proving that input from the Sun and a change to thermal inertia due to pressure as a precise function of altitude are all that is needed to calculate the atmospheric greenhouse effect on Venus. The surface temperature of Venus, Earth, Mars, Europa, Titan and Triton follow these rules. But I think the simplest way of proving that Carbon Dioxide does not cause warming by radiative forcing, but by molar mass is the fact that the average temperature at the one bar pressure points on each of the planets, is the same, adjusted for distance from the Sun, despite the different main gases, Nitrogen for the Earth & Titan, Hydrogen for Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn & Uranus and Carbon Dioxide for Venus.
I think the only explanation is that radiative forcing is a fiction. Reading “Theory of Heat Radiation (Planck, 1914)”, the physical kinetics has been debatable but does not produce any evidence for heat production by contact or radiation. There is evidence that radiative heating does not occur for a gas. The reason being that the random nature of the movement or vibration of gas molecules means that half of the molecules moving towards the radiation are slowed down or cooled. So then radiative forcing is real because the frequency is lowered, but only positive for half of the molecules. So in reality no heat is created in this process for gas molecules. The Kinetic energy could be converted to mass not heat. This seems to be also the case for gravitational forcing as confirmed by a NASA technical report on Jupiter. Gravity and radiation are linear but the molecules are vibrating in a random direction.
This temperature spike is higher than the super El Nino, but a modest El Nino combined with the extra warming from Hunga Tonga may have created an anomaly.
Judith Curry on OHC, there is a suggestion that the cool spot in the south east Pacific is water left over from the LIA.
It is not as high but it starts from a warmer base thanks to the prior El Niño driven warming. High refers to the height of the spike not the temp of the tip. This super El Niño is not quite as big as 1998.i It ,is second biggest of the four on record. See graph.
Fair enough, residual energy is a reasonably good hypothesis.
There are probably historical precedences, are super El Ninos becoming more prevalent?
Sorry that is three on record. This is the third super El Niño.
‘Stretching west from the coast of Ecuador for thousands of kilometres lies a tentacle of water that has been cooling for the past 30 years. Why is this swathe of the eastern Pacific defying our predictions? Welcome to the mystery of the cold tongue.’ (New Scientist)
China’s BYD is selling more electric cars than Tesla.
Is this a good or a bad thing?
BYD overtook Tesla to become the world’s biggest electric car company in the final quarter of 2023.
The Chinese company sold a record number of cars last year, including 525,409 battery electric vehicles (BEVs) in the three-month period to December 31, according to a stock exchange filing. Tesla said Tuesday it delivered 484,507 — also a record — during the quarter.
China has extensive coal reserves but limited petroleum reserves.
China is mandating two new coal fired power stations every week.
So switching from cars powered by petrol to cars powered by coal is in China’s strategic interest.
I somehow doubt that the PLA will be adopting solar / battery-powered armoured fighting vehicles any time soon.
Denmark’s Crown Princess Mary to become first Australian-born Queen.
What will Malcolm Turnbull and the other Republicans have to say about this!
King Charles III is a signed up member of the Climate Cult, but would an Australian President be any different?
Would an Australian Prime Minister want to play second fiddle to an Australian President?
The 1999 republic referendum was defeated. A Proposed Law: To alter the Constitution to establish the Commonwealth of Australia as a republic with the Queen and Governor-General being replaced by a President appointed by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Commonwealth Parliament.
The NO vote was 54.87%
But no in all states right?
It’s shockingly low though. Firm leave it as is, it works quite well person here.
The Big Question about the Tokyo plane disaster.
Who had right of way?
These are the US rules but they are likely to apply internationally
Someone is landing on the same runway that you are taking off from, at the same time. Does the other aircraft have the right of way, or do you? The answer that you would find in the Federal Aviation Regulations/Aeronautical Information Manual (FAR/AIM) says that the aircraft “on final approach to land, or landing” has the right of way.
Australia’s worst civil aviation disaster took 29 lives.
Trans-Australia Airlines (TAA) Flight 538 smashed into the sea off Mackay, Queensland, about 10pm on June 10, 1960. It was a clear, moonlit night, though the plane had earlier made two aborted attempts to land because of low fog. It had circled Mackay, waiting for the fog to clear, and simply disappeared after the all-clear had been given.
So bizarre. I was watching a video on youtube just yesterday of a pilot / air traffic control communication confusion, resulting in the jet cargo airliner flying too low and crashed into a hill before the runway. I wake this morning to see this. I’d say that is what has happened here.
Famous crash from Changi Singapore to KL. 1980’s maybe.
Been watching a lot of air crash live audio clips. The alarm sounds “woop woop pull up pull up” in a terrifying robotic voice. Then you hear screams then the crash. I personally don’t like flying anymore.
I take it you don’t drive either as that’s 300 times the risk.
Flying is like nuclear energy – it is the safest form of transport statistically (just a nuclear energy is the saftest means of producing electricity).
However, when something does go wrong it gets worldwide publicity.
Data shows road trauma killed 1,253 Australians in the 12 months to 30 November 2023 – a 6.3 per cent increase on the preceding 12-month period
How many were killed in scheduled passenger flights in Australia – zero.
Well there certainly no hillside involved here, ……
…..but someone was definitly confused , ATC or one or other pilots , is yet to be confirmed.
There is no “Right of way”. One runway, ONLY one plane.
I am surprised this happened in Japan, I’ve been expecting it in America where standards are slipping because of woke and a Transport Sec. who insists on equity and diversity in hiring of controllers and pilots.
Would all the passengers have got off safely in America? Somehow I doubt it, some fat individual with a “comfort” pig would have insisted on retrieving luggage from the overhead locker. We can feel smug but Japanese “obeying the rules” saved lives here.
The plane on approach DOES have right of way, not the plane on the runway…
If there’s a plane on approach there MUST not be another plane on runway. There is no right of way, they do exactly what ATC tells them.
My GUESS is that the Coast Guard plane got lost in a big airport the pilot was unfamiliar with.
The Tokyo airport disaster is re-run of the Tenerife disaster but this time the second plane was much smaller and it was a landing and not a take-off.
The Tenerife airport disaster occurred on March 27, 1977, when two Boeing 747 passenger jets {KLM and Pan Am) collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport.
With 583 fatalities, the disaster is also the deadliest accident in aviation history.
The landing pasenger plane had right of way and the smaller Coast Guard plan should not have been on the runway.
It was pilot error at Tenerife when the KLM captain took off without clearance from Air Traffic control – having misunderstood the intructions from the Air Traffic Controller. The Pan Am plane was still taxiing of the sole runway.
Was this the same cause of the Tokyo disaster?
I think you may find that the KLM pilot ignored the instructions he was given and went ahead anyway. The voice recordings show the second KLM pilot querying the Captain when he said he was going to take off.
Joe Rogan and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 3 hours Very good talking points!
Another look at what 2024 might bring –
“You’ll probably recall that Francis Collins was the same NIH head who abused his authority by calling for a “quick and devastating take down” of the Great Barrington Declaration, which turned out to be 100% correct versus the NIH response, which failed in so many ways. To my knowledge, Collins has never been forced to defend this email (but he should be):”
“Mr. Tucker’s parade of pandemic horribles — and the fact that the list of missteps is now mainstream, and not banished to the outer darkness of conspiracy theory — got me thinking about our ongoing C&C discussion about how far we’ve come in one year. When you think about it, we have a lot of momentum going into 2024:
DEI is in decline. For example, Google backtracked on ‘key diversity programs’ last year amid a ‘tightening budget’.
Jabs and jab makers are in decline, as significant product defects were identified last year.
Censorship is in decline. For example, Meta’s heavily-censored Twitter alternative failed to launch. Academic papers critical of jabs are finding easier publication.
’Far right’ conservatives are winning elections all over the planet, from Argentina to New Zealand.
Those are just a few examples to tide you over. We could also add developments like the Ukraine money spigot being shut off for at least a few months, maybe permanently. The Biden Bribery case expanded. The Epstein disclosures expanded.
My prediction: this year will be the year worldwide conservatism goes on offense. I know, I know, you’ll believe it when you see it. So let’s see! ”
We are reliving 1939.
America is too weak to control too many recalcitrant nations even with 8 nuclear carriers, because they have the a weak President.
This is the year Yank haters get their wish and see how the world handles not having a policeman on the worlds oceans.
I hope you are wrong
I fear you are correct
I too hope I’m wrong, seriously wrong.
“The Climate Movement Suffered A Slew Of Defeats And Setbacks In 2023”
It did. But we are facing an ideology, not rationality. They will continue on, especially our chief priest Bowen.
But always good to know that despite idealism, reality crashes through the shop front window at times.
Bumped from yesterday on that –
“Germany: “Renewable Energy Sector Facing The Abyss”…”On The Brink” …Economy Breaking Up ”
Someone trying to pee on “ElBowen’s 2024 Energy Parade??
When will reality crash through? Many here refuse to vote liberal so I assume that there are many more of like mind who don’t post here.
You voted National, though I do realise it was just the Judas hand washing vote.
Most of your assumptions you will find, used to vote Liberal, than 2020 happened. Speaking for myself only, I can proudly say (though I did not vote Labor) I voted Liberals OUT!
Your just a sore losser.
My coalition member is a Nat. What’s your point?
I used to vote labor, then Keven ’07 happened.
But you can vote for proxy labor if you like, just don’t complain.
“When will reality crash through? Many here refuse to vote liberal so I assume that there are many more of like mind who don’t post here. Not my complaint.
I was boasting.
Why would anyone vote Liberal/National, all the things being run through now by Labor, started with the Liberals.
2012 = Labor
2014 = Lib/Nat
2016 = Lib/Nat
Hazelwood went down under Lib/Nat
Lib/Nat by a nose.
Energy is a national security issue.
There you go complaining.
Abbott reversed labor’s carbon tax and stopped the boats, but that’s not good enough for you. The wets allowed Turnbull to replace him and you still judge the coalition by him.
I know absolutely that nothing will change for the better with our current very left government but you say they are better than the centre right. I disagree, so be sure that you don’t speak for everyone with your constant carping about the right, America and it’s allies.
That’s a statement.
It was Morrison who ran the rebellion against Abbott (and the 2020 BS), he then threw Turnbull under the bus and took the crown. All the same professional politicians in the party the same ones that helped knife Abbott, nothing has changed.
Abbott stopped the boats and started the flights, brought in the RET and started this march toward fantasy power. Everything happening now was rooted by the Libs. Whichever pea is placed under whatever thimble matters not to me, it’s the hands that control the illusion.
I do not have a problem with Americans, the people do not start the wars, their Governments do, and I am not alone in disliking the US Government.
Your beat me harder next time daddy is a serious flaw.
I will never forget.
On the up side, Golds holding!
You are definitely not alone in disliking the US, but here we know consensus isn’t automatically right. You may have time to contemplate the lesser of a few evils this year. World shipping is already being interrupted.
Thats my point, I would prefer avoiding all evil, you would prefer the devils other hand. Why do you think you only have a choice of evils?
Next time Malcolm Roberts is in town go and have a listen, he is very knowledgeable and head full of numbers. His up this way at the end of the month.
The last one was very informative though he held it at night, in the middle of winter, in the beer garden of the highest pub in QLD. This time it’s in the middle of the day, in the middle of summer in the closest beer garden to the sun in QLD.
Starting to think he does not like us voters.
Consensus On Fighting Climate Change Is “Crumbling” Says EIKE President, Dr. Holger Thuss
…hundreds of articles on our website…
Most of them are translations from WUWT.
The discussing level there is very far from scientific.
I go back to #8,1,2,1, 1&2
Abbott didn’t really “reverse the Carbon Tax”, because there were two carbon taxes. The “”Carbon Tax”, and the RET that everybody had forgotten about.
And it only took one American, Al Gore, to thwart Abbott’s mandate by somehow persuading Clive Palmer to use the PUP’s balance of power in the senate to “protect” the RET.
Clives legal issues “went away” and the money started rolling in from the Chinese partners. Gore made an offer Clive couldn’t refuse, although Gore probably had something to do with the legal problems to start with, either way Clive sold us all out and he should not be trusted ever again no matter how much he talks the talk now.
I just looked up the MacDonald 2000 study of Nth Russia and Siberia again and I can find the abstract but not the full study.
In the Holocene optimum Boreal forests grew up to the Arctic coastline for thousands of years and temps were about 2 to 7 c higher than today.
The retreat started about 3000 to 4000 years ago and today there is tundra and ice and just another study that proves Mann is wrong about our much cooler period today. Here’s their abstract.
Climate Change Across Northern Eurasia
Author links open overlay panelGlen M. MacDonald a, Andrei A. Velichko b, Constantine V. Kremenetski b, Olga K. Borisova b, Aleksandra A. Goleva b, Andrei A. Andreev b, Les C. Cwynar c, Richard T. Riding c, Steven L. Forman d, Tom W.D. Edwards e, Ramon Aravena e, Dan Hammarlund f, Julian M. Szeicz g †, Valery N. Gattaulin h
“Abstract ”
“Radiocarbon-dated macrofossils are used to document Holocene treeline history across northern Russia (including Siberia). Boreal forest development in this region commenced by 10,000 yr B.P. Over most of Russia, forest advanced to or near the current arctic coastline between 9000 and 7000 yr B.P. and retreated to its present position by between 4000 and 3000 yr B.P. Forest establishment and retreat was roughly synchronous across most of northern Russia. Treeline advance on the Kola Peninsula, however, appears to have occurred later than in other regions. During the period of maximum forest extension, the mean July temperatures along the northern coastline of Russia may have been 2.5° to 7.0°C warmer than modern. The development of forest and expansion of treeline likely reflects a number of complimentary environmental conditions, including heightened summer insolation, the demise of Eurasian ice sheets, reduced sea-ice cover, greater continentality with eustatically lower sea level, and extreme Arctic penetration of warm North Atlantic waters. The late Holocene retreat of Eurasian treeline coincides with declining summer insolation, cooling arctic waters, and neoglaciation”.
Is it my incomplete English or should cooler be warmer ?
K G here’s my comment about much higher SLs on our east Aussie coast about 4000 years ago.
IOW a much warmer world then, after the Hol optimum.
Fortunately Ken Stewart has provided the evidence for a much warmer early Holocene and many SL studies around Australia during the Holocene optimum.
He calls his article the “world’s biggest thermometer” and our temperatures today are much lower than the early Holocene and SLs then were at least 1.5 metres higher.
Even their ABC stated that SLs were 1.5 metres higher 4,000 years ago.
‘Thermal expansion and glacial melting are symptoms of temperature increase.’
And presumably the release of more CO2 into the atmosphere.
This is the summer solstice solar intensity at 60N for the last 10ka to next 10ka. 0.000 is J2000.
-10.000 521.939818
-13.000 519.245818
-12.000 522.230622
-11.000 523.241353
-10.000 521.939818
-9.000 518.712951
-8.000 513.705244
-7.000 507.450436
-6.000 500.752853
-5.000 494.173813
-4.000 488.185836
-3.000 483.425801
-2.000 479.931524
-1.000 477.812696
0.000 477.147002
1.000 477.655477
2.000 479.107377
3.000 481.413253
4.000 484.089625
5.000 486.862846
6.000 489.532066
7.000 491.601073
8.000 492.866921
9.000 493.276752
10.000 492.593223
This shows now to be the lowest intensity but it was actually 500 years. The peak 11,000 years ago was the end of the last glaciation. The next peak in 9,000 years will be well into the next cycle of glaciation. Warming oceans in the Northern Hemisphere guarantees more snow and that snow will eventually accumulate again. Last time the solar intensity started to increase in the NH 23ka, much of the land in NH was buried under mountains of ice and that ice calving into the oceans slowed the water cycle. This time around, the only calving in the NH is a little bit from Greenland. The oceans will get a lot warmer and the snowfall will get a lot heavier. Sadly I will not be around to see the CO2 botherers eat crow. But history will show that the gullibility of humans has no bounds.
Khrishna Gans I said that Mann is wrong about “our much cooler period today”.
IOW the Holocene today is cooler and the early Holocene was warmer as the study shows by about 2 to 7c warmer for thousands of years.
I’ve linked to many SL studies that show SLs are lower today than 4000 years ago and even their ABC agrees.
Beaver ponds may exacerbate warming in Arctic, scientists say
Rising temperatures have spurred an influx of beavers to Alaska and northern Canada ‘on a huge scale’
The new arrivals cause plenty of disruption. For some communities, the rivers and streams are the roads of the landscape, and the dams make effective roadblocks. As the structures multiply, more land is flooded and there can be less fresh water for drinking downstream. But there are other, less visible effects too. The animals are participants in a feedback loop: climate change opens the landscape to beavers, whose ponds drive further warming, which attracts even more paddle-tailed comrades.
Physics suggested this would happen. Beaver ponds are new bodies of water that cover bare permafrost. Because the water is warm – relatively speaking – it thaws the hard ground, which duly releases methane, one of the most potent greenhouse gases.
Scientists now have evidence this is happening. Armed with high-resolution satellite imagery, Tape and his colleagues located beaver ponds in the lower Noatak River basin area of north-western Alaska. They then analysed infrared images captured by Nasa planes flying over the region. Overlaying the two revealed a clear link between beaver ponds and methane hotspots that extended for tens of metres around the ponds.
What next…
I see where the Australian Prime Minister, Mr. Albanese, has called for the return of Warner’s baggy green cap before the Sydney Test Cricket match.
Given the state of the economy, the rising cost of living and outrageously high electricity prices, he should be more concerned about his own cap.
Mr Bandt should be more worried about his hordes of baggy Greens
yep… Australia went to pot because the prime minister used his precious time to (checks the internet) say a sentence.
Cairns has was recorded record rainfall – the most in 120 years.
Imagine if the nearby Tully River had been developed as part of the Bradfield Scheme instead of wasting $20 Billion on Snowny 2.0?
Australia is being governed by idiots.
The Tully R. is already dammed to provide water for Kareeya Power Station. You would not be popular stealing that water.
Besides, Cairns is not on the Tully which is a fair way south. Koombaloomba Dam levels is showing “no data available”.
The Burdekin drains the western Tablelands via Hells Gate but shows very little inflow, Burdekin Falls Dam is still about 80%. Hells Gate is the only practical proposal to get water to the west. Everything else is crazier than SnowyII.
I don’t get it. You guys are too smart to fall for the CO2 hoax, but LUV the Bradfield hoax. If you reckon wind is intermittent you haven’t thought about these rivers.
Eastern flowing rivers have small catchments and may flood for a few days every few years. How can you move enough water in those few days to justify the billions?
No one believes what the corrupt CSIRO says these days – thay are paid to promote the woke agenda of Labor.
There are three immutable truths in life: I’s always happy hour somewhere, the wind is always blowing somewhere, enough to supply power to millions of homes and there is always Syd Harbs of water flowing to waste into the Coral Sea.
Only one of those facts is true.
I’ve been looking at maps and GEarth. Forget the Tully, Koombooloomba Dam has been built since then, the water is spoken for.
The Clarke flows into the Burdekin above Hells Gate.
The Burdekin headwaters are west of the Atherton Tableland, west of Ravenshoe, above Hells Gate.
The Herbert headwaters are also west of Ravenshoe , maybe on the other side of the hill from the Burdekin but GEarth shows a lot of cloud and it is hard to track rivers.
The interesting thing is that that area didn’t get much rain so your first post is simply wrong. As I said above, there has been no river rise in the Burdekin Falls Dam.
If you care to look for Hells Gate on a map it is -19.125, 145.640.
To sum up, if you want to promote this development it is Hells Gate Dam you should cheer for. I am.
How To Create “Mass Psychogenic Illness” – 2006 DHS Document and 2005 WHO Report “Mental Health of Populations Exposed to Biological and Chemical Weapons
A 2006 DHS document about the possibility of a “Mass Psychogenic Illness” they define as:
“A phenomenon in which social trauma or anxiety combines with a suspicious event to produce psychosomatic symptoms, such as nausea, difficulty breathing, and paralysis. If many individuals come to believe that the psychosomatic outbreak is connected to the cause of the trauma or anxiety, these symptoms can spread rapidly throughout a population.”
Particular focus is given to a CBR Event (chemical, biological, radiological).
“particularly those involving chemical, biological, or radiological (CBR) weapons.
The number of those suffering psychogenic illness could far exceed the number of actual casualties in a CBR event.
” Some implications stated in the document:
“The observed symptoms of many mass psychogenic illness events are similar to several non-specific symptoms of possible chemical and biological weapons—including chemical agents, inhalational anthrax, and avian influenza.”
“Recent cases of mass psychogenic illness display a transferal of the symptoms onto contemporary anxieties.”
Psychogenic indeed – just look at Covid, Fakevax ™, climate alarmists etc.
Just believe, and it’s yours too.
Richard Wolff: Neocon Debacle and Declining Empire
Alastair Crooke: America’s Fatal Hunger for Honor and Glory
Politicians Jumping Ship: Mary Talley Bowden’s LIST Is Growing: 44 Candidates, 26 Elected Officials, 18 States, Pledging Allegiance To Covid Shots BANNED and No Pharma Donations In Their Future
Mary Talley Bowden, MD, has now 44 candidates, 26 elected officials, from 18 states, publicly stating “Covid shots” must be pulled off the market. “Many are also pledging not to take donations from Big Pharma.”
“Ask your representatives why they’re not on this list.” That’s the imperative, for us.
Over 17,000 physicians comprise a supportive army.
I love Dr. Bowden’s “simple” idea, it’s gaining real momentum. Serge Lang, who understood how to use lines of demarcation in battle, by way of “files,” documenting “What They Said,” as well as what they knew and when they knew it, would have been very happy with Marry Talley Bowden’s initiative. ”
acquaintance told me the whole Covid-19 pandemic was a fraud of colossal proportions. Shamefully, not one of them was prepared to say so publicly.
So, whilst doctors privately admitted the Great Covid Con, the news outlets prominently displayed continuously updated death toll tickers. The daily headlines above lurid red (danger, danger!) graphs shrieked ‘Yet More Hundreds Dead Yesterday!’ and ‘Covid-19 Death Toll Reaches New Record High!’ All of this was lies. Outright, blatant lies.
We were never told that the only excess deaths occurred over just a six-week period, and only in the care homes. Instead, we were told large numbers of excess deaths from Covid-19 continued to occur in our overloaded hospitals throughout the year. None of this was true. It was all lies.
And now that these medical misfits and lying pollies are on the receiving end of a rapidly growing tsunami of repurcussions, they’re changing their tune, as an act of self preservation, not from altruistic motives.
Forget “climate change”; here’s what’s really going on with those absolutely massive California tidal waves.
The recent tidal waves in California present an ominous and striking sight, don’t they? They’re the ideal setting for yet another climate alarm. But don’t be fooled by the global warming radicals yet again. This isn’t a symptom of a climate emergency; it’s simply “weather,” a natural phenomenon that has been occurring on Earth for millions of years.
This storm system has been a topic of discussion on local news channels for a while. Yet, ironically, the locals, who claim to be “in tune” with climate issues, ignored the warnings. Now, they’re exploiting the situation to push this half-baked theory that the world is on the brink of implosion.
The El Niño event is accompanied by oceanic downwelling Kelvin waves. This occurs when a thick, warm layer of the Pacific Ocean sloshes east — creating an expansive, ocean-wide wave that can take two to three months to reach California’s shore.
Kelvin waves are different from the waves we’re accustomed to seeing crash on the shore.
For one, they move slowly at about a few meters a second, according to David DeWitt, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center.
“These waves can cause a modest rise in sea level, but that effect lasts for several months because they move so slowly,” DeWitt said in an emailed statement to The Tribune.
The Kelvin waves can also reach a higher amplitude when they enter shallower water.
“During El Niño, conditions can be more damaging,” said Gary Griggs, a professor of Earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz.
It’s a triple threat: A large storm with hurricane-force winds kicking up big waves, a high winter tide and El Niño-associated Kelvin waves.
“What you are seeing off the coast of California is wind-driven surface waves associated with this large storm that is impacting the area,” DeWitt wrote in his emailed statement. “Those wind-driven waves occur on top of the tides and any effect from the coastal Kelvin waves.”
Reality trumps alarmism again.
More on the late storm warnings in north Queensland, BoM is under review.
Surprising Study Links ‘Good’ Cholesterol With Up to 42% Higher Dementia Risk
When it comes to cholesterol, it’s usually sorted into the ‘good’ kind and the ‘bad’ kind based on their effects on heart health – but now a new study has shown that the ‘good’ type of cholesterol could have other health risks attached.
This is High-Density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and the latest research links an abundance of it with a higher risk of dementia in older adults. For those above 75 years of age, the risk increases by 42 percent, the analysis showed.
The research, led by a team from Monash University, looked at data on 18,668 adults aged over 65 from Australia and the US. Overall, for those diagnosed as having high HDL-C levels the risk of dementia increased by 27 percent on average, with individuals followed for an average of 6.3 years.
“This is the most comprehensive study to report high HDL-C and the risk of dementia in older people,” write the researchers in their published paper. “Findings showed that high HDL-C was associated with dementia risk and the risk increased with age.”
Cholesterol isn’t the problem, as I’ve said.
Processed modern “rubbish” foods and inflammation are.
Wednesday funny: a banana isn’t an egg unless you’re vegan
It’s a bad recipe.😆
INFOGRAPHIC: Climate Scientists’ Credibility Hurt
Humanity has only a few years to act before the world may irreversibly plunge into an environmental catastrophe of global proportions, climate experts warned in a recent report. Their calls are muffled, however, by dozens of past dramatic predictions that have failed to pan out.
Environmental experts have been predicting doom for many decades. Most, though not all, of the prognostications involve climatic cataclysm that appears to be just around the corner, only to fizzle out as the deadline approaches.
As the failed predictions pile up, climate experts appear to be more cautious in making their predictions too specific. The current general consensus among climate change proponents is that weather events such as droughts and storms will become more prevalent or intense.
Line up the century of failed predictions.
Carbon Tax is Done. Saskatchewan fights Canada. Carbon is the solution, not pollution.
John Cadogan has come out of some closet, and declared he is an extremist! He is out loud and proud, in his own inimitable style. John will have to be welcomed into the fold, as he has blown up every bridge back to 2024. This is going to be some pile on! Every minute of the 20 minutes is a joy.
Try this for excitement –
“This video clip, showing hunters in Africa tracking down a wounded lion, is remarkable for illustrating just how fast you can die when the proverbial brown substance hits the rotary air impeller. As the lion charges, watch its face closely. It’s hit a couple of times, but none of them strike anything vital, and the lion just gets madder and madder. As it makes its final leap onto its target, the hunter goes down ahead of the charge and fires a single round from the hip, unaimed (although doubtless guided by years of experience). You can see the exact moment when that final round takes out the lion’s central nervous system, and the life leaves its face as if suddenly extinguished. It’s dead right there, but still continues its final leap onto and past the hunter it selected as its target. It was a classic kill-it-or-die moment, one the hunter was extremely fortunate to survive. ‘ve never been that close to an animal killing me, and I hope I never am. That was waaaaaayyy too close for comfort! ”
More and video link at
+0.83K 12/23, Dr. Roy Spencer