A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Carbon includes diamonds, charcoal, and graphite. Carbon is not a gas. Thank you for your support.
Do not forget that humans are 18.5 % Carbon!
By mass, about 96 percent of our bodies are made of four key elements: oxygen (65 percent), carbon (18.5 percent), hydrogen (9.5 percent) and nitrogen (3.3 percent).
But then getting rid of humans is part of the “Decarbonisation” movement.
I swear that in my younger days I knew blokes who were mainly sulphur, either in combination with hydrogen or oxygen.
But it’s hard to run a scare with an invisible gas. Better to conflate ‘carbon’ and ‘carbon dioxide’ in order to have the population subconsciously associate carbon dioxide with visible particulate emissions, such as soot.
In 1.1 CO2 Lover said:
But then getting rid of humans is part of the “Decarbonisation” movement.
I suspect that some of them simply suffer from BNA (big number anxiety) — gigatonnes of CO2, billions of people etc — when they turn their uninformed minds to our impact on the environment. They simply believe that ‘something is wrong’ and ‘something needs to be done about it’.
It worked well for the invisible sky creature.
Believe in only our truth and give us your money or burn in hell.
Only we can save you.
Sounds familiar…
I doubt they are conflating things. Where stupidity or laziness is and option , I’d run with that.
I find it intensely irritating when the scientifically ignorant, you know, the ones who make the “climate” policies, refer to carbon dioxide as carbon.
Here is a good take on US climate in 2023:
Nothing of interest happened but it got a lot of hype.
And here is a fine example of said hype:
“It was, after all, a challenging year, as extreme weather, drought and heat caused billions of dollars in damage to the economy, to communities, and to human health. It’s easy to feel like we’re falling behind in the fight against climate change.”
The Hill used to be a quality rag. Now no so much.
Purportedly, the US is pumping more oil than during Orange Man.
Can the Biden admin be pulling evil fossils from their peaceful and eternal sequesteration …
while professing to decarbonize?
And heroically fighting us evil carbonizers?
So we are arguing over a political charade?
Look! Squirrel!
Will not grow old.
Oil production is mostly private enterprise. The Biden Admin has slowed leasing of federal drilling but that is not a controlling factor at this point.
From WSJ Jan 1 2024
Shippers in November moved more oil out of the U.S. than what was produced in Iraq, OPEC’s second-largest member, at a record 4.5 million barrels a day. Likewise, U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, are set to hit a record in December, according to market intelligence firm Kpler.
Has the strategic reserve been refilled yet?
KP has already asked. 🙁
It’s an election year.
With Biden a shoe-in if he makes it to Nov.
If not, expect AI fakery.
2024 – written by Stephen King
Directed by Quentin Tarantino
Soundtrack by Yoko Ono.
I wonder if they can produce enough to refill the strategic reserves, so there’s some oil there when Australia needs it?
Interesting that they are paying $3.50 a gallon this year while they were paying over $5/gal last year. Our fuel peaked around $2.20/L last year and has almost stayed there, still over $2 in many places. That’s $9.90 a gallon, so you can see why America is so rich when their energy is so cheap!!
Here in Townsville there has been a massive build out of new servos so there is competition in the market. Petrol is $1.71/l. That is port pricing though.
I have no idea why this has happened. Even assuming that the forecourts are wired for EVs there are still too many outlets, at least in the medium term.
But the yanks whine so much about how tough they’ve got it with their “gas” prices, when most of the west is far more expensive.
Iran petrol is 3 cents/litre right up to $3/litre in Hong Kong (in USD).
For the mathematically challenged…..
3.78 liter = 1 US gallon.
Currently au$1 = us$0.68 (add two cents for exchange costs = us$0.70)
Local Western Australia discounted ULP is around AU$1.70/liter today
one US gallon = 3.78 x au$1.70 x 0.70 = $au4.50 (rounded)
Being formerly from Delaware, the current price there is $us2.85/us gallon
(au$4.07) or au$1.08/liter. Other states in the USA will have differing costs
This is worth exploring in detail. It is a climate mural depicting the climate History of Norwich England. The temperature modeling was carried out by Ed Hawkins. It is partly sponsored by the University of East Anglia
The hubris runs deep in the mural. As if humans can stop the inevitable slide into glaciation.
A mural with a future panel should feature glaciation. The biggest impact on UK will be having to eventually build a new port as the existing one becomes dry land.
Another day and another snowfall records – or almost:
And closer to Norwich:
The one climate certainty for the next 9,000 years is new snowfall records.
I am highly confident a mural in Norwich is not going to stop China or India building coal fired power stations. The UK is well on its way to financial ruin. The future of the UK is deep recession.
“A mural with a future panel should feature glaciation.”
Paint the entire rest of the road and buildings WHITE, then continue painting through the next several towns.
Get some “perspective” going, there.
COLD KILLS. No vegetation,; no herbivores (or Vegans!).
No herbivores; no carnivores / omnivores.
“To serve Man” is a COOKBOOK.
So, how is the “Extinction Rebellion going, kiddies?
This OZ firework shows sounds rather Woke
Has anyone got any video of the rap songs or other political messages? You guys should never have voted “No.” As we in the UK know over Brexit, our lords and masters always know best and will try to grind you down or may just try to ignore your views.
You can watch the woke bullshit presenation by the ABC Australia’s version of the BBC here.
TotalEnergies sells some of its stake in a Scottish offshore wind farm:
Why has this statement from Professor Ian Pilmer not received more publicity?
So where is the justification for the environmental vandalism in destroying forests to install Chinese made solar “farms” and wind “farms”?
Perhaps educate Tanya Plibersek and Chris Bowen and seek their comments?
Good luck with that.
Maybe because it is irrelavent under the UN definition of Net Zero which refers to the ratio of MAN made carbon sinks (CCS, new forrest planting, etc), to the MAN made production of CO2.
Intellegent people should argue their case with relavent information, or they lose credibility.
New book by an Australian author on Covid and Australia’s (over) reaction to it, including excessive policing And the publics acceptance of a clamp down on freedoms
Attempting to control the climate is right up there with attempting to control earthquakes (and volcanoes).
I was in Newcastle during the 1989 Newcastle earthquake which was an intraplate earthquake that occurred in Newcastle, on Thursday 28 December. The shock measured 5.6 on the Richter magnitude scale and was one of Australia’s most serious natural disasters, killing 13 people and injuring more than 160.
The Newcastle quake is descibed as “Moderate”(1000 to 1500 per year worldwide) on the Richter scale while the latest quake in Japan is described as “Major” (10-20 per year)
The Great Chilean earthquake (Spanish: Gran terremoto de Chile), was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded at 9.5 on the Richter scale . The earthquake hit on May 22 1960 in the afternoon, approximately 100 miles (160 km) off the coast of Chile, parallel to the city of Valdivia.
The strongest recorded earth quake in Japan was Tōhoku Earthquake (2011) – 9.1 which produced a massive tsunami with waves up to 40.5 meters (133 feet) high which overwhelmed the Nuclear Reactor at Fukushima.
For England, 2023 was the joint warmest year with 2022 in the mean CET series, although if you go to hundredths C it was technically second. 1999 and 1949 are the only years in the top 10 that aren’t post 2000.
This pretty much mirrors the NH with the possible exception of the USA.
The CET is the most scientifically rigorous data we have, and although it has its issues, it is to my mind, even as a climate skeptic, beyond all reasonable doubt now that here we live in the warmest times in recent history.
I couldn’t begin to guess the cause, and it seems far from a disaster, even if where I am Hebes and Pelargoniums are flowering away.
It’s expected to go colder soon, but it’s been a long time since we had a whole month cooler than ‘average’.
Cet coincided with the coldest periods of the little ice age. I think the operative words are ‘recent history’. I reckon the period around 1540 was warmer than recent decades and the MWP, roman and Minoan periods appear to have been warmer, but not consistently so.
So many of our individual records are compromised by UHI. The whole of Britain is affected by uhi and the met office don’t allow a suitable amount in Cet.
The precession cycle dominates Earth’s climate trends. All of the observed trends can be predicted by following the precession cycle. You also need to have some idea how the different surfaces respond to sunlight.
UK is influenced by ocean surface temperature as much as the direct sunlight over the land. That means that changes further south in the tropical ocean impact the UK. However the summer solstice solar intensity in W/m^2 for 50N is listed:
1400 482.303160
1500 482.278780
1600 482.267972
1700 482.270373
1800 482.285625
1900 482.313379
2000 482.353300
2100 482.404319
These are clearly small changes but are consistent with the slight upward trend in temperature for the last 400 to 500 years. The trend will accelerate. UK can expect warmer and drier summers. Winters mostly wetter but higher ground will get more snow. Hobart is at 42S and has experienced severe wild fires. This leads to concluding that the UK will experience wild fires as summers become warmer and drier as now experienced in slightly lower latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere, which is moderated by the dominance of water in the SH..
That data was generated from the orbital model at this link:
There are also significant orbital variation year-to-year. Aphelion is the best indicator for summer temperature in the UK:
2021 Jan 02 13:51 0.9832571 AU -4916 km Jul 05 22:27 1.0167292 AU 2832 km 363.25 days
2022 Jan 04 06:55 0.9833365 AU 6973 km Jul 04 07:11 1.0167154 AU 760 km 366.71 days
2023 Jan 04 16:17 0.9832956 AU 845 km Jul 06 20:07 1.0166806 AU -4444 km 365.39 days
2024 Jan 03 00:39 0.9833070 AU 2553 km Jul 05 05:06 1.0167255 AU 2273 km 363.35 days
2025 Jan 04 13:28 0.9833274 AU 5607 km Jul 03 19:55 1.0166437 AU -9957 km 367.53 days
2026 Jan 03 17:16 0.9833021 AU 1815 km Jul 06 17:31 1.0166440 AU -9920 km 364.16 days
2027 Jan 03 02:33 0.9833335 AU 6513 km Jul 05 05:06 1.0167289 AU 2786 km 364.39 days
2028 Jan 05 12:28 0.9833074 AU 2608 km Jul 03 22:18 1.0166798 AU -4566 km 367.41 days
2029 Jan 02 18:13 0.9832917 AU 270 km Jul 06 05:12 1.0167127 AU 362 km 363.24 days
2030 Jan 03 10:12 0.9833418 AU 7758 km Jul 04 12:58 1.0167227 AU 1848 km 365.67 days
For 2923, aphelion was 4444km closer than average. 2024 will be further away so expect a bit cooler. 2025 and 2026 are even closer than 2023 so expect even warmer conditions.
That data is available here:
Climate models are blind to solar POWER. they are based on energy. But local surface temperature is highly correlated with solar intensity (power flux) at any given location. There are breaks points like loss of permanent ice on land or gain in permanent ice. For example, the place that presently gets the highest daily sunlight is the South Pole on December 22 each year. But it never gets above 0C because it remains a cold block of ice.
Earth is heading for termination of the present interglacial. The norther oceans started getting increased solar power 500 years ago. The amount of ocean surface hitting the 30C limit is increasing at 2.5% of the entire NH ocean area each decade. A lot more moisture in September means a lot more fall and winter precipitation. High latitudes and high ground sees that precipitation as snow. Eventually the snow will accumulate as ice on the high ground and high latitudes like it did 120ka ago. I am forecasting permafrost heading southward by 2200.
Good perspectives Rick.
Where is the estimated error on the precession cycle duration written down?
Eg NASA reports axial precession at “about” 25771.5 years ……?..
Weren’t we all taught in primary school to always state measurements and estimates with an error?
Which of these predictions have come true?
1987: NASA’s James Hansen predicts world 3C warmer by 2020.
1988: UN — world will be 4℃ warmer and Antarctica 5.5℃ by 2030
1988: Maldives completely under water in 30 years
2007 Arctic summers ice free by 2013 BBC Dec.12
2007 Dr. David Viner within twenty years, the Mediterranean would become far too hot for European holiday makers, who would instead flock to Blackpool to take advantage of warmer summers in the UK.
What did Labor’s “Climate Expert” Tim Flannery say in 2012? — “Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and river systems”!
……… And yet, ‘Flim’ Flannery is still being touted as an ‘expert’ by their ABC. Given his specialty is the Hairy Nosed Wombat, we should believe his prognostications on weather/climate, NOT…..
“particulars have emerged about the green billionaire-funded course run by the Oxford Climate Journalism Network (OCJN), which has to date attracted over 400 participants from around the world”
“Noted climate hysteric Saffron O’Neill has been a past speaker and she is on record as speculating on the need for “fines and imprisonment” for expressing scepticism about “well supported” science.”
It’s worth following the link to the OCJN within this article to see who the nutters are. Come the revolution…
What looked like a bomb blast on Toronto Transit Commission subway was actually an e-bike battery
And anotherone bites the dust..
Actually, having now checked the background to that car explosion claiming to be a EV, i have discovered that it was in fact a LPG gas car cylinder being refilled (in Uzbeckistan !)
Lesson ?… nothing on the web.!
The framework for “ElBowen’s next big pronouncement”?
Via Instapundit
A summary
Putin’s New Year’s Address To The Nation. Duda’s New Year’s Address To The Nation (Poland).
Relevant but at a tangent (sort of): Feminism and the Disposable Male. There are a lot of videos of “Feminism vs MGTOW” going around at the moment. Women are wondering why they have been left on the shelf.
I feel sorry for the women who havemt bought into the BS but get swept away in the tide, whether its relationships or men in womens sports or careers.
This Woman Would Rather Live In Delusion Than Accept Reality And Its Consequences
Women Are Angry As Men Check Out Abroad For Marriage And Love
Ian- I think that is better than all the ‘best of cartoons & memes’ you posted above! Certainly more truthful!
Must Be “The Climate Change”: Dentist Drops Dead Suddenly in Middle of Patient’s Routine Treatment
A California dentist has dropped dead suddenly in the middle of performing a routine treatment on a patient, according to reports.
The dentist died last week after suffering an unexpected cardiac arrest.
The death was confirmed by the California Department of Industrial Relations Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
The unnamed dentist’s sudden death occurred on December 21 and was reported to state officials on the same day.
According to the Kern County coroner’s office, the cause of death was confirmed to be cardiac arrest.
What can you say…
That will likely make the “mysterious sudden death/injury” list on Covid and Coffee Newsletter – along with various airline pilots and other notables
In the mid 1970s one of colleaugues didnt return from his regular jog around Hyde Park in Sin City. It happens.
No one denies sheet happens. The discussion is about how often.
It varies around the world but there is between 15 & 20% higher incidence.
Sure, but this anectdote is indicative of nothing
But is made to seem like it does
The inescapable immune escape pandemic – 10 part video series
Watch them all (or just one) and be smarter than the government and health experts. 😁
Simplicious rounds up the technology changes in the year for Russia and Ukraine-
Cheap drones make up for a lack of artillery in Ukraine, they put either side trying to advance in a dangerous place. Anti-drone jamming has been advancing so jammers can be fitted on individual vehicles, but then drones use rolling bands to dodge the jammers. It means the drone operators are becoming a more valuable target, emitting a drone control wavelength invites instant retaliation, like using radar to scan for missiles.
Avoiding the retaliation means setting up a series of towers that the drone uses to orientate itself so it doesn’t need an operator.. but then the towers are an instant target.
While most countries have developed drone aircraft as loitering munitions, Russia is going for drone helicopters.
Suddenly the West is interested in developing their drone technology.
..and a KH-101 cruise missile was seen ejecting radar & infra-red countermeasures recently. They reckon of the 300 KH-22 missiles used, NATO air defenses have not shot down one of them. So that includes Iron Dome and Patriot systems. Everyone is learning a lot.
Elsewhere a Ukie soldier was complaining about the Abrams tanks, too heavy, they sink into the ground, the air filters are too low and clog up after a couple of hours and the tank stops until you clean them, and the 50% Jet-A1/diesel fuel is unobtainable in Ukraine. In a real war they are not what you are looking for..
??…what happened to GPS !?
Good question Chad.. I wonder if it gets turned off a la Elon’s Starlink, or gets jammed as the Russians are said to do on the battlefield.
The ocean of electronic wavelengths must be quite amazing, if we could see EMF waves people might treat them differently.
Later missiles continue with inertial guidance once GPS is jammed. Loses accuracy depending on time.
Ukraine is doing the better in the asymmetric, long range war.
Very easy to jam, at least within a local area … it’s a weak signal on a well known frequency.
This is Spy Vs Spy stuff. It happens in war and is what the best war stories are made of, the war in the Atlantic and the efforts to get bombers on target were great examples in WWII.
If you have Foxtel, they have a 6 part series The Wargamers on demand. Worth watching.
That series narrowly focused on only part of the story. To read more of what happened, try the book “Captain Gilbert Robert’s R.N. and the Anti-U-Boat School”, by Mark Williams.
Comments on life, from 1957:
No mention of rock & roll. That WAS important.
Finally got the car a/c cold enough:
Only one previous owner, had dandruff though
Way back in BC –
“Dandruff” was the school term for the coconut on the boarding house lamingtons
EV Trucks are a Complete Disaster
“Germany: “Renewable Energy Sector Facing The Abyss”…”On The Brink” …Economy Breaking Up ”
Someone trying to pee on “ElBowen’s 2024 Energy Parade??
Truth in advertising?
I’m the cook tonight and I am told that “Massel Chicken Stock Cubes: are the go-to product.
And I read “Massel Ultracubes are plant based, have no animal content and are gluten free and are dairy free”.
How many times did they walk the rooster past the brewing pot then? (Per an old boarding house joke).
I thought all signs were saying that we don’t like fake meat?
“Where’s Canada?”
Forget that –
Where’s Oz”×729.jpg