A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo
joyeux Noël et Bonne Année
Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr
Merry Christmas everyone!
It is just 7:18 am December 24th here in the western USA.
Nevertheless, to all you early adopters:
Merry Christmas!
I don’t know if these have been posted before but here they are anyway, Merry Christmas.
Serious question….
By design, we now have a dumbed-down “education” system. Actually, its an indoctrination system. Today, how many of the dumbed-down masses actually know that CO2 is an essential plant nutrient and had it continued to drop to just a little lower, to below 200ppm, we would have been facing a mass extinction event?
Fortunately nature corrected the deficiency and it is rising again, hopefully it’s on the way to 800ppm-1000ppm.
Note: A lot of those advocating for destruction of our energy supply don’t even know the term “CO2”, they call it “carbon” (sic).
Carbon equates to black, dirty sort of substance. Gross and yucky, like. The indoctrinated ones will not receive any contrary message on this as they believe that the world is heading for a cataclysmic end at the hands of evil capitalists. A jolly Christmas to all!
Carbon is a girl’s best friend…Happy Christmas.
Merry Christmas
David. Dumbed Down in what way….and to what extent? On my morning strolls i see three cars in almost every driveway / garage….99.9% fossil-fueled. I also see the airports packed; the cruise ships booked solid, the highways choked.
This means…TO YOU, and all other hand-wringers?….that the masses believe in the CO2 scam They are doing exactly the opposite of what’s requested (reducing emissions) for what reason?
Then of course I hear air-cons going on every house….and much much more. The delightfully air-consitioned stores will soon be open and PACKED throughout the land as Boxing Day sales commence.
My suggestion; STOP bowing to the noisy 0.1% of hysterics. The sooner you stop allowing the crazies to mess with your mind by believing they are for real, the sooner you will shut them up.
BTW: Did you also think the endless barrage of nonsense from the YES camp leading up to the recent racist referendum meant a win for the YES…or was it just noisy hysterics and liars having a cry AS USUAL? well?
[Mantaray you are obviously passionate on the subject which is great but I’m not sure why you seem to be attacking David for the comment he made , you are both on the same side .]AD
FWIW around that “control area”
“Time To Make It Clear From All Humanity”
“They haven’t done any of this but they wish to impose on you such a lifestyle at literal gunpoint.
We, the humans of this planet, must make this clear: No, they won’t impose any such thing. We are not slaves and we will not accept the premise that is blatantly unconstitutional — and thus illegal on its face — that they are “more equal” and thus can do whatever they want carbon-wise, enjoying the fruits thereof, while we cannot.
F13k these people and their “goals”; their goal is your slavery, not the planet’s health and it is irrevocably proved by people like Kerry, Gore and many others who demonstrate every single day that they believe exactly zero of what they preach.:
Unto Us A Child Is Born.
The Archangel Gabriel was intimately involved.
Christmas has not always been celebrated by Christians in relatively modern times, including by Puritans in the US colonies:
From Wikipedia entry “Christmas”.
Being Christmas Day I feel it is appropriate to post this video link to the birth of Christ and written in the stars. It’s not astrology. A few of those who comment here will understand it.
Very interesting …never heard that before, thanks Ted.
Following your chicken post the other day:
The racist history of fried chicken:
They had deep fried chicken in Roman times and the middle ages?
Merry Christmas
And things you can do to add to that –
“5 Things You Can Do This Christmas to Make the Marxists Miserable”
Not exactly my Christmas spirit. Merry Christmas to all.
Merry Christmas, everyone, from The Blue Mountains west of Sydney, Australia.
Flooding in coastal suburbs in Sydney overnight with people being rescued. Heavy rain, thunderstorms and damaging hail forecast.
Must be unprecedented!
Feliz Navidad and Merry Christmas from an American in Ecuador.
The Christmas Goat
I was taking a close look at Jo’s Christmas card, which is a nativity scene, transposed to Central Europe.
The closest animals to baby Jesus are a lamb and a sheep, then a goat.
I suppose that the shepherds could have had sheep and goats but goats are unusual in nativity sets. Cows by contrast are often included yet would be foreign to the context of Judea in the Roman era.
Is there a theological reason why goats are not included in nativity sets?
I think cows (ox if trained to work) were most definitely known in Judea and there is specific Mosaic law relating to them such as provision for them to rest on the Sabbath (Exodus 23:12) and law of responsibility if an ox or bull gores someone (Exodus 21:28). I don’t see why they wouldn’t have been there during the Roman era.
I don’t think animals are mentioned, but a manger is.
Goats became important in the region because other
animals began to deplete the local vegetation.
Cattle and sheep are grazers and can destroy
grassy areas. This caused problems in the American west
because cattle folks did not want sheet on the land.
Goats are primarily browsing animals and have an extremely varied
plant diet that has allowed them to adapt to many diverse environments.
By the time of the birth of Christ, goats would have been
common and found where there were mangers.
So Oxen and Goats were common in Judea.
Animals not mentioned specifically in the gospels.
Cows get a mention in the Christmas carol (Silent Night). So do shepherds.
But not the goats. I am not sure why they are left out.
“Mandatory Indoctrination: UC San Diego’s Climate Change Education Requirement”
Mery Christmas to you Jo and yours, and all the confederates on this site I enjoy your posts and common sense.
Have a very prosperous New Year.
Victoriastanis (Victoria, a southern fiefdom of Australia) can look forward to a new year with new houses not allowed to be connected to the natural gas network.
Combined with that, power stations in Australia will continue to be shut down as part of the programmed destruction of our energy supply.
People are deluded if they think solar and wind subsidy farms (no matter what numbers are built) will be capable of supplying the requisite energy.
These expensive randomly-operated parasitic devices are built only for 1) virtue signaling, and 2) transfer of wealth from the non-Elites to the Elites, supported by a slave army of useful idiots of the Left and in a marketplace where competition from reliable and inexpensive power sources is illegal.
Even when industrial power users are “load shed”, including the aluminium smelters, there still will not be enough power to go around to sustain our present although rapidly diminishing standard of living.
But of course, that is the plan.
Not really for xmas, but you started it.😎
No energy or fertilisers = bye bye pesky oxygen wasters.
Who has a farm in the country? 😉
Merry Christmas to all readers, writers and all relatives and families.
I think that no matter what one’s beliefs, Christian or not, atheist or not, it’s good such a day as today is set aside because without it people like Dan Andrews, former dictator of Vicdanistan or former PM’s Turnbull, Whitlam or others would declare a day of worship of themselves after they declared themselves to be gods. It’s much like Julius Caesar did in 45BCE after he allowed a statue of himself to be erected inscribed with Deo Invicto (to the unconquered god) and declared himself dictator for life. It didn’t end well for him one year later…
All these pollies toed the line in the belief they’d be given a privileged place in the NWO but the reality is they’re just expendable useful idiots, as they’re waking up to now.
Reap what you sow, part # whatever.
A good observation.
I really hope it’s true but on past performance they’re mostly too dumb to understand that they aren’t important to those doing the manipulation.
On the theme of such a day as today. You can write the year simply as 45BC.
UK misses out on hottest Christmas Eve ‘ever’. Heathrow falls just short of Scotland in the 1930s!
Aye, Aberdeen was scorching on 15.5C in 1931 while Devon remains the HOTTEST EVAH Christmas Day waaaay back in 1920 on 15.6C.
One hundred-and-three years later and still no hotter, not even Heathrow’s Hellscape Hokeyshtick spike-omometer.
Skiffy snow showers to continue on NZ’s Mt Cook today and tomorrow with another (colder) blast on the way for New Year’s Eve, 31 December: ‘high summer’ as it used to be called before Climate became the new religion. Merry Christmas!
To the sane and best thinking people of our society that gather here, Merry Christmas.
Thx Philip. 🙂
Never mind jingle bells, Where I live it’s Cicada Bells. They’re so loud this morning my ear drums distort if I open the window.
The only thing more Australian would be sweat and unrelenting heat, but its overcast and low 20s.I’d better get back to Twitter where I’m told the earth is about to die.
Merry Christmas everybody.
Frosty the Snowman, was a jolly happy soul,
With a corn cob pipe and a button nose, and two eyes made of coal.
For Frosty, the Snowman, had to hurry on his way,
But he waved goodbye, sayin’ “Don’t you cry, I’ll be back again some day.”
I had another 1984 moment today listening to the old songs of the season.
Here’s hoping that by 2084 we’ll see exposure of the corrupt “carbon” fraud.
All I want for Christmas …
Oops – I meant 2024
Christmas 2084 is also a Monday. Just sayin’.
We fished out our old video playing tv and watched The Snowman last night. He’s still around!
Our border collie had to come to church with us early yesterday evening and this morning. He hates thunder and the sound of heavy rain on the metal roof so it was a case of missing the Christmas services, for me, or the dog becoming an attender. He was very well behaved, happily!
Merry Christmas from Down South
Topher and Hoodie Christmas Special
Two hours; it’s excellent. Thankyou for posting it Kim.
More good news for Xmas: Federal Judge Sides With Osage Nation, Orders Removal Of 84 Wind Turbines
These turbines are part of the Osage Wind project near Fairfax, Oklahoma. On Wednesday, a federal judge in Tulsa ruled that the 84-turbine wind project must be removed. This photo is a still image from the upcoming docuseries, Juice: Power, Politics, And The Grid. Credit: Tyson Culver.
The Osage Nation won a massive ruling in Tulsa federal court on Wednesday that requires Enel to dismantle a 150-megawatt wind project it built in Osage County despite the tribe’s repeated objections. The tribe’s fight against Rome-based Enel began in 2011 and is the longest-running legal battle over wind energy in American history.
As reported by Curtis Killman in the Tulsa World on Thursday, the ruling grants the United States, the Osage Nation, and Osage Minerals Council permanent injunctive relief via “ejectment of the wind turbine farm for continuing trespass.”
The decision by U.S. Court of International Trade Judge Jennifer Choe-Graves is the culmination of 12 years of litigation that pitted the tribe and federal authorities against Enel. During the construction of the project, the company illegally mined rock owned by the tribe, and it continued to do so even after being ordered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs to stop. Instead of halting work, the company sped up construction. Enel must now remove the 84 turbines that it built on 8,400 acres of the Tallgrass Prairie located between Pawhuska and Fairfax. Removing the turbines will cost Enel some $300 million.
Windfarms on ‘riginal lands here could go the same way.
fantastic news.
I expect the company will simply go broke and walk away.
Merry Christmas from Blue occupied territory in the USA.
where does christmas come from? – david icke in 2015
We know many are doing it tough out there, but despite all this, we should also still remind ourselves that we are indeed very fortunate and show a little gratitude. It is gratitude knowing that all people alive today are in the top 1% of the most fortunate people that have ever lived.
Mankind has ‘acquired’ this fortune by abandoning slavery and replacing the labor therein with the energy from fossil and nuclear fuels.
Merry Christmas everyone !
Pope Francis’ homily at this year’s Christmas mass suggests he is not quite the globalist that I (for one) had believed him to be. Perhaps he’s still a woke leftist pope, but there are other sides to his worldview.
He compares Christ’s incarnation with the background of Augustus’ census of the Roman Empire, reflecting that “The census of the whole earth, in a word, manifests the all-too-human thread that runs through history: the quest for worldly power and might, fame and glory, which measures everything in terms of success, results, numbers and figures, a world obsessed with achievement.” Christ does not look at numbers, but at faces.
His view would seem to be at odds with the WEF, the UN and on down to local councils who are obsessed with quantitative knowledge of us as a collective, and demanding that we all have digital ID numbers, uniquely identifying mobile phone numbers, MyGov accounts. Or with Marxism that deals with humankind only as statistical averages and blurs out individual identities.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all good night!
If looking for a good natured family movie The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming fills the bill.
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all, even the non religious, it is here for all to enjoy.
It’s not Christmas until Hans Gruber is taking a nose dive from the top of the Nakotomi Building , merry Christmas everyone .
This doesn’t look like a Christmas present –
““Environmental Justice” $ub$umes Everything”
It is Christmas Day here.
I’m scheduled to attend a small social dinner gathering that ceased during the COVID years.
I face it with dread.
I must gird my loins to smile and remain silent.
One reason is that this early AM, I am listening to this:
In my world, listening to such brands one a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
(As does simply knowing the actual percentage of CO2 in the atmosphere.)
I would note, that once upon a time when the story of Christmas was translated to peasant language and the peasants learned to read …
having actually read The Story yourself could bring you a world of hurt.
I am the direct descendent of people kicked out of Europe for that very reason.
Ironically, I will be the least educated and most physically capable person in attendance.
If what the fellow says in the above link is true …
confirmation of alien visitation may the second most important event of the 21st century.
Unless of course the first translated message from an alien world is ‘Merry Christmas’.
What does the word Christmas mean? It means Christs’ Mass. Which means celebrating the incarnation of God in the human form of Jesus Christ. Celebrating this unique birth is important because it gives us joyous hope for salvation.
Jesus Christ retained His status as God as shown in John 1:1, 14 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”.
Whilst we celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas it is important to understand that our salvation is the ultimate reason for His earthly presence. Romans 5:8 shows why Jesus came “but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”.
Jesus’ resurrection proves that God accepted Jesus’ death as the payment for our sins.
Romans 10:9 talks about how we can be saved “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved”.
Here’s an excellent video on the subject of salvation:
May God bless you wonderfully this 2023 Christmas season.
Merry Christmas Jo and David and all the brave skeptics out there.
Aloha and Mele Kalikimaka from Hawaii! Mahalo nui loa Jo and David!
Cold Humboldt Current.