A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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UK philanthropist has donated £670 million to climate organisations
At some point, it is not possible to spend all your money on yourself so he has to give it away….
Fortunately, the great fat pig pays VAT, at least. And, hopefully, rates.
Aloha! LinkedIn had an ESG SKILLS SUMMIT and they invited comments on the importance of ESG in finances and investments. Since LinkedIn asked I made a comment.
Aloha! As a farmer in Hawaii and one of the former Cisco Systems subcontractors who designed the first NetFlix prototype in the 1990s at Menlo College and a partner in the Orion Renewable Energy projects in NW Louisiana I can say with complete confidence that ROI is still the most important factor in investing. To this day I can never get a straight answer to my “climate crisis” questions.
#1 How many solar panels and wind turbines and EVs must be built and operated in the US to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by 0.000002%?
#2 How many people on planet Earth need to be removed to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by 0.000002%?
#3 How does reducing CO2 emissions in the US reduce CO2 emissions in China?
#4 How does reducing CO2 emissions in the US succeed without a highly toxic China supply chain?
Based on the failures of ESG to address the above simple four questions I have to conclude that the current government decreed climate crisis either does not exist or cannot be resolved and therefore makes the climate industrial complex irrelevant to current and future criteria for investing.
We should be asking those questions of all our governments with the country name changed, obviously.
I would like to see the simpleton Christopher Bowen, Australia’s Minister for Climate Change and Energy asked those questions in Parliament.
What, you want “Turtle neck” to waffle on for an hour
and not SAY anything in answer to each questions?
Watching paint dry would be WAY more exciting.
David Maddison #2.1 Bowen would reply as usual. Lean on the rostrum, right hand in the air, a pompous know-it-all all look on his face with the a derisive smile, spend all his time accusing the opposition of being sceptics (badge of honour, he doesn’t yet realise) who dragged their feet on ‘climate change’ (which thankfully is true to an extent). When the clock had run down enough or the Speaker (unlikely) demanded he return to answer the question, he would say “Question taken on notice” and sit down.
A few more basic questions could be asked to avoid those detail answers.
.1).. what evidence exists that prooves atmospheric CO2 is detrimental to future life on Earth
.2)..what evidence exists to proove any causal linkage between human activity and increasing atmospheric CO2 levels.
but…but…97% of scientists agree!
And I know it’s true because the meejia says so!
Gerbil warming is the greatest con in history.
Maybe. But the COVIDVAX is giving it a run for the money.
The Hole in the Ozone Layer was jut a pilot run.
The Ozone hypothesis had a big hole in it.
You can’t even make an omelette without breaking ESG.
ESG stands for “Economic Suicide Guaranteed”.
I don’t know whether OZ got some of these classic British Childrens programmes or perhaps you were still living in the UK at the Time?
Captain Scarlett, Thunderbirds and many others.
I have always thought the concept of “International Rescue” as shown in Thunderbirds to be a good one. A well equipped team on constant alert in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres to swoop in at times of natural disasters.
Thunderbirds are GO.
They can be streamed on demand apparently via a local free-to-air channel. Growing up in Canberra in the 60s, the family would watch The Man From UNCLE. I’d watch The Saint at times but was more consumed by Emma Peel in The Avengers.
The show that really caught me up though was Patrick McGoohan’s The Prisoner. That was special.
I have the Prisoner on DVD. It has stood the test of time very well. It is intriguing to see how utterly empty of cars London’s streets were in that far off time.
I loved Thunderbirds, and still do.
Gerry and Sylvia Anderson were geniuses.
Note. Only the original one.
There was a modern CGI remake which is fully woke and they never smoke, drink, use nuclear power or firearms. I think they even use wind power as windmills can be seen in background imagery (as far as I recall). It is not clear what power source their vehicles use. It is no fun at all. As Donald Trump said, “everything woke turns to sh-t”.
All the non-woke originals are available free on YouTube.
The original was good, but you’d have to say the D-Generation did cap it off.
I loved the real life Thunderbirds, the USAF aerobatic team. They did a display over the Strand in Townsville that was fantastic. The show culminated in an RAAF F111 doing a dump and burn, maybe the last EVA.
A lot of these old tv series are on uselesstube, but the quality isn’t the best most of the time, but watchable.
I watched both seasons of the 70’s WW2 drama Colditz a while back, the thinking man’s version of Hogan’s Heroes.
It’s a good intelligent drama, well worth watching.
Also classic semi-cheese scifi like “Voyage to the bottom of the sea”, or “Voyage to the bottom of the fishtank” as I call it. 😆
Time Tunnel is by the same company I think.
Oz gets all of its second hand socialism from The Old Dart.
I made this comment yesterday watching the numerous middle class white western liberals-especially women-marching with the Pro Palestinian protestors in London yesterday.
These people are quite alien in their hard line religious beliefs and given the chance would dispose of the womens rights, anti racism stance, support for gay rights, liberal values etc the white liberals endorse.
Yet still they don’t seem to connect the dots that the two groups have got such radically different world views that they are incompatible. Its all very well western liberals rationalising that they can be against say Sharia law whilst still supporting Palestinian causes but death cults such as Hama* will just see their marching as support
Near where I live in Melbournistan (Australia) a synagogue had to be evacuated last Friday night (the start of the Jewish Sabbath) because local jihadis (aided by the usual Leftist ratbags) drove one and a half hours across town to stage a riot in a park opposite a synagogue.
Things have never been more dangerous for the Jewish community since the Holocaust.
See the honest report by Rukshan Fernando, you won’t see a full or honest report on the Lamestream media.
I have just listened to an hour of John Anderson and VDH, time well spent.
VDH seems to think that the level of revulsion against the medieval barbarity against the Jews will bring the US back from the brink and weaken the socialist grip in the uni’s.
Words are forgettable very quickly. Vision is not. Horror, never!
imo the only way to bring Western nations back to earth is to show the body cam videos from the hamas corpses with their barbarous and sadistic massacre in full colour. Put it on the msm. People need the shock and the nightmares to imprint the unquestionable on their woke, ignorant and naive brains. That would collapse the anti jew/pro hamas demonstrations on the spot. Only the hamas fanatics would attempt to continue on and that would be the chance for our security systems to id the lot of them. Realistically, that’s exactly what we get every night on the msm, courtesy of hamas.
An outstanding interview.
Thanks for posting Hanrahan.
The appropriate verbs to go with the “Queers for Palestine” pronouns are WAS and WERE. Do they seriously not know what happens to gays in Islamist regimes?
Like all Leftists, they are indescribably ignorant, stupid and support the most depraved forms of evil such as practiced by the Gazan terrorists.
You mean they’re not greeted by “Welcome former-man, in a dress, with lipstick and chin stubble. Pull up a pink unicorn and try some bacon and local beer. We value your virtue signalling contribution, and your LGBTQZzzzPB (+ PB now too!😉) group, by waving signs and yelling at passing motorists, has now resulted in a ceasefire and peace negotiations.
Naahh. Just kidding. Public beheadings start 1pm sharp.”
Choked up to say that public executions ended in the UK in 1868
/no sarc
How does supporting LQBTG rights make you morally superior, when you have just killed 10000 civilians?
In any case Judaism and Islam are both Abrahamic religions, neither are exactly gay friendly:
Just a general question to anyone in Oz or the States.
I live very close to the sea on the South Coast of England. We have quite a wet climate anyway. During a wet spell, especially in the winter, the RH outside will frequently be 90/100%. Inside it will commonly be 65% and overnight a room with people sleeping in it will likely read 70%%
We have no problem with mold as the house is well ventilated, its just that its wetter outside than inside so opening windows will increase humidity.
If anyone over there has a hygrometer I would be interested to know what is considered “normal” in your neck of the woods and whether you use humidifiers rather than dehumidifiers.
In the States, it’s all over the place. Here in Texas it can vary from 15% to 100%. Inside my house it usually stay in the 40 to 60% range. Don’t use humidifiers or dehumidifiers, but A/C in summer acts as a dehumidifier as part of its functionality. OTOH it rarely gets below -10 C here, and often not below -5 C in Winter. 40 C is usual in summer.
For Australian conditions and the National Asthma Council, they have this to say about humidity. But be warned, they are probably woke, so you’ll need to check their claims.
Give me low humidity any day! Pour a cold beer and there’s no condensation on the outside..
The Central West hits 60% occasionally, 30deg occasionally and snows occasionally. In between we have a few cloudy days & lots of sun, which is why we live here. Auckland was like the UK when its warm- oceanic climate with endless cloud and showers, far too dismal.
Colds and flu & asthma, no, but hayfever yes. We have a humidifier for the summer that gets dragged out every few years, mainly as it cools a room as well.
Winter will bring condensation & mold on the window frames if my bedroom windows & door are closed, but a small window opening lets the glass be an equal temperature both sides so there’s usually no condensation.
Not exactly an answer, but you may find it interesting:
Hi Tonyb,
it doesn’t address your question directly, however I have heard of people using de-humidifiers in their bathroom and have eliminated their mould problem in those rooms.
This is something we are thinking about doing as the exhaust fan and ajar window, don’t seem to be enough.
Probably more to do with shower temperature and duration.
Short warm showers and no black mould…
Bathrooms anywhere are mold incubators. 2 weak solution chemicals are excellent mold killers.
10 g of copper sulphate (1.5 tablespoons) to 1 L of water. Spray it on mold surfaces. Lasts for weeks to months. Copper disrupts the cellular activity in the mold and kills it. Molds and fungi cannot develop a resistance to copper. Often sold as root killer for septic tanks. Check a hardware or building center.
8.5 g of powdered boric acid to 1 L of water. Spray it on mold surfaces. Boron is highly toxic to molds and fungi, not so to people. As well, boric acid powder kills athletes foot fungus in shoes, just sprinkle a little in the shoe and swish it around. Lasts for months. Powdered boric acid often sold as a roach killer for about AUD 3 for 0.5 kg. Check a supermarket or hardware center.
Copper is meaningfully applied to swimming pool chemistry. The reason for super chlorination ( shocking ) a swimming pool to kill black mold/algae is because of poor water chemistry maintenance. If the chlorine residual fluctuates below the amount needed to kill black mold, some mold survives and becomes chlorine resistant. eventually, those survivors take over the pool walls.
But. Copper is deadly to black mold in swimming pools, even at the ppm levels. The mold cannot adapt to any level of copper ions. So, shock the pool, kill the mold, and toss in .25 kg of copper sulphate into 80,000 liters, and then toss some copper fittings or wire into the skimmer/scuppers and the mold won’t come back, whilst the need for chlorine will be reduced by 70% and no shocking will be needed. 0.2 to 0.4 ppm is the target.
Oops. That would be 2 kg for 80,000 L. got my conversions wrong. In any case, it does work.
Must try this thanks Lance .
Copper Sulfate (or Sulphate) is also the same stuff you spray on fruit trees to counter fungal and bacterial diseases.
Not sure how safe it is on porcelain surfaces like sinks and shower bases though…
In the early ’90s there was an international chemists’ meeting of some sort where they agreed that the *correct* spellings were sulfur and aluminium (I think caesium might have been agreed on too). The power of international diplomacy was nicely demonstrated: the Poms (and other parts of the civilised world) continued to use “sulphur”, and the Yanks kept going with “aluminum”. On the plus side, the lunches at those meetings were probably very tasty.
FWIW, I think the “sulfur” spelling has something going for it: appropriate to be holding your nose.
First the weather right now:
And yes, evaporative air cooling is widely used in Oz away from the coast. Even some in coastal areas.
Now. I haven’t seen this page before. At 1.6 km from here it would be the old original in town station. It has been built around. The airport station is about 6 km away from here.
Have friends in southern WA and they have had the heater going , apparently they didn’t get the memo about hottest year evahhh .
Yeah, I am in central west Qld and love the old swampy! Any creaky floorboards stop creaking once we start pumping the cool moist air in. Our humidity goes from a static-belting 13% outside up to around 50%+ inside with the evap cooler going.
Occasional high humidity in summer when we get clouds sometimes. You get very used to low humidity, so when things get soggy it feel enervating.
We don’t ever get mould in the bathroom, window open and floor fan on when it’s warmer, so that’s a bonus.
Things vary greatly across areas of Aus.
Humidity in the warmer months is higher from say Sydney and north of there than areas south of Sydney, along the populated east coast.
Brisbane is halfway up the east coast and not in the recognised tropics. But the humidity in summer feels quite high and people can have problems with clothes going mouldy in cupboards/wardrobes. Dehumidifiers are used to combat this. Don’t know how commonly. While down south in Melbourne the summer heat feels much drier. 30deg in Melbourne feel much more comfortable than 30 deg in Brisbane due to the less humid conditions.
In winter things reverse. Brisbane becomes less humid and Melbourne becomes more humid, but both obviously also cooler.
I’m not aware of humidity being a mould problem down south, or dehumidifiers really being commonly used. Mould in Melbourne is more a poor construction or building issue instigated rising damp matter than a humid air issue. I guess in winter heaters are going in houses in Melbourne, doors and windows kept closed, which probably counteracts the rise in air humidity.
I’m speaking mostly anecdotally. There’s probably stats out there that say I’m wrong.
I spent three weeks in London and surrounds in June/July 2013. felt much more humid than a Melbourne summer. Pretty small London sample on my behalf to draw any fact from that. (London has more odours too 🙂 )
Adelaide is the least humid of the state capital cities. (It also has the least rainfall of the capital cities by some margin)
I think Alice Springs in central Australia is the least humid large population town. It’s north of Brisbane but obviously a long way from the coast. So maybe the coastal areas is factor in humidity and not just a matter of being closer to the tropics the more humid things can be.
I would suggest that the actual water per m3 would be a little higher inside than out, as you breathe. The variable is the temperature. Opening a window will lower the temp, thus raising the RH.
If you are trying to keep warm, high RH is hardly a problem, surely?
Here is an interesting study on the possible benefit of aspirin in the treatment or supplemental treatment of cancer.
Of course, it is an unpatented, inexpensive drug. And we know what that means for research and adoption.
In the comments on the video someone in Once Great Britain said that aspirin have become quite hard to get there.
Sounds a familiar scenario for cheap, useful, safe drugs….
I just checked Coles here in Australia. You can still buy it at the supermarket (for now).
Every supermarket here will have stacks of Aspirin but perhaps not as well displayed as the more expensive alternatives such as paracetamol and branded versions.
The next phase of Australian Government censorship and information control.
A scary 4 min video about Labor’s next phase of censorship.
They want to force smart TV manufacturers to put ABC first on the list of Apps followed by other Lamestream channels and ahead of Sky and Fox which they want to suppress because they dont follow the Official Narrative.
It’s called the “prominence framework”.
Fact checked by me.
You should be able to circumvent this censorship by using your own PC or Raspberry Pi etc. and an open source smart TV App like Kodi or many others.
Of course, the Australian Government will respond by increased surveillance of you and laws restricting your access to any commentary that doesn’t support the Official Narrative.
This is what happens when the Left go free range.
This is what happens when the Left go free range … and there is no one to stop them.
Of course, it’s always possible that some of our current crop of ‘conservative’ politicians are happy with measures such as 18C and misinformation legislation, because it keeps certain issues off the political agenda and allows them to avoid having to answer for their failure to take a stand on such issues.
Asked how it felt to be so far ahead of his time that he was subject to attacks upon his sanity, Dr. Tesla smiled and said that he has long since ceased to regard it as important.
“I live a life of seclusion. The opinion of the world does not affect me. I have placed as the real values in my life what follows after I am dead, although it has been given to me to live to see those things which were once scouted accepted as scientific dogmas.
The thing that recompenses me is that my name shall be known to generations yet unborn for the Tesla Coil, Tesla Motor, and perhaps my name will be connected to the absolutely new source of power I am about to present to the world. It is this thought in which I find happiness and health. A pioneer does not apply his energies in the way the world is going. Rather he goes against the current. He lets them call him a lunatic. He lets them trample him—if I should every tell you the inside story of how I had been trampled—but never mind, it was all good for me. I have come through it. I am able to work harder than I worked a year ago. I work now with greater energy and get results more easily than ever before in my life.
…After all, they have called me a lunatic before. What is one last time?“
–Nikola Tesla
“Tesla Predicts New Source of Power In Year.” New York Herald Tribune. July 9, 1933.
Regarding power radiation, perhaps he never knew the inverse square law of 3D point emission?
Regardless of his imagination and ingenuity, talent, and skill, the inverse square law eliminates any practical possibility of broadcasting power from a point source over any meaningful distance.
I have a copy of “Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell Into Tyranny” by Edward J. Watts
It provides insight into what’s going on in the West and the US right now.
In Mortal Republic, prize-winning historian Edward J. Watts offers a new history of the fall of the Roman Republic that explains why Rome exchanged freedom for autocracy. For centuries, even as Rome grew into the Mediterranean’s premier military and political power, its governing institutions, parliamentary rules, and political customs successfully fostered negotiation and compromise.
By the 130s BC, however, Rome’s leaders increasingly used these same tools to cynically pursue individual gain and obstruct their opponents. As the center decayed and dysfunction grew, arguments between politicians gave way to political violence in the streets. The stage was set for destructive civil wars — and ultimately the imperial reign of Augustus.
The death of Rome’s Republic was not inevitable. In Mortal Republic, Watts shows it died because it was allowed to, from thousands of small wounds inflicted by Romans who assumed that it would last forever.
I don’t know if you have read Lustrum by Robert Harris. It covers Cicero’s career which coincides with the time that Caesar is making his grab for power. Great reading.
A read of John Julius Norwich’s magisterial ‘Byzantium’also illustrates and reflects the decline of Rome through intrigue, incompetence, not dealing with problems as they arise, letting in too many Barbarians,wild overspending and the decline of the armed forces and downright corruption and decadence.
That sounds familiar….
Tony, which of the Byzantium books by Norwich are you referring to?
A Short History…
The Decline and Fall…
The Early Centuries….
Apogee (Vol 2) (Which is Vol 1?)
I would like to add it to my collection.
I have a “short history” which although a single volume is still pretty long and if it weren’t in quite small type would be even longer. As its trying to condense three large volumes it is faster paced but not as exhaustive. I suggest you are more likely to read it in a reasonable time scale and can always get the longer versions if you want to go into minute details.
The Saracens did a lot of damage of course but the various crusades didn’t help with the huge untrained armies raping and pillaging and demanding food and shelter.
Thanks Tony.
Spot on Tony.
Lustrum – 2nd book in the ‘Imperium’ trilogy about Cicero.
Fabulous reading, and recommended to all who want to understand how empires begin to crumble, and the dangers of political life in the latter days of the Roman republic.
Robert Harris writes Great Books. He brings Cicero to life as he did with Pompeii. You feel as if you are there.
If you like historical novels that really get inside the period and shows us how lucky we are to be living in these times, can I suggest the “Shardlake” series starting with “Dissolution”. About the huge changes as Britain became Protestant. Written by CJ Sampson.
It would do our youngsters good to read these books which shows what a harsh society our forebears had to face and why they behaved as they did with such things as slavery. It wasn’t just the same as today but without iphones.
Monster fires: another gift from the greens
What is really being said is, CO2 is a fertiliser and, with adequate everything else, everything green grows bigger and better – or ‘worser’ depending on your outlook. Greens hate people. Plenty of CO2 grows food better. More food = more people! More people bad!
From my point of view, every call the greens make seems to aim at inducing a massive human (and animal, as an unwanted side effect) famine and depopulation. They now have a template in Sri Lanka and obviously some disciples in the EU, as well as Australia.
Maybe rabbits will become a protected species soon. A worldwide rabbit plague would fix everything for the greens after they’ve abolished ruminants.
About those seemingly never ending bushfires.
Professional bushfire fighters do not extinguish bushfires. Time and again we have seen it. They don’t have the instinct for it.
Volunteers do, because they don’t want to have to come back tomorrow.
After decades of neglect of fire management in 1994 we had big bad bushfires in the National Parks north of Sydney. The government was caught short on many fronts, with a serious lack of resources for fighting these fires. The response, from then till now, has been to give the RFS a blank cheque book. But still with all their marvellous equipment the fires do not go out.
In the Good Old Days we used to fight forest fires with two teams of men armed with rakes and axes and a day’s tucker and drinking water, starting at the back of the fire where the wind won’t blow it back over you, with one team going each way, and march off along the edge of the fire extinguishing it as they go by ensuring that there was no fire left burning close to the edge, until they met again at the front of the fire. That might take hours or days or occasionally weeks.
The best time to be doing this work was at night when it was cooler and often less windy.
It was effective. The fires were extinguished. In time bulldozers and road graders and chainsaws made the work ever so much easier. But in modern times it seems the fires just don’t go out.
These days they use aircraft a lot. A big waste of money doing deadly dangerous work, achieving not much. In my view if they left three quarters of their aircraft in the shed the fires would have been out a lot sooner at vastly less cost.
Well, fancy that.
Outcomes after early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: An analysis of a database of 30,423 COVID-19 patients
Overall, this study represents the largest single center study evaluating HCQ-AZ in the treatment of COVID-19. Similarly, to other large observational studies, it concludes that HCQ would have saved lives. In a spirit of open science, we encourage investigators to re-analyze, similar FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable) databases and to report their findings.
The Zelenko protocols – such elegant, practical, effective solutions for early anti-viral treatment of COVID. Recommend a cocktail of cheap, re-purposed drugs to use early in the infection cycle with minimum adverse effects. Use them all at their present approved use rates, so as to not affect toxicology profiles. All known to have basic anti-viral activity. Using them all together provides synergy so they are more effective with less chance of resistance. The only drawback with tablets is the variable absorption that is encountered. But companies were also working on intravenous version of IVM. Just imagine in 2020 if everyone had access to these cocktails, similar to ZIVERDO kits. Everyone had a pack in their medicine cabinet and you could walk into a chemist and purchase OTC. There would have been no lockdowns, no face mask or vaccine mandates. Life would have been almost normal for 3 years. A period of time I now call the” COVID bollocks”. Yet, just last week COVID numbers have increased again and all the authorities can recommend is face masks and boosters.
I have been an early adopter of Z-Stack and have not had a cough, cold or even sneeze for more than 3 years. Am 79 y.o.
Husband & I were likewise – until 4 weeks ago when we were hit by the latest Covid strain. A whopper of an upper respiratory virus with a late non productive cough that was distressing. Probably started taking recommended Quercetin/aspirin/ antihistamines/ antiobiotic a bit late. Even so, had been having usual supplements of VitD/VitC/Zinc/ Magnesium/Curcumin etc
Maybe a more virulent strain is what Geert van den Bossche was warning about in respect to vaccinating during a pandemic. Treating doctor agreed that lockdowns (especially if children) had reverse effects on natural immunity.
Non productive cough?
A couple of Sundays back daughter drove us to Newcastle for a mate’s funeral Monday. Booked into Novotel, walked to the beach but saw no whales. Walked back then the ladies went to eat, I didn’t feel like it. Just tired. When the ladies returned I was in the bed near the bathroom. Can’ remember why. Wife wanted to take me to hospital. I said no, went back to sleep. Next I became aware that ambos were working on me. Was asleep again straight away. Woke up next morning in John Hunter on IV antibiotics.
The primary bug was ……cornivirus? can’t remember, but hadn’t heard of it before. Forty degree temp, no aches or pains, fluid faeces but no scalding. and still have an unproductive cough. Not bad, but I’d rather not have it.
And that would be the first bug I have caught in over 15 years,
If companies are working on an intravenous version of IVM it’s so the tablets can be restricted and access to IVM is solely thru medical and hospital types. There’ll be a black market probably and the diabetic syringes will become even more popular.
“Sahara Expert Says Desert Shrinking, Calls Alarmist Tipping Points “Complete Nonsense” ”
And from back a way
Since warmists are staticists and don’t believe that the world ever changes, they’ll doon be demanding redesertification.
I wonder how warmists account for the Sahara Desert rock art depicting hippos, rhinos, elephants, giraffes, bubalus, aurochs, large antelopes etc.?
Imagine how quickly it would recede if people on the edges could plug into electricity instead of burning wood.
Imagine how quickly it would recede if people on the edges could plug into electricity instead of burning wood.
Climate or weather?
Chilly across southern parts of Australia today – apart from Jo’s place in the far western desert; “heavy snow” and frigid temps for NZ’s highest peak all week – which is why I’m far away up north; troppo #2 of the season has Fiji in its sights – yet it’s modelled to be short-lived, albeit Cat 2 max (unless nudged by forces unseen).
The first pohutukawa flowers bloomed yesterday, attended by a swarm of honey bees, though I’m not impressed with our lacklustre 20C max temps. Besides, SST dropped back down to 16 after a brief flirt with 17 last week, brrr…
Crisis – where is thy sting!
BTW – this is the fifth week and still no effective government in Lala Limbo Land: the loser lot are still ‘caretaking’ the sideshow… UN-believable.
The October solar intensity is declining quite fast at 40S. It will inevitably result in cooler Novembers over the long term. This is the data for October solar intensity at 40S, which has most influence on the November surface temperature due to thermal inertia:
Just taking the last 500 years to next 500 years:
-0.500 368.478974
-0.400 368.124820
-0.300 367.782068
-0.200 367.450702
-0.100 367.130701
0.000 366.822045
0.100 366.522541
0.200 366.234586
0.300 365.958387
0.400 365.694155
0.500 365.442094
0.000 is the year 2000. So October solar intensity down 1.7W/m^2 in just 500 years. Oceans south of 40S are just beginning to cool. But the tropical ocean in the SH has not turned the corner yet. Oceans have thermal lags that range from hundreds to thousands of years.
“WATCH: Brutal COVID Authoritarian Insists on “Little Grace And Forgiveness” For Lockdown Mandates”
I saw a cartoon a while back about a witch being burned and her executioner saying “mistakes were made on both sides”
I see “The Scientists” (see the story about the EU scientists in more context below as well based on this) have now at last “figured out” that there may be a cause and effect link between ‘Straya’s sky-high autism diagnosis numbers and the honey pot NDIS that incentivises diagnoses for all kinds of “disabilities”. Our society is really in trouble…;-)
Experts said climate change was influencing the increased seismic activity, with Icelandic Meteorological Institute’s Michelle Parks saying: “The current deglaciation that’s occurring in Iceland is affecting our volcanoes and magma bodies that are residing beneath these volcanoes. “So in the future this could mean more frequent or larger eruptions.”
Trudeau saying “Canadians are afraid of Climate Change’ and “extreme weather”.
Well, I think if one has an issue with extreme weather, might be a good idea to leave Canada.
Also, so if the world warms a bit, Canada might get one less foot of snow, and it might be just 15 below rather than 20 below …
Actually, I don’t think it’s funny.
These people are nuts.
Him in particular.
I have been an early adopter of Z-Stack and have not had a cough, cold or even sneeze for more than 3 years. Am 79 y.o.
I’d say contact the Guinness Book of Records!
How does it stop your respiratory tract from being irritated by stuff you breathe in? Sneezing and coughing have important functions.
Z-stack is a somewhat glorified multi vitamin.
I haven’t had a cold or flu in 6 years, even with people coughing right in my face. Don’t catch anything any more.
GA – you ever tried to get hold of Guinness Book of Records?
Harder than setting a world record.
Unofficial had to do. 😉
You know that the vast majority of coughs and sneezes have nothing to do with catching something (unless you mean catching a cat hair, catching dust or catching smoke)
GA, has it ever crossed your mind that you might just let something through to the keeper rather than trying to prove your superior intellect at every opportunity?
All you manage is to make people glad they aren’t married to you.
Their clueless ABC gets it right about growing coral islands and the lack of DANGEROUS SLR after the Bolter belted them around the ears for years.
But I suppose it’s better late than never?
I know Bolt linked them to the Kench studies etc many times but they were too lazy and stupid to understand.
And they now correctly state that this has been the case since the 1960s. But why do the poor taxpayers have to fund these retarded donkeys to the level of 1.1 billion $ every year?
If their ABC isn’t a criminal WASTE of the poor taxpayer’s money, then what is it?
The WEF big brother cradle to grave herd minding
MADIP (same wonderful ABS)
Shall we be concerned or is all for the grater good of the sheep?
Repeating myself …
a difference between old style Feudalism and Neo Feudalism.
A Medieval king declared god like power over his/her/they subjects, but often had difficulty exercising it.
The New Lords proclaim no such power, constantly profess to be only acting for the ‘disadvantaged’ and ‘public health’ …
but are surreptitiously (actually they’re doing it in plain sight and calling you a conspiracy theorist if you notice)
… developing true god/king like power over us all.
The lowest Englishmen at Agincourt could look over his shoulder and see his wet and muddy King.
Ranger outfits humping the boonies of Afghanistan, were sometimes commanded in real time by an officer on a computer in Virginia.
Monday ejukayshun: Now that’s a precision fit!
Now, why is it that adjustable spanners are so hopelessly sloppy in their threads. Who wants all that free play???
“Wire EDM Zero Tolerance & High Precision Cutting”
Know exactly what you are talking about. I go out of my way to avoid spanners with amazingly poor tolerances. It really should not happen and yet it is very common.
DNAde – Wired magazine, 2002:
Not a bad idea.
Not a nutritional information panel, but a genomic one. 😎
Monday entertainment: Greta on Gaza
Like all Leftists I’m sure Greta fully supports the treatment of women and gays in Islamist regimes like Gaza. And what wonders those 10,000 or so rockets fired at Israeli civilians since October 7th do for the environment.
A few little facts from the land of my birth and residence …
My POTUS is an 80 year old white guy that has been a US Senator or Vice President for 50 years.
Longer than about half his subjects have been alive.
He became POTUS by declaring that “the greatest threat to ‘Our Democracy’ is white supremacy”.
The advertising machine that can sell this, can sell coal to Newcastle.
(Oh … wait … they’re selling solar panels in Morocco to Newcastle … dang.)
So ‘Gays for Palestine’ should surprise no one.
times of israel
Hamas Israel’s own creation
General Segev himself even admits to funding Hamas himself with Israeli taxpayers money that was later used to kill the same people who were funding them.
SMH…All of a sudden autism rates have sharply risen in Australia in the last 10 years, I wonder why.
“The NDIS was introduced by the Gillard Labor Government on 1 July 2013, beginning with a trial phase known as the NDIS Launch.”
Exactly 10 years ago! Coincidence????
Has any one seen the Vax verses unvax studies?
Bitchute have the videos on unvax health.
Unvaxxed for Covid haven’t had it yet when everyone around me who are vaxxed have had it at least once , my immune system is shite I don’t eat healthy or take supplements and drink like a fish , smoke like a chimney .
Health problems I have relate to a workplace accident and subsequent surgery 15 years ago , am not anti vax and if I wasn’t suffering from a long term undiagnosed flu I probably would have had the Covid shot .
I notice the incidence of young fit athletes dying from heart attack is still prevalent but rarely rates a mention and who knows the long term effects from this Covid shot .
NDIS is an unbelievable rort.
There have been numerous Substack articles on the autism/child vaxx schedules.
Here’s two:
Vaxx ONLY for things there’s a significant and immediate risk from.
Millions of years of evolution knows better than big pharma.
Nice selection of videos on the most moderated subject
robert kennedy autism
MMR Kennedy studies.
“Johannes Leak spot on!”
Nailed it as usual!
“Physicists Simulated a Black Hole in The Lab. Then It Started to Glow.”
The shattering of Schengen: The map that reveals how ELEVEN countries – from France to Slovakia, Sweden to Germany – are rebelling against EU free movement in the face of terrorism and out-of-control immigration
Day by day, the face of Europe is dramatically changing as terrorist threats and out-of-control immigration destroy the EU’s idyll of passport-free travel between its member states.
Border checks are springing up across the bloc in a scramble by governments to restore their sovereignty and bolster national security to safeguard citizens.
A detailed map compiled by the Mail shows how 11 nations in the Schengen area — from France to Slovakia, Sweden to Germany — have re-instated long-abandoned border restrictions including identity vetting, passport checks, police interviews, static checkpoints and vehicle inspections.
According to an EU report on the new controls seen by the Mail, many countries believe border checks are essential to stop ‘infiltration’ by Middle Eastern terrorists posing as migrants, and growing strains on overwhelmed asylum reception centres.
Italy, for example, ramped up border checks this month with neighbouring Slovenia, blaming the Israel-Hamas war for an ‘increased threat of violence within the EU’ and the risk of terrorist-migrants arriving amid ‘constant migratory pressure from land and sea’.
Bit late waking up to the bleeding obvious now.
The damage is done.
FWIW – “The Newest New Pandemic?” (/s)
“We’re Disrupting Another Major Earth Cycle, And No One’s Talking About It”
The salt cycle!
“The Zimbabwe solution”
“n a nation as mired in economic chaos as South Africa is, exports that earn foreign currency are the only thing literally keeping the lights on to the extent that they are. But if the current government has its way, a huge portion of that earning potential will soon be blocked.”
“South African farms deemed “too white” will no longer be able to export their produce to the UK and the EU, according to postings in the Government Gazette, the Johannesburg-based City Press newspaper reported.
Under the rules, farmers must meet specific Black economic empowerment targets to continuing obtaining export permits.”
More “DGAS**” like ElBowen and their Nut Zero
(DGAS = Don’t Give A S***)
It’s so sad. And it turned me into an Africa Pessimist.
“Europe’s Largest Wind Farm Facing Bankruptcy”
For the Teal set –
More at
Cyclone Mal heading towards Fiji.
Bit early, hope it’s isn’t a portent of the coming season.,174.835,6z