A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I see Fonterra ( a New Zealand Dairy company ) is wanting to reduce farmer CO2 emissions.
The thing is, if A is the cause of B, then a change in A will cause a change in B.
If A changes but B does not, then A is not the cause of B.
If emissions are the cause of the growth of CO2, then a change in emissions should cause a change in the growth in CO2.
This is not what happens.
In 2016, Dr. Murry Salby showed how changes in CO2 over 2 decades showed no noticeable change in CO2 growth. ( Dr Salby called CO2 growth, “net emissions”). The cumulative emissions in the second decade were 300% larger than in the first decade. This is a falsification of the hypothesis that CO2 is rising because of human CO2 emissions.
But don’t take my word for it. If you know how to use a spreadsheet you can check this yourself.
Download emissions data from Our World In Data and calculate the annual change in emissions for each year.
Download the CO2 growth data from NOAA and calculate the change in CO2 growth for each year.
Plot these data against each other as a scatter-plot and calculate the least squares regression trend. (Exel does this in a couple of clicks.)
What you will see is the R squared is 0.00
Changes in emissions has no effect at all on CO2 growth
Downoad the annual global anthropogenic emissions data from “Our World in Data”
Download the annual global CO2 growth data from NOAA (
You would need to include CO2 emissions from land use change. Biosphere CO2 uptake is not constant and oceanic CO2 absorbation is a function of temperature. There are other factors too, e.g. volcanic and geological but if you account for everything you should get a close correlation. Annual flux is variable, better to consider aggregate totals.
If you account for everything with variable parameters, you can make it’s trunk wiggle.
The only strong correlation is the difference in global levels of the same months in consecutive years with pi by the NH SST anomaly nine months in.
Fonterra are looking at a 30%/tonne of milk reduction of all greenhouse gases, not just CO2. Dairy cows emit a lot of methane and Fonterra are looking at a 7% emissions reduction from new methane reduction technologies. GHG emissions from nitrogen-based fertilisers is also significant.
Why are they doing such stupidity?
Probably for the wrong reasons. But it’s a good idea.
It would be reasonable to hope that research might find a solution for the bloat problem. Research into GHG “emissions” might also discover ways to improve feed conversion.
I would have thought that the biomass of bovine/ungulates during the Tertiary Period culminating in the massive herds of Eurasian and North American bison during the late Pleistocene to the present would have constituted a real methane problem. Or not.This methane nonsense is to further the green agenda and its attempts at social control.
because they’re dumb.
Because our woke National Party leader, who just recently received the most votes but can’t declare himself the winner yet as he tries to stitch a coalition together to govern, is a company man. He will follow the UN, WHO and WEF policies despite our country being in financial dire straits.
I suggest you don’t buy Fonterra products.
The products are probably fine. The shares might be the thing not to buy.
You should be a school teacher Simon.
Have you ever considered the possibility that, if the cows weren’t eating the grass, it would multiply and also decompose, thus still emitting copious amounts of methane?
Yep. Norco are bringing it in here too. It just means less production, less jobs and more taxes. But farmers are so woke these days they deserve everything they get. Unfortunately it will be the end of my job I suspect.
Interesting fact about dairy farming and do-gooder admin, and unintended consequences.
You used to be able to buy veal. Remember that? You don’t see it anymore. Thats because it became immoral. So bull calves, a product of nature, became worthless. So farmers are forced to knock them on the head. Forced to. NO farmer likes doing that.
So they came up with a new solution, use sexed semen. Problem solved right? Well that number of cows cant be sustained. There’ll be just too many of them.
Now the farm I work in rares wagyu cross as a value added business. That solves the problem right? Well if they all did it the value added would be gone so it would become redundant. Most farmers dont want to do that anyway, its a lot of work and only just pays for itself. I just work for a cattle nerd.
So we have a viscous cycle. And that cycle started when the law of nature was first broken. When nature became too immoral. You break one natural law, you create a problem. Fix that you make another one, you get the point.
But our smartest, the admins, aren’t quite smart enough to contemplate such things. Same goes for the axe they are about to fall upon the dairy industry. Nothing makes greens happier. They are the most anti nature group on this earth.
Good news (sort of).
The new chairman of the IPCC is slightly less bad than the previous one. He actually haa a BSc in Mathematical Physics and a PhD in “energy research”.
He still believes in the anthropogenic global warming fraud but thinks people shouldn’t panic about it, or presumably, kill themselves like the guy on hunger strike in Canberra.
Dr John Robson discussss:
“the guy on a hunger strike in Canberra”? Must have missed this – I assume
a fixation about CO2 emissions?
Or dissapointment about (over) 60% of Australians in every State not doing what they were told to vote by the Elites?
Or trying to avoid Weight Watchers fees?
Or normal behaviour for those in Canberra when the snow melts?
Graeme, this is the story.
That’s David. I hope his Hunger Strike keeps going until….
More good news.
Dr John Campbell reports how covid “vaccine” injury and death cases are being taken to the High Court in Once Great Britain.
Legal tactics are to circumvent government-granted indemnity for product defects by using consumer protection law and false and misleading claims about efficacy and safety.
Also, indemnity itself might not be valid because government granted indemnity for a product based on one manufacturing process and the product delivered to victims was a different product than was granted indemnity for.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Bit too late for this round of reporting but when shareholder meetings kick off next year the respective board members, particularly those of firms that mandated the inoculation and fired staff who refused, should be asked whether they are keeping up with their booster shots.
Surely shareholders are entitled to know this in order to factor in the level of potential risk with a decline in the board’s effectiveness due to long (covid) illness (if inoculated) or due to member death (again, if inoculated, lol) as part of their investment risk analysis.
Of course the preamble to the booster question would be their confirmation that they got a “real” shot to begin with.
Indemnity surely does not cover impropriety.
Probably does.
But not blatant fraud.
Posted yesterday.
May be paywalled but deleting cookies and refresh works for me in UK.
And that article repeats the lie:
Independent studies! Gee, they must be composed of “experts” who really know what they’re talking about 😮.Such bilge from the usual types should be used as an emetic only.
Sadly in the UK, if you don’t provide ‘balance’ on controversial issues when challenging the official line, you get fed to the regulators.
David Maddison
You could call it a half-truth. After all, the vaccines were *incredible* weren’t they?
The “Fit for purpose” clause in Australia’s consumer law has some teeth. Apple knows about it and fixed my Mac at about 27 months even though the stated warranty is just 12 months. I didn’t have to make my case, they accepted my claim virtually straight away.
It can’t be argued that the “vaccine” was fit for purpose.
Well done you. Did you come across the “fit for purpose” info during your claim or was your claim based around it from the start? All I got from microsoft and their global surface expanding battery issue was a) take a video and post it to a link that didn’t recognise the video format and then b) well it is out of warranty. The battery (like the car air bag saga which saw wholesale replacement of ALL air bags in certain makes/models) clearly was not fit for purpose. Cheers.
Does the Aus Consumer law apply to products or services that are provided free of charge ?
..Maybe you can get a full refund ?….or a replacement product ? 🤔😱
It may have been delivered to people free of charge, but it was indeed paid for. It was paid for by “us” – by taxpayers, whether we wanted it or not, and whether we took it or not.
So, it was paid for, the manufacturers got paid, therefore a “good” was provided for a monetary reward/exchange/payment.
It was paid for with “our” money, from our “common wealth”, without any actual research or proper testing or approval process, and without our consent being sought or given. “We” are entitled to recompense in full, i.e., “our” money refunded in full.
The matter of individual death and injury needs to see the manufacturers further hit financially (from the individual fortunes of executives as well as company coffers) for damages and criminal fines in every single case. If such compensation utterly destroys the companies, so be it. I know some also manufacture useful products, but I’m sure others would be able to fill the void – with an objective lesson in why not to cheat, defraud or harm people.
Then there is the matter of our politicians, bureaucrats, state CHOs etc. They need reminding for whom they are supposed to work as well.
This must never be permitted to happen again. Ever.
The term “Fit for purpose” is a legal minefield and one that should be avoided at all costs in a contract. It’s very subjective – who decides whether something is fit or not? The supplier or the recipient?
If the consumer explains what his/her needs and wants are and the salesman sells them something that does not – then the ‘fit for purpose’ rests on the salesman not the consumer.
As my local council ‘tip shop’ learnt – after they refused to refund me a tyre & rim purchase that did not fit my trailer.
The seller need to be-ware…
Parliament cannot indemnify anyone from common law liability. Even if they could do, it would require an Act of Parliament with a vote etc and not simply executive action.
At best, the Executive can offer to cover costs should such liability occur … but even in this situation it requires budget allocation.
The guy on hunger strike in Canberra won’t go all the way.
Firstly, he is not being monitored to guarantee he doesn’t eat or consume liquid food.
Secondly, he is obviously a beta male and I don’t think he has the intestinal fortitude to go through with it. He is a wimp in other words and very low in the hierarchy of social dominance (not that that’s necessarily always a bad thing).
I think his exit strategy will be that at some point he will be declared by authorities to be having a mental health crisis and involuntarily committed to a hospital and force fed.
I think going on a hunger strike because the climate is changing all by itself, is already evidence that the chap is mentally ill and a danger to himself.
Do you really want the climate cultists to have a martyr they can and will use as evidence that “climate change is killing people”?
While people who pay attention will not care, a lot of others will soak up whatever “facts” drift past them via a complicit media, not as they are stupid necessarily (though some undoubtedly are), but because they are not interested in details.
In Australia 2023 martyrs are dead and gone.
David, if you are wrong then there’s the possibility of a Darwin Award.
Also, for the grandstanding he will be given a month’s supply of Lentils and and alfalfa sprouts. So he can virtue himself as a promoter of methane production.
Too late. His genes have already been passed on to his children.
And remarkably, he said his wife and daughter actually support him killing himself.
They’ve got their heads on straight..
Maybe we can encourage everyone who believes in what he does to do the same, like encouraging the pro-vaxxers to get every booster available.
Crept in to the gene pool when the lifeguard was looking the other way??
“Crept in to the gene pool when the lifeguard was looking the other way?? ”
Chlorine levels were low too.
It’s amazing how much copper-based products are costing now.
I went to buy some insulated copper wire for electronic projects yesterday and the prices were ridiculous.
I think a lot of the world’s copper is being wasted on “green” subsidy-harvesting projects.
And have you seen the BHP ads talking about their “sustainable” (sic) production of copper for “renewable energy” (sic)?
Note also, a lot of wire of cheap consumer products made in China is copper coated steel wire. Easy test – check if the wire is magnetic.
An hour of hard fact with some necessary and intelligent extrapolations. The Net Zero supplies of minerals and metals needed cannot be achieved – at any practical cost.
That last one; ” copper coated steel wire” is so “Chinese”.
The importation of materials, products and equipment from China in recent times has been a national disgrace and highlights the perilous future we face without a functioning government.
The national border is always open if a product is labeled “Made in China” and we have many public examples of building materials, toys and other equipment that should never have been allowed in.
Has “somebody” been bought off?
Re “Has “somebody” been bought off?”
Check the “Chinese Epstein” item in #6
More on that –
“If You Believe This Was Just About Sex….”
In regard to dangerous products, check out the YouTube channel of diodegonewild.
He routinely tests and dissects Chinese USB phone chargers and finds some horrifying things.
Search YouTube for “diodegonewild charger” without quotes.
Also see my article at:
Some car batteries have smaller internal cells and a lot of concrete. And I’ve seen so-called “RCDs” broken open and found to not contain any protective elements, just a simple switch.
A look at
What is “evidence”
And “the effects of going local in politiucs”
Three Studies Confirm Volcanism Is Melting West Antarctic Glaciers, Not Global Warming
That is good news, the MSM will be right onto it.
Mount Takahe brought the Southern Hemisphere out of glaciation.
The BBC just covered the polar bear transfer mentioned here.
Of course they majored on them being endangered from habitat loss caused by climate change. Google reveals quite a few polar bears being killed by transfer for breeding programs, quite ironic.
Polar bears are thriving. In fact they are pests in various extreme north settlements.
Eskimos love to eat polar bears.
What, the BBC lies; you’ve shattered my faith!
“Fighting the carbon tax tooth and nail”
“Pipeline Online did In depth interview with the woman at the centre of the carbon tax storm, Conservative Natural Resources Critic Shannon Stubbs. This is part 1.”
“Another Inconvenient Truth”: Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Nears 57-Year High
I fear Guterres has mixed up his Celsius with his Fahrenheit!
Snowfall records will be a feature of weather reporting for the next 9,000 years. That is providing humans survive the coming glaciation.
Oceans will fall around 20m over the next 9,000 years; level out for 10,000 years then fall another 30 to 40m in the next 10,000 years as the land elevates over the ocean. The oceans will cycle through their warming and cooling cycles in each hemisphere but the land and the ice on it will have increasing altitude over the sea level. That guarantees the land cools but the evaporation does not slow down while the transfer of ocean water to land as snow increases due to the greater temperature difference.
The reason I know this is because it has been identified in the geological records for a long time. All related to the precession cycle and always gets into swing when the northern oceans are warming up.
If climate modellers were not so bent with their political motivation along with its guaranteed funding and myopic with regard CO2 the models would be predicting we are entering the next cycle of glaciation.
The same family of cycles that give you that 9,000 years also suggest that there could be another 100 years of gentle warming before that cooling sets in. Unfortunately, while 100 years is a very short time geologically, it is well over 5,000 weeks and a week is a long time in politics. IOW, the politicians still have a long time in which they can go on getting away with their nonsense.
A Silent Genocide
Interesting story out of Africa. Gives more credence to the “a hand up, not a hand out” philosophy. “Up” for improvement and “out” for corruption.
Expanding terminology
Scientists: Nearly 4 Decades Of Climate Model Failure Undermines Confidence In Future Predictions
Could the sun be the problem of why they can’t predict accurately?
Following a review of data they revised their models.
Long as no harm done running with wrong models…….
“A more active peak in solar activity could create disruptions on Earth: If large solar storms smash into our planet they can cause radio blackouts, damage power infrastructure, irradiate airline passengers… and knock out GPS and internet satellites —some of which could actually fall from the sky.”
Well, Chris Bowen** wants to cause blackouts, damage the power infrastructure and (as part of his Labor colleagues) wants to interfere with internet sites – that don’t support his, and Labor’s, lunatic policies SO WHAT is the problem? WE can only HOPE that a falling satellite lands on him.
** for overseas readers the most incompetent but stubborn politician we’ve had in Australia in the last 70 years and possibly longer.
New shocking revelations about Biden Maladministration censorship
Did not actually notice the Optus outage; otherwise engaged.
HOWEVER, for some time now, we have been subject to POWER outages in the middle of the night. Every mains-powered device in the house with a “clock”; microwave, oven / range, clock-radios, etc., has a little “lapse”. and requires resetting, at varying intervals. “Overnight backups” on the computer get very untidy; I suppose I will have to find a couple of UPS gizmos to buffer some gear. Preferably ones NOT made in the “usual place”.
There are NO published “advisories” popping into email (or snail-mail) or phone SMS inboxes.
Service? provider “care factor”? ZERO; something to which most of us have become accustomed.
“Conditioning” for more regular and extended “load-shedding for Gaia”? Maybe there is a steam-powered generator in my future…….
Overnight backup?
That’s either a slow old pc or TB of data…
I noticed the Optus blackout but went and bought a paper with groceries. I have had a 4G internet modern for I think 7 years and have had 2 blackouts in that time, but with many power outages in the last 3 years. I think that these are getting less as the Grid controller has gangs everywhere this year trimming trees and bushes near their lines.
“”Another Inconvenient Truth”: Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Nears 57-Year High”
Another day in November and another snowfall record:
This is something no climate scientist predicted even a decade ago.
If they ever get snowfall right in the models they will begin to realise that the NH is heading into its next cycle of glaciation. Still centuries away but turned the corner 500 years ago when the northern oceans started warming
If they ever get snowfall right in the models it will be by putting in temporary parameters to match the past. Then their prediction will be for even faster warming to get back onto the original predicted trajectory.
Hooray for Paliwood?×521.jpg
During the recent outrageous outage of Optus, there were complaints that the Triple Zero emergency number did not work.
Did anyone try the 112 number?
AFAIK, the 000 from the mobile will use your network, so if it cannot get through will give up, but the 112 is universal and built into the phone GSM software, so if Optus is out it will try one of the other two in Oz, such as Telstra or Vodafone and connect that way.
People should I guess use 112 instead of 000 as it is universal and will hook into the network even if you do not have a SIM card.
Can anyone confirm or correct me?
So when travelling the emergency number 112 can be used wherever one is even if you don’t have roaming or a paid sim card or any SIM card at all.
This link below is a waffly explanation which has for me too many ambiguities or missing bits.
So if in a fringe or shadow area for your provider (which happens) and you need to call emergency call 112 instead of 000.
AFAIK? You could have saved writing all that writing by knowing. 000 will use other networks.
But GA..
That site does not mention this valuable snippit ..
…or is that assumed to be common knowledge ?
But that should also be the case for 000 ?
SIM out is the same as when your network is not working. Phones connect to 000 without a sim too.
Check out the emergency+ app.
Given that there were people who tried the 000 during the Optus outage, discovering that is did NOT work … and this is the stated premise of the post above … what makes you smarter than those people?
I would generally go with the experimental results instead of the theory, if you don’t mind.
Anyone heard of the Whirlpool forums?
Our own source of knowledge (and counter knowledge 😁) for decades.
000, 112 and even 106. 😁
Calls from 000 from Optus network mobiles did go through because of the cross carrier agreement called “camp on” which will enable any call to 000 to be accepted and managed no matter the originating carrier network. The issue was that landlines on the Optus network could not call 000 because the network was down so the call never left the property. Apparently not every generation of mankind has a mobile phone permanently affixed to their ear with landlines still a thang.
That makes sense … quite a lot of landlines have been converted to VoIP.
That said, I would still like to hear from an actual Optus customer who put it to the test.
There’s been an investigation into whether mobile roaming should be allowed at all during natural disasters … which makes me wonder. Quote from the article:
The same ACCC found it illegal for TPG and Telstra to share infrastructure … because somehow it was anticompetitive.
Another big green fad.
CFACT blasts Fed’s “floating wind” fantasy
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “CFACT President Craig Rucker has blown the whistle on Federal plans to put hundreds of floating wind generators off the Oregon coast. Floating wind is the latest green energy fantasy, taking its place along with hydrogen, EVs, battery storage, and net zero. The idea is that where the water is too deep for conventional offshore wind generators, we will simply put these huge towers and turbines on floats. Pretty much all of the West Coast fits this bill, as does most of Maine.
Responding to a Federal request for comments on a big floating wind proposal for Oregon, Rucker explains clearly that the technology needed to do this does not exist and may never exist in an economically feasible form. The federal agency is the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The plan is to designate hundreds of thousands of ocean acres as Wind Energy Areas and then start auctioning them off to floating wind developers.
His succinct comments are here:
I want to dive into the technology a bit to show what a boondoggle floating wind really is.
First, let me say that, sure, we can put huge turbine towers on floats. Our fighter jets take off from and land on floats, right, floats called aircraft carriers. But they are really big, hence expensive. The same is true for floating wind, albeit at a somewhat smaller scale.
Look at it this way. Suppose you took a sailboat and put a 600′ tall mast on it. At the top, you put an 800-ton turbine with three 500′ long wind-catching blades. How big would that boat have to be not to blow over when hit by severe wind and waves? The answer is very big indeed, in fact, huge. Now compare this huge float with the simple monopile that conventional offshore generators sit on. The monopile is a simple steel tube, maybe 30′ in diameter and a few hundred feet long, driven solidly into the ocean floor. Compared to the huge float, the monopile is small and cheap. But simple monopile base offshore wind facilities are already tremendously expensive. Floating wind is projected to cost much more, from 2.5 to 3 times more, in fact.”
More in the article. Please share it.
Floating wind is ridiculous.
“Floating wind is ridiculous.”
That is so they can move it to where the wind is blowing. (/s in case)
And used to be that was “the fragrant tweeter”
But it’s not about whether the technology is feasible or not. It’s about the subsidies available. Once these have been extracted the corrupt will move onto the next scam.
EVs, solar, wind, tidal, bio, carbon capture, batteries. The scams keep coming and the corrupt keep getting richer.
That depends on what type of “float” is used.
The current convention for most floating structures of this sort is the “spar buoy”… a single, deep, buoyant tubular underwater structure, that is well tested and proven by the oil industry and the Wind industry..
But just to be clear, i agree that offshore wind , floating or fixed, is rediculous, with known energy costs ($200+/MWh), forcast to be 5-10 times onshore equivallents.
…and of course reduced life expectancy with unknown maintenance costs.!
“100% Electric” Google bus LOSES POWER while climbing San Francisco hill, plows into nearly a dozen cars
A “100 percent electric” commuter bus owned and operated by Google has lost power while in transit, smashing into multiple cars on a San Francisco street.
Resident Xian Ke initially reported the incident and posted about it on the social media platform X. “Some local journalists need to be on this,” he wrote. “A Google bus lost its power while going up the hill and roll back and hit nine cars this morning outside of my place [in the Castro District].”
Videos shared of the incident show a gray double-decker bus with “100% Battery Electric” displayed on its side with at least four other vehicles damaged right next to it. A tree was also damaged after an SUV collided with it after being hit by the bus.
Hope the tree is ok.
Are we close to reaching the “Green Enery Wall” well before 2050? Before 2030?
Wind turbine companies are losing $billions, Solar installation companies are falling in value, major Automakers like Ford and GM have stopped making EVs,
the cost of insuring EVs is rising, pumped hydro (Snowy 2.0) is a huge Green Elephant – there are as yet no viable means of recycling wind turnbines or Lithium batteries, electricity costs to consumers are rising fast ………
Well, actually if you read todays ” The Australian” paper or online, you would get the exact opposite view. A series of articles called ” The Green List”, which seems to indicate everything is just full steam ahead with Net Zero. I suspect some entity ( probably me, the taxpayer) has paid Newscorp to produce these articles.
Without a sub any more I couldn’t read the article, however the leader indicates it is an article about those special, smart people making a motza out of green “projects”. The most likely source of the largess coming their way would no doubt be taxpayers’ hard-earned siphoned from government. My first thought was “parasites”.
The comments are a lot more grounded.
I see Albo has landed, chequebook in hand, on the Cook Islands for talks mainly focussed on ‘climate change’ causing rising sea levels which threaten to inundate said islands. The vision shown on the television reports reveals the backdrop to the idyllic beaches is a massive mountain range rising to an altitude of 652m. or 2,139ft. on Rarotonga. Plenty of safe spaces to retreat to, I would think. Googling ‘top ten luxury resorts on the Cook Islands’ reveals all ten within metres of, or even over, the sea. What a scam.
Well may Australian taxpayers largesse stop the waves and cyclones. I wonder if our “Pacifica Family” will ask the Chinese to stop building coal power stations.
If a man becomes a woman, but still looks manly (don’t they all), is that a transfusion?
Couple of days ago, I mentioned that this week ” The Australian” was doing a feature on NET ZERO. I can confirm today they are producing a number of nauseating articles called ” The Green List”. Including this doozie – ” Why people are putting visits to wind farms on their bucket list”. I kid you not. All complete with a pic of some very well heeled tourist(s) flying over a wind turbine industrial power plant in a chopper. Probably someone from Malcolm Turnbull’s family.
The supplement fell out on the floor of the supermarket
And it stayed there. It’s hard enough buying the Australian these days without having this garbage.
World’s First Entire Eye Transplant Declared a Medical Breakthrough
A team of surgeons in New York has performed the world’s first transplant of an entire eye in a procedure widely hailed as a medical breakthrough, although it isn’t yet known whether the man will ever see through the donated eye.
The groundbreaking surgery involved removing part of the face and the whole left eye – including its blood supply and optic nerve – of a donor and grafting them onto a lineworker from Arkansas who survived a 7,200-volt electric shock in June 2021.
The odds of any vision are poor.
Anyone still able to use ad blockers on YouTube? If so, how?
I’m not going to pay for Premium while they shadow ban my favourite sites.
OK I know there are other platforms but they are slow and clunky.
If you right-click on the video you get a drop-down with Open in new tab as the first option. I’ve never looked at other options but two down the option is Open in private window. That’s working ATM.
I usually watch youtube on the tv, so I’m stuck with the ads, with my finger on the mute button.
For Win and Android, you can (naughtily) save the videos ad free if you know how.
For mac, who knows.
If you’re watching YT on an Android TV, search out a handy little app called STN Beta, (Smart Tube) it lets you watch YT add free, can filter sponsor blocks and all sorts of fancy things. Highly recommend. I think it kinda works like a VPN for YT, YT passes through the program and gets “cleaned up”
The browser extension ‘UBlock Origin’ has never failed me. Still no Tube advertisements.
Be prepared. YT is coming after you, so remember my tip.
Hottest 12 months in 125000 years!!!
Seriously the issue is not about the existence of climate change but about its drivers.
You saw the response of real Aussies when they got some of the facts about the Uluru Crusade..NO!!
Now it is time to start releasing some facts about the role of CO2 in our atmosphere. For one, it does not cause climate change.. some of our scientifically literate brains are still working on the real drivers of this phenomenon.
In the meantime start restoring the use of fossil fuels. We will go down in history as the team that had the guts to defy the UN, Thunberg and the Rich Renewable Profit Guzzlers agitating for wind, solar and all sorts of green gases. We may even save a few cars parked beside EV’s at car park charging stations.
A good start would be to search out the work of Dr John Nicol who showed, over a decade ago, that CO2 does not drive climate change. You may need a scientifically literate guide through this analysis.
As I said, get the facts out to us Aussies and we will get It right. Australia needs a fact based energy policy. We can then start to recover our once highly competitive energy prices, our manufacturing capability and best of all our vibrant economy.
Not bad for a world that is 6,500 years old; or thereabouts.
This blog of Jo’s has shown up and called out numerous mis-truths over the years, for which many of us are most appreciative. Maybe one day the theory called evolution will be seriously debated here as well. e.g. Can evolution explain Hamas? Or, can evolution explain faith or religion?
From the bastion of truth… CNN… nothing else needs mentioning.
The “all seeing Aye” gets her info from CNN, but comes here for the fake news. 😆😆😆
Back to Eemian times, good grief.
Hunga Tonga-Hunga was an outlier.
Oh God! How Tedious!
OMG! In INDIA! Who’d ‘a thunk it!
Hottest nearer the equator? Imagine that!
NOOO!!! That’s nearly as hot as it used to get when we were kids lying on the wet concrete at the local swimming pool!
“Another Inconvenient Truth”: Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover Nears 57-Year High”
Toasting perfection
Australia/Tuvalu climate ‘deal’, with an ulterior motive it seems.
Australia is a big empty island for the Tuvalu people who want to become climate change refugees.
Masterful political effort by Albo.
Forty years of model predictions have failed, junk science.
Are you sleeping or don’t you read earlier comments ?
Some doubt on a covid booster –
FWIW – check the item on Prime Minister Trudeau at the end
“CLIP: No evidence Justin Trudeau got his shots (0:12).
The “booster advisory” clip shows a slack-jawed, chuckling, lightly tattooed man sitting in a chair and getting his shoulders wiped with prep pads. That’s it. For the life of me, I can’t understand why they would so obviously cut away —twice— deliberately not showing the injections, which were the whole point of the message.”
And other interesting developments too
The “progress” of wind and solar (/s}
“In 2019, then-President Donald Trump mocked the idea of powering our society on unreliable wind and solar power by joking, “Darling? Darling? Is the wind blowing today? I’d like to watch television.”
Now, wind and solar advocacy groups are advocating for this exact policy, but instead of being honest with the public about their desire to curb your electricity use when the wind isn’t blowing or the sun isn’t shining, they use innocuous-sounding words like “demand response” and “load flexibility” to hide their true intentions from ordinary people.”
More at
FWIW – beyond my pay grade
“Australian Excess Deaths Fuel Fears About Role of Covid Vaccines”
Instapundit introduction –
“Is the US reporting system for vaccine safety broken?”
Instapundit – fake meat sales plummet –
“THIS ISN’T A GOOD TIME FOR EXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVES: Beyond Meat plans layoffs as US sales plummet. “The higher price of plant-based meat has also hurt U.S. sales at a time when consumers are stressed about inflation, he said. Brown said the company lowered some prices in the third quarter but didn’t necessarily bring new customers into the category.”