A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The cooling trend is out of control
“The linear warming trend since January, 1979 still stands at +0.14 C/decade ”
Christchurch! That’s 1.4degC. /century
How will we ever cope?
Same way that we did when it was 2deg C warmer, I guess.
Or 4 deg.C.
It’s not the means that get you, it’s the changing extremes. Small changes in mean and standard deviation dramatically change the probability of extreme events. Sept 2023 was a teaser at +1.8C above the pre-industrial average. Look at the number and magnitude of unusual and extreme weather events that occurred over the month.
Of all the massive shifts in climate that humans have experienced, what was so good about the pre-industrial climate?
Why should we be aiming to return to this very specific set of conditions?
Yep really going to the pack.
Wheat Scoops: Record world wheat production and prices
What is the correct temperature the planet should be?
What is the correct level of the oceans?
What is the correct amount of ice?
What is the correct amount of rain?
How many windy days should we have?
How many cyclones should we get?
How many boxes of matches do your lot need to start a fire.
>”Sept 2023 was a teaser at +1.8C above the pre-industrial average”
IPCC “limit” is 15C given 1850-1900 was 13.5.
Sept World closed out at 16
Sept NH closed out at 19.42
Sept SH closed out at 12.76
Any criteria applied to a global average is meaningless.
Of the 5 zones only NH and Tropics is now out of normal band.
That set of so called global averages also Started in 1979. That is hardly preindustrial. As others have said why is that a benchmark anyway? Surely we don’t want to revert to the Little Ice age conditions that pre industrial references? Better to return to warmer than today MWP, Roman or Bronze age temperatures.
It’s has never been this warm in human history
But our indigenous friends are over 65,000 years old, so don’t you count them?
You’ve only gone back 2,000 years.
What were we before this?
Humans have never had the luxury of being this dumb in human history.
Otherwise there would be no humans.
Shouldn’t you be somewhere gluing a body part to a highway.
I suggest head would be demonstrate compassion and commitment.
It appears the constabulary has taken to just removing a chunk of the highway to facilitate removal.
You would get a nice virtue signal hat in the transaction.
Simon, your problem is you’re not engaging your critical faculties.
Your mistake is assuming we’re not using our brains either.
You showed us a dodgy picture.
You naively believed it at face value.
Didn’t you look at it yourself and wonder why a cooling trend is labeled as a warm period?
From Wikepedia, you have to be kidding.
Do stop it Simon. The Holocene has been warmer than today for much of the time and we have masses of real records-not computer guesses-that demonstrate this.
The warmest in Human History? Do you REALLY believe that. Its not even the warmest of the 2000 years of records I have collected from places as diverse as the Met office, Cathedrals The Scott Polar institute in Cambridge nor from the Glacier museums in places like Zermatt and Grindewald. Even our own govt has web sites that confirm that it has been warmer than today during such periods as the MWP and Bronze age.
Simon states to us: “It’s has (sic) never been this warm in human history.”
Even if we allow that the previously (and documented) Roman Warm Period and Minoan Warm Period (as well as several others) did not happen, his so-called ‘human history’ represents about 8.59107 E ^ -12 percent of Earth history.
I guess the rest of the story doesn’t count for Simon.
Jo, would a small annual fee fund an ignore user button?
Humans walked upon the earth during the Eemian Interglacial.
‘Temperatures in the GISP2 ice core were about 2°F (1°C) warmer than modern temperatures.The effects of the warm period were particularly evident in Europe, where grain crops flourished, alpine tree lines rose, many new cities arose, and the population more than doubled.’ (Easterbrook 2016)
Human use of fossil fuels could not be responsible for warming of 1.8°C since the Industrial Revolution as a lot of it was before our emissions of CO2 could have raised global CO2 levels significantly. Only warming after 1950, which starts more than 30 years later, can be due to fossil fuel use.
The problem with your “record” is that it’s the result of convoluted analysis of rubbish data, and plenty of evidence that it was done by clowns if not BS artists. Good scientists think that the MWP was warmer, globally, than now. Your choice of “record” shows that it was barely different to the LIA. And as for the thermometer record, the changes with versions show a deliberate attempt to not create warming where climate has been constant, but play down the amount of warming before 1950 and exaggerate warming after 1950. (really obvious in HadSST of the different hemispheres going from v2 to v3).
This is gibberish.
So a 1.8 degree temperature change is catastrophic yet both hemispheres have massive temperature changes from winter to summer every year. Every part of the earth has large temperature changes every 24 hrs…. But 1.8 degrees, now that’s scary.
Wrong … if the mean increases then additional exceptionally hot days are offset by fewer exceptionally cold days … but eventually people redefine what is regarded as the threshold for “extreme” anyhow. Eg What is regarded as “extreme heat” in Dubai is different to what would be regarded as “extreme heat” in Scotland.
Besides that, overall climate-related extreme events kill far fewer people today than they did 100 years ago which os even more amazing considering how much the world’s population has grown.
Therefore in general terms, things are getting better overall, not worse.
“Small changes in mean and standard deviation dramatically change the probability of extreme events.”
Recently we saw mention of “extreme” high temperatures in Southern Europe, North Africa and North America. If the world average temperature had increased I’m sure we would have heard about that as well. This suggests that the extreme high temperatures were offset by extreme low temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly Antarctica.
‘it’s the changing extremes.’
Its a global cooling signal.
Simon. I understand that, as you read like a young fella, lotsa very normal things can frighten you. The young have always been scaredy-cats (which is why parents so often need to console them about very minor occurances: losing a tooth etc etc) and here we are again…..a youngster terrified by weather.
I have three “homes”. One in north Qld: one near Sydney, and another in Jindabyne. There’s a vehicle garaged at each….
Anyhow, from about April until October I’m in the north. When it becomes hottish and humid I go to Sydney where it’s about 10 degrees cooler, and pretty dry. Then, in mid-summer when it’s high thirties near Sydney…and sticky, I go to the mountains for about two months. Since I have vehicles in each place..I fly from Nth to Sth, to further south….”enduring” the most horrifying climate changes, with no adaptation period possible
Guess what? These MASSIVE CHANGES in climate do not phase me even a little bit. When YOU grow up, weather might not be your major bugbear, either. Happy 14th birthday!
If that claim is true, you can easily prove it.
ChatGPT tells me the exact opposite; the warmer the mean the less the extremes, measuring from the Equator to the poles.
But ChatGPT can confabulate- please show the evidence that led you to make your claim.
Perhaps the rise since 1979 can be attributed to steadily improving satellite measurements starting in 1979 and numbers of satellites measuring more of the earths surface and averaging in more inhospitable regions into existing data.
And a calibration feedback loop.
Basically we may be measuring much of the earth that we weren’t measuring prior because it was inhospitable.
no. It is not that.
The comments are stimulating.
RUOK? No cooling during a long La nina period and now it is heading north again. Each successive El nino warmer than those before it
And if it isn’t we’ll adjust it that way to make sure it is. See ACORN 1.0 and 2.0.
And none of it is as warm as the Holocene max.
And Luvin It! After the last 3 cool years \ long winters it’s a welcome change.
presuming that the Earth is a wet rock orbiting a plasma fire ball without which that H2O would be frozen harder than stone …
and that ‘Science’ has gotten at least that much right …
the fact that we’re sitting around arguing about deconstructing society and listening to some suggest eliminating selected populations of ourselves …
because our tiny section of the Universal Freezer might get 1.5 (a dubious quantity of our own creation) degrees warmer …
means that we have lost our minds.
‘No cooling during a long La nina period.’
Admittedly it doesn’t look good, the La Ninas were weak.
‘Each successive El nino warmer than those before it.’
We are on the up escalator and even a negative PDO cannot dampen proceedings. This El Nino shouldl be weak.
Major flooding, with horrible cold for years on end….and now YOU are whining about lovely spring weather?
Why not tell us more about how the PCR tests are hyper accurate….and that SARS-CoV2 is/was a real thing…instead of being frightened by warm October days?
Seriously, RUOK?
Although others red-thumb you, I will agree the comments are most interesting. I usually learn more from the comments than from any article itself, unless they’re full of bogans and socialists.
I don’t red thumb anyone, unless they post something really stupid, likely to cause harm.
The “Remora downvoter” that follows me seems to like doing it though. 😉
Warmists are staticists, for lack of a better word.
Civilisations have thrived during the naturally warm periods of the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval eras.
Plus, we are coming to the very end of a rare interglacial. As the world cools, it will be impossible for civilisation to survive without coal, gas and nuclear power stations (and real hydro, not SH2, where possible).
The idea that the earth and universe is static is a very primitive one and articulated by Aristotle in “In the Heavens” 350BCE.
It is only in the last 100 years or so that the ideas of Alfred Wegener (1880-1930), a real climatologist, geologist, geophysicist, meteorologist and polar researcher came to be accepted that the earth is not static. Among other ideas he conceived of continental drift which led to plate tectonics.
However, as early as 1840 Louis Agassiz (1807-1873) hypothesised that much of North America was once buried under glacial ice up to 3km deep and that climate must change.
Milutin Milanković (1879-1958) also discovered natural cycles in the climate.
Warmists have to do a lot of catching up with modern thinking.
you are relying on models, and given that you frequently disparage climate models, could you not be a little bit more consistent.
How does he not realize that comment is stupid?
Did this modelling stuff in a previous life. Actually made a BODMAS mistake once. Strangely, the botched version fitted the results well and the proper mathematical model didn’t.
Science is much harder than Peter appreciates.
Maybe they can grow barley in Greenland, and, if it gets warmer, have hippos and elephants roaming the Thames Estuary.
8:05 pm here in Washington State.
News — if it bleeds, it leads. Well, there is Taylor Swift upstaging National League football games just by showing up.
The Republicans are making noises about putting Trump up for Speaker of the House – that’s putting the fox in the hen house!!
80% of Leticia James’ case against Trump tossed – Pelosi ordered out of her office with one day notice – while she’s in San Fran.
Stuff that only rarely leaks into our MSM. Usually just pro-Dem monotony.
Oddly TV3’s Samantha Hayes, who reported the Obama era border cages in Trumps term as *sob* “kids in cages”, has gone very quiet over the entire border situation now that it’s completely out of control under Biden (by design).
Disney/Warner TV3’s Lisette Reymer cozied up to Dem Jamaal Bowman when he went on a rant at Trump’s NYC arraignment by Democrat prosecutor Alvin Bragg. From this GP article, here she is on his left (appropriately):
Dem Rep Jamaal Bowman + Lisette Reymer (TV3 NZ)
Unfortunately we don’t send our unbiased best.
Bowman of course has entered a higher level of crazy (I did’nt think that was possible) when he tried to stop voting on the govt shutdown by pulling the fire alarm.
Apparently the US doesn’t send its best and brightest either.
So after the “driest” September on record, my area just received 150mm of rain. Paddocks flooded roads closed and no mention that the driest September became a wetter than average October all in the space of 4 days. Aint weather fickle
BOM calling, BOM calling. This is Fake News as we have another opinion – It is Global Boiling……….
The BOM said that?
It was the UN chief who uttered those words, BoM is mute.
Drought stricken FNQ, it’s stopped raining finally, been raining almost daily for this entire year, 68mm last week, expected to start again this weekend.
Meanwhile, in the not so far north Qld it is 3 months since it rained. It has been sunny, warm, drying winds so there is little left to burn.
Cyclones don’t scare me as much as your southern bush fires would.
My Southern bush fires?
A bush fire south of me would see you living in ashes.
I have grass everywhere, fat cattle, I think my Bull is pregnant, which is so 2023.
This made me laugh so much my eyes watered.
FNQ where the QLD/OZ government should have been building dams/catchments since way back in the 1990s. Water has so obviously been going to be the next oil for so long. Then finally in 2022 funding for the Hells Gate Dam gets committed subject to business case and environmental report.
The “other story” regarding Morrison government action on the other Urannah dam project is another example of the hate that opposition and minority political parties and certain media let drive them in not being supportive of projects that would advance Australia particularly when they came from the “wrong side of the floor”.
Our chance to do a 21st century OPEC type world hostage financial bonanza missed.
Good rain forecast for here, but little so far. Keeping my fingers crossed.
The El Nino is failing to fire, contrary to the BoM predictions. Nino34 anomaly has dropped since start of September. BoM had the anomaly at +2C by start of October. It is not even +1.5C and already dropping.
Aospheric moisture conditions over Australia in early October not much different to 2021.
Rick >”BoM had the anomaly at +2C by start of October. It is not even +1.5C and already dropping”
Yeah, their graph stills looks like it could do with an update:
BOM: Climate Driver Update – Pacific Ocean
But that would be an admission that their model projections are a tad iffy.
A positive IOD is pushing cool water into the Western Pacific Warm Pool, so its only an eastern Pacific El Nino.,-0.25,1060/loc=130.552,-4.515
El G, it amuses me that the weather and climate crew’s approach is that this time will be similar to the other recent events.
They don’t seem to account for a whole different set of conditions – IOD and its effect is one, as you note.
The BoM boffins are aware of the positive IOD, but they would rather not mention that the heat engine of the world is chilling out. Anything that does not support the AGW narrative is ignored.
Heard that anounced on ABC the other day. Firstly, I wondered how it was calculated; the definition of unusually dry varies quite a lot between Tassie and SA (say) and a few mm short in one is a good deal more important than in the other, but I expect they’ve just averaged all the rain gauges across the country (they are very well practised at averaging).
My second puzzle was what on earth use was a statistic like that. Other than propaganda, I mean.
Lt. General Michael Flynn:
US Historian Victor Davis Hanson:
I await the outcome of our own elections with some trepidation. I’m hoping the Socialist Left gets the boot but the options on the Right don’t inspire a lot of confidence either.
Centre-Right National leader Luxon said – “there is no room for climate deniers or minimalists in the National Party caucus”. To which one “Frustrated Kiwi” replied on X – “@dbseymour Dont cock up now or you will lose my vote too”.
Seymour being leader of Right wing Act. Luxon lost my vote too and although I lean towards ACT it’s not with much enthusiasm.
Our Reserve Bank Governor, who presided over a low interest boom followed by a near high interest bust, got his contract renewed by the Left. But I don’t see anyone on the Right advocating his removal either.
At least I’m not looking at Flynn’s US scenario – yet.
This morning I saw this:
Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment expands intelligence spy unit beyond immigration
Mission creep “gone haywire” (as they say in old NZ – entangled copper hay wire).
There was a time when I would have blown a fuse reading the above article but my level of cynicism at govt largesse is such that now I expect to see another example pop up at any time.
As you sure? [I’m a distant observer]
>As you sure?
I meant Flynn’s scenario didn’t apply to NZ – yet.
Aspects may apply but I don’t think we’re on quite the same course.
I’ll admit, I was not in the same frame of mind in the Ardern-era 2021 lockdowns, protests, fascist policing etc.
Looking over the ditch at the same time was a little unnerving too.
It must be pretty hard to be a climate change & pharmaceutical drug denier when you’ve been hit by lightning three times:
>”pretty hard to be a climate change & pharmaceutical drug denier”
Pretty hard to state an honest stance when your leader shuts you down.
Luxon’s just another virtue-signalling Greenwasher following the doctrines and directives of Big Climate and Big Pharma.
Anything else is heresy apparently.
How is that relevant to what you are trying to purvey, you have nothing so you are just posting pages from Commiepedia now?
The house’s former copper piping acted as a conductor for electrical storms, and Pugh has been struck by lightning three times.
Struck once, global warming
Struck twice, climate change
Struck three times, global boiling, is that how your head works?
You should go and visit her, wrap that mouth around that tap.
Pugh was one of the last Members of Parliament to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.
Somebody has to be last, you should remember that from your sports days
I am yet to be convinced you and old Panda eyes are not the same person.
You are talking to someone who thinks car insurance premiums reduce because your car is reliable, dont waste the energy
EVs are less likely to be stolen too…
So insurance is cheaper, is that what your implying.
Again a bland statement that is meaningless.
Certainly ANY modern car is less likely to be stolen than a 20 yr old Falcodore, they can’t be hot wired, but the police advertising says that cars are being stolen after a break and enter where the crim finds the keys, so it is your house security which determines the odds on your car being stolen.
Must be more difficult charging EVs in Africa
(Speaking as a Canadian where vehicle thefts usually get containerized and shipped to Africa)
CNN link
As the West surges toward electric cars, here’s where the unwanted gas guzzlers go
Please delete. Facts okay. Spin in bad taste.
She’s got the right ideas but no balls… When you recant what you have said on the following day it means you were dragged before the headmaster and threatened, but instead of resigning and joining ACT or becoming an independent she ‘changed her mind’.
God obviously loves her, being struck by lightning three times & surviving is pretty top notch.
Simon …
“pharmaceutical drug denier” … ??
Geez Gawd.
Congrats, you have fully transitioned to self parody.
When you go to vote NO in the Apartheid referendum, make sure to bring your own pen. Don’t use the supplied pencil.
And take an Umbrella.
What’s the plan behind the voice, it’s called the Kalergi Plan.
You had to go past 16 to get to 17.
I have just started reading this book
From page 15, look familar?
Is the United World Federalist, Inc. subversive? In order to be “subversive” must there be a declaration of that status by an official agency of government? The answer to the first question must be an emphatic “yes”, and the answer to the second an equally emphatic “no”. Does the United World Federalists, Inc. advocate the overthrow of the sovereignty of the United States? It does, but its activities are perfectly legal and within the pro¬ visions of the Constitution of the United States itself. It advo¬ cates an amendment to the Constitution by constitutional methods, which, if adopted, would, of course, destroy the Constitution and all that it stands for. In a sense the movement is in the category of national suicide by legitimate means, and there is not much that anyone can do about it. It becomes, quite obviously, a vehicle of great importance to the enemies of the United States. Under its shield the communists and other internationalists may work safely without incurring any particular danger to themselves. The movement could accomplish what the might of foreign armies and navies with all their terror of atomic weapons might never achieve. Yet, the organization is subversive in that it tends to subvert, and has a tendency to overthrow both the Constitution and the sov¬ ereign government of the United States.
‘Absolutely astounding’: Government to let in 700,000 migrants by end of financial year
Sky news.
Import the third world, become the third world.
Has everyone seen this?
We have already done our voting as we will be holidaying on referendum day. We plan to have a bottle of bubbly on the night and to watch the ABC coverage to see all the weeping and wailing and name calling. It will probably be even better than watching Penny Wong melt down the nigh Shortern lost.
The 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman for their
“Discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19”
The link below provides interesting reading of a number of aspects of their research particularly its role in the rapid development of mRNA based vaccines against cancer and influenza which were developed several years before anti-Covid vaccines.
Robert Malone?
Just kidding.
Everyone knows he’s not female or BIPOC.
Or a ‘real’ scientist or doctor.
Their $1million prize should go towards compensating people damaged by the poisonous clot shots…………
I just was in Melbournistan city and decided to visit a certain retail establishment selling expensive things. I looked up the address and it said:
Well, as far as I know, I was in no tribe’s country, just that of the Australian people, so I thought if they can’t even get their address right, I don’t wish to do business with them.
I was prepared to spend $1000 there.
Get woke, go broke.
Is that the one who sells unicorns and unobtainium ? Do they accept white privilege cards ? Just asking for a friend…
It’s only fair that governments now print copies of government documents and booklets in the languages of the remaining 300-plus Mobs, as they do for many other ethnic groups already.
And very importantly street maps for each tribe and in language.
Hmmmm in Melbourne and visiting a retail outlet selling expensive things and prepared to fork out a grand .
I know exactly where you were and you won’t get a full tank of petrol that cheap these days David !
Did you know 25% of all mammal species are bats?
Very interesting video:
“Did you know 25% of all mammal species are bats?”
And of the remaining 75% not very many are all that bright either
That 25% is frightening. We’ve even had one as PM!
Surely you remember the “ red haired ding bat “. !!!
Climate models parameterise clouds. Clouds bear no relationship to the surface conditions. Climate models dismiss 30% of the incoming solar EMR as being constant. It is unaffected by cloud formation.
I have found two interesting web cams worth watching to see how the ocean atmosphere looks when the surface temperature changes.
Here is Macquarie Island at 54S:
Here is Airlie Beach at 20S:
Macquarie Island is often dank and dark with low cloud or fog.
Airlie Beach is mostly bright and sunny with high cloud at this time of year.
I am waiting for a picture at Airlie Beach showing much angrier conditions with approaching monsoon. I expect late November might be the first time I see that.
Every wonder why we ever get clear sky? Earth is fundementally a water planet. It has had billions of years for the atmosphere to reach equilibrium with the water on the surface so should be completely saturated all the time. The only time in history when clear sky was permanent was when Earth became a snow ball. The air was in contact with ice over the entire surface so next to no atmospheric water. That last happened around 600M years ago. Any guesses why?
Heathrow airport is interesting. It often gets fogged in from November through to February. Ever notice the temperature of the English Channel during winter.
Pythagorean Theorem Found On Clay Tablet 1,000 Years Older Than Pythagoras
..while Pythagoras was an important historical figure in the development of mathematics, he did not figure out the equation most associated with him (a2 + b2 = c2). In fact, there is an ancient Babylonian tablet (by the catchy name of IM 67118) which uses the Pythagorean theorem to solve the length of a diagonal inside a rectangle. The tablet, likely used for teaching, dates from 1770 BCE – centuries before Pythagoras was born in around 570 BCE.
Another tablet from around 1800–1600 BCE has a square with labeled triangles inside. Translating the markings from base 60 – the counting system used by ancient Babylonians – showed that these ancient mathematicians were aware of the Pythagorean theorem (not called that, of course) as well as other advanced mathematical concepts.
“The conclusion is inescapable. The Babylonians knew the relation between the length of the diagonal of a square and its side: d=square root of 2,” mathematician Bruce Ratner writes in a paper on the topic. “This was probably the first number known to be irrational. However, this in turn means that they were familiar with the Pythagorean Theorem – or, at the very least, with its special case for the diagonal of a square (d2 = a2 + a2 = 2a2) – more than a thousand years before the great sage for whom it was named.”
On the banks of a river sat three Indian women, sitting on three different animal skins. On a deer skin was a woman with her son, and the son weighed 140 pounds. On a buffalo skin was another woman, and her son who weighed 160 pounds. And on a hippopotamus skin sat an immense Indian woman, who weighed 300 pounds herself.
A Native American mathematician saw this and noted that the squaw on the hippopotamus was equal to the sons of the squaws on the other two hides.
I’m not surprised. While it’s unfashionable to say so, humans are, as a species, remarkably inventive and smart.
Mind you, you don’t have to specifically know about Pythagorus to know that to check if something (like a building frame) is square, or if you want 2 parallels at the very least, you measure and compare the length of the diagonals.
One of the greatest building tools of all time is a length of string. Straight lines, vertical lines, right angles, level over reasonable distances, surveying etc etc.
Who would have thunk that a piece of string could lead to all sorts of mathematical extensions.
Yes, stringlines and levels have stood the test of time well. I used to tell my landscape apprentices that ancient structures like the pyramids were constructed using a piece of string and a bubble. (barring alien intervention, naturally).
They had the geometrical solution.
Digging deeper:
Was Phythagoras Chinese
Or look for Needham who researched Chinese historical science.
Sample :
Thanks for supporting this Prime Minister, another very good reason to Vote No.
TV icon Ray Martin launched an extraordinary attack on No voters – lashing them as ‘dinosaurs and d***heads’ in a scathing speech to a cheering Yes crowd in front of Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
Note Vo!
So I’m either a dinosaur a Richard cranium or a racist if I insist on not signing a blank cheque?
Mid Coast NSW over the weekend very pleasant weather conditions and high twenties mostly.
Today 20 deg C and very windy, rough seas and for later tonight storms forecast.
Early morning hours today I needed a blanket for my bed.
Alan Jones podcast on Voice;
The Old Alan dunny in the park Jones, still going is it.
For those who missed Prof. William Happer on his recent visit to Australia, sponsored by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA), here is one of his talks.
47 mins.
A CERN experiment that demonstrates antigravity very likely doesn’t exist.
The experiment involved observing the interaction of gravity and antimatter.
Of course, according to General Relativity gravity itself doesn’t exist as a force, it is the perception of a force generated by objects travelling through curved spacetime so antigravity doesn’t make much sense anyway.
Just released – CCTV of todays latest lithium battery fire/explosion.
Fire Rescue NSW – Official video… CCTV Footage shows the actual incident occurring.
Date of incident: 4th October 2023, Sydney Australia. approx 09:00 hrs
Incident summary: Two backpackers were caught in a fireball when a Lithium-ion battery exploded inside a hostel today at Darlinghurst, in inner Sydney.
FRNSW deployed 22 firefighters and six fire trucks to Darlinghurst Road, where the blaze had broken out in a unit shortly after 9am.
It’s suspected to have been sparked by a faulty e-bike battery left on charge. The battery is believed to have undergone thermal runaway.
Ok, understand all, that this is a small battery explosion…. An EV battery if it gets to this stage will make a much bigger bang.
The Two backpackers are ok.. One suffered minor burns.
Thanks, this is going so well.
There are also conflicting reports that the bus crash & fire in Venice, Italy, in which 20+ lives were lost,….was an electric bus !
Other reports suggest it was a LPG fueled bus. ?
It was an hybrid bus they tell in Germany
Electric, per the beeb.
See also #29 below.
NSW Fire are the major push behind the Safety of Alternative and Renewable Energy Technologies (SARET) study.
In 2022 new technology fires ie lithium batteries and such occured at the following levels:
NSW 180
VIC 120
QLD 72
WA 59.
Bush fires . ?
Only days ago we had few to no bush fires,..
…now we suddenly have hundreds in NSW alone…..Why ?
It may (?) be a little hotter and dryer, and the strong winds will make them dangerous…
..but what starts them burning in the first place ?
..lightening ?….some maybe, but not all.
..ciggy butt ends ?…again some maybe, but why more this week than last ?
…camp fires/ outdoor barbeques ? A few, but again why more now when there is a fire ban.
…arson,? Some and more likely than ciggy butts.
Any better suggestions, because i do not think these are the real causes. ?
Its the Russians, its always the Russians fault..
That sarcasm is in poor taste, coming, as it does, from someone who says America is to blame for everything.
I’ll give you a green thumb Hanrahan, at least you can recognise my poor taste..
It’s climate change wot dunnit KP .
Another prophetic statement from Nineteen Eighty Four.
Over 2,000 years before Orwell there was Socrates.
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
If human nature doesn’t change, history repeats.
18 Victorians dying a day from Cardiac arrest.
7 news Melbourne
Nothing an awareness program and CPR training can’t fix. Nothing to see here.
52,000 tonnes of wind turbine blades will need to be replaced and recycled per year.
“The science” has discovered a new resin that can be recycled into Gummy Bears. Guess sugar makes everything edible.
I am impressed.
I just signed up for a frequent flyer account with Rex and when it came to gender options, they only provided the traditional two.
Amazing. Well done Rex.
Simon keeps putting this up.
Petrol and diesel cars 20 times more likely to catch fire than EVs
Hyundai had a recent recall for a defective O-ring that caused 21 fires and 22 thermal events in the US. They sell about 600 000 cars a year in the US.
The first fire was in 2019 and the newest model year of the recall was 2015 while most EVs are not 4 years old yet and with not as much use. And it’s strange that they include diesel, as trucks tend to experience brake fires more often, drive further and have very large fuel tanks dangling on its side.
There should be a comparison of only passenger cars of a few years old, and only those in a minor bingle.
But without it, the stats show hybrids catch fire at twice the rate of ICE cars, so we should expect more of problem in the future as EVs age.
And bigger problems. ICE cars catch fire in garages but that is usually old cars with batteries on chargers. Not many hours after a small accident. No new ones ever sank a ship.
Yes the 98%+ part of the car fleet is 20% more likely to burn. That’s why you see all those burning wrecks on the side of the road and columns of smoke in the distance as you drive around. It’s real I tell you.
Mind you the same person said his car insurance reduced because his car is more reliable, so there’s that I guess.
If like me, you wake up wondering WTF does the Mass Formation have for me today …
here’s Konstantin Kisin discussing ‘how terrible ideas take over a society’.
Again, those of us following ‘Climate Science’ have watched the Mass being constructed.
And unable to believe what was manifesting before our very eyes.
Just make a short mental list of how many liberals and academics have been ostracized by the established media and political cartels since 2016, and now labeled ‘far right’?
Judith Curry was one of the early professional character assassinations in this current incarnation.
Alan Jones on Their Voice”
Vote “NO” IMO
The WEF with the next phase, maybe.
The water grab ramps up
“Tanya Plibersek ‘absolutely scared’ of the truth in Mildura”
Finally the dumb trump has been told to shut his face
The same Peter Fitzroy who though this statement was “obnoxious”:
But you wouldn’t think of that, eh? Because Climaaaaate Chaaaaange!
And who added: “Your denigration of me show what a small unintelligent person you are,”
Must admit I’m fascinated by what the Trump phenom has done to some people’s minds.
If you had told me seven years ago this tabloid personality would become a pivotal global historical personality, I would have laughed.
I remember being in my car at zero dark thirty on a mission to procure caffeine, and listening to him being interviewed on NPR.
They asked him about abortion.
He answered the question thoughtfully void of the usual canned political eye glaze over babble.
I could hardly believe it.
I thought only a person that wasn’t really trying to get elected would answer honestly like that.
And here we are.
TRUMP 2024
I think maybe it’s the last hope for all of us.
Note: After Trump won in 2016, NPR, the previous continuous background aural landscape of my life, became unlistenable.
A lot of people have told him to. Probably less than have asked you to shut it, though.
If it’s a judge you are referring to, you probably don’t know that he is censoring the talk of how he should have recused himself. It’s a clear cut case of immoral officials running amok because the mainstream media has only superficial morals.
These guys valued a 20 acre property with massive beach frontage as the same value of quarter acre with no beach frontage. It is that corrupt.
Crazy widespread Europe heat continues.
Many countries comfortably exceeding 30C, several for the first time in recorded history. In the UK after a record September, October is running over 5C hot in the CET mean and the foreseeable outlook is hotter still.
It’s almost as amusing watching some fellow skeptics trying to pretend it isn’t hot, as it is watching warmists claim it signifies the end of the world.
So amusement all around on account of a bit of rather pleasant bonus weather.
“UK’s Global Boiling Summer Was as Hot As 1857!”
It’s crazy that you don’t get that you can not tell that the global average has gone up a degree. If it’s a hell of a lot hotter somewhere, it’s a hell of a lot colder than the average somewhere else.
There is no good reasoning for claiming that the average going up leads to wilder swings in local temperatures. “The atmosphere is supercharged” is not just a silly explanation (pretty sure a blanket over my engine will not make turn it into a race car), it also highlights how little thought goes into climate science
Eco bus accident incinerated unfortunate passengers, some confusion if it was methane or batteries.
Electric – made extinguishing it harder.
Reported by the Beeb – so it must be correct in every nuance.
Also, this on the Beeb: –
‘I was kidnapped by my runaway electric car’
Chinese ‘MG’ badge; drove on at 30 mph – wouldn’t stop ….
Are electric vehicles ready for prime time?
I suggest not at the moment.
Not just the coal power, difficulties with range and recharging, and where the electricity is supposed to come from if we all [try to] use them …
The NetZero watch link seems to have vanished, anyway story also here.
As well as the fire risk the enormous weight of batteries could make the difference between a guard rail keeping a bus on the road or not, in the event of turning over the battery weight could crush the occupants.
probably why the NetZero report was taken down.
There are some things you just cant make up. Switzerland is going to ban electric cars due to energy shortages caused by shutting down nuclear power plants and Russian gas boycotts:
The Governor of California has appointed a new Senator to replace the deceased Diane Feinstein.
The new Senator representing CA does not live in CA and has not ever been registered to vote in CA.
But she is LGTBQIA+ BIPOC.
Perhaps we have a new concern.
Whether there is a sufficient population of LGBTQIA+ BIPOC persons to fill all government, corporate and academic positions the must be filled moving forward.
forgot link
Interesting reading from Chiefio –
“Internet Killed The Video Star…”
And the “Pirate Box”
And I notice Small Dead Animals is not available this morning – to do with “Canada’s latest freedoms”?
SDA back up
“Exit from net zero”
“Time to start planning
We need a plan before a government comes to power with a mandate to exit, only to find that they have to make it up during the first year of office.”
Overall, a clear pattern emerges: a marked and fairly widespread decline of public confidence in science since the pandemic. While, historically, Americans’ confidence in science has remained high relative to confidence in other institutions, this gap now appears to be narrowing.
The pandemic surely played a role, especially controversial policies such as school closures and masking young children. There’s little doubt the conduct of scientific, political and media elites contributed as well — from policy mistakes like the botched rollout of diagnostic tests to mixed and misleading messaging on masking to the dishonesty of politicians who failed to follow their own rules to efforts within government, the media and the scientific community to suppress dissent.
The English sociologist Anthony Giddens once observed that modern societies are uniquely dependent on trust, particularly trust in what he termed “abstract systems.” Members of smaller traditional societies are embedded in face-to-face relationships with neighbors, friends and family members. By contrast, we are dependent on a vast array of interconnected social institutions, especially expert institutions, which involve “faceless commitments” to those we do not (and usually cannot) know personally.
It is characteristic of these abstract systems that we cannot opt out, at least not entirely. Sustaining trust in them therefore becomes a basic requirement for the functioning of modern societies. Essential to this process is what Mr. Giddens calls “access points”: interactions between lay citizens and individual members (or representatives) of abstract systems; think of experts such as Dr. Anthony Fauci or even your family physician.
Such interactions provide opportunities for experts vested with authority not only to exemplify the requisite skills but also to exhibit the character traits — rectitude, professionalism, disinterestedness — needed to generate and sustain the trust of those lay individuals who depend on them. If your doctors lie to you or put their financial interests ahead of yours, you will probably stop trusting them. If their behavior appears egregious enough, it might shake your confidence in the entire medical establishment. Access points are where trust is established and sustained or broken and lost; they are vulnerabilities in abstract systems.
The Covid-19 crisis simultaneously laid bare our dependence on abstract systems and shook many Americans’ confidence in them. From this point of view, expert institutions lost the public’s trust not only because of unpopular policies but also because prominent representatives of these institutions either were or were perceived as being self-interested rather than disinterested, politically motivated rather than dispassionate.
Do tell.”
Instapundit links to NYT article behind a wall
And on that theme –
“An Expert Manual to revise mathematics in Australian teaching”?
“A VERY PUBLIC EDUCATION: California’s Math Misadventure Is About to Go National.
When I decided to read every word of California’s 1,000-page proposal to transform math education in public schools, I learned that even speculative and unproved ideas can end up as official instructional policy. In 2021, the state released a draft of the California Mathematics Framework, whose authors were promising to open up new pathways into science and tech careers for students who might otherwise be left behind. At the time, news reports highlighted features of the CMF that struck me as dubious. That draft explicitly promoted the San Francisco Unified School District’s policy of banishing Algebra I from middle school—a policy grounded in the belief that teaching the subject only in high school would give all students the same opportunities for future success. The document also made a broad presumption that tweaking the content and timing of the math curriculum, rather than more effective teaching of the existing one, was the best way to fix achievement gaps among demographic groups. Unfortunately, the sheer size of the sprawling document discouraged serious public scrutiny.
I am a professional mathematician, a graduate of the public schools of a middle-class community in New York, and the son of a high-school math teacher. I have been the director of undergraduate studies in math at Stanford University for a decade. When California released a revised draft of the math framework last year, I decided someone should read the whole thing, so I dove in. Sometimes, as I pored over the CMF, I could scarcely believe what I was reading. The document cited research that hadn’t been peer-reviewed; justified sweeping generalizations by referencing small, tightly focused studies or even unrelated research; and described some papers as reaching nearly the opposite conclusions from what they actually say.
The document tried hard to convince readers that it was based on a serious reading of neuroscience research. The first chapter, for example, cited two articles to claim that “the highest achieving people have more interconnected brains,” implying that this has something to do with learning math. But neither paper says anything about math education.
The CMF is meant only to guide local districts, but in practice it influences the choices they make about what and how to teach. Even so, the version ultimately adopted by the State Board of Education is likely to distort math instruction for years to come. Armed with trendy buzzwords and false promises of greater equity, California is promoting an approach to math instruction that’s likely to reduce opportunities for disadvantaged students—in the state and wherever else educators follow the state’s lead.
If there’s a better argument in favor of local control of education — or homeschooling — I’ve never heard it.” via Instapundit
“ANALYSIS: Behind the Historic Vote to Oust McCarthy as Speaker”
“Key to understanding why the day’s events came about as they did is found in one word, “trust,” according to multiple Republican House members interviewed by The Epoch Times, most of whom spoke on background.”
More at
Repent or be damned.
‘Francis takes aim at US climate sceptics.
‘Pope Francis has taken aim at the US, ‘irresponsible’ Western lifestyles and fossil fuels in a new highly political document on climate change.’ (Oz)
I would be ashamed to have one thousandth of the Pope’s carbon footprint.
Nah, not really, I don’t care how much ‘carbon’ other people ’emit’. But glass houses and all that.
Caught in slips!
“Brilliant comment from Manning – on Ray Martin’s ‘dickheads’ who haven’t read the Uluru Statement”
He was sending “Elbow” a message?
The Full Judith Curry Interview: Climate Scientist Says World Won’t End
A ship named the Climate Justice just loaded up with coal in Vancouver
A 200-metre-long bulk carrier just docked in Vancouver, filled up with coal, and is now headed back to Asia where the coal will be burned in steel plants.
That ship’s name? The MV Climate Justice.
Flagged in Cyprus and owned by the Monaco-based firm Safe Bulkers, the ship got its name because it’s reported to be cleaner-burning than its fellow bulk carriers.
But the MV Climate Justice does carry an awful lot of coal; between 30,000 and 40,000 tonnes. Once burned, that size of a load will produce between 60,000 and 80,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide — equivalent to about as much as the per-capita annual emissions of 5,000 Canadians…
The poster child example of the ozone ‘hole’ that the eco-deceivers say shows how binding international treaties can save the world; How’s that doing then? Oh dear.
Glad they mentioned Hunga Tonga.