A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“A new study published in the scientific peer-reviewed journal, Climate, by 37 researchers from 18 countries suggests that current estimates of global warming are contaminated by urban warming biases.
“The study also suggests that the solar activity estimates considered in the most recent reports by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) likely underestimated the role of the Sun in global warming since the 19th century.”
The state of climate research.
Six times as many PhD’s each year, so the level of intelligence of our doctorates has declined to 1/6th of what it was in my day. It certainly shows!
This is tricky-
Is this guy is clever enough to fake a global warming paper to get it published in Nature, AND then write another piece on how he faked it to get even more publicity, yet dumb enough in the end to believe in CO2 and the whole religion.
..or is he completely cynical about the whole thing and will fake his belief in the CO2 religion so he sells us down the river while he gets paid for writing rubbish? Either way I’d string him up!
Sold his soul to the Devil .
“Making Life Even Worse for Us”
Bess Price
No surprises, its a taste of things to come-
“Too many Aboriginal organisations are run as family fiefdoms with jobs and benefits distributed on the basis of kinship or political loyalties rather than need. A close relative of mine was told that, despite being qualified for a job with one of them, he would not be offered one because he was related to me. Labor governments are no better. I applied for a job with the Health Department that I am eminently qualified for. It is work that I have done voluntarily for decades. The Aboriginal manager of the unit concerned told me that she wanted me on board but there were “problems upstairs”. .. A woman known to me was given the job within two weeks of applying. Their nefarious “culturally appropriate” practices would be enshrined in our Constitution if the Voice was passed by the voters.”
From the BoM:
For September to November, below median rainfall is likely to very likely (60% to greater than 80% chance) for most of Australia.
For September to November, above median maximum temperatures are very likely (greater than 80% chance) for almost all of Australia.
Range 0-1C for most, 1-2C for SA, then 203C later in Sept.
For September to November, warmer than median minimum temperatures are likely (60 to 80% chance) to very likely for most of western and southern Australia.
I guess that means rain from end of November until early January then.
Robber, its your job to report back in December and paste that forecast up again with the results.. I’ll forget by then.
Kevin Long agrees with the rainfall, but he doesn’t do temperatures. “I forecast a very high risk of crop-damaging frosts during September and October. We are currently relying on the most powerful planetary alignment of this year to provide a brief lift in the rainfall cycles during November, when we will witness the close alignment of the sun, Mercury, Earth Mars, Jupiter and Uranus. The best spring rains are very likely to fall within a few days of New Moon in October and November.”
..and then its slowly back into drought for Australia..
My typo: 2-3 C
“Spoiler Alert!”
Genetically modify humans to be intolerant of meat – for the climate you know
This may be further advanced than many suspect. After all a large and growing proportion of people are intolerant of other humans.
And yes I know I’m one.
Here’s one for your hysterical climate drivel file
Yes, this made it obvious-
” Council on Foreign Relations climate advisor”
Its the mainstream version of Natural News, if it was on Youtube it would have some dorky-looking permanent teenager with his mouth hanging open saying “You’ll be shocked” and advertisements for prostate enlargement… its from the same school as the Russian and Ukrainian daily propaganda releases…
Perfectly suitable for the public of the internet age, but the journo would have got fired in 1960.
“German health authorities plead to parliamentary committee that they have yet to evaluate adverse vaccine events because there are too many of them “
“Well, what did they expect???”
“Police officers in Australia have been accused of falsely registering as non-binary as part of a scheme to claim a higher clothing allowance from their department.
At least 17 officers from the Victoria Police have been interviewed in the force’s investigation of the alleged scheme, according to the Herald Sun, which was first brought to light on social media in June.”
More at
“People Rarely Transmit COVID-19 Before Experiencing Symptoms: Lancet Study”
This is a great article on value investing and the herd mentality around Climate Change:
If you know anyone who is an active investor or simply able to direct where their super is placed then they need to read this article.
The wisdom offered does not bode well for the various fund managers like industry super and wealth funds that are heavily invested in “renewable” projects that depend entirely on the government sanctioned robbery through energy bills.
When will an any Australian State encourage project evaluation for life extension or upgrade of current coal fired stations? When will the Australian Government drop the RET and its regulated theft? Is Warren Buffet getting out of “renewables” yet?
Someone at Google forgot to reset the misinformation filter this morning. This appeared in my daily Climate Science News feed:
Why value investors should doubt “climate science”
“The consensus … is generally wrong …”
“The consensus is often wrong,”
’We Are Totally Awash in Pseudoscience’
I expect this lapse in vigilance at Google to be rectified very soon.
[Edit: I see Rick beat me at #10]
Imagine how great life is for your average leftist. They control all of the institutions, they control the political agenda, they control the narratives, they have the means to punish those who defy them and the world is becoming exactly what they want it to be. Even better, every morning when they wake up and get a coffee and read the morning paper, they will see that in almost every Western country their so-called ‘adversaries’ are doing exactly what they themselves would do if they were in government. I would dearly like to become a leftist, just so I can be on the winning team for once, but I don’t fit any of the ‘psychological profiles’ that we see all too often amongst leftists. A further problem is that I am blessed – or cursed – with a suspicious mind, so I take nothing at face value. What can I do? Please help. How can I become a leftist?
Frontal lobotomy. As a leftist you won’t lead that (thinking) part of the brain.
>”Please help. How can I become a leftist?”
Here ya go:
The Leftist Personality: Left-Wing ideology as a biological phenomenon
First step is the most difficult, involves a biophysical transform –
2. Leftism and Physical Biology
Second step much easier, after your brain rewire in 2. –
3. Leftist Psychology 101
Just try to be nice. Easy.
>”Just try to be nice”
Problematic in the context of Leftism (from The Leftist Personality above):
5. Conclusion: A profile of the average Leftist
“Spiteful, malicious, and vindictive” – that kind of nice?
Nice of you to drop in, Gee.
As Gee Aye says, it’s easy.
Just become thoughtlessly compliant and wear a pirates patch over your right eye.
I’ve been silenced; have I been moved to London.
I’m not sure life is great for the average leftist. I imagine it to be a bit like living the life of a permanent temper tantrum.
Surveys show you are right: Conservatives are happier people. They certainly don’t have a conflict between cleaning nits from the daughter’s hair and veganism.
Before you do that reflect that they have all that and they’re still not bloody well happy!
Ted O’Brien: Canberra’s climate and energy policy is ‘completely in tatters’
Interesting article about oil and Africa.
Lagos traffic jams disappear. But this isn’t good news for Nigeria
The message to me is that there can be an explosive growth in industrialization and petroleum consumption
The UK summer was warm, but 1976 was hotter. Looking further back, the summer temperature of 1857 was equal to 2023, so we can assume CO2 was not involved and the anomaly is only weather.
Unfortunately there can be no argument over the fact that our summers have been consistently hotter in the last 30 years. Every other summer is in the top 20% warmest. Recent years are over represented in the top 10. 2018 almost matched 1976 for England, not that the fact that a freak outlier has yet to be matched alters the fact it is hotter on average nowadays. Check for yourself.
Red thumbs incoming….
Good on you; England needs a bit more warmth.
Here on the Australian mid East coast it’s been mild by comparison with the past.
You mean it hasn’t rained every second day and been cold & miserable in between? I was there for a few weeks in 1983, a week of summer between spring and autumn that year..
England wouldn’t have a Commonwealth if the weather was better at home.
‘If you’ve really got balls’: Paul Murray slams ‘idiot’ Toorak climate protesters
Qld passes “Lifeboat Laws”if the Yes vote loses out? The “Path to Treaty Act”
A brave decision, as Sir Humphrey would say.
Qld ain’t Vic.
The Treaty Institute Council has the power to do anything necessary or convenient to be done in performing its functions.
The Treaty Institute Council has the following functions—
(a) to ensure the Treaty Institute performs its functions and exercises its powers—
(i) in a proper, efficient and effective way; and
(ii) in accordance with the principles of this Act;
(b) to develop strategies and policies for the Treaty Institute;
(c) any other function given to the Treaty Institute Council under this Act or another Act.
I can’t decide if its out of Alice in Wonderland, or Ukraine prior to the Russian invasion! A body to do anything it wants or nothing at all and get paid handsomely while it does. Instant corruption..
At what point do the useful idiots wake up to what is going on and realise they have been duped for many years?
I don’t think they ever will. People are just not interested, in my experience anyway. But in a way that’s good news because it means all you have to do is convince those who have power, which is a much smaller bunch. People will just follow whatever is going and try and make it for themselves within that. So it’s just a simple matter of taking power.
Too easy to call this creep an idiot, manifestly he is not. But he is evil.
By burying trees he’s hedging his bets and investing in “future coal”
The last four summers were the mildest in my lifetime, by a long way. This will all be forgotten when the next hot summer arrives, looking like this year. Get your arguments ready because the most massive propaganda campaign ever is coming.
If you mean Australia – 2019/20 was 4 summers ago and most people thought that one was pretty hot.
So what is the argument you are making?
The news has a report that it is a hot summer (because it is and they are reporting it) or that 40 degrees and windy wont be very nice (which is true and they are reporting it) and your retort is, “whatabout last year, why didn’t you report on the mild pleasant weather” (which it was but is hardly a news item).
If you want to waste your time complaining about nothing, listen to Philip..
Indeed; it has begun while the vestiges of winter are still with us.
Nice frost this morning, chickens walking on iced grass to the frozen water bowl..
I think Phillip was referring to the breaking of the last drought in 2019, which gave us a lot of rain and less extreme temperatures, as humidity does. Just ignore what ‘the news’ says, if its not happening to you it doesn’t matter.
Proof of a mRNA Disaster! A Buried England mRNA Data Avalanche has been Exposed.
Buried deep in The UKHSA Fortnightly National Influenza and COVID-19 Report
“National flu and COVID-19 surveillance data report: 6 July 2023 (week 27)”.
The actual data is buried in a supplementary ODS type file (It can be opened in Excel)
This ODS Data file, when you know where to look, holds data that has been effectively withheld from the common public knowledge until now.
There is an obscure tab (one of more than 40 Tabs in this data file) called “Figure_19__COVID_Vac_Uptake”
Looking at Fig 19 of the week 27 report there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY anyone “on the outside” of the organisation that prepared this report or those collaborating with this organisation would have known to look for this CRITICAL COMPARISON DATA
“It is helpful to appreciate just how delicate the Genetics of our bodies are and how reckless it is to deploy genetic instructions with unknown duration, unknown biodistribution, unknown deviation from natural purity, and unknown impact on all the cell types and the bodies related functions that rely on those cell types to operate without interference and without the production of synthetic-foreign proteins that can easily have the body attack its own cells that express these synthetic foreign proteins.”
– JC2: unless you have a level of knowledge far beyond even the best researchers (for now).
3+ doses, oh dear..
I love buried data. 😎
Same in NZ. RNZ stopped graphing vax status and deaths within 28 days of infection when the colour coding went astray i.e. red unvaxxed (bad) and green boosted (good) but the deaths were occurring in the boosted mostly.
I kept the weekly data for 14 weeks from 22/4 to 18/7. At the end the cumulative totals were (deaths within 28 days):
6 – unvaxxed+1 jab
9 – double jab
28 – boosted
They didn’t think it necessary to have separate unvaxxed and 1 jab categories except an obscure graph early on. The 1 jab folks actually came out ok, marginally better than unvaxxed.
There were some odd “revisions” in the data so that running totals reduced from the previous week a couple of times but only in the double and boosted (most in boosted).
I see double jabbed and double boosted “Dr” Jill Biden has tested positive, again. “The Big Guy” is wearing his mask again too – on occasions.
Thanks J C II,
Well found. Fascinating data from UK, and so well hidden. But they could still claim they “published” it.
Goes well with the Canadian study Kevin a provided a link for on Monday at #20:
Dave B
finally some one has see the
Dr. Denis Rancourt Unveiling All-Cause Mortality: A Critical Analysis of the Pandemic Declaration and Vaccination Rollout | Ottawa Day One | NCI
Amazing video
Please take the time for this one.
2 shots and a booster is not vaccinated, DUH!
RFK Jr. CONFRONTED with vax data
20 mins all good.
@ 18:00 HOW the Fully Vax numbers made up!
Anybody else see this Cato Institute study, which shows Sweden had the least excess deaths in Europe during the pandemic period. Sweden during the Pandemic
Note Figure 2, Excess death rate in Europe 2020–2022, that shows Sweden at the lowest of 4.4% and the next lowest being Norway at 5%. The study concludes:
Midazolam Murders – When a Common Sedative Becomes an Execution Drug
Muzzle wearers: we will, we will, mock you
I will not wear it on my face.
I will not wear it any place.
I will not wear it to get in.
I will not wear it on my chin.
I will not wear it on my ear.
I will not wear it out of fear.
I will not wear your stupid mask.
I will not wear it.
Welcome to the mask-uerade:
What about a mask with a built in Faraday’s cage to attenuate radio frequency noise and 6 and 7G?, and also energy beams and such?
If all that was built in, it might sway public acceptance lol 🙂
Pfizer’s Own Trials Showed a 24% GREATER Likelihood of Dying in the Vaccine Group After 6 Months
Apparently peer reviewed can work for honest scientists.
Post #2 link to his blog.
Wow thanks so much for the link!
Top scientist Patrick Brown says he deliberately OMITTED key fact in climate change piece he’s just had published in prestigious journal to ensure woke editors ran it – that 80% of wildfires are started by humans
Does any one watch RichieFromBoston ?
“Climate scientist: Yes, I cooked my Nature article on global warming — and here’s why”
“Cultural Diversity On Display Again In Sweden”
Riots and car burnings by those poor immigrants who lived such a terrible life before being enlightened by living in the pinnacle of the Socialist West..
Serve them right for registering and banning guns… If the real Swedes have the balls to call bullshit on the quran and burn it, they would sort the rioters out if armed.
“Violent riots in Sweden’s third largest city Malmo after latest Quran burning.
Demonstrators shout Allahu Akbar while flipping car (left video) before setting it and others on fire (right video) as protests against Quran burning turn into violent (and stupid) riots in Swedish city of Malmo
Over 20 cars were set on fire and dozens were arrested.
Over the last 20 years, Sweden has taken in more refugees per capita that any other western country, a process which has seen Sweden go from being one of the safest countries in Europe to the second most dangerous.”
They’ve lost their country now, same as France.
Also on that page, Ukrainian refugees don’t want to go from an active war zone to Sweden as they think it ‘too dangerous’. Refugee organisations can’t fill the buses to Sweden.
Applies here too.
In my career I’ve read “Give ’em H e L L Harry” (about Truman) and even saw the stage version.
One of the things he pointed out was that, with the USA’s widely elected upper tier of government, the stability was about three or four layers down the bureaucracy. Which largely acted like this –
A state department of Ag here lost a lawsuit brought by a farmer who claimed that their officers had advised to plant a variety of sub clover which had a high oestrogenic content that caused lambing failure and his financial failure.
Which caused ag advisors in other states to question where they stood.
The answer in this one was –
“Your job is to provide the best available information – PRO AND CON.
It is not your job to directly advise a course of action that the client takes – that must be their decision”
That, all too often, no longer happens.
(That state dept won on appeal later but that doesn’t alter the above)
Someone is pushing NATO into war with Russia, claiming Russia attacked Romania with a drone. The Romanian Govt denied it happened, so now there are social media posts full of “geolocated proof”
I expect the Russians apologised if one overflew the Danube and hit the far shore instead of the near shore, but someone behind the curtain wants more outrage and some jingoistic sabre-rattling from NATO about it.
and as America prepares to get rid of Zelensky, the Ukie soldiers have had enough of the armchair experts in NATO-
“The rift deepens – Ukrainian soldiers: “NATO trainers are irrelevant & incompetent” – Rand: “The US Army has no combat experience” “
RI fishermen’s board resigns en masse over Biden admin-backed offshore wind farm: ‘Wholesale ocean destruction’
A plan backed by the Biden administration to OK a string of wind farms off Rhode Island has prompted every member of a fishing regulatory board in the state to resign.
The entire Rhode Island Fisherman’s Advisory Board quit en masse Friday to protest the 84-turbine Sunrise Wind project after the state’s Coastal Resources Management Council approved the third offshore wind farm in two years off the Ocean State’s waters.
The project falls under President Biden‘s executive order authorizing his Interior Department to double US offshore wind capacity by 2030. With the project’s approval, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is on track to finish reviews for 16 wind farms by 2025…
More around “Their Voice”
“The Democrats’ Public Health Care Blunder 2.0”
Successor to “The Mile High Club”?
“Report: Scientists Working to Conceive Babies in Space ”
Bill Gates buys shares in Budweiser –
A new medium for dispensing his “vaccines”?