A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“Another Multi-Gigawatt Offshore Wind Project Emerges in Australia”
“Elanora Offshore, a consortium comprising EnergyAustralia, KIMAenergy, Boskalis, Respect Energy, and Polpo Investments, has unveiled its plans to build a 5 GW wind farm off the Gippsland coast, Australia’s first declared offshore wind zone.”
Money for less than nothing. At today’s rates this will cost $28 billion USD to build and roughly twice that including financing and operation or $56 billion USD. All paid for by the poor users of electricity.
Don’t worry as the price of electricity will be cheaper under a Laybore Feral Guv’ment. sarc/
I received my electricity account yesterday for the last month ( we used to have quarterly accounts but smart meters have been installed en masse and now it’s by the month ). My account is in credit…why…because the Queensland Government ( a larger collection of fools you will never see ) are giving me ” energy relief “. I find this fascinating. The cost of energy has gone through the roof ( well over 20% increases of late ) so to lessen the pain of ” cheaper renewable energy ” the Government is giving me money. So energy is costing way more, but the Government is giving me money to help with the pain. Where does the money come from ? So the cost of energy goes up…and they give you money to lower the cost to you. Socialist economics 101.
Had we stuck with reliable coal/gas generated energy and simply replaced aging power stations with newer more efficient ones that make energy 24/7/365 and don’t need storage batteries or more poles and wires , maybe we could have saved a few $$$.
Believe it or not, a vast majority of people, most present company excepted, will not be able to answer that.
It’s a money go round.
“It’s a money go round.”
Yes, but a little bit falls off every time it passes ‘Go’.
I wonder where that ‘little bit’ goes …
This Victorian Government is wasting more of our money to pay to keep Loy Yang Power Station running longer.
We are not allowed to know the cost.
Also the shutdown of Yallourn is being deferred and we are paying for that as well.
The Energy owners are screwing the Government and us both/multiple ways because we will also be paying to build off-shore wind.
Too true Geoff. I predicted that the taxpayer will be be paying to keep Eraring and Yallourn…and now it appears to be Loy Yang as well…a year or more ago as I watched the unreliables insanity rollout. Not only are we paying more for our unreliables, we are having to pay to keep the reliable generators on line. Absolute insanity. I am left wondering just when will these complete imbeciles eventually realise the absolute folly of trying to run a Nation on Wind and Solar…and some very, very big batteries.
Their latest hope
“A Return to the Age of Sailing Ships: Nostalgia or Nonsense?”
See also
@ 45
Nice work if you can get it. Loy yang and Earing have been given a reprieve at a cost to the consumer.
The power companies get such subsidies on their ruinables that coal can’t compete so they ask for, and receive, subsidies. This is blackmail – Give us subsidies or the grid cops it!
I don’t think it’s that Coal can’t compete. At night, Coal can basically charge what it wants to recoup the costs of production. Especially when the wind doesn’t blow. Plus brown coal produces cheap electricity in Vic.
Yes, the renewable subsidies don’t help the situation but I’m assuming this is about government policy and the uncertainty it creates for coal. i.e. The coal fired generator isn’t going to invest in upgrades on an ageing plant if there’s no certainty when the government will have “renewables” take over and the govt has made it policy to achieve certain emissions targets within the active life of the coal generator. Except clearly the targets can’t be achieved and coal generator either stays open with upgrade costs out of an implied civic duty but risks getting screwed, or gets the govt to give some financial guarantees.
Therefore it’s not blackmail. It’s the business reality of a grid made vulnerable by govt mismanagement, irresponsible or illogical target timeframes, and industry uncertainty rather than coal can’t compete.
Thanks David for that. Surely soon people will be annoyed enough to put our modern legislation to the test of a court.
Then things might turn out to be like a dog that has caught its tail.
The mainstream media does not want the West to know what is happening in China because the people would be frightened and begin to rebel. The media wants you to believe that China is “experimenting” with digital IDs that are linked to bank accounts and impacted by social credit scores, but they’re already there. TikTok is one of the last platforms where users throughout the world can share personal news without censorship. In the video above, a Chinese woman is explaining how she “once again cannot buy food.”
Her story is one example of how the digital ID program will work. She attempted to buy a new phone linked to a Chinese bank account to bypass the digital ID, but since her cousin purchased the phone, she was unable to log on because the phone was flagged. China has been testing this system since 2018 and had a soft launch in March, when Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced that 100 million citizens would be issued digital identification cards. As always, they market this as a mere convenience. “One policy from the government this year is to make ID cards electronic, so that relevant information can be accessed by a simple scan of the code on the cellphone,” he said.
Simply look at the articles regarding digital IDs and the praise they receive such as “offering an omnichannel experience” or even calling the provinces that have instituted the measure “digital ID havens.” They tout how citizens can access public venues with facial recognition technology. What they fail to mention is that the government now owns its citizens. All of their data, from where to go to what to buy, is tracked and harvested. One misstep and a person can and will be financially excommunicated from society.
Welcome to the Great Reset. China already had a firm grip on its population that was already battered after what it did during COVID. Remember, Trudeau said China is his ideal form of government. All of the West will watch this play out in China to determine how they can implement it too. They will market this to the sheep as a technological achievement to be celebrated. Those who can think independently will not go down without a fight. We must wake up and realize that the global elite is implementing the Great Reset.”
The sheep will welcome the ‘convenience ‘ of the digital id just before mouthing ‘If you’ve got nothing to hide you’ve got nothing to fear.”
Our personal freedoms to say and think what we like are being steadily eroded, but I don’t see any sign that young people are concerned about that. In fact they believe anyone who disagrees with their obviously ‘correct’ viewpoint should be canceled
But…but…but… there was one of our resident climate change cultists commenting that in his vast experience living in China (3 weeks), he can, with great authority, tell us that this is not at all true.
Sounds like one of my bucket list oriented friends. He “did” a country by visiting one major city and often had the hard rock cafe trinket to prove it. He was a font of travel and international affairs expertise.
Does he go by the title Marshall Trudeau yet?
It’s not just Trudeau…. His mentor, Klaus Schwab, said “China is an attractive model”.
Klaus also called for a “fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.” Sounds like a digital ID to me.
No wonder he and his “Summer Davos” event are welcome in Ch1na every year.
Australia’s Sinophile politicians and public serpents are planning a digital ID for Australia .
No surprise there of course, few countries are as compliant with the globalist UN and WEF Agenda as Australia is.
The Lamestream media think it’s wonderful, of course as shown by the following puff piece.
As with nearly all bad Leftist policy it had its origins in the pretend conservative Liberal Party faction of the Uniparty. Just like allowing non-dispatchable generators to connect to the grid, the proposed Australian Government censorship legislation and covid mismanagement including banning of IVM and HCQ.
The WEF pseudo-government says to do it so you can bet the Australian Government will do it.
The Australian Government has wanted to introduce a digital ID ever since the Australia Card fiasco of the Hawke regime, fortunately defeated by the Senate in 1986.
From a 2004 review of the failed Australia card.
Simon Davies
Director, Privacy International
Visiting Fellow, The London School of Economics (The Rothschild, London School of Economics)
There was a very real fear in the Australian community in 1987 that the fundamental balance of power was shifting. Justice Michael Kirby, President of the New South Wales Court of Appeal, observed: “If there is an identity card, then people in authority will want to put it to use….What is at stake is nothing less than the nature of our society and the power and authority of the state over the individual” (fn23).
As news of the specifics of the ID card legislation spread, the campaign strengthened. If you were in employment without an ID card, it would be an offence for your employer to pay you (Penalty $20,000). If you were then forced to resign, you could not get a new job, as the law would make it a offence for an employer to hire a cardless person (penalty $20,000). Farmers without ID cards could not receive payments from marketing boards for their produce (penalty $20,000). A person without an ID card would be denied access to a pre-existing bank account, and could not cash in investments, cannot give money to or receive money from a solicitor, or could not receive money in unit, property or a cash management trust.
Cardless people could not buy or rent their own home or land (penalty $5,000), nor would benefits be paid to the unemployed, widows, supporting parents, the aged, the invalid or the sick.
If your card is destroyed for any reason than cannot be proven as accidental, the penalty would be $5,000 or two years imprisonment or both. A $500 penalty would be imposed if you lost your card and failed to report the loss within twenty-one days. Failure to attend a compulsory conference if ordered to by the ID card agency would result in a penalty of $1,000 or six months’ gaol. Failure to produce your ID card on demand to the Tax Office would invoke a penalty of $20,000.
The control freaks have learned, moving to the same point from a different direction.
Lol! People complain about how bad it is in China or North Korea.. They have nothing on Aussie for tyranny, plans if not in actuality!
So, that will be the next job after we throw out The Voice. (which will get passed by 51% to 49% against.. no matter what the votes were, its the counting that counts)
Professor Stan Grant, School of Journalism, Monash University.
That sums up the horrendous state of “journalism” in Australia nicely.
Victims always get honorary academic awards given to them.
In 2016 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Letters by the University of New South Wales.
Back in the day, you used to need a real doctorate and a substantial publication record in peer reviewed scholarly literature to become a professor.
Now, apparently not.
The dumbing-down of “universities” is complete.
Not to our US friends, there is a difference between the professional title in the US and Commonwealth systems.
Commonwealth system = United States system
Professor (chair) = Professor, distinguished professor, chaired professor
Reader, Principal Lecturer, Associate Professor = Professor
Senior lecturer = Associate professor
Lecturer = Assistant professor
It seems his main focus at the “Constructive Institute Asia Pacific”, whatever that is meant to mean, will be on supposed “misinformation”.
Remember, whatever the Left say, it is the opposite of truth so when they say “misinformation” it will actually be truth that is sought to be controlled.
Notice how the Left are implementing censorship policies everywhere now, e.g. Australian Government, YouTube and other socialist media (not X) and now in so-called “journalism” “schools like Stan’s “Constructive Institute”.
The Constructive Institute is a worldwide organisation.
Who funds it?
I don’t know much about the other donors but the fact that Goolag is a major donor raises alarm bells.
Found just that comment I like a lot at WUWT:
Vegans eat my food’s food.
This lady was cured by hunger, savagely broke the duck’s neck with her bare hands, then clearly enjoyed chowing down on the meat.
Video by Roman Balmakov about new more severe censorship of medical information on YouTube.
As if it wasn’t already bad enough, they will be now censoring ANY and ALL information that is not in accord with the often-false claims of the WHO or WEF or local government “authorities”, e.g. the TGA in Australia or the FDA in the USA.
In other words content creators will be censored for any information not in accord with the Official Narrative, irrespective of the scientific merit of the information being presented.
This is far worse than the already-dangerous policy that previously applied.
Strangely (or not!) it is closely in alignment with proposed Australian Government censorship policies.
12 mins.
In case you are wondering what sort of things might be censored, here is an extract from my submission to the Australian Government against their censorship bill about information they claimed was true but turned out to be false information propagated by the Government. You won’t be able to question such claims with new YouTube censorship or Australian Government censorship because they don’t align with the claims of the TGA, FDA or other Government or UN/WEF agencies.
• Government Misinformation #1: Natural immunity offers little protection compared to vaccinated immunity
• Government Misinformation #2: Masks prevent Covid transmission
• Government Misinformation #3: School closures reduce Covid transmission
• Government Misinformation #4: Myocarditis from the vaccine is less common than from the infection
• Government Misinformation #5: Young people benefit from a vaccine booster
• Government Misinformation #6: Vaccine mandates increased vaccination rates
• Government Misinformation #7: Covid originating from the Wuhan Lab is a conspiracy theory
• Government Misinformation #8: It was important to get the 2nd vaccine dose 3 or 4 weeks after the 1st dose
• Government Misinformation #9: Data on the bivalent vaccine is “crystal clear”
• Government Misinformation #10: One in five people get long Covid
(That list based on that compiled by Prof. Marty Makary at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.)
Road testing our up and coming Misinformation bill?
The latest TFH theme here in the US is Alex Jones claiming he has insider sources warning of new COVID lockdowns planned for winter as result of a new ‘variant’ from Trudeauceania.
Here’s Tim Pool with a short synopsis.
(I know Alex Jones, but puhlease … NYT? WP? WHO? CDC?)
So I guess Oz will have to suffer so Joe Biden, or Gavin Newsom, can be overwhelming elected to lead ‘Our Democracy’ by more mail in votes than we have adult citizens.
(After all, a wrong vote is a vote against ‘Our Democracy’.)
Suppose Dan might be experiencing tingly loins in anticipation.
They seem not to realize they are simply confirming for us that ‘misinformation’ is true stuff they don’t like.
Either that, or they just figure if we don’t comply they’ll use tanks.
In Vicdanistan, Australia, we already saw the paramilitary police (the police have been militarised, they could hardly be called civilians any more) patrolling the streets with armoured personnel carriers during the covid lockups.
They haven’t used them here -yet- for “elections”.
See picture at link: “A police officer on top of the force’s “BearCat”, an armoured personnel carrier used against protest activity.”
The four most terrifying words in the English language.
Alex Jones was right.
More Guv’ment Miss Information – “I am from the Guv’ment and I am here to help you”.
I agree with the person thst said within the last few days (I can’t find the comment) something to the effect that when Leftist social media platforms cancel someone for supposedly false information, and as we know this has included some of the world’s leading medical and scientific experts on covid or climate change (sic) (for example), this should be interpreted as an attack on their reputation thus rendering the action of the platform libellous and giving the cancellee a right to sue for damages.
Of course, a lot of this cancel culture comes from the false belief of the Left that scientific fact is established by “consensus”. Other parts come from the Left protecting the Elites, Big Pharma, Big Wind, Big Solar, Big Governmment etc..
This is one for people who can access The Australian Spectator on line.
And this is Bill Stinson’s survey of the human and environmental impact of wind and solar facilities from mining to disposal of the toxic junk.
That is also the theme of the first chapter of this book by Jeff Grimshaw and myself.
I’d like to see some of these turkeys face a class action but in truth the fines, penalties would be peanuts. Far better if we had governments of the people, for the people and by the people that would take these platforms to task and break them up to prevent their monopolies. We do not need bigger government, we need better government.
“Hot or Not: Steven Koonin Questions Conventional Climate Science and Methodology| Uncommon Knowledge”
“The ONLY Way To Stop ‘Radicals'”
Fascinating read and insight. I must find a way to use it.
Dave B
NASA discovers sunspot so big it can be seen from Mars that could release solar storms that knock out Earth’s power grids next WEEK
Experts have warned that the dark region, which is cooler than the surrounding area, could release energetic explosions capable of knocking out our planet’s power grids.
The exact measurements of the sunspot are unknown, but NASA’s Perseverance rover snapped images of the spot as it sits more than 152 million miles from the sun.
The rover observed the sunspot on August 17 through August 20 while exploring the Jezero Crater on the Red Planet.
KO the “saviour” grids? If only.
Do big it can be seen from Mars! Gee, is that really big? how many statue of libertys is that?
Probably enough to boil more than seventy-five thousand kettles, or something.
Mars is about 12 light-minutes from the Sun; we are about eight-and-a-=third light-minutes from the Sun, as you know.
So the BIG spot looks about two-thirds the size.
So, exactly, more than about fifty thousand kettles.
Auto – getting to grips with post-metric precision measurements.
Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, join Del Bigtree in studio to discuss how the mass vaccination program created a global petri dish, the dangers new variants pose on the vaccinated as well as the unvaccinated, as well as how to protect yourself for future COVID outbreaks.
Direct link:
Does anyone have any genuine news on Snowy Hydro 2.0?
I suspect most online “news” sources are just pro-government, pro-unreliables propaganda.
According to Al Gore, your children will never know what Snowy 2.0 is.
David, not your place but do you have any news about the Victorian Government taking over farms around St. Arnaud and putting up Transmission towers?
Some comments on Sky News with Amanda? and Daniel Wild from the IPA and (surprisingly on the ABC)
Apparently a Western Distributor to Echuca?
Hi Graeme, I don’t know much about that.
Wednesday entertainment: creative ways to resign
* potential cupcake-upsetting content
/like I care 😁
Wednesday funny: Woman HAZMAT data
WOMEN: A Chemical Analysis
ATOMIC MASS: Accepted as 50kg, but known to vary from 40 to 250 kg.
OCCURRENCE: Copious quantities throughout the world
1. Surface usually covered with a painted film.
2. Boils at nothing, freezes without reason.
3. Melts if given special treatment.
4. Bitter if incorrectly used.
5. Found in various states ranging from virgin metal to common ore.
6. Yields to pressure applied to correct points.
1. Has a great affinity for gold, silver, platinum, and precious stones.
2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
3. May explode spontaneously without prior warning, and for no known reason.
4. Insoluble in liquids, but activity greatly increased by saturation in alcohol.
5. Most powerful money-reducing agent known to man.
1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
2. Can be a great aid to relaxation.
3. Very effective cleaning agent.
1. Pure specimen turns rosy pink when discovered in natural state.
2. Turns green when placed beside a better specimen.
1. Highly dangerous except in experienced hands.
2. Illegal to possess more than one, although several can be maintained at different locations as long as specimens do not come into direct contact with each other.
/cantwaitforthedownvotes 😎
Sounds like you need the hot – crazy matrix, John.
Ha! I had the graph but not the video.
“Crazy starts at 4”. Ain’t it the truth.😆
Joe Biden seems to have further disgraced himself during his brief visit to Maui, with his callous disregard to the people affected and as usual delivering one of his folksy personal experiences (real or imagined) that are supposed to show he “knows how they feel”
Apparently talking about your little kitchen fire and chuckling about almost losing your Corvette is something you say to people who have lost everything and have what looks like being hundreds of friends and family dead. The MSM will just look the other way as usual, unless of course now is the time to orchestrate his removal for whoever is really running in 24.
And went sleepy-byes at the service.
“When science becomes a threat to population health”
There would be a mushroom cloud if anyone dropped this!
“Tucker Carlson Interviews Col Douglas Macgregor on Ukraine-Russia War
August 22, 2023 | Sundance | 635 Comments”
Links to Rumble video
Covered y’day. Macgregor and Carlson are strong critics of the US aid to Ukraine.
What did I say that is wrong? Speak up.
If you don’t rate them as having credibility, how do you feel about Glenn Greenwald’s take? System Update Ep 134 yesterday covered the situation in Ukraine in detail, heartbreakingly.
Keeping the military industrial companies in business should not be a feature of ‘democracy’.
I know, I know, Putin bad – but what will be enough? How does this end?
Like all wars it must end with a victor and a vanquished. The Korean and Russo/American wars are still unfinished. This is the best opportunity EVA to bring one to an end. I am 80 yrs old and have lived with Russia [not just Putin] threatening the west with nuclear weapons. I would love to see them put in a box.
The US is NOT the Great Satan many here believe. Unilateral peace is impossible.
But I said Carlson is a vocal critic of the US giving any aid to Ukraine. I disagree.
All those 80years Hanrahan and you’ve never noticed-
Who has invaded the most countries, Russia or America..
Who has been involved in the most wars, Russia or America..
Who has the most military bases spread around the world, Russia or America..
Who has lived off the rest of the world as a parasite by just printing currency and forcing everyone to use it, Russia or America..
There will never be peace while America is as it is, only when their empire crumbles will we have a chance. By being the Yanks bumboy we have enjoyed the second-hand wealth and benefits they have thrown us, but look around you now and see how it has ruined Australia. We have no initiative, no freedom, no drive and no originality.
I am not a US hater. Their politics is rotten to the core, I accept that, but that is internal politics.
Why don’t you list each others invasions to prove your hatred is well founded.
Peter Zeihan explains the US$’s place in world currency. Russia is a minnow and no one WANTS their rouble. They use the US$ because it is fit for purpose.
Tonight Bolt interviewed Gen. Jack Keane giving the counter view.
If you think of yourself as “informed” you should watch when it is posted on line.
Hi Jo, and others. Here is my experience with how bad connected solar system are at Jurien Bay.
The 5KW system continuously trips out on AC over voltage limits due to not enough load in area. So inverters are required to de-rate output but can only go so far. The standards say setting 255V but will allow sparky to up to 258V. If western power lowers their transformer setting now they need to raise it again im summer when more load comes on. Unlikely want to do that 2-3 times per year.
Meanwhile, my best solar system output between 9am and 4pm is lost with it tripped off so I pay full import price for ALL uses.
Night is no solar, sunny day is no solar, cloudy with a chance of rain its low solar. Either way I’m screwed.
Unless of course pay for off grid/battery.
Is this really all by design?
So, you are producing a product no one wants and complain that no one will pay you for it. Odd.
Sort of. Complaining that government and others has encouraged renewables but I’m forced to run appliances just to create load in order to keep the renewable source online, else pay for all/any power use instead of just my excess. Hardly an example of good policy to reduce consumption.
I’d have thought the post was clear…if sarcasm was intended best remove the word complain (only works if left out)
Small location, power is bound to jump up and down.
Don’t worry, as surely very soon our grids will stop accepting exported home solar power.
And when the exported power earns only 2c/kWh soon, why bother exporting?
True. But if the system trips out by design, I’m forced to import all consumption.
I kept it on all day yesterday by turning on the pool heater.
There is also no easy way to tell if load is greater than the solar generation ie. Am I importing a little or just under my generation.
Luckily the western power guy is excelent. Found an older system that wasn’t required to auto derate output. This pushed up voltage beyond modern inverter limits. Turning that non compliant unit off helped.
The opposite will happen in summer with high loads..low voltage trips due to too much load.
Not long with smart meters they’ll shut us down remotely and not tell us.
Just found the online synergy site has 30min data showing consumption and generation. Lots more too. Just login.
Digital ID’s are already here.
Last year I received a Government letter telling me that as I am the Director of a small company I had to get a Digital Director ID prior to November 2022 or I would be fined $15,000. But the double whammy was, that to have a Director ID I first had to have a general digital ID.
Maui, the coincidence theorist’s party central
Move over crickets and worms. Fruit fly larvae are now the go.
The Rehovot-based company, which was founded in 2015, makes healthy, natural protein alternatives using its signature ingredient – the larva of a fruit fly.
“For human beings, the best thing is animal-derived protein,” Eran Gronich, veteran entrepreneur and founder and CEO of Flying Spark, tells NoCamels. “And the fruit fly’s nutritional values are the best in class.”
Flying Spark uses larvae from the Ceratitis capitata (commonly known as the Mediterranean fruit fly), which originates in sub-Saharan Africa.
The company even breeds its own fruit flies to make the cholesterol-free protein powder, which it says has a high dietary fiber content and a low glycemic index.
The powder can be used in a wide range of food products for humans, pets and marine life, Flying Spark says. It can deliver a calcium boost via your smoothie, bring more nutrition into your dog’s dinner and even improve the flavor of your goldfish’s food.
“It [contains] the essential amino acids, minerals, iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins, and good fatty acids,” says Gronich. “It’s really the best protein you can get.”
“Why should we eat a protein derived from insects? Because it’s cheaper, it’s much more sustainable, and it’s healthier,” says Gronich. “This was the inspiration for Flying Spark.”
He says that other insects used in food, such as grasshoppers or crickets, do not come close to meeting the protein benefits and nutritional profile offered by the fruit fly. Furthermore, the company says, the quick growth cycle is unmatched in the insect world.
Flying Spark’s technology allows the company to use all parts of the larvae, enabling low-cost cultivation that conserves 99% of the water and land used in traditional livestock farming.
The foodtech company also extracts the oil from the larvae and packages it into skincare and anti-aging products.
Fruit fly larvae, yum!
Don’t swat them – catch and eat them. Welcome to your future.
Throw another fruitfly pattie on tbe barbie…
‘There was an old lady who swallowed a fly’… 7 cals, bonus.
I’ll tell the wife that’s what she should do with her plastic jars of full of flies in fly-catcher liquid..
JC2 Tip for the day:
Summer’s coming, along with the next scary, dangerous variant.
Be sure to get in shape so you can outrun the cops when you’re spotted by a chopper, alone without a mask on that remote beach.
The Water Vapour Feedback from Two Reanalysis Datasets
By Ken Gregory, P.Eng., Director, Friends of Science Society August 14, 2023
Water vapour is the most important and abundant greenhouse gas. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), water vapour acts as a feedback by increasing its quantity in the atmosphere in response to a warming initiated by an increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gases, thereby greatly amplifying the initial warming.
Here we use temperature, pressure and relative humidity data of 12 atmospheric layers obtained from two state-of-the-art global reanalysis datasets and results from a line-by-line radiative code to calculate the water vapour feedback. The results suggest that the water vapour feedback is about 66% of the IPCC’s assessed value; 67% using the ERA5 dataset and 65% using the NECP2 dataset. We show that a change of water vapour mass in the 100-150 mbar pressure atmospheric layer causes a change in radiative forcing that is 284 times greater than in the 1000-1013 mbar near-surface layer. We determine the water vapour feedback by summing the contributions of 12 layers. The global surface temperature of the 1980s is 0.66 °C higher in the NECP2 reanalysis than in ERA5. The surface warming trend from 1980 to 2022 from ERA5 is 14.6% higher than from NECP2. The relative humidity values in the Polar Regions are much different between the two datasets. ERA5 gives the relative humidity at the 250 mbar pressure level at the South Pole at 2.5% while NECP2 says it is 64%. At the 400 mbar pressure level, the relative humidity discrepancies between the datasets are 58 percentage points at the South Pole and 47 percentage points at North Pole. Large humidity discrepancies between the datasets and water vapour feedback estimates show that climate
science is far from settled and the projections of future warming are exaggerated.
The death of a family member earlier this year has been confirmed as a case of ‘glioblastoma’, the most aggressive and deadly brain cancer. We knew he had a brain tumour, diagnosed in 2022, but now have confirmation of his cause of death.
We were surprised though to read that he also had various clots, including DVT and arterial clots elsewhere.
He was fully vaccinated.
At present, three other family members have terminal cancer diagnoses. I don’t know their vaccination status.
We also learned, while in the UK a few weeks ago, that another relative by marriage had a stroke early this year. Thankfully, she seems to have made a 95% recovery.
My sister meanwhile, still has no answer for her blackout three months ago.
Re the US Republican “debates”
Cover blown
“BUSTED – Fox News and Martha MacCallum Caught Presenting Koch Brothers Activist as Fake GOP Voter in Wisconsin to Support Ron DeSantis
August 22, 2023 | Sundance | 130 Comments”
“Oh what a tangled web we weave – – “
Australia (again): Multiple Australian charities have had donor information leaked onto the dark web.
Pareto Phone, a Brisbane-based telemarketing company that contacts potential donors on behalf of charities, was hacked by cybercriminals in April.
As a result, thousands of Australians’ information has been leaked to the dark web.
Here’s what we know so far.
What charities have been affected by the Pareto Phone data breach?
We only know about three so far:
The Cancer Council
The Fred Hollows Foundation
Those three charities have confirmed donor information has been published on the dark web.
But it’s unclear how many more have been caught up in the breach.
Canteen says no financial information has been leaked.
But it says some donors’ full names, dates of birth, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers have been leaked.
The Fred Hollows Foundation has told the ABC that, based on what it’s been told by Pareto Phone, the compromised data “does not involve financial, credit card or bank account information”.
Meanwhile, the Cancer Council says it is “still waiting for Pareto Phone to provide us with clarity on how many of our donors’ data and what kind of data has been breached”.
“We have not at this stage identified any identity documents such as tax file numbers, driver licences and passports about any donor,” Pareto Phone CEO Chris Smedley said.
How many people have been affected by the Pareto data breach?
At least 4,300.
But we don’t know for sure yet, because it’s unclear how many charities have been affected.
Here’s what we do know based on what charities have told us:
Canteen: 2,600 donors from 2020 and 2021
Fred Hollows Foundation: 1,700 of its donors between 2013 and 2014
The Cancer Council: A “very small number” of donors, but the charity says it’s still waiting on Pareto Phone to clarify the number of people affected.
Which is why I refuse to part with c/card info for door to door collectors as the charity backend security is unknown, amongst other things.
“A fascinating late medieval map”
Europe 1444
Obviously it’s a modern ‘recreation’ because 15th century cartographers didn’t possess that level of accurate detail.
“The Raw, Uncensored Reason We Invaded Iraq”
Link at
Grid battery fires.