A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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“The World Won’t End If It Warms By More Than 1.5C,” Says New IPCC Head
“Skea needs to get with the program. And quickly”
Its unprecedented in recorded history.
‘ … Western U.S. post their snowiest-ever seasons.’
From the link:
This is the essence of “global warming”. More specifically, northern oceans reaching ever higher August temperature as the peak sun moves northward. Warmer oceans means more atmospheric water leading to more water over NH land in October that results in ever increasing snowfall in late autumn and winter.
The Sierra Nevada gives a hint of what will eventually happen. There will be more snow sticking around through summer then it will become perpetual in regions that are now ice free.
If the climate clowns can ever get snowfall and melt right in their models, they will produce this rather obvious outcome.
Snowfall records across the northern hemisphere will be a feature for the next 10,000 years. It has only been trending up for about 100 years; just started.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhHtudMEW7WbCojm3?e=yikGlu
On the IPCC pulling back from the 1.5C. This is already imminent and natural but when you put a line in the sand and it gets stepped over then you have to put another line in the sand and the process goes on until every new line in the sand has less urgency.
A lot more of the northern oceans will hit the 30C limit over the next 10,000 years of NH warming. The Med flirted with 30C this year. Eventually it should get stuck above 30C for a few weeks before the monsoon sets in. Sam as we now observe in the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal but a couple of months earlier due to them being further south.
I thought you previously said that the oceans could not go above 30C because of evaporation.
Are you changing you mind on that?
Well, the World didn’t end when it was a lot hotter than that when the Dinosaurs were around and even before that. Was the World boiling? LOL. The UN peoples are loonies. Get the people in white coats and vans and cart them off to the Loony Bin.
The lunatics are on the grass –
That 1.5˚C thingy is a bit like Net Zero. No-one really knows the explanation of it. Is it 1.5˚C since the Industrial Revolution? If so then we’ve already warmed that much since the end of the Little Ice Age. Even the most ardent climate realist will tell you that. Which means we’re already in the boiling hell old whatshisface was talking about the other day. Net Zero – Pauline Hanson asked Penny Wong what Net Zero meant. She couldn’t give an answer. One of the heads of US EPA was asked what is the level of CO2 in the atmosphere – totally clueless.
Volcanic eruption (Hunga-Tonga Hunga) caused global warming.
Per article, the eruption ejected enough water into the atmosphere to fill 58,000 olympic pools.
An olympic pool is 50m x 25m x 2m = 2,500 m^3 x 58,000 = 145 million m^3.
Approximately 130 billion Kg.
That’s a lot of water.
Yeah, its a lot of water and the vapour is a greenhouse gas.
Going through the comments there is talk of anomalous OHC and the possible cause.
Flying a drone through an active volcanic eruption in Iceland, just published.
Did the drone survive?
Some didn’t.
Now we know how aircrew felt in the war?
Don’t ya hate it when the connection drops.
It’s going the wrong way! Nnnnnoooooo……
I reckon there’s a lot of drones that have met their fate this way.
Monday’s open thread included this one from Broadie about the ABS analysing excess deaths in Aus. Here’s a little throwaway comment from the ABS, just to soften us up:
No doubt it’s going to happen too.
Brilliant, isn’t it? If excess deaths figures look bad, just make the higher level the New Normal.
The BOM uses similar thinking I believe…
If the facts aren’t in accord with the Official Narrative, just alter the facts, then they will.
Either that or alter the Official Narrative to match, as in this possible case.
The TGA was referring to Actuarial assessments to counter Senator Rennick’s questions on deaths after the Clot Shot. My reading of the Actuarial Covid reporting is they were ignoring the fact that jabbing and excess dying appeared to occur at about the same time due to the TGA’s advice that jabbing and dying had nothing to do with each other.
They use to call that tactic ‘Circling the Wagons’.
I would be extremely interested in the suicide numbers over the last 5 years by month.
anecdotal talks with paramedics I know, said that they used to attend one per week and during the lock downs this rose to one a day.
Try here:
Thank you JCII,
Only a slight uptick in Victoria, not as bad as I was expecting.
“Too Big To Hide” – Ed Dowd Slams COVID Vax Injuries “Cover-Up… It’s A Crime”
Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is still a skillful number cruncher. Dowd made billions of dollars in profits by being right on the data. He’s right on the data again in his recent wildly popular book “Cause Unknown” The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022.
Dowd’s book documents the extreme deaths and horrible injuries that are now skyrocketing in number. The huge problems being caused by the CV19 bioweapon/vax are increasing, unstoppable and no longer need to be proven.
In 2022 alone, Dowd figured 30% of the workforce had been killed, disabled and cannot work or is working chronically ill. Dowd says the death and disability trend for 2023 is way up. Thousands everyday are reporting they are getting sick, and Dowd says the CV19 bioweapon injections are to blame. Supply chains and society are going to grind to a crawl, and Dowd predicts,
“Everything is slowly breaking down.
You won’t see this on the news, but you will see this when you need something done, and you will experience this.
You are going to be gaslit and told everything is fine.
There is not problem here. Don’t look over here.
We are going to see glacial Mad Max.
Things are going to get harder to do. Businesses and services you take for granted are going to become scarce.
Tuesday freebie. Get his book (pdf) here (for 30 days):
“Whatever served the system or certain persons was called moral, and whatever bothered them was called immoral or evil. In this way, morality was made a slave to people and the system…Words lost their value.
Untruth reigned in the means of social communication, information was falsified, the truth passed over in silence, perverse commentaries given. Everyone said that the press lies, the radio lies, the television lies, the school lies.
Until, in the end, the lies turned back on the liars.”
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, letters to Polish Catholics, 1952-1953. Quoted in The Keys of This Blood (Malachi Martin, 1990)
Baffled by excess deaths, British ‘experts’ rule out vaccines
UK also suffering ‘astonishing’ rise in heart arrhythmia
Though they are unsure of what is causing a dangerous rise in excess deaths, British media and “medical experts” have conclusively ruled out COVID-19 vaccines as a possible cause.
The UK has been mystified for months over an increase in unexplained deaths, which has academics and media operatives searching for answers. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), there were 32,000 more deaths than usual between May and December last year against the five-year national average, excluding deaths from COVID-19. Cumulative deaths are highest among the 15-44 age group.
Several hypotheses have been put forward, including UK Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty’s claim that the deaths were caused by a drop in heart medication prescriptions, though no such drop was found. Others tried blaming the deaths on doctors’ strikes, though the British Medical Association refuted this claim as well. In May, the Mirror suggested “climate change” may be a factor because “[h]eat in particular persistently returns during the summer, and given climate change will only continue to pose such a fatal threat.”
Now “medical experts” are calling for an investigation into the excess deaths, primarily out of concern that the COVID-19 vaccines might be blamed.
What could it be? It’s so baffling! Bound to be climate change but.
We don’t know what it is, but it’s definitely not the vaxx because then we’d all be sacked, sued and our careers destroyed, so we’ll lie some more to save ourselves and screw the masses. We have no morals.
Also refer #22 from Monday. 😆
See the comments John?
First the Shot, then the Clot!
Get the Jab, hit the Slab!
So Baffling that people could be pushing such an anti-vax narrative. What is in it for them?
Accidental red, sorry.
Love Ed Dowd. Speaks so plainly but has so much accuracy and facts. His interview with Tucker Carlson was incredible and probably led to Fox separating from Tucker. ( not sure they actually sacked him, in the end). I think he may have also toured with Pierre Kory etc to Australia some months back. In Australia we need an Ed Dowd equivalent to look at the excess deaths, work cover claims, post vaccine data and put all the information out there on alternate channels. Our MSM are totally missing in action on the whole subject.
We do have Phillip Altman, leading expert on pharmaceuticals, and once principal advisor to TGA. look up his substack page.
“Our MSM are totally missing in action on the whole subject.”
We keep assuming that what has befallen us in the Climate/Trump/Pandemic Blitzkrieg is scientific disagreement and incompetence.
The MSM is not ‘missing in action’, they are the tip of the spear mercenary assault commandos.
Blogs like this, and the rise of grassroots internet journalism, or as Gee Aye put it “some random guys on a blog” are the Resistance to the Blitzkrieg.
Everyday, I personally interact with normies that literally live in an alternative reality. The one most celebrities live in vs. those of us who know who Ed Dowd is.
We consider the possibility of some great crime having been committed.
In truth, a criminal reality has been created and forced upon us, and only a few of us realize it.
Governments, OZ and across the World, are working diligently and desperately, to institutionalize this criminal reality and neutralize opposition to the New Authority.
To see the alternate realities in full frightening manifestation, here is Joe Rogan and Jim Gaffigan.
The photo says it all.
And mod interdicts and obscurely supports my basic premise.
Very well said Honky.
Highly Scored Green Companies Pollute Just As Much As Those With Lower Ratings: REPORT
Companies that earn high Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) scores pollute just as much as lower-rated companies, according to research reviewed by the Financial Times.
High ESG scores are negatively correlated with reduced carbon emissions and even when only using the E, the environmental pillar of ESG as the measurement, companies still were not environmentally friendly, research done by Scientific Beta, an index fund and consultancy firm, shows, according to the FT. ESG funds have seen large inflows over the past few years, but have experienced pushback from anti “woke capital” proponents.
“The correlation between ESG scores and carbon intensity is close to zero,” research director at Scientific Beta, Felix Goltz, told the FT.
“Whatever served the system or certain persons was called moral, and whatever bothered them was called immoral or evil. In this way, morality was made a slave to people and the system…Words lost their value.
Untruth reigned in the means of social communication, information was falsified, the truth passed over in silence, perverse commentaries given. Everyone said that the press lies, the radio lies, the television lies, the school lies.
Until, in the end, the lies turned back on the liars.”
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, letters to Polish Catholics, 1952-1953. Quoted in The Keys of This Blood (Malachi Martin, 1990)
Tuesday sparkola: I hope there’s no EV’s nearby
Thought for the day:
If Trump was to visit the White House, would they sense a disturbance in the farce? 😆
(c) 2023 JC2.
Someone did beat you to it, JC II.
I hadn’t seen that, but great minds think alike…
I was reading the other day about one of the cases that he is facing. He is facing a felony for an accounting error that would normally lead to a demand to correct the books, if anything at all. The alleged dodgy entry was made in 2017 and the victims were the 2016 voters (actually paying off Stormy was not illegal).
667 Fires set in Greece by intention (or negligence) – such an odd number … being just above the ‘number of the beast’
I wonder if this number was a deliberate choice or pure happenstance?
Guess the evidence suggests the firebugs live at 668…. the neighbour of the beast.
Friends of Science Newsletter #392
Topics include:
Solar Activity: Cycle 25 Surpasses Cycle 24
The Hunga Tonga Volcanic Eruption Warms the Earth
Solar Panels Are Three to Five Times More Carbon-Intensive than IPCC Claims
Climate Alarmist War on Nitrous Oxide Threatens the Global Food Supply
Canada is Already Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Cold Causes 10 Times as Many Deaths as Hot Weather in European Cities
I’m not sure if Methylene blue has been discussed on any of Jo’s threads, but hear is a paper with regard to possible use in treatment of covid19. Lo and behold Methylene Blue is a zinc ionophore.
The paper: “Repurposing methylene blue in the management of COVID-19: Mechanistic aspects and clinical investigations”
The Link:
“here is a paper”
Dont tell the TGA- they will say its food dye and we should not take it because its dangerous. Bit like IVM, billions of doses for River blindness, Scabies and Rosacea but apparently too dangerous to take to treat COVID. Explain that to me again?
The only thing I have used methylene blue for, is a test to indicate the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) of clays in drilling fluids (and rock samples) for oil/gas wells. It’s a relatively nice way to estimate the amount of reactive (swelling) clays that are present.
I am trying to remember if methylene blue or gentian violat was the pre-antibiotic treatment for impetigo. Mum used to use it when it looked like pennicillin resistance was developing due to inadequate removal of scabs.
With the regular three notable exceptions, everyone here uses facts and logic.
Unfortunately, the whole global warming fraud and covid vaccine frauds are not about facts or logic but power and control.
The useful idiots will disagree but those who tell them what to do and think know exactly what they are up to.
Do you still believe Neil Oliver was right and the BBC used ground satellite temperatures “all beginning with a 4” in weather forecasts and reports to hype the European heatwave?
Clue, weather station thermometers recorded temperatures between 40 and 48C widely and repeatedly. Ground satellite temperatures were easily 60C. Why do some people refuse to accept facts and logic? Enlighten us!
The scare of using surface temperatures actually originated with the European Space Agency as explained as follows:
Something relevant to a thread from the other day on government legislation on misinformation and disinformation. I threw my 10 c worth in on the Voice at Sky.
“I was just thinking that this is like a mechanic asking for your credit card because your car needs repairs. She doesn’t want to tell you exactly what is wrong and how it will be fixed, she just harasses you for abusing your children because the car needs repairing and you will not leave your credit card in her control. Fair enough about the car needing repairs, but how about the old fashioned going into details and giving a quote for each repair?”
It was published with one reply before being rejected for not meeting community guidelines. This is evil Murdoch’s Sky and still heavy handed censorship. Anyone have any idea which guideline was breached?
PS never got to read the reply.
They make it up as they go, much like Farcebook and YouTube.
And the Australian.
Here is the reply I would offer.
If the Mechanic told you what was exactly wrong – you could a do a YouTube search for a tutorial on how to fix the problem, then do it yourself and not need the Mechanic at all.
In other words,
The Government will not tell exactly what is going wrong with ‘closing the gap’ … they need ‘A Voice’ to explain it to you – because their answer would tell you need ‘Your Voice’ in Parliament to stop ongoing suffering & need.
If these communities were not in need – there would be no need for a Voice.
This is part of an email I got from the United Australia Party (UAP).
It looks like the fees charged by the Aboriginal “experts” to tell you what you can and do with your own property are “a nice little earner”. I have no doubt there will be far worse to come.
Via email –
“Jim the marketing genius has done it again”
“Sick of Mowing Lawns ? Cleaning windows or washing someone else’s Car ??
Then get rid of your current franchise and get y’self one of these
Guaranteed Money-Makers !!
JIM’s Smokin’ Ceremonies – charge whatever you want @ any gathering,
anywhere @ anytime !! The Weekend Footy or Cricket Match, Council Meetings,
Rodeos, The Local Markets, some poor bloke’s Wedding or, God forbid,
– his Funeral – the list is endless and the money just flows !!
All you’ll need is a box of matches, some gum leaves with a few sticks –
& get your mate to paint up – doesn’t matter if he’s black, white or brindle
– he’ll be happy with a few stubbies and the chance to dance !
Away you go . . . . . . “
A few decades back when this rort started in NZ I remember a developer telling me he had to get a maori in to check the fields before starting work.
He reckoned it cost $100/footstep.
Just look to NZ and see where Aussie will be a 15years.
“Just look to NZ and see where Aussie will be a 15years.”
I used to love working in New Zealand, It was like stepping back in time to slower happier way of life. Apparently they have caught up and passed Oz in the race to stone age utopia
E-bikes and scooters carrying batteries with the explosive force of SIX grenades are in homes across Britain but calls are growing to ban them after eight deaths
The ABC acknowledges that Hunter Biden sold access to Joe Biden (but that access was an ‘illusion’, because Joe has not yet admitted to participating) with evidence that Joe was on speaker phone in over 20 business meetings, including Burisma.
Yet, somehow forgets that when Trump raised these same legitimate questions over this specific behavior in Ukraine, by Hunter & Joe Biden – Trump was impeached for influence peddling.
Man who spent $14K to transform himself into collie steps out for first-ever walk in public
The private citizen, who goes only by Toco online, says the unusual garment has helped actualize his dream of “becoming an animal.”
Footage shared to Toco’s YouTube channel, where he boasts more than 32,000 subscribers, shows him clad in the costume as he frolics on a lawn, rolls on a floor, and plays fetch.
Toco has even uploaded a video of himself venturing out in public as a dog for the very first time.
They’re called furries…
Maybe he can get a job at a China zoo – his dogsuit fits better.
A zoo in China denied that its bears were ‘humans in disguise’ after photos showed one standing on its hind legs with pant-like folds on its rear.
FWIW – news for “ElBowen”
“Dominion Hides Huge Offshore Wind Cost Risk”
Glass coated DNA is one fifth the weight but four times stronger than steel
Researchers have developed a highly robust material with an extremely low density by constructing a structure using DNA and subsequently coating it in glass.
Materials possessing both strength and lightness have the potential to enhance everything from automobiles to body armor. But usually, the two qualities are mutually exclusive. However, researchers at the University of Connecticut, along with their collaborators, have now crafted an incredibly strong yet lightweight material. Surprisingly, they achieved this using two unexpected building blocks: DNA and glass.
“For the given density, our material is the strongest known,” says Seok-Woo Lee, a materials scientist at UConn.
Now, Lee and colleagues report that by building a structure out of DNA and then coating it with glass, they have created a very strong material with very low density. Glass might seem a surprising choice, as it shatters easily. However, glass usually shatters because of a flaw – such as a crack, scratch, or missing atoms – in its structure. A flawless cubic centimeter of glass can withstand 10 tons of pressure, more than three times the pressure that imploded the Oceangate Titan submersible near the Titanic last month.
And in other news…. “Superman concerned that recent blood donation event might be bogus”..
ABC journalist caught on hot mic admitting he dismissed the possibility of a Wuhan Lab leak basically due to ideology.
Is this symptomatic of the ABC?
Meanwhile, the ABC’s Media Watch host, Paul Barry, refuses to apologise to Sky News’ Sharri Markson for claiming her reporting of the possibility of a Lab leak was simply a conspiracy theory. Despite various international authorities since giving credence to the likelihood of a Lab leak, Barry says he will only apologise if a Lab leak is proven. Not good enough from a media presenter who pretends to be the arbiter of all things ethical and proper in media. Definitely symptomatic of the ABC.
King Island makes the electricity generation news again.
At least they seem to say it will reduce the cost of diesel rather than eliminating all fossil fuels….
Perhaps someone here are offer the correct way to access the live generation data?
If they could/can perhaps Peter would offer a like?
“Perhaps someone here are offer the correct way to access the live generation data?”
Just google King Island Dash board
Its all there, the blurb tells you how good it is for renewables then look at the dash board and either laugh or weep!
I read the Guardian regularly. Just the cryptic crosswords. Politics occasionally rears its ugly head, but so does a good sense of humour.
Youngster with male chromosome is not male! (4)
England Cricket Team is a four letter word that seems to match.
but unfortunately this will have to be reported to ACMA as dis/mis information.
this is because:
the government says a lady can be a male.
therefore ladies can be males.
imperium dixit
et ego non imprimatur
Craziest thing I’ve read this year (but source is the Daily Mail)
A nondescript warehouse in Reedley, California, turned out to be an illicit Chinese-linked lab filled with hundreds of vials of pathogens, including COVID-19, HIV, and malaria, the Daily Mail reported on Monday.
The Mail reported that HIV, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5, chlamydia, streptococcal pneumonia, and rubella were also among the pathogens found.
Tory council is left effectively bankrupt after investing £655m in solar farm tycoon who used taxpayer cash to buy £12m private jet, £16m yacht and £2m Bugatti Chiron supercar instead
Make it extremely hard for law abiding people to get pseudo-ephedrine and painkillers containing tiny amounts of codeine because some insignificant percentage of people abused the drugs or bought in bulk to make other compounds.
Meanwhile, let’s save drug dealers from shooting each other by decriminalising cocaine…
You can’t make this stuff up, it’s amazing
WSJ breaks ranks!
“The Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed yesterday titled, “Climate Change Hasn’t Set the World on Fire.”
The article quickly dismissed another recent corporate media trope, that the number of global wildfires is increasing every year because of climate-change. Apparently, and unsurprisingly, that is 100% not accurate:
Since the early 2000s, when 3% of the world’s land caught fire, the area burned annually has trended downward. In 2022, the last year for which there are complete data, the world hit a new record-low of 2.2% burned area. Yet you’ll struggle to find that reported anywhere.
The authors pointed out that, despite all the headlines about the Canadian wildfires, there were fewer fires in the rest of the world, and thus net global fires declined. Fewer burning acres each year have led to overall lower levels of smoke, which likely prevents almost 100,000 infant deaths annually, according to a recent study by researchers at Stanford and Stockholm University.
Furthermore, contrary to corporate media’s constant whining, climate policy is NOT the “only way” to reduce fires. Prescribed burning, improved zoning and enhanced land management are much faster, more effective and cheaper solutions for fires than climate policy, explained the authors.
For good measure, the authors worked in the facts there are now more polar bears than ever, and the number and strength of hurricanes has been falling, not rising. Thanks, Science™. ”
Viua today’s Covid and Coffee newsletter
More on that
“WSJ: Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘a Real Mental Disorder’ ”
“Op-Ed: One Simple Energy Question Devastates ‘Net-Zero’ Pipe Dreams”
And Willis E investigates a case of “extreme couldness” in a paper on the next oceanic tipping point
“Salty News From An Old Salt”
And he concludes that it “could likely not happen”
“Braveheart re-emerges in Fiji”
“As we all saw in the movie Braveheart, when faced with overwhelming odds and political risks, we need leaders with experience, courage and practical wisdom for their nation.
We need bold, experienced leaders with resolve and passion for their nation like Rabuka all around our region and I congratulate the Fijian people for making a good choice, I only wish he was ours.”
More at
What it looks like to be dive bombed by a kestrel
Followed by an article on “preparedness”
“‘Bloody Dangerous:’ Jeremy Clarkson Blasts Electric Cars over Safety Concerns”
Doesn’t mention needing electricity to unlock the doors from inside
“This Pro-Mask “Study” Is Why You Should Never “Trust The Science” ”
“Lessons From The Unraveling Of The Roman Empire: Simplification, Localization”
The Voice Reality Check – The Hon Nick Goiran on the real-world impact of Aboriginal Heritage Laws
State heritage laws have nothing to do with the voice.
A sign of what is to come from the “Voice”?
Nope. The voice does not legislate.