A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A 12 pack of Bud Light had a tag of $12.99* today.
Other like beers were marked $16.99.
I think soon A-B will cancel the brand and change the name and the color (maybe blue to orange).
Then they can move HQ back to the center of the country from NYC.
We could interpret this as they understand cancel culture. 🙂
*Sorry, what that is in AUD is above my math skill.
Video: AI generated White House Resident Biden as Dylan Mulvaney in Bud Light ad.
(33 secs)
Deepfake President Biden Excoriates Trans Women
Roughly calculated $US13 = $AU19.50
Try finding two six packs of any beer in any Australian retail shop for under $AU32….
I see xxxx for $48 for 24.
Google it mate
Bottle shops typically sell cartons for a token profit. Buying as six packs, even two, cost closer to $3 per bottle.
He said “beer”
I was hoping for that reply.
Gee Aye just demonstrates yet again that she can’t read.
Six packs Gee Aye. Six packs.
Not that your girlish green comrades would have a set of those.
regular price or on special? Xxxx because in Queensland they cannot spell beer!
I bought a box of imported German beer at Dan Murphy’s 25% less than local mass produced beer. They take us for a ride on booze.
I reckon I could get along with red-necks, how would it go living as an expat in the south*?
* Just nowhere near Nashville.
Well Modelo beer has overtaken Bud light in popularity now in USA! Tastes better too!
Hanh Dry is $15 a six pack for members at DM in SA.
Australia is an extreme Nanny State and has the third highest beer taxes in the world, with excessive taxes on other alcohol as well.
Got to pay all those well paid public servants somehow.
I rarely drink beer as I’m more of a Pinot Gris person these days but vineyards everywhere are suffering, affecting prices.
Outputs across Oz are down as much as 40%.
I know that markups by bottleshops are pretty high, like 300%.
Remember years ago when it was revealed that supermarkets charging around $12 for a chook paid the poor chicken farmer 30c?
Oh it’s transport and middle men, the supermarkets cried.
But with the recent collapse of Scott’s freight due to ridiculously thin margins, that was a lie.
Then there’s the endless 1/2 price sales, so profit margins are at least 100% then?
But at least you get to serve yourself. 😎
I’d like a whistleblower to reveal supermarket profit margins…
Having just returned from the UK, Ireland and Italy, I can confirm that Australian supermarkets (and pretty much every big business in Oz) are extracting the urine.
From Chris Kenny: –
The Left: Don’t ban drugs. Also ban plastic bags.
The Left: Gimme free stuff. Also don’t gimme free plastic bags.
The Left: Take care of the poor. Also increase their power prices.
The Left: Leave our borders open for all who arrive. Also stop foreign workers taking jobs.
aren’t syringes made of plastic and therefore should be banned?
It’s ok. They don’t end up in landfill. Just playgrounds and parks and streets.
And the steel needles are commonly made with coal.
The left when they sense entitlements:
Might have some chicks to feed. [Just being kind]
The Misleadia.
The police chief in Washington D.C. on Jan 6 has restated what he said in an interview with Tucker Carlson before he was let go.
The comment is telling, and it says a lot about fox that the interview was never shown.
Do you have a link?
Just below.
They would use the excuse that the audio was poor quality.
A dose of reality from someone who wanted to do his job but;
KK, thought I would add a little dark humor.
Only in that my first reaction to seeing this clip was to burst out laughing.
This is Michael Fanone, former DC LE and CNN ‘contributor’
… expressing his American prideful joy upon hearing of the latest Trump indictment, the same joy he felt when hearing that US SF had eliminated Osama BL.
He was apparently attacked by MAGA ‘insurrectionists’*.
Oddly, one of the attackers received the severe ‘punishment’ of ‘house arrest’.
Of course, the LE officers attacked by Antifa and George Floyd rioters did not become CNN ‘contributors’.
I have no idea why.
Instructive, in that we can peer into the eyes of mass formation.
Being so brilliantly and professionally produced by CNN.
Did you know that the global seas and air are boiling?
We only have 5 days left.
*Historical note, a political faction attempting a soft coup by conspiring with corporate media, LE, and the intelligence apparatus to create false charges, leading to the impeachment of an elected President, is not ‘insurrection’.
Insurrection is when citizens get upset about it.
Oops … this first link was supposed to be this.
Yes, he’s a very thoughtful chap, but it seems likely that even now at the age of forty two he has never been outside the borders of Washington D.C.
Maybe we could take up a collection for him and buy a rail ticket to give him a chance to see somewhere else.
Virginia is only a quarter of an hour away, could be really enlightening, mind expanding.
“Never been outside the borders of DC”
Though, he’ll have to travel further.
As a former resident of NoVA …. way further …. past the Appalachians.
To get out of the Deep State retirement community.
It’s really nice though.
A beautiful but very expensive part of the world.
Enough altitude to be safe from AGW sea level boiling.
I’ve caught the train to falls church Va: lots of squirrels, we don’t see them here in Australia.
Let’s adopt China’s CO2 emissions policy.
We might have to join BRICS first.
‘There has been increasing talk of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) developing a new currency that will rival the US dollar as the global reserve standard. This month, the leaders of BRICS will meet in South Africa for further discussions on the matter.’ (Lowy Institute)
Australia would fit quite comfortably with China as we are already well on the way to a dictatorship, a totally controlled media, a social credit system, a socialist government, high density housing for all, travel restrictions, we showed our commitment to compulsory covid vax and lockups, corrupt politicians who are already loyal to China etc.. And we could give them our raw materials at rock bottom prices in return for military protection.
Brazil and South Africa huh – sounds like a great plan. Why not add, oh I don’t know – Zimbabwe, or if you’re feeling really mad, NZ?
Ya dreamin’.
When your currency reserves can be confiscated on a whim , that’s a big incentive to not use that currency . Add epic inflation and political instability and the risk becomes very serious . Actions (sanctions) have consequences ……
The most important feature of a reserve currency is “liquidity”. Consider just the bulk seaborne trade – once loaded the cargo must be paid for. It is not unreasonable to have a number of these hit the FOREX market at the same time, and someone else may be buying a B747. The markets MUST handle this activity seamlessly.
Buyers and sellers writing a forward contract will take out futures contracts for the $ amount so they can guarantee the money they receive/pay with no exchange shocks. The US$ would be the cheapest currency to insure.
Don’t let your hatred of the US cloud your judgement.
BTW There is a difference between “confiscation” and “freezing” [and starting a major war is not a “whim”]. Should Ru cease their invasion they would get their money back, less reparations.
l wouldn’t be so sure about that Hanrahan
here is a young lady who l believe explains very well what has been going on with Brics
Also, Saudi Arabia wanted to become a BRICS member and already accept the RMB. Iran also wanted to become a member of the BRICS. It will add more and more power to the BRICS currency and Venezuela also joining hands with BRICS. (Venezuela has the largest amount of oil reserves in the world with more than 300 billion barrels in reserve.) If it’s happened BRICS currency is not only backed by gold but also by Petroleum
unlike the US dollar
I think the BRICS currency stories could be a decoy from a more basic plan. That is the plan to just trade without the U.S. dollar. Perhaps the two plans are related. Perhaps there is a plan B.”Local Currency Settlement System.”
“India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have signed a pact to establish a framework to promote the use of the rupee and UAE Dirham (AED) for cross-border transactions.”
<Malcolm Roberts (keeps on keeping on) 9 mins
Watch as I question Pfizer representatives in this Senate Hearing.
The company was very reluctant to attend the committee hearing and also reluctant to supply a straight answer, automatically falling back on their 'safe and effective' mantra to dodge answering the question.
Already, this Senate Hearing revealed that Pfizer is rewriting history on transmission of infection.
We're supposed to conveniently forget they said "get it to protect others, to save grandma" and "when you're vaccinated the virus stops with you".
They're hiding behind their indemnity contract with our government and dodging responsibility.
ATAGI and the Australian governments must stop pushing these unsafe and ineffective shots and drop the destructive mandates now.
Funny how the libs/nats and labor are deadly silent on this issue.
Sen. Malcolm Roberts is very impressive. Those Pfizer people were really wriggling and ducking.
Senator Roberts performance interrogating them is brilliant.
MP and all,
Pauline Hanson has also just uploaded a vid of her in the same Senate Hearing, held today 4th Aug.
Pauline asks questions to the Pfizer representatives.
Dr Theroux (Pfizer) states that “no one in Australia was forced to have a covid vaccination.”
“Everyone had an opportunity to get a vaccine or not get one.”
This is the header:
“Pfizer claims no one was forced to get the Jab”
Tell that to the workers who were and still are stood down.
And tell that to the Melbourne lady who until this very day is being denied a heart transplant because she hasn’t taken the poison. She is raising funds to go overseas to a free country to get it done there.
We are told that Roberts is expected to be bound by a contract that he never signed, and that neither he, nor any of his party, nor the Australian public have ever seen.
Senator Gerard Rennick had a good go at the b@stards as well
4:52 minutes
Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield.
Now over 50 years old.
House of the rising sun, The Animals 1964
The sound of silence, Simon & Garfunkel 1964
Back when music was worth listening to…
ABBA… Greta… Max Martin…
What is it with the Swedes… Most of us enjoy music, not kiddy pap music for 12-yr-old girls… please.
And who can forget Bo Didley and his unique beat, copied by so many.
A short list in no particular order:
Not Fade Away- Buddy Holly,
I Want Candy- The Strangeloves,
Who Do You Love?- George Thorogood,
She’s the One- Bruce Springsteen,
Magic Bus- The Who,
Movin’ on Up- Primal Scream,
Story of Bo Diddley, Hey Gyp- The Animals,
His Latest Flame- Elvis Presley,
How Soon Is Now? The Smiths,
All I Want Is You, Desire- U2,
Panic in Detroit – David Bowie,
Faith– George Michael,
Black Horse and the Cherry Tree- KT Tunstall,
If It’s Lovin’ that You Want- Rihanna,
Please Go Home- Rolling Stones,
Mystic Eyes- Them,
American Girl- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers,
Hateful- The Clash.
I think I’m right in saying that the promotion of Tubular Bells was the start of Richard Branson’s money making career. No one would play the record at the time because it was longer than the standard 3mins but Branson was able to get a guy/friend working for a second tier radio station to start playing it. As they say the rest is history.
Who can recall music written by Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, Chopin, Haydn, Rimsky-Korsakov, Handel, to name just a few?
Can anyone recall how this made the composers wealthy?
Is wealth generated by composers correlated with the quality of the music?
Does anyone imagine that there are composers alive today who could match the technical and abstract skilles of those mentioned above?
Cancelling of the old composers has parallels with the cancelling of rigid, hard physics, chemistry, mathematics etc upon which our comfortable existences were built, in favour of pop-science by an Establishment that defines its own meaning of “proof”. Proof is not what one would like it to be. It had guidelines.
Geoff S
When AI Is Trained on AI-Generated Data, Strange Things Start to Happen
Though whether it sticks in the long term remains to be seen, at least for the time being generative AI seems to be cementing its place in our digital and real lives. And as it becomes increasingly ubiquitous, so does the synthetic content it produces. But in an ironic twist, those same synthetic outputs might also stand to be generative AI’s biggest threat.
That’s because underpinning the growing generative AI economy is human-made data. Generative AI models don’t just cough up human-like content out of thin air; they’ve been trained to do so using troves of material that actually was made by humans, usually scraped from the web. But as it turns out, when you feed synthetic content back to a generative AI model, strange things start to happen. Think of it like data inbreeding, leading to increasingly mangled, bland, and all-around bad outputs. (Back in February, Monash University data researcher Jathan Sadowski described it as “Habsburg AI,” or “a system that is so heavily trained on the outputs of other generative AI’s that it becomes an inbred mutant, likely with exaggerated, grotesque features.”)
It’s a problem that looms large. AI builders are continuously hungry to feed their models more data, which is generally being scraped from an internet that’s increasingly laden with synthetic content. If there’s too much destructive inbreeding, could everything just… fall apart?
But of course it’s not REAL A.I.😎
AI fork bomb anyone? 😆
AI “inbred data” is probably no worse than the junk science they call IPCC climate “models” complete with the junk data fed into them.
G.I.G.O applies here . Can an A.I. suffer from cognitive dissonance ? Note : A.I. builders feed their MODELS data .
George McGovern wrote a book –
“I believe he opened a resturant and found out what the regulatory state does to businesses. It wasn’t pretty. The business went bankrupt within two years.
McGovern wrote about his experience and clinically diagnosed the problems in an Op-Ed in The Wall Street Journal in 1992, titled “A Politician’s Dream Is a Businessman’s Nightmare.” ”
Sounds like essential reading for “ElBowen et al” but do you reckon it might happen?
Via comments at
One Nation’s latest cartoon.
It’s so realistic, it’s tragic.
I wonder if Goolag/YouTube is limiting its reach as with most conservative media or anything that questions the Official Narrative?
How much have we got?
Carry the 4, minus the subsidies, about 8 bucks. 😆
Leak Cartoon
The tide is turning. The people are learning.
Time is the fire in which we all burn…
Gut microbiome discovery could lead to new drug addiction treatments
A new study has provided the first evidence of a link between the gut microbiome and cocaine use and the cravings that follow withdrawal. The findings open the door to potential treatments for drug addiction and relapse prevention.
The gut microbiome, the trillions-strong ecosystem of microorganisms that live in our gut, has been linked to good mental and physical health. Now, a new study has discovered a link between the gut microbiome and the reward-seeking parts of the brain that drive illicit drug use.
Researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine used existing scientific knowledge about the gut microbiome’s ability to regulate brain function and its role in neuropsychiatric diseases like depression, anxiety and autism as the basis for their study. Taking a different tack, they investigated whether – and how – the microbiome affects cocaine use and withdrawal cravings.
First, researchers administered antibiotics to rats to deplete the ‘good’ bacteria in the animals’ microbiome. The rats were then trained to self-administer cocaine. Next, the researchers examined whether the reduction in beneficial gut bacteria influenced the rats’ cocaine-seeking behavior after abstinence from the drug. Finally, they administered short-chain fatty acids (SFCAs) to the rats to reverse the effects of antibiotic treatment to see what effect it had on cocaine-seeking behavior. SCFAs are produced by beneficial gut bacteria and are important for brain health.
The researchers found that, compared to a control group, rats with a depleted microbiome took more cocaine and worked harder to seek the drug after a period of abstinence, which, they say, suggests that the gut microbiome influenced the rewarding effects of cocaine.
Ahh…the gut microbiome…the fountain of
youthhealth.“The rats were then trained to self-administer cocaine.”
Gotta love scientists. 😆
A robot unbeatable at table tennis? Never.
I assume everyone has seen this, Im always the last, but just in case, check this out. The end of human usefulness is coming quickly to reality.
I believe it’s CGI, robots aren’t so humanoid…yet. Probably replaced a real human with the robot image.
thank goodness for that! Had me fooled.
Just have to read the comments to see its a cgi creation
“I would have fallen for it if I hadn’t seen the original video 😂😂😂”
“I have seen this clip (the real one) with an actual professional ping pong player as the “robot””
Friday funny: Hospital to replace doctors with parents who have done their research
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – A large tertiary care center in Sydney, Australia is pulling out all the stops to try and cut their expenses. As of next month, all doctors and nurses currently on staff will be replaced by parents who have done research on the Internet.
I can’t tell you how happy and relieved I am when a patient tells me they have done some research on the internet,” said head of neurology, Dr. Eric Sheppard. “It’s only topped by a patient telling me they have a family member who is a nurse.”
The hospital is excited about how much money this move should save them, not to mention the overwhelming support from parents everywhere.
“This is a great move in my opinion,” said anti-vaccer Meryl Dorey. “Most parents know more than doctors anyways, so this is a huge step in the right direction.”
Fake doctors are also supportive of the decision and are hoping to be given consideration for available positions: “I have two internet doctorates and know far more about how to heal people than any medical doctor,” said “Doctor” Dante Seers. “I would love to go into more detail but it will cost you $1495.”
The current staff are in the process of being moved to other, less innovative health centers.
Next up, gubermint health experts, meteorologists.
Let’s face it – we’d do a better job! 😆
I know its meant to be funny and having a go at people who are against untested or poorly tested covid vaxxes, but who’s laughing now? The people who “did their research” and refused compulsory vaccination with an experimental product or those that were killed or were severely injured by said product?
Tonga suffers COLDEST temps in 30 years this week, dropping to 9.3 Celsius. The previous COLDEST was 8.7 in 1994. So much for south sea island tropical bliss…
Photos in show locals wrapped-up, like Greta at a protest, in jackets & beanies & gloves & layers to ward off the COLD. The curse of the volcano?
Cooling has begun!
And I was so looking forward to catching Prawns and Lobsters already boiled from the ocean.
“It’s been a big surprise to everyone” said acting Tonga High Commissioner to Australia, Curtis Tuihalangingie, who was in the capital Nuku’alofa this week.
“Normally, it will just go down to 18 [degrees]. And at some points it’ll go down to 15. But to go down to 10. This [is] a first for me.’ (ABC)
Clearly its related to Hunga Tonga-Hunga, along with the worst Beijing floods in 140 years. Is this caused by industrial CO2?
My neighbour arrived in the Cook Islands to low 20s. Home was warmer and sunnier, although it’s only 14 here tomorrow.
When somewhere in the globe is having a heatwave, it’s not because of global warming. Somewhere else is experiencing colder than normal weather.
In Sicktoria, Dictator Dan Andrews rules it with an iron fist. He demands total loyalty from all senior public serpents and they and their underlings are terrified of him and the consequences for non-compliance with the dictator’s wishes. That’s how he gets what he wants, when he wants, no questions asked.
Democracy, what democracy?
Dan and Brett certainly deserve justice . I hope karma catches up with them . Accountability doesn’t seem to be able to .
Apparently, there’s more covid about than ever at the moment, but even if so, no one cares. My boss – always with some ailment and 4 shot vaxxed – had a filthy cold about a month ago. Youve got covid again I told him. He couldn’t have cared less, just denied it and never did a test or anything. Kept working of course, the obedience to the isolating message is long gone. It’s back to Codrol soldier on mentality.
It just cracks me up. He was completely obedient to the whole Covid thing, never questioned a thing, first in line to get vaccinated, took all boosters immediately but lost interest before the fifth and having covid a few times.
I had the Glen20 at hand and sprayed all shared vehicles and tools. Unvaccinated and still haven’t had covid. I find it pretty easy to avoid.
How do you/they know it’s Covid ? They have a test that tells them so …
It’s the testing that is the problem, oh, and the jab which gives you Covid amongst other ills.
Thats not my point. Point is it amazes me how obedient people are to orders, yet don’t think about things at all.
He submitted to the propaganda, and if so that means he feared the virus or took it seriously and the government message, and so should adopt all guidelines if there’s a chance he has it. But does nothing at all, despite all the previous fuss.
Oh no, 20.96C instead of 20.95C, who will save us (from the BBC, not the climate).
“water feels like a bath when you jump in” and “bleaching at shallow reefs”
Perhaps she should feel what diving into an empty bath in the sun feels like. Did anyone ask her why the water was shallow or if rising deal levels would help?
Was the musical score from Star Wars written by John Williams substantially copied or based upon Gustav Holst, “The Planets”?
Previous record was an El Nino year. There is no data using the same system for 1998. It has an accuracy of 0.2 K for each measurement of a section of sea surface. 0.01 K higher is not significant.
I think you meant 0.01C not 0.01K (-273.15C)..
Higher means that more radiation is going out to space than lower. A cooler surface radiates less.
McDonald’s Bankruptcies Soar 40% and Now Thousands of Stores Are About to Disappear
McDonald’s is a fast food empire with over 40,000 restaurants across the globe and more than 13,000 locations in the United States. With an annual revenue of over $23 billion a year, the company is by far the largest burger chain in the world.
Despite being the greatest fast-food corporation the world has ever seen, 95% of McDonald’s restaurants in America are operated by independent owners, and the war between corporate and franchisees seems to be getting worse this year. For decades, operators have been fighting McDonald’s tightening rules and expensive demands, and now many of them are hitting a breaking point.
For about 40% of franchisees, McDonald’s new financial requirements may end their years-long leases because the company’s rising expenses are not allowing these stores to hit profit targets. Simply put, these franchisees may have their contracts canceled, losing all of their investment if they fail to meet corporate expectations. In other words, one in four McDonald’s operators is at risk of going bankrupt due to the actions of the company itself.
Have they considered bug-burgers? 😁
Overpriced, b-grade ingredients, shrinkflated, poorly prepared and presented micro meals.
It can’t help when these shops seem to be targeted by useful idiots. Whatever the food quality, or one’s dietary preferences, it can’t be good when a franchisee suddenly has nothing left but a severely damaged shop.
I pass one suburban MacDonalds to and from the office. During the “protests” in Paris a few weeks ago, it had all its ground floor windows smashed. Who knows what they did to the interior.
I was checking the cars at the wreckers today, looking for ECU plugs, and was amazed at how many had McD’s or similar rubbish in them!
Is there some sort of correlation between having a car full of takeaway food rubbish and getting it wrecked?
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a gender confused vegan wearing a “just stop oil” shirt and Doc Martens mastectomy trans emblazoned boots stomping bugs into your mouth forever.
I beat DM to it. 😄
Imagine a future where we have reliable and efficient energy supply , and everyone is fed and housed , and a media which informs instead of indoctrinates . The current reality is unsustainable . This is possible . A gender confused vegan wearing a “just stop oil” tea shirt is terminal…
Malcolm Robert’s weekly round up. It’s a bit slow, but he covers some good questions.
‘End Big Pharma vaccine indemnity’: new bill tabled in Australian Parliament
United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet introduced a bill to the Senate today which, if passed, will mark the end of carte blanche vaccine indemnity schemes for big pharmaceutical corporations in Australia.
Senator Babet says that the bill will prevent the Australian Government from granting indemnity to vaccine manufacturers, which will in turn, “limit financial and legal risk to the Commonwealth and aid in the restoration of trust in medicine.
This announcement comes just days after it was reported that WorkCover claims for Victorian essential services workers injured by the Covid jabs (many of whom were mandated) have topped $4.37 million.
Over three thousand Australians have sought compensation from the federal Covid vaccine injury scheme, although fewer than five per cent have been paid out.
A vaccine injury class action filed in the Federal Court earlier this year with over 500 members could see the amount paid out to the injured soar to hundreds of millions of dollars. Taxpayers will foot the bill for all of these claims.
“The Federal Budget papers for 2023-24 contain multiple, ‘unquantifiable contingent liabilities’ relating to vaccines. The unquantifiable liability stems from the fact that indemnity has been granted for Covid-19 vaccines.
Let the multi-hundred billion dollars class action lawsuits begin.
I love this sort of shit-
Aug 3rd 2023
“The new authorities of Niger proceeded to suspend the operation of the radio France 24 TV and RFI in Niger, causing the strong reaction of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “France reiterates that it is unwaveringly and decisively in favor of freedom of the press, freedom of expression and the protection of journalists,” the foreign ministry said in a statement.”
“21 Jan 2023 … RT France, the French arm of the Russian state broadcaster, will shut down after its French bank accounts were frozen over Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.”
So as usual, the hypocritical French are mad keen on freedom of expression until it doesn’t suit them.
On the difference between free speech and misinformation –
Gonzalo Lira
“Wrong, Mainstream Media, Florida’s Sea Water Is Not Setting Records”
Read and marvel (/s)
Green turns blue.
McKim Jong un lets his imagination run wild (60 sec)
Nigel Farage: Farewell net zero, we hardly knew you…?
Pink batts on steroids!
“Illegal Chinese biolab was subsidized by Gavin Newsom”
“Seriously, though…doesn’t this seem more that a bit odd? Not the lab. That is extremely odd. But rather the near silence of the media. You would assume that this would be a huge story and seen as a big mystery. It’s not like viruses escaping from biolabs hasn’t been in the news lately. So why no discussion?”
Biolab exhaustion.. They’re everywhere now so no-one notices. 35 labs run by the Yanks in Ukraine and Russia is still releasing reports on what they have found.
He is dead right, this story is one of the most worrying for years. How many other labs are being run in dodgy illegal conditions in Western countries? Surely this is not the only one in the world? …well, not if it isn’t a fake set up by the Anti-China mob!
“Carbon offsets are a scam”
This question came up on another blog –
“SBS TV Australia is rebroadcasting the Nuremberg Trials of 1946-47? Anybody able to confirm?”
Anyone got any info on that?
Been mentioned before IIRC
“A lack of basic skills – what happened?”
Liberal Democrat Councillor Suggests Gassing Green Agenda Opponents
Will Insurance Costs Derail The EV Revolution?
The “War On Climate-Change” Is Coming… Again